+123-456-7890MARCH 2024Opti-InsiderIn this issue:General AnnouncementsEventsOptima Cares/D&IEmployee Recognition/GrowthOFG WinsWellness & BenefitsHR TipsEmployee Engagement
General AnnouncementsGIVE! EARN! REDEEM!Email rewards@optimataxrelief.com if youhave any questionsCore ValueDrivenWe adapt and keep movingforward Top 10 1233567891010America Puebla Ruby VillatoroKarina GarciaKaleigh FisherSerica GomezRosalinda Marin DightonLeslie AbrajanWilliam LyMiguel VerharaAlessandra VelaEydalid BarbozaJanuary 1st - February 25thFor more information on theOpti-Rewards Program:
Thursday, April 4thThursday, April 4th 5:30-7:305:30-7:30Optima’s First Event of the YearOptima’s First Event of the YearOptima’s First Event of the YearEmail to come with moredetails!Earn 100 culture points!!
QualificationsMinimum 1 year with OTRGrowth (promotion, license, certifications,etc.)Click here to view previousGrowth story bookCelebrating 10 years of Growth Story Book
VITAVITARecapRecapOptimian’s continuously rising upto help out their community! Weare so thrilled with the VITAoutcome this year. Great job to all of the OptimaVolunteers!!
March 8th, 2024HAPPY INTERNATIONALWOMEN'S DAY“The success of every woman should be theinspiration to another. We should raise each otherup. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong,be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”On Behalf of D&I
In 2017, I reached out to my friend Li and joined the sales teamat Optima Tax. With unwavering support from management, Iquickly excelled and earned my Team Lead position. Theleadership team at Optima is amazing and have always beenvery supportive and helped me to establish my career here.Optima is not just a workplace but a nurturing environmentwhere I could thrive professionally while also contributing tothe growth and development of future leaders. Getting ToKnow You!Hello Optimians! My name is Lily Vu and I’m a Senior Tax Associate TL, representingTeam Beast Mode! After graduating from Cal State Fullerton, I decided to embark on my professionaljourney into Asset Management and was an Asset Manager for Kondaur CapitalCorporation for 8+ years. We were responsible for acquisition and liquidation ofperforming and non-performing first lien mortgages. During my tenure there I wasable cultivate meaningful relationships with industry stalwarts like David King,Shannon Payne, Li Riopelle, Jennifer Schroeder and Hanh Nguyen. I’ve been married to my husband, Tri, for 21 years and we have 3 beautiful children. My oldest is Jude, he is 19 years In my free time, I love to host dinner parties for my family andfriends. My favorite types of food are Vietnamese, Mexican andJapanese. My next travel destination is Japan, and I can’t wait tosee Mount Fuji, Tokyo, Kyoto, the Cherry Blossoms, andexperience the Onsens (Spas)! My goal is take my family toJapan in the next 2 years so we can try all the amazing foods andexperience their wonderful culture. Thank you getting to know me! I old and is currently a sophomore at UCI. He enjoys DJing, golfing, surfing, andsnowboarding. My middle child is Jolie, she’s 15 years old and sophomore at FountainValley HS. She is obsessed with KPOP, dancing, singing and beach volleyball. Myyoungest child is Jake, and he is 11 years old and is a fifth grader at Ethan AllenElementary. Football is life for him, and he loves playing flag football in the MattLeinhart Football League.
I have two very fluffy cats, aboy (Zuko) and a girl(Milla). They both have thefunniest personalities andare very well trained. Theylove fetching the ball anddoing tricks to get theirfavorite snacks!Do you have any pets?Rebeca RequenaWho inspires you?Fun FactsFun FactsLEADERSHIPWhat are some of your hobbies?I enjoy running and spending timeoutdoors! I love going on hikes andwalks while enjoying a great scenery.My mom inspires me.She is my role model.Such a hardworking,resilient, kind, Jesusloving woman and fullof GRIT!Do you have ahidden talent?I love crocheting blanketsfor my friends and family!Always makes a greatholiday gift! I also enjoybaking especially my“famous” pumpkin pie cakeand wine cake (IYKYK)!What is your favoritemeal?Homemade green chickenenchiladas!! I love theseanytime!
11 yearsIssa NesheiwatNikkie Phan10 yearsThomas Smith15 yearsSandy Chandler7 yearsNancy KhaderRobert 8 yearsElyssa Carlos9 yearsMichael WenkartTaina Zamora-Bonilla 4 yearSamantha Callif 5 yearsChandler Brown 3 yearDamon DelamorMoe KarzaiTammie Talarico 2 yearVictoria CalaguianKaren OrdoricaZyprin VegaMiguel Vergara 1 yearTina HoffstetterMaria MartinezEMPLOYEERecognitionCLICK ONCLICK ON THE BIRTHDAY CAKE!THE BIRTHDAY CAKE!Happy Birthdays!Employee GrowthNew HiresNew HiresMaryCruz Sandoval-Client Relations AssociateVu Chau-Case Manager-ACSVivian Guice-Case Manager-ACS Lori Heath- Sr. TA 1Wendy Barcenas- Sr. TA 1Promotions/TransfersPromotions/TransfersDakota Anderson- Customer Service TrainingSpecialistJessica Jackson- Client Relations AssociateKimberly Martheze-ACS Case ManagerBrittany Sanders-Client Relations Associate
I was able to sleep atnight again thanks toOptima!Employee of the MonthClientExcellent communicationservices. Optima was extremelyhelpful in my reducing what Iowed in back taxes.Why didn’t I contact Optimasooner?? I feel I’m in goodhands now and getting thehelp I need. Thank You Philip!Peter Naggar“Anytime I had issueswith my computer he’savailable to help at amoment’s notice. He isextremely helpful andprofessional.”
Wellness and benefitsMarch Meditation ChallengeSo excited to see our Optimians take charge of theirmental and physical health! Meditation can helpyou experience a greater sense of calm, clarity andfocus in your life.It is common knowledge that a visioncare exam is the number one way toensure your eyes stay happy andhealthy. But did you know that there areother, more unexpected ways to ensureyou keep your eyes healthy?Not sure if you have funds left in your2023 FSA or debit card transactionspending documentation? Log into yourIGOE portal or the mobile app to check yourbalance. It is important to also check for anyunsubstantiated debit card transactions thatrequire action in order to not be reversedand avoid request for payment.
Last Month's Answer:19EngagementEmployeeWhat is Optima’s missionStatement?Enter your answer to our monthly question in the linkbelow by no later than March 15th.Anyone who participates will receive FIVE OptimaRewards Points! You will also be entered in a raffle for achance to win a $25 gift certificate!$25 gift cardcoming yourway!Congrats to America Pueblafor winning lastmonth’s employeeengagementquestion!