HOW FORTUNATE WE ARE 5:33 PM October 22 2021 ט‘‘פשת ןושח ז‘ב אריו תשרפ November 1, Parent -Teacher conferences for gr. 1-8B November 3, Parent –Teacher conferences for gr. 1-8G November 8, Parent –Teacher conferences for Preschool and second night for Middle School November 12, Early Friday dismissal begins Dear Parents, “What a tremendous Kiddush Hashem!” “What an incredible display of תודחא, uniting all the segments of our community for the sole purpose of הרותה דובכ!” These were some of the comments among many more that we have been hearing over the last few days. !הזה ןמזל ונמייקו ונייחהש Thank you to the Danesh family, the Slifka family, the Milgram family, and to all those who donated towards the Sefer Torah. Thank you to all the sponsors of the Torah Truck which truly brought the simcha to the next level and made the entire event extra special. Thank you to all the sponsors of the הוצמ לש הדועס that took place at Chai Odom. As I mentioned at the seudah, the simcha of a הרות רפס תסנכה stems from our recognition that the םלוע לש ונובר speaks directly to us through the medium of His Torah. The Torah is our guide in every aspect of our lives. בוט המ ונירשא וניקלח - how fortunate we are that ה״בקה directs us how to live. In this week’s Parsha, וניבא םהרבא defends his decision to declare הרש is his sister by noting to ךלמיבא that םוקמב םיקולא תארי ןיא קר יתרמא יכהז. Avimelech was prevented from sinning with ונמא הרש through Hashem’s intervention, and he was very upset that וניבא םהרבא had withheld her true status. Avraham replied that the residents of the area were not G-d fearing, and he therefore did not feel secure to reveal her as his wife. The word קר in the phrase he used seems to be out of place. Why does Avraham utilize it? Rav Elchonon Wasserman ד״יה once raised this question when he addressed a group German Rabbonim in the 1930s. With incredible prescience, he shared with them the Malbim’s explanation. Avraham explained to Avimelech, that although it is true his dominion is a place of refinement, culture and exemplary citizenship, the residents have no ׳ה תארי. There is no higher power determining right and wrong. All their actions are driven by human-felt standards and ideals and are essentially meaningless. Without םימש תארי, there is nothing holding them back from exercising their own interpretation and flexibility about what actions are sanctioned or moral. As such, their veneer of law-and-order and culture is just a veneer, and Avraham needed to take the steps necessary to protect his wife. This then is the source of our Simcha. We are guided by the הרות where ה״בקה absolutely defines our morals and civilities. Our lives are divinely directed, not subjected to the vagrancies of society’s ever changing values and moralities. Please share your pictures and clips from the event with us by emailing them to ! תבש טוג The Hachnasas Sefer Torah on Sunday was a beautiful event. Enjoy the pictures. Thank you to Rabbi Mermelstein and his dedicated team for planning this special event. Our boys minyan began using the Sefer Torah on Monday morning. Our 4th grade students are hard at work. The boys are learning ל“ טתוכאלמ. This week’s hands on study was שד and it’s קרפמ הדלות. The boys separated the wheat from the chaff. In social studies, the boys are learning about maps, and practiced using maps by placing the oceans and continents in the correct hemisphere. In science, the boys discussed how all solids, liquids and gases are made up of matter. Thank you Rabbi Selevan and Ms. Jakubowicz. In Kodesh, 4th grade girls finished בשיו תשרפ and will have a siyum shortly. They also created puzzles depicting events from Perek Alef in Yehoshua. Then, they exchanged puzzles and guessed what their peers had illustrated. In science, the girls observed the physical and changing states of matter. Pictures from these activities are included in the bulletin. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield and Mrs. Sandperl. 8th grade girls held their G.O. breakout performance with a song. Their theme is “TA - Take Flight”. They did a great job and all are looking forward to an exciting G.O. year!
Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 12 Cheshvan – sponsored by Dr. Yisroel & Mrs. Masha Sara Lowenstein as a zechus for a refuah shleimah for Blumah Yehudis bas Sarah Devorah. 13 Cheshvan - sponsored by Harriet & Fred Ledewitz in loving memory of Sheran & Jerry Kohn, Sara bas Nachum Yitzchak a”h and Sinai Yosef ben Mordechai HaKohen z”l, grandparents of Esther Malka and Rivka Ledewitz. 14 Cheshvan - sponsored by Tara & Ashky Hedvat as a zechus for a refuah shleimah for Chaim ben Esther (Jeffrey Zelfond, father of our dear friend, Anna Feldman). 16 Cheshvan - sponsored by Mrs. Kelda Spreiregen in memory of her Mother, Raizel Waller a”h, great grandmother of Shana and Avrohom Abba Kohn. WEEK OF LEARNING 13-19 Cheshvan - sponsored by Elon & Hila Malkin as a zechus for a refuah shlemaah bimhera for Ofer ben Aviva. He needs lots of םימש ימחר. MAZEL TOV TO Mr. Harold & Mrs. Shoshana Zazula on the bar mitzvah of their son, Yonasan (7B). Yaakov & Rochel (‘13) (Gould) Berkowitz on the birth of their son and to grandparents, Rabbi Mendy & Mrs. Chana Miriam Gould.