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KEEP IN TOUCHsvdpalumnisfSVDP Viking Alumni

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VIKING VOICES VD PALUMNIDear Saint Vincent de Paul Alumni,We are excited to share a few updates from our alumni community as we celebrate a monumental yearfor our school. This year marks our centennial anniversary, and we’ve already kicked off thecelebrations with some fantastic events that have brought alumni, current families, and facultytogether. We’re looking forward to many more moments of connection and celebration throughout theyear as we honor 100 years of Saint Vincent de Paul’s legacy. We are thrilled to continuestrengthening our alumni network and keeping you all informed about the exciting happenings withinour community. Save the date, May 3rd, for our Grand Reunion. It will be a great night to reminisce and dance thenight away.Thank you for being a part of this special year.alumni@svdpsf.comWELCOMESAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SCHOOLMichelle Rivard Zimmerman ‘97 • Deborah Ferenz Rivard ‘65 • Mia Toracca ‘10Alumni Relations TeamFALL/WINTER 2024

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On a beautiful, sunny day, the entire Saint Vincent de Paul School community came together tocelebrate the school’s centennial in grand fashion—by making their way to City Hall on its 100thbirthday.Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Catherine Stefani, a proud parent of two SVDP alumni,addressed the students with inspiring words about the school’s rich history and its positive impacton the city. It was a truly special moment, filled with pride, community, and gratitude as we markedthis incredible milestone. Here’s to 100 years of excellence and faith!alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT CITY HALLProclomation of Saint Vincent de Paul School Day“SVDP is a school that has a longstanding traditionof serving our San Francisco community,” - Tyler Clauss and Gemma Gibson (8th Grade Representatives)“The school represents an important part of thefabric of what makes San Francisco so specialand resilient.” Mayor Breed.

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Deirdre Merrill Corcoran ‘87alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024“My name is Deirdre Merrill Corcoran, and I’m both aproud alumna of Saint Vincent de Paul School and theparent of Merrill, a 4th grader here. It’s an honor tocelebrate the school’s 100th anniversary today.We begin by remembering the Daughters of Charity,whose vision founded Saint Vincent de Paul School 100years ago. Their legacy continues to guide us. A heartfeltthank you to all the educators, past and present, who havebuilt on their strong foundation of Catholic education.Saint Vincent de Paul has long been a beacon of civicpride in San Francisco, producing countless alumni whohave gone on to lead in our community and beyond. I’mgrateful to be a second-generation family, nowexperiencing this special moment through my son’s eyes.A special thank you to Mrs. Pini, Fr. Art, and ArchbishopCordileone for their continued support of our mission. Weare also grateful to Supervisor Stefani for honoring theschool with a proclamation on behalf of the City of SanFrancisco.Thank you to all the alumni, parents, and communitymembers who continue to support this incredible school!”CITY HALL SHINES BRIGHT IN BLUE & GOLDSupervisor Catherine Stefanipresenting proclomation toPastor Fr. Arturo

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Dear SVDP Community,We are excited to share an update on our SVDP Centennial Campaign — our Outdoor Elevated SportCourt project continues to move forward with anticipated groundbreaking early in the new year!! Thanks to generous grants from The William G. Irwin Foundation and The Herbst Foundation, totaling$600,000, as well as continued support from school families, alumni, and parishioners, we’ve raised$7.8 million towards our Centennial Campaign goal of $10 million. This is a tremendous milestone,and we are deeply grateful for the ongoing generosity of our SVDP community As we progress to the next phase of the campaign, our focus now is to fully fund our efforts and keepour momentum going so we can complete this project and make a lasting impact, debt-free! As proud SVDP Alumni and Friends, we invite you to please join our efforts and celebrate andmaintain the legacy of the strength of our SVDP program by supporting our Centennial Campaignhere. SVDP is a 501c3 and donations are tax deductible. Our tax ID# is 94-3033873 Thank you again for your continued support. We wish you a joyful Christmas season and look forwardto more updates in the New Year. VIKING VOICEalumni@svdpsf.comFALL/WINTER 2024Celine Watters Curran ‘69advancement@svdpsf.comBrenda Barkleybbarkley@svdpsf.comContact the SVDP Advancement team for more information or if you are ready to pledge now.CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE

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Mr. Joseph Alioto Jr. ‘57Special guest speaker at the Centennial Mass"The Centennial Celebration was a resounding success, bringing ourcommunity together like never before. From the vibrant events to thejoyful faces of attendees, it was evident that these shared experiences arewhat make our community truly special. We couldn't have pulled it offwithout the incredible teamwork and hard work of everyone involved."Anel MullerParent Guild Event Chairalumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT SCHOOL

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This year, Saint Vincent de Paul School was honored withthe Cent'Anni Award by the San Francisco Italian HeritageParade (SFIHP), recognizing our school's long-standingcontributions to the community. The award celebratesorganizations that have made a lasting impact on SanFrancisco’s Italian-American culture and heritage.Jenifer Spinale ‘77, a “proud daughter of North Beach,”accepted the award on behalf of the school at the SFIHP’sBlock Party. As a former student, current faculty member(5th grade teacher and De Paul Youth Club AthleticDirector), and Italian-American, her deep connection to thecommunity makes this recognition even more meaningful.Reflecting on the significance of the moment, she shared, “Itis very special to be here on the eve of the Madonna deLume parade, which, as a child, I watched every singleyear.”The award was extra special for Jenifer as she accepted italongside Gianna Bankovitch ‘23, an alumna and the 1stDuchess of this year’s Italian Heritage parade.We are proud to see Saint Vincent de Paul School celebratedin this way, continuing to honor its rich history and strongties to the local community.alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024CENT’ ANNI AWARDJenifer Spinale ‘77Gianna Bankovitch ‘23SFIHP Board Member, Mia Toracca ‘10presented award to the school with futureQueen Court Members

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“The SVDP Parent Guild is thrilled to celebrate our school’s100th anniversary. This fall, we made 750 sandwiches,donated 6,775 diapers, collected 303 pounds of Halloweencandy, and created 450 Thanksgiving cards. Our eventsincluded a Welcome Back Coffee, a dinner with the Men’sClub, a Speaker Series, Coffee Talk with Ms. Pini, and ourCentennial Mass. We also showed appreciation for ourteachers with hosted lunches and participated in the ItalianHeritage Parade. These efforts reflect the generosity and spiritof our community during this special year!”Noelle Quattrin RoostParent Guild Presidentalumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024SAN FRANCISCO ITALIAN HERITAGE PARADE

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svdpalumnisfSVDP Viking Alumnialumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024ALUMNI & FRIENDS LUNCHEONJohn Christian ‘72Kenny Gandolfo ‘66Michelle GandolfoMary LovelyJim QuanciPat Bechelli ‘74Rick Gandolfo ‘68Sherri Bechelli Mia Toracca ‘10Michelle Rivard Zimmerman ‘97Debbie Ferenz Rivard ‘65Mike ThoresonFr. ArturoTom RivardMiguel GonzalesAldo CongiPat Gallagher ‘53Gene GallagherBennie Anselmo ‘58Beverly Garaventa Anselmo ‘59Linda Molinari ‘59Julie CongiDiana GiampaoliRon Giampaoli ‘58

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svdpalumnisfSVDP Viking AlumniThank you to the alumni & friends that joined us for a fabulous day celebrating 100 Years ofSVDP at the Golden Gate Yacht Club. Looking forward to seeing everyone on May 3rd forour next reunion in the school gym.alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024ALUMNI & FRIENDS LUNCHEONGary Bong ‘71Gayle Gandolfo Grantz ‘71Frank Billante ‘71Kenny Gandolfo ‘66Mike ThoresonJenifer Spinale ‘77Vic QuattrinMargaret QuattrinNoelle Quattrin RoostJohn Della Cella ‘96Bridget Mulhern Lemos ‘96Emmanuel Blagoe Manasievici ‘98Michelle Rivard Zimmerman ‘97Mia Toracca ‘10Leigh Silver McMonigle ‘96Michelle GandolfoRick Gandolfo ‘68Denise Driscoll Tournahu ‘68Joey MilesDesiree Maggiora Miles ‘74 Stephen Vella ‘72

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svdpalumnisfSVDP Viking Alumnialumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024ALUMNI & FRIENDS LUNCHEONJudy Honn Betro ‘69LeeAnn Barone ‘69Celine Watters Curran ‘69Sarah Flanagan ‘65Debbie Ferenz Rivard ‘65Dan Wells ‘65Rick Murphy ‘65Ed McGuirk ‘65Eugene Boscacci ‘65Tony PantaleoniCarol Devincenzi ‘69Rick TalbotSharon LofranoJim LofranoMeredith PantaleoniJudy BrittainDominic Spinetta ‘52Didi Canonica Maillard ‘52John Johnck ‘52Gary Bong ‘71Marina Costabile ‘85 John Centeroni Brian O’FlynnEd McGuirk ‘65LeeAnn Barone ‘69Judy Honn Betro ‘69

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svdpalumnisfSVDP Viking AlumniA heartfelt thank you to all the incredible faculty and staff, past and present, who have madeSVDP what it is today. Your dedication and passion have shaped generations of students, and weare so grateful for everything you’ve done. It was truly wonderful seeing so many familiar facesas we celebrated 100 years of excellence. Here’s to another 100 years!alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024ALUMNI & FRIENDS LUNCHEONBarbra Harvey, Lauren Harvey Firebaugh, Fr. Arturo, Leigh Silver McMonigle ‘96, John Della Cella ‘96,Bridget Mulhern Lemos ‘96, Gayle Andrews, Cathy Mulhern, Debbie Ferenz Rivard ‘65, Sister Frances,Celine Watters Curran ‘69, Brenda Barkley, Meredith Pantaleoni, Jenifer Spinale ‘77, Sue Della Cella,Marie Ferdon, Marguerite Pini

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Emma Kiehn ‘21At this year’s Women’s Volleyball Bruce-Mahoneygame at the University of San Francisco’s gym,three incredible alumnae from the Class of 2021brought their A-game and dominated the night!Emma Kiehn, Saint Ignatius senior, kicked thingsoff with a beautiful performance of the nationalanthem. Sofie Daters played outside hitter for SacredHeart Cathedral Preparatory, showing off her skillsand bringing the heat with every play. And theexcitement didn’t stop there—Laila Muller, captainof Sacred Heart’s Dance Team, kept the crowdhyped with her dynamic choreography andleadership. These three talented alumnae broughttheir spirit and made it an unforgettable celebrationof athleticism, talent, and school pride.alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024VIKINGS DOMINATE THE BRUCE-MAHONEYSofie Daters ‘21Laila Muller ‘21

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Sister FrancesTeacher & Principal 1982 - 1986I came to SVDP to be an 8th grade/Junior High teacher after havingserved as a principal/teacher at several other schools. I became theprincipal after Sister Stella Joseph's term was up. At that time theenrollment was declining and I made it my priority to work to bringthe school back up to a positive level. Hopefully, this was done.I enjoyed my years at the school and parish. I tried to participate inas many activities as I could and hopefully left a positiveimpression.alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024LEGENDS OF THE PASTMeridith Pantaleoni1st Grade Teacher 1981-1999 1981New to marriage.New to San Francisco.New to SVDP (hired 5 days before school started)I instantly fell in love with the school, students, and the faculty.Teaching has been what I had wanted to do since I was 10. It has been a very rewarding career.Memories of classroom fun:Experiencing pregnancy while teaching, tooth fairy situations,imaginative stories from both young and old, show and tell, workstations, classroom management procedures, spectacular art.I was and am very lucky.SVDP is special, being part of a student’s growth anddevelopment is exceptional and making lifetime SVDPconnections is extraordinary.1999

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Sue Della CellaLibrarian 1987 - presentJohn Della Cella ‘96Joe Della Cella ‘94alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024Danny Curran ‘94De Paul Youth Club Assistant Athletic Director 2013 - presentI began working at Saint Vincent de Paul School in 2002 whenmy uncle, Paul Watters, asked me to coach a baseball team.Soon after, Jen Spinale ‘77 invited me to run the gym afterschool, and the following year, Barbara Harvey, who was alsomy 8th grade teacher, asked if I’d like to become the PEteacher. I took over from Jen and continued teaching PE until2013, while also serving as the Assistant Athletic Director.Now, I work alongside my mom, Celine Watters Curran ‘69,on the new sports court campaign and the 100th anniversarycelebrations. My sister, Caroline Curran Pedersen, has twochildren, Lillian and Audrey, at SVDP, and I’m also coachingkids of former classmates, Michelle Rivard Zimmerman ‘97and Leigh Silver McMonigle ‘96.SVDP is very special to me. I grew up just around the corneron Steiner Street, learned to ride my bike in the schoolyard,and the garden the students use today was once mygrandmother’s home. I’m deeply grateful to be part of thisamazing community.My reflection of St. Vincent de PaulSchool has to do with community.My two sons talk about what greatfun they had here because of thegreat families. Attendance at schoolevents shows the comradery ofparents, young and old. Students,across the grades, interact with eachother, both in school and out. Overthe years, families have come andgone, but the feeling lives on.Roseanne MattsonTeacher 1998 - presentThe writer Annie Dillard says, “Howwe spend our days is, of course, howwe spend our lives.” I feel lucky tohave spent so many days among thestudents of SVDP. Every differentgrade I’ve taught has offeredopportunities as well as goodchallenges. I’ve learned that everystudent has something to teach theteacher! Our school families aregenerous and supportive. They havesuch a strong commitment to learning– and they also know how to havefun. It’s a pleasure to be part of thiscommunity. LEGENDS ON CAMPUS

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SVDP WOMEN’S CLUBThe SVDP Women’s Club is a diverse women’s social group committed to promotingfellowship, friendship, fun and spiritual growth. We support the Parish (church & school)community while providing opportunities for amiable social relations among the members,their families and friends. Membership is open to women over twenty-one years of age whoare registered parish and to women who, although they reside elsewhere, are parents orguardians of students or alumni, or themselves alumni of Saint Vincent de Paul School.S VD Palumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024PARISH CLUBSMEN’S C L U BSA IN T VIN CE NT DEPA ULSVDP MEN’S CLUBThe SVDP Men’s Club is for all men who are parishioners or have children in Saint Vincentde Paul School. Whether single, married, with children, without children, young or old—you are welcome. This is not just a Saint Vincent de Paul School Fathers Club, but truly aparish and school Men's Club that’s over 200 men strong. Our three primary aspects—social, charitable and fundraising—and at all times having fun! The social aspect is all aboutcreating community and camaraderie among members of the SVDP parish and school.

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alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024PARISH CLUBSYOUNG ADULT GROUPThe Saint Vincent de Paul Young Adults Group (YAG) welcomes individuals ages 21 to 39to become part of a vibrant community focused on deepening faith and buildingconnections. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, following the5:15 pm Mass. The group participates in a variety of activities, including faith sharing,guest speakers, movie nights, dinner dances, pilgrimages to California Missions, and more.YAG members are also encouraged to share their ideas for new events, making it anexciting opportunity to grow spiritually while connecting with others in the parish.SVDP CONFERENCEWe are a group of parishioners who join together in faith and friendship to provide person-to person service to those who are in need and suffering, in the tradition of our founder,Blessed Frederick Ozanam, and patron, Saint Vincent de Paul. Our mission is to bewitnesses that Christ and his Gospel message are alive today by providing support, care andlove to those in most need here in San Francisco. Jesus reminds us 'that whatever you do tothe least of my brothers, that you do unto me'.DEPAUL SENIORSOur activities include monthly meetings with refreshments, and in adherence to goodCatholic tradition. Several times a years we have formal luncheons at various restaurantsand at least two informal luncheons on site with slightly more lucrative Bingo prizes. Wewelcome new members who are interested in meeting old friends and new, and who areinterested in actively participating in some or all of our activities.MEMBERSHIP & INFORMATIONFor more information please go to and check out the Serve tab.

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BID LOUD, SPEAKEASYShhh… You’re invited to a night of glamourand mystery hosted at the legendary Bimbo’s365 Club! This is the real McCoy—a 1920s-inspired speakeasy soirée where jazz flows, thewhiskey’s smooth, and the bids are high. Youknow the password… So get ready to makesome noise and raise your paddle. Dress toimpress in your best 1920s attire, and join usfor an unforgettable evening of excitement,entertainment, and fundraising in support of100 years of Saint Vincent de Paul School.Reach out to if youdid not receive an invite and would like toattend.alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024SAVE THE DATELET’S GET TOGETHERJoin us to celebrate a century of Saint Vincent dePaul School. Alumni and friends, from every class,are invited to come together for a special evening ofreminiscing, reconnecting, and honoring the richhistory of our beloved school. The event will takeplace in the school gym, where we’ll celebrate 100years of excellence in education, friendship, andtradition.Don’t miss this chance to see old friends, sharememories, and dance the night away with JD &Company to help us mark this incredible milestone inthe life of Saint Vincent de Paul School. We lookforward to welcoming alumni and friends from allyears as we reflect on the past and look ahead to thefuture. We can’t wait to see you there!

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alumni@svdpsf.comVIKING VOICE FALL/WINTER 2024LOOKING AHEAD2025S VD PALUMNIMEN’S CLUB - ST. PADDY’S DAY GENERAL MEETINGMarch 12, 2025 • Parish HallCLUB 1924 - SVDP GALAMarch 22, 2025 • Bimbo’s 365 ClubWOMEN’S CLUB - WINE ON THE WATERApril 10, 2025 • Golden Gate Yacht ClubBLUE & GOLD CELEBRATIONMay 3, 2025 • Alumni Grand Reunion • SVDP GYMMEN’S CLUB - NEW YEAR GENERAL MEETINGJanuary 8, 2025 • Parish HallMEN’S CLUB - CRAB DINNERFebruary 1, 2025 • Parish HallWOMEN’S CLUB NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONJanuary 9, 2025 • Parish HallMEN’S CLUB - ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENTMay 16, 2025 • Presidio Golf CourseINVITATIONS TO THE UPCOMING EVENTS TO FOLLOW CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!

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ONCE A VIKING, ALWAYS A VIKINGS VD PALUMNICity Hall lit up in blue and gold to honor Saint Vincent de Paul School’s centennial celebration—a stunning tribute to 100 years of faith, community, and excellence!2350 GREEN STREET • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123| 1924 - 2024100 Years