Annual Report | 1ANNUAL REPORT2021
Founded in 1994, the Ohio Physicians Health Program (OhioPHP) is the top monitoring and advocacy organizaon for healthcare professionals in Ohio.We aim to ensure healthcare professionals with substance use or mental health disorders have access to condenal services in order to encourage professionals to seek help for their illnesses.OhioPHP’s goal is to inspire healthcare professionals to seek treatment and monitoring to improve their health and well-being.We are enormously grateful to our supporters who connue to stand with us to help Ohio’s healthcare professionals. Thank you.OhioPHP is dedicated to facilitang the health and wellness of healthcare professionals in order to enhance paent safety.2 | Annual Report
Annual Report | 32021 has been a year of changes throughout the country, and no less so than for the OhioPHP. As this is licensees treated for a substance use disorder to them. We found that Message from the Medical Director
4 | Annual ReportOhioPHP Board of DirectorsDirectorsAthens, OhioHudson, OhioParma, OhioChairAthens, OhioVice ChairTreasurer/SecretaryWe are grateful to the OhioPHP for providing mely and expert guidance when we needed it. We were not aware of the depth of resources available and the condenal process to access compassionate assistance, and we look forward to working together to help spread the word and make these resources available across all healthcare communies.– Sarah Friebert, MD - Akron Children’s Hospital
Annual Report | 5Message from the Execuve Directorscreening, referral for treatment, and substance use disorders, and more.
6 | Annual ReportOhioPHP StaExecuve DirectorOutreach & Communicaons DirectorOce AdministratorProject ManagerMarkeng & Development AssociateExecuve AssistantMedical DirectorClinical DirectorCase ManagerCase ManagerCase ManagerCase ManagerCompliance ManagerCompliance CoordinatorClinical CoordinatorProgram AssistantThis is a wonderful group, doing a great deal in keeping our medical community healthy and safe for sake of not only the healthcare worker but for paents. I am indebted to their service. – OhioPHP GraduateCLINICAL TEAMADMINISTRATIVE TEAM COMPLIANCE TEAM
Annual Report | 7YOU MADE THIS POSSIBLE IN 202115035515524 OVER1,85026
8 | Annual ReportCondenal Resource29%22%15%14%8%5%3% 3%1%REFERRAL SOURCES Other Legal Other PHPI had an excellent experience with OhioPHP and I am forever grateful for their assistance in this tough me of my life.– OhioPHP Graduate
Annual Report | 9Condenal Resource9%Other7%MentalHealth3%Behavioral20%Education60%Substance Use DisordersREFERRAL TYPES317 37% 2,350 Other Legal Other PHP
10 | Annual ReportPlease contact Sarah Damiani at or (614) 841-9690 x 34 to schedule a presentaon. 9 Educaonal Outreach Program5 9 1,856 NOW SCHEDULING FOR 2022
Annual Report | 118/31/15 12:38 PMBlanchard Valley Health SystemCentral Ohio Newborn MedicineMariea Physician Assistant ProgramMercy Health CincinnaMiami Valley HospitalOhio Academy of Family PhysiciansOhio Associaon of County Behavioral Health AuthoriesOhio Chapter, American College of PhysiciansOhio Dental Associaon Annual ConferenceOhio Dominican UniversityOhioHealth Grant Medical Center (2)Ohio State Optometric ClinicOhio State University - Opiate ConferenceOhio State University - Opiate Conference - Panel DiscussionOhio University, Division of Physician Assistant PracceProMedica Deance HospitalSalem Regional Medical CenterState Medical Board of Ohio - Respiratory Care Advisory CouncilState Medical Board of Ohio - Physicians Assistant Policy CommieeState Medical Board of Ohio - DieciansUniversity of Cincinna Medical SchoolUniversity of Findlay PA CollegeUniversity of Toledo Medical CenterEducaonal Outreach ProgramNelson (OhioPHP Clinical Director) was absolutely amazing and his vulnerability is admired and appreciated. – Educaonal Outreach Program Aendee
12 | Annual Report85% of all agreements signed in 2021 were condenal with no regulatory board involvement.Monitoring & Advocacy ProgramMONITORING AGREEMENT BY PROFESSION57.6%Physician13.2%7.6%6.4%6.4%Other4.8%4%2.8%Physician Assistant.8%CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENTSThe 2021 Acve Parcipant Recovery Rate was at 96%.RECOVERY RATE
14 | Annual Report2021 DonorsPhysicians Honor Society ($50,000+)Heritage Society ($25,000 - $49,999)Pinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999)Tower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Glenbeigh in honor of Dr. Gregory NixonPillar Society ($500 - $999)ORGANIZATIONS & SOCIETIES Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Krogerin honor of Dr. Gregory Nixon Founders Society ($1 - $199)HOSPITALSPinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999)Keystone Society ($5,000 - $9,999)Tower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Wayne Healthcare Pillar Society ($500 - $999)
Annual Report | 152021 DonorsCornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Founders Society ($1 - $199)in memory of Daniel D. Mulligan, M.D.INDIVIDUALSTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999) in honor of Kelley Longin memory of Dr. F. E. Gene SealePillar Society ($500 - $999)in honor of Drs. Carol Chung, Heidi O’Neil, and Mahew Vail Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499) in memory of Raymond AlbertPillar Society Connued
16 | Annual Report2021 DonorsFounders Society ($1 - $199)Laura AdkinsKathleen Allairein memory of Dr. Gregory Vignonin honor of Bellisari’s Gourmet Saucesin honor of Bellisari’s Gourmet Sauces in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos Reyes in honor of Dr. Melinda FordAlicia Heidenreich in honor of Bellisari’s Gourmet SaucesJulie Kolibash in honor of Bellisari’s Gourmet Sauces Lynn Long in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos Reyesin memory of John M. Stangin honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos Reyes in honor of Theresa Novak in memory of Paul, Jeanne, and Terry Thompson in honor of Nelson Heise and Dr. Colleen Opremcak Linda Watson Jon Wills Cornerstone Society Connued
Annual Report | 172021 DonorsHONORARIA Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Founders Society ($1 - $199)IN-KINDTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Pillar Society ($500 - $999)Founders Society ($1 - $199)DONOR SPOTLIGHTTHANK YOU!
18 | Annual Report2021 Financial SnapshotREVENUEEXPENSESProgram
Annual Report | 19Our Partners
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