T A B L E O FC O N T E N T SPresident's Letter • P. 1General Manager News • P. 2Golf Shop News • P. 39 Hole Ladies • P. 5The Sod Squad • P. 4Aquatics • P. 8 Racquets • P. 9&10 U P C O M I N G E V E N T SNEWSLETTERORCHARD PARK COUNTRY CLUB • AUGUST 2024TRAVIS TWO GALThursday, August 22 | Friday, August 23J R . T E N N I S T E A M B A N Q U E TSunday, August 4N I N E & D I N ESaturday, August 3 Y E A R - E N D P I C K L E B A L L C H A M P I O N S H I P S Monday, August 19 | Tuesday, August 20 | Thursday, August 22 C L U B C H A M P I O N S H I P SFriday, August 9 | Saturday, August 10 | Sunday, August 11E N D O F S U M M E R C L A M B A K ESaturday, August 24T A L E S & T A C O STuesday, August 13 P O L I S H I T A L I A N M E N ’ S G U E S T D A YWednesday, August 21T R A V I S T W O M A NFriday, August 30 | Saturday, August 31 18 Hole Ladies • P. 6
PRESIDENT'SLETTERby Matthew DeVincentis, Club PresidentOFFICERSMatthew J. DeVincentis President devincentis.matthew@gmail.comFinance, Long Range Randall A. Vincek1st Vice Presidentrvincek@me.comLong Range Chair, Membership Chair, Golf Dr. Geoffrey J. Schweikhard 2nd Vice President gschweikhard@gmail.comGolf Chair Frank C. Muggia Secretarydvmatty@aol.comHouse Chair, Legal\Insurance\HREdward P. SchneiderTreasurereps45@buffalo.edu Finance ChairBOARD OF DIRECTORSGary P. Brownebrowneco@verizon.netBuildings Chair, Long Range, Pool & TennisMichael F. Leydeckermleyd@aol.comBuildings, GroundsA. Dale Schaeferadschaefer@verizon.net Grounds Chair, Long Range Patrick J. Sgroipats@sgroifinancial.com Finance, House Michael J. Sullivanmjjunior22@yahoo.comPool & Tennis Chair, GolfPreston L. Zarlockpzarlock@phillipslytle.comLegal\Insurance\HR Chair, Member EtiquetteScott E. Zylkascott.zylka@gmail.com Member Etiquette Chair,MembershipIf you have a topic of discussion or issue you would like brought to theBoard’s attention, you can email the Board at board@orchardparkcc.com. The Member Etiquette Committee (MEC) has an email address as well. Ifyou have any grievances or violations of OPCC etiquette that you wouldlike to communicate to the MEC, you can email the MEC atEtiquettecommittee@orchardparkcc.com. A R E M I N D E R T O A L L O P C C M E M B E R S Dear Members,July was an exciting month at the Club, which included our annual HarryYates invitational, Independence Day Bash, home swim meets, andseveral other fun events. A big congratulations to our Yates championthis year, Henry Bacher and his guest William Grieshober on a well-earned victory. The Yates is a true test of both skill and stamina!As all golf Members are aware from a recent email communication, theClub has signed a contract with Jim Nagle and his company, NagleDesign Works, to develop a comprehensive Golf Course Master Plan forour course. For those of you who may not have received the emailcommunication, a physical copy of the letter is being included with yourJuly statement. The Board has composed a strong and capablesubcommittee that will work in tandem with Jim Nagle over the next 14months, with a goal of unveiling the GCMP to the Membership at the2025 annual meeting. I am very excited to see what improvements wecan make to our most valuable asset. More in-depth communicationregarding the development of the GCMP will continue as we moveforward, as well as a report out from the Long-Range CommitteeChairperson at this year’s annual meeting on October 19, 2024.At each year’s annual meeting, a new Board of Director cycle begins,with the senior class rolling off the Board, and a new class of four GolfMembers being elected to a 3-year term. Speaking from my own tenureon the Board, it has been a very rewarding experience, and thisstewardship gives you a vested appreciation and better understandingof our Club’s history, culture, and operations. If you are a tenured GolfMember (3+years of Membership) that is interested in running for theBoard, I encourage you to reach out to Stephen Feuz to get moredetails into how to become a nominee for the upcoming election.Take care,Matt DeVincentis
A Thank You to The Membership | Employee Appreciation DayOn behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank the Membership for being supportive ofthe annual Employee Appreciation Day, which is held annually on a Monday in July. Thepeak season of Buffalo weather always goes by way too fast, and for the Membership togive up a day at the Club for the enjoyment of the staff speaks volumes for the Club’svalues. The Department Heads and I pitch in to run the day, offering lunch, golf, andswimming to the employees and their families and we always have very strong attendanceby the team. Thank You! The team really enjoyed their “day at the Club” on Monday, July22nd.New Golf Tournament | Arthur Wiesner Two ManOver the past few years, it seems that some of the best golfing days are in late Septemberand early October, yet many of the golf tournaments have crowned their champions byLabor Day. The Golf Committee has looked into the golf tournament calendar and isexcited to introduce a new late fall tournament to the Men’s golf calendar this year – theArthur Wiesner Two Man.This new two-day tournament will be held Friday, September 27 – Saturday, September 28,and is open to all male golf Members, male golf spouses, and sons 21+ years of age. It is acombination field of Member-Member and Member-Son. The registration for this eventopened on Tuesday, July 30th, so be sure to check out the flyer in this newsletter and signup for this inaugural golf tournament.August Signature Event | End of Summer ClambakeAlways a Member favorite, this years End of Summer Clambake will be held on Saturday,August 24 on the patio. Please refer to the flyer in this newsletter for more informationand sign up with the main office. Due to seating and the featured menu, reservations arerequired for this event and is in lieu of a la carte dinner.Luck is When Opportunity Meets PreparationAs some of you might have noticed, a section of the grounds and tennis service road waspaved during July. During the paving of S. Buffalo Street, we were presented with anopportunity to take advantage of an extra truck of asphalt at a discounted price when asection of the street paving was completed. My thanks to the Board of Directors for theirproactive approval of this fast-moving opportunity. To pave the service road in its entiretywould be very costly, while piecemealing this project over several years will present somesignificant cost savings while CapEx focus is directed on more high volume Member facingareas of the campus.TEAM Stephen Feuz, CCMGeneral Managerstephen@orchardparkcc.comMaureen E. LounsburyControllermaureen@orchardparkcc.com Gary Occhino, PGAPGA Head Golf ProfessionalPGA Director of Instructiongary@orchardparkcc.comKevin JohnsonSenior Assistant Golf Professionalkevin@orchardparkcc.comChef Evan ThurExecutive Chefchefevan@orchardparkcc.com Dan WeitzelDirector of Groundsdan@orchardparkcc.com Jamie BallClubhouse & Events Managerjamie@orchardparkcc.com Jacob SchamelDirector of F&Bjacob@orchardparkcc.com GENERALMANAGER'SNEWSOFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday9:00am - 5:00pmCLUBHOUSE HOURS Monday | Clubhouse ClosedLunchTuesday - Sunday11:30am - 3:00pmDinnerTuesday - Saturday5:00pm - 9:00pmSunday4:30pm - 8:00pmGOLF SHOP HOURS Monday12:00pm - 5:00pmTuesday - Friday8:00am - 6:00pmSaturday & Sunday7:00am - 6:00pmPHONE NUMBERS Clubhouse 662-4471Fax 662-1664Halfway House 662-4472Golf Shop 662-3806Grounds 662-5312by Stephen Feuz, CCM | General ManagerSave the DateThursday, September 12 | Bills Tailgate Watch Party on the Patio
GOLF SHOPNEWSby Gary Occhino, PGAHead Golf ProfessionalSome news items from July events and the upcoming month ofAugust…UPCOMING GOLF DATESNine & DinePrivate Golf Outing - WNY Against DrugsMen’s League Playoffs Week 19 Hole Ladies League ChampionshipChampionship Flight Club Championship Round 1Men’s, Ladies, Senior & Junior ChampionshipsPrivate Golf Outing - Samuel SteelMen’s League Playoffs Week 2 (Finals)Ladies Western Golf Association at OPCCPrivate Golf Outing - Hilary Grace FoundationPolish Italian Men’s Guest Day18 Hole Ladies Travis Two GalAgronomy Day: Course Opens at 1:00pmTravis Two ManNote: The full 2024 golf calendar can be found on ForeTees and on the OPCC websitePlease feel free to direct any questions to Head Golf Professional, Gary Occhino: gary@orchardparkcc.comAugust 3August 5August 6August 6&13August 9August 10-11August 12August 13August 15August 19August 21August 22-23August 26August 30-31ForeTees NotificationsFor your benefit, we ask you to enable ForeTeesnotifications on your phone. We send out importantmessages about daily play, cart availability, eventregistrations, event deadlines, and updates.For event days, the green nearest to the range is putting only. Inhigh traffic times, keeping the green putting only will eliminatethe possibility of someone getting hit by a stray pitch shot. Thankyou for observing the signs when they are out on the practicegreens.73rd Annual Yates InvitationalCongratulations to Henry Bacher andWilliam Grieshober who outlasted A.Dale Schaefer and Kevin Sylvester ina playoff to win the YatesInvitational.Congratulations to Geoff and SarahSchweikhard, winners of the OverallMr. and Mrs. Championship with ascore of 76.And, congratulations tothe Net Champions, Frankand Dianne Mezzadri witha 63.Mr. and Mrs. ChampionshipTournament Day Putting OnlyCourse CarePlease make an effort to fill your divots and repair your ballmarks. Even pitch shots leave a small ball mark. Please askGary Occhino, gary@orchardparkcc.com if questions. Thankyou for helping the course stay great.
THE SODSQUADby Dan WeitzelDirector of GroundsThe Sod Squad AugustIt’s hard to believe that August is here already, and as cliché as itsounds, it seems that another summer is already in the process of flyingby. By my next newsletter article, families will be preparing to get backinto a school routine. Compared to the spring (including June), July wasan ideal weather month overall, where we finally dried down a bit andcourse conditions are honing in. Overall, July and August are known asthe “survive” months, whereas the spring and fall months are the “thrive”months, due the more desirable soil temperatures for the turf. The 6-week stretch we are in right now (3rdweek of July – August) are typicallythe hottest days of the year, so routine maintenance practices andwatering are our primary focus, with a few specific projects of note(mentioned below).Hole #2 ProjectHeading into August, you will start to notice some changes to hole #2, asfavorable weather is finally giving the crew a chance to finally work onthat area. The overall goal of the work is to get more airflow and year-round light for the entirety of the hole (with specific focus on the teebox). Currently #2 tee box has its own little microclimate going on,compared to the rest of the course. One of the first steps in the processwill be to remove and trim trees along the right-hand side of the hole aswell as the back of the driving range area. This will allow the airmovement throughout the hole, allowing the turf to breath as well as dryout better. The next step in the process will be moving the sod from old18 tee box to the back tee box on #2 This should be happening duringthe first full week of August and will take the back tee box out of play forabout a month give or take. Once we have the tree work finished, we willthen be working on aerifying the walkway between the tee box and theapproach, as well as overseeding with a blended rough grass suitable forthat area. Through this process, there will be days where the hole mayhave the tee markers moved forward or we will be possibly taking thehole out of play for a little bit, as to assure the safety of the Membersand team as well.Be sure to check updates via Foretees pushnotifications for updates regarding play on #2 for the upcoming weeks.This is a much-needed upgrade and will be paying dividends in the futurefor the sustainability of the hole. We will also be changing the traffic pattern of the hole as well, as to haveall play not take pull carts down the middle of the tee boxes in the future asthe traffic pattern affects the reestablishment of divots re seeded daily bythe staff. In short, there is a lot going on there right now with work, so pleaseexcuse our work area and thank you for being mindful of personnel workingin the area.Short Term Pain = Long Term GainWe are currently in year two of aggressively pushing the populations of bentgrass throughout the property, specifically on the greens. Pushing the turfpopulations to bent grass benefits the course as the consistence of theputting surfaces improves. Limiting Poa on the course mitigates the risk ofwinter damage along with summer damage as the Poa here on property is ofthe annual variety and will go through a life cycle in one year, leaving peaksas well as valleys in the playing conditions. We used a product call Trimmitwhich stunts the Poa a little bit (e.g. - #6 green). The crew has also beeninter seeding bent grass into the greens as well as being on a topdressingregiment this summer, as to aid in the bent grass into crowding out the Poapopulation on the greens as well as fairways and tees. Basically when thePoa is kicked back, the Bentgrass has an opportunity to take over theweakened Poa areas. This process can take a few years to accomplish andthe gain from moving the populations to bent grass far surpass the risks ofdamage during the winter and or hot weather during the summer months. Ithank you for your tolerance of a few areas of bumpiness on the greens whilewe work to strengthen the greens. As some have commented to me, theareas that that were hit hard with Trimmit last year have come back verystrong with bent grass.Hand WateringThrough the summer months, you probably have noticed our crew out onhoses on the greens and some other areas of the course. We monitormoisture on the greens as well as other areas on the course, as to have aconsistent moisture level though out the playing surface. Hill and windwardareas will dry down quicker as opposed to the low and shady areas. Thismakes sure we have even moisture levels throughout the green and aconsistent putting surface each day, that we are not overwatering with theoverhead sprinklers at night. The irrigation system upgrade has made thecourse moisture more even throughout this year compared to the old system.It Takes a VillageHeading into August, please remember to take care of the course. Thank youin advance for replacing or refilling divots made as you work your wayaround the course and taking care of ball marks on greens. 175+ rounds aday add up quickly in the middle of the season, and a little extra focus byeach golfer on the course really does add up to better playing conditions.As always, the staff and I enjoy seeing you all on the course…have a greatmonth ahead!
July 23rd | Guest DayFront 9 1st Place - Kim Browne, Erin DiGirolamo,Colleen Kimchuck, Amy Conmy2nd Place - Jen Townson, Bernie Clabeaux,Kelly Friedman, Helen Busch3rd Place - Lynn Markel, Stephanie Laipple,Pam Murphy, Alison Zuccala9 HOLE LADIESby Jessica RodriguezAUGUST SCHEDULE | 9 HOLE LADIES August 6&13 League ChampionshipAugust 20 Medal PlayAugust 27 Travis 9&9Happy August! July was a busy and fun-filled month for theNine Hole ladies! We are thankful to have had some great golfweather!June 25th | Random Draw1st Place - 73Mary Cormier & Ciara Koba2nd Place - 79Lynn Markel & Dawn Wild3rd Place - 80Trish Dobinski & Sarah SchweikhardJuly 7th | Night Gold Medal PlayFlight 1 - Gross: Sarah Schweikhard 45 Net: Sharon Riznyk 35 Flight 2 - Gross: Ciara Koba 50 Net: Liz Roeder 31Flight 3 - Gross: Donna Scibetta 57 Net: Kim Browne 33July 16th | SkinsFlight 1 - Sharon Riznyk - (2) Eagle on 1, Eagle on 5 Renee Kazukiewicz - (1) Eagle on 3 Keri Armenia - (1) Birdie on 8Flight 2 - Christine Vincek - (2) Par on 4, Eagle on 9 Jennifer Erickson - (1) Birdie on 5 Nancy Ippolito - (1) Birdie on 6 Jen Puleo - (1) Birdie on 1Flight 3 - Diane Schaeffer - (3) Eagle on 2, Birdie on 6, Par on 7 Amy Tencza - (1) Birdie on 1 Kellie Gast - (1) Birdie on 5 Thanks so much to Anna Hartog andChelsey Gnacinski for hosting anincredible guest day for us.Back 91st Place - Jess Rodriguez, SarahSchuller, Laura Beatty, Clara Moran2nd Place - Christine Vincek, MeganVincek, Lynn Schroeder, Briana Janes3rd Place - Hayley Horbett, JackieEnnis, Debi Scherer, Dawn Wild,Denise Karoglan!
We had some beautiful golf weather in July! June 27th | 4 Gal Best Ball Tournament1st Place - 135Sharon Stanes, Jane Greene, Laurie Clark, Luanne Klotzbach2nd Place - 137Patricia Wasp, Maria Stucke, Ann Dings, Janice Whitehead 3rd Place - 139Hillary Ruh, Pat Kolkmann, Janet Gibbons, Dianne MezzadriJuly 18th | Hawaiian Luau Par-teeLimes Flight - 136Sandy Steinagle, Michele Schifano, Lynn Gotsch, Sharon MeadCoconuts Flight - 138Ann Battaglia, Sue Roesgen, Keri Armenia, Bernice WoodsShake ‘em All Up Flight - 139Teresa Kroll, Laura Broderdorf, Dianne Mezzadri, Mary BethBenderSkills ContestClosest to the Pin #2: Amie SpanitzLongest Drive #11: Doris BrandPot-of-Gold #16: Hillary RuhThe Hawaiian food and cocktails were outstanding! Thank youChef Evan, Jamie Ball, and our wait staff!AUGUST SCHEDULE | 18 HOLE LADIES August 1 Skins GameAugust 8-9 League ChampionshipAugust 22-23 Travis Two GalAugust 29 Mystery Threesome18 HOLE LADIESby Hillary RuhShoutout! Congratulations to Marge Starosielec. As a guest of theEast Aurora Country Club Two Day Invitational, Marge andher partner, Donna Almeter, finished as Overall Championsafter a two-hole playoff. This was the second year in a rowMarge and Donna won the tournament. Congratulations toMarge and Donna.As a reminder our League Championship is two days, August8th and 9th, shotgun start at 8:30am each morning. We thenhave our Travis Two Gal Member/Member tournament,August 22nd, tee times beginning at 8:00am, and August23rd, 8:30am shotgun. Please sign up for both of these assoon as possible via Golf Genius.Thank you,Hillary RuhJuly 25th | 9/18 Charity DayOverall Champions -34Maria Stucke, Nancy Becker, Madonna Bonitatibus, Debbie Ehlers2nd Place Team - 35Erin DiGirolamo, Mandy Clouden, Jen Puleo, Ann DingsSkills ContestClosest to Pin #2: Lauren AshcroftClosest to the Line Hole #7: Maria StuckeOpposite Hand Longest Drive #1: Diane Schaefer
AQUATICSby Katie Wingert McArdleAquatics Director & Head Swim Coach August 1 - September 2Monday - Sunday 10:00am - 8:00pmREGULAR SEASON POOL HOURSDear Members, August is our last full month of the season left at the pool. Wehope that you are able to enjoy each beautiful day that weare given. Pool Hours UpdateAs swim team season has now wound down, please note thatour pool hours shift. We are open 10:00am–8:00pm every dayof the week. We wish you can soak up every remainingmoment of summer! Aquatics Programming UpdateCongratulations to the Gators on a fantastic season! Ourteam continues to grow. We had 128 swimmers this year andexpect continued growth for the program. Many of our 65Gator Exploration Program swim school participants alsomade significant progress in the water, swimmingindependently for the first time. Our mini meet was a terrificsuccess. Additionally, Orchard Park took our quadrennial turncoordinating the Southtowns Swim Championship meet onMonday, July 29, which is no small endeavor. A special thanksto our parent committee, who worked tirelessly to coordinatea terrific meet for our swimmers and for all teams in theleague. Although swim team and swim lessons have wrapped up forthe year, private swim lessons are still available throughoutAugust. Please contact pool@orchardparkcc.com for details.Finally, as always, we welcome your feedback on aquaticsprogramming as we plan for next year. The hope is that theswim meet schedule will be finalized before the fall sofamilies can plan their vacations accordingly.Pool Rules RemindersAs we celebrate our last full month of operation, a fewimportant pool rules reminders: First, glass is not permitted on the pool deck. While werecognize that our Members are careful with beverageglasses, New York state law prohibits glass of any kind onthe pool deck. The Poolhouse staff exclusively serves plastic,and our Patio team will be happy to assist you if you letthem know that you will be bringing your beverage poolside. Second, a reminder that swim diapers are required in thepool for your littlest family members. Although some toddlersmay be potty trained, the pool is an exciting space, and weencourage erring on the side of caution. All children underthe age of three, even if potty trained, should wear swimdiapers. Swim diapers should be regularly checkedapproximately every 30 minutes. Thank you for ensuring thatall Members can enjoy the pool throughout the month ofAugust.See you at the pool! Katie McArdle, Aquatics Director & Head Swim Coachpool@orchardparkcc.com
RACQUETSby Wojtek StarakiewiczCoach & Founder of ROGaceThe weekly adult tennis & pickleball member nights arecomplimentary to all OPCC Members, and light F&B bysignature will be available at the tennis courts.July 19 | Tennis Couples NightCouples Night was a blast! We had 5 couples participate in afriendly competition followed by a lovely dinner. Congratulationsto our winners.1st Place: Matt & Sarah Knodel2nd Place: Andrew & Stacy WrightJULY RECAPSJuly 20 | Parent-Child EventThe Parent-Child Event was a fun day with threecategories: two competitive and onecooperative. We had a total of 20 teamsparticipating.U12 CategoryCongratulations to Luke (child) & Andrew Bainwho took 1st place, and Mary Rose (child)Cannon and her aunt Jane, who came in 2nd.Thank you to everyone who participated and madethe event a great success!U18 CategoryCongratulations to Nora (child) & Matt Knodelfor securing 1st place, and to Addie (child) &Brooke Bain for finishing in 2nd place.
U10 Co-Ed Singles - 1st Mary RoseCannon and 2nd Grace FallonU18 Co-Ed Singles - 1st Kaitlyn Schulteand 2nd Evan ReydaMen's Singles - 1st Joe O'Connor and 2ndSamad HassanU10 Co-Ed Doubles - 1st GraceFallon &Nico GothamU18 Co-Ed Doubles - 1st Allie Major &Claire Mahoney and 2nd Evan Reyda &Charlie Cannon Men's Doubles - 1st Joe O'Connor & KevinRoe and 2nd Samad Hassan & NickRozborskiU12 Co-Ed Singles - 1st Richie Cannonand 2nd Hailey Cannon Ladies Singles - 1st Tiffany McCarthyand 2nd Stacy WrightU12 Co-Ed Doubles - 1st Kaitlyn Schulte &Hailey Cannon and 2nd Richie & MaryRose CannonLadies Doubles - 1st Tiffany McCarthy &Stacy Wright and 2nd Elizabeth Mahony& Jessica CopelandJuly 27-28 | OPCC Tennis ChampionshipsAs we wrap up theregular season thisweek, our team isgearing up for theInterclubChampionships onWednesday, July 31 andThursday, August 1.Don’t miss our TennisTeam Banquet onSunday, August 4th, aswe celebrate theseason’s achievements.-Wojtek
OPCC CAMPUS DRESS CODEGeneralRespectable country club casual dress, including appropriate golf attire and tasteful denim, is permitted in andaround the Club. Gentlemen’s dress shirts that are designed to be untucked, including Tommy Bahama, UNTUCKit,and collared shirts that are full button front are permitted. Men are required to have collared golf shirts tucked in.Appropriate sundresses and sleeveless blouses are permitted for women. T-shirts, athletic tank tops, athleticleggings, mini skirts, hoodies, swimsuits, etc. are not permitted and midriffs are not to be exposed. Sweatpants, gymshorts, jogging shorts, and cargo shorts are not permitted. Athletic slides, and flip flops are consideredinappropriate for indoor club dining areas. Sandals are also considered inappropriate for men while dining indoors.Hats may not to be worn by gentlemen in the Clubhouse besides in locker room facilities. Any clothing that is torn,frayed, or excessively wrinkled is considered inappropriate.Club Casual: Khakis, trousers, including bermuda length shorts, or tasteful denim with collared shirts for men; casualslacks or tasteful denim with appropriate tops for ladies. Gentlemen’s dress shirts that are designed to be untucked,which include Tommy Bahama, UN-TUCKit, and collared shirts that are full button front are permitted in and aroundthe Clubhouse. All men’s golf shirts must be tucked inside men’s trousers or shorts, unless otherwise approved bymanagement.Please visit our website for detailed descriptions of Business Casual, Smart Casual, Formal Attire, and Black TieGolf Course AttireFootwear: Only soft spikes are allowed. Open toe shoes, flip flops and sandals are not to be worn on the golfpractice facility or golf course.Golf Attire for Men: Men are required to wear a collared, tucked in golf shirt with sleeves. Hats are to be worn withbrim facing forward. Golf shorts must come within four inches of the top of the knee. Gym shorts, tennis shorts,jogging shorts, or short-shorts are not permitted. T-shirts, tank tops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Women: Ladies may wear golf shirts with a collar/mock collar or golf shirts without a collar but withsleeves. A woman’s golf shirt may be untucked, provided it is within two inches beneath the belt line. Skirts, skorts,golf dresses, shorts, slacks, and capris are permitted with the understanding that they are appropriate/respectful inlength. Gym shorts, tennis shorts, jogging shorts, athletic leggings, and short-shorts are not permitted. T-shirts, tanktops, and denim of any kind are not permitted.Golf Attire for Juniors: Junior Golfers are required to follow the dress code requirements as outlined above.Pool Dress CodeSwim attire is limited to the immediate pool area and the pool rest room facilities. Swim attire is not permitted in oraround the Clubhouse.Tasteful denim is permitted in the pool area. Indecent or risqué swimwear is not permitted. Cover-ups and footwearare required outside the enclosed pool area, including the Halfway House. Towels are not considered cover-ups.Club Casual dress attire is required for anyone in and around the Clubhouse.Rackets Dress CodeAppropriate racket apparel and footwear are acceptable at the racket courts. Tennis shoes and sneakers arepermitted. Cutoffs, swimwear, bare midriffs, and flip-flops are not permitted. Spectators are required to adhere tothe Club Dress Code. Appropriate rackets attire is acceptable in and around the Clubhouse.
*Banquet/Tournament Administrative Charge An administrative charge will be added to the bill. The administrative charge is 18% for member functions and 20% for outsidefunctions sponsored by members. The administrative charge is for the administration of the event and is retained by the Club.The administrative fee is not a gratuity and will not be distributed to the employees who provide service at the event. The Clubsets the compensation level for the banquet employees based on the expectation that they will receive no gratuities. Orchard Park Country Club 4777 S. Buffalo Street Orchard Park, New York 14127M A H J O N G GW E D N E S D A Y S A T 7 : 0 0 P MFor more information please contact Millie CavanaughPhone: 716-662-5091 Email: Millie36@roadrunner.com