P A C I F I C N O R T H W E S T W I N E D I N N E RSaturday, May 4M O T H E R ’ S D A Y B R U N C H & D I N N E RSunday, May 12M E M O R I A L D A Y P O O L K I C K O F FMonday, May 27T A B L E O FC O N T E N T SPresident's Letter • P. 1General Manager News • P. 2Golf Shop News • P. 39 Hole Ladies &18 Hole Ladies • P. 5The Sod Squad • P. 4U P C O M I N G E V E N T SNEWSLETTERORCHARD PARK COUNTRY CLUB • MAY 2024T H E K E N - D U C K Y D E R B YSaturday, May 4R A N D Y S H A W A B C DSaturday, May 25 & Sunday, May 26H O L E - I N - O N E C H A L L E N G ESaturday, June 1S W I M & R A C Q U E T S I N F O N I G H T & I C E C R E A M S O C I A LSaturday, May 18I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y B A S HSaturday, June 29F A T H E R ’ S D A Y P I G R O A S TSunday, June 16Treasuer’s Report • P. 4Aquatics • P. 6Racquets • P. 9Women’s Division • P. 10
PRESIDENT'SLETTERby Matthew DeVincentis, Club PresidentOFFICERSMatthew J. DeVincentis President devincentis.matthew@gmail.comFinance, Long Range Randall A. Vincek1st Vice Presidentrvincek@me.comLong Range Chair, Membership Chair, Golf Dr. Geoffrey J. Schweikhard 2nd Vice President gschweikhard@gmail.comGolf Chair Frank C. Muggia Secretarydvmatty@aol.comHouse Chair, Legal\Insurance\HREdward P. SchneiderTreasurereps45@buffalo.edu Finance ChairBOARD OF DIRECTORSGary P. Brownebrowneco@verizon.netBuildings Chair, Long Range, Pool & TennisMichael F. Leydeckermleyd@aol.comBuildings, GroundsA. Dale Schaeferadschaefer@verizon.net Grounds Chair, Long Range Patrick J. Sgroipats@sgroifinancial.com Finance, House Michael J. Sullivanmjjunior22@yahoo.comPool & Tennis Chair, GolfPreston L. Zarlockpzarlock@phillipslytle.comLegal\Insurance\HR Chair, Member EtiquetteScott E. Zylkascott.zylka@gmail.com Member Etiquette Chair,MembershipIf you have a topic of discussion or issue you would like brought to theBoard’s attention, you can email the Board at board@orchardparkcc.com The Member Etiquette Committee (MEC) has an email address as well. Ifyou have any grievances or violations of OPCC etiquette that you wouldlike to communicate to the MEC, you can email the MEC atEtiquettecommittee@orchardparkcc.com A R E M I N D E R T O A L L O P C C M E M B E R S Dear Members, I am reminded of the age-old adage that “April showers bring May flowers”,which resonates more than ever, especially after experiencing one of thewettest Aprils in recent memory. We eagerly await the sunshine and bloomingthat will soon cover our Club's grounds, signaling the full resumption of golfcourse operations and the reopening of our pool and tennis facilities. Just asnature undergoes its rejuvenation, so too does our Club. Exciting news – we've secured a temporary liquor license for the halfwayhouse. While our full license remains in the State Liquor Authority's queue,this temporary permit ensures uninterrupted service for our Members as theyenjoy drinks during their rounds of golf or leisurely time at the pool. Jacob isdiligently curating a selection of drink options, including pre-canned andtraditional serves, catering to the diverse preferences of our membership. In terms of capital expenditures, safety remains one of our top priorities.We've recently installed a handicap door near the practice green clubhouseentrance, enhancing accessibility for all Members and guests. During May,we'll be upgrading the main entrance of the clubhouse with new carpetingand railings. Additionally, our pool floor project continues as scheduled. It isrecommended that we initially use liquid chlorine for optimal bonding andchemistry during the first 30 days. We will then revert back to our standardsaltwater solution after the 30-day settling period. During this time, the poolwill remain open and the chlorine solution is safe and standard practice. Lastly, a thank you is owed to our dedicated staff for their unwaveringcommitment during the recent software upgrade. Having navigated numeroussoftware transitions in my own office, I deeply appreciate the time and effortrequired to adapt to new processes and technology. The entire team'sdiligence in smoothing out any wrinkles will undoubtedly enhance the Club'soperations for years to come. I kindly ask for members' patience as we fine-tune our systems in the coming weeks, ensuring a seamless experience forall. Take care,Matt DeVincentis
Halfway House | Upgraded Liquor License The Club applied for an upgraded liquor license in 2023. Due to the steps requiredby the NYS Liquor Authority to achieve this approval, the Club anticipates a fullliquor license issued at the Halfway House by the end of 2024. In the interim, theBOD and I are please to share that the Halfway House is being issued a temporarypermit, while awaiting the approval of transfer to a full liquor license. Thistemporary permit allows the Club to stock and sell beer, wine, and alcohol. We justreceived this permit the other day and Jacob & I are now in the process ofpurchasing various beverages for display and purchase. We anticipate having thesebeverages delivered by the end of the week and available to the Membership byTuesday, May 7. Pool Project | Pool Opening Pending Timeline The pool replastering project continues to push forward. As of the week of April 29,the removal of the previous layers of plaster has been accomplished. Now BeautyPools is in the process of replacing damaged tile, putting in the race lanes, andimproving the expansion joints in the pool. Once this is done the new layer ofplaster will be applied. While we are currently on track to be ready for the pool toopen on Memorial Day weekend, it is still yet to be known if the pool will be ready toopen the weekend prior to Memorial Day Weekend. Friday, May 17 – Sunday, May 19 Pool Opening / Hours of Operation TBD based on timeframe for completingthe pool project Friday, May 24th – Monday, May 27 The pool project is on schedule to be open for Memorial Day weekend Tennis & Pickleball The tennis and pickleball courts are now up and available for use. The courtwindscreen is up and we are working to fix a few areas at the bottom of the fencewhere tennis and pickleball can escape under the wire. For 2024, we purchased anew tennis tent, which will be assembled and put in place in the upcoming weeks. Operation Image | Front Entryway & Handicap Door As a follow up to the April newsletter article, the Clubhouse golf entryway door isnow a handicap door. There are push plate buttons available both inside of theentryway, as well as outside the building. I recommend using the push plate forentering and exiting this entrance, as the door is a little heavy with the new weightof the handicap motor. TEAM Stephen Feuz, CCMGeneral Managerstephen@orchardparkcc.comMaureen E. LounsburyControllermaureen@orchardparkcc.com Gary Occhino, PGAPGA Head Golf ProfessionalPGA Director of Instructiongary@orchardparkcc.comKevin JohnsonSenior Assistant Golf Professionalkevin@orchardparkcc.comChef Evan ThurExecutive Chefchefevan@orchardparkcc.com Dan WeitzelDirector of Groundsdan@orchardparkcc.com Jamie BallClubhouse & Events Managerjamie@orchardparkcc.com Jacob SchamelDirector of F&Bjacob@orchardparkcc.com GENERALMANAGER'SNEWSOFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday9:00am - 5:00pmCLUBHOUSE HOURS Monday | Clubhouse ClosedLunchTuesday - Sunday11:30am - 3:00pmDinnerTuesday - Saturday5:00pm - 9:00pmSunday4:30pm - 8:00pmGOLF SHOP HOURS Tuesday - Friday8:00am - 6:00pmSaturday & Sunday7:00am - 6:00pmStarting May 20, the Golf Shop will be open on Mondays from 12:00pm - 5:00pmPHONE NUMBERS Clubhouse 662-4471Fax 662-1664Halfway House 662-4472Golf Shop 662-3806Grounds 662-5312by Stephen Feuz, CCM | General ManagerHalfway House Chef, Steve Gabor, must be feeling prettyspecial this season, as the Halfway House has gonethrough multiple seasonal improvements including 5 newtable tops, 12 new chairs, a new ice machine, new waterdispenser, new tv, and new carpeting.Due to inclement weather, the upgrades to the porte-cochere were delayed. The new target date for thisoperation image project is May 6-7.Provided favorableweather, for these two days, access to the Clubhouse willbe through the golf entryway. Club Software Upgrade | Jonas EncoreThe Club administrative team continues to work with our IT vendor and newsoftware company to integrate certain elements of Clubsystems over to JonasEncore. The most important Member facing part of this outstanding integration ismember statements. Currently, the Member side of our website is not linked.Therefore, if you are going online to view your statement, you will not see yourcurrent charges or credits. We anticipate having this integrated in the next fewweeks and we thank the Membership for their patience. Enhanced Member facingaspects of the new software (club app & online reservations) will start to beunveiling only once all previous software capabilities from Clubsystems are fullyintegrated into Jonas Encore.
GOLF SHOPNEWSby Gary Occhino, PGAHead Golf ProfessionalOpen Play System: 4pm OnwardThe final tee time reservation on ForeTees will be 3:50pmdaily. The timeframe from 4:00pm onward will be “openplay.” This means you will show up and see the Golf ShopStarter. Depending on the volume of play, you would eithergo right out and play, or if there is a wait, you are put ontoa list that is managed by the Golf Shop Starter. TheStarter will order the play based on the following:Two people or more constitutes a group. You must havetwo people present who have made personal contactwith the Starter to have standing.The Starter may pair up singles or twosomes as needed.The list for Open Play will begin at 3:45pm. Advancedattempts at reservation are not permitted. ForeTees NotificationsFor your benefit, we ask you to enable ForeTeesnotifications on your phone. We send out importantmessages about daily play, cart availability, eventregistrations, event deadlines along with updates. Guest PassesNew in 2024, there will no longer be physical guest passesbeing issued. Instead, for Members who receive guestpasses for pre-paid dues, the Golf Shop will have apersonalized guest account log for you. When you arebringing a guest for a round of golf, please stop into theGolf Shop to register your guest, and sign for accuracy andtracking of guest pass usage. UPCOMING GOLF DATESLadies 18 Hole League Opening Scramble Ladies 9 Hole League Opening ScrambleMen's League Opening NightRandy Shaw ABCD EventFour Man Better Ball (AM)Hole-In-One Challenge (PM)Note: The full 2023 golf calendar can be found on ForeTees and on the OPCC websiteMay 2May 7May 14May 25-26June 1June 1The Driving RangeMembers and guests using the driving range areasked to utilize the proper linear divot pattern seen inthe attached picture. Creating a linear divot patternboth maximizes turf usage and allows the turf to re-grow more quickly and more densely. The goal is to complete the driving range set-up bythe first tee time each day. We ask for understandingas this is not always feasible due to sunrise timescombined with the early OPCC starts. The driving range will close 60 minutes prior to postedsunset for that day. On Sunday evenings, the drivingrange will close 120 minutes prior to posted sunset.Each Thursday, the driving range will be suspendedfor weekly maintenance which will involve tee upkeep,mowing, re-defining the target areas and anyscheduled projects. The approximate time for thisscheduled maintenance is 9:00am-11:00am. The timeswill adjust in accordance with the weekly Ladies eventand project needs.Please feel free to direct any questions to Head GolfProfessional, Gary Occhino: gary@orchardparkcc.com.
Well, we have had the April showers and now hopefully inMay it will start to dry out, as we have had one of thewettest April’s on record in addition to going through arollercoaster of weather conditions. Needless to say, thecourse was saturated the entire month and we are doingeverything we can as to get carts out sooner than later. Weneed a couple of days strung together of dry weather andsun to get the drying process started. It will happen as wejust need to clear the constant rain hurdle. We are fightingit here too, as trying to mow the course and perform thedaily tasks without getting the mowers or carts buried inthe mud. Leibold is in the final stretch of finishing up their work hereon the course. They had to work around the weather as wellthis month and even pulled off the property to work otherjobs. They should be finishing up their punch list here in Mayand be fully off the property as well as removing theirequipment around the tennis center. Their work during theentirety of the project has been great and they have beenvery responsive to our asks these past few months. It was agood decision by them to bring in a heavy crew last falland get as far as they could, as this current weatherpattern we have had could have pushed them into themiddle of summer if they kept their original timeline. Thesystem is up and operational for the 2024 season and wewill start using it when the conditions merit its usage in themonths to come. THE SODSQUADby Dan WeitzelDirector of GroundsAs we move into May, we are now into the start of betterweather and golfing season finally. The course is healing upfrom the winter utilization and the divots on tees will take alittle time to heal, as we are now into the growing season.During the winter months turf cannot heal itself unlessdivots are replaced. We will be doing aerification on thetees this spring as well as overseeding them. The materialsare here we are just waiting on the weather and a few drydays. Once we get the window, we will be taking off ondoing this. Remember as the season now picks up, roundswill be picking up too. Please take care of your divots byreplacing them and also fixing ball marks on the greens.Remember ball marks will take 28 days to heal in summermonths, if not fixed within 24 hours.As the weather is warming up a bit, we are able to get intothe beds around the Clubhouse and also out onto thecourse. We have a new Horticulturalist this season and Matthas hit the ground running already. The Clubhouse area isstarting to shape up and is ready for when the rightweather conditions hit and then planting can take place.We are looking to have at least the front of the Clubhouseplanted by Mother’s Day and show some color for all themothers for when they arrive for brunch and dinner thatday. If you see Matt, welcome him to OPCC as he will beshowing off his vast knowledge of the plant kingdom. Welcome back to all those who were in Florida for theseason, we are looking forward to the 2024 season ahead.Warmer as well as drier days are coming and we will seeyou on the course!TREASURER’S REPORTby Edward Schneider, Treasurer & Finance Committee ChairpersonBoard of DirectorsDear Members,I hope you are well, and preparing for a fun summer season atOPCC. As Treasurer of the club this year, I offer this pre-season update onClub finances. I've been a Member of the club for 40+ years, now serving my fourthboard term. I can honestly say that every Board over these yearshas taken very seriously their responsibilities for good managementof Club finances, and good finance policies and practices. Thesteady improvement of Club property and facilities through afiscally prudent approach is one example of this long-term goodstewardship.Things are no different this year. The audit of the 2023 financialstatements has been successfully completed, and these statementswill be posted to the password-protected pages of the Club'swebsite, found under Member Central - Member Resources. Thefinancial highlights for 2023 include a strong financial position, solidoperating results with a small deficit funded by other income nettingto a modest increase in net assets (club equity), and sufficient cashflows consistent with plans. If you have a deeper interest in the Club's finances, please take thetime to review these statements, and email your questions andcomments to me (eps45@buffalo.edu). I'll gladly reply in a timelymanner. If any Member prefers to discuss such matters, please let meknow and we'll arrange for a meeting. It is a pleasure to serve as Club Treasurer, and I look forward toreceiving your feedback.
18 HOLE LADIESby Hillary RuhWe are always welcoming new lady golfers to the 18Hole Golf League! Come join our fun group! We playon Thursday mornings and we have A, B, C & D flightsby handicap. If you are interested in joining our golfleague please contact Hillary Ruh, our golfchairwomen at hillruh@gmail.com or Maureen in theOPCC Main Office.Here is our schedule of events for May 2024:May 2 Pro Shot Opening Scramble with Pro Shot drivesMay 9 Medal Play May 16 ABCD Tournament with Opening Luncheon* * If you are unable to play golf that morning please sign up andjoin us for our opening luncheonMay 23 T&FMay 30 Hosting District WIGTATee times starting at 8am Solheim Cup - 2 Gal Match Play Alternating shots starting at 10:20am for 18 hole league golfers Registration opens on April 15th using the FT Club Centralapp. You may need to login into your account so have yourpassword. Click at bottom circle ForeTees, then GolfGenius OPCC Golf event & tournament registration, thenWomen's 18 Hole Events, dates and events will appear,scroll down for more and you can register. Planning Ahead: Invite your golfing friend(s) to our Annual Ladies 2 DayInvitational June 20th and 21st, "Swinging in the Rain". Thisevent is open to all 18 and 9 hole league members.Guest Day July 18th, "Hawaiian par-tee" theme and therewill be some fun drinks after golf! Get them on yourcalendar now! You all know I am a planner and I alreadyhave my guests invited! We are hoping for a big turn outfor both events!Interclub at Bridgewater is Monday June, 10th. Sign up willbe in the ladies locker room.4 Gal Best Ball is June 27th so get your group of 4 ladiestogether.9 HOLE LADIESby Jessica RodriguezGolf season is finally here. We are all so excited to get outonto the course with each other. There is still time to joinus for league play. Please call the Main Office to register.Our opening scramble is on Tuesday, May 7th with teetimes. Please don’t forget to sign up via ForeTees. If youwere unable to make the opening dinner, booklets will beavailable in the Golf Shop as soon as may 1st. Cheers! 2024 CALENDAR | 9 HOLE LADIES May 7 Opening Scramble (F)May 14 Medal Play (B)May 21 Big Sister Medal Play Shotgun with Lunch (F)May 28 Medal Play (B)June 4 Night Golf Least Putts (F)June 11 ABC Tournament Shotgun with Lunch (F)June 18 Medal Play (F)June 25 Random Draw (B)July 2 Night Golf Special Ball (F)July 9 Medal Play (B)July 16 Skins (F)July 23 Guest Day Shotgun with Lunch (18 Holes)July 25 9/18 Charity Golf EventJuly 30 Interclub Shotgun with Lunch (18 Holes)Aug 6 9 Hole Club Championship (F)Aug 13 9 Hole Club Championship Shotgun with Lunch (B)Aug 20 Medal Play (Rain Date for Club Championship)Aug 27 Travis 9&9 (F)Sept 5 Thursday Night Mystery Golf (F)Sept 10 Medal Play (B)Sept 17 Closing Scramble (B)Sept 17 Closing DinnerBallroom at 6:00pm HOLE IN ONETrish DobinskiHole #10 185 yardsDriver
Dear OPCC Members, As the calendar turns to May, the final countdown begins to days in the sunand in the water. Our aquatics team is eager to welcome you back to thepool, especially with our replastered and tiled pool surface, newly installedfiltration system, and four-series boiler. The summer of 2024 promises to beterrific. Pending the completion of replastering the pool, our pre-season pool hoursbegin on Friday, May 17 at 3 pm. In addition, we look forward to officiallycelebrating the start of the pool season at our annual Memorial Day poolparty. As a friendly reminder, all Members and guests must sign in at thefront table. Thank you for assisting us with meeting this state requirement. Speaking of the weather, when you sign in, please be sure to scan our QRcode at the table to register for Band, our app that we use for time-sensitive communications about unexpected pool closings. Band allows usto send you push notifications directly to your phone. As a reminder, our aquatics programming begins in mid-June! We arelooking forward to offering robust swim lessons and swim teamprogramming, and our flyers are included in the newsletter. Please join usfor our registration night on Saturday, May 18. Although many of the publicschools will continue through late June, our season will run as scheduled.We do have evening practice options for those who still need to attendschool during the daytime as our season begins. I look forward to reconnecting with many of you soon in the sunshine and bythe water! In the meantime, please continue to reach out via email andphone with questions about aquatics. AQUATICSby Katie Wingert McArdleAquatics Director & Head Swim Coach UPCOMING AQUATICS DATES Pre-Season Pool Hours: (pending completion of pool replastering)Friday, May 17, 3-8 PM; Saturday, May 18, 10 AM - 8 PM; Sunday, May 19, 10 AM - 8 PM; Friday, May 24, 3 PM - 8 PM. Regular Season Pool Hours Beginning Saturday, May 25: 10 AM - 8 PM. Memorial Day Pool Party | Monday, May 25: 11 AM - 8 PMSwim & Racquets Program Information Night & Ice Cream Social: Saturday, May 18, 4-6 PMComplimentary ice cream will be provided for the kids, and the Halfway House and pool will be open. In addition toapparel and swimsuit ordering information, we will also have a swimsuit fit kit available for those ordering teamswimsuits. We encourage all families, new and returning, to attend! Pre-Season Assessment Week for GEP & Swim Team: Monday – Wednesday, June 10-12: Gator Exploratory Program 5-5:30 PM, swimmers ages 5-10 5:45-6:30 PM,swimmers ages 11-18 6:30-7:30 PM. Official Practices: Mondays – Thursdays, June 17th - July 25th, Fun Fridays, June 21st - July 26thSwim Meets: June 27 at Hickory Hill; July 9 at Cloverbank, July 18 vs. Eagle RidgeInter-Club Swim Championships: Monday, July 29 at Cloverbank Country ClubSwim Team Banquet: Wednesday, July 31Aquatics Questions? Contact Katie McArdle, Aquatics Director, pool@orchardparkcc.comMay is National Water Safety Awareness Month! This summer, do everything that you can to ensureyour children’s safety when in or around water.1. Monitor your children closely and make sure that,in a facility without lifeguards, such as a backyardpool, there is a responsible adult assigned tomonitor children AT ALL TIMES. Drowning is quickand silent. 2. Review water safety rules with your childrenbefore the pool opens and on a regular basis. 3. Be selective when purchasing flotation devices.Puddle jumpers, water wings, and inner tubes arenot flotation devices. Look for the U.S. Coast GuardAssociation label, and purchase life jackets thatpromote proper swimming position instead of thevertical position (also known as “the drowningposition.”). 4. A flotation device is not a substitute for adultsupervision. Even if your child is at a lifeguardedpool, you – the adult – must monitor them and staywith them when they are wearing a flotation device.This is a part of our pool rules.5. Sign up your child for swim lessons! A child’scomfort in the water at the end of last summer doesnot ensure their comfort at the beginning of thissummer. Our instructors are happy to support yourchild’s growth in comfort and safety in the water. 6. If you don’t know how to swim, make this summerthe one that you learn. Children whose parents fearthe water are statistically more likely to never learnto swim. Learn the only sport that will ever save yourlife and forever set an example for your child ofovercoming fears with courage.
RACQUETSby Wojtek StarakiewiczCoach & Founder of ROGaceJ U N I O R T E N N I SR E G I S T R A T I O NPlease register using the link or QR codebelow or by completing a hard-copy whichis available in the Main Office.TENNISMen’s Tennis NightMondays | June 3rd - August 26th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Open Play - No Instructor Ladies Tennis NightWednesdays | June 5th - August 28th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*ROGace Tennis Instructor SPECIAL TENNIS NIGHTS Throughout the season there are several special tennisevents, so mark your calendars!Couples NightFriday, July 19th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Rain Date of Friday, August 2ndParent-Child Tennis EventSaturday, July 20th | 12:00pm—2:00pm*Rain Date of Sunday, July 21stOPCC Tennis ChampionshipsSaturday, July 27th—Sunday, July 28th*Rain Date Sunday, August 4thJr. Tennis Team BanquetSunday, August 4th | 4:30pmPICKLEBALLMen’s Open Play Pickleball NightMondays | June 3rd - August 26th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Pickleball Instructor Jim Seemeuller on June 3rd & June 10thMen’s Pickleball Championships | August 19thLadies Open Play Pickleball NightTuesdays | June 4th—August 27th | 4:30pm - 6:30pm*Pickleball Instructor Jim Seemeuller on June 4th & June 11thladies Pickleball Championships | August 20thCo-Ed Pickleball NightCombination Both “Learn to Play” and “Advanced” Instruction | Partner Not Needed*Pickleball Instructor - Jim Seemeuller All Season*Thursdays | June 6th—August 29th | 6:00pm - 8:00pmMixed Doubles Pickleball Championships | August 22ndWOMEN’S DIVISION TENNIS by Noelle Barth and Tracey AmicoCo-Chairs for Women’s TennisWelcome to all current and interested players asthe 2024 summer women’s tennis season kicks offwith a preseason social at the Clubhouse Terraceon Thursday, May 22. Then get ready to dust offthose rackets and pull out those tennis whites asthe women’s division tennis season gets back intofull swing Wednesday evenings beginning June 5through August 28. Women’s Tennis Kick-off Social Thursday, May 22 | 6:30-8:30 pmClubhouse Terrace Wine / sparkling and light food will be served,additional cocktails under member signature.Women’s Tennis SeasonInstruction and play runs from 6:00 - 8:00pmWednesday evenings, June 5 - August 28 at theTennis Courts, led by Rogace instructors anddesigned for players from beginner to advanced.This is a fun and flexible league so players can joinas schedules allow; there if no league fee forjoining. Monthly Socials Beverages and light snacks are available at thecourts following each session under membersignature. In addition, we are planning monthlysocials on the following evenings, with additionalinformation to come: Wednesday, June 26Wednesday, July 24Wednesday, August 21 End of Season Women’s Tennis Social and AwardsWednesday, September 4 *Club eventWe look forward to seeing you at the kick-offsocial and on the courts! Registration Form: https://forms.gle/jatBvjL1ni3o8eVN9The weekly adult tennis & pickleball member nights arecomplimentary to all OPCC Members, and light F&B bysignature will be available at the tennis courts.
OPCC CAMPUSDRESS CODEGeneralRespectable country club casual dress, including appropriate golfattire and tasteful denim, is permitted in and around the Club.Gentlemen’s dress shirts that are designed to be untucked, includingTommy Bahama, UNTUCKit, and collared shirts that are full buttonfront are permitted. Men are required to have collared golf shirtstucked in. Appropriate sundresses and sleeveless blouses arepermitted for women. T-shirts, athletic tank tops, athletic leggings,mini skirts, hoodies, swimsuits, etc. are not permitted and midriffs arenot to be exposed. Sweatpants, gym shorts, jogging shorts, andcargo shorts are not permitted. Athletic slides, and flip flops areconsidered inappropriate for indoor club dining areas. Sandals arealso considered inappropriate for men while dining indoors. Hats maynot to be worn by gentlemen in the Clubhouse besides in locker roomfacilities. Any clothing that is torn, frayed, or excessively wrinkled isconsidered inappropriate.Club Casual: Khakis, trousers, including bermuda length shorts, ortasteful denim with collared shirts for men; casual slacks or tastefuldenim with appropriate tops for ladies. Gentlemen’s dress shirts thatare designed to be untucked, which include Tommy Bahama, UN-TUCKit, and collared shirts that are full button front are permitted inand around the Clubhouse. All men’s golf shirts must be tucked insidemen’s trousers or shorts, unless otherwise approved by management.Please visit our website for detailed descriptions of Business Casual,Smart Casual, Formal Attire, and Black TieGolf Course AttireFootwear: Only soft spikes are allowed. Open toe shoes, flip flopsand sandals are not to be worn on the golf practice facility or golfcourse.Golf Attire for Men: Men are required to wear a collared, tucked ingolf shirt with sleeves. Hats are to be worn with brim facing forward.Golf shorts must come within four inches of the top of the knee. Gymshorts, tennis shorts, jogging shorts, or short-shorts are not permitted.T-shirts, tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Women: Ladies may wear golf shirts with acollar/mock collar or golf shirts without a collar but with sleeves. Awoman’s golf shirt may be untucked, provided it is within two inchesbeneath the belt line. Skirts, skorts, golf dresses, shorts, slacks, andcapris are permitted with the understanding that they areappropriate/respectful in length. Gym shorts, tennis shorts, joggingshorts, athletic leggings, and short-shorts are not permitted. T-shirts,tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Juniors: Junior Golfers are required to follow the dresscode requirements as outlined above.Pool Dress CodeSwim attire is limited to the immediate pool area and the pool restroom facilities. Swim attire is not permitted in or around theClubhouse.Tasteful denim is permitted in the pool area. Indecent or risquéswimwear is not permitted. Cover-ups and footwear are requiredoutside the enclosed pool area, including the Halfway House. Towelsare not considered cover-ups. Club Casual dress attire is requiredfor anyone in and around the Clubhouse.Rackets Dress CodeAppropriate racket apparel and footwear are acceptable at theracket courts. Tennis shoes and sneakers are permitted. Cutoffs,swimwear, bare midriffs, and flip-flops are not permitted. Spectatorsare required to adhere to the Club Dress Code. Appropriate racketsattire is acceptable in and around the Clubhouse. Hello Women’s Division! Happy May! Let’s hope that theSpring weather finally cooperates as we are almost ready tobegin with the pickleball, tennis and golf seasons! Unfortunately, we had to cancel the Mother's Day BoutiqueFashion Show. We only had 6 women signed up to attend, andwe were struggling to find models. It was only fair to theboutiques and vendors to cancel as a lot of preparation isdone a few weeks before the event. Perhaps the FashionShow has run its course at OPCC? Your Women’s DivisionBoard will be meeting on May 2nd to discuss that topic, aswell as other possible ideas for future events. If you havethoughts on this, please get in touch with one of the Boardmembers before Thursday. Thank you!In April, we collected donations at Trivia Night, as part of our“share the love” idea we started 4 years ago. We were sohappy to donate $700 to the Buffalo Cystic FibrosisFoundation!Please reserve October 2nd for our Lucky Name Evening witha theme of “Pretty in Pink!” We have already begun planningand securing some items for this fun evening. If you haveanything you would like to donate, please let us know. Wehope you will join us in October! The Women’s Division Charter document continues to remainat a stand still, after nearly 2 years of work! We continue tohope for approval soon with the new Board of Directors. Staytuned! Please check the newsletter for upcoming Opening Dinnersand Social Events for golf and tennis. I look forward to seeingyou on the course or courts very soon! Sincerely,Kim Browne-ChairpersonKcrowleybrowne@gmail.comWomen’s Division Board Members:Nancy Ippolito (Secretary), Ann Diem (9-hole golf), Hillary Ruh(18-hole golf), Tracy Hemmerling (Entertainment), Noelle Barth& Tracey Amico (Tennis), Sarah Pieri & Amy Glowczynski(Lucky Name)WOMEN’S DIVISIONby Kimberly BrowneCONGRATULATIONS TRIVIA NIGHT WINNERS!Joe Cannon, Ellen Cannon, Richard Cannon, Mary Cannon, Melissa Fallon, Brendan Fallon & Guests
*Banquet/Tournament Administrative Charge An administrative charge will be added to the bill. The administrative charge is 18% for member functions and 20% for outsidefunctions sponsored by members. The administrative charge is for the administration of the event and is retained by the Club.The administrative fee is not a gratuity and will not be distributed to the employees who provide service at the event. The Clubsets the compensation level for the banquet employees based on the expectation that they will receive no gratuities. Orchard Park Country Club 4777 S. Buffalo Street Orchard Park, New York 14127M A H J O N G GW E D N E S D A Y S A T 7 : 0 0 P MFor more information please contact Millie CavanaughPhone: 716-662-5091 Email: Millie36@roadrunner.com