Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association COVID-19 Protocols for OPCA Training Program Review/Exam Sessions Student Guideline
OPCA – Training and Certification Program COVID-19 Protocols for OPCA Review & Exam sessions – Guideline for Students The OPCA has developed the following protocols based on current provincial guidelines for health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as any additional requirements set forth by TSSA. Students are to follow these guidelines to protect themselves and others. Failure to do so will result in student’s removal from the session. PRIOR TO REVIEW/EXAM SESSION - Registration and required paperwork All students must be registered in the review/exam session and receive confirmation of their attendance by the OPCA. Students are required to submit paperwork electronically to the OPCA as outlined by TSSA prior to attending an OPCA Review/Exam session including TSSA’s Examination Application and Application for Qualification. The OPCA will provide the necessary documentation to students that have confirmed their attendance in the sessions. Review / Exam session requirements – Day of Session Notice to students: If you are feeling unwell or are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms on the day of the session, stay home as you will not be permitted in the classroom. In addition, if you have recently travelled outside of Canada, ensure you have followed the required quarantine protocols. Venue The OPCA will ensure venues as well as accommodations for instructors and students are following appropriate COVID-19 health and safety protocols including: • Proper sanitation protocols in meeting rooms (classroom), common areas and hotel guest rooms. • Meeting rooms used for classroom is of adequate size to accommodate proper social distancing requirements. • Signage will be posted outlining all requirements. • The instructor and/or OPCA staff will provide an overview of these protocols prior to start of session.
Classrooms Ratio The OPCA will limit class size to eight (8) students to facilitate proper distancing requirements. The eight-student class size will also facilitate classroom set up. Distancing requirements The OPCA will establish a 2-metre distance for students and instructor in the classroom. The classroom shall be of adequate size to accommodate distancing requirements. Students shall ensure they maintain distancing requirements while in the classroom. Personal Protective Equipment Masks Students shall wear masks upon entering class and to sign class register. They may remove their mask while they remain at their seat, however, must replace when entering and/or leaving the classroom. Hand sanitizer Hand sanitizer will be provided by the OPCA. Everyone is to use the hand sanitizer every time they enter the classroom. Student sign-in / Proof of Identification The OPCA will have in place a registration table with a plexiglass shield. OPCA staff will be behind the shield so that students can show their identification to them for verification. Students will be directed to be seated upon entry and then called upon one at a time to the registration table to show their identification. Upon entering the classroom for the first time, you will be directed to your assigned seat by OPCA staff.
Stationery and Student Materials Students should bring their own pen and pencil to class. These will be also be available from the OPCA. Students must use their own pen to sign the class list upon entering the classroom. Student Manual Students must bring their OPCA manual with them to the session. Extra manuals will not be available to borrow. Liquid Fuels Handling Codebook Students must bring their own codebook, OPCA will not supply codebooks. Students are not allowed to share codebooks. PMH Practical Assessment Student and instructor to wear gloves, masks during the PMH practical assessment. The OPCA dispenser model and any tools used for the practical will be cleaned and disinfected between each use by OPCA staff. Exams Students are to wear their mask when returning their completed exam to OPCA staff showing all paperwork, exam booklet and answer sheet to them before enclosing in the envelope. Students will then deposit the envelope in the container provided. OPCA Manual and Liquid Fuels Handling Codebook