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OLPH AnnualReport24

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Message 2023-2024“Be the Helping Hands of Christ”ANNUAL REPORT

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Founded in 1929 and true to the tradition of the School Sisters of St. Francis, Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is the largest Catholic elementary school in the Chicago Archdiocese. We are called to be open to all OLPH Parish families who want to provide their children with every opportunity to identify, express, and celebrate a growing Christian faith as they acquire a foundation of knowledge and discipline, leading to the service of others in the spirit of Jesus Christ.Our MissionOUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL

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Founded in 1929 and true to the tradition of the School Sisters of St. Francis, Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is the largest Catholic elementary school in the Chicago Archdiocese. We are called to be open to all OLPH Parish families who want to provide their children with every opportunity to identify, express, and celebrate a growing Christian faith as they acquire a foundation of knowledge and discipline, leading to the service of others in the spirit of Jesus Christ.Our MissionOUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is so proud to share our Annual Report. We hope you enjoy reading about all that happened in the 2023-24 school year and extend our deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity to our Annual Fund. Your support is truly a living example of the spirit of our school’s theme: “Be the Helping Hands of Christ.”Your gift to our school is not just a contribution but a commitment to our students and an investment in their lives. It enables us to uphold our mission of providing a quality education rooted in faith while continuing to nurture the growth and development of each child. The funds raised are essential in several key areas: • Technology: Enhancing our classrooms with state-of the-art technology to engage our learners. • Curriculum: Ensuring we offer the best possible educational resources and materials to support our students’ learning and development. • Dedicated Teaching Staff: Securing talented and committed educators, allowing us to attract and retain the best teachers who inspire and guide our students daily. • Campus Safety: Ensuring a safe and secure environment for our students is a top priority. Your generosity helps us invest in safety measures and resources that protect and support our students throughout their school day.We are incredibly grateful and blessed for your “Helping Hand” and support of our mission! Gratefully, 5Rev. Jerry BolandPastorAmy Mills, Ed.D.PrincipalTHANK YOU FOR INVESTING IN OUR MISSION

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Our Lady of Perpetual Help School is so proud to share our Annual Report. We hope you enjoy reading about all that happened in the 2023-24 school year and extend our deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity to our Annual Fund. Your support is truly a living example of the spirit of our school’s theme: “Be the Helping Hands of Christ.”Your gift to our school is not just a contribution but a commitment to our students and an investment in their lives. It enables us to uphold our mission of providing a quality education rooted in faith while continuing to nurture the growth and development of each child. The funds raised are essential in several key areas: • Technology: Enhancing our classrooms with state-of the-art technology to engage our learners. • Curriculum: Ensuring we offer the best possible educational resources and materials to support our students’ learning and development. • Dedicated Teaching Staff: Securing talented and committed educators, allowing us to attract and retain the best teachers who inspire and guide our students daily. • Campus Safety: Ensuring a safe and secure environment for our students is a top priority. Your generosity helps us invest in safety measures and resources that protect and support our students throughout their school day.We are incredibly grateful and blessed for your “Helping Hand” and support of our mission! Gratefully, 5Rev. Jerry BolandPastorAmy Mills, Ed.D.PrincipalTHANK YOU FOR INVESTING IN OUR MISSION

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Making an Impact in a Child’s LifeThe Rev. John J. Dussman Scholarship fund enables our school to respond to the financial hardships our parish families experience.Because of the generosity of parishioners, alumni, and friends, 50 parish children this year were able to continue to receive a quality Catholic education even as their parents confronted financial challenges.$125,845 RAISED FOR THE Dussman Scholarship Fund7DYNAMIC FAITH LIFE

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Making an Impact in a Child’s LifeThe Rev. John J. Dussman Scholarship fund enables our school to respond to the financial hardships our parish families experience.Because of the generosity of parishioners, alumni, and friends, 50 parish children this year were able to continue to receive a quality Catholic education even as their parents confronted financial challenges.$125,845 RAISED FOR THE Dussman Scholarship Fund7DYNAMIC FAITH LIFE

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The Annual Fund supported the needs and priorities of students in the 2023-2024 budget.9Making an Impact on Today’s Learners$659,381 RAISED FOR THE Annual FundNURTURING ACADEMIC GROWTHThe Annual Fund impacts EVERY STUDENT, EVERY TEACHER, EVERY PROGRAM, EVERY DAY!

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The Annual Fund supported the needs and priorities of students in the 2023-2024 budget.9Making an Impact on Today’s Learners$659,381 RAISED FOR THE Annual FundNURTURING ACADEMIC GROWTHThe Annual Fund impacts EVERY STUDENT, EVERY TEACHER, EVERY PROGRAM, EVERY DAY!

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11Making an Impact on Future GenerationsThe Endowment Fund makes an annual contribution of up to 5% of its overall value to the school.Through estate planning, deferred giving, Named Endowed Scholarships, and other forms of planned giving, the Endowment Fund ensures that resources are available to support OLPH School for future generations.$408,393 RECEIVED FROM THEEndowment FundENGAGING ENVIRONMENT

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11Making an Impact on Future GenerationsThe Endowment Fund makes an annual contribution of up to 5% of its overall value to the school.Through estate planning, deferred giving, Named Endowed Scholarships, and other forms of planned giving, the Endowment Fund ensures that resources are available to support OLPH School for future generations.$408,393 RECEIVED FROM THEEndowment FundENGAGING ENVIRONMENT

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THE OLPH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE TRANSFORMS LIVES!LOYOLA ACADEMY42 studentsDEERFIELD HS1 studentREGINA DOMINICAN1 studentGLENBROOK SOUTH 15 studentsLAKES COMMUNITY HS1 studentRESURRECTION HS1 studentNOTRE DAME CP 4 studentsNILES NORTH HS1 studentTAFT HS1 studentOur alumni excel in their endeavors and explore their passions beyond their OLPH School years. We are proud of all of our Alumni!CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OLPH CLASS OF 2024 who are attending the following high schools:13who are attending the following colleges and universities:CONGRATULATIONSTO THE OLPH CLASS OF 2020

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THE OLPH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE TRANSFORMS LIVES!LOYOLA ACADEMY42 studentsDEERFIELD HS1 studentREGINA DOMINICAN1 studentGLENBROOK SOUTH 15 studentsLAKES COMMUNITY HS1 studentRESURRECTION HS1 studentNOTRE DAME CP 4 studentsNILES NORTH HS1 studentTAFT HS1 studentOur alumni excel in their endeavors and explore their passions beyond their OLPH School years. We are proud of all of our Alumni!CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OLPH CLASS OF 2024 who are attending the following high schools:13who are attending the following colleges and universities:CONGRATULATIONSTO THE OLPH CLASS OF 2020

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NURTURED SPIRITUAL GROWTH • Celebrated 67 Confirmandi with Bishop Casey • Witnessed 64 First Reconciliations & First Holy Communions • Hosted 8th Grade Retreat in preparation for ConfirmationENSURED FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY • Awarded Dussman Scholarships to 44 OLPH students • Awarded Empower Illinois Scholarships to 6 OLPH students • Maintained fiscal integrity with our operating budget • Preserved high-quality of instruction, services and programsINVESTING IN OUR DEDICATED STAFF • Aorded 11 faculty members with extraordinary development opportunities • Assisted 3 faculty members pursuing their Masters’ degree • In-Serviced the entire faculty in safety and security procedures • Maintained the Teacher Retention Program; gifting 64 teachers with a monetary bonusPARISH & COMMUNITY CONNECTION • Donated warm winter goods, canned food, and Christmas gifts to our sharing parishes • Collected $4,801.79 for Sister Paulanne’s Needy Family Fund • Hosted Summer Enrichment Program and Athletic Camps for more than 400 children in the Glenview communityTECHNOLOGY & INSTRUCTIONAL ENHANCEMENTS • Replaced Promethean Active Touch Panels in 2nd and 7th grade classrooms • Acquired iPads with keyboards & pencils for 5th grade students • Replaced 20 laptops for teachers • Continued to utilize Blackbaud website software as well as Seesaw, Google, iXL, iReady, Showbie, and online textbooks • Replaced 7 printers for teachersIMPROVED FACILITIES & SAFETY RESOURCES • Painted Lexington, Lafayette, Mt. Vernon, and Playdium bathrooms, hallways, and classrooms • Refinished terrazzo floors in Playdium, Mount Vernon, and Monticello • Continued the School Safety Program • Safety ocers on campus from 6:30 am – 6:30 pm • Purchased additional parking lot barriers to ensure student safety at recess 15THE IMPACT OF GIVING

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NURTURED SPIRITUAL GROWTH • Celebrated 67 Confirmandi with Bishop Casey • Witnessed 64 First Reconciliations & First Holy Communions • Hosted 8th Grade Retreat in preparation for ConfirmationENSURED FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY • Awarded Dussman Scholarships to 44 OLPH students • Awarded Empower Illinois Scholarships to 6 OLPH students • Maintained fiscal integrity with our operating budget • Preserved high-quality of instruction, services and programsINVESTING IN OUR DEDICATED STAFF • Aorded 11 faculty members with extraordinary development opportunities • Assisted 3 faculty members pursuing their Masters’ degree • In-Serviced the entire faculty in safety and security procedures • Maintained the Teacher Retention Program; gifting 64 teachers with a monetary bonusPARISH & COMMUNITY CONNECTION • Donated warm winter goods, canned food, and Christmas gifts to our sharing parishes • Collected $4,801.79 for Sister Paulanne’s Needy Family Fund • Hosted Summer Enrichment Program and Athletic Camps for more than 400 children in the Glenview communityTECHNOLOGY & INSTRUCTIONAL ENHANCEMENTS • Replaced Promethean Active Touch Panels in 2nd and 7th grade classrooms • Acquired iPads with keyboards & pencils for 5th grade students • Replaced 20 laptops for teachers • Continued to utilize Blackbaud website software as well as Seesaw, Google, iXL, iReady, Showbie, and online textbooks • Replaced 7 printers for teachersIMPROVED FACILITIES & SAFETY RESOURCES • Painted Lexington, Lafayette, Mt. Vernon, and Playdium bathrooms, hallways, and classrooms • Refinished terrazzo floors in Playdium, Mount Vernon, and Monticello • Continued the School Safety Program • Safety ocers on campus from 6:30 am – 6:30 pm • Purchased additional parking lot barriers to ensure student safety at recess 15THE IMPACT OF GIVING

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OUR LADY’S CIRCLE($20,000+)Charlie and Dina O’HaraPATRON SAINT($10,000-$19,000)AnonymousJared and Tiany ChupailaSean and Danielle Gillen Andy and Marissa Hollenbeck Patrick and Bonnie KearnsBill and Kilby MacfaddenMike and Nicole NugentJed and Meredith RichardJoe and Jay ScobySandra SimonMike and Jennifer SorrowMark and Elizabeth TulachGUARDIAN ANGEL ($5,000-$9,999)AnonymousPat and Megan Anderson in memory of William & Lucinda FoleyMichael W. BacikTom and Marcia DesmondRamtin and Caroline Jalalpour in memory of Florence GilyannaJim and Amy Jones Mike and Michele KeatingAdam and Tenleigh KeldermansThe Kerstein FamlyBlair and Erin KomasinskiDave and Dawn LuddenDanny and Andrea McDonnellMr. and Mrs. James MorrowChris and Carrie O’BrienThe Pircon FamilyThe Pissios FamilyThe Richford FamlyTyler and Christine RoloDan and Lisa Salemi Steve and Carrie SchmidtPatrick and Christina '97 SugrueMike and Maggie WycklendtGOOD SOUL($3,000-$4,999) Jack and Anne AntonThe Cronin FamilyDan and Maryanne Dammrich Donald and Andrea DoanBen and Anna FarrisTony and Kelly GillTom and Colleen HumanTom and Kate JohnsonPhil ‘92 and Kirsten KennyJohn and Caroline KinahanMatt and Kara KlinePhil and Kristi KunzTom and Val LekoTommy and Lisa LesniakJohn and Denise LeuerChad and Jillian LōseMichael and Bianca MansonRyan and McKenna McNamaraBrian and Kimberly MillerMichael Monticello and Karin UlstrupMatt and Amy PersohnJim and Donna Placio Lee and Carol PlacioMark and Amy RakoczySteven and Jennifer RichardsSteve and Catherine SchickTrey and Elyse SrygleyPete '81 and Jen St. AubinThe Standfield Family Ron Udell in memory of Mickie Cadwell UdellPASTOR’S CLUB($1,000-$2,999)AnonymousThe Albers FamilyDanuta AnasinskiMike and Heather '98 AndrikanichPJ and Blair '99 AndrusWicks and Mary Therese BarkhausenThe Belluomini FamilyBrian and Patty BlockovichThe Bond FamilyJe and Erin Bottcher JD and Rachel Bowlin Robert W. BoyleScott and Molly BrownDan and Melinda Cahill The Campobasso FamilyRobert and Stephanie Chidester$8,780,559INCOME$9,129,829EXPENSESTuition & Fees $6,506,538Parish Subsidy $893,436Annual Fund $637,804Other Fundraising $633,718Education & Misc. Income $109,063Faculty & Sta $7,290,118Instructional & Learning Enhancement $1,059,770Plant & Maintenance $573,800Insurance & Fees $206,141We acknowledge with pride and gratitude the generous gifts we have received from our many donors. Thanks to your commitment to Catholic education and the children we serve, you have raised the bar of excellence. This Annual Fund Honor Roll recognizes gifts to the OLPH School 2023-2024 Annual Fund. The School has established gift clubs to properly recognize benefactors who provide such a level of support and to encourage others to join them.Our CommunityEducation & Misc. Income2%Tuition & Fees74%Parish Subsidy10%Other Funding7%Annual Fund 7%Insurance & Fees2%Faculty & Sta80%Plant & Maintenance 6%Instructional & Learning Enhancement12%1716GOOD STEWARDS

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OUR LADY’S CIRCLE($20,000+)Charlie and Dina O’HaraPATRON SAINT($10,000-$19,000)AnonymousJared and Tiany ChupailaSean and Danielle Gillen Andy and Marissa Hollenbeck Patrick and Bonnie KearnsBill and Kilby MacfaddenMike and Nicole NugentJed and Meredith RichardJoe and Jay ScobySandra SimonMike and Jennifer SorrowMark and Elizabeth TulachGUARDIAN ANGEL ($5,000-$9,999)AnonymousPat and Megan Anderson in memory of William & Lucinda FoleyMichael W. BacikTom and Marcia DesmondRamtin and Caroline Jalalpour in memory of Florence GilyannaJim and Amy Jones Mike and Michele KeatingAdam and Tenleigh KeldermansThe Kerstein FamlyBlair and Erin KomasinskiDave and Dawn LuddenDanny and Andrea McDonnellMr. and Mrs. James MorrowChris and Carrie O’BrienThe Pircon FamilyThe Pissios FamilyThe Richford FamlyTyler and Christine RoloDan and Lisa Salemi Steve and Carrie SchmidtPatrick and Christina '97 SugrueMike and Maggie WycklendtGOOD SOUL($3,000-$4,999) Jack and Anne AntonThe Cronin FamilyDan and Maryanne Dammrich Donald and Andrea DoanBen and Anna FarrisTony and Kelly GillTom and Colleen HumanTom and Kate JohnsonPhil ‘92 and Kirsten KennyJohn and Caroline KinahanMatt and Kara KlinePhil and Kristi KunzTom and Val LekoTommy and Lisa LesniakJohn and Denise LeuerChad and Jillian LōseMichael and Bianca MansonRyan and McKenna McNamaraBrian and Kimberly MillerMichael Monticello and Karin UlstrupMatt and Amy PersohnJim and Donna Placio Lee and Carol PlacioMark and Amy RakoczySteven and Jennifer RichardsSteve and Catherine SchickTrey and Elyse SrygleyPete '81 and Jen St. AubinThe Standfield Family Ron Udell in memory of Mickie Cadwell UdellPASTOR’S CLUB($1,000-$2,999)AnonymousThe Albers FamilyDanuta AnasinskiMike and Heather '98 AndrikanichPJ and Blair '99 AndrusWicks and Mary Therese BarkhausenThe Belluomini FamilyBrian and Patty BlockovichThe Bond FamilyJe and Erin Bottcher JD and Rachel Bowlin Robert W. BoyleScott and Molly BrownDan and Melinda Cahill The Campobasso FamilyRobert and Stephanie Chidester$8,780,559INCOME$9,129,829EXPENSESTuition & Fees $6,506,538Parish Subsidy $893,436Annual Fund $637,804Other Fundraising $633,718Education & Misc. Income $109,063Faculty & Sta $7,290,118Instructional & Learning Enhancement $1,059,770Plant & Maintenance $573,800Insurance & Fees $206,141We acknowledge with pride and gratitude the generous gifts we have received from our many donors. Thanks to your commitment to Catholic education and the children we serve, you have raised the bar of excellence. This Annual Fund Honor Roll recognizes gifts to the OLPH School 2023-2024 Annual Fund. The School has established gift clubs to properly recognize benefactors who provide such a level of support and to encourage others to join them.Our CommunityEducation & Misc. Income2%Tuition & Fees74%Parish Subsidy10%Other Funding7%Annual Fund 7%Insurance & Fees2%Faculty & Sta80%Plant & Maintenance 6%Instructional & Learning Enhancement12%1716GOOD STEWARDS

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Ryan and Erin CookSteve and Brooke CornellThe Tom and Sue Curtis FamilyJaime '00 and Jordan DaulHarrison and Kristine '04 DavisTracy and Katie DavisMichael and Ruth DillThe Duellman FamilyRyan and Megan DuyThe Eichenseer Family Greg '70 and Jeanne '73 EisingerMalek and Souha el KhazenBrian and Jessica FaheyRob and Jen Farr Charlie Fox '82The Freeman FamilyJe and Denise GadientJohn and Tonya GallMichael and Shiel GallagherThe Gasbarra FamilyFinlay Graham and Eliane GrayerMark GreenJohn and Amy GregorioMazin and Shami HabibMike and Eileen HaleyStephen and Nicole HarrisLJ and Laura HayesThe Hellerman FamilyJohn and Jin HennigPatrick and Jennifer HerringtonNick and Trish HewittBob and Connie HicksEric and Nicole HirtzigTodd and Kelly '93 HondruErik and Jackie JohnsonMatt and Melissa JuskiewiczDavid and Patricia KnappAndy and Meghan KoeppelAndy and Irina KonchanTim and Betsy KramerBrian and Kristin LaertyJohn and Missy LaertyNathan and Erin LambBarry and Jennifer LeslieBrian and Katie LeydonThe Locallo FamilyThe R. Loftus FamilyTim and Kirsten LoftusBill '98 and Vanessa LundgrenJe and Courtney '95 MarroneKevin and Meghan MarschallBrian and Clare Martin The McCann FamilyThe Mike McDermott FamilyCharles and Anna McGowThomas and Lauren McGrathThe McNeil FamilyChristopher and Gosia MenyhartBrian and Katie Miller Kevin and Colleen MocogniBrian Morrisroe and Stephanie BrennerBill and Carrie MorrisseyThe Muñoz FamilyJim and Katie MurrayStephen and Maureen Muto Michael and Jennifer NowakLynne O’Brien '65The O’Toole FamilyJe and Shannon OttensJim Pedersen and Kirsten Kenny in memory of Dane PedersenThe Pema FamilyBob and Barbara Perkaus in honor of Annie, Penny & Lily PerkausBob and Katey PerkausJack and Kristin PetersenThe Phenicie Family Steven and Siobhan PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Dave PrestonThe Quinlin FamilyBrendan '96 and Aidan ReedyKevin and Nicole RubinCarlo and Katie Santucci Marty and Sara SchneiderKevin '02 and Jackie ScobyJason and Kate ShudyRyan, Austin and Tyler SilverThe Silver/Passaglia FamilyMatt and Gail SilverstenThe Tobey FamilyBryan and Stefanie TurnerVito and Annie '02 UngaroBob WolfChris '93 and Erin WolfKurt and Liz WunderlichMr. and Mrs. Russell WunderlichKarl and Claire WycklendtPRINCIPAL’S FRIEND($500-$999)AnonymousDaniel and Anne Ahern Brad and Lauren AmiriArak and Malgorzata AntoszRoberta BacikThe Balin FamilyGreg and Julie BallSteve and Cathy BasicDavid and Jacqueline BehofDenise BowlesMichael and Madeline BrennenBrody and Jennifer BroweRob and Suzanne BrowneChris and Sara CarstenAlex and Renee CherubinThe Cioni FamilyJohn and Kate '97 ColferThe Corrado FamilyTom and Mary Jo CosgroveMagid and Tanya DawoodAlexander and Amanda De La RosaBrad and Becky DempseySue DonnellanTom Durkin and Ann Schufreider '01Jim and Betsy DusbibierMichael Eisinger '02 in memory of John & Kathleen Eisinger and Greg & Jeanne EisingerMarc F. FarrisBob '90 and Stacy FlanneryJennifer FroehlichChris and Anne GariepyThe Garrigus FamilyJay and Mimi GoodwinThe Haman FamilyThe Hanley FamilyDaniel Jimenez and Katherine LewinskiRyan and Meghan JohnsonThe Kalogerakos FamilyThe Marty Kearney FamilyCash KilduThe Kilsdonk FamilyTaylor and Mallory KistnerScott and Mary KnabeThe Kraft FamilyJe and Leanne KurtzweilMatthew and Cynthia LaCourtThe LaRocco FamilyMarty and Tanya LaskowskiTrevor and Lisa MathiasThe McCarthy FamilyRyan and Jill McKennaSheila M. MickusLawrence and Mary MillerJoel and Jimi MirsbergerPat '85 and Coco NimrodKevin and Rachel O’HaraNic and Laura PapeRoger and Charisse PayneTim and Kate Phair Phil PorporaJohn '75 and Anita RevordAdam and Michelle RistauWilliam and Joy SalatichMike and Maria SchaferLohtar and Carlene SchickRob and Jessica Simmons Blair SimonJohn and Cynthia SmithDennis Sobieski and Angela Zotos in honor of Anastasia PetridisScott and Lori SzafraniecRob '85 and Amy TaThe Vassilos FamilyZeke and Kim Vazquez Chris and Jenni WeinachtThe White FamilyGreg and Karen WirtschoreckThe Youna FamilyOL BOOSTER(under $500)AnonymousAnonymous '75 in memory of Sister ClaraJulio and Patricia AcostaMark and Debbie AmiriElizabeth Anaclerio in memory of Bunny MillsAdam Anasinski and Elizabeth SwiderDianne Aslesen in memory of Audrey MirsbergerKaren BannonChad and Sarah BarneyGregory and Rosa BartCarol BassettScott Batt '74Larry and Joann BeebeMatt and Meghan BerensMax and Kelly BernardWojciech and Dominika BiernatThe Bischak FamilyCharles Boedicker in memory of Jake BoedickerMrs. Patricia A. BorgRalph and Candice BorkowiczClaudia BowmilRic and Donna Brankin in honor of Ellie & Bryn RankMr. and Mrs. Richard J. BrennenMrs. Maria BusilloRobert and Jennifer CampanellaThe Cavins FamilyMichael ChildersJim and Bonnie ChupailaThe Cohn FamilyMr. and Mrs. T. CollinsThe Creighton FamilyTerrance Cullen '72The Cunningham FamilyElizabeth CunninghamTodd and Danielle DavisGino Devivo and Maggie Knight-DevivoThe Di Vito FamilyThomas and Jamie DiClementiTrong and Kim DoanMary DoldMary DombrowskiThe Dombrowski FamilyAndrew '01 and Sarah EisingerRobert Eisinger '65Anthony and Mary Pat FaoroThe Feezor FamilyRyan and Kate FlemingPatricia FordMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Forsberg The Francisco FamilyMichele FroehlichJustin and Christina FunkBob Gathercoal '62Megan Georgopulos '94David and Susan GhantousMichael Golm '60The Greening FamilyThe Groboski FamilyBradley Hammer and Courtney Philbin-HammerSusan HannonKathleen E. HarrisWilliam and Deborah HerstWilliam and Ellen HigginsGeorge and Michele HinchcliThe Hixson FamilyMike and Erin IpjianChris and Silvija JakubowskiJoel and Margaret JohnsonMichael and Kathryn JoyceLeandra Juarez '01Fran JungDaniel and Sarah KatzFrank and Kim KeldermansEmily Obringer Keller '99Andrew and Molly KiddMolly KilduThe Klimek FamilyTed and Marianne Kozlowski in memory of Joe ClintonKK KreiselPeter Leonis '80Tim and Lynda LindholmPat LockwoodDavid Luzenski and Alexandra KniselyJackie LynchKim MaciorowskiChristian Malalis '97 & familyVincent MansonMichel Marcos and Marlene AzzoThe Martinez FamilyThe Martino Family1918

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Ryan and Erin CookSteve and Brooke CornellThe Tom and Sue Curtis FamilyJaime '00 and Jordan DaulHarrison and Kristine '04 DavisTracy and Katie DavisMichael and Ruth DillThe Duellman FamilyRyan and Megan DuyThe Eichenseer Family Greg '70 and Jeanne '73 EisingerMalek and Souha el KhazenBrian and Jessica FaheyRob and Jen Farr Charlie Fox '82The Freeman FamilyJe and Denise GadientJohn and Tonya GallMichael and Shiel GallagherThe Gasbarra FamilyFinlay Graham and Eliane GrayerMark GreenJohn and Amy GregorioMazin and Shami HabibMike and Eileen HaleyStephen and Nicole HarrisLJ and Laura HayesThe Hellerman FamilyJohn and Jin HennigPatrick and Jennifer HerringtonNick and Trish HewittBob and Connie HicksEric and Nicole HirtzigTodd and Kelly '93 HondruErik and Jackie JohnsonMatt and Melissa JuskiewiczDavid and Patricia KnappAndy and Meghan KoeppelAndy and Irina KonchanTim and Betsy KramerBrian and Kristin LaertyJohn and Missy LaertyNathan and Erin LambBarry and Jennifer LeslieBrian and Katie LeydonThe Locallo FamilyThe R. Loftus FamilyTim and Kirsten LoftusBill '98 and Vanessa LundgrenJe and Courtney '95 MarroneKevin and Meghan MarschallBrian and Clare Martin The McCann FamilyThe Mike McDermott FamilyCharles and Anna McGowThomas and Lauren McGrathThe McNeil FamilyChristopher and Gosia MenyhartBrian and Katie Miller Kevin and Colleen MocogniBrian Morrisroe and Stephanie BrennerBill and Carrie MorrisseyThe Muñoz FamilyJim and Katie MurrayStephen and Maureen Muto Michael and Jennifer NowakLynne O’Brien '65The O’Toole FamilyJe and Shannon OttensJim Pedersen and Kirsten Kenny in memory of Dane PedersenThe Pema FamilyBob and Barbara Perkaus in honor of Annie, Penny & Lily PerkausBob and Katey PerkausJack and Kristin PetersenThe Phenicie Family Steven and Siobhan PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Dave PrestonThe Quinlin FamilyBrendan '96 and Aidan ReedyKevin and Nicole RubinCarlo and Katie Santucci Marty and Sara SchneiderKevin '02 and Jackie ScobyJason and Kate ShudyRyan, Austin and Tyler SilverThe Silver/Passaglia FamilyMatt and Gail SilverstenThe Tobey FamilyBryan and Stefanie TurnerVito and Annie '02 UngaroBob WolfChris '93 and Erin WolfKurt and Liz WunderlichMr. and Mrs. Russell WunderlichKarl and Claire WycklendtPRINCIPAL’S FRIEND($500-$999)AnonymousDaniel and Anne Ahern Brad and Lauren AmiriArak and Malgorzata AntoszRoberta BacikThe Balin FamilyGreg and Julie BallSteve and Cathy BasicDavid and Jacqueline BehofDenise BowlesMichael and Madeline BrennenBrody and Jennifer BroweRob and Suzanne BrowneChris and Sara CarstenAlex and Renee CherubinThe Cioni FamilyJohn and Kate '97 ColferThe Corrado FamilyTom and Mary Jo CosgroveMagid and Tanya DawoodAlexander and Amanda De La RosaBrad and Becky DempseySue DonnellanTom Durkin and Ann Schufreider '01Jim and Betsy DusbibierMichael Eisinger '02 in memory of John & Kathleen Eisinger and Greg & Jeanne EisingerMarc F. FarrisBob '90 and Stacy FlanneryJennifer FroehlichChris and Anne GariepyThe Garrigus FamilyJay and Mimi GoodwinThe Haman FamilyThe Hanley FamilyDaniel Jimenez and Katherine LewinskiRyan and Meghan JohnsonThe Kalogerakos FamilyThe Marty Kearney FamilyCash KilduThe Kilsdonk FamilyTaylor and Mallory KistnerScott and Mary KnabeThe Kraft FamilyJe and Leanne KurtzweilMatthew and Cynthia LaCourtThe LaRocco FamilyMarty and Tanya LaskowskiTrevor and Lisa MathiasThe McCarthy FamilyRyan and Jill McKennaSheila M. MickusLawrence and Mary MillerJoel and Jimi MirsbergerPat '85 and Coco NimrodKevin and Rachel O’HaraNic and Laura PapeRoger and Charisse PayneTim and Kate Phair Phil PorporaJohn '75 and Anita RevordAdam and Michelle RistauWilliam and Joy SalatichMike and Maria SchaferLohtar and Carlene SchickRob and Jessica Simmons Blair SimonJohn and Cynthia SmithDennis Sobieski and Angela Zotos in honor of Anastasia PetridisScott and Lori SzafraniecRob '85 and Amy TaThe Vassilos FamilyZeke and Kim Vazquez Chris and Jenni WeinachtThe White FamilyGreg and Karen WirtschoreckThe Youna FamilyOL BOOSTER(under $500)AnonymousAnonymous '75 in memory of Sister ClaraJulio and Patricia AcostaMark and Debbie AmiriElizabeth Anaclerio in memory of Bunny MillsAdam Anasinski and Elizabeth SwiderDianne Aslesen in memory of Audrey MirsbergerKaren BannonChad and Sarah BarneyGregory and Rosa BartCarol BassettScott Batt '74Larry and Joann BeebeMatt and Meghan BerensMax and Kelly BernardWojciech and Dominika BiernatThe Bischak FamilyCharles Boedicker in memory of Jake BoedickerMrs. Patricia A. BorgRalph and Candice BorkowiczClaudia BowmilRic and Donna Brankin in honor of Ellie & Bryn RankMr. and Mrs. Richard J. BrennenMrs. Maria BusilloRobert and Jennifer CampanellaThe Cavins FamilyMichael ChildersJim and Bonnie ChupailaThe Cohn FamilyMr. and Mrs. T. CollinsThe Creighton FamilyTerrance Cullen '72The Cunningham FamilyElizabeth CunninghamTodd and Danielle DavisGino Devivo and Maggie Knight-DevivoThe Di Vito FamilyThomas and Jamie DiClementiTrong and Kim DoanMary DoldMary DombrowskiThe Dombrowski FamilyAndrew '01 and Sarah EisingerRobert Eisinger '65Anthony and Mary Pat FaoroThe Feezor FamilyRyan and Kate FlemingPatricia FordMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Forsberg The Francisco FamilyMichele FroehlichJustin and Christina FunkBob Gathercoal '62Megan Georgopulos '94David and Susan GhantousMichael Golm '60The Greening FamilyThe Groboski FamilyBradley Hammer and Courtney Philbin-HammerSusan HannonKathleen E. HarrisWilliam and Deborah HerstWilliam and Ellen HigginsGeorge and Michele HinchcliThe Hixson FamilyMike and Erin IpjianChris and Silvija JakubowskiJoel and Margaret JohnsonMichael and Kathryn JoyceLeandra Juarez '01Fran JungDaniel and Sarah KatzFrank and Kim KeldermansEmily Obringer Keller '99Andrew and Molly KiddMolly KilduThe Klimek FamilyTed and Marianne Kozlowski in memory of Joe ClintonKK KreiselPeter Leonis '80Tim and Lynda LindholmPat LockwoodDavid Luzenski and Alexandra KniselyJackie LynchKim MaciorowskiChristian Malalis '97 & familyVincent MansonMichel Marcos and Marlene AzzoThe Martinez FamilyThe Martino Family1918

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Veronica Beutler Mathein '59Amber Heinz Mavradas '90Mark and Katie McGuireMike and Karen MelbingerMaya MiarkaMary Ann MichelsMicrosoftBill and Marianne MorrisseyThe Natale FamilyBrian '99 and Karen O’GradyColleen O’Grady Amanda O’Hara '89The O’Neal FamilyKerry and Nancy O’ShaughnessyThe A. Passaglia Family Grace PattenThe Paulsen FamilyAlbert and Kathy PawlusiewiczCharlie and Corazon Pelegrino in memory of John BernauerThe Petridis FamilyMary PettingerRick and Kathy PfleegerGamma and Pops PowellPaul and Lauran QualkenbushMark and Marianne RakoczyMr. and Mrs. Rossi RalenkotterMike and Leslie RathundeThe Ravago FamilyMark and Molly ReavesVincent and Ann Marie RecchiaYussel RiveraBert and Alison '89 RuizThe Ryder FamilyJoe and Robin SalvatoJoseph and Mary Alicia SantucciJoe SarnaRich and Marney Schager The Shannon FamilyThe Shkodrov FamilyThe Shtayner FamilyAaron and Clare SockerBryan and Merci StahlThe Stec FamilyThe Stephenson FamilyTracy Stewart '68 in memory of Joan & Joseph StewartKenneth and Karen StobartSteve Strauss '70The J. Sullivan FamilyThe L. Sullivan FamilyLynn SutherlandThomas and Madelyn TirpakThe Todaro FamilyThe Toll FamilyMargaret TurkAngela Mae Uy Nelia Valera in memory of Magdalena & Mariano ValeraPeter and Danielle VitaleThe Walker FamilyJohn and Rose WalshThe Ware FamilyEileen Waris '06The Waryas FamilyJack Robert Wetoska '19The Wietecha FamilyLisa WirthweinThe Wol FamilyTaylor and Jessica WoodAndrew and Patricia WyssThe Yap FamilyTEACHERS’ TEAMAnonymousDino and Marigo AfendrasKyle and Darcy AksamitowskiLauren BaaskeThe Berumen FamilySteven and Mariann BilasJaime Binder '90Mary BissingDenise BlockChris and Nicole BogyoFr. Jerry BolandOwen Boyle '12Whitney BreenMichael and Colleen BrennanKatie Butz '76Lauren Butz '04Maria CarneyTim CichowskiKatie ColemanPatrick and Christine CurleyJacqueline del PradoAlex and Michelle DoudBetsy DusbiberMatthew and Anne '94 DutzMary Clare Eisinger '06Kathy ErnstDemetra FlevarisTom and Christine GrimmDave and Michele GrooseLynn Hanna Joe and Shawn HanrahanMeghan C. HawkinsNicholas and Susan HeathLeah HodgeKathleen HoklJenni Hoyle '86Patricia S. Kaldolph Bradley and Catherine KennedyOrsolya KoszeghyMrs. Mary KrebsRebecca Maddalozzo Sheila MaherElizabeth MartinoLeslie McCauleyColleen McKennaKent and Ashley Miller Amy MillsColleen MuskerPatricia Musker Barb O’Hara-MatzkinLori Parsek Sean and Amber RankAidan ReedyMrs. ReidArlena RinaldiPatrick and Kimberly RocksKathy RomanoAnne SantangeloMeredith Schaefer '09Trent and Anna Sible Heather SillinHeather SlaggJoe and Cynthea SloanHolly SmithMarty and Linda SmithChris '88 and Liz StefoAmy TaRob and Katie TarpeyMr. and Mrs. Mario VardijanPhilip and Eva VideckisMaggie VollerJenny WeberChristine WilsonTracy WitteENDOWMENT FUNDPASTOR’S CLUB ($25,000-$49,999)Thomas GrodenThe J. Hughes FamilyPATRON ($5,000-$19,999)Rob and Joy GuttschowTom and Alissa KingDan Obringer in memory of Joanne ObringerBENEFACTOR ($1,000-$4,999)Denise Block in memory of Geo BlockRobert W. BoyleThe John E. Flavin TrustBob and Connie HicksSteven and Shree KodrosJohn '80 and Karen KurkowskiRobert and Marie McKennaBob and Anne PillionDick and Ann WarisSPONSOR ($500-$999) Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Farrell, Jr.John and Kathy Quinn in memory of Geo BlockMike and Maggie WycklendtPROMOTER (under $500)Daniel Ampon '05Andrew Block '12 in memory of Geo BlockErin Brennan in memory of Geo BlockAlyson Block Christensen '07 in memory of Geo BlockSofia Dial '07 in memory of Geo BlockMatt and Joanne EmersonBob Gathercoal '62Jeri B. GreinElizabeth Cushnie Gruensfelder '07 in memory of Geo Block Tom and Meg MacfaddenMike and Karen MelbingerMichael Monticello and Karin Ulstrup in memory of Bunny Mills, Eric Mills and Joe ClintonArianna Tousi in memory of Geo BlockThe Ware FamilyEmily Wassmann in memory of Geo BlockKathy Wassmann in memory of Geo BlockJennifer Yagoda in memory of Geo BlockNAMED ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPSThe Georey Block ScholarshipThe Maxine Difino ScholarshipThe Susan Groden ScholarshipThe Lorraine Hoag Scholarship in memory of Eileen HubeneyThe Mary McCarthy Hughes ScholarshipThe Lloyd and Joyce Kurkowski ScholarshipThe Joanne T. Obringer ScholarshipDUSSMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDAnonymous Anonymous '79Anonymous in memory of Bunny MillsClass of 1968Class of 1990 Memorial Gifts Anonymous '90 Phyllis Corrigan Nancy Kelly Di Vito '90 Meredith Borkowicz Dorley '90 Bob Flannery '90 Julia Gomez Fernandez '90 Chris Janet '90 Steve Paolella Lynsey Wenger '90 Kyle and Darcy AksamitowskiRobert F. AnthonyJohn '56 and Carol '58 BenzingerRobert and Elizabeth BergeronDr. and Mrs. Frank Bongiovanni in memory of Bunny MillsThe Boos FamilyRobert J. Borre '48William and Christine BraordKeith and Anne BurkeKatie Butz '76 in memory of Bunny MillsNeil K. Christerson '75Donald and Ellen Clark in memory of Bunny MillsMary Lee Corrin in honor of Amy MillsDarryl and Laurie Drake in memory of Bunny MillsRobert F. DwyerGreg '70 and Jeanne '73 Eisinger in memory of Bunny MillsKathy Ernst in memory of Bunny MillsSusanne Cavarretta Fridner '56Bob Gathercoal '62John and Tonya Gall in memory of Bunny MillsBob Gathercoal '62Betsy Gaughan in memory of Bunny MillsTom and Christine Grimm in memory of Bunny MillsJohn and Nancy HammondThe Joseph Hanrahan Family in memory of Bunny MillsJames and Ayuko HenniganNick and Joanne Hirtzig in memory of Bunny MillsJames and M. Anne Hogan in memory of Jerry MaherKathleen Hogan in memory of Jerry MaherPat and Ginny HoganNancy Jack in memory of Bunny MillsRichard Jordon '58Elizabeth Joyce in memory of Zyqmunt KarwowskiGayle Rosenberg Justman in memory of Bunny Mills2120

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Veronica Beutler Mathein '59Amber Heinz Mavradas '90Mark and Katie McGuireMike and Karen MelbingerMaya MiarkaMary Ann MichelsMicrosoftBill and Marianne MorrisseyThe Natale FamilyBrian '99 and Karen O’GradyColleen O’Grady Amanda O’Hara '89The O’Neal FamilyKerry and Nancy O’ShaughnessyThe A. Passaglia Family Grace PattenThe Paulsen FamilyAlbert and Kathy PawlusiewiczCharlie and Corazon Pelegrino in memory of John BernauerThe Petridis FamilyMary PettingerRick and Kathy PfleegerGamma and Pops PowellPaul and Lauran QualkenbushMark and Marianne RakoczyMr. and Mrs. Rossi RalenkotterMike and Leslie RathundeThe Ravago FamilyMark and Molly ReavesVincent and Ann Marie RecchiaYussel RiveraBert and Alison '89 RuizThe Ryder FamilyJoe and Robin SalvatoJoseph and Mary Alicia SantucciJoe SarnaRich and Marney Schager The Shannon FamilyThe Shkodrov FamilyThe Shtayner FamilyAaron and Clare SockerBryan and Merci StahlThe Stec FamilyThe Stephenson FamilyTracy Stewart '68 in memory of Joan & Joseph StewartKenneth and Karen StobartSteve Strauss '70The J. Sullivan FamilyThe L. Sullivan FamilyLynn SutherlandThomas and Madelyn TirpakThe Todaro FamilyThe Toll FamilyMargaret TurkAngela Mae Uy Nelia Valera in memory of Magdalena & Mariano ValeraPeter and Danielle VitaleThe Walker FamilyJohn and Rose WalshThe Ware FamilyEileen Waris '06The Waryas FamilyJack Robert Wetoska '19The Wietecha FamilyLisa WirthweinThe Wol FamilyTaylor and Jessica WoodAndrew and Patricia WyssThe Yap FamilyTEACHERS’ TEAMAnonymousDino and Marigo AfendrasKyle and Darcy AksamitowskiLauren BaaskeThe Berumen FamilySteven and Mariann BilasJaime Binder '90Mary BissingDenise BlockChris and Nicole BogyoFr. Jerry BolandOwen Boyle '12Whitney BreenMichael and Colleen BrennanKatie Butz '76Lauren Butz '04Maria CarneyTim CichowskiKatie ColemanPatrick and Christine CurleyJacqueline del PradoAlex and Michelle DoudBetsy DusbiberMatthew and Anne '94 DutzMary Clare Eisinger '06Kathy ErnstDemetra FlevarisTom and Christine GrimmDave and Michele GrooseLynn Hanna Joe and Shawn HanrahanMeghan C. HawkinsNicholas and Susan HeathLeah HodgeKathleen HoklJenni Hoyle '86Patricia S. Kaldolph Bradley and Catherine KennedyOrsolya KoszeghyMrs. Mary KrebsRebecca Maddalozzo Sheila MaherElizabeth MartinoLeslie McCauleyColleen McKennaKent and Ashley Miller Amy MillsColleen MuskerPatricia Musker Barb O’Hara-MatzkinLori Parsek Sean and Amber RankAidan ReedyMrs. ReidArlena RinaldiPatrick and Kimberly RocksKathy RomanoAnne SantangeloMeredith Schaefer '09Trent and Anna Sible Heather SillinHeather SlaggJoe and Cynthea SloanHolly SmithMarty and Linda SmithChris '88 and Liz StefoAmy TaRob and Katie TarpeyMr. and Mrs. Mario VardijanPhilip and Eva VideckisMaggie VollerJenny WeberChristine WilsonTracy WitteENDOWMENT FUNDPASTOR’S CLUB ($25,000-$49,999)Thomas GrodenThe J. Hughes FamilyPATRON ($5,000-$19,999)Rob and Joy GuttschowTom and Alissa KingDan Obringer in memory of Joanne ObringerBENEFACTOR ($1,000-$4,999)Denise Block in memory of Geo BlockRobert W. BoyleThe John E. Flavin TrustBob and Connie HicksSteven and Shree KodrosJohn '80 and Karen KurkowskiRobert and Marie McKennaBob and Anne PillionDick and Ann WarisSPONSOR ($500-$999) Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Farrell, Jr.John and Kathy Quinn in memory of Geo BlockMike and Maggie WycklendtPROMOTER (under $500)Daniel Ampon '05Andrew Block '12 in memory of Geo BlockErin Brennan in memory of Geo BlockAlyson Block Christensen '07 in memory of Geo BlockSofia Dial '07 in memory of Geo BlockMatt and Joanne EmersonBob Gathercoal '62Jeri B. GreinElizabeth Cushnie Gruensfelder '07 in memory of Geo Block Tom and Meg MacfaddenMike and Karen MelbingerMichael Monticello and Karin Ulstrup in memory of Bunny Mills, Eric Mills and Joe ClintonArianna Tousi in memory of Geo BlockThe Ware FamilyEmily Wassmann in memory of Geo BlockKathy Wassmann in memory of Geo BlockJennifer Yagoda in memory of Geo BlockNAMED ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPSThe Georey Block ScholarshipThe Maxine Difino ScholarshipThe Susan Groden ScholarshipThe Lorraine Hoag Scholarship in memory of Eileen HubeneyThe Mary McCarthy Hughes ScholarshipThe Lloyd and Joyce Kurkowski ScholarshipThe Joanne T. Obringer ScholarshipDUSSMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDAnonymous Anonymous '79Anonymous in memory of Bunny MillsClass of 1968Class of 1990 Memorial Gifts Anonymous '90 Phyllis Corrigan Nancy Kelly Di Vito '90 Meredith Borkowicz Dorley '90 Bob Flannery '90 Julia Gomez Fernandez '90 Chris Janet '90 Steve Paolella Lynsey Wenger '90 Kyle and Darcy AksamitowskiRobert F. AnthonyJohn '56 and Carol '58 BenzingerRobert and Elizabeth BergeronDr. and Mrs. Frank Bongiovanni in memory of Bunny MillsThe Boos FamilyRobert J. Borre '48William and Christine BraordKeith and Anne BurkeKatie Butz '76 in memory of Bunny MillsNeil K. Christerson '75Donald and Ellen Clark in memory of Bunny MillsMary Lee Corrin in honor of Amy MillsDarryl and Laurie Drake in memory of Bunny MillsRobert F. DwyerGreg '70 and Jeanne '73 Eisinger in memory of Bunny MillsKathy Ernst in memory of Bunny MillsSusanne Cavarretta Fridner '56Bob Gathercoal '62John and Tonya Gall in memory of Bunny MillsBob Gathercoal '62Betsy Gaughan in memory of Bunny MillsTom and Christine Grimm in memory of Bunny MillsJohn and Nancy HammondThe Joseph Hanrahan Family in memory of Bunny MillsJames and Ayuko HenniganNick and Joanne Hirtzig in memory of Bunny MillsJames and M. Anne Hogan in memory of Jerry MaherKathleen Hogan in memory of Jerry MaherPat and Ginny HoganNancy Jack in memory of Bunny MillsRichard Jordon '58Elizabeth Joyce in memory of Zyqmunt KarwowskiGayle Rosenberg Justman in memory of Bunny Mills2120

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SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE TEAMFr. Jerry BolandPastorDr. Amy MillsPrincipalPat MuskerLori ParsekAssistant PrincipalsSharon CallahanMaria CarneyJenni Hoyle '86Cathy KennedyAdministrative Support StaKyle AksamitowskiAthletic DirectorBarb O’Hara-MatzkinBusiness ManagerKatie TarpeyDirector of CommunicationsAidan ReedyDigital Assets ManagerKathy RomanoDirector of DevelopmentHeather SillinDirector of Extended DayShawn HanrahanDirector of KindergartenDenise BlockDirector of TechnologySCHOOL ADVISORY BOARDMegan AndersonAmy BondKelly GillNick HirtzigNathan LambBill Macfadden - PresidentJaime PassagliaMatt RyderKaren WirtschoreckPARENT CLUBStacy FlanneryPresidentJen SorrowVice PresidentNancy Di Vito '90SecretaryEileen HaleyTreasurerSCHOOL ENDOWMENT BOARDDirectorsFr. Jerry Boland Dr. Amy MillsPeter Anthony '80Andy Engels '84Patty FarrellRob GuttschowPat HerringtonRobert HicksJim Hughes '70John Kurkowski '80 - PresidentLauren McGrathMark Murnane '81Mike NugentTracy O’BrienBob PillionDick WarisMike WycklendtPatricia S. Kadolph in memory of Bunny MillsKaren KearnsJoanne KellyCatherine Kennedy in memory of Bunny MillsPhil '92 and Kirsten Kenny in memory of Bunny MillsMary Lou Kinsella in memory of Bunny MillsThe Konchan Family in memory of Bunny MillsErnie and Enid LapidSheila Maher in memory of Bunny MillsRoss Matthews '91Dan and Patti McGrath in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Karen MelbingerSheila M. MickusThomas Mills in memory of Bunny MillsColleen Musker in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsPatricia Musker in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsMike and Nicole Nugent in memory of Bunny MillsMichael J. O’BrienChristopher O’CallaghanCharlie and Dina O’HaraBarb O’Hara-Matzkin in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsOLPH School Parent Club in memory of Bunny MillsArt and Theresa Olivera in memory of Victor OliveraLori and Vivian Parsek in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsMary Ann PaulsenLauralyn Person in memory of Bunny MillsKatherine PfeierBrian and Sarah Pieracci in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Nancy Pins in memory of Bunny MillsVirginia Bermudez Ramirez FamilyMary Ellen RasmussenJulie Reid in memory of Jerry MaherMarian M. RodriquezKathy Romano in memory of Bunny MillsDaniel and Susan Sadowski in memory of Bunny MillsCharles Scheneck, Jr.Keith and Madeline SchoenebergerThe Nash Sebby FamilyMrs. Connie ShierFaith SmithMike and Jen Sorrow in memory of Bunny MillsRob and Katie Tarpey in memory of Bunny MillsLee and Marti VandervestThe Vaughan FamilyPhilip and Eva Videckis in memory of Bunny MillsLaura Vogel '88Jeanne Gorman Walston '56 in memory of Elise GormanFr. Andrew Wawrzyn '86Tracy Witte in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Maggie Wycklendt in memory of Bunny MillsTom and Marianne Zidar in memory of Bunny MillsMATCHING GIFT COMPANIESAbbott/AbbVieActive CampaignChicago Trading CompanyCME GroupExelonFTI ConsultingGoldman SachsGraingerJP Morgan ChaseKeyBank FoundationKimberly ClarkRobert Half/ProtivitoSimplex InvestmentsSoros Fund ManagementSynchrony Financial* We have made every eort to ensure accuracy in the listings, however, errors sometimes occur. If you should notice any mistakes, please accept our apologies and notify us so we can update our records.23222023-2024OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL

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SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE TEAMFr. Jerry BolandPastorDr. Amy MillsPrincipalPat MuskerLori ParsekAssistant PrincipalsSharon CallahanMaria CarneyJenni Hoyle '86Cathy KennedyAdministrative Support StaKyle AksamitowskiAthletic DirectorBarb O’Hara-MatzkinBusiness ManagerKatie TarpeyDirector of CommunicationsAidan ReedyDigital Assets ManagerKathy RomanoDirector of DevelopmentHeather SillinDirector of Extended DayShawn HanrahanDirector of KindergartenDenise BlockDirector of TechnologySCHOOL ADVISORY BOARDMegan AndersonAmy BondKelly GillNick HirtzigNathan LambBill Macfadden - PresidentJaime PassagliaMatt RyderKaren WirtschoreckPARENT CLUBStacy FlanneryPresidentJen SorrowVice PresidentNancy Di Vito '90SecretaryEileen HaleyTreasurerSCHOOL ENDOWMENT BOARDDirectorsFr. Jerry Boland Dr. Amy MillsPeter Anthony '80Andy Engels '84Patty FarrellRob GuttschowPat HerringtonRobert HicksJim Hughes '70John Kurkowski '80 - PresidentLauren McGrathMark Murnane '81Mike NugentTracy O’BrienBob PillionDick WarisMike WycklendtPatricia S. Kadolph in memory of Bunny MillsKaren KearnsJoanne KellyCatherine Kennedy in memory of Bunny MillsPhil '92 and Kirsten Kenny in memory of Bunny MillsMary Lou Kinsella in memory of Bunny MillsThe Konchan Family in memory of Bunny MillsErnie and Enid LapidSheila Maher in memory of Bunny MillsRoss Matthews '91Dan and Patti McGrath in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Karen MelbingerSheila M. MickusThomas Mills in memory of Bunny MillsColleen Musker in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsPatricia Musker in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsMike and Nicole Nugent in memory of Bunny MillsMichael J. O’BrienChristopher O’CallaghanCharlie and Dina O’HaraBarb O’Hara-Matzkin in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsOLPH School Parent Club in memory of Bunny MillsArt and Theresa Olivera in memory of Victor OliveraLori and Vivian Parsek in memory of Bunny and Eric MillsMary Ann PaulsenLauralyn Person in memory of Bunny MillsKatherine PfeierBrian and Sarah Pieracci in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Nancy Pins in memory of Bunny MillsVirginia Bermudez Ramirez FamilyMary Ellen RasmussenJulie Reid in memory of Jerry MaherMarian M. RodriquezKathy Romano in memory of Bunny MillsDaniel and Susan Sadowski in memory of Bunny MillsCharles Scheneck, Jr.Keith and Madeline SchoenebergerThe Nash Sebby FamilyMrs. Connie ShierFaith SmithMike and Jen Sorrow in memory of Bunny MillsRob and Katie Tarpey in memory of Bunny MillsLee and Marti VandervestThe Vaughan FamilyPhilip and Eva Videckis in memory of Bunny MillsLaura Vogel '88Jeanne Gorman Walston '56 in memory of Elise GormanFr. Andrew Wawrzyn '86Tracy Witte in memory of Bunny MillsMike and Maggie Wycklendt in memory of Bunny MillsTom and Marianne Zidar in memory of Bunny MillsMATCHING GIFT COMPANIESAbbott/AbbVieActive CampaignChicago Trading CompanyCME GroupExelonFTI ConsultingGoldman SachsGraingerJP Morgan ChaseKeyBank FoundationKimberly ClarkRobert Half/ProtivitoSimplex InvestmentsSoros Fund ManagementSynchrony Financial* We have made every eort to ensure accuracy in the listings, however, errors sometimes occur. If you should notice any mistakes, please accept our apologies and notify us so we can update our records.23222023-2024OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL

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OLPHSchoolGlenviewOUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SCHOOL 1123 Church Street, Glenview, IL 60025 847.724.6990