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Operation Christmas Child

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Ruth Sunday Alamo First Baptist Church Alamo, TNSch ool Cl assTHE THANKFUL HEARTFor all t hat God in m ercy sends,for healt h and children, hom e and fr iends,for com f ort in t he t im e of need, for ever y k indly w ord or deed,for happy t hought s and holy t alk, f or guidance in our daily w alk ,in ever yt hing give t hank s!For beaut y in t his wor ld of our s,for verdant grass and lovely flow er s,for songs of birds, for hum of bees, for t he refresing sum m er breeze,for hill and plain, for st ream and w ood,for t he great ocean's m ight flood, in ever yt hing give t hank s!For t he sw eet sleep w hich com es wit h night ,for t he ret urning m or ning light , for t he br ight sun t hat shines on high,for t he st ar s glit t er ing in t he sky, for t hese and ever yt hing w e see,O Lord, our heart w e lif t t o Thee.In everyt hing give t hank s! E.I. Tupper

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Te a c h e r - Ja c k i e H a l lRUTH CLASSFlower - RoseAnd now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Corinthians 13:13Gifts for all who live in household, which includes children. Parents, brothers, sisters, and in-laws are included in death and hospital remembrances.

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Te a c h e r - Ja c k i e H a l lRUTH CLASSFlower - RoseAnd now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1 Corinthians 13:13Gifts for all who live in household, which includes children. Parents, brothers, sisters, and in-laws are included in death and hospital remembrances.

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THE WORLD'S BIBLEChrist has no hands but our handsto do His work today;He has no feet but our feetto lead men in His way.He has no tongue but our tongueto tell men how He died;He has no help but our helpto bring them to His side. We are the only Biblethe careless world will read;we are the sinner 's gospel,we are the scoffer 's creed.We are the Lord's last messagegiven in deed and word;what if the type is crooked, what if the print is blurred?What if our hands are busywith other work than His;what if our feet are walking where sin's allurement is?What if our tongues are speakingof things His lips would spurn?How can we hope to help Himand hasten His return? -Annie Johnson FlintGIFTS THAT ENDUREThe Gift of Praise:Appropriately mentioning, right infront of the other fellow, superiorqualities, jobs or deeds well done.The Gift of Consideration:Putting yourself in the other fellow'sshoes, thus proving your genuineunderstanding of his side of the case.The Gift of Gratitude:Never forgetting to say "Thank You"and never failing to mean it.The Gift of Inspiration:Planting seeds of courage and actionin the other fellow's heart thus helping him to strive for greater accomplishmentand lasting satisfaction.

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THE WORLD'S BIBLEChrist has no hands but our handsto do His work today;He has no feet but our feetto lead men in His way.He has no tongue but our tongueto tell men how He died;He has no help but our helpto bring them to His side. We are the only Biblethe careless world will read;we are the sinner 's gospel,we are the scoffer 's creed.We are the Lord's last messagegiven in deed and word;what if the type is crooked, what if the print is blurred?What if our hands are busywith other work than His;what if our feet are walking where sin's allurement is?What if our tongues are speakingof things His lips would spurn?How can we hope to help Himand hasten His return? -Annie Johnson FlintGIFTS THAT ENDUREThe Gift of Praise:Appropriately mentioning, right infront of the other fellow, superiorqualities, jobs or deeds well done.The Gift of Consideration:Putting yourself in the other fellow'sshoes, thus proving your genuineunderstanding of his side of the case.The Gift of Gratitude:Never forgetting to say "Thank You"and never failing to mean it.The Gift of Inspiration:Planting seeds of courage and actionin the other fellow's heart thus helping him to strive for greater accomplishmentand lasting satisfaction.

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Lois Bartels (Nov 14) Nancy Harper (Oct 3)1903 Salem Road 1243 Highway 88Humboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 694-3310 Cell 501-5120Doris Brasfield (Oct 20) Madolyn Hudson (Jan 26)363 Herndon Dr. Apt 10 187 State Route 152 WestBell, TN 38006 Humboldt, TN 38343731-225-3741 Cell 345-7916Brenda Butler (Sept 2) Rita Hutchison (Jan 19)386 Plomar Williams Rd 233 Hutchison RoadGadsden, TN 38337 Gadsden, TN 38337Home 663-2090 Cell 234-3688Esther Ellis (Oct 19) Sandra Kinzer (Apr 9)179 Wood Trace Estates 9395 Hwy 152Benton, KY 42025 Humboldt, TN 38343Cell 617-0147 Cell 234-8907Jackie Hall (Apr 8) Bea Love (Dec 27)300 Michael Avery Road 252 Manley RdHumboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 420-1525 Cell 345-9392Mary Ann Murphy (Oct 31) PO Box 96 Maury City, TN 38050Cell 617-1628Patricia Nolen (Oct 16)Cades Center Assisted Living82 Will McKnight DriveJackson, TN 38301Marilyn Reasons (Jan 8)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-0046Brenda Ripley (Jan 23)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-2144Dee Dee Thompson (May 27)Bells Retirement Village366 Herndon DriveBells, TN 38006Cell 431-0828 Judy White193 Aaron DriveAlamo, TN 38001Cell 431-9421

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Lois Bartels (Nov 14) Nancy Harper (Oct 3)1903 Salem Road 1243 Highway 88Humboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 694-3310 Cell 501-5120Doris Brasfield (Oct 20) Madolyn Hudson (Jan 26)363 Herndon Dr. Apt 10 187 State Route 152 WestBell, TN 38006 Humboldt, TN 38343731-225-3741 Cell 345-7916Brenda Butler (Sept 2) Rita Hutchison (Jan 19)386 Plomar Williams Rd 233 Hutchison RoadGadsden, TN 38337 Gadsden, TN 38337Home 663-2090 Cell 234-3688Esther Ellis (Oct 19) Sandra Kinzer (Apr 9)179 Wood Trace Estates 9395 Hwy 152Benton, KY 42025 Humboldt, TN 38343Cell 617-0147 Cell 234-8907Jackie Hall (Apr 8) Bea Love (Dec 27)300 Michael Avery Road 252 Manley RdHumboldt, TN 38343 Alamo, TN 38001Cell 420-1525 Cell 345-9392Mary Ann Murphy (Oct 31) PO Box 96 Maury City, TN 38050Cell 617-1628Patricia Nolen (Oct 16)Cades Center Assisted Living82 Will McKnight DriveJackson, TN 38301Marilyn Reasons (Jan 8)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-0046Brenda Ripley (Jan 23)58 North MulberryAlamo, TN 38001Cell 617-2144Dee Dee Thompson (May 27)Bells Retirement Village366 Herndon DriveBells, TN 38006Cell 431-0828 Judy White193 Aaron DriveAlamo, TN 38001Cell 431-9421

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Ruth Sunday Alamo First Baptist Church Alamo, TNSch ool Cl assTHE THANKFUL HEARTFor all t hat God in m ercy sends,for healt h and children, hom e and fr iends,for com f ort in t he t im e of need, for ever y k indly w ord or deed,for happy t hought s and holy t alk, f or guidance in our daily w alk ,in ever yt hing give t hank s!For beaut y in t his wor ld of our s,for verdant grass and lovely flow er s,for songs of birds, for hum of bees, for t he refresing sum m er breeze,for hill and plain, for st ream and w ood,for t he great ocean's m ight flood, in ever yt hing give t hank s!For t he sw eet sleep w hich com es wit h night ,for t he ret urning m or ning light , for t he br ight sun t hat shines on high,for t he st ar s glit t er ing in t he sky, for t hese and ever yt hing w e see,O Lord, our heart w e lif t t o Thee.In everyt hing give t hank s! E.I. Tupper