CHESAPEAKE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY | SOLOMONS, MDOCTOBER 2023ISSUE 86Lab Lines1IN THIS ISSUE:DIRECTOR’S VIEW23SAFETY CORNER1IN CASE YOU MISSED IT With these 80 degree sunny days it’s hard to believe our Fall semester is over half-way through! Although this weather was certainly not what we had for our rst open house on October 7th. But the wind and rain did not stop the day from being very successful. I thank you all for your dedicaon to the lab, highlighng what we do and why it is important to over 200 visitors. Photos are in the open house google drive and include our UMCES President Bill Dennison enjoying the very popular ROV tank display, our dynamic chemistry duo, Andrew and Michael, wowing the crowds with chemistry and highlights from all of the staons, hands-on acvies and the visitor center being enjoyed by many. Thank you also to Jerry Frank and Maya Drzewicki who manned all day the CBL booth highlighng the Dolphin Watch program at PRAD, sending many visitors our way. We connue our disnguished seminar series and have a fully packed schedule unl the end of the semester. Please make every eort to aend these on Wednesdays at 11am, we will soon have some CBL and UMCES promoon seminars coming up and connuing through January next year. On October 27th we had our rst heritage potluck, there were some amazing dishes from all over the globe, thank you all for sharing these, I certainly have some new favorite foods! Feel free to share recipes on the sign-up sheet. Also save the date – our next CBL community event will be Friday December 15th at noon. As a reminder all of our upcoming acvies are listed on the CBL events google calendar including any zoom links for hybrid meengs. Our Friday informal lunch lecture series in BFL will also be returning, at a slightly earlier me of 11am, with Kaitlynn Wade presenng her work on rock crabs on November 3rd. This is a great opportunity for students and faculty to engage across scienc disciplines please make every eort to aend these events. Our students and faculty have been very acve this month presenng at numerous scienc conferences and meengs. Jackie Grebmeier had a paper published in Sci-ence on the decline of gray whales due to Climate driven prey changes - highlighng the importance of the decades long term Arcc data set she and Lee Cooper have. We welcome back Ryan Woodland, our new GEC Chair, from his sabbacal at the Universi-ty of Bergen. Please remember to all send in your acvies each month, this newslet-ter is a great way to highlight the acvies and successes of our community. 7FACILITIES/IN THE NEWS 456OUTREACHSecond half!
In Case You Missed It2Ryan Woodland wrapped up his sabbacal at the University of Bergen this September by parcipang in a research cruise aboard the RV G.O. Sars. The 10-day cruise visited three ords (Fensorden, Masorden, Bunneorden) along Norway's western coast, deploying mid-water and boom trawls, mul-net plankton tows, longlines, and handlines for predatory shes. The research cruise was integrated with a graduate-level course in methods in marine biology taught by faculty at the University of Bergen. On October 3rd Carys Mitchelmore gave a presentaon in ExxonMobil's Oil Spill Response knowledge transfer webi-nar series on the "Eects of Oil In the Sea" from the recent Naonal Academy report "Oil in the Sea IV". The recording can be found here: hps:// Cooper aended the Program Commiee meeng for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeng at American Geophysical Union headquarters in Washington DC.Jackie, Lee Cooper and Hongsheng Bi will aend the annual meeng of the North Pacic Marine Science Organizaon (PICES) in Seale to parcipate in working group deliberaons and other scienc exchange.
In Case You Missed It3Jackie Grebmeier was a co-author of a paper published in Science on October 12, “Boom-bust cycles in gray whales associated with dynamic and changing Arcc condions,” that used Jackie’s several decade data set on amphipod populaon dynamics in the northern Bering Sea. "Benthic amphipods, the calorie-rich prey that gray whales prefer, are sensive to sea ice cover."On October 14th Carys Mitchelmore was the Speaker at the WAMAS Fall 2023 Meeng, FragFest in Bethesda, MD where she presented her recent ndings and current research in coral stressors and suncscreens. hps:// Secor is aending the Internaonal Otolith Symposium in Valparaiso Chile during the week of 8 October, where he will introduce CBL Alum Edwin Niklitchek (Professor Universidad de Los Lagos) who is giving a keynote address on Chilean sheries. Dave will wrap up the conference with the presentaon “What can one otolith tell you? Moving oto-lith science’s storyline from research to applicaon.”Edwin Niklitschek and Dave Secor touring a salmon plant near Puerto Mon, Chile. CBL alumni joined Dave Secor at the Internaonal Otolith SYmposium in Viña del Mar Chile Here Kohma Arai presents PostDoc research (UC Davis) to Edwin Niklitshek (Univ de Los Lagos), who gave a keynote address.
Over the course of several years, Mansue underwent a series of signicant enhancements to its infrastructure. These included the implementaon of revised control strategies and variable speed drives for heang and cooling pumps in 2012, followed by a substanal building renovaon in 2017. This renovaon encompassed the conversion of the build-ing's lab spaces to support services and featured various system improvements: a new solar reecve TPO membrane roof with addional insulaon, a variable speed air handler, replacement of all ductwork, integraon of variable air ow zone controls and room diusers, complete LED lighng upgrade, installaon of independent cooling equipment with variable speed capabilies for IT equipment, and a shi to state-of-the-art HVAC controls, incorporang occupan-cy schedules. Addional improvements took place in 2019 with the installaon of insulated Low E windows, further advancements were completed in 2023, including upgraded chiller controls aimed at enhancing both comfort and eciency.Facilities4In the NewsClick HERE!hps:// Filoso gave an interview to a reporter of the Balmore Sun about a controversial stream restoraon project in Maryland. Click here to learn more.hps://
Outreach 5CBL OPEN HOUSE and PRAD October 17, 2023Thank you to all our volunteers! Our Open House was a great success thanks to all of you who braved the wind and rain to showcase what we do and why it is important. Thank you especially to Stacy and also the open house commiee for all of the planning and organizaonal work, to the facilies team for seng up, taking down and making our campus look so beauful, welcoming and inving. Thank you to all the students, sta and faculty who volunteered their me (and in some cases family members and friends), the resounding feedback from visitors was how pleasant and engaging everyone was, thank you again.
Outreach 6Special thank you to Jerry and Maya for manning the CBL booth at PRAD showcasing the Dolphin watch program and sending visitors to our Open House.St Mary's College Maryland, Undergrad-uate program in Marine SciencesUMCES - IANFriends of St. Clements BayCBL at PRAD October 17, 2023CBL OPEN HOUSE PARTNERS OCTOBER 17, 2023
Safety Corner: Medical EmergenciesKnow where eyewash staons, emergency showers, and rst aid kits are located for your work area. Emergency proce-dures may include:• Flushing eyes with water for 15 minutes in case of chemical contact.• Washing skin with soap and water, and removing contaminated clothing;• Moving to fresh air if a person has been inhaling hazardous dust, fumes, or vapors• Geng emergency medical assistance if a person has swallowed a hazardous chemical. There are no general rst aid measures for swallowing – voming may cause more harm, dilung with water may increase the risk. Call 911 or the Poison Hotline (1-800-222-1222) and have the appropriate SDS available.• Take the SDS of the chemical that caused the injury to the Emergency Room if possible.Chemicals on Skin or Clothing• Flush with water for no less than 15 minutes (except for Hydrouoric Acid, Flammable solids or >10% phenol). For larger contaminaon the safety shower should be used. Do not waste me because of modesty. Remove all contami-nated clothing or jewelry.• Solvents such as paints, varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, glues, and degreasing/cleaning agents, and in the producon of dyes, polymers, plascs, texles, prinng inks, agricultural products, and pharmaceucals are capable of dissolv-ing or dispersing one or more other substances dissolved in them. Do not use solvents to wash skin. Solvents remove the natural protecve oils from the skin and can cause irritaon, inammaon and the absorpon of toxics into your body.• For ammable solids on skin, rst brush o as much as possible, then ush with water for at least 15 minutes. Read the SDS and make sure the ammable solid is not reacve with water before you rinse.• For hydrouoric acid - rinse with water for at least 5 minutes followed by treatment with calcium gluconate gel.• For phenol concentraons >10%, ush with water for 15 minutes or unl the aected area turns from white to pink.• In all cases of severe contaminaon seek medical aenon.Inhalaon• Close containers, move to fresh air.• If symptoms such as headaches, nose or throat irritaon, dizziness, or drowsiness persist, seek medical aenon. Explain what chemicals you were using and if possible take the appropriate SDS with you.• FiresIngeson• Call 911 or the Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222).• Do not induce voming unless directed to do so by a health care provider.Injecon• Wash area with soap and water and seek medical aenon, if necessary.Excerpted from Hazard Communicaon Right to Know OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 COMAR 09.12.33 This document is available on the p drive in Safety>Plans and | 410-326-4281P.O. Box 38 | 146 Williams Street | Solomons, MD 20688-0038