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OPCC Newsletter - June 2024

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T A B L E O FC O N T E N T SPresident's Letter • P. 1General Manager News • P. 2Golf Shop News • P. 39 Hole Ladies &18 Hole Ladies • P. 5The Sod Squad • P. 4U P C O M I N G E V E N T SNEWSLETTERORCHARD PARK COUNTRY CLUB • JUNE 2024Aquatics • P. 6Racquets • P. 9Women’s Division • P. 10I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y B A S H & B B QSaturday, June 29F O U R T H O F J U L Y P O O L P A R T YThursday, July 4F A T H E R ' S D A Y P I G R O A S TSunday, June 16I N F L A T A B L E F U N A T T H E P O O LFriday, June 21C R O Q U E T C L A S S I C C H A M P I O N S H I PSaturday, July 6Y A T E S I N V I T A T I O N A L P O O L P A R T YFriday, July 12A D U L T S U M M E R O L Y M P I C S C H A L L E N G ESaturday, July 20 - Details Coming Soon

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PRESIDENT'SLETTERby Matthew DeVincentis, Club PresidentOFFICERSMatthew J. DeVincentis President devincentis.matthew@gmail.comFinance, Long Range Randall A. Vincek1st Vice Presidentrvincek@me.comLong Range Chair, Membership Chair, Golf Dr. Geoffrey J. Schweikhard 2nd Vice President gschweikhard@gmail.comGolf Chair Frank C. Muggia Secretarydvmatty@aol.comHouse Chair, Legal\Insurance\HREdward P. Finance ChairBOARD OF DIRECTORSGary P. Brownebrowneco@verizon.netBuildings Chair, Long Range, Pool & TennisMichael F. Leydeckermleyd@aol.comBuildings, GroundsA. Dale Grounds Chair, Long Range Patrick J. Finance, House Michael J. Sullivanmjjunior22@yahoo.comPool & Tennis Chair, GolfPreston L. Zarlockpzarlock@phillipslytle.comLegal\Insurance\HR Chair, Member EtiquetteScott E. Member Etiquette Chair,MembershipIf you have a topic of discussion or issue you would like brought to theBoard’s attention, you can email the Board at The Member Etiquette Committee (MEC) has an email address as well. Ifyou have any grievances or violations of OPCC etiquette that you wouldlike to communicate to the MEC, you can email the MEC A R E M I N D E R T O A L L O P C C M E M B E R S Dear Members,Our golf course is our most valuable asset, and as Members, we have a sharedresponsibility to take care of it. Please remember to fix your ball marks on thegreens and your divots on the tee boxes and fairways. This small effort will helpmaintain our course conditions throughout the entire golf season.We extend our gratitude to our staff and the team at Beauty Pools for their hardwork in getting our pool ready for Memorial Day weekend. Despite a wet spring,their crews found time, even on Mother’s Day, to complete the job. They alsopromptly addressed a couple of unforeseen issues. The weather did cooperatefor most of the weekend, and it was wonderful to see the pool filled with familiesenjoying the sunshine. As mentioned before, the pool renovations were muchneeded and will greatly enhance the experience for our Members and guests.The Board has finalized the new dress code document, which is now available onour website. Thank you to the Member Etiquette Committee for putting thisdocument together. You can find it, along with visual guidelines, under "More" >"About OPCC" > "General Information" on our website.Now that the Buffalo Bills schedule has been released, we have been able tofinalize our fall calendar of events. Please make note of the following dates:Saturday, October 26 - Family Fall FestSunday, December 8 - Santa BrunchSaturday, December 21 - Christmas Cocktail PartyMonday, December 23 - Candlelight DinnerTuesday, December 24 through Thursday, December 26 - Club ClosedFriday, December 27 through Sunday, December 29 - Club OpenTuesday, December 31 - New Year’s Eve DinnerCongratulations to the winners of the Randy Shaw ABCD tournament: TimStrzalka, Joe DiGirolamo, Chris Hogan, and Nick Alberalla! They claimed victoryafter starting day two six strokes behind the leaders. As I always say, it’s hard tosleep on the lead in a golf tournament.Take care,Matt DeVincentis

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GM’S TOP TEN SEASONAL REMINDERS:All golf course play will be off on #1 tee, unless otherwise noted. If you desire to playoff of #10, this is permitted after 9:00am, provided you obtain approval from one of thegolf professionals.1.All golf play is required to be played in sequential order. This is especially importantfor team and fellow golfer safety, and well as ensuring one is not playing through golfcourse chemical applications or agronomical practices.2.When playing the course, please be sure to fix your ball marks and divots. It goes along ways towards making our course better for all.3.Please use extra caution when moving through the parking lot. Between vehicles, golfcarts, and people moving to and from the Clubhouse, Golf Shop, and Pool, it is a very busyplace. Please watch your children with heightened awareness.4.Parents are responsible for their children at all times while on Club property. Thankyou to all parents for being mindful our your childrens location and behavior.5.A la carte reservations, especially on Friday & Saturday evenings, are stronglyrecommended.6.The Annual OPCC Roster Book, monthly newsletters, and the “Week Ahead” email blastsare the best ways to keep up-to-date on the Club.7.Always be mindful of the Club required dress code. Thank you for making your extendedfamily and guest(s) aware of the dress code requirements on campus.8.AED’s are located at the pool, the 5th hole restroom, and in the Clubhouse main foyer. Inaddition, first aid kits are located at every building on campus.9.“As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play oneround.” – Ben Hogan | Remember to have fun – that’s the reason you are here! 10.NOT ALL HEROS WEAR CAPES | RECOGNIZING ALL WHO HELPED ON TUESDAY, MAY 21 At approximately 1:15pm on Tuesday, May 21, one of our grounds crew team members, RonWojcik, was getting ready to head out for the day after his shift when he suffered a heartattack out by the grounds building. Hamilton McGrath (Golf Department), Andrew Piganelli(Grounds Department), & James Guggemos (Grounds Department) came to Ron’s rescue andstarted a rotation of performing CPR on Ron. An Orchard Park Police Officer quickly arrived atthe scene as well, as did two doctors from our Membership, Dr. Schrek & Dr. McCann, whowere playing a round of golf. After a lengthy duration of CPR, along with two shocks by theAED, Ron’s pulse came back and he began to breath consistently on his own. An ambulancearrived soon after the second AED shock and Ron was transported to Mercy Hospital where itwas discovered that he had 100% blockage of two arteries. Following two stents and a fewdays of rest in the hospital, we are pleased to report that Ron Wojcik was discharged from thehospital and is now resting comfortably at home. Each month, the Department Heads and I gather to, among other topics of discussion,nominate an employee of the month. Hamilton, Andrew, and James have been selected as theJune 2024 Employees of the Month for their heroic actions on May 21 that ended up savingthe life of one of our fellow team members. In addition to the team celebrating theseindividuals at the June Employee of the Month gathering, I thank the Membership in advancefor recognizing these individuals when you see them around the Club. POOL PROJECTAs many are aware from using the pool over Memorial Day weekend, the pool replasteringproject is now complete! My thanks to our Pool & Tennis Chairperson - Mike Sullivan, theClubhouse Maintenance team - Tom Naber & Raul Marero, and our Aquatics Director- KatieWingert McArdle for helping ensure that we were open in time for Memorial Day weekend, andfor keeping my stress level down. OPERATION IMAGE | FRONT ENTRYWAY & PATIO The upgrades to the Clubhouse porte cochere were completed in early-May. Theseupgrades included new handrailings and outdoor carpeting.Over the past two seasons I have received Member feedback that there needs to be moreair movement at the Patio Bar, especially on hot summer days. In the upcoming weeks, twoceiling fans will be added above the patio bar to help with this issue. CLUB SOFTWARE UPGRADE | JONAS ENCOREA reiteration from last month, the Club administrative team continues to work with our ITvendor and new software company to integrate certain elements of Clubsystems over to JonasEncore. The most important Member facing part of this outstanding integration is memberstatements. We thank the Membership for their patience. Enhanced member facing aspects ofthe new software (Club App & On-Line Reservations) will start to be unveiling only once allprevious software capabilities from Clubsystems are fully integrated into Jonas Encore.TEAM Stephen Feuz, CCMGeneral Managerstephen@orchardparkcc.comMaureen E. Gary Occhino, PGAPGA Head Golf ProfessionalPGA Director of Instructiongary@orchardparkcc.comKevin JohnsonSenior Assistant Golf Professionalkevin@orchardparkcc.comChef Evan ThurExecutive Dan WeitzelDirector of Jamie BallClubhouse & Events Jacob SchamelDirector of F& GENERALMANAGER'SNEWSOFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday9:00am - 5:00pmCLUBHOUSE HOURS Monday | Clubhouse ClosedLunchTuesday - Sunday11:30am - 3:00pmDinnerTuesday - Saturday5:00pm - 9:00pmSunday4:30pm - 8:00pmGOLF SHOP HOURS Monday12:00pm - 5:00pmTuesday - Friday8:00am - 6:00pmSaturday & Sunday7:00am - 6:00pmPHONE NUMBERS Clubhouse 662-4471Fax 662-1664Halfway House 662-4472Golf Shop 662-3806Grounds 662-5312by Stephen Feuz, CCM | General Manager

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GOLF SHOPNEWSby Gary Occhino, PGAHead Golf ProfessionalSome news items for the month of June… Before Your RoundPlease check into the Golf Shop before your round. We liketo see you and we like to take care of you well. Thisincludes accuracy regarding any charges or adjustmentsfrom your initial reservation.After Your RoundPlease remember to post your score on the day of play. Weare happy to answer any questions you may have regardingGHIN, CapPatrol or OPCC as relates to posting andhandicaps. ForeTees NotificationsFor your benefit, we ask you to enable ForeTeesnotifications on your phone. We send out importantmessages about daily play, cart availability, eventregistrations, event deadlines along with updates.Randy Shaw ABCD Team Event WinnersCongratulations to winners Tim Strzalka, Joe DiGirolamo,Chris Hogan, and Nick Alberalla! UPCOMING GOLF DATESFour Man Better BallAgronomy Day - Course opens at 1:00pmQuaker Two Day InvitationalPrivate Golf OutingFather-Son & Parent-Child TournamentPrivate Golf OutingLadies Two Day InvitationalSenior InvitationalNote: The full 2023 golf calendar can be found on ForeTees and on the OPCC websiteJune 1June 3June 7-8June 10June 15June 17June 20-21June 26The Driving RangeMembers and guests using the driving range are asked toutilize the proper linear divot pattern seen in the picturebelow. Creating a linear divot pattern both maximizesturf usage and allows the turf to re-grow more quicklyand more densely.The driving range will close 60 minutes prior to postedsunset for that day. On Sunday evenings, the drivingrange will close 120 minutes prior to posted sunset.Each Thursday, the driving range will be suspended forweekly maintenance which will involve tee upkeep,mowing, re-defining the target areas and any scheduledprojects. The approximate time for this scheduledmaintenance is 9:00am-11:00am.The times will adjust inaccordance with the weekly Ladies event and projectneeds.Please feel free to direct any questions to Head GolfProfessional, Gary Occhino:

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We all blinked and we are in June already. Amazing howquick spring has gone and we will soon be into summeralong with warmer temperatures. This spring we havetrended above normal in rain fall in addition to belownormal for temperatures. We still have a decent amount ofwet areas on the course that usually tend to dry down bythis time of year. We even saw the creek flood twice thispast month due to heavy rainfall events. Hopefully this isn’tthe trend moving into the summer and we do get a bit ofdrying down in the upcoming weeks and months. With May being wet, it did put us behind a bit on things wewanted to accomplish. We haven’t had a wet spring likethis since 2009. Numerous times equipment has been stuckon the course and pulled out, but our persistence has paidoff and we are almost back on track. As much as everyoneis frustrated with the rain, we are just as frustrated with it.We were finally able to get carts out in May and showcasethe new cart fleet for the first time. Also, the Randy Shawwas prepared for along with the leagues, so all in all I feelwe are getting back on track for the season ahead. As we move into June, you’ll see a few projects that gotdelayed due to the weather in May continuing to happen.We will be working on the drainage in a few areas aroundthe course and trying to dry down a couple of other areas.These nagging issues continue to be delayed due to therains and access to the #1 area. THE SODSQUADby Dan WeitzelDirector of GroundsThe bridge on #2 will be addressed as well this month aswe will be sheeting it and putting a layer of protection overit. This should be happening about mid-month and maycause a little delay to your round, as we fit sheeting to goover the existing structure. This will be a great improvementto the bridge also. We are also installing sand into bunkersgiving a more consistent depth to them. We ordered 100tons of sand in April but the ground conditions have notbeen beneficial in getting it out. As we get into the summer season ahead, we will be usingthe new irrigation system hopefully. The new system is stateof the art and will have better coverage of the course. Thisdoesn’t mean that hand watering isn’t needed around thecourse, as not all systems are 100% efficient on theircoverage. Sunward facing banking require a little bit morewater in addition to elevated areas with the wind. As you’llall notice, we will be out and about hand watering spotsaround the course during the upcoming summer months.This process makes the course more consistent during thehotter months ahead.We did have a medical emergency in the department thispast month. Ron, who works around the clubhouse groundshad a medical emergency and if it was not for the actionsof Hamilton, James and Andrew, a far different outcome forRon would have happened. I would like to recognize thesethree individuals as well as Matty for helping Ron survivethe emergency he had. It takes a brave person to run to anemergency instead of watching it unfold. Ron is now homeand resting comfortably due to their bravery. It’s always a pleasure on our end to work on this course. Weare excited to be moving into summer and start to pushahead out of the dull weather we have had. Think sunnydays ahead and as always, see you all on the course!OPCC HISTORYby Daniel J. Kraft1980 Club PresidentDid you know or do you remember? 1980 Club President Dan Kraft remembers:In the winter of 1980, Members broke through the 12” cement foundation of the Clubhouse to provide access from theMen’s Locker room to the “at the time” pro shop. The total cost of the project was just a few cases of Molson’s dailyfrom Bihr’s (now Beerz) after the work shift was over.1.Before any watering system existed, a tee shot on old 16 (current #18) that landed in the creek between the bridgeswas allowed a free lift. 2.Remember “the loop”? This was the phrase used when referring to carrying out a 2-hole golf wager on the old #17 and#18 (the now driving range), typically inspired by an after round libation or two on the patio. Guys would place thebet(s) and then play a 2-hole match. 3.If there is some interesting tidbit of information that you recall from the Club’s history, I invite you to submit to StephenFeuz, GM, at

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18 HOLE LADIESby Hillary RuhWe did manage to play all our May events even thoughthe course was very wet !Opening Pro Shot Scramble1st PlaceDonna Parker, Sandra Steinagle & Jeannette Woods2nd PlaceHillary Ruh, Barb Wischerath & Teresa Kroll3rd PlaceSharon Stanes, Ann Battaglia, Marge Starosielec & Jane GreenMedal PlayDianne Mezzadri, Kathy Kelley, Teresa Kroll, Hillary Ruh, BarbWischerath, Barb Elliott, Lauren Ashcroft & Pat KolkmannABC Tournament1st PlaceKathy Kelley, Barb Elliott & Jane Greene2nd PlaceDonna Parker, Karen Maricle, & Pat Kolkmann3rd PlaceMaria Stucke, Laurie Clark & Dianne MezzadriT&FFlight A - Mary Pat Schreck low gross 46 and Teresa Krolllow net 40Flight B - Lauren Ashcroft low gross 48 and JeanetteWoods low net 44Flight C - Dianne Mezzadri low gross 52 and Hillary Ruhlow net 44Flight D - Jane Green low net 55 and Karen Maricle lownet 41 Planning Ahead:July 18th Guest Day "Hawaiian par-tee" theme and therewill be some fun drinks after golf! July 25th 9/18 Charity Day get your group together.Vice Presidents Cup please see ladder in ladies lockerroom. First round must be complete by June 16th.9 HOLE LADIESby Jessica RodriguezHappy June from the 9 Hole Ladies! It has been so great to getback out onto the course. We have had a great month ofweather to kick off our golf season. Below are the results fromour first few weeks.May 7th | Opening Scramble1st PlaceJen Major, Chelsey Gnacinski & Alina Pierowicz2nd PlaceSarah Schweikhard, Jess Rodriguez, Elizabeth Roeder &Janine Hrcak*3rd Place Noelle Barth, Karen Makey, Jess Naffky, Julie Lana*Match of cardsMay 14th | Medal PlayFlight 1 - Gross: Beth Mabry 53 Net: Julie Bray 38Flight 2 - Gross: Mary Cormier 61 Net: Christine Vincek 42Flight 3 - Gross: Jen Major 65 Net: Donna Scibetta 46May 21st | Big SisterFlight 1 - Gross: Robin Boyd 51 Net: Sharon Riznyk 37Flight 2 - Gross: Julie Bray 52 Net: Jen Major 33Flight 3: Gross: Kristi Hogenkamp 63 Net: Diane Schaefer 49See you around the course! Cheers!JUNE SCHEDULE | 9 HOLE LADIES June 4 Night Golf Least Putts (F)June 11 ABC Tournament Shotgun with Lunch (F)June 18 Medal Play (F)June 25 Random Draw (B)JUNE SCHEDULE | 18 HOLE LADIES June 6 Least PuttsJune 13 1,2,3 Net Best BallsJune 20 & 21 Ladies Two Day InvitationalPlease ask you guest and please sign up soon. This is a premierevent at OPCC and we would like a great turns out! This eventis open to all women golfing members. Sign up using GolfGenius under Ladies 18 hole events or contact the golf shop ifyou need help. See flyer in the newsletter for more details.June 27 4 Gal Best BallSAVE THE DATETHURSDAY, JULY 25WOMEN'S 9 & 18 HOLE CHARITY DAYBENEFICIARIES OF FUNDS:HORIZON VILLAGE & HILARY'S HOUSE PROVIDE TREATMENT FOR INDIVIDULAS STRUGGLING WITHMENTAL HEALTH, ADDICTION & FAMILY SUPPORTTHEME: THE BEATLES AND 60'S

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Dear Members,We hoped that you have enjoyed the start of our 2024 pool &aquatics summer programming, in spite of a Memorial DayWeekend with unpredictable weather. We look forward tocontinuing to serve you and your families! As always, please let usknow how our staff can serve you better. Excellence is ourstandard.Pool Procedures RemindersAs the school year winds to a close and the pool days begin, afew friendly reminders about pool procedures are in order.Please remember to sign in when visiting the pool. All guestsmust be accounted for on your sign-in card. In addition toassisting the club with our record-keeping, state lawmandates that we keep records of every individual who entersthe pool.As your little ones visit the pool for the first time after thewinter months, please ensure that you are watching yourchildren carefully. All children who require a flotation devicein the pool must be accompanied at all times by an adultwhen they are in areas where they cannot stand. Childrenwho have not been in swimming lessons throughout the yearmay have regressed during the school year and may tirequickly. Take the time to set boundaries with your childrenand explain how the pool depth changes. While our lifeguardsare highly trained, they are not a substitute for adultsupervision.We have swim diapers available for member and guest use.For your convenience, the pool locker rooms are stocked withswim diapers and include a changing area. Per the club rosterbook, swim diapers are required for all children who are notpotty-trained. We highly recommend swim diapers for allchildren under the age of three, even if potty-trained, as thepool is an exciting place, and unexpected accidents dohappen. Thank you in advance for reminding your guests ofour swim diaper policy and ensuring that our pool can stayopen for all to enjoy.AQUATICSby Katie Wingert McArdleAquatics Director & Head Swim Coach REGULAR SEASON POOL HOURS May 25 - June 16Monday - Sunday | 10:00am - 8:00pmJune 17 - June 27 (During Swim Team)Monday - Friday | 11:00am - 8:00pmSaturday - Sunday | 10:00am - 8:00pmJune 28 - July 27(During Swim Team & Peak Season Additional Hours)Monday - Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pmFriday 11:00am - 9:00pmSaturday 10:00am - 9:00pmSunday 10:00am - 8:00pmRemember to check your email and the Band app forupdates from the club about weather-related pool closures.State law requires us to clear the pool for 30 minutes afterthunder/lightning. For passing thunderstorms, we remainopen but cannot allow members in or near the pools forsafety reasons. If a decision is made to revise pool hours,we communicate these decisions through the Band app andvia an email to all members.Swim Team & GEP Programming BeginJune launches the summer swim season! Registration is stillopen for swim team and swim lesson programming, althoughspots for swim lessons are limited. Registration forms aredigital this year, but paper copies are available in the cluboffice. If you have questions about the Gator ExploratoryProgram (GEP), swim team, or private swim lessons, please donot hesitate to talk with me at the pool or email me( swim team and GEP assessment week is Monday, Tuesday,and Wednesday during the week of June 10. Prospective GEPparticipants should attend from 5-5:30 pm for a brief, 5-10minute assessment. Swimmers ages 8 and under are invited toattend pre-season assessments and practices from 5:45-6:30pm. Swimmers ages 9-18 are invited to attend pre-seasonassessments and practices from 6:30-7:30 pm. We ask that allswimmers, both new and returning, attend at least one day ofour pre-season practices so that we can appropriately placeeach and every child.Our regular season swim practices and GEP sessions begin onMonday, June 17. Morning and evening options are available.Our first swim meet is Thursday, June 27 at Hickory Hill. If youhave registered for swim team or GEP, regular season aquaticsemail newsletters will begin by Monday, June 3.The swim team is on track to match or exceed our numbersfrom last season, which was our biggest team in over adecade. Slowly but surely, our program is rebuilding thetradition of excellence that spanned many decades at theclub. Our coaching staff is working hard to prepare for anoutstanding 2024 season. If your family has taken a hiatus fora summer or two, we encourage you to try out our Gators SwimTeam once again.Thank you for being a part of our community at the pool andour aquatics programming. We look forward to continuing tocelebrate the start of the summer with you.Aquatics Questions? Contact Katie McArdle, Aquatics Director,pool@orchardparkcc.comPre-Season Assessment Week for GEP & Swim Team: Monday – Wednesday, June 10-12: Gator Exploratory Program 5-5:30 PM,swimmers ages 5-10 5:45-6:30 PM, swimmers ages 11-18 6:30-7:30 PM. Official PracticesMondays – Thursdays, June 17th - July 25th Fun Fridays, June 21st - July 26thSwim MeetsJune 27 at Hickory Hill; July 9 at Cloverbank, July 18 vs. Eagle RidgeInter-Club Swim ChampionshipsMonday, July 29 at Cloverbank Country ClubSwim Team BanquetWednesday, July 31UPCOMING AQUATICS DATES

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RACQUETSby Wojtek StarakiewiczCoach & Founder of ROGaceJ U N I O R T E N N I SR E G I S T R A T I O NPlease register using the link or QR codebelow or by completing a hard-copy whichis available in the Main Office.TENNISMen’s Tennis NightMondays | June 3rd - August 26th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Open Play - No Instructor Ladies Tennis NightWednesdays | June 5th - August 28th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Tennis Instructor - Wojtek & ROGace Team All SeasonSPECIAL TENNIS NIGHTS Throughout the season there are several special tennisevents, so mark your calendars!Couples NightFriday, July 19th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Rain Date of Friday, August 2ndParent-Child Tennis EventSaturday, July 20th | 12:00pm—2:00pm*Rain Date of Sunday, July 21stOPCC Tennis ChampionshipsSaturday, July 27th—Sunday, July 28th*Rain Date Sunday, August 4thJr. Tennis Team BanquetSunday, August 4th | 4:30pmPICKLEBALLMen’s Open Play Pickleball NightMondays | June 3rd - August 26th | 6:00pm - 8:00pm*Pickleball Instructor Jim Seemeuller on June 3rd & June 10thMen’s Pickleball Championships | August 19thLadies Open Play Pickleball NightTuesdays | June 4th—August 27th | 4:30pm - 6:30pm*Pickleball Instructor Jim Seemeuller on June 4th & June 11thladies Pickleball Championships | August 20thCo-Ed Pickleball NightCombination Both “Learn to Play” and “Advanced” Instruction | Partner Not Needed*Pickleball Instructor - Jim Seemeuller All Season*Thursdays | June 6th—August 29th | 6:00pm - 8:00pmMixed Doubles Pickleball Championships | August 22ndWOMEN’S DIVISION TENNIS by Noelle Barth and Tracey AmicoCo-Chairs for Women’s TennisGet ready to dust off those rackets and pull outthose tennis whites as the women’s division tennisseason gets back into full swing Wednesdayevenings beginning June 5 through August 28.Women’s Tennis SeasonInstruction and play runs from 6:00 - 8:00pmWednesday evenings, June 5 - August 28 at theTennis Courts, led by ROGace instructors anddesigned for players from beginner to advanced.This is a fun and flexible league so players can joinas schedules allow; there if no league fee forjoining. Monthly Socials Beverages and light snacks are available at thecourts following each session under membersignature. In addition, we are planning monthlysocials on the following evenings, with additionalinformation to come: Wednesday, June 26Wednesday, July 24Wednesday, August 21 End of Season Women’s Tennis Social and AwardsWednesday, September 4 *Club eventWe look forward to seeing you on the courts! Registration Form: weekly adult tennis & pickleball member nights arecomplimentary to all OPCC Members, and light F&B bysignature will be available at the tennis courts.

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OPCC CAMPUSDRESS CODEGeneralRespectable country club casual dress, including appropriate golfattire and tasteful denim, is permitted in and around the Club.Gentlemen’s dress shirts that are designed to be untucked, includingTommy Bahama, UNTUCKit, and collared shirts that are full buttonfront are permitted. Men are required to have collared golf shirtstucked in. Appropriate sundresses and sleeveless blouses arepermitted for women. T-shirts, athletic tank tops, athletic leggings,mini skirts, hoodies, swimsuits, etc. are not permitted and midriffs arenot to be exposed. Sweatpants, gym shorts, jogging shorts, andcargo shorts are not permitted. Athletic slides, and flip flops areconsidered inappropriate for indoor club dining areas. Sandals arealso considered inappropriate for men while dining indoors. Hats maynot to be worn by gentlemen in the Clubhouse besides in locker roomfacilities. Any clothing that is torn, frayed, or excessively wrinkled isconsidered inappropriate.Club Casual: Khakis, trousers, including bermuda length shorts, ortasteful denim with collared shirts for men; casual slacks or tastefuldenim with appropriate tops for ladies. Gentlemen’s dress shirts thatare designed to be untucked, which include Tommy Bahama, UN-TUCKit, and collared shirts that are full button front are permitted inand around the Clubhouse. All men’s golf shirts must be tucked insidemen’s trousers or shorts, unless otherwise approved by management.Please visit our website for detailed descriptions of Business Casual,Smart Casual, Formal Attire, and Black TieGolf Course AttireFootwear: Only soft spikes are allowed. Open toe shoes, flip flopsand sandals are not to be worn on the golf practice facility or golfcourse.Golf Attire for Men: Men are required to wear a collared, tucked ingolf shirt with sleeves. Hats are to be worn with brim facing forward.Golf shorts must come within four inches of the top of the knee. Gymshorts, tennis shorts, jogging shorts, or short-shorts are not permitted.T-shirts, tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Women: Ladies may wear golf shirts with acollar/mock collar or golf shirts without a collar but with sleeves. Awoman’s golf shirt may be untucked, provided it is within two inchesbeneath the belt line. Skirts, skorts, golf dresses, shorts, slacks, andcapris are permitted with the understanding that they areappropriate/respectful in length. Gym shorts, tennis shorts, joggingshorts, athletic leggings, and short-shorts are not permitted. T-shirts,tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Juniors: Junior Golfers are required to follow the dresscode requirements as outlined above.Pool Dress CodeSwim attire is limited to the immediate pool area and the pool restroom facilities. Swim attire is not permitted in or around theClubhouse.Tasteful denim is permitted in the pool area. Indecent or risquéswimwear is not permitted. Cover-ups and footwear are requiredoutside the enclosed pool area, including the Halfway House. Towelsare not considered cover-ups. Club Casual dress attire is requiredfor anyone in and around the Clubhouse.Rackets Dress CodeAppropriate racket apparel and footwear are acceptable at theracket courts. Tennis shoes and sneakers are permitted. Cutoffs,swimwear, bare midriffs, and flip-flops are not permitted. Spectatorsare required to adhere to the Club Dress Code. Appropriate racketsattire is acceptable in and around the Clubhouse. Hello Women’s Division! Can you believe it is June already?The weather is beginning to cooperate and the pool is open! Ihope to see you there! Don’t forget, it is not too late to joinone of our fabulous women’s activities like pickleball, tennisor golf! Have you enjoyed a dessert at OPCC recently? If so, I’m sureyou have been thrilled with the delicious flavors from our newpastry chef, Shauna. The Women’s Division is hosting anevening for you to meet and welcome Shauna this month. OnJune 20th, we will host “Sweets and Sips” on the patio!Shauna is going to prepare bite size desserts for us to tasteand we will pair them with assorted wines. Hors d’oeuvres willbe served as well, and it should be a fun evening! Guests arewelcome. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for moredetails, and call the office for your reservations now! Thisshould be a delicious way to welcome summer!Reminder- it will be here before you know it, so pleasereserve October 2nd for our Lucky Name Evening. This year’stheme is “Pretty in Pink!” We have already begun planning andsecuring some items for this fun evening. If you have anythingyou would like to donate, please let us know! We hope youwill join us in October! The Women’s Division Charter document continues to remainat a stand still, after nearly 2 years of work. We continue tohope for approval - stay tuned!Sincerely,Kim Browne-ChairpersonKcrowleybrowne@gmail.comWomen’s Division Board Members:Nancy Ippolito (Secretary), Ann Diem (9-hole golf), Hillary Ruh(18-hole golf), Tracy Hemmerling (Entertainment), Noelle Barth& Tracey Amico (Tennis), Sarah Pieri & Amy Glowczynski(Lucky Name)WOMEN’S DIVISIONby Kimberly BrowneHIGHLIGHTED EVENTAnnual Independence Day Bash & BBQ | Saturday, June 29 A date that all Members should be marking on their calendarsand in their phones – the 4th Annual OPCC IndependenceDay Bash & BBQ! This year the event will start at 4:30pm andthe fun will continue all the way up until 9:30pm withfireworks! A reminder that reservations are required andguests are welcomed. The regular pool hours on June 29th will be 10:00am – 2:30pm.The Pool will then close in preparation for the Bash, beforereopening for Bash attendees from 4:30pm – 8:30pm We look forward to seeing you on June 29th for the bestfamily event of the season!

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*Banquet/Tournament Administrative Charge An administrative charge will be added to the bill. The administrative charge is 18% for member functions and 20% for outsidefunctions sponsored by members. The administrative charge is for the administration of the event and is retained by the Club.The administrative fee is not a gratuity and will not be distributed to the employees who provide service at the event. The Clubsets the compensation level for the banquet employees based on the expectation that they will receive no gratuities. Orchard Park Country Club 4777 S. Buffalo Street Orchard Park, New York 14127M A H J O N G GW E D N E S D A Y S A T 7 : 0 0 P MFor more information please contact Millie CavanaughPhone: 716-662-5091 Email: