Ruth Sunday Alamo First Baptist Church Alamo, TNSch ool Cl assTHE THANKFUL HEARTFor all t hat God in m ercy sends,for healt h and children, hom e and fr iends,for com f ort in t he t im e of need, for ever y k indly w ord or deed,for happy t hought s and holy t alk, f or guidance in our daily w alk ,in ever yt hing give t hank s!For beaut y in t his wor ld of our s,for verdant grass and lovely flow er s,for songs of birds, for hum of bees, for t he refresing sum m er breeze,for hill and plain, for st ream and w ood,for t he great ocean's m ight flood, in ever yt hing give t hank s!For t he sw eet sleep w hich com es wit h night ,for t he ret urning m or ning light , for t he br ight sun t hat shines on high,for t he st ar s glit t er ing in t he sky, for t hese and ever yt hing w e see,O Lord, our heart w e lif t t o Thee.In everyt hing give t hank s! E.I. Tupper
Te a c h e r - Ja c k i e H a l lRUTH CLASSFlower - RoseAnd now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Corinthians 13:13Gifts for all who live in household, which includes children. Parents, brothers, sisters, and in-laws are included in death and hospital remembrances.
Te a c h e r - Ja c k i e H a l lRUTH CLASSFlower - RoseAnd now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Corinthians 13:13Gifts for all who live in household, which includes children. Parents, brothers, sisters, and in-laws are included in death and hospital remembrances.
THE WORLD'S BIBLEChrist has no hands but our handsto do His work today;He has no feet but our feetto lead men in His way.He has no tongue but our tongueto tell men how He died;He has no help but our helpto bring them to His side. We are the only Biblethe careless world will read;we are the sinner 's gospel,we are the scoffer 's creed.We are the Lord's last messagegiven in deed and word;what if the type is crooked, what if the print is blurred?What if our hands are busywith other work than His;what if our feet are walking where sin's allurement is?What if our tongues are speakingof things His lips would spurn?How can we hope to help Himand hasten His return? -Annie Johnson FlintGIFTS THAT ENDUREThe Gift of Praise:Appropriately mentioning, right infront of the other fellow, superiorqualities, jobs or deeds well done.The Gift of Consideration:Putting yourself in the other fellow'sshoes, thus proving your genuineunderstanding of his side of the case.The Gift of Gratitude:Never forgetting to say "Thank You"and never failing to mean it.The Gift of Inspiration:Planting seeds of courage and actionin the other fellow's heart thus helping him to strive for greater accomplishmentand lasting satisfaction.
THE WORLD'S BIBLEChrist has no hands but our handsto do His work today;He has no feet but our feetto lead men in His way.He has no tongue but our tongueto tell men how He died;He has no help but our helpto bring them to His side. We are the only Biblethe careless world will read;we are the sinner 's gospel,we are the scoffer 's creed.We are the Lord's last messagegiven in deed and word;what if the type is crooked, what if the print is blurred?What if our hands are busywith other work than His;what if our feet are walking where sin's allurement is?What if our tongues are speakingof things His lips would spurn?How can we hope to help Himand hasten His return? -Annie Johnson FlintGIFTS THAT ENDUREThe Gift of Praise:Appropriately mentioning, right infront of the other fellow, superiorqualities, jobs or deeds well done.The Gift of Consideration:Putting yourself in the other fellow'sshoes, thus proving your genuineunderstanding of his side of the case.The Gift of Gratitude:Never forgetting to say "Thank You"and never failing to mean it.The Gift of Inspiration:Planting seeds of courage and actionin the other fellow's heart thus helping him to strive for greater accomplishmentand lasting satisfaction.
Lois Bartels (Nov 14) Nancy Harper (Oct 3)1903 Salem Road 1243 Highway 88Humboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 694-3310 Cell 501-5120Doris Brasfield (Oct 20) Madolyn Hudson (Jan 26)363 Herndon Dr. Apt 10 187 State Route 152 WestBell, TN 38006 Humboldt, TN 38343731-225-3741 Cell 345-7916Brenda Butler (Sept 2) Rita Hutchison (Jan 19)386 Plomar Williams Rd 233 Hutchison RoadGadsden, TN 38337 Gadsden, TN 38337Home 663-2090 Cell 234-3688Esther Ellis (Oct 19) Sandra Kinzer (Apr 9)179 Wood Trace Estates 9395 Hwy 152Benton, KY 42025 Humboldt, TN 38343Cell 617-0147 Cell 234-8907Jackie Hall (Apr 8) Bea Love (Dec 27)300 Michael Avery Road 252 Manley RdHumboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 420-1525 Cell 345-9392Mary Ann Murphy (Oct 31) PO Box 96 Maury City, TN 38050Cell 617-1628Patricia Nolen (Oct 16)Cades Center Assisted Living82 Will McKnight DriveJackson, TN 38301Marilyn Reasons (Jan 8)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-0046Brenda Ripley (Jan 23)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-2144Dee Dee Thompson (May 27)Bells Retirement Village366 Herndon DriveBells, TN 38006Cell 431-0828 Judy White193 Aaron DriveAlamo, TN 38001Cell 431-9421
Lois Bartels (Nov 14) Nancy Harper (Oct 3)1903 Salem Road 1243 Highway 88Humboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 694-3310 Cell 501-5120Doris Brasfield (Oct 20) Madolyn Hudson (Jan 26)363 Herndon Dr. Apt 10 187 State Route 152 WestBell, TN 38006 Humboldt, TN 38343731-225-3741 Cell 345-7916Brenda Butler (Sept 2) Rita Hutchison (Jan 19)386 Plomar Williams Rd 233 Hutchison RoadGadsden, TN 38337 Gadsden, TN 38337Home 663-2090 Cell 234-3688Esther Ellis (Oct 19) Sandra Kinzer (Apr 9)179 Wood Trace Estates 9395 Hwy 152Benton, KY 42025 Humboldt, TN 38343Cell 617-0147 Cell 234-8907Jackie Hall (Apr 8) Bea Love (Dec 27)300 Michael Avery Road 252 Manley RdHumboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 420-1525 Cell 345-9392Mary Ann Murphy (Oct 31) PO Box 96 Maury City, TN 38050Cell 617-1628Patricia Nolen (Oct 16)Cades Center Assisted Living82 Will McKnight DriveJackson, TN 38301Marilyn Reasons (Jan 8)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-0046Brenda Ripley (Jan 23)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-2144Dee Dee Thompson (May 27)Bells Retirement Village366 Herndon DriveBells, TN 38006Cell 431-0828 Judy White193 Aaron DriveAlamo, TN 38001Cell 431-9421
Ruth Sunday Alamo First Baptist Church Alamo, TNSch ool Cl assTHE THANKFUL HEARTFor all t hat God in m ercy sends,for healt h and children, hom e and fr iends,for com f ort in t he t im e of need, for ever y k indly w ord or deed,for happy t hought s and holy t alk, f or guidance in our daily w alk ,in ever yt hing give t hank s!For beaut y in t his wor ld of our s,for verdant grass and lovely flow er s,for songs of birds, for hum of bees, for t he refresing sum m er breeze,for hill and plain, for st ream and w ood,for t he great ocean's m ight flood, in ever yt hing give t hank s!For t he sw eet sleep w hich com es wit h night ,for t he ret urning m or ning light , for t he br ight sun t hat shines on high,for t he st ar s glit t er ing in t he sky, for t hese and ever yt hing w e see,O Lord, our heart w e lif t t o Thee.In everyt hing give t hank s! E.I. Tupper