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October 2024 Newsletter

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TABLE OFCONTENTS 1Newsletter Sign Up2About Us3What You’ve Missed4Speak Up San Diego Special Youth Council: Engaging Activities10National ADHD Awareness Month15Get Involved and Influence Curriculum 9Breast Cancer Awareness5Indigenous People Day 14Early Learning and Child Care 12World Mental Health Day National Stop Bullying Day8California Clean Air Day67All About Volunteering 11The Tijuana River Valley Crisis 13Let’s Vote 16Upcoming Events

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Sign up here for our monthly newsletterstoday! Where children, youth and families canfind information, resources, and access toengaging programs.Be The First To SeeBe The First To SeeSANDIEGO.GOV/CHILD-YOUTH-SUCCESS/ABOUT-US/NEWSLETTERSNEWSLETTER | CITY OF SAN DIEGO1.

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About Us Vision MissionThe Office of Child & Youth Successwill serve as a navigation andconnection point for residentsseeking supportive services andprogramming for youth ages 24 andbelow.The Office of Child and YouthSuccess is dedicated to prioritizingSan Diego’s youngest communityby providing access to resources,services and high-qualityprograms to improve social,health, and educational outcomes.Through trust, transparency, equity,and inclusion, the City of San Diego,Office of Child and Youth Success willcoordinate a network of communitystakeholders that will provide a sharedframework to deliver high-impactsolutions to challenging circumstancesfor young people empowering them tothrive in the community they serve.2.

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“There’s a clear need for more diverse exploratory classes that engage high schoolers andprovide insights into various industries. The emphasis should be on career assessments, softskills, and tailor-made extracurricular classes. Youth feel practical applications of learning andincreased access to community college classes would be especially helpful for high schoolstudents. Suggestions for improvement include additional classes, workshops, and outsourcedspeakers. Integrating communication and life skills into the core curriculum is vital.Furthermore, addressing mental health and students' backgrounds is essential for high schooleducation. There should be a focus on creating mentor-mentee relationships and increasingawareness of available college and employer resources. It would be beneficial to offer students amore personalized curriculum focused on their interests, as well as to include more learningopportunities to gain hands-on technical skills. The city should seek government funding andcollaborate with established organizations to meet these needs.”S P E A K U P S A N D I E G O S P E C I A L Y O U T H C O U N C I LWhat You’ve MissedWhat You’ve MissedH E R E ’ S W H A T T H E Y O U T H C O U N C I L S H A D T O S A YA B O U T E A C H O B J E C T I V E O U T L I N E D I N T H E C H I L D A N D Y O U T H P L A N :“Enriching activities, including but not limited toculturally inclusive activities and activities that allow formeaningful conversation, help youth develop.Engagement through participation and authenticinteractions (such as family game nights) is crucial tocreate personal value. It's important to make engagingactivities accessible to encourage participation. Barriersto access include income disparities and location, soequitable access should involve transportation solutionsand affordable activity options. Addressing tech andinternet access barriers are essential for successful youthprograms, and making activities less structured is oftenmore enjoyable for youth. Social media platforms play abig role in how youth find engaging activities. Effectivemarketing, highlighting incentives for participation, andensuring easy access to events could increase youthinvolvement in community activities."“Financial literacy education should be integrated intoschool curriculums to equip youth with essential moneymanagement skills. This includes budgeting,understanding income and expenses, and prioritizingneeds over wants. Basic financial concepts such ascredit cards and banking should be taught in schools tobetter prepare students for their financial future.Additionally, establishing centers for youth to learnabout business planning and offering mentorship andgrant opportunities would provide them with asignificant advantage.”JOIN THE NEXT CONVERSATION! 4"Physical safety is essential toprevent accidents and create secureenvironments. Providing spaces foryouth to express and regulate theiremotions is crucial. Mental healthshould be prioritized to ensureindividuals feel supported and notjudged. Trauma has far-reachingeffects on the community and theeconomy, leading to issues likeviolence and poor academicperformance. Investing in mentalhealth resources can lead to healingand overall benefits for the city,making communities safer and morevibrant. Involving youth inprograms, providing training basedon their interests, and offeringmentorship are crucial for buildingtheir confidence. To ensure success,maintaining strong collaborativepartnerships is essential to create asupportive network for youth andyoung adults."YOUTH EMPOWERMENTECONOMIC AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ANDCAREER PATHWAYSENGAGING ACTIVITIES312Fair, TiannaGianetto, AmeliaSupanekar, AlishaLambert, KwincyGarrison, TessaBrooks, Av’ry3.

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SPEAKSPEAKUPUPSPEAKSPEAKOUTOUTEngagingActivitesS p e a k U p S a n D i e g o S p e c i a l Y o u t h C o u n c i lP a r t i c i p a t i o nI n c l u s i v eA f f o r d a b l eA c c e s s i b l eE q u i t a b l eTell us what YOU think when you seethese words at our next council session!October 8th, 24 @ 4pm - 5pmMicrosoft TeamsLinkAccess The Childand Youth Planbefore the meeting4.

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Indigenous Peoples’ DayThe HistoryResources Native American Heritage SitesOctober 14, 2024Indigenous Peoples’ Day emerged in the late 1980s as an alternative to ColumbusDay, celebrating Native Americans and indigenous populations. It grew out of theRed Power Movement, which paralleled the Black Power Movement of the '60s to'80s, aiming to increase the political visibility of American Indians. South Dakotawas the first state to recognize the day, given its large Native population. In 1992,Berkeley, California, formally linked Indigenous Peoples' Day with Columbus Dayon the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival. In 2021, Biden issued the first-everpresidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples Day. He said in a statement thatthe day is meant to “honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations thatcontinue to thrive today.”Check out this EmmyAward-winningdocumentary on theSycuan and KumeyaayNationMembers of the Red Powermovement picket in front of thechamber of commerce in Gallup,New Mexico.If the human history of San DiegoCounty is one hour, the Europeanshave been here half a minute. - Richard L. Carrico, Professor ofAmerican Indian StudiesThe Iipay ~ Tipay Kumeyaay Mut Niihepok (Land of theFirst People) Old Town San Diego State Historic ParkBarona Cultural Center & MuseumKumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center at PauwaiKumeyaay: Native Californians/Iipai-Tipai Exhibit at theMuseum of UsSan Diego County hasthe most NativeAmerican reservationsof any county in theUnited States, with 18.Event Calendar5.

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California Clean Air DayOctober 2, 2024All MTS Trolleys and buses, as well as the NCTDCOASTER, SPRINTER and BREEZE, will be free toride all day (no PRONTO card needed).California Clean Air Day unites people in a day of action, creating habits to improve air for all of the state’s diversecommunities. We all play a role in improving air quality, whether as individuals, businesses, or organizations.California, with some of the worst air pollution in the U.S., needs unified action to protect public health. What can we do?Take a pledge as anindividualTake the pledge as anorganizationActions You Can Take!Take public transit to my destinationWork from home for the dayWalk, bike or scoot to my destinationCarpool to my destinationBring my lunch to work or walk to lunchDon't idle your engineEat vegan or vegetarian for the dayFollow @cleanairday on socialsTest drive or rent an electric vehicleChange my home or car cabin airfilterDonate to an eco-friendly non-profitorganizationCompost my food or engage in acomposting programShop with local business or farmerChoose a greener energy rateLinda Vista Community CleanupLeafing Our Legacy Free Tree Distribution at HillcrestFarmer's MarketPB Pathways: Safe Active Travel Hit the Trails Hike-a-Thon for Mission TrailsCommunity Events6.

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Food Banks and Serving MealsLibrary and OthersAnimal SheltersEnvironmentalVolunteer Opportunities:*Pro tip: If you’re in college oruniversity, you can look forvolunteer opportunities throughyour school, especially throughclubs or orgs!*Professional: Volunteering might help youdiscover a career path if you enjoy the volunteerwork you do, or at least will help you discover yourwork habits and preferences. It can be a great wayto learn new skills that will be valuable for futurejobs, without the pressure of already needing toknow those skills like you would in a job.Volunteering might even result in you being hiredby the organization if you show dedication,especially because you already know the innerworkings of that organization.Personal: Volunteering allows you to helpothers in need, which brings joy andfulfillment for many people. It allows youto build interpersonal/communicationskills, and to make connections with otherpeople with common interests. It’s also agreat way to get involved with and make adifference in your community.Why Volunteer?Tutoring: Kids at HeartSan Diego Food BankAll About VolunteeringAll About VolunteeringFeeding San DiegoFather Joe’s VillageMama’s KitchenCity of San Diego library opportunitiesCalifornia Climate Action CorpsWild Willow FarmSan Diego CoastkeeperFind more opportunities here: Eco SanDiegoHelen Woodward AnimalCenterSan Diego Humane Society10th Annual Pumpkin Patch at Waterfront ParkRead more on Indeed.There are countless more opportunities. Youcan also search for mutual aid, event planning,community outreach, and other tutoring ormentoring volunteer opportunities. Check outthis calendar of volunteer opportunities.7.

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NATIONALNational Stop Bullying Day is acampaign dedicated to primarilyschoolchildren and their parents.This campaign aims to bringawareness to the signs andsymptoms of bullying as well ashow to access help andresources to stop bullying. Support the CauseTypes of BullyingBullying can be verbal whenmean words are spoken and/orwritten to another person. Thiscould be teasing, inappropriatecomments, name calling, andmore. Verbal BullyingThis form of bullying is alsoknown as relational bullying. Thistype of bullying aims to demeanor destroy another person’ssocial reputation. This could beleaving one out of the group,embarrassing another in public,spreading rumors, and more.Social BullyingPhysical bullying involves injuringor hurting another person ortheir belongings. Examples ofthis would be hitting, pinching,spitting, stealing, or pushing.Physical BullyingSTOP BULLYING DAYOctober 9, 20248.

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More than 2 million women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer each year.About 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer at one point intheir lifetime, while for men this number is about 1 in 726.Around 15% of women who develop breast cancer have had a familymember diagnosed with it as well.BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTHBREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTHOctober 2024Breast Cancer Awareness Month is aninternational health campaign that isreserved for the entirety of October eachyear. The goals of this health campaign are topromote the early diagnosis and screening ofBreast Cancer, as well as to commemorate allwho suffer from and are affected by thedisease. What is Breast Cancer?Breast cancer is a disease in whichmalignant cancer cells form withinthe breast tissue. Breast cancer canstart in many parts of the breast andeventually spread throughout thebody.Facts/StatisticsA well-recognized symbol of BreastCancer Awareness is the pink ribbon.The ribbon signifies strength and isrepresentative of the courage andhope Breast Cancer patientsembody.Why Pink?Healthy HabitsA breast self-exam: at home inspection to monitor personal signs and symptomsof breast cancer. Any changes to the visual or physical representation of the breastsnoticed in a self-exam should then be reported to a health professional for furtherexamination.A clinical breast exam: in person examination by a medical professional in order todetect any abnormalities in the breasts that may indicate breast cancer.A mammogram: performed with the use of an x-ray. This type of examinationallows for a medical professional to find any indications of breast cancer within thebreast tissue.Volunteer!Donate your time andparticipation to help the SusanG. Komen foundation and theirefforts toward fighting breastcancer. Walk or volunteerNovember 15-17th. 9.

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NATIONAL ADHDAWARENESS MONTHThe goal of this month is to educate the public about ADHD,reduce stigma, and highlight the support services available topeople and families with ADHD. Click Here To Learn More . . . ADHD Therapist ResourcesHow To Support Someone With ADHDNational Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Awareness Month is observed in October to raise awareness ofADHD, a medical condition that affects the brainEmbrace ADHDWear OrangeEducate YourselfShare Your StorySupport EachOtherBrain Balance ADHD In The ClassroomAdults Living With ADHDLearning CentersADHD Centers For SuccessUnderstanding ADHD“I Can’t Turn My Brain Off” Tips ADHD is a developmentaldisorder associated with anongoing pattern of inattention,hyperactivity, and/orimpulsivity. The symptoms ofADHD can interfere significantlywith an individual’s dailyactivities and relationships.ADHD begins in childhood andcan continue into the teen yearsand adulthood.Did You Know?ADHD doesn’t just affectchildren. Previous researchsuggests that 30 to 70 percent ofchildren with ADHD continue tohave symptoms of the disorderwhen they become adults.However, only 10 to 25 percentof adults with ADHD receive anaccurate diagnosis and adequatetreatment. Click Here To Learn More . . . The following strategies mayhelp manage symptoms:focusing on one task at atimebreaking complex projectsinto smaller partsusing reminders and alarmsto manage timetaking notes duringmeetings or lectures to helpstay focusedwriting down ideas thataren’t related to the currenttask so you can come back tothem latereliminating distractions, likebackground noise, as muchas possiblecreating habits oforganizationprioritize self-careStrategies Click Here For More Strategies . . . ADHD Tools VideosWays To Celebrate:Be patient and supportive: People with ADHD maybe trying to focus and calm themselves down. Be encouraging: Celebrate their successes and betheir biggest cheerleader. Encourage them to seekhelp from a professional.Communicate: Ask how they feel, and practiceactive listening. Be flexible: Recognize that ADHD can cause moodand behavior fluctuations. Be clear: Set clear boundaries and expectations. 10.

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For years, billions of gallons of raw sewage,polluted storm water, and trash haveflowed down the Tijuana River into theTijuana River Valley and Pacific Ocean. Thishas resulted in frequent beach closures,concerns about public health, coastal waterpollution, and the degradation of theTijuana River Estuary, among other things.Read more about the crisis here.The crisis has been caused by years ofinfrastructure breakdowns and inadequatemaintenance of sewage plants. Multiplesewage plants, including one built by the USand Mexico, are meant to manage and treatsewage from Tijuana. But their capacitieshave far been exceeded as the city’s growthhas exploded, making them unable to handleall the wastewater.Along with outdated infrastructure, therehave been failures in regulating andmanaging the issue. Funding has often fallenshort of what is required to make upgrades.Stricter oversight and better coordinationbetween the US and Mexico is also needed.The City of Imperial Beach is engaged inadvocacy to get funding for immediatesolutions and for California’s governor andthe President to declare an emergency.According to KPBS, an amendment to the2024 National Defense Authorization Actwas made by four San Diego legislators tobring federal assistance to the crisis. Itwould establish a federal program “to plan,coordinate and provide grants for publichealth and water quality restorationprojects in the Tijuana River Valley.”A group of high school students in ImperialBeach collected data and presented onair quality, making recommendations onefforts that should be made.Youth4Climate -Learn to be a leaderon climate action.VolunteerContact yourlegislators (here’s aguide on how to findyour representativeand how to writeand call yourlegislator). You canfind your City of SanDiego CouncilMembers here.Ways to Get InvolvedHow We Got Here and Why ThereHasn’t Been Much ProgressWhat is the Tijuana River Sewage Crisis?What‘s Being Done?Considerparticipating inthis Healing andAdvocacy Forum:11.

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WORLD MENTALHEALTH DAY“It’s time to prioritize mental health in the workplace”October 10, 2024ResourcesThe 2024 World Mental Health Day theme, "It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in theWorkplace," highlights the need to make workplaces healthier, as 60% of the global population isemployed. The focus is on improving conditions, managing stress, and promoting inclusion, withthe goal of creating cultures where employees can thrive and contribute productively.Activities30-Day MentalWellness PracticeLive Well San Diego:Check Your MoodMindfulness Activitiesfor KidsStatistics23.08% of adultsexperienced a mental illnessin the past year, equivalentto nearly 60 millionAmericans.20.17% of youth (ages 12-17) reported suffering fromat least one majordepressive episode (MDE) inthe past year.Data according to 2024 Sate of MentalHealth in America ReportMental health includes emotional, psychological,and social well-being. It is more than theabsence of a mental illness—it’s essential toyour overall health and quality of life. What is Mental Health?According to the National Institute of Mental HealthGet regular exerciseEat healthy, regular mealsGet quality sleepTry relaxing activitiesSet goals and prioritiesPractice gratitudeStay connected12.

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REGISTERING TO VOTESAFE VOTINGLET’S VOTE! 2024 NOVEMBER 5THADDITIONAL RESOURCESCOLLEGE STUDENTSIn person voting is available on November 5th, 2024 at anypolling place, so long as you are registered and have with youa proper form of Identification. Proper ID may not always berequired, but bringing along a government issued ID is highlyrecommended.Voting via mail is also offered within the state of California.You may apply to vote via mail by requesting a mail ballotonline when registering to vote. When you register to vote, you must choose anaddress. As a college student you may live in morethan one place, but will only able to vote in one.When choosing your registration address considerwhich location is most convenient for you to vote. Ifyou are already registered to vote in yourhometown and would like to vote from your collegeaddress, this can be done by updating your voterregistration altogether. 13.

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SAN DIEGO COUNTY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH RESOURCESSAN DIEGO COUNTY CHILDREN FIRST COLLECTIVESAN DIEGO COUNTY CHILD CARE BLUEPRINTSDCOE EARLY EDUCATIONSAN DIEGO CHILD CARE & DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COUNCIL SDUSD EARLY LEARNINGFIRST 5 SAN DIEGOOCYS EARLY LEARNING AND CHILD CAREQUALITY PRESCHOOL INITIATIVEYMCA CHILDCARE RESOURCE SERVICERESOURCESSan Diego families struggle to findaffordable early care and education,hindering parents' professional andeducational pursuits and limitingchildren's access to quality earlylearning. The childcare workforce alsofaces challenges with low wages andbusiness sustainability.CHALLENGESWHAT?During formative years, a child'sbrain absorbs new information like asponge. Early childhood education iscrucial for development, laying astrong foundation for futureacademic, social, and emotionalgrowth.Early Learning & Child CareEarly Learning & Child CareGET INVOLVEDJoin theChildrenFirstCollective,OCYS, andcommunitypartners atthe WeChooseCare event.OCYS aims to create a care-friendly city,focusing on early learning and childcarein the Child and Youth Plan (CYP). Ourgoal is to enhance safe, quality, andaffordable early care opportunities forSan Diego families by strengtheningsystems, partnerships, and resources foroperations, facilities, funding,education, and recruitment.The City of San Diego emphasizescommunity values that promote safe,affordable early care and educationopportunities in America’s Finest City.Click here to learn more.Click here to access our CYPSOLUTIONSEarly learning involves the skills andconcepts children develop beforekindergarten, preparing them forlifelong learning by addressing theirsocial, emotional, cognitive, andphysical needs.Click here to learn more!14.

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The more involvement you have with your school and schooldistrict, the more of an impact you can make on your schooland educational experience. One voice is often missing incurriculum development: youth (usually the main onesinvolved in the process are subject matter experts, educationexperts, government and school officials, and educators).and Influence Curriculumand Influence CurriculumOpportunities to Get InvolvedOpportunities to Get InvolvedWhy is giving your input important?San DiegoUnified SchoolDistrict (SDUSD)EngagementHow Curriculum isDevelopedThere are 4 stages: Analysis, Design,Develop, Implement and EvaluateRead more: A Guide to Curriculum DevelopmentWhat is Curriculum Developmentand DesignOpportunities with the district and on your schoolsite!Opportunities to be on Boards and Committees including:Council of Associated Student Body PresidentsInterdivisional Curriculum CommitteeStudent Advisory boardAnd more! You can also look into the different clubs andinvolvement opportunities your particular schoolhas.Check out this calendar of upcoming boardmeetings.Their Instagram @sdusdstudents has more up-to-date information.15.

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Participate in the community walk to awareness onsuicide prevention. Create a team, join a team, or walkas an individual.San Diego Walk for Suicide PreventionOCTPacific Beachfest is San Diego's premier beach festivallocated in the heart of beach town: Pacific beach. Enjoythis free, full-day, family-friendly, music-packedevent.19OCTOctoberEvents01-31OCT5OCT13OCTUpcomingSan Diego Museum Council’s Kids Free OctoberOCTPacific BeachfestAll month long, kids 12 and under receive FREEadmission with a paid adult to more than 50 of SanDiego County’s favorite museums, historic sites,aquariums, gardens and more.Gather your little ghouls and goblins for anunforgettable Halloween adventure filled with magicaltrick-or-treating, monstrous dance parties, eerieinflatables, adorable Halloween crafts and much more!San Diego Family Fun FestBest Hire Career Fair19Join us at the highly anticipated San Diego Job Fair onOctober 24, 2024! If you're seeking exciting jobopportunities in the San Diego area, this is an eventyou won't want to miss.23 Día de los Muertos Youth CelebrationThe Día de los Muertos celebration at the ShermanHeights Community Center is a weeks-long communityfestivity that preserves the Day of the Dead tradition,itself a millennial practice.16.