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Online Oregon Schools The Sensible Yeti Magazine_September 2023

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TheSENSIBLE YETIM I D D L E & H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E O F O N L I N E O R E G O N S C H O O L S .Is.5 Vol.2October 2023

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Complements ofStudent Council

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Pumpkin Patch Locations and InformationBelow is a list of each location we are hosting a pumpkin patch event.At each location, currently enrolled students and our staff areincluded in the cost covered by the school. Some locations includeadditional activities; a pumpkin; apple cider; and/or a cookie thateach student will receive. See the list below for specifics.Layout by Eliana V.

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by: Principal Carrie Quinn tarting a task, even if it's just a small step and far fromperfect, can be the secret to success for high schoolstudents tackling their goals. It's a bit like climbing atowering mountain, where the first step feels daunting, butit's the most crucial one.Imagine standing at the base of a massive mountain, likeMount Everest. The thought of scaling it can beoverwhelming. But instead of trying to conquer the wholemountain at once, start with a small step – perhapsplanning your route or packing your gear. That tiny actionsets things in motion. Think of it as rolling a snowball downhill.It starts small, but as it gathers momentum,it becomes a powerful force. Similarly,when you start with small steps, you buildmomentum and speed toward your goal.Inspiration and motivation don't alwaysstrike right away. Sometimes you have toshow up and put in a little work first. Asyou take those small steps, you'll often findthat inspiration and motivation follow. In the end, whether it's climbing amountain or tackling a school project,starting is the hardest part. Don't wait forinspiration, create it through action. Witheach small step, you'll move closer to yoursummit. Before you know it, you'll haveconquered your goals. So, don't be afraid tostart, even if it's imperfect, because thosesmall steps can lead to remarkableachievements.SLayout by: Amber M. My favorite part of Mrs. Quinn’s page is the part whenshe says “Starting a task, even if it's just a small stepand far from perfect, can be the secret to success forhigh school students tackling their goals. It's a bit likeclimbing a towering mountain, where the first step feelsdaunting, but it's the most crucial one. I think that shecompared them because they are equally difficult on themental spectrum but not in the physical department. -Amber M.

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ear CVA, ISOR-PH, and ORDCA Students andFamilies,Welcome back to school! I'm Melissa Hausmann, youronline virtual schools' Executive Director, and I'mthrilled to welcome you to another exciting academicyear.First, my heartfelt thanks for choosing us as partners inyour educational journeys. Your trust means the world,and we're committed to providing the best possibleeducational experience.Our dedicated team has worked tirelessly for weeks toensure a fantastic start to this school year. They'reready to support your students' growth and will inspireand empower them every step of the way.Communication is crucial, so reach out with questionsor for support. We're here to help in any way we can.As we begin this new school year together, let'sembrace opportunities and challenges. With yourcommitment and our efforts, we'll make this yearremarkable.Wishing you a fulfilling and successful school yearahead!Warm regards,Melissa HausmannExecutive DirectorDLayout by: Bee S.

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Welcome back for another excitingschool year! I am thrilled to begin thisnew academic journey with you all.Our dedicated staff has been diligentlypreparing to provide a safe, nurturing,and challenging environment for everystudent. As we embark on thisadventure, I encourage all students toapproach each day with curiosity,determination, and a passion forlearning. Embrace the opportunitiesfor growth and the chance to exploreyour full potential. Parents and guardians, yourpartnership with us is invaluable. Welook forward to working closely withyou to support your child's educationaland personal development. Let's makethis school year one filled withmemorable moments, achievements,and positive growth. Together, we canensure a successful and rewardingexperience for all. Here's to a fantasticschool year ahead! The Sensible Yeti launched its first publication on March of 2023that previously features only the high school. In September 2023,the Sensible Yeti is both for the high school and middle school.The Sensible Yeti was a name made by Mr. Mitchell Page for theschool magazine and it was the most voted name suggestions madeby the HS staff.Hello middle school students ,welcome to the 2023-2024 schoolyear! If you’re new and never heardof the Sensible Yeti, we would love towarmly welcome you to the SensibleYeti Magazine. Let’s start off with aletter from your principal!Mrs. GillLayout by: Amber M.

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Text font, Libre Bakersville12Student Council is meeting for the firsttime on Friday. They are hoping tospearhead additional MS events forstudents that are fun, exciting, and builda strong community culture.EverFi-Financial Literacy in theClassroom!This year in our Middle Schoolhomeroom classes we will spend timeonce a month working through theEverFi Financial literacy coursesponsored by the MassMutualFoundation Through a story-basednarrative and interactive exercises,students learn to make real-life decisionsabout their personal finances, as well ashow to achieve important goals aroundsaving money, education and careerplanning, and budgeting. Learn moreabout the course here: Calling All MiddleSchoolers! Calling All MiddleSchoolers!Layout by: Eliana V.

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About the CoverMAGAZINETEAMTheE S T . 2 0 2 3ONLINE OREGON SCHOOLSONLINE OREGON SCHOOLSStudents in the OOSmagazine publication classserve as listeners, messengers,and publishers for theirschool empowering voicesand strengtheningrelationships with studentsand staff.OUR MISSION: Editor-in-Chief: Elijah B.Asst. Editors:Billy B.Aiden T.Advisors:Dhee-Ghee PalmerMagazine Staff:Bee S.Amber M.Eliana V.Principals :Mrs. Carrie QuinnMs. Chelsie GillStaff Columnist:Kinsey OwensContributors:Student Council & Mrs. Shiela Heino This is our first issue of the 2023-2024school year. T. Harmon is our layout artist forour cover page. The art was inspired by theseason of fall. We also remember ColumbusDay on October 9th, 2023 and National BookMonth.Our School!Our School!Layout by: Elijah B.Layout by: Eliana V.Special Guest:Mrs. Melissa HausmannExecutive DirectorCollab Words by T. Harmon, Amber M., & Palmer

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Oregon Destinations Career Academy took agiant leap forward this school year with therollout of our new pre-apprenticeshipprogram. Eight students spent four days atCentral Oregon Community College in Bendfor the in-person, hands-on portion of theclass. Students learned about safetyequipment, hand and power tools,construction math and more. Students andtheir accompanying teachers stayed in thecollege dormitory and had meals at the localrestaurants. The cost of the class wascompletely free for the students.Many students expressed how fun it was to bein-person with other students. “It’s been coolbeing around other people my age and to beable to build stuff with them,” said 10th graderEmalee S. “I signed up for this class because Ithought it would be a good learningexperience. I wanted to learn how to usedifferent tools, plus it’s fun.” The students learned many new skills andbuilt several projects including a sawhorse andcornhole board.“My favorite thing I learned in this class is howto properly use a tape measure. I never reallyunderstood all the increments in an inch,” saidNatalie C., who is in 10th grade this year.A pre-apprenticeship program preparesstudents for successful entry into anapprenticeship program or other jobopportunity. Students learn fundamental skillsused in many construction jobs. Students whocomplete a pre-apprenticeship program aremore competitive when applying for anapprenticeship program.CTE Field TripWords & Layout by Billy B.Mr. Bob Tatum Instructor of CTE

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Apprenticeship programs are one ofthe best pathways into well-paying in-demand jobs in the constructionindustry. Apprentices earn a wage fromthe very first day that increases duringthe progression of the program. Theapprenticeship program is paid by thetrade union and is completely free tothe apprentice. Students graduate withZERO student loan debt.Our current CTEconstruction/manufacturing pathwaywas specifically designed to preparestudents for the International Union ofOperating Engineers (IUOE) Local 701apprenticeship program. Located inGladstone, Ore., the Local 701 trainingcenter includes three different careertraining options: heavy equipmentoperator; mobile equipment mechanic;and surveyor. Our pre-apprenticeshipprogram will give students acompetitive edge when applying to anyapprenticeship program, including theLocal 701.My favorite thing Ilearned in this class ishow to properly use atape measure. - Natalie C.

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OREGON VIRTUAL TO (Parent Teacher Organization) isa program that helps the teachersunderstand the students and parentsbetter and to have bettercommunication. This program aims tohelp families that are having problemswith the school, encourages bettercommunication, it also helps begin anopportunity to have students getscholarships. This program also wants tobuild community between the OnlineOregon School’s families. We also wouldlike to help the students by removingboundaries that disturb their learningand allow them to have time to join anextracurricular activity. Committed to Honoring and Motivating Parents and StudentsPWritten & Layout by: Aiden T.PTO

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O ur school wants you to be a part of our community by being a driving force foractivities and scholarship opportunities. Come to our very first Parent TeacherOrganization meeting. Be a part of the groundwork in picking a name, creating amission statement, and brainstorming on what this organization can do together forour students and families to make the school year even greater. Our first meeting willbe on Tuesday, October 17th, at 6 pm. It will last no more than an hour. Please come and lay the foundation to our first ever PTO!Embarking on a New Community!Layout By: Elijah.B For these meetings to occur sometimes ateacher or counselor will message theparent but most of the time a parentshould be trying to communicate a timeand date. They should also come with theissue that they’re facing and be preparedto be asked about it. Mrs. Shiela Heino,the PTO Coordinatorfor 2023-24 schoolyear in OnlineOregon Schools.PTOSpecial thanks to:

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Layout by: Bee S

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Layout by: Palmer

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Looking toconnect with yourschool? Find anew hobby? Perhaps anextracurricular forcollegeapplications?We’ve got youcovered! Join our clubs!Layout by: Eliana V.

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Word SearchSchool Leaves CiderPumpkin Spice PieRedWasFoliage FallHarvest Hayride SoupsWindSewBellCinnamon CozyFlannelAppleSweaterLawDormPan Layout by: Bee S.

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“Fall? Is that you playa?”by Bee S.

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What will you celebrate this month?Layout by Elijah.B