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October 2021

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Institute of Animal TechnologyBulletinInstitute of Animal TechnologyVol 57 No 10 October 2021•Congress 2022•IAT CPD•EDI Group…Let’s Talk About Age•Branch News•AS-ET News•Diary DatesIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 1IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 1 01/10/2021 12:5801/10/2021 12:58

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EDITOR*Carole EDITOR*Paul monthly by theInstituteofAnimal Technology*Registered Office:5South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IATADMINISTRATOR* 0800 085 4380BulletinFinal copy date forAugust Bulletin23rdJuneThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSDear Readers 5___________________________________CLAST information 6-7___________________________________Welcome to MySociety –8-11The IATMembershipDatabase___________________________________BING and Branch Reps –14-15first joint meeting___________________________________AS-ET News 16-18___________________________________Diary Dates 19___________________________________Vol57No10 October 2021CONTENTSFinalcopydate forDecember Bulletin23rdOctoberDear Readers 5Changes areComing to CPD7CPD –Activity Areas and11-19CategoriesYour Council Needs You12Congress 2022 –Invitation to14participateCongress 2022 –Call for Papers16Congress 2022 –Call for Posters16EDI Group:Let’sTalk About …Age 22-23AS-ET News 24-25Andrew Blake Tribute Award26-27Branch News 29-30Diary Dates 31IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 3 01/10/2021 12:58

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Bulletin4 • October2021Tel: +44 (0)1293 827940 Email: sales@lbs-biotech.comContact LBS -your trusted supplier, servingthe needs of the Biotechnology Industrywww.lbs-biotech.comLBS -your trustedsupplier...Servingthe needs of theBiotechnology IndustryLBS Biotechnology is a respected and accomplished Company with a dynamic outlook; We focus on meeting the exacting requirements of the Biotechnology Industry backed up by our commitment to ISO9001:2008 Quality Assurance, customer care and logistics management. We offer an abundant range of quality products to choose from, all carefully developed through our understanding of customers’ needs:-•Environmental Enrichment•Bedding & Nesting•Animal Diets•Treats & Rewards•Vacuum Packing & Irradiation•Hygiene Products•Specialist Vacuum Cleaners•Protective Clothing & Footwear•Gloves & Disposables•NorayBio Management SoftwareLBS Biotechnology is a respected and accomplished Company with a dynamic outlook; We focus on meeting the exacting requirements of the Biotechnology Industry backed up by our IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 4 01/10/2021 12:58

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 5Keep Reading!Dear ReadersCaroleUnfortunately,noot mmucchh ttoo rreeppoorrtt tthismonth.Isupposetthhaatt OOctoberisaquietmonthh,aasswegetoversuummmmerholidaysandstartgearingupforshorterdaayyysssaaandddCCChrissstttmaaasss!Immeeennntionthat becausetheeeNorthWestBranchareaadddvvvertising theirparty–thefirstafterthebeginningooofthepandemic–seepageee29.Ialsonoticedthatwearefinallystartingtoseeeethereturnofin-personmeetings.AALASthismonttth(diarydatespage31)andaaasIwritewearrrefinallyallowedbackintothhheUSA!Congress,ofcourse,iiinApril, pages14and16butalsotheNorthWWWestBranchPostercompetition(page30)innnMay.Itwillbegreattoseeeveryoneatbothofthoseevvventsaswearebusy in the fish facilityworrrking on ourpostersforboth...Anotherbonus,forusoranyoneelsepresentingpostersssisitcountstowardscontinuousprofessssionaldevelopment(CPD)points.NoticehowwwIdidnotrefertothemasCCCPDhours?Thatisbecausetheeewayinwhichhhtheyarenamedandrecordddedhaschangedandyoucanfindoutmoreonpages7.AsIwasreadinnngthroughthearticle,itrefersreaderstoaweblink– aaaboutchangestoCPD,Ithoughtitmayalsobeworthpublishingtheaccctivities(page11–19).IcalculatedifyoudesignedandmadeaposterthenattendedddCongresswithit,youwouldearnatleast20CPDpoints,,,sosomethingtoconsider!EEEnnnjjjoyHalloween!IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 5 01/10/2021 12:58

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Bulletin6 • October 2021IPS – working with leading industry brands and products to supply innovative research facilities worldwideSupplying theInnovations ofModern Researchwww.ipsltd.bizBenchGuard®&TrayLinersProtective&Absorbent PapersBiodegradableWipesBamboo basedWet&Dry WipesIrradiationServicesTailored to yourspecific needsEco-FriendlyOvershoesBiodegradable&RecyclableTestDiet®Custom madeSpeciality DietsLabDiet®Leader in ResearchAnimal NutritionBedding&NestingCreating NaturalEnvironmentsEnvironmentalEnrichmentCaring foryourLaboratory AnimalsWipesIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 6 01/10/2021 12:58

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 7Changes arecomingtoCPD!Following the introduction of the new IATdatabase, mySociety,we havereviewed the CPD system.RAnTech members of the IAThave always been required to complete35 hours of CPD per year.This was entered on arecord card or on anelectronic version, available on the IATwebsite. However,you will now beable to record your CPD directly on mySociety.This means that the Registration &Accreditation Board will no longer needto call in aphysical copy of your record card and you will receive automaticreminders throughout the year if you are falling short on the number ofpoints required.It is complusory for members who are RAnTech to record their CPDpoints, but it is good practice for all members to carry out CPD and manyorganisations expect this of their staff. Hopefully this will help you torecord it more easily.Moving forward we are changing from hours to points. Youwill be ableto record two points per hour for some activites and one point per hourfor others. Abreakdown of how many points different activities are worthcan be found on the IATwebsite at and here in thisBulletin.From 1st January 2022, the requirement for RAnTech members will beto attain 50 CPD points. This will not necessarily involve an increase inthe amount of time it takes to achieve this but just the way points areawarded. For example, delivering apresentation would provide 2pointsper hour,whereas previously it would have been recorded as one CPDhour.Reading relevant articles or papers would now equate to one pointwhereas it was previously one hour.Full details on how to record your CPD via mySociety can be found onthe IATwebsite ( the Administrator( Nikki StevensIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 7 01/10/2021 12:58

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Bulletin8 • October 2021IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 8 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 9NEWDVC®for EMERALDAGEM OF DIGITALIZATIONDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCDVCFACILITYMANAGEMENTStandardization of cage conditions, reducedrunningcosts, andunnecessaryanimal handlingANIMAL WELFAREComplete andautomaticcontinuous animalconditionscheckRESEARCHOUTCOMESGet new insights,increasestudy sensitivityandreproducibility thanks to more robust dataFind out more or call us on0345 050 4556IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 9 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin10 • October 2021WASTEANAESTHETICGASEXPOSURE?GetActive.UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM WITH ACTIVE UPDATE YOUR SYSTEM WITH ACTIVE SCAVENGING, EASILY ADDED TO YOUR SCAVENGING, EASILY ADDED TO YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM.SOMNI EPS-3Active Induction ChamberActive Uni-FlowNosecone(T) 0800 0129101 (D) 01872 248890 (M) 07798 Scientific provides service,safety and product solutions forallyour inhalant anesthetic needs.SOMNI PROVIDES UNPARALLELED CUSTOMER SERVICE, CLINICAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT.IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 10 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 11CPD –The Five Activity Areas and TheirCategoriesActivityAreaCategoryAdditionalGuidancePoints/HourEvidenceRequiredWork BasedLearning (amaximumof 20 CPDpoints canbe claimedunder thisheading)ExperientialLearning(e.g. on the job learning;learning from experience;expanding job role)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedIn –ServiceTraining(e.g. orientationprogrammes; operatingprocedures; employeedevelopment)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedReceivingCoachingFrom Others2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedWorkShadowing2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedPeer Reviewof Own Work(e.g. presentations tocolleagues; direction oncreated documents)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedReview ofCase Studiesand Literature2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedParticipationin JournalClub2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedDiscussionswithColleagues(e.g. idea generation,problem solving)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedPresentations (e.g. to external clients,regulators or policy makers)2Copy of presentationSupervisingColleagues orStudents2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedJob Rotation,Secondmentsor Sabbaticals2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedInvolvementin EmployerWork(e.g. beyond scope of role)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 11 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin12 • October2021If the answer to the above two questions is yes then listen up:The Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) is actively seeking new Council members, so whetheryou are interested in welfare initiatives, communications, education and training or just wantto have asay, then why not get more involved in your professional body and join Council?Our Mission: Advancing and promoting excellencein the care and welfare of animals in researchAre you currently afull Member or Fellow of the Institute with two years’consecutive membership, who wants to make adifference?Do you want to be involved in developing the future of the Institute ofAnimal Technology?Visit our website for further informationInstitute ofAnimal TechnologyYOURCOUNCILNEEDSYOU!Why bother?•the opportunity to shape the future•great networking and personal developmentopportunities•choose the area that interests you on Council and join that group•expenses are paid to attend Council meetings•discounted Congress attendance•the Council Electionform is simple to completeStill unsure?Contact us and we can talk you through the process, provide moreinformation about Council activities and groups or you can visit the IATwebsite members’ section.You would need to be proposedand seconded by either two Membersor Fellowsofthe Institute or nominated by aBranch. The IAT canassist with this too, if you have any difficulties.Interested?Nomination forms should be completed online from the IAT websiteusing this link the form is submitted it is sent to the IAT Administrator( closing date for nominations is Friday 5th November 2021.Simon CummingHonorary SecretaryIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 12 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 13Lesson LearntActivities2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedRequest andAnalysis ofFeedback(on your performance fromcolleagues or clients)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedParticipationin Appraisaland GoalSetting1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedPreparationof Bids(preparation and submissionof research or financial bids)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedCourseDevelopment(produce anew course,substantially revise existing orrevise based on evaluation)2Summary of course /revisions /evaluationOther Any other activity that takesplace in the fulfilling of yourcurrent role1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedProfessionalActivity (amaximumof 20 CPDpoints canbe claimedunder thisheading)ProfessionalBodyInvolvement(e.g. officer; organiser;committee member; workinggroup member)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOrganiser (e.g. conference, scientificmeeting or course)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedBeing anExaminer2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedBeing aReferee for aJournal2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedTechnicalGroupMembership(e.g. special interest group;section or study group2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedBeing anExpertWitness2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedLecturing orTeaching(specifically new material)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 13 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin14 • October 2021BOOK via of theEARLY BIRD DISCOUNTavailable until31st December2021➢ Rangeofconferenceattendanceoptionsavailable- full conference(three day)*- individual days**lunch included- eveningmeals andentertainment(individually bookable)➢ Onceyou haveregistered- book your ownaccommodation- anddownloadthe Congress2022Appfor alluptodate information➢ Closingdatestonote- Papers andWorkshops 29th October- PosterPresentations 17th December➢ Scientific Programme- Aprovisional runningorderappearson thewebsite(subject to change)INVITATIONTOPARTICIPATEWe’ve missed you –comeand seeusin2022ONLINEREGISTRATIONNOWOPENNORTH EAST UK VENUEAll enquiriesto allupdates BULLETIN OCT21.indd 14 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 15PresentationGiving orDiscussant(at conferences or scientificmeetings)2Copy of presentation /programme of eventNetworkingwith otherprofessionals1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedCoaching ormentoring2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOther Any other activity thataids your professionaldevelopment through aprofessional body or developsthe skills of others1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedFormal /Educational(a maximumof 30 CPDpoints canbe claimedunder thisheading)Programmeof Learningfor AcademicQualification2Certificate ofattendance /achievementAttendanceat TrainingCourse2Certificate ofattendanceAttendance atRoyal Societyof BiologyApprovedEvents3Certificate ofattendanceAttendance atConferencesor ScientificMeetings2Certificate ofattendanceDistanceLearning(including e-learning)2Certificate ofachievement /registeringReadingProfessionalFramework(e.g. understanding legal orregulatory frameworks)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedMaintenance /DevelopmentSpecialistSkills2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedWritingArticles orPapers2Copy of article /paperIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 15 01/10/2021 12:59

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16Animal Technologists –the key workers for medical researchCALL FOR POSTERSCongress2022CONGRESS Invitation to Participate29th March –1st Aprill take an active partinthe leading annual meetingfor Animal Technologistsl submit aposter–finaldateFriday 4th February 2022*l choose to do an oralpresentationofyourposterandreceive adiscount –closing date Friday 17thDecember2021*l send your ideastoday on theSubmission formavailable from (*posters will notbe accepted for display at Congress unless theyhave been properly submitted and approvedbythe Congress Committee)l two best posters willreceiveaprizebased on thecriteria:environmental enrichment/scientific basisl plus claimupto10CPD points –detailsgiven onacceptance of Technologists –the key workers for medical researchCALLFOR PAPERSl take an active part in the leading annual meetingfor Animal Technologistsl present apaper and qualify for free attendance atCongressl make this your debutpresentation year –first timepresenter papers are only 20 minutes long and aswell as afreecongressthere is aprize for the onejudged to be the bestl send your ideas today on the Submission formavailable from final date for submissions:Friday 29th October 2021Contact: Invitation to Participate29thMarch –1st AprilIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 16IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 16 01/10/2021 12:5901/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 17PresentationPreparatione.g. for conferences ofscientific meetings)2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgained /copy ofpresentationTrainingMaterialPreparation2Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOther Other activities that leadto qualifications or involveattendance at structuredlearning activities1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedSelf -DirectedLearning(a maximumof 10 CPDpoints canbe claimedunder thisheading)Reading (e.g. books; journals orarticles)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedReviewingandSummarising(e.g. books or articles)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedUpgradingknowledge(e.g. through internetsearches or other electronicresources)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedReflectivePractice(e.g. assessing CPD benefitand identifying next steps)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOther Any other activity whereyou have taken initiativeto diagnose your needs,formulated goals usingresources or evaluated theoutcome1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOther(a maximumof 10 CPDpoints canbe claimedunder thisheading)Finance Skills (e.g. treasurer for club orsociety)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedStrategicThinking(e.g. arole in organisationalrestructuring; strategicplanning; facultydevelopment; external orcommunity relations)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedLeadershipSkills(e.g. manager for sports orchildren’steam; leader atscouts or guides; chairpersonat aclub or society)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 17 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin18 • October2021Coaching andCounsellingSkills(e.g. sports coach; Samaritansvolunteer; mentoring;tutoring)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOrganisationand PlanningSkills(e.g. secretary for club orsociety; school government;PTAorganiser; church parishorganiser)1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedOther Any other activity thatdevelops transferable skillsvaluable in your current roleor future career1Summary of activitydetails and benefitsgainedCategory ActID ActivityPoints Per HourWork Based Learning 1Experiential Learning 2Work Based Learning 2In-service Training 2Work Based Learning 3Receiving Coaching From Others 2Work Based Learning 4Work Shadowing 2Work Based Learning 5Peer Review of Own Work 2Work Based Learning 6Review of Case Studies andLiterature2Work Based Learning 7Participation in Journal Club 2Work Based Learning 8Discussions with Colleagues 2Work Based Learning 9Presentations 2Work Based Learning 10Supervising Colleagues or Students2Work Based Learning 11 Job Rotation, Secondments orSabbaticals2Work Based Learning 12 Involvement in Employer Work 2Work Based Learning 13 Lesson Learnt Activities 2Work Based Learning 14Request and Analysis of Feedback2Work Based Learning 15 Participation in Appraisal andGoal Setting1Work Based Learning 16 Preparation of Bids 2Work Based Learning 17 Course Development 2Work Based Learning 18 Other 1Work Based Learning 52 Health and Safety Commitment 2Professional Activity 19 Professional Body Involvement 2Professional Activity 20 Organiser 2Professional Activity 21 Being an Examiner 2IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 18 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 19Professional Activity 22 Being aReferee for aJournal 2Professional Activity 23 Technical Group Membership 2Professional Activity 24 Being an Expert Witness 2Professional Activity 25 Lecturing or Teaching 2Professional Activity 26 Presentation Giving or Discussant 2Professional Activity 27 Networking with otherprofessionals1Professional Activity 28 Coaching or mentoring 2Professional Activity 29 Other 1Professional Activity 53 Code of Conduct adherence 2Formal/Educational 30 Programme of Learning forAcademic Qualification2Formal/Educational 31 Attendance at Training Course 2Formal/Educational 32 Society of Biology ApprovedCPD Event3Formal/Educational 33 Attendance at Conferences orScientific Meetings2Formal/Educational 34 Distance Learning 2Formal/Educational 35 Reading Professional Framework 2Formal/Educational 36 Maintenance/DevelopmentSpecialist Skills2Formal/Educational 37 Writing Articles or Papers 2Formal/Educational 38 Presentation Preparation 2Formal/Educational 39 Training Material Preparation 2Formal/Educational 40 Other 1Self-directed Learning 41 Reading 1Self-directed Learning 42 Reviewing and Summarising 1Self-directed Learning 43 Upgrading knowledge 1Self-directed Learning 44 Reflective Practice 1Self-directed Learning 45 Other 1Other 46 Finance Skills 1Other 47 Strategic Thinking 1Other 48 Leadership Skills 1Other 49 Coaching and Counselling Skills 1Other 50 Organisation and Planning Skills 1Other 51 Other 1IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 19 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin22 • October2021This month, the EDI Group is focussing its “Let’sTalk” article onanother protected characteristic, AgeLet’stalk about …Age and how we can be moreinclusive in theworkplaceAn employee is protected against discrimination because of age. This includes protection againstunfair treatment because ajob applicant or employee may be: adifferent age, or in adifferentage group to another job applicant or employee. Age discrimination is not always about a‘youngperson’ being preferred over an ‘old person’ because of their age, which is acommon misconception.Thereare many ways in which age can be discriminated against. It is important to note that thereareexceptions when age is not classed as being discriminatory e.g. an under 18 year old being paidless or not being allowed to serve alcohol, etc.Age discrimination, also commonly called ageism, is one of the most common forms of unfairtreatment at work, as the age gap between co-workers can be 50 years or more.According to Age UK ( age discrimination in the workplace can take the form ofldirect discriminationlindirect discriminationlharassmentlvictimisationWhen it is not alegal requirement, age discrimination should be removed from the workplace, and itis anecessity to ensure all workplaces are inclusive resulting in amore positive working environment.It is the responsibility of employers and employees to eliminate age discrimination from the workplace,here are afew examples of discrimination in the workplace.- Training opportunities are offered to younger employees —not older ones. This can includeprofessional training, access to continuing education and conference attendance, etc.- Being given fewer challenging assignments. This may also look like an unfair share of unpleasantor tedious assignments given to older employees.- Aspoken or unspoken assumption that you are not entitled to take time offfor familycommitments, as your family are deemed to be ‘older’.- Derogatory remarks about age. This could be framed as ‘banter’, with others joking about yourage, or retirement plans, etc. Or,itcould be downright aggressive (e.g. pointed and/or corneringcomments that pressure you to retire and free up the position for another professional).- Being passed over for wageincreases and promotions.- Being excluded from workplace social events i.e. under 18s not being allowed to go to ‘over 18’venues, or less mobile elders not being able to part take in vigorous activities.What can IdoifIexperience age discrimination?If you experience any form of discrimination due to age, consult your company’sEquality and Diversitypolicy.This will outline what plan of action you can take within your company to address the issue.Directly address any remarks that you may find are discriminatory against you based on age.If after addressing the issue and the situation does not improve, there will be procedures in placewithin your organisation to escalate the grievance.Let’s talk about ... AgeIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 22 01/10/2021 12:59

Page 23 can an organisation and managers do to prevent age discrimination?- Encourage career development at all ages.- Create an age-positive culture.- Keep all policies up to date and ensure all employees are aware of these.- Ensure there is no segregation based on age.- Reduce age bias at recruitment.- Highlighting discrimination and resolving issues.- Consider flexible working patterns.- Ensure management receive EDI training.How co-workers can be moreinclusiveChallenge: if you experience any ageism behaviour,please challenge this, either directly or indirectlyto your manager.Educate: each one of us has acommitment to keep up with current information surrounding agediscrimination and we should always strive to have the knowledge to enable us to be inclusive.Read what the current equality and diversity policies are.Inclusiveness: always think of ways of including everyone in activities that are held both in and outof the workplace.Awareness: try and spot co-workers who may become withdrawn or unusually quiet and offer afriendly ofAnimal TechnologyCOUNCILEquality and Diversity GroupIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 23IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 23 01/10/2021 12:5901/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin24 • October2021WaProPatercoloovidedPETour paiframedAllForwendTPOntingfd.Dimelprofitrmoredy.steeORTrom yoensions£120sgoingedetaiel1@oTRAour chosapprogto AS-ls contutlookAITosenphox. BULLETIN OCT21.indd 24 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 25AS-ET is acharity to advance education andpromote excellence in the careand welfare of animals usedinscience.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below andtofind out more please visit thewebsite BULLETIN OCT21.indd 25 01/10/2021 12:59

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26ANDREW BLAKETRIBUTE AWARDDON’T KEEP YOUR GOOD IDEA TO YOURSELF!WE WANTTOHEARABOUT IT FOR THE 2022 AWARDARE YOU AN ANIMAL TECH?HAVE YOU BEEN PART OF ATEAM OR HAVE YOU REFINED ANIMALCARE AND WELFARE IN YOUR FACILITY?ALL ANIMAL TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS, QUALIFIED AT ANY LEVELAND PRIMARILY WORKING IN THE UK CAN ENTERSUBMISSIONS SHOULD CONTAIN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE OF THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS ANDYOU CAN INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPHS/IMAGES (THESE SHOULD BE SUPPLIED AS ATTACHMENTS):CRITERIA–The topic of work thatyou describe in your application may be undertakenas partofaproject and presented EITHER as aPOSTER /anESSAY /aPROJECT /aSCIENTIFIC PAPER.The submissionwhichshould contain the contentbelow must be submittedonlineviathislink where youwill seethe Submission form forcompletion:-Why didyou undertake this work? (what was the potentialproblem youwere tryingto improve?)-Howdid you undertakeit? (species, numbers, sex, materials used)-Describe in acomprehensiveand concisemanner that allowsacompleteunderstanding facilitatingreproducibility.-Explain if the work contributes to oneofthe 3Rs.-Explain howthe welfare of the animals was improved.-Describe the resultsyou obtained includingdata generated with assessment.-Werethereany statisticsundertaken? Please provide this information.-Acknowledgements &References.-BriefCVtoincludeyouroverall contribution to thework.-Pleaselistyoursupervisors or PPL holderifapplicable for the work.To allow otherstobeable to replicate the work, pleaseconsult theARRIVE guidelines: BULLETIN OCT21.indd 26 01/10/2021 12:59

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27The Andrew Blake Tribute Award commemorates thework andlife of AndrewBlake, who sufferedfromFriedrich’sataxia, ahereditarycondition described asone of the “worst of neurological diseases”. Andrew died in May 2002aged 39.Andrewwas passionate about theneedtosupport scientistsintheir work andhis commitment to speakingout againstanimal rights activiststook up much ofthelastten years of his life. He diedshortly before he was to collect his MBE.SPONSORED BY THE ABPIANDREWBLAKETRIBUTE AWARDDETAILS OF THE AWARDThis Award is given annually, where sponsorship allows, to the AnimalTechnician/Technologist judged to have made the most significant contributionto improving standards in laboratory animal welfare overthe previous twelve months.All qualified Animal Technologists are guidedintheir work by the Institute ofAnimal Technology’s EthicalStatement:In the conduct of their Professional duties Animal Technologists have amoraland legal obligation, at all times, to promote and safeguard the welfare ofanimals in their care, recognising that good laboratory animal welfare is anessential component of good laboratory animal technology and science.The Institute recognises and supports the application of the principles of the3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) in all areas of animal research.The Award is made to acknowledge the professional and personal commitmentof Animal Technologists to improving standards in all aspectsoflaboratoryanimal care and welfare.THE PRIZE INCLUDES -CONGRESS 2022 FREE ATTENDANCEnext March WHICH WILL INCLUDE PRESENTING YOUR WORK-ANENGRAVED GLASS PLAQUE -AND £250 CASH AWARDCLOSINGDATE FRIDAY29th OCTOBER 2021Need advice –oryou wish to discuss anything regarding apossible entry? Then pleaseemail the IAT Administrator with your contact details and one of theorganisers will respond and give you all the support you need.IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 27 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin28 • October 2021IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 28 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 29PARTY(Upstairs) Dulcimer,567 Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton-cum-Hardy,Manchester M210AE7.30PMFROM26 NOVFRIDAYRegister now by emailing or £5NON-MEMBERS£10Includes2FREEdrinks,buffet food, musicchoices&prizes throughoutthe evening.IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 29 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin30 • October 2021POSTERCOMPETITIONFor more details email AN EXPENSESPAID TRIP TOAALAS 2022THE BIG RE-LAUNCHWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY2022IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 30 01/10/2021 12:59

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BulletinOctober 2021 • 31Front cover: Costa RicaCourtesy: Ian TrevesDIARY DatesTo View NowEfficient management ofgenetically altered mouse coloniesNC3Rs/Mary Lyons CentreTo view: 2fc46ddd3e?utm_campaign=March+2021&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdeliveryTo View NowProcedureswith CareTo view: OctoberNC3Rs/IATAnimal Technicians’Symposium 2021Online –Details: OctoberWhat Should YouKnowAboutYour Rodent Facility?Fondazione Guido BernardiniOnline –Details: OctoberAALASKansas –Details: /national-meeting26 OctoberNTCO WorkshopLearning Curve – OctoberNACWO Refresher WorkshopOnlineDetails: OctoberABTAEntry Closing DateSee pages 26 and 2729 OctoberCongress 2022Papers submission closing dateSee page 165NovemberCouncil NominationsFinal application dateSee page 1216-18, 23-25 NovemberLASA ConferenceOnlineDetails: DecemberCongress 2022Poster presentations closing dateSee page 1631 DecemberCongress 2022Early bird discount final dateSee page 144February 2022Congress 2022Poster submission closing dateSee page 1629 March –1April 2022IATCongressSee pages 8, 9, 14, 17, 19IAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 31 01/10/2021 12:59

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Bulletin32 • October2021From the latest innovations in animalhusbandry, to the most trusted systems forcustomer care and support, Allentown leaves nostone unturned in our mission to improve lives.Through integrity, care, and advanced productengineering we continue to set the highwatermark in convenience, cost- management,and enhanced animal welfare.Improving Life –it’s in our DNA.LEARN MORE AT WWW.ALLENTOWNINC.COMGlobal challenges requireglobal solutions. In the realm ofbiomedical research, no companyoutranks Allentown in deliveringcomplete services to the full rangeof facilities all over the world.GlobalSolutionsProviderANIMAL HOUSINGWORKSTATIONSWASHING &STERILIZATIONVIVARIUMSOLUTIONSCOLONY HEALTH MONITORINGIAT BULLETIN OCT21.indd 32 01/10/2021 12:59