1About Us 3Free Summer Meals 9All Things Career Fair 5National Aunt’s and Uncle’s Day12World Day of International Justice 13Speak Up San Diego4Keep The Panty Full2Why We Celebrate 4th of July? 8Marketing Your Business11Disability Pride Month 7Overcoming Barriers to Success 6What’s an Entrepreneur? 10Apprenticeship Programs 15Plastic Free July17Summer Safety Tips16International Self-care Day18National Intern Day19Intern Spotlight20Upcoming Events 14San Diego PrideTable ofContents
About UsAbout UsThe Office of Child & Youth Success will serve as a navigation andconnection point for residents seeking supportive services andprogramming for youth ages 24 and below.The Office of Child and Youth Success isdedicated to prioritizing San Diego’syoungest community by providing access toresources, services and high-qualityprograms to improve social, health, andeducational outcomes.MissionMission VisionVisionThrough trust, transparency, equity, andinclusion, the City of San Diego, Office of Childand Youth Success will coordinate a network ofcommunity stakeholders that will provide ashared framework to deliver high-impactsolutions to challenging circumstances foryoung people empowering them to thrive in thecommunity they serve.1
July 4 marks the anniversary of whenCongress, comprised of delegates from theUnited States' original 13 colonies, signedthe Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776. The document declared the nation'sindependence from Great Britain.Why do we celebrate?San Diego 4th of July Celebration MapLa JollaDate: July 4th at 9 PMPlace: Drone Show at LaJolla Shores*eco-friendly and sensory-friendly alternative tofireworksMira MesaMission BayOld TownDate: July 3rd at 9 PM Place: Wangenheim MiddleSchool FieldsCurrent Plans: community picnicfrom 4 PM to 9:30 PM atHourglass Field Community Parkleading up to the fireworks.Date: July 3 at 9PMPublic Viewing Spots: SunsetPoint Park, Mission Bay BeachClub, Crown Point, Ski Beach,Bonita Cove, Mariner’s Point,Mission Point, Model Yacht Pond,Vacation Isle, Ventura CoveDate: July 4th11 am - 3 pmPlace: Old Town SanDiego State Historic Park2
www.Sandiegounified.orgMeal locations includeselect San Diego Unifiedschools, libraries, parks& recreation centers, andother community sitesA full list of locations andservice times is linked here.Save money spent on groceries and help support our schools andcommunity by stopping by a summer meal site with your family.Menus, Nutrition andAllergen InformationSummer Breakfast MenuSummer School Lunch Menu K-12Summer Fun Cafe Lunch MenuStarting this summer,you can buy more foodfor your child withCalifornia SUN Bucks,also called Summer-EBT.Click here for more information.Programa nutricional de veranopara niños (Español)The Summer Feeding Program kicksoff June 10 and continues throughAugust 2, open Monday throughFriday. Times and locations vary.Note: All San Diego Unified Schoolswill be closed June 19, July 4 & 5.Connecting Kids withNutritious & Delicious MealsWhen School's OutOpen to Children andTeens (ages 18 & under). Save your family timeand money with freesummer meals for yourkids this summer!YES! PLEASE!FREESUMMERMEALSFREESUMMERMEALSSandiegounified.org3
Keep The Pantry FullKeep The Pantry FullFood banks play a vital role in providing assistanceto economically disadvantaged families, the elderly,and children. They provide food, stability, and hopeto individuals who are struggling financially. Theyprovide as a safety net for people in need. There are several places that offers free groceries in San Diego. Use the GPSFood Locator Map to find your local food bank, click here!Schools Churches Rec. CentersFood Banks Food Assistance And MoreCLICK ON THEPICTURES4
NATIONAL AUNT’S & UNCLE’S DAYNATIONAL AUNT’S & UNCLE’S DAYIn recognition of these under-appreciated members ofthe family, Aunt’s and Uncle’s Day will be July 26th.Celebrate them to show gratitude for theircontribution to the lives of their nieces and nephewscelebrate and remind them of all the reasons you enjoyhaving them in your life!WHY CELEBRATE?Aunt’sAunt’sA second mom, best friend, and mentor allwrapped in one. Aunts serve as a safety net, acomforter, protector and supporter. They're notalways around, but they're never too far whenyou need them.Uncle’sUncle’sHe's like Dad, only funnier and cooler: He'syour uncle. That non-judgmental, patientlisteners who offer’s guidance and leadership.They serve as supportive, life-long role modelGIFT IDEAS:Car ShowCookout BBQComedy ShowHomemade KeychainNew Video GameGIFT IDEAS:Deliver Flowers To Her HouseShopping DayHomemade CardSelf-Care EssentialsTake Her To LunchThank your aunts for the birthdaypresents, and for being there atlife’s milestone. Celebrate youraunts with a card or a note in themail, a phone call, or a text. Makethis day an excuse to re-live thememories while creating newones by doing what she loves.HOW TO CELEBRATE: HOW TO CELEBRATE:Thank your uncles for playingcatch, swimming, piggyback rides,and taking you fishing. Celebrateyour uncle with a card or note inthe mail, a phone call, or a text.Make this day an excuse to re-livethe memories while creating newones by doing what he loves. 5
An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business or organization andmakes their ideas a reality. They solve issues or recognize opportunities in theworld around them and take the initiative to make things happen. Being anentrepreneur requires creativity, determination, and the willingness to take risks.Here's how to become one: Meet DeauneI am Deaune Boyd, I am the founder of Elysian Vision Photography. Myportrait photography company was a risk born from my intense passionfor capturing life’s most precious moments. San Diego Native, who hasovercome many challenges. Growing up in Southeast San Diego wasn’teasy; reflecting on my journey as an entrepreneur, three qualities standout as the cornerstones of my success: resilience, optimism, andcourage. In the world of entrepreneurship, there’s often a temptation tofocus solely on honing our strengths, doubling down on what we’realready good at. However, I’ve come to believe that true growth lies inembracing a more well-rounded approach, investing time and effortinto areas where we may not be as proficient.Consider your hobbies and areas of skill. You can choose the best companyidea with the help of your abilities and desire.Identify Your Passion and StrengthsTake a look around you and consider any issues you face or areas that coulduse improvement. Come up with solutions that could address such issues ormeet needs.Create IdeasAfter you have an idea, conduct market research to learn about your competitionand possible clients. Create a business plan that outlines your objectives, targetmarket, and strategy for achieving success.Plan and Conduct ResearchIt's not necessary to know everything right away. Start by testing a scaled-downversion of your concept. This lets you pick up new skills and adjust as you go.Begin Small6
Youth in the foster care system can experience trauma frombeing displaced from family and schools and from multipleplacements with different families. Being in the foster caresystem can cause them to fall behind in school, and fostercare youth are less likely to finish high school than their peers.Exiting the foster care system can also be a struggle. Manyleave with no support or plan for the future, and they arevulnerable to experiencing homelessness when they leave. Foster Care YouthBARRIERSBARRIERSOVERCOMINGOVERCOMINGSan Diego County has one of the largest immigrant populations of all US counties. Accordingto San Diego Foundation, nearly 91,000 immigrants in San Diego live in poverty, and this has anegative impact on life outcomes of immigrant youth and youth of immigrant parents.Immigrant Youth/Youth of Immigrant ParentsUnfortunately there are manydifferent inequities experiencedby youth. Disparities in wages,health, access to highereducation, and more persistamong youth in San Diego.TO SUCCESSTO SUCCESSStudents Without LimitsStudents Without Limits is a nonprofitorganization that provides legal, mentalhealth, and continuing education help tounderserved minority or immigrant teens.They partner with schools across San Diegoto provide these services.Their Immigrant Youth Program providesafter-school workshops to educate youth onimmigration policy, connect them toresources, and help with college andscholarships. They have “little familymeetings” that provide support andguidance from caring adults.Resources for Foster CareYouthSan Diego Youth Services has an IndependentLiving Skills Program that helps youth exiting fostercare with finding stable housing, enrolling incollege or vocational programs, employment, andother things necessary to become an independentadult. Foster Youth Coordinating Services Programs(FYCSPs) support foster youth in a number ofways. They include Tutoring and Tutor Success,College Connection, and School Success Program,just to name a few.*Open enrollment for StudentsWithout Limits is year round! Enrollat their Instagram: @swolremote7
HAS ANYONE EVER WANTED TO BE ANENTREPRENEUR OR KNOW ANYONE WHOSTARTED ON A BUSINESS? IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS IDEA, FOLLOWTHESE STEPS TO MARKET YOUR BUSINESS!Picking The Platform Identify which social mediaplatforms your target audienceuses most frequently. Marketing YourMarketing YourBusinessBusinessContent Strategy &Creations Content strategy involvesstrategically creating, managing,and distributing content toachieve business and marketinggoals. Content creation isessential for attracting potentialcustomers and is a cornerstone ofcontent marketing, which aims toengage your target audiencethrough ongoing contentdevelopment and distributionacross channels.AnalyzingConsider creating separatespreadsheets for each socialmedia platform you analyze.These will serve as central hubsfor your data, allowing you tocompare metrics over time. Mostplatforms offer built-in analyticstools like Facebook Insights, whichprovide detailed metrics such aspage actions, views, and previews.Advertising andMarketing Social media advertising usesplatforms like LinkedIn, YouTube,Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, andInstagram to deliver paid ads to bothcurrent and potential customers,expanding your brand's reach beyondtraditional advertising methods.Making YourProfileDevelop thorough and engagingprofiles on each selected platform.Incorporate your logo, brand colors,and a concise yet descriptivebiography. Don't forget to include alink to your website for furtherinformation.Consistency &Authenticity By consistently providing value,engaging with your audience, andadapting your strategy based oninsights, you can effectively leveragesocial media to market yourbusiness and achieve your goals.8
PreparationGe The Most Out Of ItAdvantagesA career fair is an event that givesstudents and employers a chanceto meet one another, establishprofessional relationships, anddiscuss potential job and/orinternship opportunities.Job fairs are the “meat markets”of the entry-level job market,with employers sizing upcandidates quickly, based onappearances and firstimpressions.Click here for career fair checklistsEven if you network and shakehands with every employer, youmay become just another face ina very large crowd. Realistically,there may be hundreds of otherjob seekers that are trying tomake an impression on thosesame employers. Get the most out of eachexperience by exchangingbusiness cards, sharing yourresume, and connecting withthe employers you met onLinkedIn.Career Fair?DisadvantgesJob FairReasons To AttendALL THINGSALL THINGSCAREER FAIRCAREER FAIRCareer fair gives students andemployers a chance to meet oneanother, establish professionalrelationships, and discusspotential job and/or internshipopportunities.PurposeThis Months FairsPractice your networking skillsSee new job positions availableA chance for resume workshopsGather important contactsSee potential career ideasMultiple copies of resumesHave a elevator pitch ready.Make a list of questionsPlan a follow-up strategyPrepare appropriate attireYou are able to shake hands withan actual person and create aconnection with employers. Thisgives you a chance to capitalizeon the moment. Click here for more on LinkedInChula Vista Entry Level Virtual Fair Monday, July 1 ~ 11am - 3pmSan Diego Entry-Level Virtual Fair Monday, July 8 ~ 11am - 3pmSan Diego Virtual Career ExpoFriday, July 5 ~ 11am - 2pm9
OpportunitiesA structured training program that blends classroomeducation and on-the-job training is called anapprenticeship program. Apprenticeships normally run fora predetermined amount of time, during which time theapprentice acquires practical experience and specializedknowledge in a particular trade or career. Labor unions,trade groups, and employers frequently fund theseinitiatives. Electrical Apprentice$28.00 - $38.00 an hourFull-time8-hour shift Monday to FridayLocation San Diego, CA Driver's License RequiredApprentice Jeweler$18.00 - $19.00 an hourStagehand - Film / Concerts /Wedding & Private Events$18.00 - $23.00 an hourFull-time Driver's License RequiredLocation Westfield Plaza Bonita mall (Signet Jewelers) Part-timeAbility to lift at least 50 lbs on your own, ability to pass a drugscreening Seeking active people who like to make things happenCoder, Apprentice- CPC or CCSFull-time High school diploma required 823 Gateway Center Way, San Diego, CA 92102$18.50 an hour10
Disability Pride MonthDisability Pride MonthSUPPORTED EMPLOYMENTRESOURCESGoodwill offers manyservices to people withdisabilities, including careercenters to assist withemployment, help withdoing your taxes, andproviding jobs for adultswith disabilities. Here is amore extensive list ofservices Goodwill offers.Learn moreaboutGoodwill’sSupportedEmploymentprogram inSan Diego!The Arc of San Diego provides supportedemployment for people with disabilities, includinghelp with interview skills, job searching, resumebuilding, and more. Learn more about theirservices and view the list of employers who theypartner with. National DisabilitiesIndependence Day isJuly 26th!National DisabilitiesIndependence Day is part ofDisability Pride Month. Bothcelebrate the passage of theAmericans with Disabilities Act(ADA) in 1990. It makes it illegalto discriminate againstsomebody because of a disability.It removes barriers for peoplewith disabilities to things likegetting jobs and using publictransportation. It also requiresthat public accommodations likewheelchair access is available,among other benefits.WAYS TO CELEBRATESpeak up. Your voice has power, andif you are a person with a disability,telling your story can educate otherson the importance of disabilityinclusion.Both offer paid internships and a student servicesprogram that gives youth with disabilities ages16-21 up to 100 hours of paid work experience.GOODWILLGet involved! Find events in yourarea that celebrate people withdisabilities. Finding communitygroups dedicated to disabilityinclusion is a good place to start.Learn something new! Listen to apodcast to learn more about theADA or simply learn from othersabout their experience having adisability. Learn more aboutDisability Pride Month here.Options for All also offers supported employmentto people with developmental and/or intellectualdisabilities.11
International JusticeWORLD DAY FORJULY 17TH, 2024T I P SShare ResourcesThrough open sharing, communities have a richer andmore engaging opportunity to excel. Sign up for emailnewsletters and be sure to keep up with OCYS MonthlyNewsletters!Learn The Story Of International JusticeBy learning this history, you can understand the manyreasons why victims of these crimes are denied justice!This allows you to see problems and discrepancies.Be Inspired & Make A DifferenceInspiration gives both the means and the motivation torise above, be thoughtful, and create solutions which inturn will make a difference in the lives of victims.C R I M I N A L J U S T I C E I M P O R T A N T A N C EThe criminal justice system's goal is to maintain order in society bypunishing those who break the law and protecting the welfare of thecitizens. This system ensures that suspects are appropriatelyinvestigated, prosecuted, and defended to guarantee a fair trial.(Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2021)The Criminal Justice System is the system that prescribes the fate ofthe criminal. It is also the system that provides recompense to thevictim under the rule of law. Criminal justice seeks to deter futurecrimes by creating penalties for criminal conduct and rehabilitatecriminals through incarceration. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2021).W H A T I S T H E C R I M I N A L J U S T I C E S Y S T E M ?Remember The VictimsShow your solidarity by acknowledging their fight anddoing what you can to support them in their cause. H O W T O O B S E R V E ?Support The CauseResearch non-governmental organizations working forjustice-related causes like preventing violence againstwomen, protecting human rights, etc., and considerdonating or volunteering your talents.Attend an EventNot only are you able to learn about issues within yourcommunity but you are also able to use your voices inlocal government decision-making. See page below tolearn about Speak-Up San Diego Special Youth CouncilsClick here to learn more about the Criminal Justice System. H I S T O R YInternational Justice Day commemorates the historic adoption ofthe Rome Statute on 17 July 1998 and marks the importance ofcontinuing the fight against impunity and bringing justice for thevictims of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.(Das, 2023).P U R P O S ETo enforce the law and defend the interests of the United Statesaccording to the law, to ensure public safety against threatsforeign and domestic, to provide federal leadership in preventingand controlling crime, to seek just punishment for those guilty ofunlawful behavior, and to ensure fair and impartial administrationof justice for all Americans. (Das, 2023).12
ActivitiesActivitiesEngagingEngaging AGENDA:DISCUSSINGSTRENGTHENING FAMILIES PROTECTIVEFRAMEWORKUSE THIS LINK TO JOINWHEN: JULY 23RD 2024TIME: 4-5PMJOIN US ON MICROSOFT TEAMS!S P E A K U P S A N D I E G OS P E C I A L Y O U T H C O U N C I LWHO: Youth, Ages 12-26 in The City of San Diego WHAT: Discussion goal is how to create engagingactivities for youth and children that expand theirlife experiences and promote fun and enrichingactivities that inspire community-based activitieswhich foster creativity and inspiration.13
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Curabitur purus quam,pretium sed turpis vitae, placeratinterdum diam. Fusce quis tortor elit.Aenean metus neque, euismod at ultricieseget, viverra et ipsum. Suspendissefermentum consectetur augue in finibus.Pellentesque vitae nibh vitae nibh fringillaegestas a varius Las sonrisasWhen: Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 12 PM – 6 PMShe Fest offers programming for LGBTQ+ women and non-binary individuals, connects LGBTQ+ small businesses to newaudiences, hosts social events for community bonding, andcelebrates its volunteer committee members.SAN DIEGO PRIDE JULY 13-21 2024She FestWhen: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 @ 7 PMCome together with Dean Penny Bridges and other faithleaders for an in-person celebration of our faith and resilience.Following the service, the Cathedral will be illuminated inrainbow colors.Light Up the CathedralWhen: Saturday, July 20, 2024 @ 10 AMSan Diego’s Pride Parade is the region’s largest single-day civicevent and one of the largest in the United States, with over300,000 supporters cheering for the LGBTQ community.The ParadeSpirit of Stonewall RallyThe FestivalWhen: Friday, July 19, 2024 @ 6 PM – 7 PMBegin San Diego Pride weekend with inspirational speeches,the recognition of LGBTQ leaders, and the raising of the Prideflag.When: Saturday, July 20, 2024 @ 11 AM – 10 PM |Sunday, July 21, 2024 @ 11 AM – 9 PMJoin us in Balboa Park to celebrate diversity and inclusion withcommunity resources, booths, and live entertainment acrossfour stages.14
IDEAS & SOLUTIONS You can start out small, or reallychallenge yourself! Want some tipsto find out how you can reduceplastic waste? Get inspired usingthis link here.Whether you’re a beginner lookingfor a few single-use plastics toavoid, or someone well on theirway to a plastic free life, you canget involved! Click here to learnmore.GET INVOLVEDA great way to continue to growthe positive impact of Plastic FreeJuly is by sharing the challengewith others. Click here for assetsand promotional tools that you cantake to school, work, and share inyour community!BE PLASTIC FREEWHY PLASTIC IS HARMFUL?Unlike other materials, plastic doesnot biodegrade. It can take up to 1,000years to break down, so when it isdiscarded, it builds up in theenvironment until it reaches a crisispoint. This impacts wildlife, climatechange, and the amount of pullution. The idea of Plastic Free July is to avoidsingle-use items where possible, bysimply avoiding or by choosingdurable reusable alternatives. WHAT?What’s Plastic?NON-BIODEGRADABLETHINGSPlastic AlternativesBIODEGRADABLETHINGSPLASTIC FREE JULYPLASTIC FREE JULY15
Caring for yourself isn’t just a passing fad or something to experiment withsporadically. To truly benefit, it’s essential to integrate self-care into your dailyroutine. Yaou don’t require large, uninterrupted chunks of "me-time" in your schedule tonurture self-care. Don’t allow busyness to prevent you from prioritizing yourself!Explore these examples of self-care practices to discover what resonates best with you!Self-care encompasses individuals takingresponsibility for their health by utilizing existingknowledge, occasionally with professionalguidance. It provides advantages such as making informedhealthcare decisions, promoting personal well-being, and enhancing efficiency for governmentsand healthcare systems worldwide.International Self-Care DayJULY 24TH 2024The Fact of Self CareHow Do I Practice Self CareTAKE AMENTALHEALTH DAYTRY COOKINGPLAY ASPORTTREATYOURSELFFUN FACTThis symbolic day waschosen because self-carecan be practiced “24 hours aday/7 days a week”-W.H.O.WATER YOURPLANTS/PLAYWITH YOURPETy16
Summer Safety tipsHow to Beat the heatWater SafetyBug safety Different ways that you could beat theheat could be going to one of thedesignated cool zones in San Diego,making sure you stay hydrated with lotsof water, wearing sunscreen, or maybeeven go to your local pool!San Diego CoolZonesMake sure to keepyour pet safe too!Keep your pethydrated, make themsome ice treats, orconsider a cooling padto keep your pet coolduring the heat. If youwant to learn more,click here!Stay safe with a FreeBasic CPR ClassAs much as you might love summer,the bugs also love to be out! Mosquitobites are usually harmless, but some ofthem carry diseases such as the Zikavirus and Lyme disease. To avoid bugbites, wear an insect repellent. Water safety is extremely important duringthe summer, especially if you plan on goingto a pool or the beach! If you plan on goinginto the beach, make sure to check ahead tolook at the water conditions and currents.If you plan on going to a pool, check withyour local pool if they offer swimmingprograms!Find your local pool!17Too hot in thehouse? Find a coolzone near you!
NationalIntern DayNational Intern Day, created by WayUp,celebrates future leaders by recognizingand acknowledging interns' efforts.Launched in 2017, it highlights thechallenges and inequalities faced by entry-level candidates. The day also emphasizesthe essential role of internships in gainingvaluable experience and making a lastingimpact in the workforce.July 25, 2024*Some of the applications are closed, but monitor the career page for upcoming opportunitiesInternship oppurtunitiesHow to create a resumestep-by-step:18
Tianna’s favorite partabout working withOCYS is the small yetimpactful change theoffice contributes tomaking the youth'slives a little bit easier.Amy Gianetto Tianna FairAmy’s favorite partabout working withOCYS is howsupportive andcollaborative theenvironment is. INTERN SPOTLIGHTMeet the OCYS Intern Team!Marlissa HernandezAlisha SupanekarMirei KubotaAlisha’s favorite partof working with OCYSis participating in thebehind-the-scenesefforts to build a newdepartment that willpositively impactyouth in San Diego. Av’ry BrooksMirei’s favorite partabout working withOCYS is experiencingvarious roles to driveinitiatives that benefitSan Diego's youth. Marlissa’s favorite partabout working with OCYSis working for the youthwhile making sureeveryone has a voice andhas accessibility toresources, they may need.Kwincy LambertKwincy’s favorite partabout working withOCYS is theopportunities to make atrue impact for hiscommunity while beingan advocate for youth.19Av’ry’s favorite partof working with OCYSis learning about theCity of San Diego andnetworking withother groups to learnabout accessibleservices
Saturday, July 6th @ 12pm-8pmMonday, July 15th @ 11am-12pmSunday, July 14th @ 10amMonday, July 15th @ 11am-12pmTuesday, July 23rd @ 7:30am-9amSUMMER CULTURE FEST SAN DIEGOJuly 6thLITTLE MERMAIN INSPIRIED MARKETJuly 14thSPC HIGHER ED. SUBCOMMITTEJuly 15thCOMMUNITY CLIMATE CONVERSATIONSJuly 15thWOMAN CLERGY BREAKFASTJuly 23rdUPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTSFind More Events Here . . . 20A FREE event that will take place at Waterfront Park, SanDiego. Multicultural diverse food and artisan vendors with akids Area.Come shop small at Illusion Hall! This is a free event andtickets are not neededThe SPC holds monthly Higher Education Subcommitteemeetings on the third Monday of the month. Use your voice!Together the Southern San Diego community celebratesclimate efforts and sparks conversations for advancingclimate priorities.Join other women pastors and leaders in your region at thissummer’s PalCon for a time of conversation,encouragement, and networking.