THE OFFICE OF CHILDTHE OFFICE OF CHILDAND YOUTH SUCCESSAND YOUTH SUCCESSABOUT US The Office of Child and Youth Success will serve as aThe Office of Child and Youth Success will serve as anavigation and connection point for residentsnavigation and connection point for residentsseeking supportive services and programming forseeking supportive services and programming foryouth ages 24 and below.youth ages 24 and below.OUR MISSION The Office of Child and YouthThe Office of Child and YouthSuccess is dedicated to prioritizingSuccess is dedicated to prioritizingSan Diego's youngest communitySan Diego's youngest communityby providing access to resources,by providing access to resources,services, and high-quality programsservices, and high-quality programsto improve social, health, andto improve social, health, andeducational outcomes.educational outcomes.OCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023Contact Us1
District 4District 1District 3
Monday,Monday,June 29th,June 29th,
from 5 pmfrom 5 pmto 7 pm.to 7 pm.
Thursday,Thursday,June 1st,June 1st,from 5 pmfrom 5 pmto 7 pm.to 7 pm.Wednesday,Wednesday,June 7th,June 7th,from 5 pmfrom 5 pmto 7 pm.to 7 pm.Wednesday,Wednesday,June 14th,June 14th,from 5 pm tofrom 5 pm to7 pm.7 pm.Saturday,Saturday,June 3rd,June 3rd,
from 10from 10am to 12am to 12pm.pm.
EARLY CHILDHOODEARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENTContact UsOCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023 A child’s early years can haveA child’s early years can havelifelong physical, social, andlifelong physical, social, andemotional impacts. Whileemotional impacts. Whilepositive experiences andpositive experiences andenvironments can set up aenvironments can set up ayoung child on a stronger life-young child on a stronger life-long path, traumaticlong path, traumaticexperiences or environmentsexperiences or environmentsduring those formative yearsduring those formative yearscan have long-lasting,can have long-lasting,detrimental impact.detrimental impact. Early childhood experiencesEarly childhood experiencesfrom birth to age 8 affect thefrom birth to age 8 affect thedevelopment of the brain’sdevelopment of the brain’sarchitecture, which providesarchitecture, which providesthe foundation for all futurethe foundation for all futurelearning, behavior and health.learning, behavior and health.A strong foundation helpsA strong foundation helpschildren develop the skillschildren develop the skillsthey need to become well-they need to become well-functioning adults.functioning adults. In particular, the timeIn particular, the timebetween birth and age 3 is abetween birth and age 3 is aperiod of rapid brainperiod of rapid braindevelopment when billions ofdevelopment when billions ofconnections betweenconnections betweenindividual neurons areindividual neurons areestablished. Mechanisms andestablished. Mechanisms andinterventions to support thatinterventions to support thatdevelopment must bedevelopment must beavailable beginning at birth.available beginning at birth. The experiences children haveThe experiences children haveearly in life play a crucial role inearly in life play a crucial role inthe development of the brain.the development of the brain.Exposure to positive factors,Exposure to positive factors,especially stable andespecially stable andresponsive relationships withresponsive relationships withparents and other adults, andparents and other adults, andsafe and supportivesafe and supportiveenvironments promoteenvironments promotepositive development.positive development. 3
HAPPYHAPPY PRIDE MONTHPRIDE MONTH TRANS COMMUNITY AND HOMELESS YOUTHWHY IS IT IMPORTANT TOTEACH KIDS ABOUT PRIDE? Contact UsOCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023June 2023LGBTQ youth struggle with housing as they transition from childrenLGBTQ youth struggle with housing as they transition from childrento young adults. Many kids were ejected from their homes solelyto young adults. Many kids were ejected from their homes solelybased on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Homelessnessbased on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Homelessness can affect anyone, can affect anyone, rresearch has shownesearch has shown that those who identify as that those who identify aslesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ+) have alesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ+) have a120% higher risk of experiencing some form of homelessness. With120% higher risk of experiencing some form of homelessness. Withup to 40% of the 4.2 million youth experiencing homelessnessup to 40% of the 4.2 million youth experiencing homelessnessidentifying as LGBTQ+ while only 9.5% of the U.S. population,identifying as LGBTQ+ while only 9.5% of the U.S. population,LGBTQ+ youth disproportionately experience homelessnessLGBTQ+ youth disproportionately experience homelessnesscompared to their straight and cisgender peers.compared to their straight and cisgender peers. These youth get left without access to support, stable housing,These youth get left without access to support, stable housing,mental health services, educational and employment support,mental health services, educational and employment support,medical testing, or places to build connections. Spaces wheremedical testing, or places to build connections. Spaces where youth can explore, expand, evolve, and embrace theiryouth can explore, expand, evolve, and embrace theirunderstanding of sexual orientation, romantic orientation, genderunderstanding of sexual orientation, romantic orientation, genderidentity, and gender expression are essential towards creatingidentity, and gender expression are essential towards creatinginclusive communities. LGBTQ+ youth have unique needs based oninclusive communities. LGBTQ+ youth have unique needs based ontheir identities, and having an inclusive community that welcomestheir identities, and having an inclusive community that welcomesthem helps build a relationship with themselves and others.them helps build a relationship with themselves and others.LGBTQ youth struggle with housingLGBTQ youth struggle with housingas they transition from children toas they transition from children toyoung adults.young adults. Research has shownResearch has shownthat this access and inclusion arethat this access and inclusion areessential as society becomes moreessential as society becomes morediverse. Knowledge helps kids feeldiverse. Knowledge helps kids feelsafer, valued, and more confident.safer, valued, and more confident.Whether your child identifies asWhether your child identifies asLGBTQ, is an ally, or has no priorLGBTQ, is an ally, or has no priorunderstanding of the topic,understanding of the topic,teaching about Pride is a sure wayteaching about Pride is a sure wayto develop their empathy andto develop their empathy andcompassion and establish ancompassion and establish aneducation on LGBTQ history.education on LGBTQ history.Pride month is a special time to come together and celebrate the LGBTQ community.Pride month is a special time to come together and celebrate the LGBTQ community.During this time, celebration includes parades, personal reflection, and demonstrations.During this time, celebration includes parades, personal reflection, and demonstrations.Pride started following thePride started following the Stonewall RiotsStonewall Riots in 1969. Members of the LGBTQ community inin 1969. Members of the LGBTQ community inNew York City were responding to police raids at the Stonewall Inn and other lesbian andNew York City were responding to police raids at the Stonewall Inn and other lesbian andgay bars. The riots marked a turning point in the gay liberation movement and thegay bars. The riots marked a turning point in the gay liberation movement and thetwentieth-century fight for LGBTQ rights in the U.S.twentieth-century fight for LGBTQ rights in the U.S. As the years went on, other cities and countries began to hold their own publicAs the years went on, other cities and countries began to hold their own publicdemonstrations or “Pride Day,” leading to what we currently known as “Pride Month.”demonstrations or “Pride Day,” leading to what we currently known as “Pride Month.”4
Contact UsContact UsDiscover your voice during the Summer Reading Program! San Diego residents of allDiscover your voice during the Summer Reading Program! San Diego residents of allages are encouraged to sign up for this event and use their voices to share their stories,ages are encouraged to sign up for this event and use their voices to share their stories,express themselves, and spark change. Complete a combination of 10 books, hours ofexpress themselves, and spark change. Complete a combination of 10 books, hours ofreading or activities to claim your prizes.reading or activities to claim your prizes. SUMMER READINGSUMMER READING PROGRAMPROGRAM WIN PASSES TO THE SANDIEGO NATURAL HISTORYMUSEUM, SAN DIEGO NEWCHILDREN’S MUSEUM, THESAN DIEGO MODELRAILROAD MUSEUM+MOREParticipants can log books, hours,Participants can log books, hours,and activities online byand activities online by clicking hereclicking hereOR by completing a paper log. PrintOR by completing a paper log. Printfrom home or stop by any San Diegofrom home or stop by any San DiegoPublic Library to pick up yourPublic Library to pick up yourreading log starting June 1.reading log starting June 1. OCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 20236
“The officialacknowledgment andrecognition of thissignificant day inAmerican History is animportant step for theCity of San Diego,” saidMayor Gloria. “Theending of slavery is apivotal moment thatshould be honored andcelebrated. I encourageSan Diegans to set asidetime on Juneteenth toreflect on our country’shistory, including theparts that are painful,and to help us worktowards designing amore equitable futurewithout systemicracism.”Contact UsWHAT THE DAYWHAT THE DAYMEAN TO YOUMEAN TO YOU OCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023June 2023JUNETEENTHJUNETEENTH NEW BEGINNNINGSNEW BEGINNNINGSFOR CITY EMPLOYEESFOR CITY EMPLOYEES7"Juneteenth, to me, is my Fourth of July. It is atime for celebration but mostly a time forremembrance. It is essential to pass along thecorrect information on what occurred duringthis time so that history does not repeat itself. Iwant to bring power to being black, release andrejoice for our freedom, and recognize all whodevoted so much time, blood, sweat (and) tearsso we could live freely. This holiday meanseverything to me, and I will continue to upliftthe tradition of such a beautiful culture. " - Makayla Scott OCYS Youth and EmpowerManagement Intern,Urban Planner
Contact UsJuneJune Events 2023Events 2023 Friday | 2Friday | 2OCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023June 20238San Diego350’sSan Diego350’sCarnival for Climate.Carnival for Climate. Climate-relatedClimate-relatedcarnival games, facecarnival games, facepainting, art activitiespainting, art activitiesand ways to getand ways to getinvolved in the climateinvolved in the climatemovement.movement.First Friday La JollaFirst Friday La JollaArt WalkArt Walk First ever PRIDE-First ever PRIDE-themed First Fridaythemed First FridayArt walk in the VillageArt walk in the Villageof La Jolla to celebrateof La Jolla to celebrateour wonderful andour wonderful anddiverse LGBTQ+diverse LGBTQ+community.community. Friday | 2Friday | 2Thursday | 20Thursday | 20Friday | 2Friday | 2 “This year we’re bringing“This year we’re bringingmore artists, more vendors,more artists, more vendors,and more members of ourand more members of ourcommunity together to notcommunity together to notonly celebrate Juneteenth,only celebrate Juneteenth,but to protest systemicbut to protest systemicracism and police brutality.”racism and police brutality.”Juneteenth at BalboaJuneteenth at BalboaParkParkJuneteenth WellnessJuneteenth WellnessFestivalFestival“…plant-based food, art, music“…plant-based food, art, musicand a variety of live fitnessand a variety of live fitnessclasses…This is the perfect dayclasses…This is the perfect dayto dedicate yourself to upliftingto dedicate yourself to upliftingthe Black Community, exploringthe Black Community, exploringcreativity, educating oncreativity, educating onwellness, fosteringwellness, fosteringtogetherness and, of course,togetherness and, of course,CELEBRATING life, liberty andCELEBRATING life, liberty andthe pursuit of happiness.”the pursuit of happiness.”Sunday | 4Sunday | 4Saturday | 24Saturday | 24Rock 'n' Roll SanRock 'n' Roll SanDiegoDiego San Diego Pride 2023San Diego Pride 2023Starting at Balboa Park andStarting at Balboa Park andfinishing in Downtown Sanfinishing in Downtown SanDiego, you’ll explore up toDiego, you’ll explore up toeight well-knowneight well-knownneighborhoods.neighborhoods. The San Diego PrideThe San Diego PrideFestival is host to aFestival is host to avariety of local andvariety of local andnational organizations.national organizations.Are you planning a specialAre you planning a specialevent in San Diego and needevent in San Diego and needplanning help? Please visit.planning help? Please visit.
Contact UsThe City of San Diego's Office of Childand Youth Success would like tocongratulate all the graduates of 2023.Our team wishes you the best of luck inyour next chapter! OCYS NEWSLETTEROCYS NEWSLETTERJune 2023June 202398