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OneSource Broker Leads - Comparison Sheet

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LEAD GENER ATION BY FR ANCHISE BROKERS FOR FR ANCHISE BROKERS BUILD A BUSINESS NOT A LIST 3 407 203 3966 www OnesourceBrokerLeads com Reggie OneSourceBrokerLeads com W W W O N E S O U R C E B R O K E R L E A D S C O M Features Dedicated IP A new proxy IP address is assigned to each account Profile Auto warm Up Increases the number of messages sent per day Delay Between Actions Randomized delays replicates human behavior Cloud Based Runs 24 7 in the cloud or specific times via settings Daily Activity Settings Control when and how many messages sent per day Invite Withdrawals Automatically withdraws your pending invites on autopilot Blacklist Feature Removes any company person title you don t want to contact Hyper Personalize Your Message with Names and Images Create Campaigns with Automated Follow Ups Build Powerful Multi Step Campaigns with Unlimited Follow Ups Dashboards Provide Key Insights with Campaign Metrics and Activities Specialized LinkedIn Engagement Campaigns Targeting Niche Broker Specific Audiences Leads Generated for Brokers by Brokers Other Agencies OneSource c Y W c c Y Y c c c W Y Y Y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Y Not Included W Included c Some Included