O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5SCLHSASCLHSAKeeping up withMonthlyEmployee NewsletterSCLHSA CelebratesRecovery MonthThe theme for Recovery Month was “Together We AreStronger.” SCLHSA staff collaborated to plan activities tocelebrate Recovery Month in September. Staff were able to wear jeans and purple shirts everyWednesday during September with the “Ask Me Why I’mWearing Purple” sticker to promote conversation about theimportance of recognizing people in recovery.Three hundred “Recipe for Recovery” boxes with items related to recovery were preparedand distributed to clients in recovery at each SCLHSA site. Items were also distributed to200 individuals at local recovery centers in the seven parish area.Ethan Bascle and Rebecca Davis collaborated on a video with SCLHSA clients discussingtheir journey to recovery. The video was shared on SCLHSA’s Facebook page and You Tubechannel.SCLHSA hosted a screening of the documentary Tipping the Pain Scale on October 10, 2023 atthe AMC Theater in Houma. The free screening was well received with over 180 people inattendance. The film features Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh; NFL Pro Bowl player, Darren Waller;Spoken Word Artist and Educator, Joseph Green; WA State Representative, Lauren Davis;Community Outreach Volunteer, Roz Pichardo; and Boston Police Officer Josh De LA Rosa. Following the screening there was a panel discussion with Thibodaux Police Chief BryanZeringue, Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet, Terrebonne Parish Assistant DistrictAttorney Chris Erny and SCLHSA Physician Dr. James Hyatt.RECOVERY
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. The year has flown by. Icannot believe Christmas and the New Year are around the corner. Where to start? First, let me give my heartfelt thanks to each of you for all you do for the people weserve. Everyone contributes to the success of the agency and our communities. Somany people need the services we provide. We are providing turkeys andThanksgiving baskets for 10 families at each behavioral health center again this year. Please send the names of 10 families (5 adult and 5 children) to Kimri Miller byNovember 13th.Our updated website looks great! If you have not gone to the site, please do so atsclhsa.org. The formerly known “Resource App” is now located on our website withsearchable features. Also, on the website is our first Annual Plan. Marketing did anamazing job! The plan will stay on our site and will be sent to our stakeholders. We still have the DVD of Tipping the Pain Scale for additional viewings. The showingdoes not have to be in a movie theatre. Our Assumption Parish Board Member, RayNicholas, will be showing the film to his Drug Court. Contact Janet Price if you haveideas to show the movie elsewhere in our region. Kristin Bonner, A Message from the Executive DirectorMHA, BSN, RNO C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5We don’t have the dates confirmed for our CARF survey but we aregetting ready! Once the schedule arrives, we will share with the staff.The timeframe is December thru January (excluding the two weeks of Christmas and New Year’s Day). The All Staff video meetings may not be the best way to get outagency information in my opinion. I am brainstorming differentmechanisms that can convey information and allow staff membersto discuss issues and receive important information. If you haveany suggestions, please email me.
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5SCLHSASCLHSAemployees were out and about in our SCLHSASCLHSAcommunities over the past few months. Staffattended functions at local universities, schools andcommunity events. They had the opportunity to speakto diverse groups of people and share informationabout the services SCLHSA provides in our area.On August 29, 2023, Kristin completed her Master'sin Health Administration from LSU-Shreveport. Thisrigorous program covers healthcare organizationalbehavior, human resource management, marketing,informatics and strategic management, healthcareeconomics and finance, healthcare systems, law,ethics, and policy. She wasted no time in using her newly acquiredskills as Executive Director. With a stroke of luck,each course seemed to be a perfect match for ourSCLHSA annual processes. So, she was able to shareher knowledge and current material with us alongthe way.Congratulations! We are so proud of you!Kristin earned a Master’s Degree inHealth Administration1 2 3Janet Price & AmberCavalier at the BayouL’Ourse Back to Schoolevent. Amber wasinstrumental in planningthis event for thecommunity. The Bayou L’Ourse eventwas a family affair. Amber’sdaughter, Ava, participatedin the fun activities.Clinell Richoux attended theTulane School of SocialWork ‘s Fall Field Institute.1.2.3.
Red Ribbon Week ActivitiesRed Ribbons * Red Phrases Activity * Red Shoes/Socks * Red Scavenger Hunt * “Lei” Off DrugsCase Managers DayJaime AveryYolanda BrownJazmin BurnsHeather HarperStacey LackeyAleasha LeonardTiffany RodrigueJerrilyn ScullyErin WhiteDerraisa WilliamsO C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION DAYSIT Professionals DayBrian ArmstrongDonald CupitJoey ThibodauxAddiction Professionals DayRebecca DavisMegan EvansTracy GreenwoodJay MaioranaEd NaquinSeptemberHR Professionals DayLori CarlosMacy ComeauxShelby HidalgoAmy WalkerJackie WeberOctoberPeer Support Specialist DayDenise DetiveauxLeah HoodDylan HunterTrevor PoiencotLaura StanleyMedical Assistance DayMary BracamontesJuanisha GriffinTune it to KatieGibbens & AmyCobb on HTVtalking about RedRibbon Week.
Leah Hood, TBHCcreated an amazingpumpkin with quilling!Facebook FavRBHCLBHCADMINSMBHCDDTBHC
Deck theContestDRSelect your 2 favorite doors at yoursite. Submit photos of the 2 doors toJanet Price by December 15th.The doors submitted from each sitewill be featured on SCLHSA'sFacebook page and voted on formost aDOORable.The winner will be announced onDecember 19th.Only decorate the door. Use materials that will not obstruct or damage the door.No suggestive language/decorations should be used.Be Creative
StaffChangesOctober 2023August 2023Courtney RickerMedical Certification Supervisor, DDO C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5September 2023Lori ChristianMH Program Director, RPBHCGoogle ReviewsSMBHC9.1.2023 * 9.20.2023 * 9.26.2023* 9.27.2023 * 10.4.2023TBHC10.5.2023“The people there are very professional and sweet.They are trying their best to help me get to thebest I can be which is unfortunately not much dueto my situation. Thanks for trying guys.”“I am having the best experience here. I’ve foundthe staff to be professional, attentive and friendly.This place is on par with other facilities I’ve goneto.”Anita GilbertPsychiatric Mental Health NP, TBHCSeptember 2023Aleasha LeonardCase Manager, SMBHCDarrian RobertsonProfessional Counselor 3 (PLPC), TBHCRona PichonPsychiatric Mental Health NP, SMBHCTera RobichauxCommunity Service Professional 2, DDMichelle DuplantisAdministrative Coordinator 3, TBHCErin WhiteSocial Service Counselor 3, TBHCMichelle MatthewsRegistered Nurse 2, RPBHCThe TBHC StaffMeeting Packs a Punch!Brandon Walker atTBHC tookadvantage of theold mail slots in theclinic and created anod to the Price IsRight’s Punch aBunch game.After a recent staffmeeting, staff hadthe opportunity to“punch” a slot for atreat!
Shout out to the SMBH Clerical Departmentfor showering staff with breakfast onSeptember 1, 2023. Amber Cavalier, SMBHCShout out to Donald“He has handled the reimaging verynicely. He has been informative of hisneeds and what he needs access to inthe clinic while being respectful ofstaff and their schedules. He has keptKorie and I informed throughout theprocess and this has been veryhelpful.” Amber Cavalier, SMBHCShout out to Doddie, Clinell & Jasonfor their dedication and leadership“They support their staff by listening, coaching,motivating, and setting high standards. I enjoyour supervisors meetings because theyENTHUSIASTICALLY share their ideas toarrive at the best decisions for the office.” Glen Magee, LBHCSCLHSASHOUT OUTO C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5Shout out to Dr. Russ“I can’t thank you enough for your kindness andpositivity towards the nurses and the entirestaff at SMBHC. You have a way to put thepatients and their families at ease. I admire theamount of knowledge and medical skills that youhave and your patience when I ask you to staffcases. Your blend of professionalism adds apersonal touch to our SCLHSA family. I want tothank you.”Jerilyn Gros, SMBHC“Your hard work anddedication to our patientsand clinic does not gounnoticed. You also handlethose overflow calls like achamp:)”Amber Cavalier, SMBHCShout out to SMBH Clerical Department
Shout out to Bonnie Fortson“Bonnie is thorough with all of her cases. Sheprovides great care to her patients and workshard to wrap them with services that are clientcentered and promote their overall recovery. Shetakes feedback well and is always willing to be ateam player.” Amber Cavalier, SMBHCShout out to Amber“I know you juggle a lot as our manager,thank you for creating a comfortablework environment and I reallyappreciate your support and guidance. Itmeans a lot to me that you see myvalue and trust me to do the job asnurse supervisor. Thank you Amber!” Jerilyn Gros, SMBHCShout out to Juanisha“I really appreciate how reliable youare. I appreciate and notice your hardwork you put in with primary careduties and assisting Angelle. You tend tostay quiet and get the job done. You’rean incredible hard worker and youdeserve recognition. Thank you.” Jerilyn Gros, SMBHCSCLHSASHOUT OUTO C T O B E R 2 0 2 3V O L 1 | I S N 5Shout out to Dr. Hyatt“You are always willing to be a teamplayer and help out where needed. Nomatter what is asked Dr. Hyatt respondswith ”I am willing to help where needed.”Thank you for your willingness to betterserve our patients and your flexibility. It isgreatly appreciated.”Amber Cavalier, SMBHCShout Out to the DD Entry Team:We have been having an extremely busy 2 months with being short staffed, illness,and the overflowing amount of referrals coming through. I am so proud of ourteam for working so hard to get tasks done and meet deadlines, even with all ofthe hurdles we have faced! Keep up the great work ladies, one day at a time! Danielle Clement, DD
Hi I’m Tom and I needyour help.Download the attached PDFand see how you can disguise mefor Thanksgiving.