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Drill Pipe Connection Comparison Charts

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DRILL PIPECONNECTIONCOMPARISONCHARTSIn the past most wells were measured in feet but with the adoptionof  extended  lateral  drilling  practices,  many  present-day  wells  aremeasured  in  miles.  This  practice  provides  improvement  in  bothoperational  and  cost  efficiencies;  however,  reaching  the  longerlaterals exposes drill pipe to extreme torques. The harsher downholeenvironment  has  drilling  contractors  seeking  high-performance  drillpipe connections  that  surpass current  limitations. Many  proprietaryhigh-torque drill pipe connections have been introduced to meet thisneed in the market."As operators drill longer laterals, going out 12,000' to 14,000', moretorque  is  required  to  turn  the  bit,  BHA  and  directional  drillingequipment  from  the  surface,"  said  Danny  Cruzan,  Vice  President  ofSales at TSC Drill Pipe, a division of Texas Steel Conversion, Inc. "ThePTECH+™ connection provides increased torque while maintaining astreamlined geometric configuration with a smaller OD and larger ID,making it suitable for highly deviated trajectories, including doglegs.The design results in fewer repairs, reducing overall drilling costs."How does your drill pipe stack up?WWW.DRILLPIPE.COMQuantifiable Data thatProves PTECH+™ is theBest Connection in the Industry5-1/2" Connections*5" Connections*4-1/2" Connections*Source  for  data for CET™  connections  originates  from  Command  Energy  &Platinum Pipe RentalsSource  for  data  for  API  connections  originates  from  API  RecommendedPractice 7G 16th EditionSource  for data  for TSDS™  and  PTECH+™  connections originates  from  TSCDrill Pipe™ TSDS, PTECH+, and TSC are trademarks of Texas Steel Conversion, Inc.™ CET is a trademark of Command Energy*No  warranty  is  expressed  or  implied.  Please  contact  the  TSC  Drill  PipeEngineering Department for additional information.All data is calculated based on standard methods. Data is for reference purposesonly. TSC Drill Pipe does  not assume responsibility for results obtained throughthe use of this information.Review  the  Drill  Pipe  Connection  ComparisonCharts  to  the  left  for  an  in-depth  look  at  thevarious proprietary drill pipe connections.