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October 2020

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THE MESSENGER GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER VOLUME 110 ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 2020 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK Then he called the crowd to him and said to them Listen and understand it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth enters the stomach and goes out into the sewer But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart and this is what defiles Matthew 15 10b 11 17 18 FEEDING OURSELVES TO CHANGE THE WORLD In the religious practices of Jesus time and place clean eating was a big deal Rules and regulations around food and its consumption abounded Jesus pushed back against what some might call legalism There was a reason and a need for that in his context Priorities had gotten out of whack People had lost sight of the purpose But perhaps we would do well to re engage with intentionality around what we consume and maybe we can do so without losing our focus on what Jesus saw as ultimately mattering the ripple effects we cause in the world Have you ever heard the expression I m hangry hungry angry When we don t consume enough in a timely manner throughout the day others can notice that we are grumpy and on edge It has a ripple effect in the world around us We are short with our spouse or our roommate cross with our dog rude to the store clerk all because we consumed or rather didn t consume what our body needed Increasingly we are also realizing that things in our foods pesticides dyes hormones chemicals sugar vitamins etc can effect our health and behavior from brain fog to cancer hyperactivity to focus energy to diabetes Eating the wrong food or not getting the right balance of foods for our bodies can make stressors in our life feel more overwhelming and less manageable When we self medicate with things like alcohol to try to numb our pain or our anxiety we can actually end up depressing our dopamine receptors and exacerbating the problem If we don t get out in the sun enough the lack of vitamin D can lead to feelings of lethargy Science has so much to teach us about how the things we put into our body or fail to put in our body end up effecting the way we move and act in the world around us So much so that increasingly we understand that giving care and attention to what we consume is a big part of how we equip ourselves to give care and attention to others I ve certainly discovered this about myself Dark chocolate certain scents not keeping myself well hydrated certain collisions of stress and excitement can give me migraines which literally incapacitate me I have to lay down in a dark room and become useless anyone Eating too many carbs gives me less energy heightens my anxiety lowers my capacity to manage my stress etc It makes me not as good of a pastor and mother I recently restarted a diet that I know helps my body feel better for me that is a low carb diet I had gone off it because I had too much going on in my life to be intentional about my Continued on page 2 WE ARE PROUD TO INTRODUCE JEREMY WALLACE He will be our field education student and will be with us from September 2020 May 2021 Jeremy is currently a student at Chicago Theological Seminary and will do an internship with us as part of his training for ministry HE WILL BE PREACHING FOR US ON SUNDAY OCTOBER 11 Don t miss it 1

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FROM THE PASTOR S DESK continued from page 1 FEEDING OURSELVES TO CHANGE THE WORLD eating but in fact as I learned and probably already knew that is exactly why I need to be on it because with so much going on in my life I need energy focus a greater capacity to manage stress etc Restarting anything is hard but starting is half the battle I wonder if you could start today being more intentional about what you are consuming During these times of heightened anxiety discord loneliness and depression I wonder if you are giving care and attention to your diet I wonder if you have discovered yet what foods exercises spiritual practices etc give your body mind and soul what it needs to more fully embody love in the world Following our recent suicide awareness worship service we were talking with Rose Stauffer a licensed counselor connected to our congregation We began to delve into the topic of the intersections between our bodies and our minds and the importance of intentionality around what we consume One of our members brought up that it is not just foods exercise and time in the sun but it is also the content we consume Many in the discussion with us shared how national and international news has been adversely affecting their mental health Rose very helpfully shared that when we watch or listen to the news the bombardment of images and words can quite literally be traumatizing it does the same things to our brain that experiencing a trauma does When we watch or listen to the news as she explained we don t have a lot of control over what we see or hear and it can feel like an assault She suggested that if we want to consume the news in a mentally healthy way we might want to try reading the news instead of watching or listening to it When we read we you can pick it up and put it down at our leisure and choose what we read a little more intentionally As Rose explained consuming the news doesn t have to be all or nothing You can stay informed and stay healthy if you are intentional Here are some of the questions she gave us to ponder When are you consuming the news Taking in the news it right before bed when you are already feeling stressed when you are going into a big meeting or need to be very present with someone those might not be the best times How are you consuming the news Yes it matters reading is not the same as watching it How much of the news are you consuming In other words are you overdosing on news and could you be more careful about taking in a proper dosage Rose also very helpfully talked about some of the brain science around positive thinking and relational connectivity Yes I know it may sound very new age but as Rose told us positive thinking can even be prayer or 2 meditation basically anything that allows us to tap into a positive loving energy into hope or into something bigger than ourselves When we do this we give ourselves hits endorphins that literally can be life saving or life sustaining especially when we are living through an anxiety filled time like we currently are Likewise connecting with others even if we are introverts can keep us mentally healthy Isolation is a key contributor to mental illness depression feelings of being overwhelmed suicide etc We have to get outside ourselves connect to something bigger than us even if it is just over zoom As I thought about what to write to you for October 2020 a month when political tensions will run high when we will be assaulted by political advertisements traumatizing news cycles and may well see this nasty virus spike again in ways that will re isolate us I could think of nothing more important than self care and intentionality around what we consume Friends I want to build God s beloved community with you I want Good Sam to have ripples the whole world wide We won t be able to do that unless we all approach our self care during this time with great intentionality Will you join me Pastor Jen

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BOOK DISCUSSION ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS THIS SEPTEMBER OCTOBER JOIN US FOR DISCUSSIONS ABOUT MOVING TOWARD BECOMING ANTI RACISTS In preparation we suggest you read How to be an Antiracist Ibram X Kendi One World Press If you are ambitious you also might pick up White Fragility Why it s so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism Robin Diangelo Beacon Press Don t have time to read Believe it or not the children s book also written by Ibram Kendi is really powerful and would be the next best thing Antiracist Baby Ibram X Kendi illustrations by Ashley Lukashevsy The discussion guide for parents and caregivers at the end of the book will give you some meat Also be on the look out for links to some interview videos with Kendi and Diangelo We will send those out closer to the start of the discussion series WHATEVER AMOUNT OF PREPARATION YOU ARE ABLE TO DO WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THESE DISCUSSIONS AND BE PREPARED TO BE TRANSFORMED IN YOUR THINKING ABOUT RACE AND RACISM 3

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THE FIRST OF THE SUNDAY AFTERNOON BOOK DISCUSSIONS ON RACISM Our first book discussion on how to be an anti racist took place on Sunday September 20 at 1 00 p m and the great turn out spoke of the desire of many in our community to better understand the societal implications of racism and an even greater desire to learn how to change our perspectives and our understanding of the issues Rev Jean Cooley introduced the study by having us all take a couple minutes to tell others why we chose to participate in the sessions From there she had us take about 20 minutes to hear a video by Dr Robin DiAngleo talking about white privilege and some of the causes of racism in our country Dr Robin DiAngelo has her PhD in Multicultural Education from the University of Washington in Seattle and is currently an Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the same university She is the author of What qWe watched a video of Dr Robin DiAngelo speak about deconstructing white privilege on YouTube Does it Mean to Be White Developing White Racial Literacy and has been an antiracist educator and has heard justifications of racism by white men and women in her workshops for over two decades This justification which she calls white fragility is a state in which qMany turned out for our first zoom discussion on the book even a minimum How to be An Antiracist amount of racial stress becomes intolerable triggering a range of defensive moves These moves include outward display of These moves include outward display of emotions such as anger fear and guilt emotions such as anger fear and guilt and behaviors such as argumentation and behaviors such as argumentation silence and leaving the stress inducing silence and leaving the stress inducing situation situation After we listened to the video we If you are planning to attend any of broke up into 4 discussion groups led by the book discussion sessions but were Rev Jean Cooley Rev Bill Cooley Rev not in attendance at this first session Jen Daysa and Jeremy Wallace our new you might want to go to YouTube and Good Sam field education student We look up some of the videos by Dr Robin were given some questions to consider DiAngelo and listen to a couple Her for about 15 minutes before we came perspectives are enlightening and back together to wrap up thought provoking She has been an It was very powerful to hear the anti racist educator She has heard views of others in the group see the justifications of racism by white men similarities and the disparities in how and women in her workshops for over most of us were raised and how racism two decades This justification which is so ingrained in our culture and our she calls white fragility is a state society in which even a minimum amount We encourage you to join in the next of racial stress becomes intolerable Sunday s discussion even if you did not triggering a range of defensive moves participate in the first session JUSTICE MINISTRY Our virtual discussion of How to Be an Antiracist continues on Sundays at 1 00 Participants are learning about systems in our society that are inherently racist as well as about our own unconscious bias Even if you haven t read the book or attended earlier sessions feel free to join us for the remainder of the study led by Rev Jean Cooley Good Sam held four virtual house meetings in September to listen to the worries of our members and friends during these unsettling times All of the concerns voiced at house meetings across the county are being collected and tabulated The FAST Virtual Assembly is October 26 during which our network members will vote on the new concern we will focus on in the coming year FAST continues to work for affordable housing a coordinated access to mental health services and issues involving our children We were pleased to learn the County School Board is going forward with our request to implement Restorative Justice Practices 4 At this time all of the FAST meetings are being held virtually If you weren t able to attend one of our house meetings but would like to participate virtually in this effective justice ministry we urge you to get in touch with Rev Jean Cooley Submitted by Bev Kelly

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Dear Justice Seekers Biblically the role of the prophets was to reimagine redescribe and recharacterize social reality This year has further revealed the cracks in our systems exposed the deep roots of racial injustice and renewed the call upon people of faith to stand in the gap As we enter into a new cycle in our justice seeking efforts now is the time to reimagine our community to better reflect the Kingdom of God That s why the Justice and Arts committee is inviting members of our congregations to submit original photography poems drawings or other artistic expressions that respond to the question What is your vision for our Beloved Community Your submissions will be reviewed by the committee and shown in a slideshow at the Annual Assembly where we will lay the groundwork for our vision to become reality The deadline to submit is Friday October 16th so the committee can review submissions at their next meeting on Monday October 19th at 6 pm Please email submissions to elena thedartcenter org With peace The Justice Arts Committee If you want to join the justice ministry and have not been to a house meeting please contact Jean Cooley revsbjcooley gmail 5

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DON T MISS THIS EXCITING AND FUN EVENT On Sunday October 25 at 6 00 p m we are all joining together for a night of fun via zoom Gather your supplies and participate in as much or as little as you would like This event is for any age and activities will be geared for fun and excitement You can decorate cookies go pumpkin bowling or make ghost lollipops If you don t want to participate feel free to join us and enjoy watching others as they take part Suzie Steger and her mom Barb Steger will be leading the fun with decorating cookies and other fun crafts and games Our resident story teller Martha Taylor will be sharing scary stories to put us in a frightening mood for the week of Halloween Below are the lists of supplies needed to participate Supplies for the Spooky Snack Mummy cookies 1 Wilton Cookie Icing White or Betty Crocker Cooking Decorating Icing 2 White Chocolate sprinkles or mini chocolate chips or mini M Ms 3 Nutter Butter cookies or Milano cookies or your favorite cookie Supplies for Game Pumpkin Bowling 1 3 rolls of toilet paper 2 A black marker 3 A mini pumpkin or a ball of equal size COSTUME PARADE Please send photos of yourself in a costume past or current and Suzie Steger will create a slide show for a costume parade Send photos to suziesteger yahoo com or to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com 9 Supplies for Craft Ghost Lollipops 1 Round lollipops 2 At least one 6 inch length of ribbon or yarn 3 Pen and paper

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THE 2020 HURRICANE SEASON All of the early forecasts for the 2020 hurricane season called for an active season As of early July we have had six tropical storms in the Atlantic hurricane zone Peak months for hurricanes are August and September Twenty named storms are forecast by the National Hurricane Center One of the most respected hurricane predictions come from Colorado State University s hurricane research center They are also predicting twenty named storms This is the earliest the Colorado State University research team has ever predicted 20 named storms The last time Colorado State University called for twenty or more storms was in an August update during the record breaking 2005 season You can check for updates and warnings from the National Hurricane Center www nhc noaa gov Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS GUIDES AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION We received a limited number of Pinellas County s Hurricane Preparedness Guides this year due to the Covid Virus crisis There are a few copies of the printed guides available at the Good Sam food pantry The guide is also available on Pinellas County s Emergency Center s website www pinellscounty org emergency Our local television stations all have hurricane guides available on their websites They can be printed out if you so desire Here are the television station s websites WFLA www wfla com WFTS wfts actionnews com WMOR www mor tv com WTVT wwwfox13news com You may also wish to check out the Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network at www fladan org They are in partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson Assistance PCUSA 10

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IMPORTANT NEWS Dear Good Sam Members and Friends It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that our leadership had to make the very difficult decision last week to let go our beloved Director of Music Ministry Gregory Allen Gregory has brought so much life joy and delight into our worship the past 6 years with his music and sometimes when we are lucky with his cooking as well If you have ever worshiped with us then you know how incredibly talented Gregory is You also probably know how much we have cared about him and he us Time and again he has gone above and beyond in his role We would not be the congregation we are today without him The leadership and I are absolutely heartbroken We will miss Gregory very much and will be offering Gregory a small severance as a token of our gratitude for his ministry with us all these years We know you will be grieving as well We will be asking other musicians connected to our congregation to record songs for us to use in our worship in the coming weeks as we continue virtually and we will be in search for a new music director in the months to come If we return to in person worship sooner than we find someone we will look for musicians to fill in Gregory and George plan to move north and retire We wish them well on their next adventure Please be in prayer for Gregory and our congregation as we make this difficult transition If you have any questions or concerns please direct them to our Session particularly Clarence Wilkinson the Chair of our Personnel Committee With hope Pastor Jen The Session of Good Samaritan Church GET YOUR CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING 13

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MEET THE MAN BEHIND THE MUSIC Jeremiah Cummings has recorded many songs for us that we will be using in our worship service Though he won t be live with us and only on recording he has his own church to lead in worship you can get to know him a little better below Originally from Camden OH Jeremiah was raised in the Pentecostal tradition where he served in both the Church of God Cleveland TN and Assembly of God In 2004 his whole world changed when he heard about Rev Troy Perry and the ministry of MCC Metropolian Community Church Jeremiah is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree with concentration in Vocal Performance in the studio of Dr Patricia P Fleitas As a performer he has been blessed to sing in Ireland and London as well as sing backup vocals for country queen Dolly Parton and gospel artists Geron Davis Karen Wheaton and Alvin Slaughter Jeremiah is the Director of Music at King of Peace Metropolitan Community Church and shares his passion for music with his husband Ricardo He is the oldest brother of two uncle to two nephews and father of Minnie a wire haired terrier mix His Pentecostal pastor grandmother is his hero and was the first one to encourage his musical gifts when he started singing in church at the age of three When he isn t working he enjoys going to movies amusement parks musical theatre and using his crockpot to cook dinner Submitted by Pastor Jen Daysa UPDATING SIGNS AT THE FOOD PANTRY Sarah Butz used her artistic talents to spruce up the signage at the food pantry recently She lamenated them to help them hold up in the weather and then Lewis Hill installed them them Our Food Pantry team is always looking for ways to make things better and to improve on the services to those in need Thank you to all of our Food Pantry volunteers for all your hard work and dedication FOOD PANTRY TUESDAY S VOLUNTEERS The Tuesday Food Pantry Team consists of Ginger Brietkreutz top left Carol Diehm center Lewis Hill and Sarah Butz top right Kate Hall and Beryl Fruth bottom right Not pictured is Judy Friend who was taking the photos for us to enjoy 14

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Beryl Fruth reported that 40 households were served in just 2 hours on September 28 Newly homeless are the most common ones they are now serving The need is truly great and our community is hurting 15 Top Left Judy Friend and Sarah Butz bagging chicken Middle Left Tom Fauquet fills a bag from our pantry shelves Bottom Left The line of vehicles winding through our Good Sam property waiting for volunteers to place bags of groceries in their cars Top Right Linda Rupp waits to hand off bags to the next car in line Bottom Right Stacks of donations disappear so quickly as the needs of the community continue to outpace our best efforts Donations of food and money to our food pantry are needed more every PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY BERYL FRUTH WHILE MANY OTHER FOOD PANTRIES AROUND CENTRAL FLORIDA HAVE CLOSED OUR VOLUNTEERS CONTINUE TO FEED THE HUNGRY

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BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2020 The total collected so far this year is 858 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Jean Cooley Kate Hall Bill Cooley Judy Friend Carolyn Woodard Suzie Steger Bev Kelly Robin Becker Martha Taylor FOOD PANTRY REPORT AUGUST 2020 Number of days open to serve clients 13 Number of clients served Adults 771 Children 252 Total 1 023 Volunteers during August were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carole Diehm Tom Fauquet Sarah Butz Beryl Fruth Judy Friend Katie Fullerton and Jane Gaylord The number of households served in August was 359 The pantry has served 4 866 individuals in 2020 through August These numbers represent a dramatic increase even over the previous 4 months In addition to the many cash and food donations the pantry receives Kate s neighbor Connie donated a 2 drawer file cabinet and a small desk to the pantry We were able to get rid of an old rickety desk that was falling apart The good folks at Oakhurst United Methodist Church in Seminole had another Pop the Trunk food drive for our pantry on Saturday August 15 Kate s grandson Jesse Planz helped unload the food as it was delivered This was the third drive they had that benefited the Good Sam pantry They are holding a fourth drive for us on Saturday September 19 We have been receiving both Chick Fil A chicken and macaroni and cheese from a restaurant in Seminole Judy Friend met the director of Christian Outreach Center a ministry for children and youth meeting at Aldersgate Methodist at the May 9th food drive at Aldersgate They had been providing meals for the children that met with them at the church prior to the shutdown Since they can t meet Justin loaned Judy the donation bag that she takes to the restaurant and the staff fill it for her We keep the food in our freezers and give it to our families Justin has also brought us baked goods from Publix that his group isn t using Thanks to all who stop by the pantry to bring us food It is nice to see some of Submitted by Kate Hall you in person again ANNIVERSARY CLUB Jean Adams Carolyn Woodard Dick Kate Hall Bill Jean Cooley Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall TREASURER S REPORT CURRENT FOOD PANTRY NEEDS SOUPS VEGETABLES MAC CHEESE The total of Pledges received in August was under budget by 3 747 The total Income was over budget by 544 This was because I withdrew 4 794 from the account with United Church Funds in August that was budgeted for October We needed the funds to pay for the repairs to the roof and the sign on Park Blvd that was damaged by vandalism The total of Expenses was under budget by 1 702 I was able to pay the 2nd half of our Per Capita dues to the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ and the 2nd quarterly payment of our F A S T dues in August Both had been budgeted for payment in June Statements were sent to the few members who were behind on the payment of their pledges Members of the Resource Development Team will call them if there is no response to the statements The Head Start program has resumed in August Through much of July and early August contractors have been working on maintenance and cleaning in preparation for the start of school This has resulted in a significant spike in the electric bill Submitted by Kate Hall 16

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DON T FORGET OUR NEW ZOOM ID IS THE CHURCH TELEPHONE NUMBER THIS MAKES IT SO MUCH EASIER TO REMEMBER HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN VIRTUAL WORSHIP FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS information about an upcoming Zoom event see below Dial by your location 1 312 626 6799 US Chicago 1 646 558 8656 US New York 1 346 248 7799 US Houston 1 669 900 9128 US San Jose 1 253 215 8782 US 1 301 715 8592 US What is Zoom Zoom is an online software that Good Samaritan Church will be using during the COVID 19 Health situation Zoom allows people to connect over landlines cell phones and computers We will be using it for virtual worship on Sundays and for other events and meetings This page of FAQ is here to help you with Zoom so that you can stay connected to the church and each other What equipment do I need Phone landline You will be able to hear audio only OR Computer or Smart Cell Phone Connected to Internet You will be able to hear audio and see video of everyone else in worship with us If you have a camera on your device they will be able to see you too How do I connect Phone shortly before the event start time dial 1 646 558 8656 US New York Then enter the meeting ID for your event We are including those ID s every time we send out Computer or Smart Phone Go to zoom com Click on Join a meeting on the upper right side and enter the meeting ID We are including those ID s every time we send out information about an upcoming Zoom event see below The first time you will be prompted to download the software I forgot the meeting ID for an upcoming event Not to worry Here are the meeting ID s for currently scheduled events Godly Play Family Check in 204 480 055 Online Worship 237 556 792 Maundy Thursday Online Worship 738 736 332 17

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Good Friday Online Worship 919 616 494 What if I just want to watch the online worship later Sure Click here to be see the latest online services please note that we are not recording our first online service our March 29th Breakfast church service Visit our youtube channel anytime to see the latest worship services which should be available following our April 5th online worship Video or Audio is not working Start by adjusting the settings on your own device and checking that it is not muted or that your camera or microphone are not disabled When you enter a zoom event you will automatically be muted The host most often pastor Jen will unmute you when it is time for sharing Troubleshooting Speakers in Windows Right Click on the Windows start button It looks like a square flag or a window in the bottom left corner of your screen A gray menu appears with options Click on Control Panel IF you do not see this option use your windows search bar instead of the windows button This feature is present on newer windows systems In the search bar type Control Panel In the Control Panel window click on the Sound setting A sound screen will pop up Notice there are several tabs in this screen at the top In the Playback tab look for Speakers Once you have located Speakers right click on that word You should now have another gray menu If you have external speakers make sure they are plugged in and turned on with the volume up If your computer has built in speakers make sure they are turned up by going to the bottom right corner of your desktop task bar Look for a speaker icon click the speaker icon and slide the volume slider up Now in the gray menu on your computer click the Test option If your computer plays a sound likely it will sound like a chime then your speakers are working correctly If your speakers are not working and you are having problems please contact our office administrator Troubleshooting Microphones in Windows 1 Follow steps 1 3 above 2 Instead of using the Playback tab you will use the Recording tab to check your microphone Different connected or built in computer microphones may offer different options Therefore as a guide make sure if it is an external microphone it is plugged in and turned on If it is internal you should not need to turn it on 3 Right Click on your microphone in the Recordings tab A gray menu should appear You will see options such as Set as Default Click this option to make your microphone the default microphone if your computer has more than one Additionally you should be given the option to Test the microphone 4 When you click test a small window may appear Speak into your microphone or just in the general area of your computer There is typically a visual representation of your voice raising a sound bar If you see no prompt to test your microphone and receive no audio or visual feedback suggesting your microphone is working please call the office administrator to give you more personalized help Troubleshooting Cameras in Windows 1 If you have a built in web camera programs will usually ask you to allow the computer to turn on the camera for you if the program will need access to the camera to function correctly 2 If you have an external web camera make sure it is connected properly and turned on as well as any software installed that it requires to run It too should ask you for access or it may turn on automatically if a program requires a camera to operate For more help contact our office administrator Troubleshooting Speakers for Macs 1 In the Upper left corner of your Mac s toolbar right click the Apple Icon 2 Select System Preferences 3 Click on the Sound icon 4 In the Sound window click on the word Output 5 You should now see a list of your available sound devices made for audio output 6 Click on the device you wish to use are your default speaker Near the bottom of this window you can see a setting for Output Volume Use the slider to adjust your volume level or deselect mute if your speaker has been muted Troubleshooting Microphones for Macs 1 Repeat sets 1 3 from the Troubleshooting Speakers for Macs section 2 Click on the word input 3 Here you will see a list of externally connected or internal microphones With this window up just start talking You will see a visual representation of sound by a moving set of gray ovals If the ovals are moving while you are talking than your microphone is picking up your voice sound If there is nothing showing for the input level then you will need to call our office administrator for additional help Troubleshooting Cameras for Macs There is no dedicated camera settings window so to speak but you can tell mac to ask for your permission when a site wants to use your camera To check this setting 1 Repeat steps 1 and 2 from the speakers section of the this page for Mac 2 In the System Preferences window use the search bar Type in Camera and hit the enter key on your keyboard to search 3 You should now see Camera and Microphone settings Click the bubble that says Ask me when a site wants to use the camera or microphone recommended For other help and questions please call our office administrator Need Tech Support If you call our office administrator and leave a voicemail outlining your problem she will call you to help you work through your issues during her normal office hours T TH 10am 3pm 18

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THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email office goodsam church org Web Site discovergoodsam org Our Mission To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Katie Fullerton Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Sarah Butz Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant CLASS OF 2022 Clarence Wilkinson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp ST JAMES LIST Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Drew Taylor and family Martha Taylor s son Kirsten Ginger Breitkreutz s daughter Harold Brockus Paul Brockus Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Jean Adams Eddie Kosinski Sandy Badger Donna Knight all the families in our community affected by COVID 19 whether through sickness or financial stress and Good Samaritan Church Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Position to be Filled Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Clarence Wilkinson Moderator Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Judy Friend Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Jean Adams Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly