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Online Oregon Schools The Sensible Yeti Magazine_November 2023

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TheIs.5 Vol.2November 2023M I D D L E & H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E O F O N L I N E O R E G O N S C H O O L SSENSIBLE Bee S.

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O N L I N E O R E G O N S C H O O L SNew student inducteesfor 2023-24, coming soon!Stride Skills Arcade is excited toshare the release of a brand-new game! The game is filledwith mysterious adventures.Students can access this gameunder the "new" section in theirstudent dashboard.ArchadeCIPHERS

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Student council events

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The Magazine TeamEST. 2023Editor-in-Chief: Elijah B.Students in the OOS magazine publication class serve as listeners,messengers, and publishers for their school, empowering voices andstrengthening relationships with students and staff.OUR MISSION:Principals:Mrs. Carrie Quinn (HS)Ms. Chelsie Gill (MS)Staff Columnist:Ms. Kinsey OwensSpecial Guests:Ms. Amanda MarascoMs. Jolynne McAllisterMr. Joe HatfieldAdvisor: Dhee-Ghee PalmerMagazine Staff: Bee S.Amber Manning Eliana Valencia Theresa HarmonAsst. Editor: Billy BlackertAsst. Editor: Aiden ToavsContributors: Ms. Mary BlazerMs. Keri GreenMr. Joe HatfiedMs. Heather ColbertText by :Aiden T.

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Being an active listenerhelps build trust. Trust isone of the mainfoundations for a healthyrelationship.write appreciation notescompliment othersbe an active listenerhelp a stanger volunteerany random act of kindnessDedicated to Butch Howard2/24/46 - 10/17/23Showing gratitude can help build astrong relationship. It helps peoplefeel more positive, as well asyourself. Harvard claims thatshowing gratitude can "improveyour health" (Harvard 2021). In November, don't forget to participate in Nation Gratitude Month byshowing the people you care about how grateful you are to them. Words and Layoutby T Harmon

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School CalendarFor this month’scover, it wasdecided that itwould highlightDía de losMuertos/Day ofthe Dead. Theinspiration for thecharacters is fromLa Catrina, asacred symbolrooted in Mexicanculture. La Catrinasymbolizes theway Mexicanpeople see deathand the afterlife.This illustrationwas drawn andpainted digitally.The cover art andlayout were doneby Bee S.Nov 1- First Day of Quarter 2 ClassesNov 10-Veterans Day- No SchoolNov.13-17 - Spirit WeekNov.14 - Post High School Planning EventNov 20-21 Teacher Workday- No SchoolNov 22-24- Thanksgiving Break- No SchoolWords by Bee S.

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Join Our Robotics Club! Layout by Eliana V Learn about roboticsalong with a community of likemindedindividualsseeking to be innovative thinkers. Learnabout technology and it’s applications, andExplore a constructive skill which studentscan take and use out of high school.

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layout By: Elijah B.

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You can be! if you’re a responsible 9th-12th grade student willing to gainvaluable leadership experience, andconnect with your school, you shouldconsider Student Council. You can joinby contacting us through the emailbelow: If you don‘t want to join, but you stilllove what we do, take part in our events,and show your support. We welcomeyour participation and feedback!The leaves have fallen and theweather has turned colder butStudent Council has not sloweddown on event planning. We areexcited to announce this year’s2024 prom being based aroundHollywood and the movies. Thestudent representatives ofstudent council have startedcoordinating this project withexcitement only matched by thestaff members working withthem. While it’s still too early tosay anything yet, more details of this dazzling event will comein future magazine installments,so tune in to future issues. HS Prom 2023 HS Prom 2023 by Eliana Valenciaby Eliana Valencia Want to be a part of it?Hear From OurMembers About It!“Student council has helped build up myconfidence in taking leadership roles.” -Hattie .L."I think student council is fun and I lovethat we can talk and collaborate" -Manhattan .G." Student council has helped me with thepractice of participating in votes andgroup decision making, along withcollaboration and leadership roles too" -Isabella .I.“Student council is a great teamwork-building experience that is a ton offun and helps us make new friends.” -Max .B. Student CouncilMeets Wednesdaysand Thursdays at8:00 am, for allprospectivemembersStudent council Monthly November

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Mental Health AwarenessBy: Amber M. ental health illness also known asmental health disorders, refers to awide variety of conditions thataffect your mood, mindset, sociallife, behavior, and appetite. A fewmental health disorders aredepression, PTSD, anxiety,schizophrenia, bipolar, andanorexia. Seeking help for mentaldisorders might be the hardestthing a mentally ill person can do. This is due to the inner voice intheir head telling them that there isno help for them, and no one reallycares. It may be a tiring battle whenit comes to mental illness but, ifthey feel that no one can or willhelp them, they won’t seek help fortheir mental disease on their ownvolition. It may very well be theircry for help. Mentally ill people are themost unpredictable people onEarth, this is because you’llnever actually know what theywant to say or do. This can bevery serious because they arenotorious for self-sabotage, sothey are always in need of ahealthy support system. Thebest thing to do if you knowanyone with any mental healthissues is to offer support andmake sure that they know theyare cherished by someone. MIf you or a loved one suffers from mental illnessjust know that you are not alone and there arepeople you can talk to that understand yourpain. Suffering alone should never be an option.There are behavioral specialists that can helpyou understand your pain better than youalready do and can prescribe medication ifneeded, they can also help you understand thepain of others if you struggle with that.Suffering alone in silence will only make itworse not better. Reach out and find your lightwhile there is still time. You are still needed bysomebody. It is not your time to end your fightyet. Live your dreams to the fullest of yourcapability and enjoy your life. “Youare notalone.”-Manning Emergency Contact Numbers: Oregon Crisis MCCFL(during hours)- (541)-296-5452 Oregon Crisis MCCFL(after hours)- (541)-296-6307 Warm Line(somebody to talk to)- (800)-698-2392 Suicide Hotline- (800)-273-8255 Art: “Edge” by Billy B.

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Parent teacher conferences are scheduledthroughout the year as opportunities to meet withstudent’s teachers one-on-one and we hope you willtake advantage of that. We apologize for anyconfusion.To clarify, The Oregon Virtual CHAMPS PTO is just avolunteer organization for parents to attend to assist inraising funds to create events and programs that help bringour students together, such as an Open House where teachersand families can meet in person; or an end of yearcelebration for all families to participate to take pride in theaccomplishments of the year. In addition, our school wouldlike to offer a scholarship available to graduating seniors ofone of the Oregon Online schools.On a more fun note, I have asked for parents, legalguardians, legal custodians, and learning coaches to sharewhat they would like to see the PTO to plan or build intotheir group work. Here is a Padlet link, just post yourthoughts and share what you are thinking. If you have questions or concerns or just need helpunderstanding the purpose of the PTO, feel free toemail: Sheila Heino, As the bylaws are very tedious but must bereviewed and approved for submission. I haveattached them for anyone who would like totake the time to read and offer feedback atthis link. All feedback will be considered anddiscussed as applicable. early a dozen people attended the meeting on October 17, 2023. Our meeting wastasked with reviewing the rough draft of the bylaws. Attendees were helpful in clarifyingsome of the information. About halfway through the meeting learning coaches wereasking when they would have their student conference. There was some confusion aboutthe purpose of the meeting. Some attendees believed it was a parent/teacher conference.I was excited to see the enthusiasm for checking in on their student, but disappointed totell them that was not the purpose of the meeting.PTOParent TeacherOrganizationMeeting ReportLayout by T. Harmon

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AMANDA MARASCOMiddle School Teacher“There is a trust in theadult world that peoplewill typically keep theirword and do what theysay they will.”8th Grade Language Arts8th Grade Social StudiesDirect Line: (458) 292-59441. What teaching experience do youhave? -ElianaI taught the last 7 years virtually withK12 in Ohio at the High School level.2. What is to be expected in theadulting world? -AmberSomething that is expected in theadulting world is being reliable. Thereis a trust in the adult world thatpeople will typically keep their wordand do what they say they will. Whentrust is broken, it is hard to get back. 3. What are healthy ways to cope?-Amber Healthy ways to cope during hard timesshould include things that build me upand make me feel proud, like runningor cooking. Or things that allow me toexpress my feelings like journaling ortalking to my sister.4. What are you an expertise on? -ElijahLanguage Arts is my strongestprofessional area of expertise. But mybrain is also filled with possibly toomuch knowledge about Taylor Swiftand The National Women’s SoccerLeague..WELCOMEto our schoolto our schoolLayout by:Aiden T.

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JOLYNNE MCALLISTERMiddle School Teacher“Coping with stress involvesmindful breathing, consistentroutines, regular meals, andquality time with loved ones.Taking a moment to pause andbreathe helps me reset duringhigh-stress moments.”6th Grade Math and Science Teacher 762-233-25071. What teaching experience do youhave? -ElianaIn my fourth year of teaching, I'veexperienced classrooms from 2nd to 6thgrade, but find my passion in teachingmath and science at the middle schoollevel. Math has always been my favoritesubject, and it's been rewarding sharingthat enthusiasm across different grades.2. What is to be expected in the adultingworld? -AmberIn the adulting world, self-care isparamount; just as on airplanes, wheresecuring your mask first is crucial,attending to personal well-being ensuresthe strength to support others.Embracing mistakes is also vital; they arenatural in the learning process, offeringopportunities to grow and improve.3. What are healthy ways to cope?-Amber Coping with stress involves mindfulbreathing, consistent routines, regularmeals, and quality time with loved ones.Taking a moment to pause and breathehelps me reset during high-stressmoments. Maintaining a consistent routine,including regular sleep and meals, keepsmy body regulated. Spending timeoutdoors with my family greatly benefitsmy mental health.4. What are you an expertise on? - ElijahWhile I might not be an expert in everysingle topic due to the vastness ofknowledge and the fact that I makemistakes too, math is the subject I excel in.A couple of other areas I have knowledge ininclude baking and gardening.WELCOMEto our schoolto our schoolLayout by:Aiden T.

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JOE HATFIELDHigh School Teacher“It was definitely nerve-wracking at first as allnew experiences can be,but as I was able to gainconfidence it was anexciting chance to get myfeet wet and helpstudents”English Language Arts Teacher(541) 823-5010 Extension #5084jhatfield@onlineoregon.org1. What teaching experience do you have? -ElianaI was a substitute teacher for five years. Itallowed me to gain experience with all kind ofdifferent students, and I think that helped a lotcoming into our student body online.2. What is to be expected in the adultingworld? -AmberYou'll need to find a job and a place to live,there will be bills to pay, and most people willhave several responsibilities.It gives you a lot of opportunities as well- totravel, take on hobbies, build new relationships. What I would also stress are two things: neverstop learning, and never be afraid to ask forhelp.3. What are healthy ways tocope?-Amber Friends, family, and hobbies. It’salways helpful to have someoneto fall back on, and a goodhobby allows you to expressyourself or have a place to turnto. 4. What are you an expertiseon? - ElijahI have a degree in history, Iteach language arts, and I'm alsoa pretty good table-top gamer. WELCOMEto our schoolto our schoolLayout by:Aiden T.

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Guy Fawkes Day- Bonfire Day- England (Nov. 5th) The tradition started in 1605, after the failed assassination ofKing James I. The year after people were permitted tocelebrate the survival of their king with a day off work andbonfires. In modern times, religious associations have lessenedand it is mostly a time to celebrate with loved ones. El Día de la Tradición-Day of Tradition-Argentina (Nov. 10th)Narrentag- Fools day- Germany, Switzerland, Austria (Nov. 11th) Shichi-Go-San- Seven-Five-Three-Japan (Nov. 15th)Bon Um Touk-Khmer Water Festival- Cambodia-(Nov. 15th)On the last day of a week of celebrations with parades, concerts, andparties. showcasing different aspects of the country’s culture. It isheld in honor of Argentinian writer and 19th-century gaucho’sbirthday. Guacho simply means cowboy. Hernandez was a self-taught writer and poet, and the author of one of the most importantpieces of Argentinian literature: “El Gaucho Martin Fierro”.It’s the beginning of the so-called fifth season that laststhrough the period of Lent. It is a time for fasting, mostcelebrations take place in January or February of thefollowing year, depending on regional differences. Everychild learns precisely when the carnival season begins becauseit’s on the 11th day of the 11th month at exactly 11:11 am and 11seconds!It is a rite of passage and celebration of young children for theirgrowth and well-being. It is centered around boys between the agesof 3 and 5 and girls between the ages of 3 and 7. Children dress up intraditional kimonos or western formal wear. One tradition for thechildren is the gifts of “Chitose Ame” or “Thousand Year Candy”. These candies symbolise health and wrapped with a crane and turtlerepresenting a long life. During the rainy season in Cambodia, the Tonle Sap River overfillsand its flow reverses. It celebrates the return of the river to its normalstate. This takes place on the full moon of the Buddhist month Kadeukwhich is usually November. It lasts for a period of three days the mainfestivities include fireworks, boat races, traditional moon salutations,and spending time with loved ones at the festival grounds.Celebrations Around the World Layout by Bee S.

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FIELD TRIPPumpkinPatch2ND REGIONAL IN-PERSON EVENT 2023Our first Face to Face event for the 2023-2024 school year was on Friday,October 20th. We had over 250 participants registered at our five locationsacross the state. It was a beautiful day for a pumpkin patch event wherestudents were able to meet fellow classmates, their teachers – past andpresent – and participate in all the fun pumpkin patch events! Thank you,families, for making our first event of the year such a huge success! Welook forward to this event every year and each year it continues to grow inpopularity! See you next fall pumpkin patches!-Your Events and Engagement Committee

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LocationDnD Ranch in Terrebonne, OR(Central Oregon Event) Theweather was Glorious at thePumpkin Patch at the D n DRanch in Terrebonne, OR. Allthat attended had a blast pickingout a pumpkin to take home, ridethe wagon to go out and feed thecows right off the wagon, enjoyan interactive educational talkprovided on Cowboys and theirway of life back in the day,petting and experiencing all theanimals in the Petting Zoodelighted many a child. Then,anyone who wanted to got to playin the GIANT Hay Maze and ridethe slide to their hearts content.We witnessed many students andfamilies connecting with eachother and the staff. It was FUNfor all! BendBendWords by Ms. Dianne Hendrix &Layout by Palmer

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LocationJohnson Farms in Eugene, Oregon wasthe location to be at during the PumpkinPatch Face-to-Face event for our OnlineOregon students! We had a total of 55students registered for this incredibleevent. For our pumpkin patch locationthere was a petting zoo (with a veryoversized goat), a free pumpkin for eachstudent to take home, and a fun hay rideback to the pumpkin patch! Once youmade your way back to the pumpkinpatch, there was a surprise corn maze.We had students ranging from K through12 and had multiple families excited tomeet each other for the first time inperson. This was an unforgettableexperience and our students had somuch fun!EugeneEugeneWords by Ms. Keri Green &Layout by Billy B.

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LocationThe Pumpkin Patch on SauvieIsland was an afternoon filled withfall delights. We had over 150people attend including students,family members, and school staff.Students enjoyed the market, ahayride, a late fall flower field, andthe wonderful animals. Thank youto all who came to join us! We can'twait to see you at the nextgathering!PortlandPortlandWords by Ms. Mary Blazer &Layout by Billy B.

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The day was perfect for spendingtime together at the Pheasant FieldsFarm in Medford! We worked on ascavenger hunt, took a hay ride,traversed a corn maze, learnedabout animals. and picked out aspecial pumpkin. Our day endedwith a cool cup of apple cider as wechatted and learned about oneanother. We shared fun and smileson this special day.LocationMedfordMedfordWords by Ms. Heather Colbert &Layout by Billy B.

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LocationThough the weather was cloudy andmild, the Pumpkin Patch event inFordyce Farms outside of Salem wasa rousing success. Out of the 77students who were signed up, afantastic 55 students were able toattend, and two more who hadn’thad the opportunity to sign up wereable to join them. The farm had atractor ride, a play structure thatincluded an old farm, a corn maze, ahay bale mountain, and even a well-stocked patch where those who camewere able to pick out their ownpumpkin. The event was well-staffed, and both LCs and studentshad lots of fun checking out thepatch and their attached store thathad all sorts of goodies to buy. In thewords of one of the attendees, “Itwas great! I had a lot of fun! It wascool to meet the other kids in myclass.”SalemSalemWords by Mr. Joe Hatfield &Layout by Billy B.

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virtualhallwayvirtualhallwaySTUDENTS’ SHOWCASETHE

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Your workcould be here Green-blackpolyester satin1950's evening dress, (with pockets)by Eliana .VPath ahead by Billy B.Your workcould be here

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CreationsCreationsInternational DesignBy Connor C.By Zach H.By Noah C.layout By: Elijah B.

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by Elijah B.Dia De Los Muertos orDay of the Dead is atraditional holidaycelebrated in 11/1through 11/2. It ismajorly celebrated inMexico but is alsocelebrated around theworld.WHAT' IS THIS?by Mason H .by Andrew P.Layout By: Elijah B.

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Digital PhotographyPhoto ShowcaseBlack & WhiteDigital Photography is taught by Mr. Nate Quinn in HSCareer Technology Education (CTE) with .50 credits.Layout By: Elijah B.

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There is a taleLong believed and toldof a spirit in the woodsFree and uncontrolled.Serene and humbleA whisper across the plainsThroughout the centuriesShe remains.They say she wanders her worldThe last of her kindthat doesn't bother her none,for she is a queen, caring and defineMarked with the trees' shadowsher crimson coat shinesShe's a flicker of rojorarely seen, but divine.Legends say she's strongA survivor of Satan's curseNow she's reborn, like a butterflyThis life is her song's verse.She doesn't know she's specialbut we do.They know her as Grace.I? I call her Red.GracePoetry by Isabella I.

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Corn FeastGratitude PumpkinStuffingTurkeyCranberriesFootballHolidayRakeThanksgivingVeterans DayFamily FriendsNative Americans ScarfTradition VolunteeringWord SearchLayout by Bee S.

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SHOWCASE YOUR WORKin The Sensible Yeti MS & HS Magazine Arts,& CraftsPoetry &ShortWritingGamingCreationProjectswith LCOutdoorHobbiesFill Out the Form/Scan the QR code with your device

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What will you celebrate this month?Layout by Elijah.B11/1111/1111/2311/2311/1&211/1&211/1111/1111/111/111/1511/1511/1411/14 11/1311/13