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Official Christmas Spectacular Guide

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Event InformationContestants aged 0-9 may only use clear lip gloss. No other makeup is allowed, and makeup checks will be conductedbefore their onstage performances in both the Formal Wear and Christmas Wear categories. Costume make up or facepaint/stickers/glitter is NOT allowed. NEW! Contestants aged 10-11 may wear light foundation to cover any unwanted blemishes, blush, light mascara andclear gloss. Their make up should look extremely natural. Costume make up or face paint/ stickers/glitter is NOT allowed.Hair extensions are allowed if they are a part of the child's everyday appearance. We acknowledge that some childrenmay have medical conditions necessitating the use of hairpieces.Contestants aged 12 and older are allowed to wear makeup and use hair extensions. Makeup should be age-appropriate,especially in the younger teen divisions.Earrings and nail polish is allowed for all contestants. Hair and MakeupThe StageThe stage will be in the shape of a "T"crossing at the back. Contestantsshould stop at each of the four X'smarked on the stage during theirperformance(s). Please see thediagram to the right for the stagelayout. Admission passes are mandatory during at all times.Each contestant will receive one complimentary pass;additional passes will be available for purchase prior tothe event. Children under the age of 5 will not need anadmission pass.Event AdmissionThe East Coast USA Pageant uses highly qualified and experienced judges, and some of our judges have connectionsto industry representation for modeling and talent agencies. Contestants and judges will be staying in the same hotelfor the weekend. If you recognize a judge in the hotel during the pageant weekend, we ask that you refrain fromspeaking with them. While a simple "hello" is okay, we ask that you do not hold conversation or ask questions. Event Judges

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Scoring=50% 30% 20% 100%Formal Wear Christmas WearPhotogenicYour Final Score Required CompetitionsThere are three required competitions that each contestant will compete in, each carrying a weightinto your final score calculation. This score will be used in all placements unless otherwise noted. Contestants must participate in each of the required areas of competition. East Coast USA uses acustom-build scoring system that takes our judges scores and computes your score, ranking andpageant placements. The new scoring method applies weights to various aspects of eachcompetition, and then combines each score into your final average. Formal WearWeight: 50%Christmas WearWeight: 30%PhotogenicWeight: 20%

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THIS IS YOUR MOMENT!Formal WearTime Limitand Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the musicQueen contestants may choose either a short or longdress. King Contestants should wear a formal suit ortux. Guardians accompanying their baby or toddlershould wear black, all guardians must be 18 years orolder. Glitz Cupcake Dresses are not allowed and willresult in point deductions for the contestant. Ensure that you can walk comfortably and wear age-appropriate footwear.Attire50% Poise & Personality We look for a contestant with grace and “it” factor.Someone who loves being onstage and that loveshines from within. 25% Overall Appearance We look for contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Their attireshould be well-fitted and complimentary, while theirhair and (makeup 10+) should enhance their naturalbeauty25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants onstage.For baby and young toddler contestants, we valuesimple hand waving, cute poses, and smiles. Oldercontestants should exhibit a strong connection withthe judges, maintain eye contact, and demonstratesmooth modeling. Please note that we do not lookfor dance routines or glitzy modeling performances.The choreography of a contestant’s routine shouldnot interfere with their natural connection withjudges. What is this competition judged on?

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SPREAD HOLIDAY CHEER!Christmas WearTime Limitand Music Time Limit for all contestants: 60 secondsMusic: East Coast USA will provide the music. Thereis no longer a song list to choose from. Music will beupbeat, fun and holiday themed! We’re excited to see your Christmas-themedcostumes and outfits! Whether you dress as reindeer,Santa, snowflakes, toy soldiers, or sugar plum fairies—anything goes as long as it fits the Christmastheme! We’re looking for creativity and fun, andattire should be well-fitting.Please note that midriffs are not allowed to beshown for any contestant during this event.Attire50% Personality We look for a contestant with “it” factor. Someonewho loves being onstage and that love shines fromwithin. We want to see big personalities shinethrough in this event! 25% Outfit Creativity/Appearance We look for contestants who exude their personalbest in both appearance and confidence. Their attireshould be well-fitted and complimentary. We want tosee your creativity shine through in your ChristmasCostume/Attire! 25% Modeling Ability We are searching for confident contestants onstageWe are looking for fun, upbeat energy! For baby andyoung toddler contestants, we value simple handwaving, cute poses, and smiles. Older contestantsshould exhibit a strong connection with the judges,maintain eye contact, and demonstrate modelingwith some flair. Please note that we do not look fordance routines or glitzy modeling performances. What is this competition judged on? CONTESTANTS MAY USE HANDHELD PROPS ONLY!NO SET UP TIME IS GIVEN.

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PhotogenicHow do Iupload?Each contestant will submit their photo by firstcompleting the online photogenic registration formand following our upload document with instructionsto correctly label and upload photos. Additionaldetails with where to locate the registration will besent a few weeks prior to the competition. Hair & Makeup Light makeup may be worn for contestants ages 0-11. Points will be deducted for extreme retouchinglike those of Glitz Photos. Contestants ages 0-11should follow our rules for attire for the stagemeaning they should be dressed age appropriatelywith no midriff showing in any photos.What is this competition judged on? 50% Expression of Personality and Eye Contact. Judges evaluate how effectively the submittedphoto captures the contestant's overall appearanceand uniqueness. The photo should be a headshot.Theemphasis is on showcasing eye contact, confidence,and expression. Natural light and studio lights areboth welcomed. We want to see a great connectionwith the camera with the main focus being thecontestant. 30% Composition and Clarity: This score considers the composition and artisticelements present in the photo, including framing,lighting, background, and overall aesthetics. Judgesassess how well these elements contribute to thevisual appeal, clarity and quality of the image whilecomplementing the contestant. 20% Appropriateness and Naturalism: Judges evaluate the appropriateness of the photo,ensuring it aligns with the competition's guidelines.Light retouching is allowed to enhance the image,but judges look for a balance that maintains thenatural beauty of the contestant. The photo shouldportray the model realistically and avoid excessiveretouching or any glitzy enhancements.

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Wee Baby Miss0-12 MonthsBaby Miss13-23 MonthsTiny Toddler Miss2 YearsWee Toddler Miss3 YearsToddler Miss4 YearsTiny Miss5 YearsJr. Mini Miss6 YearsMini Miss7 YearsLittle Miss8-9 YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONS

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Pre-Teen Miss10-11 YearsJr. Miss12-13 YearsYoung Miss14-16 YearsTeen Miss17-19 YearsMiss20-29 YearsMs.30-39 YearsMs. Woman40+ YearsAGE DIVISIONSAGE DIVISIONS

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Baby Boy0-2Toddler Boy3-5All Star Boy6-9Gentlemen10+KING AGE DIVISIONSKING AGE DIVISIONS

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Awards & Titles160 Royal Court Winners 40 Event Winners Community Service Champions 20 Division Queens/Kings 20 Division Supremes 4 Grand Supremes 3 Ultimate Grand Supremes The titles and awards listed below are included with your Christmas SpectacularRegistration Package. We also offer add on titles and awards that you can find inour guide known as the Santa’s Sleigh Awards. Spirit of Christmas Queens The two contestants bringing the most toys forour Annual ECUSA Toys for Tots Drive will winthe Community Service Champion Award. Theywill be presented a beautiful plaque onstagealong with an ECUSA Champion Sash. Three queens will be crowned as our Miss Spiritof Christmas Queens, one in each supremebreakdown: ages 0-5, ages 6-11, and ages 12+.These contestants are chosen by Team ECUSAfor displaying outstanding Christmas spirit andcongeniality both on and off the stage.There will be a photogenic and Christmas Wearwinner per each division who will win a customECUSA prize onstage. 4 runner ups will be awarded per our 20 agedivisions. They will take home a beautiful customChristmas Crown, amazing prize and a $25ECUSA Gift Certificate eligible for any upcomingphoto contest or 2025 State PreliminaryPageant. The highest scoring contestant in each agedivision based on the highest Formal wear scoreonly after the Division Supreme has beenpulled.They will take home the incredibleUltimate Christmas Crown, Custom EmbroideredSash, Incredible Prizes and a $75 ECUSA GiftCertificate good for one calendar year. The highest scoring all around contestant ineach age division using all three required scores.They will take home the incredible UltimateChristmas Crown, Custom Embroidered Sash,Incredible Prizes and a $100 ECUSA GiftCertificate good for one calendar year. The highest scoring all around contestant in theKing, 0-5, 6-11, and 12+ Supreme Breakdowns.They awarded right before the Ultimate GrandSupremes. They will take home the incredibleUltimate Christmas Crown, Custom EmbroideredSash, Scepter a sleigh filled with incrediblePrizes and a $200 ECUSA Gift Certificate goodfor one calendar year. The ultimate highest-scoring all-aroundcontestants will be awarded this honor. Thewinners will include a King, a contestant aged 0-5, and a contestant aged 6 and above. They willeach take home the prestigious UltimateChristmas Crown, a custom embroidered sash,scepter, a sleigh filled with incredible prizes anda $250 ECUSA Gift Certificate good for onecalendar year.

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SLEIGH AWARDSSanta’sGet ready to be blown away by our brand newSanta’s Sleigh Awards and Supreme Titles! Whenyou enter, you're in the running for our Shining StarAwards and 12 highly coveted Supremes! Go ALL IN!Add these awards onto your registration. Awarding 12 Christmas Supreme Titles & 60 Shining Star Awards12 Supreme winners will be showered with snow live onstage as they are crowned with the Ultimate ChristmasCrown. They will also receive a custom satin ECUSAembroidered Christmas sash, a sparkling Christmasrhinestone scepter, and a sleigh full of incredible prizes!3 Shining Star Awards will be presented in each division forBest Dressed, Best Personality, and Christmas Spirit. Eachwinner will receive a custom ECUSA Award!

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SLEIGH AWARDSSanta’sLittle Miss Supermodel Supreme Ages: 0-5Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in photo competitions (75%) andformal wear (25%).Jr. Miss Supermodel Supreme Ages: 6-11Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in photo competitions (75%) andformal wear (25%).Miss Supermodel Supreme Ages: 12+Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in photo competitions (75%) andformal wear (25%).Little Miss Christmas Wear Supreme Ages: 0-5Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in Christmas wear (75%) and formalwear (25%).Jr. Miss Christmas Wear Supreme Ages: 6-11Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in Christmas wear (75%) and formalwear (25%).Miss Christmas Wear Supreme Ages: 12+Criteria: This title is awarded to the contestant with the highest overall score in Christmas wear (75%) and formalwear (25%).Little Miss Overall Most Beautiful Supreme Ages: 0-5Criteria: This title is awarded based on the highest score in formal wear, accounting for 100% of the evaluation.Jr. Miss Overall Most Beautiful Supreme Ages: 6-11Criteria: This title is awarded based on the highest score in formal wear, accounting for 100% of the evaluation.Miss Overall Most Beautiful Supreme Ages: 12+Criteria: This title is awarded based on the highest score in formal wear, accounting for 100% of the evaluation.Baby Doll Supreme Ages: 0-5Criteria: Awarded to the contestant with the highest combined score from the Santa’s Sleigh Awards, includingformal wear, Christmas wear, and photogenic categories. This prestigious award is presented right before theGrand Supremes.Snow Queen Supreme Ages: 6+Criteria: Awarded to the contestant with the highest combined score from the Santa’s Sleigh Awards, includingformal wear, Christmas wear, and photogenic categories. This prestigious award is presented right before theGrand Supremes.Snow King Supreme All Boy Contestants Criteria: Awarded to the King contestant with the highest combined score from Formal wear, Christmas wear, andphotogenic categories.

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Tentative ScheduleSaturday, November 30thPlease note this is a tentative schedule and does not include specific age divisioncompetition times. Subject to change.8:30AM-9:45AM Optional Onstage Practice 8:30AM 0-5 Year Old & All Kings Check In 10:30AM 6-11 Year Old Check In 12:00PM 12+ Year Old Check InCheck In Check in with Team ECUSA, receive yourcontestant number and welcome gifts!Participate in our optional open onstagepractice, Christmas Wear Competition 0-5 & Kings 10:00AM-11:30AMChristmas Wear Competition 6-1112:00PM-1:30PM Christmas Wear Competition 12+2:00PM - 3:30PM Optional Star Search Competition 12:00PM-2:00PM 0-5 & King Contestants 3:00PM-5:00PM 6+ Contestants The Best Christmas Pageant EVER Dance Party6:00PM-8:30PMJoin us for dancing, 360 photo booths, and the bigman himself, Santa Claus will join us at the ChristmasSpectacular! Sunday, December 1stFormal Wear Competition 0-5 & Kings 8:30AM-10:00AM Crowning Ceremony 0-5 & Kings2:30PM Crowning Ceremony 6+Formal Wear Competition 6-11 10:00AM-11:30AM Formal Wear Competition 12+ 11:30AM-1:00PM 5:30PM

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CHOICE AWARDSPeople’s1 People’s Choice Supreme Wins a FREE Supreme Entry into the 26th Annual National Finals& a 2 look photoshoot with Snapped by AZ Photography.Ultimate Crown, Custom Satin Sash & Scepter. 2 People’s Choice Champions Wins a 2 look photoshoot with Snapped by AZ Photography anda custom satin champion sash! Voting begins the week of November 11th!