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One Digital Case Study - Canva Only

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an asynchronous workflow combining Canva and Simplebooklet toachieve “design anything, publish anywhere” (see attachedworkflow diagram).Create, update, and revise content in Canva, and share via apersistent, branded URL with access controls with Simplebooklet.Content presentation that captures and holds the client’s attention,drives inbound client activation, and clear actionable insightsthrough real time reporting.S O L U T I O NDeliver up to 5000 pieces oftraditional print collateral(brochures, guides, andrequirements to multiple clientsin a secure and measurableformat.Ability for a team of marketingand communications specialiststo create content, includingrevisions and updates, withoutdisrupting digital distribution.Leave a professional, memorableimpact on clients to facilitateknowledge transfer.O B J E C T I V ESwitch to digital contentfrom PDFs.Fast, easily updateablecontent from non-professionals.A single, consistent,brandable URL to access thecontent.In depth activity analyticsand reports.Multi-account management.ChallengesWent from a plan of 5000 active documents to 70000 activedocuments within 12 months.Significant Account GrowthThe only extension in Canva to support the team account, crosscollaboration and permission structure for digital distribution.Multi-tenant Account ManagementR E S U L T SMore than 75,000 employers and millions of individuals rely onOneDigital teams for counsel and access to fully integrated worksiteproducts and services and the retirement and wealth managementadvice provided through OneDigital Investment Advisors.ONEDIGITALCASE STUDYA T A G L A N C E50% of content still created and maintained outside Canva(PPT and PDF).Evaluating Simplebooklet for use in additional departments.2024-2025 opportunity to increase active users and seatutilization rates.2024-2025 Growth RoadmapAn end to end workflow solution that has effectively replacedthe use of PDFs and improved visibility around clientcommunications.High Customer

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These are the known pain points OneDigitalhas relayed to our team about the workflowbetween the two apps.P A I NAs mentioned, OneDigital has expanded theirinitial planned use from 5000 landing pages to70000 landing pages, and plans to continueexpanding. More than 50% are non-Canva designs that arebeing imported into Simplebooklet and could betransitioned to Canva first designs.Account Expansioninfluence the developer api team holistically thatexport apps are not the enemy of keeping userswithin Canva, but actually help bring users back.Further IntegrationONEDIGITALPAIN/OPPORTUNITYShowing a commitment by Canva’s part onunderstanding the workflow requirements inOneDigital will encourage them to continue todefine proceedures that increase Canva seats.Increase Total User Count And UtilizationRatessimplebooklet.comA strong desire to mimic permissions andteam management via Okta to Canva andSimplebooklet simultaneously.Harmonizing Account ProfilesThe ability to move collateral fromSimplebooklet to create a new designinstance in Canva. Similar to your PDF Uploadbut automated.Lack of Import Back To CanvaThe ability to present on the Simplebookletpresentation page the raw Canva output. Rightnow the Design is converted to PDF thenreconverted to html/css/js in Simplebooklet.Export In Native CanvaThere seems to be artificial barriers on theApp API and Connect API based on aninstitutional fear of “export” apps. I think thismisinterprets the cyclical nature of sharing aliving document.App API Restrictionsthere is a lot of opportunity for account expansionboth on the current use case and into additionaldepartments.O P P O R T U N I T YMove current design processes from Adobe andMicrosoft PPT to Canva first, leading to an increase inactive users and more seat utilization.Removing friction when workflow moves betweenplatforms will increase depth of usage and increase dailysessions.Communicating as partners on the solution will increasecustomer satisfaction.Moat building as no other platform has a cleanintegration that focuses on this use case.Metrics ImpactsHappy with Canva but on the radar whenlooking at the ability to bring in professionaldesigns to be used as templates withinExpress.Monitoring Adobe ExpressSuch things as print with Canva that can betriggered from within Simplebooklet. Some ofthis is coming with the Connect API.Deeper Feature Specific Integration

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From Canva To Simplebooklet - A Living CycleWORKFLOWsimplebooklet.comA Canva user creates, edits, and proofs their design in Canva, then exports toSimplebooklet to distribute on a presentation landing page. From feedback andorganizational updates, the user opens it again in Canva, makes updates, thenreplaces the existing Simplebooklet (keeping the link, all sharing points, andanalytics intact).

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From Simplebooklet To Canva - A Living CycleWORKFLOWsimplebooklet.comA Simplebooklet user imports content created on a third party platform, thenpublishes it everywhere from a persistent link. When ready to update, they exportthe content to Canva. When ready, they export back to Simplebooklet and replacethe existing content with this new content, while maintaining link integrity andanalytics.

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A list of examples of content being published via the Simplebookletpresentation landing page

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There is a lot of friction for Canva users whenthey want to share and distribute designsdigitally.F R I C T I O N I N C A N V AOur unitary link theory, that one link should bepersistent, consistent, brandable and handle alldistribution situations. No matter what a user doeswith their content, they are confident that this onelink will always lead their audience to the correctcontent.One LinkA Canva design is presented on a customizable,professional and brandable presentation landingpage. Page design is only as strong as theenvironment it’s presented within.Sharing First FocusSimplebooklet signs up over 16,000 new Canva accounts via the AppExtension directory every month. We’ve solved the sharing friction inside Canva. WHY CANVA CUSTOMERS USESIMPLEBOOKLETIncreased customer satisfaction metric byaccessing best in class tools for designing anddistribution.Fulfilling the Canva mission statement.Higher sessions per day as users move betweenthe two apps constantly and consistently.Increased seat utilization rate as a seamlessworkflow makes collateral a living document.Results For Canva and SimplebookletWith notifications and advanced reporting, theCanva user always has the pulse of the audience.With built in Calls To Action and lead magnetfeatures, the design drive inbound audienceactivation.The Feedback To Be Successfulsimplebooklet.comEach sharing option comes with it’s ownunique, often cumbersome link.No Single URLOpaque, inconsistent presentation across themultiple digital channels means no harmony indistribution..Multiple OutputsAs a Canva user, I share from the EDIT page,so I can never feel confident in what I think myaudience will see in different channels.Audience PerspectiveAs a Canva user, I share from the EDIT page,so I never feel confident in what I think myaudience will see in different channels.Audience PerspectiveSimplebooklet bridges these sharing gaps byproviding a distribution first platform with deepintegration into the Canva workflow.R E M O V I N G F R I C T I O NW I T H S I M P L E B O O K L E TNot designed for robust, multi-tiercommunication across digital channels. Access controls, activation reporting, and thepresentation of the designs are generic andrudimentary.Simplistic Sharing90% of Canva designs distributedthrough Simplebooklet arebrochures, flyers, guides, reports,product sheets, presentations andpitch decks.Control who, when and where people can viewand participate in your Canva design.Access Management