O N M I S S I O NW I N T E R 2 0 2 5L A F O N T A I N E C H R I S T I A N C H U R C HQ U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | 2 N D E D I T I O N
LCC ON MISSION MAGAZINEWINTER 2025202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine, IN 46940765.981.2101 | lafontainechristian.comPage 1Real People. Real Hope.SUNDAYMORNINGSERVICES202 Bruner PkLaFontaine, IN 469401st Service9:00 AM2nd ServiceIn Person & Live @ 10:30 AMSunday School classesduring the 9:00 serviceJR/SR High in The BARNAdult Class in The BARNLiving On Mission Adultclass in Classroom H(south hallway)Children’s classes forinfants - 5th Grade (check-in at Kids’ Check-In Table)Mission & visionWe are Real People following Jesus,being changed by Jesus, andcommitted to the mission of Jesusbecause of the Real Hope we have in Him.valuesBiblical AuthoritySpiritual MaturityBelonging CommunityUnwavering GenerosityMission & vision
As we have rounded the corner to another new year, tax season will be upon us soon.Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about taxes and charitable giving.Can I put a check in the offering boxes on January 5, 2025, that was dated forDecember 2024, and still claim it on my 2024 taxes?No, checks placed in the offering boxes after January 1, 2025 will be recorded ascontributions for 2025.If I mail my contribution in December 2024, but it doesn’t reach my church untilJanuary 2025, can that be claimed for 2024? Yes, a check that is mailed to the church is deductible in the year the check is mailed andpostmarked, even if it is received in the next year. I gave $135 to the church when I registered for a retreat/event. Can I deduct that? No, assuming you received benefits (e.g., lodging, meals, instructional materials) worth$135 or more. Charitable contributions generally are deductible only to the extent theyexceed the value of any premium or benefit received by the donor in return for thecontribution.I need to make required minimum distributions from my retirement account.Anything that I should be aware of?You need to check with your retirement advisor, some of accounts require that the checkbe cashed and clear prior to 12/31/2024, so timing is critical.What if I have questions?You can email giving@lafontainechristian.com or call Tom Polk, Treasurer at 260-571-5123.CHARITABLE GIVING FAQCHARITABLE GIVING FAQ
Page 3Real People. Real Hope.The LCC staff spotlight is a chance to get to know our staff! This section will shareabout their life, how they got involved in LCC, and even things you may not knowabout them!WHAT AREA DO YOU WORK?HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING?WHAT DO YOU ENJOY?Service is at the core of everything I havefocused on with my family, faith, andcommunity. I began volunteering withchildren's programs, Jr/Sr High YouthMinistries, Adult Ministry and haven'tstopped!WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WORKING AT LCC?IF THERE WAS A WAY TO ENCOURAGEPEOPLE TO COME TO LCC, WHATWOULD YOU TELL THEM?Stephanie RigneyWomen’s DirectorWomen's DirectorI began working full-time as the Women'sDirector in March 2021Carol Nose, my hair stylist and long timeLCC member that mentioned BradWright was hired on as the new pastor atLCC. I was well aware of who Brad was. Atthe time, I was Southwood's AthleticSecretary, he was a volunteer workerannouncing at our Football and Trackevents. Brad was also the Assistant Girls'Basketball Coach in athletics.My favorite part about working at LCC is beingon the TEAM OF BRAD WRIGHT! Because ofthat, I enjoy doing Women's Ministryconnecting with other women on a deeperlevel, and seeing God move in their lives. And,there's nothing like creating and planningevents to meet the varying needs of ourwomen. My role as I see it, is to bring all ages ofbeautiful women from all different life stagestogether to connect. From beyond the years ofhaving children in their home, who have somany life lessons they've learned (I call themour "Spiritual Mothers") to the single womenand new faces who come longing forconnection - we all form one body. Thequestion I prayerfully consider all the time:Lord, how can I minister to each woman whereshe is right now? You have a place here!HOW DID YOU GET TO LCC?
Page 5Real People. Real Hope.When the doors of opportunity open, youknow the flies will come in as well.” I’m notsure who said this, but it is so true. Flyinformation for you:Do you know why flies linger on yourscreen door and wait for the door to openso they can fly in?1. Curiosity and exploration (They arecurious creatures).2. Light and air currents (They are drawn tolight and tend to follow air currents).3. Scent signals (They have a keen sense ofsmell – if it smells good, they areinterested). 4. Territorial behavior (If theysee other flies inside, they are motivated tobe inside).5. Survival instincts (finding shelter andfood is crucial for survival).That means we have to tend to the flies!Every year, we pick a book (or letter) fromthe Bible and preach it. It was Mark’s lettertwo years ago, and last year, we covered 1Corinthians. This year, we will begin inMarch with Paul’s letter to the church inColossae – the book of Colossians. It’s aletter about how false teaching crept in(this is where the fly information applies...Ihope). It implies that Jesus was okay, butwe need Jesus plus Jewish rituals, harshtreatment of the body, and mysticalexperiences to really experience God. TheChurch in Colossae believed in Jesus butallowed false teachings to come in and tryto add to Jesus. Plain and simple: Jesus is enough. I don’tneed more flies coming in trying todistract me from following Him. For every problem, difficulty, and challengewe face in life, the answer is found in Jesus.Once again (like in 2023, “All Eyes on Jesus”),we will focus our attention on Jesus.Need more wisdom? Look to Jesus. Needpower to overcome temptation? Look toJesus. Want a stronger relationship with yourspouse? Look to Jesus. Want help andinsight to parent better? Look to Jesus. Wantto know how to point your friends to Jesus?Look to Jesus. What is our theme for 2025? I’m notsure...but here are some front runners: Jesusis Enough, Jesus Over Everything, Jesus First,Jesus Is All I Need, Say Yes to Jesus, Jesus IsLord of The Flies (The last one is my attemptat humor J). I hope you will join us this year as we havethe opportunity to Follow Jesus, Be changedby Jesus, and Be committed to His mission.Jesus is all I need! He is more than enoughfor me. “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesusthe Lord, so walk in Him.” Colossians 2:6Quarterly Encouragementby Pastor Brad
JAN 31JAN 31 FEB 8FEB 8Ladies Shipshewana TripMen’s BreakfastGalentines NightPaint Your DateSuper StartPasta With PastorsFEB 3FEB 3FEB 6FEB 6UPCOMINGUPCOMINGEventsMark YourCalendars!See What IsHappening at LCC! FEB 28-1FEB 28-1MAR 16MAR 16
Our My Story videos are a way for ourchurch family to share their testimonyof how God has worked in their life invarious ways. We’ve honored stories ofgrief, addiction, cancer, and more! Revelation 12:11 says we will defeat theenemy by the “word of our testimony”.There’s no better way to stomp on theenemy than sharing how God hasmoved in your life!Page 7We’d love to hear your story!If you’re interested in sharingyour story, let us know byscanning the qr code to fillout a form BELONGINGview the my story playlist
Get to know your church family!The MATTErnsPage 8COMMUNITYWant to be featured next quarter? E-mail info@lafontainechristian.comAustin and Hannah Mattern were married in 2008 after graduating from Purdue University.They moved to the area in 2018 and soon found a church home at LCC. Austin has worked inthe agriculture field for his whole career and is currently an Area Business Manager for Atticus,LLC. Hannah worked as a Registered Veterinary Technologist before becoming a stay-at-homemom and now currently runs their small business, Spring Hill Farm, and also serves as a groupleader in Bible Study Fellowship. Their daughter Cora enjoys crafting and sewing, whiledaughter Gwen loves riding her four-wheeler. Both girls love being outdoors, riding theirhorses, and spending time with their animals.As a family, they enjoy riding their horses, working in the garden, hiking, and traveling. Theyhave been working to restore their 1800's homestead for the past 8.5 years. Check it out onInstagram @restoringspringhill. The couple also manages and operates two small businesses,Spring Hill Farm and Hoosier Network Rentals.You will see the Matterns actively serving at LCC! Austin and Hannah serve in youth Sundayschool, the welcome center, and event setup and teardown. Austin also serves in maintenanceand men's ministryThe Matterns love that LCC is a gospel-centered church that is committed to spreading thelove of Jesus and God's message of salvation. They have met many new friends that are nowlike family and they so appreciate the fellowship and community found at LCC!Attending LCC Since: 2008Typically Attend: Both ServicesFamily Members: Austin, Hannah, Cora (age 11), Gwen (age 8)
Interested in serving? Go to lafontainechristian.com/serve
DATESUBJECT Wiggles & GigglesRecurring on WednesadysBible JournalingOctober 29, 2024DATESUBJECT
SUBJECTVBSDATESUBJECTTrunk or TreatOctober 31, 2024Page 11Real People. Real Hope.DATESUBJECTMen’s Clay ShootNovember 9, 2024DATENovember 2024DATESUBJECTYouth GroupEvery Sunday Night
DATESUBJECT The BARN Lock-InNovember 29, 2024DATESUBJECTSew Be It2nd WednesdayPage 12Real People. Real Hope.Gratitude Worship NightNovember 24, 2024DATESUBJECTDATESUBJECTLunch BunchDecember 17, 2024
Tom & Suja branebuilding some incredible relationships. As for me, we are currently working on setting up anew model plot and preparing for dry season where we’ll be growing vegetables. This givesme a chance to mentor people on the farm. We also have 5 month internship program whereI’ll be teaching about God and agriculture. This is also the time of year when we visit localvillages and train others in Farming God’s Way.Prayer & Praise from the Brane’s: God has provided Suja with a new medical translator (French to local language) that I amtrying out for a month. Her name is Rachel. She come from a Muslim family but became aChristian a few years ago. Pray that God would give me wisdom to discern if she is theright fit and for Rachel to step into this possible new job for her.1.Pray for a patient named Amy, that her eye surgery can be scheduled soon. I am still veryconfused why this surgery has not been scheduled yet despite multiple efforts on my partbut I need to trust in God's perfect timing.2.Pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment as we explore ways that ourmission IMPACT can prayerfully and financially support the local churches to be the handsand feet of Christ in the growing humanitarian crisis in Burkina Faso and Mali.3.Pray for famers that we’ve trained in West Africa that are taking the gospel into their owncommunities.4.Pray for the many farmers in a neighboring country who have lost all their crops due tosevere flooding and that the body of Christ would respond in their time of need.5.Praise for all that God is doing and his provision over us.6.mission focusPage 13Real People. Real Hope.About the Brane’s: We are located in Senegal, West Africa. Weare doing medical outreach and agriculturaldevelopment to build relationships withpeople that open the door for us to introducethem to Jesus. We base our ministry out ofthe Beersheba Farm Project, a farmdedicated to reaching out to the communityin the name of Jesus. Currently, Suja is seeingpatients from surrounding villages at thesmall clinic located on the farm. She’swalking alongside these patients to helpthem get adequate medical care. She doesfollow-up visits in their villages and in
Page 14Real People. Real Hope.G E T I N T O U C HCall: (765) 981-2101Text: (833) 205-7375lafontainechristian.comReal People. Real Hope.The next issue of “On Mission” will be available on the first Sunday in April 2025.COMMUNICATIONS TEAMThis magazine is brought to you by:Laura LangebartelsNatalia GuillermoBecca PritchettChealsea EppHannah Colyerinfo@lafontainechristian.com202 Bruner Rd, LaFonatine, IN 46940
L A F O N T A I N E C H R I S T I A N C H U R C HO N M I S S I O N M A G A Z I N EW I N T E R 2 0 2 5