Annual Report | 1OhioPhysicians Health Program2020 ANNUAL REPORTMission: to facilitate the health and wellness of healthcare professionals in order to enhance paent care and safety.
Founded in 1994, the Ohio Physicians Health Program (OPHP) is the top monitoring and advocacy organizaon for healthcare professionals in Ohio.We aim to ensure healthcare professionals with substance use or mental health disorders have access to condenal services in order to encourage professionals to seek help for their illnesses.OPHP’s goal is to inspire healthcare professionals to seek treatment and monitoring to improve their health and well-being.We are enormously grateful to our supporters who connue to stand with us to help Ohio’s healthcare professionals. Thank you.DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE BURNOUT HAS TAKEN AWAY THE CAREER YOU LOVE OR THE LIFE YOU LIVE.2 | Annual Report
Annual Report | 32020 was a year of uncertainty and diculty for many due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The healthcare community was at the center of this public health crisis, working relessly to help their communies bale this virus. The OPHP Sta would like to extend our gratude to the healthcare community for their tremendous work. Unfortunately, the pandemic has exacerbated the already high rates of burnout among healthcare professionals. During 2020, OPHP saw a signicant increase in healthcare professionals seeking help, with over 300 referrals. I too, had experienced considerable burnout, aer working 15 years in an end-of-life Palliave Care posion. Lile did I know that my path would lead me to OPHP, and I would get to provide the very rewarding work that OPHP does. I have been blessed to serve as Medical Director alongside an excellent professional sta at OPHP. I am grateful for the leadership of our Board of Directors. We welcomed new members, Drs. Stephen R. Feagins and Jason E. Thuener in 2020. Chrisna Delos Reyes, M.D. nished her board term with OPHP in 2020. She served as OPHP Board Chair for 4 years and helped OPHP achieve great success over the past 9 years. Through her wonderful leadership, we have seamlessly transioned to new Board ocers with Dr. Melinda Ford serving as Board Chair beginning in 2021. My partner Dr. Opremcak and I, started with OPHP together in 2018. Her serving as the organizaon’s Wellness Director and me serving as Medical Director. It is a ng conclusion that we ended our healthcare careers together, serving OPHP. Dr. Opremcak rered in 2020 and I have also made the decision to rere this year. It is quite meaningful and serendipitous that the new incoming Medical Director is Dr. Richard Whitney. Dr. Whitney and I have worked together in many capacies and have had our paths cross in many ways over the course of our careers. I commend the Board on an excellent choice for OPHP’s new Medical Director.I wish OPHP all the success in the future and believe whole heartedly in the organizaon’s mission and vision to help serve the healthcare community in Ohio. I have been greatly honored for the opportunity to serve such a wonderful organizaon and for the overwhelming support received by our many stakeholders, volunteers, and donors.Craig T. Pra, M.D., DFASAM, FAPAMedical DirectorThe OPHP Sta would like to extend our gratude and thanks to the healthcare community for their tremendous work in the face of a global pandemic. Message from the Medical Director
4 | Annual ReportDirectorsCraig A. Brown, MAPSalem, OhioKrisanna L. Deppen, M.D.Columbus, OhioStephen R. Feagins, M.D., MBA, FACPCincinna, OhioMelinda E. Ford, D.O., FACOFPAthens, OhioDavid D. Goldberg, D.O.Dayton, OhioJonathan A. Good, Esq.Hudson, OhioJerey L. Hunter, MSc, D.C., D.O., FAAFP, FACHEColumbus, OhioPhuong N. Huynh, M.D.Columbus, OhioTimothy L. Kolb, D.V.M.Delaware, OhioGregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAOColumbus, OhioTheresa C. Novak, M.Ed, PCC-S, CWCParma, OhioJason E. Thuener, M.D.Cleveland, OhioMahew A. Vail, M.D., MPHDublin, OhioNeed new Thank You MessageOPHP STAFFMedical DirectorRichard N. Whitney, M.D., FASAMMedical DirectorCraig Pra, M.D., DFASAM, FAPAExecuve DirectorKelley M. Long, MBAClinical DirectorNelson H. Heise, MA, MS, PCC-S, LICDC-CSCase ManagerShirley Eiland, M.Ed, LSWCase ManagerRosalie S. Hemphill, MSW, LSWCase ManagerMicah D. Wright, LCDC IIIClinical CoordinatorMolly G. Upton, CDCACompliance CoordinatorJill K. Aitcheme, MPH, CDCAProgram AssistantSamantha L. Kinser, CDCAMarkeng & Development AssociateSydney B. GaleBoard of Directors and StaOPHP BOARD OF DIRECTORSChairChrisna M. Delos Reyes, M.D., FASAMCleveland, OhioVice ChairSybil K. Marsh, M.D., FASAMCleveland, OhioTreasurer/SecretarySteven W. Crawford, M.D., MBA, FACOGBeavercreek, Ohio
Annual Report | 5YOU MADE THIS POSSIBLE IN 2020OPHP serves as a condenal resource that assists with idencaon, intervenon, and referral for assessment or treatment of physicians and other healthcare professionals who may be aected by mental, emoonal and behavioral illness, substance-related and addicve disorders, or other issues.Condenal ResourceOPHP specializes in providing condenal monitoring and advocacy for qualifying physicians and other healthcare professionals. OPHP also provides monitoring and advocacy to healthcare professionals who have formal acon with licensing agencies.Monitoring & AdvocacyEducaonal OutreachOPHP provides educaonal presentaons to individuals or groups throughout Ohio. Presentaons are delivered on the prevenon of mental, emoonal and behavioral illness and substance-related and addicve disorders. Programs also cover the topics of stress, burnout, and suicide; statutory guidelines on seeking treatment for mental health and substance use disorders; and the role of OPHP in the healthcare community. Presentaons meet the criteria for connuing medical educaon credit.More than 300 donors supported our mission through our annual Help the Healers campaignOur volunteer community grew to more than 150 peer monitors and board membersWhat We Do14 behavioral health assessments were completedOPHP assisted 466 healthcare professionals, more than ever beforeProvided educaon to over 850 healthcare professionals, residents, and medical students
6 | Annual ReportOPHP’s condenal resource program allows us to assist health care professionals who may be aected by mental, emoonal and behavioral illness, and substance-related and addicve disorders.OPHP provides referrals to community resources for: stress, burnout, individual psychotherapy, family and marriage counseling, ethics training, legal counsel, skills assessment, and others.HIGHLIGHTS 304 referrals in 2020, more than ever before Regulatory Board (34%) Self Referral (21%) Colleague (17%) Treatment Facility (11%) Hospital/Employer (9%) Legal (4%) Family (2%) Other (1%) PHP (1%) REFERRAL SOURCESCondenal Resource45% of referrals were for the One-Bite Program
Annual Report | 7REFERRAL TYPESSubstance Use Disorders (74%)Education (11%)Other (3%)Mental Health (7%) Behavioral (5%)Through the commied OPHP sta, we were able to serve 466 healthcare professionals in 2020. Our sta works relessly to ensure physicians and other healthcare professionals are being served to meet their needs, have access to ongoing support, receive appropriate mental health services, and are able to enter and sustain long term recovery. This year, OPHP was met with new barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The OPHP sta connued to provide a compassionate, supporve environment to seek help while also priorizing the safety and well-being of our parcipants, sta, and volunteers.If you or someone you know is looking for COVID-19 well-being resources, visit: Resource
8 | Annual ReportPhysician (59%) Resident/Student (10%) Denst/ Dental Hygienist/ Expanded Funcon Dental Auxiliary (9%) Physician Assistant/Medical Assistant/Respiratory Care Praccioner (8%) Other (6%) Veterinarian/Veterinarian Technician (6%) Optometrist (1%)Chiropractor (1%) MONITORING AGREEMENT BY PROFESSIONMonitoring & Advocacy ProgramOPHP’s monitoring and advocacy program provides services including: documentaon of support group meengs, treatment and aercare plans, toxicology tesng, volunteer peer monitors, therapeuc feedback, and providing clinical oversight through visits. Praconers have access to these services aer successful compleon of treatment for mental health and/or substance use disorders or others.OPHP provides advocacy for program parcipants to help document their recovery and compliance in the monitoring and advocacy program to regulatory boards, employers, insurance companies, and others.
HIGHLIGHTS 10 | Annual ReportOPHP had another wonderful year educang healthcare professionals about substance use disorders, stress and burnout, the One-Bite Program, and many other topics. Although most presentaons were done virtually, our team completed presentaons to hospitals, medical schools, healthcare associaons and professionals. Our connued hope is that our educaonal outreach programs will provide the necessary informaon to support someone in their journey to recovery. We remain commied in 2021 to reaching new audiences and delivering these important messages.Educaonal Outreach Programs“Mr. Heise did a great job presenng informaon about physician/ professional addicon. He did it in a way that made you look internally at yourself and your acons as if it were a self-reecon.” – aendee Presented at 9 schools Presented at 7 hospitalsOPHP provided educaon to 897 aendeesHeld 25 presentaonsThe Ohio Physician Wellness Coalion (OPWC) was established in 2017 by Ohio’s major physician associaons. Led by their Physician Advisory Council (PAC), their goal is to address physician burnout by providing physician wellness iniaves. Part One and Two of the Wellness Video Series are now available! These videos are CME eligible and cover topics such as stress and burnout, mental health, and me management. For more informaon, please visit: hps:// PHYSICIAN WELLNESS COALITION33% of aendees were residents 52% of aendees were healthcare students
Annual Report | 11Educaonal Outreach Programs8/31/15 12:38 PMUniversity of Findlay Firelands Regional Medical Center Naonwide Children’s Hospital Grand Rounds Western Reserve Health Educaon, Inc. The Ohio State University Oral/Maxilofacial Surgery Training Program Ohio University- PA Program Baldwin Wallace University PA Program University of Cincinna Medical School Mariea College PA Program UH Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds Ohio Dental Associaon Annual Session The Ohio State University Opiate Forum OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital ATSU SOMA Ohio Dominican University PA Program Cincinna Children’s Hospital Wellness Symposium OSU Harding Hospital Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health Residency Program2020 PROGRAMS ONE-BITE PROGRAM TRAININGSOPHP oers monthly trainings via webinar on Ohio’s One-Bite Program. During these sessions, OPHP will review the eligibility criteria for the One-Bite Program and the State Medical Board of Ohio’s statutes, rules, and policies regarding impairment and the One-Bite Program. There will be a thorough review of the requirements and expectaons associated with comprehensive evaluaons, treatment, and connuing care requirements for healthcare professionals.To learn more visit: hps://
12 | Annual ReportKeystone Society ($5,000 - $9,999)The Christ Hospital Medical Sta Cincinna Children’s Hospital Medical Center Medical StaNaonwide Children’s Hospital Medical StaOhioHealth Grant Medical Center Medical StaPremier Health Miami Valley Hospital Medical StaThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Medical StaUniversity of Cincinna Medical Center Medical StaTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Adena Regional Medical CenterAdena Regional Medical Center Medical StaAkron Children’s Hospital Medical Sta The Bellevue HospitalBlanchard Valley Hospital Medical StaCleveland Clinic Medina Hospital Medical StaClinton Memorial Hospital Medical StaDayton Children’s Hospital Medical StaFaireld Medical CenterFaireld Medical Center Medical StaFisher-Titus Medical Center Medical StaHenry County Hospital Medical StaJoint Township District Memorial Hospital Keering Health Network Greene Memorial Hospital Medical Sta Keering Health Network Soin Medical Center Medical Sta Licking Memorial HospitalLicking Memorial Hospital Medical StaMary Rutan Hospital Medical StaMcLaren St. Luke’s HospitalMcLaren St. Luke’s Hospital Medical StaMercer Health Mercer County Community Hospital Mercer Health Mercer County Community Hospital - Medical StaMercy Health Anderson Hospital Medical StaMercy Health Lorain Hospital Medical StaMercy St. Vincent Medical Center Medical Sta OhioHealth Doctors Hospital Medical StaOhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital Medical StaOhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital Medical Sta ProMedica Deance Regional Hospital Medical StaPremier Health Upper Valley Medical Center AdministraonSalem Regional Medical Center Medical StaSumma Health System – Akron Campus Medical StaUniversity Hospitals Parma Medical Center Medical Execuve StaPillar Society ($500 - $999)Fayee County Memorial Hospital Medical StaLake Health West Medical Center Medical StaLima Memorial Health System Medical StaMercy Health Clermont Hospital Medical StaMercy Health St. Anne Hospital Medical Sta Mercy Health St. Charles HospitalMercy Health St. Charles Hospital Medical Sta Mercy Health St. Rita’s Medical Center Medical StaPomerene Hospital Medical StaProMedica Fostoria Community Hospital Medical StaProMedica Memorial Hospital Medical StaPremier Health Upper Valley Medical Center Medical StaSoutheastern Med Medical StaSouthern Ohio Medical Center Trinity Health System West Medical StaUniversity Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center Medical StaUniversity Hospitals St. John Medical Center Medical StaUniversity of Toledo Medical Center Medical StaCornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Fulton County Health Center Medical StaMemorial Hospital of Union County Medical StaWyandot County Medical SocietyWyandot Memorial Hospital2020 Hospital Donors
Annual Report | 13Tower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Anonymous (2)Dr. and Mrs. David Applegate Craig W. Anderson, M.D. in honor of Dr. Edna JonesSteven W. Crawford, M.D., MBA, FACOGKrisanna L. Deppen, M.D. Stephen R. Feagins, M.D., MBA, FACPMelinda E. Ford, D.O., FACOFPDr. and Mrs. David D. GoldbergJerey L. Hunter, MSc, DC, D.O., FASFP, FACHEPhuong N. Huynh, M.D.Kelley M. Long, M.B.A.Sybil K. Marsh, M.D.Craig Pra, M.D., DFASAM, FAPADrs. William and Kimberly RothermelRobert K. Rupp, J.D.Herbert A. Schumm, M.D.Brian S. Taylor, M.D.Mahew A. Vail, M.D., MPHPillar Society ($500 - $999)Robert L. Brandt, Jr., M.D.Chrisna M. Delos Reyes, M.D. Robert S. DiSalle, M.D.Dann Ganzhorn, M.D.Nelson H. Heise, MA, MS, PCC-S, LICDC-CSTimothy L. Kolb, D.V.M.Colleen Opremcak, M.D. Marc Parnes, M.D.Eric and Lori PlinkeElizabeth Read, M.D.Robert C. Schi, Jr., M.D.Dr. David and Mrs. Margaret TondowCornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Anonymous (2)Farshid Afsarifard, Ph.D.Evangeline C. Andarsio, M.D.William S. Ballinger, M.D.Robert L. Barker, M.D.David R. Beckman, D.D.S.Jerey A. Briggs, M.D.Susan Davis-Brown, M.D.Richard G. Cardella, M.D.William and Sue ClineRobert D. ClingerRuth A. Cooper, D.P.M.Pamela and Richard DeFranco in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesJosena Delos Reyes, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesLeslie R. Dye, M.D.Omar Elhaj, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesSydney B. GaleMary Gombash, M.D.Arnold P. Good and Lisa NewarkEdward C. Hall, M.D.Dr. George T. Harding IV and Joan Loveless Harding FundAndrew T. Hearn, M.D.Susan Hubbell, M.D.Molly Katz and Carl Parrot Fund of The Greater Cincinna FoundaonMichael Kelly, M.D.Dr. John and Mrs. Linda Meier Ronald L. Miller, M.D.Mahew Mingione and Sara Sukalich James McCracken, D.C.Sara “Sally” Murphy, MA, LICDC Gregory J. Nixon, O.D., FAAO Nnennaya Nwokeji, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesDavid R. Paolone, M.D.Sheldon T. Pinsky, M.D.Linda L. Post, M.D.Ann M. Saluke, M.D.John W. Shaw, M.D.Cheryl D. Wills, M.D.Micah D. Wright, CDCADaniel ZinsmasterFounders Society ($1 - $199)Anonymous (6) Jill K. Aitcheme, MPH, CDCAAdeniyi Alase, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesSeth A. Alpert, M.D. Mauro Amendola, M.D. Dennis R. Assenmacher, M.D.Talha Baloch, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesChristopher BaumannMichael BorowitzDavid Brager in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesCraig A. Brown, MAPJessica B. Campbell, M.D.Annee M. Chavez, M.D.Anthony G. Chila, D.O.Judith Childers, D.V.M.Chrisne Collins, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesLaura M. Courtney, D.V.M.Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. DoyleCharles Gehrke, M.D.Richard Goldfarb, M.D.2020 Individual Donors
14 | Annual ReportDonald Rakel, M.D.Marc Richards, D.O. in honor of Dr. Melinda FordWilliam A. Romer, M.D.Elizabeth A. Roseberry, M.D.Mahew Russell, M.D. Steven Schwartz, M.D.Subhalakshmi Sivashankaran, M.D.Robb Snider, M.D. Carley J. Sparks Anita Steinbergh, D.O.William L. Tedford, M.D.Rekha R. Trivedi, M.D.Seth Vogelstein, D.O.Bruce A. Wall, M.D. Noel J. Watson, M.D.Richard Whitney, M.D., FASAMTimothy Wiechers, J.D.ORGANIZATIONS & SOCIETIES Physicians Honor Society ($50,000+)The Columbus Foundaon Ohio Medical Quality FoundaonHeritage Society ($25,000 - $49,999)Coverys Community HealthCare FoundaonOhio Department of Mental Health and Addicon Services Pinnacle Society ($10,000 - $24,999)Ohio Veterinary Medical AssociaonThe Physicians’ Charitable Foundaon of the Miami ValleyTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)The Academy of Medicine of Cleveland and Northern Ohio Academy of Medicine of Cincinna GMA Consultants Inc. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos Reyes Mike Baumann Plumbing Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.Ohio Optometric Associaon in honor of Dr. Gregory NixonPillar Society ($500 - $999)Gra and Associates on behalf of Douglas E. Gra and James M. McGovernHancock County Medical Society Ohio Academy of Family PhysiciansOhio Foot and Ankle Medical AssociaonCornerstone Society ($200 - $499)Columbus Foundaon The Big Give 2020 Bonus Pool Fund KrogerMontgomery County Medical SocietyThe Ohio State University College of Optometry in honor of Dr. Gregory Nixon Founders Society ($1 - $199)Amazon SmileBaelle Memorial Instute Dayton CaduceusChandra Gravely, M.D.Jennifer L. Gwilym, D.O. in honor of Dr. Melinda FordJerey Harwood, M.D.Alicia HeidenreichKevin Hommema on behalf of OhioHealth Praconer Health and Wellness Larry J. Jacobs, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson James N. Kaya, M.D.Patricia J. Kellner, M.D. Lindsey Kershaw in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesMichael W. Kessler, M.D.Zia Khan, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesAlan Levy, M.D.Carol E. Lewis, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesLynn Long Deborah J. Lynn, M.D.David B. McClure, M.D.Christopher and Nancy Meier Fund Bruce Merkin, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos ReyesDavid J. Montanaro, D.O.William R. Mitchell, M.D.Kenneth S. Moss, M.D.Link R. Murphy, M.D.Peter Muscarella II, M.D. Phillip North, M.D.Theresa C. Novak, M.Ed., PCC-S, CWCAlex Oakley Susan Parsons, M.D.Peter Pema, M.D.Kenneth P. Pohl, M.D.Donna Pra, M.D. in honor of Dr. Chrisna Delos Reyes2020 DonorsConnued from previous page
Annual Report | 15HONORARIA Cornerstone Society ($200 - $499)ATSU SomaKent State University Ohio Dental Associaon Ohio Osteopathic Associaon The Ohio State University College of Denstry Founders Society ($1 - $199)Baldwin Wallace University Ohio Dominican University IN-KINDTower Society ($1,000 - $4,999)Ohio Veterinary Medical AssociaonPillar Society ($500 - $999)Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic MedicineOhio Foot and Ankle Medical AssociaonOhio Psychiatric Physicians AssociaonFounders Society ($1 - $199)Ohio Society of Respiratory Care2020 DonorsThank youOPHP’s Board of Directors and sta wish to thank everyone who contributed to the 2020 annual campaign. Because of your nancial support, OPHP is able to advance the health and wellness of medical professionals who are then beer able to deliver consistent, quality care to Ohio’s paents. We hope that you will connue to promote and support our mission. OPHP’s major source of funding is the Ohio Medical Quality Foundaon (OMQF) and we are honored and grateful for their connued support. To be good stewards of OMQF’s funding, accurate budgeng, regular oversight of expenditures, internal controls, and improving eciency connue to be priories for the organizaon.OHIO MEDICAL QUALITY FOUNDATION
16 | Annual ReportYear in Review – FinancesREVENUEEXPENSESProgram Services (80%)Markeng& General (14%)Fundraising (6%)Grants & Donaons (68%)Program Fees (20%)Other (12%)OPHP connues to focus on expanding fund development eorts and to generate new funding sources in order to support new and exisng programs as well as nancial sustainability. As reected in the graphs below, 68% of OPHP’s operang budget was from grants and donaons, a 4% increase from 2019. 80% of funconal expenses were once again used for programs and services.
Annual Report | 17Our
18 | Annual ReportOhio Veterinary Medical Associaonwww.ohiovma.orgMost of us know that the best me to prepare for a disaster isn’t when disaster strikes—it’s before. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of resources like the Ohio Physicians Health Program before you need them.The constant stress and strain brought on by the demands of our daily work life have only been amplied by the pandemic. Even in the best of mes, our desire to take care of our paents and clients can overshadow our own wellbeing. Now more than ever, we need to be cognizant of not only our own emoonal wellbeing but also that of our whole team. We are all facing the challenges of this pandemic, but not everyone is able to cope in healthy ways.In dicult mes like these, the rst step in managing the crisis is simply recognizing that someone needs help, especially if that someone is you. The next step is geng that help—and that’s where OPHP comes in. On behalf of the Ohio Veterinary Medical Associaon, I would like to thank the supporve sta at OPHP for their commitment to our profession’s wellbeing. It is because of resources like this that we as doctors can overcome even the worst of crises.- Ed Biggie, DVM PresidentOhio State Chiropracc Associaonwww.oscachiro.orgThe Ohio State Chiropracc Associaon is proud to add our organizaon to the long list of endorsements for the Ohio Physicians Health Program. We are thankful that they provide support and resources to all those charged with the care and health of our state. - Brandy Spaulding, Execuve DirectorSupport from the Medical Community
Annual Report | 19Support from the Medical CommunityThe Ohio Dental Associaon Subcouncil on Densts Concerned for Denstswww.oda.orgThe Ohio Dental Associaon through its Subcouncil on Densts Concerned for Densts (DCD) has worked closely with the Ohio Physicians Health Program for over 20 years. The mission of DCD is to help dental professionals with alcohol and/or substance abuse issues navigate the journey through assessment, treatment, aercare and monitoring to aain and maintain a life of sobriety. The Ohio Physicians Health Program has been a steady partner with us toward this goal.The Ohio Physicians Health Program has served as an advocate and monitor for dental health care professionals who are working a program of recovery. We are blessed in Ohio to have such an advocate for recovering health care providers.- Mark S. Wenzel, DDS, ChairmanOhio Optometric Associaonwww.ooa.orgThe Ohio Optometric Associaon is proud to connue its partnership with the Ohio Physicians Health Program (OPHP). Ohio health care professionals dealing with substance abuse and other serious condions are fortunate to have access to the OPHP’s resources providing intervenon through treatment, monitoring and recovery services. We appreciate the OPHP’s commitment to paent safety and look forward to the organizaon’s connued success. - Diana Gilbert, OD, President
130 E. Chestnut Street, Suite 400Columbus, OH 43215Phone: (614) @OhioPHP Ohio PHP Ohio PHP