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October 2021

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October 2021 F R E E

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pumpkin spice everything nice PUBLISHER GRAPHIC ARTIST Julie Vasquez Owner Limelight Design julie southernidahokids com EDITOR Kristen Francom COMMUNITY EVENT SPECIALIST Shawnee Burt shawnee southernidahokids com Fun fall candles that will light up your life ADVERTISING advertising southernidahokids com SouthernIdahoKids southernidahokids pumpkin spice Plant Therapy smores1 4 galorePage Vertical ON THE COVER Brooks 9 Korbin 11 Bentley 12 Maverik 7 Hyink of Twin Falls Southern Idaho Kids is a subsidiary of Limelight Design Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is prohibited Submitted editorial content or advertisements are not necessarily endorsed by or representative of the views of Southern Idaho Kids Southern Idaho Kids is not responsible for the reliability or timeliness of any content submitted Southern Idaho Kids is printed and distributed monthly 2021 Southern Idaho Kids All rights reserved caramel aale Visit one of our two Twin Falls Locations Downtown 127 Main Ave W across from Yellow Brick Cafe Magic Valley Mall 1485 Pole Line Rd Center Court 2 www southernidahokids com I M ROCKY AND I M RUBY FIND THESE HIDDEN GEMS IN THE MAGAZINE For a chance to win our September Giveaway 25 coffee Gift Card and 25 at Real Deals follow us on Jaci Walker 1 8 Page Horizontal

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE Importance of Family Vacations Are you are considering a family vacation Here are the Top 3 Reasons you should spend the time and the money investing in experiences for your family 1 Increases Happiness From the moment you have locked in a destination you and your family will discuss and imagine the experiences to be had together When planning a big trip up to a year in advance your joy can be felt the entire year leading up to travel 2 To Celebrate Has anyone in your family completed a milestone accomplishment Do you want to celebrate a particular holiday creating memories rather than giving gifts Traveling is a great way to celebrate while focusing on experience rather than material things 3 Rest and Relax We all feel stressed in our daily schedules Booking a vacation ensures you will take some time from that busy reality and create an escape to rejuvenate Returning home with a fresh perspective and appreciation for everyday realities Jeanna Secrist My Mickey Vacation Travel CAPTURE your perfect vacation Dr Jill 1 4 Page Vertical Dr Jill Adepoju DC 30 OFF FIRST VISIT EXCLUDES MEDICARE AND MEDICAID 788 Eastland Drive Ste B Twin Falls Idaho 208 734 3030 www drjillfamilychiro com Magical Mickey 1 4 Page Vertical CALL TODAY Jeanna Secrist TRAVEL PROFESSIONAL Jeanna secrist mymickeyvacation com jeannammvt 208 961 0275 October 2021 3

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COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER Help fund the purchase of books for kids to take and read at home BOOKS AT HOME At Southern Idaho Kids we firmly believe in literacy in the home In the Magic Valley we have many homes who don t have age appropriate books for children to read Statistics show that families with books in the home directly correlates with the child s success in school and in their future We have purchased 100 books to give to 4 classrooms in Magic Valley elementary schools who might benefit from having more books in their homes You or your business can help us get more books in their homes by donating Ways to donate HOW YOUR DONATION WILL HELP 7 Purchases 4 books 21 Purchases 12 books 44 Funds a classroom of 25 children 132 Funds an entire grade of classes 1 Mail a check to Southern Idaho Kids PO Box 5838 Twin Falls ID 83303 3 2 southernidahokids gmail com southernidahokids YOUR EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE HEADQUARTERS MV Realty 1 4 Page Vertical TELESCOPES MICROSCOPES Toytown Teachers 1 4 Page always Vertical recieve 10 off their entire purchase 1236 BLUE LAKES BLVD N TWIN FALLS 4 www southernidahokids com

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COMMUNITY FUNDRAISER The BOOKS only behavior measure that correlates AT HOME significantly with reading scores is the number of books in the home BOUGHT 100 The Literacy Crisis False Claims Real Solutions 1998 BOOKS The single most significant factor BOOKS influencing AT a child s early educational successHOME is an introduction to books and being read to at home prior to beginning school TO GIVE TO ELEMENTARY STUDENTS TO TAKE HOME National Commission on Reading 1985 YOU CAN HELP KIDS LEARN AND BE SUCCESSFUL BY DONATING TO OUR BOOKS AT HOME FUNDRAISER Giving is not just about making a donation it s about making a difference Kathy Calvin CANYON FOOT ANKLE FEBRUARY 2021 DIGITAL ADS 02 08 21 HONEST ON TIME O N BU D G E T Aim High 1 4 Page Vertical PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING Canyon Foot 1 4 Page Vertical FREE ESTIMATES 208 329 4037 www aimhighpainting com October 2021 5

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NATIONAL ORTHODONTIC HEALTH MONTH October is National Orthodontic Health Month The American Association of Orthodontics has some tips and tricks to protect braces aligners spacers and your teeth Check us out on Instagram and Facebook this month for the inside scoop Call Ward Orthodontics today for your complimentary exam 208 734 4314 wardorthodontics com Ward Ortho 1 2 Page Horizontal TM wardortho wardorthoidaho Ward Ortho Half Page Oct18 01 indd 1 NEW 8 24 18 1 50 PM COGNITIVE SKILLS TRAINING START A NEW SCHOOL YEAR OFF STRONG MULTISENSORY RESEARCH BASED READING Kool Minds OF ALL AGES Horizontal PROGRAM 1 2 Page WORKS ON KIDS CONTACT US TODAY www koolminds com 208 366 4833 6 www southernidahokids com

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE Get the job you want with the skills you need The Idaho State Board of Education and the Idaho Workforce Development Council are encouraging students and their families to spend time exploring their dream careers Two newly updated platforms Next Steps Idaho and Idaho Launch offer a wide variety of resources dedicated to helping Idahoans of all ages reach their full potential Next Steps Idaho houses tools resources and activities that allow you to explore your career options based on factors like salary and demand apply for multiple Idaho colleges at once match your personality with a job that fits your strengths and interests find available apprenticeship programs and much more Idaho Launch uses data from Idaho employers about the most in demand skills to connect users with training and classes and offers potential funding opportunities Next Steps Idaho and Idaho Launch can help Acton 1 4 Page Vertical 15 ONLY 250 VALUE BUY YOUR PASS TODAY TO START SAVING parents and students chart a path to their future career Parents may take the Future Finder quiz and discover that their personality matches the career they ve always thought about pursuing Recent high school graduates might be awarded funding for a programming language like Python that helps them land a job in the technology industry The possibilities are endless even from the comfort of your home Idahoans have faced much hardship this year but we have been working hard to ease the challenges and restore the prosperity Idaho had before the global pandemic Governor Brad Little Whether you are at a career crossroads in high school or at a time in your life when you simply want to try something new the tools tips and information on these websites can help you to take action bringing you closer to the life you want to lead Acton 1 4 Page Vertical Joy Rigor Mastery Montessori joins Socrates Learner driven education Students excel when given follow us twinfallsgopass www twin falls go pass com 8 the opportunity Learning to BE and learning to DO are more important www southernidahokids com than textbooks alone NOW ENROLLING Heroes in waiting destined for an important quest 208 420 9520 1830 Addison Avenue East Twin Falls www ActonAcademyTF org

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COMMUNITY ARTICLE SCAN CODE TO GO TO IDAHO LAUNCH SCAN CODE TO GO TO NEXT STEP IDAHO NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Summit Dental NO INSURANCE 1 4 Page Vertical We now have a savings plan for the whole family call us for details Childrens Dentistry 1 4 Page Vertical Children s Dentistry of Twin Falls 208 733 9999 285 Canyon Crest Drive Twin Falls ID www summitdentalsmiles com 1186 Eastland Dr N B Twin Falls 208 733 9331 October 2021 9

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s p on s or ed b y s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT The Common Cold As its name implies the common cold is the most common illness in the United States The average adult has 2 3 colds per year and children under the age of 6 average 6 8 colds per year Since most people get the common cold during the fall and winter months this could equate to children getting a cold once per month between the months of September and April That s a lot of missed days from school and work How do I get the common cold Relieve symptoms with over the counter medications can help relieve symptoms NEVER give Aspirin to children less than 18 years of age How long will I be sick The common cold is caused by many different viruses the most common being Rhinovirus The common cold can be transferred in three main ways 1 Direct contact with another sick person 2 Touching a contaminated surface like a doorknob or desk 3 Inhaling particles in the air from another person when they cough or sneeze The common cold usually lasts 3 7 days in adults and up to 10 days in children but people can be sick for up to 2 weeks When should I see a doctor Your symptoms last more than 10 days You have severe or unusual symptom A child younger than 3 months of age has a fever greater than 100 4 and or lethargic Remember a cold can lead to other problems like ear infections worsening asthma sinus infection and even pneumonia How to protect yourself and others Wash wash wash Wash hands often with soap and water Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth Avoid close contact with others shaking hands kissing hugging Cough and sneeze into tissue or upper arm of shirt Disinfect frequently touched surfaces There is no cure so how do I feel better Get lots of rest Drink lots of water https www cdc gov features rhinoviruses index html Brandon Pope PA C completed undergraduate at BYU Idaho After working as a paramedic he completed graduate school at the University of Utah with a Master s in Physician Assistant Studies Brandon works full time in the Emergency Department at Cassia Regional Hospital in Burley ID and works part time at Physician s Immediate Care Center OPEN 8AM TO 7PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 208 736 7422 10 www picctf com We ve moved across from Walmart in Twin Falls www southernidahokids com

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RESTAURANT GUIDE 20 OFF ANY BOWL TruFuel TOAST OR 1 8 PageSHAKE SUPERFOOD CAFE Limit one item 1 transaction per customer per day Horizontal See our menu today at trufuelacai com BUY ONE KetchumBURRITO Burrito ONE 1 8 GET Page FREE Horizontal 1520 Fillmore St Tw i n F a l l s I d a h o 208 733 5194 with the purchase of 2 drinks w w w k b s b u r r i t o c o m Hong Kong C HHong I N E S E R EKong S TA U R A N T 163 CHENEY DR WEST 1 8 TWIN Page FALLS Horizontal TUESDAY THURSDAY 11 00 am 8 30 pm FRIDAY SATURDAY 11 00 am 9 00 pm SUNDAY 11 00 am 8 30 pm www hongkongtwinfalls com BOGO T Time 1 8FREE Page B O B A T EHorizontal A S S P E C I A LT Y D R I N K S 822 BLUE LAKES BLVD N TWIN FALLS 208 933 2777 Offer expires October 31 2021 Present this coupon for a discount Valid one per person Cannot be combined with any other offers 1239 Pole Line Rd E Twin Falls 208 736 9453 Buffalo Wild W 1 8 Page 5 OFF 25 Horizontal PU RCHASE CODE 61 Offer expires December 31 2021 Present this coupon for a discount Valid at Buffalo Wild Wings in Twin Falls only Valid one per person Cannot be combined with any other offers DEEP FRIED SUSHI FujiXpress FRIED NOODLES 1 8 Page HorizontalSOUP LOCATED INSIDE 2ND SOUTH MARKET 2 1 0 2 N D AV E S T W I N FA L L S AUTHENTIC Abracadabras 1 8 Page 10 Horizontal OFF PURCHASE 1099 Blue Lakes Blvd N Twin Falls MEXICAN Garabalidis FOOD 1 8 Page Horizontal 645 Filer Ave Twin Falls 208 736 7408 WWW GARIBALDISTWINFALLS COM October 2021 11

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sponsored by CALENDAR OF EVENTS Children s clear vision pediatric eyecare vision therapy 10 30 AM 11 00 AM Twin Falls Public Library E V E R Y T U E S D AY Toddler Time This storytime is designed for kids who are 4 years old to kindergarten 10 30 AM 11 00 AM Twin Falls Public Library Designed for children 18 months to 3 years old Age appropriate books will be read and there will be many opportunities for movement E V E R Y F R I D AY starting Oct 8 Just Jump E V E R Y W E D N E S D AY Baby Lapsit Storytime 10 30 AM 11 00 AM Twin Falls Public Library 5 30 PM 6 45 PM XrossWay Fitness Life Center S AT U R D AY A free exciting new fitness class for kids to learn jump rope while benefiting their all around health Scottish Highland Games F R I D AY S AT U R D AY Designed for babies from birth through 18 months It is best if older siblings are left with another caregiver October 1 2 Twin Falls Oktoberfest Friday 4 00 PM 9 00 PM Saturday 11 00 AM 9 00 PM Downtown Twin Falls E V E R Y W E D N E S D AY Afterschool Activities Join us for the Twin Falls Oktoberfest 2021 in Historic Downtown Twin Falls Get ready to enjoy food drinks music and much more This event is family friendly and free to attend 4 00 PM 6 00 PM Twin Falls Public Library Elementary age kids can come to the Youth Services Desk at the library to pick up a take and make kit with a fun activity inside that they can do at home Kits are first come first served 10 00 AM 1 00 PM Sunway Park Twin Falls Highland games are a Scottish tradition dating back 1000 years Get ready for some Scottish fun Events include caber toss stone put Scottish hammer throw and weight throw Register for this free event at bit ly tfidregistration S AT U R D AY October 2 Heyburn s Riverton Pumpkin Festival 11 00 AM 2 00 PM Heyburn Riverside RV Park Pollinator Festival Hosted by HOPE Heyburn Organization Promoting Safety Community Awareness Non Profit 10 00 AM 4 00 PM Pocket Pollinator Park Preschool Storytime October 2 S AT U R D AY October 2 E V E R Y T H U R S D AY Come on out for some contests drawing painting bird bee houses and raffles You can have fun and play games while learning about pollinators see our online calendar for more directions Children s clear vision Children s Clear Vision HUNDREDS 1 4 OF Page Sponsorship CALL T O DAY FU N FRAMES Horizontal pediatric eyecare vision therapy F L E X I B L E S P O RT S F R A M ES I N FA N T A D U LT C H I L D 5 6 8 F a l l s A v e Tw i n F a l l s 2 0 8 2 9 3 8 5 8 0 w w w c h i l d r e n s c l e a r v i s i o n c o m 12 www southernidahokids com S I Z E S

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS T H U R S D AY October 5 19 Reptile Review 6 00 PM 7 00 PM Herrett Center CSI Campus Come learn about and see reptiles F R I D AY S U N D AY October 8 10 Lights and Lasers Show 5 30 PM 9 00 PM Canyon Springs Golf Course Experience a festival of lights and lasers in the Snake River Canyon Your ticket includes family activities such as a photobooth face painting balloon animals vendor booths and so much more There will also be food vendors with everything from savory to sweet to purchase Tickets available at https visitsouthidaho com event lights lasers 2021 Market Harvest Festival Admission is free but there will be something for everyone from vendors to games dress up trick or treating and much more play trick or treating from Disney princesses different vendors and sponsors and free food and drinks inside The Swamp Caution still scary things to see in the swamp S AT U R D AY T H U R S D AY S AT U R D AY Global Cardboard Challenge Wilson Wizarding Experience October 9 1 00 PM 4 00 PM South Hills Middle School We need the creative skills of all ages to help us build a cardboard city We will have supplies available to make a school house store car or whatever else you think our city needs We can t wait to see the many imaginative creations families make together You are welcome to build something at home and add it to our city October 21 23 12 00 PM 3 00 PM Saturday only 6 00 PM 9 00 PM Historic Wilson Theater Rupert Come and ride the train get sorted take a potions class and MORE Come dressed as your favorite witch wizard or warlock Tickets available at https www historicwilsontheatre com tickets and pricing S AT U R D AY October 16 S AT U R D AY October 9 Harry Potter Harvest Festival 9 00 AM 1 00 PM Mountain View Barn Jerome Come celebrate the end of the season with a party at the Jerome Farmers Kiddie Day at the Haunted Swamp 11 00 AM 3 00 PM 646 S Park Ave W Twin Falls A day where the kids can wear their costumes and walk through The Haunted Swamp in a less threatening environment There will be games to Scan the QR code to see our up to date online calendar Magic Valley s Premier Organic Laser Teeth Whitening Title One 1 8 Page 1411 Falls Ave East Suite 1131 Horizontal 208 933 2650 TitleOneCorp com Bright Smiles 1 8 Page Horizontal DENTAL HY G I E NI S T O WNE D O P E RAT E D 2 0 8 5 9 8 5 568 bri ght s m i let eet h October 2021 13

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a perfectly ghoulish gift Open to all ages It s bound to be a real scream W E D N E S D AY October 27 Pumpkin Dive F R I D AY 4 00 PM 7 00 PM Twin Falls City Pool October 29 Jack O Lantern Carving Workshop A free event at the city pool T H U R S D AY 3 00 PM 6 00 PM Harmon Park CSI Dance Thriller Bring your own pumpkin and the Twin Falls Rec Dept will provide all the carving tools for this free event October 28 4 30 PM 5 30 PM CSI Fine Arts Building Come join us for some thrills and chills this Halloween as we present eerie songs spooky movie shorts and creepy crawly dance routines that are sure to send a shiver down your spine Presented by the CSI Dance Dept CSI Golden Girls Dance Team and our own CSI Madrigals Admission is free a canned food donation for Gilbert s pantry would be S U N D AY October 31 Main Street Trunk or Treat 5 00 PM 7 00 PM Main Street in Jerome Bring your kids in their costumes and trunk or treat from local businesses and churches S AT U R D AY October 30 Trick or Treat on Main Street 2 00 PM 4 00 PM Downtown Twin Falls Bring your kids in their costumes and trick or treat at downtown local merchants Scan the QR code to see our FALL EVENTS ACTIVITY GUIDE TAKE IT SLOW Many kids move to the next car seat too soon IDOT 1 4 Page Vertical NHTSA Pizza Pie 1 4 Page Vertical Shift Idaho org ChildSafety NHTSA gov TheRightSeat October 2021 14

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BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS If your child is looking for a scary tale this Halloween season check out these spooky books If you or your child would like more suggestions come see us at the Twin Falls Public Library Recommending titles and connecting the right book with the right reader is our favorite thing to do Preschool K 3rd grade Frankencrayon by Michael Hall The Dark by Lemony Snicket If the crayons cannot stop the scribble monster this picture book and the play Frankencrayon may have to be canceled Laszlo is afraid of the dark which lives in the same big creaky house as him until one night the dark pays him a visit 7TH GRADE 4th 6th grade The Cabinet of Curiosities 36 Tales Brief Sinister by Various Authors Thirty six eerie short stories relate to an imaginary museum of creepy artifacts and are arranged into such thematic drawers as love luck song and fairy tales Epic Shine 1 8 Page Horizontal UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIPS STARTING AT 20 MO MULTI CAR VETERAN DISCOUNTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 221 POLE LINE RD E TWIN FALLS W W W E P I C S HIN E C O M The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand Practically perfect twelve year old Victoria Wright must lie sneak and break the rules when her investigation of the disappearance of her best and only friend Lawrence reveals dark secrets about her town and the orphanage run by the reclusive Mrs Cavendish Clear Talk FR EE 1 8 Page OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CONSULTATION Horizontal Dawn Kelly OTR L Mention this ad to reedem www cleartalkspeechtherapy com Family CLIMBING Gemstone FOR 4 with Gear 1 8 ONLY Page 74 VALUE Horizontal Garbage Bin Cleaning Bin Bath 1 8 Page Horizontal Commercial Residential Pressure Washing locally owned operated 15 40 One Time Monthly or Quarterly Cleanings thebinbath com 208 731 0601 208 749 3475 dkellyotrl gmail com EXPIRES OCTOBER 31 2021 135 5th Ave S Twin Falls 208 329 7257 www southernidahokids com

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s p on s or ed b y HEALTH WELLNESS HEALTHYHABITS An Apple A Day An apple a day keeps the doctor away Wait does it Where does this adage come from anyway This long standing generational advice 8 a few days or in the fridge for 2 3 weeks 9 eat an apple on going to bed Pick your own apples locally at Kelley s Orchard in Filer or Northview Orchard in originated in Wales appearing in a publication in 1866 with a bit different format Apples can be kept at room temperature for Buhl 10 Apples can be enjoyed in a variety of ways Find numerous recipes online this Fall and you ll keep the doctor from earning his bread Whichever So does an apple a day keep way you say it apples are an the doctor away The enjoyable and nutritious treat simple answer is likely Here are a few fun facts no However apples about apples 1 as a part of a wellbalanced diet provide Apples are Idaho s a relatively cheap number one fruit crop easily accessible and in the state 2 nutritious food to help They are in season our bodies function now through early properly Plus you can find March 3 them in your own backyard Idaho farmers grow at least or a quick trip away nine different varieties 4 Each variety has a unique flavor color and baking properties 5 Kyli Gough RDN LD They are rich in fiber potassium and antioxidants 6 The best apples are bright and firm Avoid those that are soft or bruised 7 Apples average cost is about 1 30 pound which means you can munch on an apple for about 0 45 0 75 cents 16 www southernidahokids com Sponsored by

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TEACHER OF THE MONTH 6th Grade Xavier Charter School Twin Falls Jennifer Votroubek 6 Years in Education What is your favorite part about teaching My favorite part about teaching is when a student finally conquers a difficult task The best part of my day is when I see that expression of a student s aha or I got it moment Something your students might not know about you I own a 1978 yellow convertible Volkswagen Bug I enjoy taking my French bulldog on drives with the top down A word of advice It is okay to make mistakes oftentimes that is how we learn best Nominated by Tacie Mitchell Mrs Votroubek is the best teacher I ve ever had she lets us tell jokes to the class and is very understanding If we forget our homework she doesn t freak out at us but she forgives us and just reminds us to do it next time The Teacher of the Month will receive a Sips gift card and the class will get a Sips cookie party To nominate a teacher visit www southernidahokids com nominate your teacher October BUY 3 COOKIE GET ONE FREE LIMIT 1 FREE COOKIE PER COUPON 213 Cheney Dr W Suite 100 Twin Falls ID 83301 208 410 7394 1879 Addison Ave E Twin Falls ID 83301 208 410 4019 Expires October 31 2021 October 2021 17

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3 yr old pretend playing on his own Ah A monster I not a monster I m a dragon Oh Ah A dragon My daughter I know the go to www southernidahokids com quotable kids to share your child s funny sayings quotes difference between boys and girls Me oh really Daughter yeah boys wear shorts in the winter I was sick with a cold and had lost my voice My son Dax asked when it comes back will you speak Spanish KIDDIE DAY CSI 1 4 Page Vertical October 16 11am 3pm 8 Haunted Swamp 1 4 Page Vertical EACH Experience a kid friendly experience through the swamp Hair Painting Games Prizes Face Painting Balloons Photo Booth Tattoos Trick or Treating More Cake Walk Large Slide COME BY FOR A SCARY GOOD TIME 646 S Park Ave W in Twin Falls www idahohauntedswamp com 18 www southernidahokids com 736 SNOW

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One of my sons about 5yo started climbing into his bath My daughter fractured her elbow She looked at lifts his leg to get in and accidently let s out some loud gas I hear him say to himself Ah rats I was saving that for the tub her sister who was being so kind and helpful to her and said maybe I need to break my arm more often so you will be nice to me all the time 3 yr old to his 3 yr friend who was getting impatient with her mom because she was ready to go and her mom was talking He climbs up onto a chair pats the space next to him and says come on I ll tell you a story that will last until our Moms are done talking Abby s Words for a Kinder World Rapids 1 4 Page Vertical LITTLES ACADEMY FOR AGES 3 5 YOUTH ACADEMY FOR AGES 5 8 WITH LOCAL WEEKDAY GAMES EMAIL US AT RAPIDSSC GMAIL COM OR FIND US ON FACEBOOK COMPETITIVE AGES 10 18 L E A R N M O R E O R R E G I S T E R AT WWW TWINFALLSRAPIDS COM A leader MV Alarm doesn t tell someone 1 4 Page what to do Vertical instead they Talk to my dad He has all of the answers about technology show them how to do it 208 595 1125 w w w m v 3 a c o m October 2021 19

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HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIPS FOR KIDS STAY AS A GROUP STAY IN POPULATED AREAS DO NOT GO INTO A STRANGER S HOUSE CROSS STREETS CAREFULLY DO NOT EAT CANDY UNTIL YOU GET HOME ALWAYS CARRY A FLASHLIGHT Se Ha bla Esp a o Smiles 4 Kids 1 2 Page Horizontal 208 734 7415 1411 Falls Ave E 1000C Twin Falls www smiles4kidsidaho com A l l i n s u r a n c e s w e l c o m e i n cl u d i n g M e d i c a i d N o r e f e r r a l s n e e d e d Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentists 20 www southernidahokids com l

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PODCAST HIGHLIGHT EPISODE 149 GUEST SPEAKER AMY WEBB OF THIS LITTLE MIGGY TEACHING CHILDREN ABOUT DISABILITY How do we teach our children about different types of bodies How do we teach them not to stare or point at others who look different from them How do we help them understand the difference between empathy and pity All of this and more is discussed in this powerful episode with Amy Webb an artist writer and special needs mother who advocates for the disability and special needs community through her interviews and writing on her blog and other platforms She is the author of the award winning children s book When Charley Met Emma and she just released a follow up entitled Awesomely Emma Rachel Nielson is a mother and the host of a weekly podcast called 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms Each 30 minute episode features 3 doable takeaways for parents to try with their families that week Rachel currently lives in Hailey Idaho Tune in to the episode as they discuss the nuance of teaching our children about the world and the varying types of people in it 1 Bring disability representation into your home through media books and conversations A great place to start is with Amy s books 2 Teach your children that being different and having a disability is okay and NOT inherently sad It s important to teach our children not to pity others or make assumptions about their lives but to instead listen learn and empathize 3 Remember that kindness is not the goal Friendship and inclusion are the goal Have open conversations with your children and other parents to figure out ways to modify the environment so kids with all types of abilities can build deep friendships To listen to more experts share their best strategies for creating more meaning in motherhood visit www 3in30podcast com Orange Leaf 1 4 Page Vertical 1 OO OFF ANYTIME YOU WEAR YOUR COSTUME IN DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER REIMAGINE PEDIATRICS Frontier 1 4 Page Vertical CAN YOU IMAGINE Same day visits just walking in to get help Personal service from locals you consider friends Top notch quality care for your child Kids actually having fun at the doctors office At Frontier Pediatrics Partners we are Reimagining Pediatric Excellence CALL US TODAY 208 595 5095 Offer expires October 31 2021 Present this coupon for a discount Valid at Orange Leaf Twin Falls only Valid one per person Cannot be combined with any other offers 725 BLUE LAKES BLVD N IN TWIN FALLS October 2021 21

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PUZZLES GAMES 22 www southernidahokids com s p on s or ed b y

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PHOTO CORNER PET EDITION DO YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED IN OUR PHOTO CORNER Submit your photo online at www southernidahokids com submit photo CLEARWATER 1 2 Page Horizontal October 2021 23

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Hello neighbor Patrick M Buchanan Agent Buchanan Ins and Fin Svcs Inc 163 Cheney Drive W Suite 400 Across the Street from Walmart in Twin Falls Stop by and say Hi or call me today 208 745 2000 I m looking forward to serving your needs for insurance and financial services Like a good neighbor State Farm is there