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Bulletin October 19

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TRUE הכרב 5:38 PM October 19, 2018 י ‘עשת ןושח“ט ךל ךל תשרפ  October 21—11:30 AM dismissal for grades 2-8B due to Rebbeim fac. mtg.  October 22 - Picture Day  November 2 - Grandparents’ Day When the king of Sodom made his insolent offer to וניבא םהרבא, of ךל חק שוכרהו שפנה יל ןת. Give me the people and keep the wealth, וניבא םהרבא responded: ינא ...׳וכו לענ ךורש דע טוחמ םאםרבא תא יתרשעה, Avraham refused to take even a shoelace from Sodom, lest the king later boast that he enriched Avraham. Rashi further explains that םהרבא was informing the king of Sodom that he didn’t need Sodom’s wealth, ךכרבאו ׳אנש ינרשעל ינחיטבה ה״בקהש Hashem had already promised Avraham that He would make him wealthy. We know from the psukim however, that Avraham gave 1/10 of the booty he won during the war to םש. Clearly, he believed that the spoils of the battle were rightfully his. There is a concept of המחלמ שוביכ: what is captured in war belongs to the captor. The four kings had captured the wealth of the five kings, and when Avraham was victorious over the four kings, he automatically became the owner of their booty. Therefore, he correctly gave a tenth of what he had acquired as רשעמ. Why then, if he had honestly earned the spoils, did he then inform the king of Sodom that his wealth would come from a different source? How did he know that this was not the fulfilment of the blessing of wealth he received from Hashem? Explains Rav Yaakov ז:“ ל איה ׳ה תכרבהמע בצע ףיסוי אלו רישעת י :ילשמ( .‘כ“)ב . When Hashem gives an individual something הכרב ךרד it never comes at the expense of anyone else. Therefore, if someone, even an individual as depraved as the king of Sodom, would have any hard feelings over the gift that a person received, it is impossible that it would be the fulfilment of a brachah from Hashem. The spoils of Sodom were rightfully םהרבא‘s, and he correctly had to give רשעמfrom them. But because the king of Sodom had expressed his feelings of ownership for that wealth, it was obvious to םהרבא that this could not be the expression of the blessing of ךכרבאו. Have a תבש טוג ! Rabbi Ochs  Thank you to the parents that came to girls' grades 1-8 Back to School night this past Monday. Thank you to Mrs. Blumberg and Mrs. Marshall for arranging the refreshments .  There is an exciting development in the between the PreK classrooms. The long awaited permanent soundproof wall was installed this week. They are already enjoying the benefits of the installation.  Girls in grades 2-8 joined together for an הפיסא to commemorate Rachel Imeinu’s yahrzeit which takes place on י“ןושח א . They watched a video which displayed לחר רבק and provided a thorough explanation of its history. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield for all the technical arrangements. Morah Fontek told the girls an exciting story of “Vatranus” connecting it to Rachel Imeinu’s outstanding act of Vatranus.  In second grade שמוח both the boys and girls classes are learning חנ תשרפ. The boys are learning about how the taivah floated in the water. The also are discussing the attributes of fish and how they did not die. The girls made 8 people cookies this week to represent the people that went into the taivah. They are also building a taivah in their classroom. Do they know something we do not? They also began working on a special performance they will be doing for other classes on Chanukah. In math the boys are learning about the three different ways to write numbers, standard, expanded and in word form. They had their first math quiz this week. In social studies the girls started a unit about famous Americans. Their first study is about Amelia Earhart. The bulletin is sponsored by:

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING  6 Cheshvan - sponsored by Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Rena Krochmal in memory of Tzvi Hirsch ben Peretz z”l, grandfather of Mrs. Krochmal HAMILTON SAFETY ALERT For the safety of our students Students arriving after the start of school at 8:30 am, must be accompanied to the door by a parent . LOST AND FOUND There are many items laying around that have not been claimed. We strongly recommend that you label all jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, gloves. Items with names can be returned to families. Any items left in the school more than 30 days will be considered hefker and will be disposed of. MAZEL TOV TO:  Moshe & Rachel (‘01) (Rynderman) Faibish on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Michael & Sima Rynderman  Daniel & Tsippora (’11) (Millman) Leibowitz on the birth of their son and to grandparents Dr. Shmuel & Mrs. Devorah Millman  Shloimy and Chanie (‘10) (Pichey) Wasserman on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Shaindy Pichey PICTURE DAY IS MON. OCT. 22 Information about ordering pictures was sent by email to all parents. Pictures will be taken of all children whether or not a picture package is ordered. All order forms should be sent to the school in an envelope marked photo order. It should be given to the teacher. The photographer recommends that boys avoid wearing large geometric prints, or extremely bright or neon colors.

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1. As part of learning about how the fish did not die during the mabul, the second grade boys brought in different fishy items. 2. A hands on activity in 2B, about the taivah floating in the water. 3. 4B enjoy learning with their Rebbi, Rabbi Rodkin. 4. Rabbi Benmergui in 7B uses the overhead projector to enhance his lesson. 5. Boys in 6B learn Chumash. 6. Chumash learning in 8B. 7. While learning about korbon mincha, the boys in 6B learned about the process of combing ingredients. while making the pizza korbon mincha soles. 8. Mrs. Johnson took teacher enrichment courses this summer. Here we see some how she is implementing of the ideas such as: rotation station work and collaboration by students. 1. 2. 4. 7. 3. 6. 5. 4. 8. 7. 7. 8. 8.

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1. 4G learn map symbols, design islands, and become cartographers. 2. Watercolor resist fall art in 4G 3. Shua Gelernter, Rebbi of the Day in K1. 4. Shabbos Mommy and Totty in K1. 5. K2 learn new words. 6. PreK1 does the Parsha Pokey. 7. Medal winners in girls gym program. 8. Preparing for javelin throw. 9. Enjoying free play in PreK2. 8. 5. 1. 1. 1. 9. 4. 6. 7. 5. 3. 1. 2. 1.

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Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Noach 5B Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Meir Zev Gelernter Yehuda Leib Greene Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff 6B Yoni Faintuch Yisrael Feldman Moshe Leff Binyomin Septimus Noam Youshaei 7B Malkiel Miara 8B Meir Hain Shmuel Meir Solomon Raffle Winners: Yoni Faintuch Meir Hain Shmuel Meir Solomon 1st GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Yehuda Greenblatt Dovid Sebbag 2nd GRADE Netanel Atar Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Kashnow 3rd GRADE Uri Hain David Knisbacher Aron Luria Levi Meyers 4th GRADE Mordy Bier Shmuel Loketch Naftoli Ochs 5th GRADE Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Daniel Simnegar 6th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Chatzkel Wilhelm 7th GRADE Malkiel Miara 8th GRADE Meir Hain Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm *accidently omitted last week: 5th grade Yehuda Leib Feldman

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Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidos who displayed extra care towards their school and community. 1st GRADE Elisheva Bressel Shani Hain Shana Polter 2nd GRADE Malky Dessler Michali Mermelstein Shaindel Shanske Etty Wilhelm 3rd GRADE Malka Block Eliana Greenblatt Dahlia Wiesenfeld 4th GRADE Miri Krochmal Yocheved Mintzes Noa Marshall 5th GRADE Etty Benmergui Chaya Mirel Block Ora Hoffman Yehudis Septimus Sara Shimanovich 6th GRADE Bracha Benmergui Bracha F. Solomon 7th GRADE Menucha Frohlich Rivka Weiner 8th GRADE Aviva Forman Chaya Shaindel Mintzes Leah Weinreb Shoshi Weinreb Shoshana Youshaei

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Shloshim Service for Dr. Allan Rosansky ob”m ז לבייל ןב ךורב לאיחי“ל Will take place on Motzoei Shabbos, Parshas Toldos November 10th at 8:30 PM At Congregation Chai Odom 77 Englewood Avenue, Brighton

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