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Online Oregon Schools The Sensible Yeti Magazine_December 2023

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M I D D L E & H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E O F O N L I N E O R E G O N S C H O O L S .Is.6 Vol.2SENSIBLE TheYETIYETIKayden Wright 2023December 2023

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GamingJump into the action! Interact withyour school community in a way younever have before, and show off yourgaming skills Arts and CraftsTune in to learn about origami, andcreate your own paper holiday sculpture with the company of your fellow studentsDecember 15th, at 11:00am It’s Winter Again, Karaoke Join our winter wonderland sing-along in student council’s newestmonthly event, and show off yoursinging style TriviaPut your memory to the test, and gohead to head with your friends toanswer the most correct questions RaffleWhat better way to end an event, than with a prize? anyDecember event participant has a chance to win something forthemselves; if they stay to the end of the event, they will beincluded in our Student Council raffle Student council events Layout by: Eliana Valencia

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Contest division areas include:• Primary Grades K – 2• Intermediate Grades 3 – 5• Middle Grades 6 – 8• Senior Grades 9 – 12• Adult Student 18 and older enrolled in school• Open Adult 18 & older (Teachers, parents, professionals, etc)Each entry should celebrate and inspire career development with a positive tone whileemphasizing the national theme.Contest division areas include:• Primary Grades K – 2• Intermediate Grades 3 – 5• Middle Grades 6 – 8• Senior Grades 9 – 12• Adult Student 18 and older enrolled in school• Open Adult 18 & older (Teachers, parents, professionals, etc)Each entry should celebrate and inspire career development with a positive tone whileemphasizing the national theme.on January 9th, 2023 at 6:00 PM to learn more!December 15, 2023B A K E R10:00 amBaker County LibraryFAFSA Senior EventLibrary monthLibrary month Layout by Eliana ValenciaDecember 8, 2023P O R T L A N D1:00 pm Hollywood LibraryV E N E T A1:30 pmFern Ridge LibraryS A L E M11:00 amSalem Public LibraryG R A N T S P A S S10:30 amJosephine Community LibraryO N T A R I O11:00 amOntario Public LibraryM I L W A U K I E1:00 pmLedding LibraryYou Could GetFor College F AFSAreepplication Forederaltudentid Layout by: Jasii N.M.Attend the Layout by: Billy Blackert

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The Magazine TeamEST. 2023Editor-in-Chief Elijah BravoStudents in the OOS magazine publication class serve as listeners,messengers, and publishers for their school, empowering voices andstrengthening relationships with students and staff.OUR MISSION:Principals:Mrs. Carrie Quinn (HS)Ms. Chelsie Gill (MS)Staff Columnist:Ms. Kinsey OwensSpecial Guests:Mrs. Alex Steven-BustillosMs. Chelsie EstesMrs. Christine SouthMrs. Dianne HendrixAdvisor: Dhee-Ghee PalmerMagazine Staff: Bee S. Amber Manning Eliana Valencia T HarmonAsst. Editor: Billy BlackertAsst. Editor: Aiden ToavsContributors: Frau Astrid Witt-LaidoKayden WrightGabriella D-B.Jasii N-M.Layout by:T Harmon.

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InsideInsideLaneLaneA Daily Practice forInner PeaceA Daily Practice forInner PeaceDec 8 & 15- Winter F2F- Library EventDec 18- Jan 1 Winter Break- No SchoolJan 2 Return to school after Winter BreakLayout by Bee S. About the coverA Christmas Reunion Inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's andUndertale, we must consider thedifferent emotions such as joy, worry,and excitement during the holidays. Inother places across the globe, wehighlight the traditional Christmascelebration in Germany and Sweden. Kayden Wright10th grade In the contemporaryera, characterized bythe rapid pace ofsocial media andconstant connectivity,the act of pausing tobreathe takes onheightenedsignificance. Amidstthe incessant flow ofinformation,dedicating momentsto mindful breathingserves as an invaluablemeans of restoringbalance, fostering acomposed mindset,and navigating thechallenges of a fast-paced environmentwith greaterequanimity. Consider integrating a similar reflectivepractice into your routine. Whether it beyoga, meditation, or alternativemindfulness exercises, discover whatresonates with you. Establishing astructured foundation will empower youto navigate the demands of high schoolwith grace and fortitude. n navigating thewhirlwind ofacademic andpersonalcommitments, I'vestarted a valuabledaily yoga practice.Beyond its physicalbenefits, yoga servesas a cornerstone forattaining inner peace,mental clarity, andresilience.In the practice of yoga, a central emphasisis placed on mindful breathing. Thediscipline encourages a deliberate slowingdown of our bodies, promoting thecompletion of tasks with undividedattention. Through intentional focus,regulated breathing, and cultivating deepconcentration, I can enter a state of mentalclarity to tackle the tasks ahead.Layout by: T HarmonMrs. Quinn, HS Principal,in the Warrior III yoga position.“My dadloves it”!(the cover)

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Learn fundamental skills used in many construction jobs including basichand tool and equipment operation, math and measuring, and onsite safety.Earn industry-recognized credential from the National Center forConstruction Education and Research (NCCER).Be competitive when applying to any apprenticeship programs.Hands-on skills training for one week at Central Oregon CommunityCollege Contact: Mr. Tatumbtatum@onlineoregon.orgArts, AV Technology and Communication:Are you interested in exploring technology?Do you like using Adobe applications?Within this pathway, the News of the Weekclass is now being implemented!Contact: Mr. Quinnnquinn@onlineoregon.orAre you interested in what thehealth care industry has to offer?You can earn industry recognizedcertifications to add to yourresume and job applications!Contact: Frau Witt-Laidoawitt-laido@onlineoregon.orgHealth SciencesHealth SciencesConstruction & Pre-Apprenticeship ProgramArts, AV Technologyand Communication:by: Billy Blackert

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The Parent Teacher Organization has met fora second time. The second meeting wasconfusing to some who thought they wereattending parent teacher conferences. Tohelp parents who are unclear, the ParentTeacher Organization will be a nonprofitgroup of parents and teachers that will worktogether to raise funds and hold socialevents for students that assist in supportingour online students’ social needs. While theschool is trying to do some things in personevents, our limited state budget preventsour students from accessing all the amazingopportunities that exist. We know ourfamilies, that’s you, and our teachers can’twait to get the organization in action sostudents can maximize their schoolexperience in grades Kindergarten through12th.Our next meeting will be on December 12th at6:30 pm. I will report the feedback on thebylaws and we will begin planning for our firstfund raiser in the coming year, plus the event itwill support.Thank you so much for your time and support. We look forward to seeing you there if youhave the time. Once a board has been elected,we will begin recording the official meetingsand posting for your review around yourschedule. Mental Health AwarenessWords, layout , & art by: Amber Manninget’s talk about a healthy headspace. A healthy head space is asafe place for people to reminiscetheir safest and happiestmemories that they're thefondest of. It leaves a lingeringsense of deja vu. For those withmental illnesses the mentalheadspace is more like a prisonthan a safe place, it leaves a senseof fear and uncertainty. LThe actions of the mentally ill may varydepending on their coping methods. Many people have different copingmethods up their sleeves but noteveryone knows how to cope with theirproblems. Infact many people grow upnot even knowing how to cope withday-to-day life. This confusion leads toanger and uncertainty, creating avolatile ticking time bomb. PTOCommitted to Honoring and Motivating Parents and StudentsOREGON VIRTUAL There are approximately 800 plus familiessupporting our many students. We hope youfind this opportunity one that interests you. Wewill be looking to elect officers for theorganization in January, so if you are interestedin attending monthly meetings and leading ourparents and teachers to successfully engagingstudents in extra-curricular opportunities, welook forward to see you there.In order to reduce the boring part of themeeting, a rough draft of the bylaws for thePTO has been written. In the attached surveyyou can read through the bylaws if you areinterested and agree or disagree followed bysharing your concerns in this survey QR code.Layout by Elijah Bravo

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Two students participated in theOregon Art Educationstate convention at OSU(Oregon State Universityon October 21st, 2023. We encountered someobstacles during ourpresentation, such asnavigating the largecampus, missing the signsand directions, andlocating the rooms ofsessions, but we wereable to complete ourmission to present at theend of the day.OAEA president, Ms.Linda Keiling welcomedus with free access, whichincluded three meals,snacks, and a bagsponsored by Davis,Blick, Michaels, andSchoolArts full of artisticinstruments to mold ourown life's art. We had anopportunity to learnabout an art camp put onby OSU for young artists.The classes provided avaluable opportunity tolearn about new arttechniques.Jasii: presenting her apple shape androgynous design and answeringquestions from art educators.Gabriella: presenting her reflectionstatement, “There is no perfect body...”Layout by Jasii NM & PalmerWords by Grabriella DB.Character & Fashion DesignGoes State LevelCharacter & Fashion DesignGoes State LevelOSU’s state of the art room where the orientation and a specialsession was held.Students

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The classes provided a valuable opportunityto learn about new art techniques. Oneworth mentioning, was the Gelli print-making session. The chef was praised fortheir excellent food and received manycompliments. "The food was great, and this gel pad makesme smile" ~ Jasii"The students selected are go getters andhighly creative. I can't wait to see how theygrow into their own. This event couldn'thave happened without them." ~ Palmer"The most enjoyable part of our journey wasgetting lost, not the fact that we got lost, butthe road that led us to our destination." ~ GabriellaGabriella (L) & Jasii (R) holding theirprintmaking artwork with their teacher,Palmer (M).Gabriella, all smiles during dinnertime after a long day.Character and Fashion Design isoffered Semester 2 for Grades 9-12 with .50 elective credits. Recommended courses to take inare Roblox International Design orFigure Drawing which are offered inSemester 1.Special thanks to OAEA &OSU for the opportunity!Dinner prepared by the OSU Culinary ArtsJasii discovered the fun of printmakingwith Gelli plates.

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German and Swedish Heritage with Frau Witt-LaidoHolidayEditionLayout by Bee S.od Jul! (= Good Christmas in Swedish).Frohe Weihnachten! (=Happy Christmas inGerman). For many years, I have sharedGerman (mine) and Swedish (myhusband's) traditions in my kids' schools, sohere I go again! In Germany, every family has an adventwreath on their dining table, with four colorcandles (primarily red). Sitting together onthe first advent for a meal or afternooncoffee and strudel is a big deal. Family time.No stores are open on Sundays. But then itgets busy. On the morning of December 6, the“Nikolaus" dropped small gifts into a bootthe children set out in front of the door. Atgatherings, Crampus, with his rod, comeswith Nikolaus to punish the not-so-goodchildren. The real Nikolaus lived in the 4th centuryAD, was a bishop who shared goods withpoor children and wore the red coat of abishop. The American Santa Claus comesfrom Nikolaus (K becomes C). A Christmas tree is not up yet; it comesonly on Christmas Eve when the Christkind= "Christ child” (a little angel) brings thegifts with the tree. Christmas trees wereinvented to get fresh green and light intothe dark indoors (and to help convertpagans to Christianity, using their oldrituals of honoring a tree). “Lametta" (tinsel) was hung in it to reflectmore light; to this day, real candles are lit inthe fresh trees in your home at this time ofyear!G Nikolaus in Germany greeting children in front of his white horsedrawn carriage with Frau Witt-Laido’s kids, Tommy and Annika,and niece, Lara.

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Lucia wore the candle wreathon her head to see while herhands held food. Christmas isnot over before Epiphany,January 6! Only after theThree Kings arrive at themanger do the Germans taketheir tree down (which is only2 weeks from Christmas Eve). Now imagine my surprise inthe US when I tried to buy atree on December 23 in myfirst year here! FroheWeihnachten and God Jul toeverybody; whether youcelebrate this occasion or not,may you have light andwarmth.Christmas market with Gluehwein booth (inshape of pyramid) in front of the 1000 years oldchurch of Bonn (Bonner Muenster).Online Oregon SchoolsMembers ofNAHSThe Swedish start theirChristmas season onDecember 13, when St. Luciacomes with a wreath ofcandles on her head, for light,and serves particular bakedgoods to family members. Every daughter in Sweden willdress in a long white gownthat morning. Schools holdLucia processions (as did theGirl Scout troop I used to co-lead). The original real-life Luciawas a Christian girl in Romantimes when Christians had tohide from in the darkcatacombs under the city January 2024'stheme! Submissions(themed or notthemed) areaccepted!Iceland &Greenland2015 in Oregon (Anni as Lucia)Frau Astrid Witt-LaidoScience and CTE Teacher

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StaffWhat is the most challengingaspect of this skill? For me, the most challengingaspect of this skill is beingconfident in yourself as abaker. Up until this lastsummer, I was never interestedin baking outside of just using aboxed mix. I decided to stepoutside of my comfort zoneand challenge myself to dosomething I have never donebefore. Did I have somefailures? Of course! There wereso many recipes I tried whichdidn’t turn out how I wanted soI scratched those and startedwith a new recipe. It’simportant to remember tonever give up, even when itgets difficult. If you perseverethrough those moments, it willmake you better in whateveryou are doing. Mrs. Chelsea GillHow can one win thecompetition? It comes down to doingresearch and combining thatwith what you are passionateabout baking. Before I figuredout what I was going to bake, Ilooked at last year's resultsand winners to see whichcategories had the mostentries. I then focused onentering the categories thathad few to no entries. Fromthere, I began researchingrecipes of different bakedgoods that I could make. Afew weeks before the statefair, I did a trial run and thensent samples to familymembers to try and give mehonest feedback. Thisdetermined what I wouldenter. Layout by: Aiden Toavs& PalmerMiddle School PrincipalState FairV I C T O R I E S

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How are you able to do so manycontests? Thankfully the fairs happen overthe summer so it's less crazy atwork, which gives me time todedicate more to my personalhobbies. I also wanted to “go big” byentering the greatest number ofallowable entries (10 for bakedgoods). I baked goods that I neverhad done before, including coffeecake, assisting with a cheesecake,and cookies that were prettyelaborate. Next year, I plan to enteradditional categories outside ofbaked goods and horticulture. I amalready planning and designingsome of those entries. How many events have you attended?I have only ever entered the OregonState Fair and this was my first time. Itwas truly on a whim and just for fun.When I found out how many of mybaked goods and vegetables had wonfirst through third place, I wasshocked. Then my competitive sidecame out and now I am hooked! I dowish there were more bakingcompetitions in Oregon because Iwould love to enter morecompetitions. I have jokingly said thatI should enter myself on the bakingcompetitions on Food Network, but Ialso don’t believe I am ready for thatlevel of competition andintensity....yet. ;)How long does it take to prepare foran award? For me, it takes me months toprepare. For 2024, I’ll be entering ourcounty and state fair. I plan to startresearching recipes and doing trialruns of those recipes' months aheadof time. This also gives me time totweak recipes or put my own spin onthem. For the non-baked goodsentries, I am currently preparing onwhat vegetables to grow in ourgarden next year. I have one that Iam especially excited about that Ihope will take Best in Show. For theChocolate Cake competition, I havealready determined the flavorcombination for next year’s entry! By: Aiden

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virtualhallwayvirtualhallwaySTUDENTS’ SHOWCASETHELORELEI H.C E L E B R A T I O N A T T I R ENOAH F.C E L E B A R A T I O N A T T I R ECONNOR C.T R A D I T I O N A L C O N T I N E N T A LC L O T H I N G International Design is offered Semester 1for Grades 9-12 with.50 elective credits.

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GABRIELLA D.B.B O D Y T Y P E S D E S I G Nis an elective courseoffered Semester 2 for Grades 9-12 with .50 credits.Character &Fashion Design All students are welcome to submit theirschoolwork (writing, math, science, art, design,e-sports) to be featured! Scan the QR code!

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Are you in an active sports? Scan the QR code to be featured!

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Appreciating theGerman Shepherd"I never thought Icould love a livingcreature so much,but at the sametime have my lovereturned a ten-fold andunconditionally.Liebe has trulylived up to theGerman meaningof her namewhich is love. Sheis my soulmatedog!" “I may looka bit crazywhen Iwalk withfour ofthem, butthey aregreat dogs.Veryintelligent,smart andobedient. “This is a cool read on howthey were created. Theycome from breeding betweenwolves and sheep/herdingdogsI have somefamily whovisitedrecently.That is apicture ofsome breadtheypurchasedinWiesbaden,Germanyfrom abakery. Layout by Eliana ValenciaMrs. Alex Steven-BustillosMS PE &HealthTeacher/OnboaringSspecialistHS Math TeacherLiebeMs. Estes a few years back with all her GermanShepherdsMrs. DiannehendrixHR Generalist(Retiring)Dianne and brother, Christmas1969 in IdarOberstein, GermanyMs. Chelsie Estes

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Mrs. South inHeidelberg, GermanyMy Grandpa, Carroll South, in his office in Heidelberg, Germany (1957-1959).In Heidelberg,Germany (up atthe castle) in2023. MyGrandpa, CarrollSouth, served inthe US Army inthe late 1950sand wasstationed inHeidelberg, so Igrew up hearingstories about histime there.Palmer in Frankfurt, GermanyMy sister and Iwent together in2017, and myhusband and Ireturned thisyear. It's easy tosee whyGrandpa lovedhis time thereso dearly. It'sone of the mostbeautiful citiesI've ever seen.Layout by Bee S. In 2014, my first timeto travel to Europe bymyself to visit friendsand families. Germany was one ofthe countries that Iexplored.At Frankfurt Am Main StreetLove locks atEiserner Steg (iron bridge)The Hammering Man sculpture byJonathan Borofsky Mrs. Christine South, HS ELA Teacher atthe Heidelberg Castle (Schloss Heidelberg)Overlooking the Heidelberg Altstadt (oldtown) and the Alte Brücke (old bridge).Layout by Billy Blackert Mrs. Dhee-Ghee Palmer, HS ElectivesTeacher standing by the velotaxi.

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For fun activity's and more check out K12'sNewsletter for student fun!For fun activity's and more check out K12'sNewsletter for student fun!Click here OrLayout by Elijah BravoThe Two Stages of (my) WinterComic & Layout by Bee S.December: A winter wonderland of lights!January-SpringA grey, cold, bleak tundra

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Advent DreidelHanukkahMistletoeNutcrackerWassailCarolHollyEggnogMittensSleighWreathChristmasGingerbreadKwanzaaNoelTidingsYule December Word SearchLayout by Bee S.Solved the Word Search? Submit a photoof the Word Search to be featured nexti

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What will you celebrate this month?Layout by Elijah BravoSat,Dec 9Sat,Dec 9Tue,Dec 5Tue,Dec 5Tue,Dec 12Tue,Dec 12Mon,Dec 11Mon,Dec 11Sat,Dec 9Sat,Dec 9Sat,Dec 31- Jan, 1Sat,Dec 31- Jan, 1Mon,Dec 25Mon,Dec 25Tue,Dec 7 -Fri,Dec 15Tue,Dec 7 -Fri,Dec 15