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My Journal: Less, but Better*based on the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown

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ExploreDiscern the trivial many from the valuable few. Explore and evaluate before committing and going big.

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Look outthe windowand dreama dream.dailybe boredbe boredJournalTO-DO'SCreate spaceCreate space to exploreto explore escape to focusFocusis anactionEscape: The Perks of Being Unavailable

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EscapeTOO BUSY DOINGTO THINKABOUT LIFE?Time to ReadThinkEscape: The Perks of Being Unavailable

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Look: See What Really Matters

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Listen for what others do not hear.Listen to what is not said.Pay attention to the signal.Scan to find the essence of information.Nora EphronFilter on the FascinatingWhat didyou miss?Look for the LeadWhere is the knowledge we havelost in information?T.S. EliotClarify the QuestionSe ekPe rs pe ct iv esLook: See What Really Matters

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Play: Embrace the Wisdom of YOur Inner Child

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Play: Embrace the Wisdom of YOur Inner Child

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SleepSleep: Protect the Asset

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INVEST IN YOUSleep: Protect the Asset

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“Life is a matter of choices and everychoice you make makes you.” JOHN C. MAXWELLSelect: The Power of Extreme Criteria

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When faced with two choicessimply toss a coin.Criteria?WHAT’S YOURWhat am I deeplypassionateabout?What utilizes my talent?What meets asignificant needin the world?What will I say no to?Decisions by design.It works not because it settles thequestion for you, but because inthat brief moment when the coin isin the air, you suddenly know whatyou are hoping for." - UnknownSelect: The Power of Extreme Criteria

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Pursue ClarityEliminateCut out the many.What will you say no to?

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Clarify What You AreTrying to AchieveClarify: One Decision that Makes 1,000

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No is a completesentence.A clear no can bemore graceful than a vague yes.The Power of a Graceful NoSaying no is a leadership capability.Boundaries are likethe walls of asandcastle. Whenone side collapses,the rest will comecrashing down.Dare: The Power of a Graceful No

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Saying No GracefullySeparate the decision from the relationship.You don’t have to use the word “no”. Focus on the trade-off.Embrace the Awkward Silence , Count to 3.No, but (I can’t do this, but I can do that). Let me check my calendar.Use e-mail bounce backs.Yes, what should I deprioritize? You are welcome to X, I am willing to Y.Say it with humor.I can’t, but (person) may be interested.Dare: The Power of a Graceful No

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“Half of the troubles inthis life can be traced tosaying yes too quickly andnot saying no soon enough.” Josh BillingsUncommit: Win Big by Cutting Your Losses

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ommitmentsnavigatingCWhat elements are atplay when you sayyes too quickly?Is your investment oftime, money andeffort worth it?If you weren’t alreadycommitted, howmuch would you bewilling to invest?Where do you most experience Fear of Missing Out? When have youchosen to maintainthe status quo ratherthan tryingsomething new?What makes it hardfor you to let go of acommitment? What would help youfeel morecomfortable cuttingyour losses?Uncommit: Win Big by Cutting Your Losses

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ExecuteMake executing as easy as possible.

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add 50% to your estimateadd 50% to your estimateBuffer: The Unfair Advantage

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Look AheadPrepare. Have a buffer.Expect the unexpectedPrepare for the UnforeseenWait for theMoment.ReactTwo OptionsBuffer: The Unfair Advantage

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ReduceObstaclesSubtract: Bring Forth More by Reducing Obstacles

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How will Iknow it’sdone?What’s thedesiredoutcome?What is themain obstacle?What ispreventingcompletion?What are all the obstacles?Done is betterthan perfect!Subtract: Bring Forth More by Reducing Obstacles

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SmallWinsProgress: The Power of Small Wins

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S T R I N G O F P E A R L SProgress: The Power of Small Wins

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When was the last time you were bored? ExploreWhen have you used extreme criteria?How is sleep / lack thereof impactingyour performance?What do you do to NOT WORK hard?(to relax)What in your life matters the most? How much time are you spending on it?What ONE thing can you do to have 30minutes of THINKING time?EscapeLookPlaySleepSelectWhat is NOT a priority but creeps in?When are you your most creative? Where are you? Describe it.What can you do to prioritize sleep? How can you apply the concept, “If it’snot a definite yes, it’s a no,” to your life?

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My Notes & ThoughtsExplore

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Do you currently have clarity aroundyour purpose?EliminateWhat makes it difficult for you to uncommit?Do you say no enough? Why / why not?What makes it difficult for you to say no?Articulate your purpose.(Remember: concrete, inspirational,meaningful, and memorable.)ClarifyDare to Say NoUncommitWhat steps can you take to keep the main thing the main thing?Is there anything in your life that is nolonger serving you well?NOTES / THOUGHTS / IDEAS

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My Notes & ThoughtsEliminate

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What activities / projects do you typicallyunderestimate how long it will take?ExecuteWhat one thing do you want to go big on?What are you trying to achieve? How will you know it’s done?What steps can you take to look ahead,expect the unexpected, and prepare forthe unforeseen? BufferSubtractProgressWhat is preventing you from completing it? What’s THE main obstacle?Identify the next several “pearls.”NOTES / THOUGHTS / IDEAS

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My Notes & ThoughtsExecute

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Getting Started:1) What key concept or idea from “Essentialism” resonated most with you, and why?2) How do you envision applying the principles of Essentialism to yourpersonal and professional life moving forward? 3) Has any of the content today shifted or refined your perspective? Reflection Questions

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Specifics:1) Identifying Essentials: Reflect on your past week. What activities did you identify as truly essential, and how did youdistinguish them from non-essential tasks?2) Making Trade-offs: Share an example of a significant trade-off you made recently. How did it align with your values and goals? What was the outcome?3) Saying No: Reflect on a time when you said “no” to a commitment or opportunity.How did this decision impact your focus and sense of control?4) Creating Space to Think: How do you currently create space to think and reflect? What can you do to ensure you have more of this valuable time?5) Setting Boundaries: Discuss a time you had to set boundaries to protect your priorities.How did you handle it, and what challenges did you face?6) Reevaluating Priorities: How often do you reassess your priorities?What changes could you make to improve this process?7) Long-term Vision: How does Essentialism align with your long-term vision for your life?What adjustments do you need to make to stay true to this vision?Reflection Questions

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*based on the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown