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OK Annual Report 2024

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OneKingdomAnnual Report2024

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Table of Contents ANNUAL REPORT202423456789Our Vision, Mission, and ValuesA Word From Our Team LeaderMeet the OneKingdom TeamLaunched and Partnered MTM Core TeamsCollective Impact by the NumbersImpact Story: Discovery to BaptismMedia Summit 2024 Impact SummaryLooking Ahead: Where We’ll Focus10Praying for Movement1112132024 Budget & Donations ReceivedMeet the OK Advisory CouncilMedia Summit 2024 Impact Videos

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When we formed the OneKingdom teamin 2021, I pondered how we shouldabbreviate our team name forcommunications. Should we use ‘1K’ or‘OK’? My wife wisely suggested we go withletters because they reflect us well... barelyOK! In many ways, we still see ourselves this way; we’re just an averagegroup offering our talents to help launch and sustain Media toMovements initiatives in Europe. Yet, we serve an extraordinaryGod who works through His "OK" children for His Kingdom.To His glory, our little team has gained momentum in the pastthree years, and we're excited about the future! We believe inmaking progress toward our vision of fulfilling the GreatCommission in Europe. It's a vision worth pursuing alongside thegrowing number of teams launching MTM Initiatives. In 2024, we’llcontinue coaching, serving, blessing, and loving these teams andthe people they represent. AND... we’ll seek other OK people tojoin what God is doing through His (One)Kingdom team.We are grateful and blessed to be a blessing. Thank you forbelieving in us and trusting in God as we serve together! May Heaccomplish much through our shared efforts.Chris Villwock,OneKingdom, Lead Servant ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 2A Word from Our Team LeaderChris V2024

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Our Vision, Missionand ValuesThe vision of OneKingdom is to see the Great Commission fulfilledin Europe, TOGETHER. VISIONVALUESONE KINGDOM ExpectancyHeavenly economyGrit Prayerful urgencyCommunication (1 John 1:7)MISSIONOur mission is to accelerate the multiplication of multiplyingdisciples.OneKingdom is guided by our desire to see the Gospel spread andreproducing disciples made across the continent of Europe. Webelieve this will require strategic partnership with like-mindedbelievers. Our values drive us toward this goal and inform the way inwhich we pursue it.2024 ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 3

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Meet theOneKingdom TeamOUR TEAM GREW IN 2024!!!John C.EuroHub DirectorJustin A.TechnologistChris C.Development &StrategyChris V.Team LeaderJeffrey J.OperationsPetr V.TechnologyBrandon Z.PrayerJacquelyn F.Admin ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 4 2024

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Launched and PartneredMTM Core TeamsBosnia+2018202020212022Moldova+2023"Our vision is tosee the GreatCommission fulfilledin Europe together."*Currently being coached2024Croatia+Serbia+SwitzerlandCzech Republic+PolandNorth MacedoniaGreeceHungaryUkraineGermany+Spain+Slovenia+U.K. Birmingham+France+Romania+Montenegro*U.K. Diaspora (Somali)*2024 ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 5+Active EuroHub Teams

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Combined 2024 Metrics: EuroHub TeamsThe numbers below represent the outcomes of Media toMovements initiatives across several European countries.They reflect the prayer, skills, creativity, and resourcesinvested by faithful believers dedicated to makingdisciples, all rooted in the trust they place in God. Countries included in these results: Bosnia, Croatia,Czechia, France, Germany, Moldova, Romania, Serbia,Spain, Slovenia and the United Kingdom (Birmingham). 14,552Website Pageviews61Bibles Given Out9BaptismsCollective Impact by theNumbers+92.5%$75,904Ad Spend301,024Likes, Reactions, Shares4,551People Who Messaged Us7Groups Formed409,271Ad Clicks+92.5% ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 6 2024

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Dita first signed up for online Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in January 2024through ads on Facebook. She had some awareness of faith, but she did notfollow Jesus. Due to her strong interest (and of course, the work of the HolySpirit) she was not deterred by any obstacles, and not only became a regularparticipant , but now has occasionally guided the meetings. Discovery has become an important part of Dita's life because Jesus has shownher how much He loves her and cares for her through meeting with others toread the Bible. At the same time, she has become part of the online Discoverycommunity, where she is sharing her life and insights from specific stories fromthe Bible with others. And that's not all, as a result of her joining the Discovery community Ditadecided to completely follow Jesus and be baptized as you can see in thepicture above! She was baptized by a Czech Responder (Marketa, left)and the leader of her Discovery, (Jarča, right) last summer. Praise the Lordwith us!SHARED WITH PERMISSION FROM THE CZECHIA MTM TEAMImpact Story: Discovery to Baptism2024 ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 7

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ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 8Each year in March, OneKingdom organizes and hosts a threeand a half day event called Media Summit. This event isdesigned to offer strategic networking opportunities, impactfulgeneral sessions, and tailored workshops to encourage, equip,and inspire believers and cross-cultural workers from all overEurope to more effectively use digital media to reach spiritualseekers with the Good News and enter into disciplingrelationships with them. In 2024 the theme was “Level Up!”Countries represented at the 2024 Media Summit: England; Bosnia;Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Hungary; France; Macedonia; Moldova;Poland; Serbia; Slovakia, Spain; Switzerland; Turkey; USAMedia Summit 2024: Level Up!Media Summit 2024Impact SummaryParticipants30Serve TeamOverall Impact4228Workshops$21,000Funds Donated16Countries Represented2024

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Media Summit 2024: Level Up!Media Summit 2024Impact Videos2024Impact Video: Moldova Impact Video: United KingdomHighlight Video ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 9

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Looking Ahead:Where We’ll FocusCoachingCoach new teams of 2-6 individuals in the end-to-endimplementation of MTM strategy.Support existing MTM teams with post-launch coaching tailored totheir context.Collaboration | ConnectionsBuild on and discover emerging opportunities for collaboration withlike-minded ministries.Grow the number of Kingdom partners who invest through prayer,finances, skillsets, etc. Community Invest more time and energy into OneKingdom’s EuroHub, acommunity of practice that contributes to healthy and thrivingMTM teams in Europe.Encourage MTM teams to share their best ideas, practices andresources with one another. As we step into 2025, our vision remains a God-sized pursuitin which our partnership with YOU is essential. As we moveahead, our focus will continue to be on supporting the MTMinitiatives we currently serve, while forging connectionsacross the remaining European countries where there arecurrently no MTM teams. We will do that by focusing onthree primary areas: 2024 ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 10

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CLICK FLAGS TO PRAY2024Praying forMovementWe believe movements of God are fueled by the faithful prayer of God’speople. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Askthe Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvestfield.” Will YOU join us in praying for workers who will go into theharvest in Europe? Pray4Europe Prayer Book ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 11

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OK Advisory Council2024New to the end of 2024 was the formation of the OneKingdomAdvisory Council. This is a group of dedicated individualscommitted to advancing our team's mission of fulfilling theGreat Commission in Europe, together. Members providestrategic guidance, expertise, and innovative solutions tosupport OneKingdom’s growth, including areas such asevangelism, media-to-movement strategies, and nonprofitdevelopment. They act as ambassadors, leveraging theirnetworks to build partnerships, promote the mission, andcontribute to fundraising efforts, all while empowering localworkers and accelerating the journey to Jesus. ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 12Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.Proverbs 11:14Proverbs 15:22

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2024 Budget & Donations Received2024*Salaries of full-time OneKingdom Team Members are not includedin this budget. As missionaries, they raise support individually. Operations Total: $48,000General: $15KWeb Apps: $23KBudapest Office Rental: $10KEvents Total: $60,000Media Summit: $50KOther events: $10KTravel Total: $33,000International travel between U.S. & Hungary: $23KRegional travel within host country: 10KField Grants Total: $30,000Matching grants ($300/month x 6 month x 3 teams): 9Kother grants: $21KTOTAL BUDGET: $171,000 ($14,250/month)2024 Budget Overview*2024 Donations ReceivedIndividuals Total: $54,686Foundations Total: $87,580Churches Total: $5,154TOTAL GIFTS: $147,420 ANNUAL REPORT | PAGE 13

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Thank you!Thank you for taking the time to read thisreport. If you have any questions or wouldlike to discuss anything contained within,please don't hesitate to reach out to us.The OneKingdom Team is overwhelmedwith gratitude for YOUR unwaveringsupport, dedication, and partnership. Yourprayers, generous contributions, andsteadfast encouragement continue tomake a profound difference in Europe andfor the Kingdom!onekingdom.teamOneKingdom2024JOIN US IN GIVING