T A B L E O FC O N T E N T SU P C O M I N G E V E N T SNEWSLETTERORCHARD PARK COUNTRY CLUB • SEPTEMBER 2024T U E S D A Y T A K E O U TEvery Tuesday in SeptemberLABOR DAYMonday, September 2GAME DAY HAPPY HOURSunday, September 8CRUISE NIGHTMonday, September 9BUCK-A-SHUCKWednesday, September 11BILLS WATCH PARTYThursday, September 12PRIME RIB NIGHTSaturday, September 149 HOLE LEAGUE CLOSING DINNERTuesday, September 1718 HOLE LEAGUE CLOSING DINNERThursday, September 26ARTHUR WIESNER TWO MAN TOURNAMENTFriday, September 27 - Saturday, September 28Photo by Connor FaltiscoPresident's Letter • P. 1General Manager News • P. 2Golf Shop News • P. 4Food & Beverage • P. 8The Sod Squad • P. 5Aquatics • P. 6Racquets • P. 79 Hole Ladies • P. 918 Hole Ladies • P. 10
If you have a topic of discussion or issue you would like brought to theBoard’s attention, you can email the Board at board@orchardparkcc.com. The Member Etiquette Committee (MEC) has an email address as well. Ifyou have any grievances or violations of OPCC etiquette that you wouldlike to communicate to the MEC, you can email the MEC atEtiquettecommittee@orchardparkcc.com. A R E M I N D E R T O A L L O P C C M E M B E R S PRESIDENT'SLETTERby Matthew DeVincentis, Club PresidentOFFICERSMatthew J. DeVincentis President devincentis.matthew@gmail.comFinance, Long Range Randall A. Vincek1st Vice Presidentrvincek@me.comLong Range Chair, Membership Chair, Golf Dr. Geoffrey J. Schweikhard 2nd Vice President gschweikhard@gmail.comGolf Chair Frank C. Muggia Secretarydvmatty@aol.comHouse Chair, Legal\Insurance\HREdward P. SchneiderTreasurereps45@buffalo.edu Finance ChairBOARD OF DIRECTORSGary P. Brownebrowneco@verizon.netBuildings Chair, Long Range, Pool & TennisMichael F. Leydeckermleyd@aol.comBuildings, GroundsA. Dale Schaeferadschaefer@verizon.net Grounds Chair, Long Range Patrick J. Sgroipats@sgroifinancial.com Finance, House Michael J. Sullivanmjjunior22@yahoo.comPool & Tennis Chair, GolfPreston L. Zarlockpzarlock@phillipslytle.comLegal\Insurance\HR Chair, Member EtiquetteScott E. Zylkascott.zylka@gmail.com Member Etiquette Chair,MembershipFall Golf Shop Hours of OperationSeptember and October Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pmNovember and December Wednesday - Saturday 11:00am - 4:00pmDear Members,As of end of August continues to provide us with favorable weather, we findourselves enjoying one of our most celebrated golf events, the Travis Two Man.This event not only honors a long-standing tradition but also offers one of themost enjoyable weekends for our members and spouses.Staying on the topic of golf, I’d like to extend my congratulations to our 2024Club Champions, Mike Sullivan and Barb Elliott, for their well-earned victories.They both battled all weekend to take home their respective wins.This year, the Board and Long Range have worked in unison to undertake theimportant task of modernizing our Club’s Constitution. I want to extend mygratitude to Randy Vincek, Gary Browne, and John Wabick of the Long RangeCommittee for their dedicated efforts in ensuring that our Constitution reflectscurrent practices and includes necessary clarifications. In line with these updates,there will be a membership vote on the proposed changes at our annualmeeting on October 19, 2024.Please note that, as per our existingConstitution, this year’s meeting will be for voting members only. Later thatevening will be our annual President’s Ball, which is the culmination of this pastBoard cycle and golf season. I look forward to seeing you at both events.Lastly, I want to remind everyone that our golf course is our most valuable asset.As Members, it’s our responsibility to maintain its condition during our golf roundby fixing ball marks, replacing divots, and adhering to cart signage and wetareas. Let’s all be mindful of these practices to ensure that our course remains intop shape throughout the remainder of the year.Take Care,Matt DeVincentisTUESDAY F&B | OPEN FOR LUNCH & TAKEOUT SPECIALS
TEAM Stephen Feuz, CCMGeneral Managerstephen@orchardparkcc.comMaureen E. LounsburyControllermaureen@orchardparkcc.com Gary Occhino, PGAPGA Head Golf ProfessionalPGA Director of Instructiongary@orchardparkcc.comKevin JohnsonSenior Assistant Golf Professionalkevin@orchardparkcc.comChef Evan ThurExecutive Chefchefevan@orchardparkcc.com Dan WeitzelDirector of Groundsdan@orchardparkcc.com Jamie BallClubhouse & Events Managerjamie@orchardparkcc.com Jacob SchamelDirector of F&Bjacob@orchardparkcc.com OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday9:00am - 5:00pmCLUBHOUSE HOURS Monday | Clubhouse ClosedLunchTuesday - Sunday11:30am - 3:00pmDinnerTuesday - Saturday5:00pm - 9:00pmSunday4:30pm - 8:00pmGOLF SHOP HOURS Monday12:00pm - 5:00pmTuesday - Friday9:00am - 5:00pmSaturday & Sunday8:00am - 5:00pmPHONE NUMBERS Clubhouse 662-4471Fax 662-1664Halfway House 662-4472Golf Shop 662-3806Grounds 662-5312GENERALMANAGER'SNEWSby Stephen Feuz, CCM | General ManagerNew OPCC Club AppAttention All Members. As part of the software upgrade from ClubStystemsGroup to Jonas Encore, I am pleased to announce that the upgradedOPCC Club App is now live and available to download through the appstore on your smartphone. Please refer to the next page of this Newsletterfor how to go about downloading the Club App. For some Members, you may have had the old/outdated version of ourClub app. Good news…We developed the upgraded app through our oldapp license from several years ago, so you do not need to downloadanything new. Simply go to the OPCC app and approve the update whenprompted. A Slow Intro to the App: For the first few weeks of September, the maingoal will be continuing to encourage all Members to download the OPCCapp. During that time, the main features of the app will be:The Club’s ability to send push notifications to the Membership. This ishuge! For the golf operations, we will continue to use Foretees forpush notifications regarding frost delays, no carts, etc. For all otheraspects of the Club (dining, club events, pool, tennis, etc), we willfinally be able to communicate to the Membership through pushnotifications via the OPCC app.An easy access mirror image of the OPCC Website, including an easyway to access your statement. What’s Next: Beginning in late September, the team will begin tointroduce additional features to the app. A rough timeline of theseadditional features are as follows, subject to change:September 23 | Event Reservations will be enabled on the App. Thismeans, for example, you would be able to register for upcomingPresident’s Ball or Santa Brunch. October 15 | Dining Reservations & Mobile Ordering will be enabled.Please note, we currently anticipate disabling the Mobile Orderingfeature during December due to a la carte volume. January – February | A Member Preference Information Drive will takeplace, where we can customize Member groups for our pushnotifications. For example, we can create a Swimming Pool PushNotification Group, and should you not be interested in receiving pushnotifications regarding the pool, you would opt out by letting us knowthrough the Member Preference Information Drive. Save the DateSaturday, October 19, 2024 | Annual Meeting & President’s Ball
Step 1: Scan this QR Code Step 2: Click “Get” |Download ApplicationStep 3: Click “Open”Steps for New Users:Step 4: Click for yourPersonal Preferenceon Tracking ActivityStep 5: Click for yourPersonal Preferenceon Notifications (Werecommend “Allow” toget up-to-date- poshnotifications)Step 6: Log in withyour Member Loginand Enjoy the App!
Congratulations to our 2024 Orchard Park CCClub Champions…Junior Club ChampionLandon Arnold72-72 | 144Men’s Overall Champion Mike Sullivan, Jr. 74-77-77 | 228Ladies Overall ChampionBarb Elliott99-85 | 184GOLF SHOPNEWSby Gary Occhino, PGAHead Golf ProfessionalUPCOMING GOLF DATESGreens AerificationPrivate Golf Outing9 Hole League Closing Day ScramblePrivate Golf Outing (Tuesday)18 Hole League Closing Day Scramble Arthur Wiesner Two-ManNote: The full 2024 golf calendar can be found onForeTees and on the OPCC website.Please feel free to direct any questions to Head GolfProfessional, Gary Occhino: gary@orchardparkcc.comSeptember 3September 16September 17September 24September 26September 27&28ForeTees NotificationsFor your benefit, we ask you to enableForeTees notifications on your phone. Wesend out important messages about dailyplay, cart availability, event registrations,event deadlines along with updates. Dr. David Erickson, Dr. RobertErickson, Dr. Ryan Mikac, & Mr. AndyMikac ...And to our 2024 Men’sLeague Champions...
THE SODSQUADby Dan WeitzelDirector of GroundsThe Sod Squad SeptemberIt seems like a cliché phrase at this time of year but it’s hard to believe we are talkingabout September already. August, and the summer for that matter, has flown by and weare looking at Fall here in only a few short weeks. We had an extremely busy August golfcalendar, but we still managed to tackle some projects in addition to routine course care.Much progress has been made on #2 and more work will be continuing through theupcoming months ahead, provided the weather holds out. We did see a bit of rain inAugust, making it a bit challenging to fit in events, but we made it happen.AERIFICATIONWith calendars turning to September, it means leaf season as well as fall aerification havearrived. We are slated to begin aerification in early September, beginning with aerifyingthe greens on Tuesday, September 3rd. Please note that for Tuesday, September 3rd,all greens will be closed for the day and there will be temp pins in the fairways.Ifmother nature is uncooperative on Tuesday, greens aerification will take place onWednesday, September 4thunder the same parameters.Hopefully we have abeneficial weather month as to get through fairways this year also. September is usuallyone of the driest months of the year, as we are transitioning over to cooler weather in theFall months, making this time of year very beneficial to aerify as well as getting optimalplant recovery from the aerification process.People always ask the question: Why aerify? This is a great question as the process does alleviate a few things that occur over the summer monthsas well as wetter months of the year. First of all, aerification helps to exchange gases form the root zone into the atmosphere, as plants rootsrequire oxygen to respire and toxic gasses can build up in the root zone, due to a multitude of reason. The first one is compaction form mechanicalprocesses as well as foot traffic over areas. With this year being on the wetter side, we had a perfect year to cause soil compaction in the profile.Another reason to aerify is surface tension, which is caused by compaction, as water isn’t able to infiltrate into the soil as readily due to the soilbeing smashed tightly together. Soil amendments are added, usually sand, as to help in aiding the gas exchange into the root zone as well as out ofit, after the holes are filled with it and creating a better rooting zone for the plants to live in. If all goes well with the process, the greens should beclose to being healed in 6-10 days as we are going to do a smaller tine once again on them like last year. HOLE #2 As most have seen by now, the crew has commenced with work in and around hole #2. We started the tree work along the hole as well as back ofthe range last month and will be continuing the process over the next couple of months. We will be going to mats on #2 later on in September, mostlikely about 120-130 yards out, as to get the bigger tee box to grow in via seeding during the optimal fall growing season, following the aerificationthis fall. Please be aware that hole #2 may be closed on certain days due to tree work on the hill side. This is to ensure safety for bothplayers and staff in the area. It is tough to watch play as well as tree work at the same time. The wooden walking path, will be fixed with a layerof plywood as well as a new rubber mat to span the structure, adding a little grip there. Areas of the rough will also be aerified, once the bulk ofthe tree work is done and also seeded with a mixture, that is more conducive to that area of the course. I can already start to see a difference inthe quality and health of the turf, due to the work we have already done. Please bear with us as we continue to make dust in that area. THE FALLING OF FALL FOLIAGE Leaf season is almost here and by the end of September trees will be readying themselves for the winter ahead. With the arrival of fall, this isalways inevitable. The course will be blown off usually daily and we will once again be mulching the leaves around it. Frequently, we have time inthe morning to blow the line of play off, with the hopes of also being back later in the day to revisit areas that may recover quickly due to the leaffall and or wind. Please bare in mind we will be doing our best as to clean-up as fast as we can. FROST Frost is sometimes a word also associated with the September months, but in recent years, it’s been missing until October. That being said, there isalways a possibility of a frost delay on a colder morning in the latter part of the month. We will be posting updates on Foretees in the mornings asneeded for frost delays and any information about the driving range and or putting greens so thank you for reading the push notifications. Pleasebear in mind that a lot of damage can be done being impatient and walking across grass that is still covered in frost. The damage could last intothe next season, as the plant will be using its glucose supply stored for winter as to heal itself once the damage has occurred. As always enjoy this time of year and see you all on the course!
AQUATICSby Katie Wingert McArdleAquatics Director & Head Swim Coach Dear Members, As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Septemberbrings the final days of the season at the pool. Labor Day Pool Party: Monday, September 2, 2024We hope to see you for the last poolside celebration of the summer - ourannual Labor Day pool party. The pool will be open from 11:00am-8:00pm,and the DJ will be onsite from 1:00-5:00pm. No table reservations arepermitted, but we will do our best to accommodate everyone throughadditional tables on the pool deck. Pool Hours Extended through September 15We are fortunate to once again offer some September pool days after theofficial end of our season on Labor Day. All hours of operation are bothweather and staff dependent. Tuesday, September 3 – Sunday, September 15Monday-Friday l 4-7 pmSaturday & Sunday l 12-7 pmPool Lost & FoundAs we wrap up the season, we have an extensive number of items that have been left behind at the pool. Each day, we will continueputting out the Lost and Found items on a table under the blue awning for members to examine. Please check the Lost and Found foryour family’s belongings. We have dozens of towels, clothes, shoes, water bottles, swimsuits, and more. Items that remain unclaimedwill be donated at the end of the season. 2025 Aquatics Planning Although the saddest day of the year at the pool, closing day, is fast approaching, the countdown begins to May of 2025. As weplan for an even better aquatics season, please continue to reach out with your feedback and questions. Swim team families, our tentative meet schedule was emailed to our 2024 mailing list. If you are interested in swim team for thefirst time in 2025, please reach out for the tentative schedule. We will release a swim practice and swim lesson schedule in latewinter, and registration will go live in April. Finally, I want to wholeheartedly thank our Board of Directors, our club management, and you – our terrific Members – for yetanother wonderful summer at the pool. My last day at the club for the season is Labor Day, when I head back to Pennsylvania tobegin my teaching year. Our department’s vision word for this year was “community,” and our summer at the pool certainly embodied that word in everyregard. I look forward to seeing our community reconnect next summer at the pool. In the meantime, please be in touch throughoutthe off-season months by emailing me at pool@orchardparkcc.com. Thank you again for a great 2024 season at the pool. See you inMay! Best, Katie Wingert McArdlePlease note that all of our staff are full-time students during the month of September. We are grateful for their commitment tostaffing the pool during the school year. That said, thank you for remaining mindful of the 7:00 pm closure time. The pool deck, lockerrooms, and Poolhouse patio close at 7:00 pm so that our staff are able to their complete closing duties in a timely manner and get totheir studies in the evening.
2024 Tennis Season SummaryDear OPCC Tennis Families,Thank you for another wonderful season that included atotal of 125 unique junior participants with 35 tennisteam members. The weather was challenging, but we allworked great together, trying to make the best out ofit.The events this month included Couples Nights, Parent-Child Event, and OPCC Tennis Championships. We havealso hosted 13 weeks of ladies nights, which always hadat least 14 players and in the busiest week of the seasonbrought together 24 players (thank you Ladies for thecontinued support and loyalty). I am excited for what thefuture will bring and on behalf of my whole team andmyself I thank you from the bottom of my heart for thesuccessful 5th year of OPCC and ROGace cooperation.See you next year and prior to that I hope to see youindoors at the beautifully renovated South Towns Tennis& Pickleball. Best, Wojtek StarakiewiczRACQUETSby Wojtek StarakiewiczCoach & Founder of ROGace2024 OPCC Interclub Team ChampionshipsOPCC tennis team brought in the fight and hustle whenit mattered and ended up earning second out of 4teams with Eagle Ridge taking first, Hickory Hill takingthird and Wanakah taking fourth. We have won 6categories, which was the most of all the teams andeven though we missed depth in certain age groups(boys 11-14 I am hoping to see more of you next season),we have done very well.Point winners in each category were:U10 Girls:- Mary Rose Cannon 1st Singles & 1st Doubles (withGrace Fallon)- Grace Fallon 3rd Singles & 1st Doubles (with MaryRose Cannon)U12 Girls:- Hailey Cannon 4th SinglesU14 Girls:- Kaitlyn Schulte 1st Singles & 1st Doubles in U16 (withAllison Major)- Estelle Barth & Addison Bain 1st DoublesU16 Girls:- Allison Major 1st Singles & Doubles (with KaitlynSchulte)- Graycie Gannon & Claire Mahoney 4th DoublesU12 Boys:- Richie Cannon 4th SinglesU16 Boys:- Evan Reyda 3rd Singles & 1st Doubles (with MatthewCannon)- Matthew Cannon 1st Doubles (with Evan Reyda)Thank you!
OPCC CAMPUSDRESS CODEGeneralRespectable country club casual dress, including appropriate golfattire and tasteful denim, is permitted in and around the Club.Gentlemen’s dress shirts that are designed to be untucked, includingTommy Bahama, UNTUCKit, and collared shirts that are full buttonfront are permitted. Men are required to have collared golf shirtstucked in. Appropriate sundresses and sleeveless blouses arepermitted for women. T-shirts, athletic tank tops, athletic leggings,mini skirts, hoodies, swimsuits, etc. are not permitted and midriffs arenot to be exposed. Sweatpants, gym shorts, jogging shorts, and cargoshorts are not permitted. Athletic slides, and flip flops are consideredinappropriate for indoor club dining areas. Sandals are alsoconsidered inappropriate for men while dining indoors. Hats may notto be worn by gentlemen in the Clubhouse besides in locker roomfacilities. Any clothing that is torn, frayed, or excessively wrinkled isconsidered inappropriate.Club Casual: Khakis, trousers, including bermuda length shorts, ortasteful denim with collared shirts for men; casual slacks or tastefuldenim with appropriate tops for ladies. Gentlemen’s dress shirts thatare designed to be untucked, which include Tommy Bahama, UN-TUCKit, and collared shirts that are full button front are permitted inand around the Clubhouse. All men’s golf shirts must be tucked insidemen’s trousers or shorts, unless otherwise approved by management.Please visit our website for detailed descriptions of Business Casual,Smart Casual, Formal Attire, and Black TieGolf Course AttireFootwear: Only soft spikes are allowed. Open toe shoes, flip flops andsandals are not to be worn on the golf practice facility or golf course.Golf Attire for Men: Men are required to wear a collared, tucked ingolf shirt with sleeves. Hats are to be worn with brim facing forward.Golf shorts must come within four inches of the top of the knee. Gymshorts, tennis shorts, jogging shorts, or short-shorts are not permitted.T-shirts, tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Women: Ladies may wear golf shirts with a collar/mockcollar or golf shirts without a collar but with sleeves. A woman’s golfshirt may be untucked, provided it is within two inches beneath thebelt line. Skirts, skorts, golf dresses, shorts, slacks, and capris arepermitted with the understanding that they areappropriate/respectful in length. Gym shorts, tennis shorts, joggingshorts, athletic leggings, and short-shorts are not permitted. T-shirts,tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Juniors: Junior Golfers are required to follow the dresscode requirements as outlined above.Pool Dress CodeSwim attire is limited to the immediate pool area and the pool restroom facilities. Swim attire is not permitted in or around theClubhouse.Tasteful denim is permitted in the pool area. Indecent or risquéswimwear is not permitted. Cover-ups and footwear are requiredoutside the enclosed pool area, including the Halfway House. Towelsare not considered cover-ups. Club Casual dress attire is required foranyone in and around the Clubhouse.Rackets Dress CodeAppropriate racket apparel and footwear are acceptable at theracket courts. Tennis shoes and sneakers are permitted. Cutoffs,swimwear, bare midriffs, and flip-flops are not permitted. Spectatorsare required to adhere to the Club Dress Code. Appropriate racketsattire is acceptable in and around the Clubhouse. FOOD &BEVERAGEby Jacob Schamel | Director of F&BA La Carte Reservations | It Helps EveryoneOver the past month, there have been numerous eveningswhere we had less than 2 tables for reservations on thebooks and the restaurant has ended up serving over 90covers that same evening. I know I can sound like abroken record, but this high percentage of walk-ins reallyhurts the overall dining experience in several ways:In efforts to be mindful of the budget, the F&BManagement team reduces staffing on lower volumereservation evenings.A la carte servers earn their wages from the diningservice charge. If there are no tables expected, theserver count is reduced, so those remaining on thefloor can earn their expected pay rate for the shift.Cutting staff from the floor is being budgetconscious, but at the same time it makes our F&Bfront of house team feel like their shifts aren’tguaranteed and some start to look elsewhere foremployment – that doesn’t help anyone when it comesto Membership recognition and familiarity. The kitchen looks at the anticipated covers for theevening and preps food portions and productaccordingly.After all of these proactive decisions are made in thehours leading up to dinner, the team then ischallenged with serving more Members thananticipated with less staff. Unfortunately, thissnowballs into a potential bad dining experience foryou, the Member, with the catalyst being thatreservations were not made. By making your reservations, we will have the properstaffing levels in place and the culinary team will havethe proper food prep completed. All this equals a betterdining experience for you and your guests. So …if youdon’t want to make reservations for us…at least do it foryourselves. Take-Out-TuesdaysLast year we introduced Take-Out-Tuesdays for themonths of September & October, and it was very popularwith families returning to their “in school routines”. Basedon this popularity, take out Tuesdays will continue to beoffered for these two upcoming months. Please note thatorders need to be placed with the Club by the Saturdayprior to Take-Out-Tuesday.
Overall ChampionKeri Armenia42-47-89Future Senior ChampionAngela Riznyk-Bosworth52-48-100Senior ChampionJulie Bray52-53-105Super Senior ChampionPatricia Dobinski51-54-105Super-Duper Senior ChampionRobin Boyd56-58-1149 HOLE LADIESby Jessica RodriguezLeague Champions | August 13Flight 1 ChampionsGross: Jessica Naffky | 50-52-102 Net: Sharon Riznyk | 34-44-78Flight 2 Champions Gross: Liz Roeder | 51-57-108 Net: Pat Mancuso | 37-40-77 Flight 3 ChampionsGross: Jen Puleo | 57-61-118 Net: Jen Major | 35-42-77SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE | 9 HOLE LADIES September 5 Thursday Night Mystery Golf (F)September 10 Medal Play (B)September 17 Closing ScrambleSeptember 17 Closing DinnerMedal Play Results | August 20Flight 1 ChampionsGross: Beth Mabry 49 Net: Jess Naffky 36 Flight 2 ChampionsGross: Chelsey Gnacinski 52 Net: Jen Puleo 38 Flight 3 ChampionsGross: Jen Erickson 63 Net: Amy Tencza 43 Happy September! We’ve had a busy and fun August! Thanksto Ann Diem and Trish Dobinski for hosting our Interclub and9 hole ladies from a multitude of different clubs within thearea. It was well attended and an absolutely beautifulthought out day.Congratulations to our winners of the 9 Hole ClubChampionship! August 27 | Ladies 9&9
League Champions | August 8 & 9Overall ChampionDonna ParkerSenior ChampionMaria StuckeSuper Senior ChampionKathleen KelleySuper-Duper Senior ChampionSue Roesgen18 HOLE LADIESby Hillary RuhFlight A ChampionsGross: Teresa KrollNet: Barb ElliottFlight B ChampionsGross: Barb WischerathNet: Laurie ClarkFlight C ChampionsGross: Sharon StanesNet: Marge StarosielecFlight D ChampionsGross: Bernice WoodsNet: Karen MaricleSEPTEMBER SCHEDULE | 18 HOLE LADIES September 12 Medal PlaySeptember 19 Tee to GreenSeptember 26 Closing ScrambleSeptember 26 Closing DinnerTravis 2 Gal Champions | August 22 & 23Overall ChampionsMaryPat Schreck & Hillary RuhOverall Runner-UpKaren Maricle & Maria StuckeFlight 1 ChampionsPat Wasp & Dianne Mezzadri1.Kathleen Kelley & Barb Elliot2.Flight 2 ChampionsBernice Woods & Jeannette Woods1. Luanne Klotzbach & Laurie Clark2.ContestsLongest Drive #11 - Donna ParkerClosest to the Pin #16 - Jane Green 3'8"Closest to the Pin #2 - Kathleen Kelley 8'6"Longest Putt #8 - Kathy KelleySkins | August 1Flight 1Jeannette WoodsTeresa KrollDonna ParkerBarbara WischerathLauren AshcroftBarb ElliotJanet GibbonsFlight 2Sharon StanesLuanne KlotzbachSherrie PaulsonDianne MezzadriWe played a lot of golf in August with some very goodweather and some very rainy weather!Here are our results:We still have 4 more Thursdays in our league togolf so please sign up for the remainingThursdays. Our last event is Closing Scramble onthe 28th. Our closing dinner is the same night soplease be sure to call in your reservation and yourdinner choice!
WOMEN’S DIVISIONby Kimberly BrowneHello Women of Orchard Park Country Club! It is hard to believe it is September already! The weather has been fabulousand I hope you took advantage of all that the Orchard Park Country Club had to offer in the summer months!Personally, I enjoyed the pool, golf and a bit of pickleball making for some great fun with friends! Our 9/18 charity golftournament had a Beatles theme, and the “Let It Be” event was a great success this summer! Together we raised over$10,000 for Horizon Health. Their services provide mental health counseling for all- a much needed resource for many!Thank you to Lauren Ashcroft, Barb Elliot, Pat Wasp and Erin DiGirolamo for all of your leadership and guidance to makethis day a huge success!My term as Women’s Division Chairperson is coming to a close. I have loved working with so many of you in so manyvarious events. During my term, we have raised thousands of dollars for others, redecorated the locker room and hostedmany, many fun events. The Women’s Division Charter remains untouched since last Fall and while I am disappointed, I amhopeful that some progress can be made sometime soon. Our fabulous Closing Dinner on October 23rd will hopefullyprovide us with some exciting women who would like to step forward and run the Women’s Division. We are inneed of a Chairperson & a Secretary. Interested in joining the Women’s Division- please reach out!! It has beenan honor to chair this group for 5 years, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!Speaking of the future- September is filled with closing events for golf, tennis and pickleball- please check thenewsletter for information. October is also very busy! We begin on October 2nd with our Lucky Name Evening. This year’stheme is “Pretty in Pink!” We have already begun securing items for this fun evening. If you have anything you would liketo donate, please let us know! Please call the club now for your reservation- wear some pink, and bring some friends!Another exciting October event will be a cookie decorating class taught by the Bakers Men Buffalo. These Food Networkstars will share tips and tricks to cookie decorating and we will create Buffalo Bills themed cookies. We are veryfortunate to have them host a class for us. Their last 5 classes have sold out in days! Please check this newsletter fordetails. Call the office now for your reservation as we plan on selling this class out as well. We were able to secure someadditional spots, we are already at 40 participants! This event will take place on Thursday, October 10- just in time tomake cookies for the Monday night Bills game! Please call in your reservation now, as we need to prepare the correctamount of materials. There will be no walk-ins allowed- you must have a reservation please. Also, if you cancel at thelast minute, you will be charged as all materials will be prepared and ready. (Try to find a replacement if you can ). Avery light snack will be served, and of course Bills wear is encouraged!October is also the beginning of something new- Women’s Division Book Talk! No pressure to join, you can just attendwhen it is convenient. Look for each month’s book to be posted at the club. If you want to find out about the book, orparticipate in a discussion about the book, or possibly even discuss the author-stop by. We will meet from 5:30-6:30 at alocation to be determined each month. A different woman will host each month. If you want to stay for dinner with somefriends afterwards, please make your own reservations. October’s book is The Women by Kristin Hannah.We will meet onOctober 30th at the Club. Hope to see you there!The Closing Dinner will be October 23rd and will hopefully provide the “passing of the torch”. Please reach out to acurrent board member if you are interested in joining! We will begin at 5:30 with some fun fall beverages, and then enjoya relaxing dinner. Please join us- this is a members only event.November and December will be filled with holiday fun! Look for our mitten/hat donation tree right after Thanksgiving!See you at the club!Sincerely,Kim Browne-ChairpersonKcrowleybrowne@gmail.com(716) 997-6396Women’s Division Board Members:Nancy Ippilito (Secretary), Ann Diem (9-hole golf), Hillary Ruh (18-hole golf), Tracy Hemmerling (Entertainment), NoelleBarth & Tracey Amico (Tennis), Sarah Pieri & Amy Glowczynski (Lucky Name)
*Banquet/Tournament Administrative Charge An administrative charge will be added to the bill. The administrative charge is 18% for member functions and 20% for outsidefunctions sponsored by members. The administrative charge is for the administration of the event and is retained by the Club.The administrative fee is not a gratuity and will not be distributed to the employees who provide service at the event. The Clubsets the compensation level for the banquet employees based on the expectation that they will receive no gratuities. Orchard Park Country Club 4777 S. Buffalo Street Orchard Park, New York 14127M A H J O N G GW E D N E S D A Y S A T 7 : 0 0 P MFor more information please contact Millie CavanaughPhone: 716-662-5091 Email: Millie36@roadrunner.com