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Oct. - Dec. Crescent Chronicle Newsletter

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O C T O B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 3I S S U E 8A Newsletter for Crescent People by Crescent People Hyperlinks will not work if newsletter is printed.Scan QR Code to access online NewsletterNavigating Crescents Journey-by Chris Taylor!Cultural Appreciation atCrescentE1: Leaders of Tomorrow StartHereTackling Open EnrollmentWhy Crescent is Going Green!C1: Believing in Potential:Leading with Empathy andInspiring GreatnessA Year of Triumphs, P1sPhenomenal RiseAnd more!Whats Inside

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Page 3Navigating Crescent's Journey: Triumphs of Today, Visions for Tomorrow- by Chris TaylorPage 7Cultural Appreciation: Embracing the World's SymphonyPage 8E1: Leaders of Tomorrow Start Here: Why Developing Future Leaders is Vital for SuccessPage 10Sustainability in packaging: Why Crescent is Going GreenPage 11How to with Difficult People Webinar Page 12Unveiling Unforeseen Potential: Della's Inspiring Journey with CrescentPage 13Tackling Open Enrollment: TipsPage 14Leadership is Overrated: Creating Self Leading Teams that WinPage 17Empower Your Potential with Crescent's Learning & Development Programs! Page 18C1: Believing in Potential: Leading with Empathy and Inspiring GreatnessPage 21A Year of Triumphs: P1's Phenomenal RisePage 23Severe Weather 101: Earthquake SafetyPage 24Addiction Awareness WebinarPage 25Wesley Welch: An Honor and a CallingPage 27Crescent Invest in Partnerships with SHL Talent SolutionsPage 28Wellness Locker- How to earn 20% or 30% of your Medical Premiums in 2024!Page 29Cyber Security Tips to Keep You and Your Data SafePage 30Embracing Diversity Through Language: Crescent's Journey to Stronger ConnectionsPage 31D1: Celebrating Achievements: How People Appreciation Week Fosters ExcellencePage 33GE: F4ss Explorers the Crescent & GE Aerospace PartnershipPage 35C11: The Thoughts Through The Eyes of a 2nd Shift Production SupervisorPage 36Unraveling SCARF: 5 Weeks of Insightful Learning at C11Page 38Open PositionsPage 39Say Goodbye NicotineCONTENTSpage 02TABLE OF

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Hello Crescent Community,It fills me with immense pride and enthusiasm to reflect on our journey this year and cast aneye on the horizon of the opportunities awaiting us as we approach 2024. As we reflect on2023, we recognize the significant initiatives we embarked upon—some we've brought tofruition, while others will evolve and shape our endeavors in the coming year.It's undeniable the economic landscape is changing. Just as the world feels this shift, so doesCrescent. Yet, in these uncertain times, our confidence remains unshaken. We derive ourstrength from our diverse clientele and, most importantly, our dedicated team members. Igenuinely believe that with this robust foundation, not only can we navigate through theseevolving market conditions but also continue our pursuit of future growth and excellence.As we speak of advancements, I'd like to spotlight some of the landmark investmentswe've made in 2023, both in our physical sites and our processes. Let's dive into them.First, retooling the Contract Packaging site in Mason City to create a safer and moreproductive operation; Investing in new technology to manage/track our documents;Engineering and investing in new equipment at E1 & P1; Consolidating ourscheduling/planning/customer relations teams for C1/C10/C11, known as the CommercialOperations Team for 1CC; Launching our company-wide ESG program, known asEnvironment, Sustainability, and Governance that has become extremely important to ourglobal customer's brands; Forming our new Board of Directors for Crescent that will officiallybegin in 2024; Making a $1M in critical investments in our company-owned site C1 to ensureit's safe and well maintained; Launching a crucial project at E1 to replace our palletconveyance system and finally but not least beginning the process to replace our financialsystem with a new cutting edge system that will carry Crescent well into its future. All theseinvestments tie very nicely to Crescent's Strategic Plan, building a solid foundation for a brightfuture. This allows Crescent to continue to grow, providing our people with growthopportunities and creating the Crescent Community that supports our vision to become aPremier Service 03Navigating Crescent's JourneyTriumphs of Today, Visions for TomorrowFrom the desk of the Chris Taylor, CEO and Founder

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For our teams concerned, when the world seems flooded with news and concernsabout the economy, I want each of you to know that Crescent stands unwavering andoptimistic about our path forward. With the buzz around Artificial Intelligence, it's crucialto clear the air and share Crescent's vision. Indeed, AI has a role in augmenting ourtechnological capabilities. However, there's a truth we will always hold dear: our strengthlies in our people. Our success depends on our dedicated, passionate, and well-trainedteams. While we embrace automation and technology, we must never forget that theheart of our business is the relationships we build and the people who build them.Balancing technological advancements with the genuine needs of our customers, ourcompany, and our people is imperative. Rest assured, we will continue to chart our courseusing the "Crescent Way," just as we did during the challenging times of COVID-19.Let's take a moment to discuss the current trajectory of our business units and whatwe foresee in the near future.Our Parts Fulfillment partnership with GE saw a significant downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, I'm thrilled to report that it has since rebounded and is nowamong our fastest-growing operations, showing tremendous potential for sustainedgrowth in the coming years.On the other hand, our Contract Packaging business experienced a slowdown in 2023.This was largely due to market shifts in branded companies, which led to fewerpromotional and merchandising initiatives. It's important to note that this trend wasn'tunique to Crescent's customers. However, we're optimistic about 2024. Early feedbackfrom several prominent Crescent clients suggests a renewed emphasis on promotionalprograms. While this resurgence may take time and will be influenced by broadereconomic trends, we have a resilient foundation in our "every day" programs. These, suchas our NCP battery business and our E-Commerce, Club, and Health and Beauty everydaypromotional programs, remain robust, irrespective of the ebbs and flows inmerchandising budgets. Our strategy will be to continue to focus on these sectors whileexploring avenues for growth in the contract packaging 04

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As we close 2023, while we find our revenues below our budget, we also find our bottom linestrong. Despite the reduced volumes, these excellent results are a direct reflection of ouroperating and support teams. This is a testament to all our operating sites Doing it Right,Doing it Safe, & Doing it Well. While we still have one more quarter to go, we would challengeall the operating and shared service support teams to continue diligence to maintain highQuality/Inventory accuracy levels, ensure we provide a Safe environment for our people, andmaintain a high level of productivity throughout the operations! Connected to the company'sgreat service performance, our customer relationships are stronger than ever, and theprospects of adding new brands to our already highly coveted list of customers remain stronggoing into 2024 & 2025, both in Contract Packaging and Parts Fulfillment. Speaking of PFbusiness, in 2023, we established a team of competent Crescent talent to develop a strategyand go-to-market plan to expand our PF business to other industrial manufacturers in 2024.This will take time, but we remain confident that this segment of our business will see stronggrowth over the next few years!Another part of Crescent's performance and our Annual Strategic Plan is our focus on ourpeople, their development, growth, and success within Crescent. We have a lot of work to doin this area and remain committed to building on the strong cultural values in place. Havingdone a VOP (Voice of the People), we are also learning how to use this vital information,listening to our people's concerns, and finding the right way to communicate and makeimprovements that are felt by all. We are all learning together as we walk through this criticalpart of the Crescent Way. Speaking of our culture, we recently hosted 50+ people at our C1-GEoperation, a combination of customers, suppliers, and advisory members of F4SS (Foundationfor Supply Chain Solutions), to learn about the Crescent and GE Aerospace supply chainpartnership. We also visited the GE Technical Center; overwhelmingly, everyone attending thetour praised the Crescent GE operation, calling out how strong the culture of people is and ourmetrics that track and drive improvement. Many of those touring were competitors ofCrescent, primarily in the Contract Packaging sector, which says a lot about Crescent! It was avery proud moment for me as the owner to see such positive feedback, and I attribute muchof this credit to Brad Daubenmire, our C1- GE Multi-Business GM, his team, GE staff, and theCrescent Way! page 05

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As we approach the close of the year and lay the groundwork for 2024, both at thecompany and site levels, we project a revenue growth of 3% to 5% over our 2023 actuals. It'snoteworthy that for the four years preceding 2023, Crescent consistently achievedimpressive double-digit growth year after year. Given current market conditions, we areadopting a conservative yet hopeful outlook for the coming year, and our enthusiasmremains undiminished for 2024. The ownership, board, and executive team pledge tochannel our focus in the upcoming year towards fortifying our sales pipeline for ContractPackaging and kickstarting our expansion strategy for Parts Fulfillment. We are confidentthat these initiatives will underpin our growth trajectory in the successive years.I want to close by saying that looking back to 2016, when we officially launched the CrescentWay, we would never have imagined how large of an impact Crescent would make on ourcustomers, company, and people. It got us through many challenging periods, includingtwo significant new site startups, several major customer expansions, and COVID-19. Theinternal and external testaments tell us we are on the right path and will continue toleverage and live what has become the bedrock of our organization, the Crescent Way!I extend my profound gratitude to each and every one of you. It's your dedication and hardwork, regardless of position or role, that breathes life into Crescent's day-to-day operations.It's because of you that we can consistently offer our customers reliable, adaptable, andcompetitive solutions for their supply chain needs. Please continue to be safe at work andhome, and enjoy the well-deserved upcoming holiday season. Drawing upon our richlegacy, let's continue crafting a brighter future together, ensuring shared success foreveryone in our Crescent community. Best to all,Chrispage 06

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Cultural Appreciation: Embracing the World's SymphonyIn the grand tapestry of existence, every thread, every color, every pattern has its place.By cherishing our culture, honoring our heritage, and sharing our stories, we not onlyunderstand ourselves better but also illuminate the path for others. Tales from India, Africa, and the PhilippinesEmbark with us on this illuminating journey, where we'll uncover, embrace, and celebrate thevibrant mosaic of cultures that paint our world with such remarkable diversity. Click Here to WatchFeaturing Stories from Crescent’s Rajesh Sharma, Pareshkumar Patel, JatinkumarPatel, Fatou Thiam, Ramata Daff, Faty Ibra, Maria (MaLou) Calleleropage 07

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E1: LEADERS OF TOMORROW START HEREWhy Developing Future Leaders isVital for SuccessRaul RodriguezIn an ever-evolving corporate landscape, the importanceof leadership development cannot be overstated. It is thebackbone that supports the mission and vision, of anycompany; and when I read the Crescent vision statement,people development is what this is all about. It allows usto stand tall amidst challenges and achieve milestones. As we look to the future, developing the next generationof leaders becomes not just a good-to-have strategy, buta quintessential aspect of our thriving culture here at E1.You may not have heard of the Line Champion programat your site, but allow me to tell you what it is. As asupervisor or manager, you may be wondering why isthis so crucial, and what benefits does it usher in?Sense of Accomplishment through Skill DevelopmentOne of the most fulfilling aspects of any individual's career is the ability togrow, adapt, and evolve. When employees are equipped with the tools tolearn new skills, it not only aids their professional journey but also endowsthem with a heightened sense of accomplishment. They can look back attheir progress and take pride in the tangible skills they've acquired. Thisemotional satisfaction often translates to increased productivity andenthusiasm towards their 08

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Adding Value to Crescent and the CustomerI have very fortunate in my career at Crescent, Ilove that Crescent understands that employees(People) aren't just cogs in the corporatemachine; they are value-adders. Every new skillthey learn and every expertise they gain addsanother layer of value. This is why I set to createthe Line Champion Program. Through theprogram, people bring innovative solutions tothe table, navigate challenges with expertise,and contribute to the Crescent and ourcustomer’s growth in multifaceted ways. Inessence, we are building a well-skilledworkforce is a goldmine of potential waiting tobe tapped.Watch Raul’s full interview here where he speaksabout the Line Champion ProgramBoosting People RetentionOne of the leading reasons for high turnoverin companies is the lack of growthopportunities. However, when a companyinvests in leadership development and skillenhancement, it signals to People that theyare valued. They recognize the potential forgrowth and envision a long-term future withthe company, leading to increased retentionrates.Building a Robust Talent PoolOur Line Champion Program doesn’t just cater tothe immediate needs of the operation, they are aninvestment in the future. By constantly upskillingwe create a talent pool ready to take on new rolesand challenges. This means that when leadershippositions open up or when E1 expands into newdomains, there's no frantic scramble. The talent isalready there, primed and ready.Boosting Engagement and EmpowermentLet’s face it, engaged People are those who feela deep connection and commitment to thecompany. I know there will be people who willread this, and think nothing of it, and others willtake this and do something to be the change atCrescent and their community. Our LineChampions and Line Workers alike, are the oneswho go the extra mile, not because they haveto, but because they want to. Leadershipdevelopment initiatives and skill trainingprograms play a pivotal role in fostering thisengagement. It empowers people giving themthe confidence to voice their opinions, takeinitiatives, and play an active role in theCrescent’s strategy.The importance of developing the next generationof leaders extends beyond mere company jargon,we all know that. It's an intricate web thatconnects individual satisfaction withorganizational success. By investing in leadershipand skill development, we are not only preparefor the future but also ensure that their present isenriched, engaged, and exceptionally productive.If you are interested in learning more about theLine Leader Champion program here at E1,contact me at orreach out to your manager and begin creating aprogram for you 09

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SUSTAINABILITY INPACKAGING: WHY CRESCENTIS GOING GREENIn today's fast-evolving world, sustainability isn't just abuzzword; it's a necessity. With consumers advocatingfor greener practices and tighter regulations targetingreduced carbon footprints, businesses must adapt.Crescent recognizes the urgency and is fully committedto championing eco-friendly practices.Why Sustainability Matters to Crescent Packaging is a colossal contributor to waste in ourindustry. That's why we've marshaled the ESG teamto pinpoint areas where we can shrink our carbonfootprint. But what exactly is a carbon footprint? It'sthe sum of all greenhouse gases—like carbondioxide and methane—emitted from activities,processes, or products. Whether it's the CO2 fromour daily commute or the entire lifecycle emissionsof a product, it all counts.A carbon footprint sheds light on our environmentalimpact. For a clearer picture, imagine it as ascorecard: the higher the score, the worse theimpact on our planet. To effectively combat climatechange, this footprint must be rigorously measuredand minimized at every level. Once we've identifiedmajor emission sources, we're better positioned toreduce them.Shrinking the Footprint: What Can We Do? Every decision we make leaves anenvironmental imprint. By consciouslyminimizing our carbon output, we contribute toa healthier planet. For Crescent, sustainabilityisn't just about brand image; it's about long-term actions to keeping our planet Green foryou and the next generation. As we further refine our ESG initiatives, staytuned for more information on where Crescentis planning to begin this journey and ways youcan pitch in. Together, we can reduce, reuse,and recycle our way to a brighter, greenerfuture.By: ESG Steering Committeepage 10

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JOIN TRIHEALTH EAP FOR AN UPCOMING WEBINARWhen someone's actions interfere with your work, daily tasks, or relationships,they're considered "difficult." Understanding why they act this way can help youmanage your reactions and address conflicts at work or home.HOW TO WITHDIFFICULT PEOPLEATTEND:Wednesday, Nov. 8, 10 a.m. orThursday, Nov. 16, 12 p.m.Online at,call 513 977 2165 or scan the QR CodeREGISTER:DEALDEALDEALpage 11

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“Growth isn't just aboutscaling heights; it'sabout deepening roots.Commit to a company,and let its growthmirror your own."Unveiling Unforeseen Potential: Della's Inspiring Journey with CrescentFrom restaurants' bustling ambiance to Crescent's dynamic world, join Della onan unexpected journey of transformation and growth. Dive into a tale wherelimits are defied, horizons expanded, and how Della potential was unlocked. Click now and witness a story of evolution that'll inspire your very core. page 12

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Open Enrollment is Open enrollment can be a stressful However,with a bit of preparation and understanding,this period can be straightforward andbeneficial. Here's how you can confidently andefficiently tackle open enrollment:1Mark Your Calendar2Review Your Current Plan3Anticipate Future Needs4Seek GuidanceNovember 1st thru 30th, 2023Familiarize yourself with the open enrollment dates, ensuring you knowwhen it starts and ends. Missing the open enrollment window often meansyou'll have to wait for another year unless you have a qualifying life event.Before considering any changes, evaluate your current benefits.Understand what you have, what's working, and what's not. This gives youa baseline from which to compare other available options.Reflect on any significant life changes you foresee in the coming year. Areyou planning to expand your family, undergo surgery, or buy a new home?These milestones can influence the type of coverage or benefits you'llneed.Familiarize yourself with all the plans and benefits on offer. This could meanunderstanding different health plan structures like HMO, PPO, or HDHP.Don’t hesitate to reach out to the People Group or the benefits Manager toclarify doubts, offer explanations, or even provide workshops.5Cost Vs. CoverageDon't just look at the premium cost. Consider other factors like deductibles,out-of-pocket maximums, copayments, and the network of doctors. Thecheapest plan might not always provide the best value in the long run.6Review Additional BenefitsBeyond health insurance, consider other benefits like dental, vision, lifeinsurance, retirement plans, or even wellness programs. Taking acomprehensive approach ensures you take advantage of all perks availableto 13

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Overrated? That sounds interesting. I came to the library to find a book on programming and ran across thisbook. I have read books that speak about how management fails and how to be a better leader, so I wasn’texpecting much, but a few pages in, I started to see where the authors were coming from. Managementand leadership styles have changed very little in the corporate world, and in today's work climate,leadership is practically anything anyone wants to say it is. There are no arguments here; creating theculture is a shared responsibility, and if we want to shift a culture, we have to change from the inside out. "Leadership Is Overrated" was written by author Kyle Buckett, a retired US Navy Seals, who ranked numberone of nine highly competitive platoon chiefs and has been instrumental in the business development ofnumerous Navy SEAL-founded businesses and his co-author Chris Mefford is a seasoned award-winningbusiness executive with over twenty years of experience in marketing. Together, they delve deep into theart and science of creating autonomous, self-reliant teams, drawing inspiration from the training andoperations of the elite Navy SEALs. I decided then to check out the bookLEADERSHIP IS OVERRATEDBy: Tasha Bell, Director of Communications, Growth andDevelopmentGrowing a Self-Led Team without sacrificing authenticleadership. A robust and magnetic culture emphasizesteamwork, open communication, honesty, truthfulness, andmutual respect. With it, team members are more likely tocollaborate effectively, share knowledge, and support oneanother's endeavors. While the prevailing wisdom stressesthe importance of strong, centralized leadership, Buckett andMefford challenge this notion by showcasing how NavySEALs and some of the most successful businesses thrive by empowering every team member. Under the old model, theteam exists, at least in the leader's mind, to help the boss getahead, increase production, maximize profit, and make theleader look better. Everyone deserves competentleadership — it’s a right, not a privilege. You are responsiblefor your people’s physical and mental wellbeing whilethey’re in your charge, and this is a responsibility thatshouldn’t be taken lightly.The book is rich with anecdotes from SEAL training and missions, where the unpredictable nature ofoperations means every SEAL must be ready to take charge. This principle, when translated to thebusiness world, can lead to teams that are agile, adaptive, and ready to face the fast-paced challenges ofthe modern market. Buckett and Mefford explain that in the challenging environments where SEALsoperate, strict top-down and insecure leadership doesn't work. FYI, it never works!page 14

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Core values create culture. Rather than fixating on the leader at the top, companies must build self-leading teams where everyone feels empowered and accountable. People deserve the opportunity toimprove. It’s terrible to see how many people go through their careers without ever receiving theblindingly obvious feedback that would have made a difference. When leaders choose not to giveconstructive feedback to their people because they don’t want to hurt feelings, because they fear theywill dislike them, or because they have failed to take note, it robs them of the opportunity to improve.How can leaders empower people when they don’t connect them to the mission and give them thefuel (empowerment, accountability, and feedback) to keep going? If someone isn’t performing, that’s one thing, but don’t compound the felony by letting them live underthe misapprehension that everything is fine if it’s not. If you can muster the courage to give them thefeedback they need, you’ll give them an amazing gift — the opportunity to change the trajectory oftheir career. Kyle and Chris are speaking my language! Sometimes, we see people focusing on non-essential areas of the mission as easy ways to keep them busy. When these values are reinforcedrepeatedly, stated and demonstrated, and called out when not met, the behaviors become automaticand trained. That is how values work; they are reflections of deeply held beliefs and convictions leakingout in sometimes unexpected and surprising ways. As you can imagine, SEAL teams must be able tothink and act decisively without waiting fororders. This requires every team member to takeresponsibility for the team's success. The authorscall this "extreme ownership" - when everymember is a leader focused on the team's goals.For years, the business world thought the key tothe leadership issue was training leaders to bebetter, asking them to improve themselves andtheir tactics, expecting the impact would trickledown to everyone else. It doesn't. As a result,there needs to be more connection betweenmanagement and the people they claim to lead.The popular view is that great leadership iscrucial for any successful team or organization.However, leadership alone is insufficient.Through examples of US Navy SEAL teams andthriving companies, they make the case that self-leadership within groups is even more 15This is vital, and it made be think of theReflected Best Self Program here atCrescent, Our values are our benchmark; it'swhere we're starting from, But we needmore than knowing the values. We mustalso understand where we are going- adestination in mind. Truth be told. We are all leaders.

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Every person is part of the future of Crescent; we all play a role. Take what we learn and show others,ushering in a better way of helping people accomplish their goals with empathy, humility, and radicalthinking. The right kind of leadership makes everyone a leader who respects each person's role andexpects significant contributions.As you go into conversations, let this be your mantra. The sooner you accept that you cannot pleaseeveryone, the better. For every decision you make — including giving tough feedback — there will besomeone who thinks you should have made a different one. As a leader, it is your job to listen toeveryone. Give them the respect you want to receive. But, in the end, all things considered, you do whatyou believe is right and give them the tools and the training to do so as well.Most people don’t quit their jobs. They quit their bosses. “What we learn from combat,” write the authors,“is that if you are weak, eventually something stronger will come to take you out.” A major contributor tothat weakness in the business world, they add, is a bad boss, either uninspiring or incapable—and all toooften inclined to petty tyranny. Workers don’t want that, write Buckett and Mefford. Instead, they want tofeel like they’re not cogs in a machine, trusted and as autonomous as possible, with leaders whoencourage but don’t interfere. “The solution to workplace dissatisfaction doesn’t lie in high-functioningleaders; it lies in high-performing teams.”Suppose you want to build successful, agile teams that thrive in challenging conditions. In that case, it'stime to rethink the traditional leadership mindset. Leadership Is Overrated I found to be better than mostbooks in the genre and a welcome manifesto for creating productive workplaces, providing a blueprintfor creating self-leading teams.In a sense, we must re-write what we've understood a leader to be so that another, better organizationalmodel can emerge. It is no longer leadership that saves a company or defines a movement — it's theculture — and that's something we all have a hand in creating. page 16

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Are you ready to elevate your skills?Here's your golden opportunity to step up, learn, grow, andmake your mark!EMPOWER YOURPOTENTIAL WITHCRESCENT'S LEARNING &DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMS! Stay Ahead: Equip yourself with the latest industry trends and insights.Unlock Opportunities: Open new doors for career advancement andleadership roles.Foster Team Synergy: Grow alongside your team, fostering a stronger,more efficient work environment.Programs designed to improve aperson’s competency as a leader, aidingin cultivating new leaders withinCrescent and encouraging veteranleaders to continue honing theirleadership proficiencies, fosters effectivemanagement, cultivates future leaders,and drives organizational success.LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTPrograms are designed to acquire newskills, advance skills, traits, emotionalintelligence, and competencies thatcontribute to success in the workplace toremain competent, competitive, andinnovative in their respective role.VIEW CATALOG THROUGH UKGComputer-based learning/interactive instructor-lesseducational learning enhancingsoft skills, technical skills,software, systems, professionaland leadership development,etc., individualized self-pacedlearning.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTECAMPUS WHY JOIN? What's in store for you?Skill Enhancement: Dive deep into a variety of courses tailored to bolster your professional expertise.Personal Growth: Explore courses that foster personal development, leadership, and holistic well-being.Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, industry leaders, and mentors ready to guide your journey.PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP CLINICCOHEN & LANDERS COACHINGREFLECTED BEST SELF PROGRAMLEADERSHIP COACHING ANDCOUNSELING HIGHWAYLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ANDCOACHING PROGRAM* COMING SOONLimited slots available!To register or for more information, contact our Learning & DevelopmentTeam at or contact your manager Because at Crescent, we believe in nurturing talent and crafting futures. Join us and let's co-create success!page 17

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TIANA A R M S T R O N GC1: BELIEVING IN POTENTIAL: LEADING WITHEMPATHY AND INSPIRING GREATNESSIn the rhythm-filled world of the C1 Co-Pack,characterized by the steady pace of machinesand the constant thrum of tasks, there's aleadership quality that often goes unnoticed,but its impact is profound. This quality is empathy. As someone who hasjourneyed from being a line worker to a teamlead, the power of leading with empathy hasresonated deeply within me. It has the uniqueability to not only build strong teams but to alsoredefine the essence of a workplace. Yet,there's another facet to this leadership stylethat deserves mention: the capability of aleader to see potential in others, often beforethey see it in themselves.My name is Tiana Armstrong, I have been withCrescent for 13 years, three years as a talentpartner and ten years as fulltime Crescent.When I started my journey at Crescent, I didn’thave goals in mind, But thanks to people on myleadership team, this became more than a job,and I am grateful for the leadership team ,people like Deon Onley, seeing more in methan I saw 18

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Every individual is a reservoir of untapped potential, but often, it takes the keen eye of an empatheticleader to recognize and nurture it. Something magical happens when a leader sees the best in their teammembers. The belief that someone has in you can ignite a passion and drive that you never knew existed.My early days as a line worker in C1 were a blur of activity. It was amidst this chaos that my leadership teambelief in me stood out like a beacon. They saw potential in me that I was unaware of. Every challenge theythrew my way, every responsibility they entrusted me with, was a testament to their belief in mycapabilities.I had attendance issues, and my attitude was not always the best, to say the least. But, my leadership teamchallenged me, because they say potential and this has been a tremendous confidence booster. Ittransforms self-doubt into self-assurance, allowing me to take on challenges that I had previously shiedaway from.There were times when I doubted myself, but my team’s unwavering faith in my potential pushed me torise above those doubts. They didn't just lead with empathy; they led with belief — a belief that everyindividual, when given the right opportunities and encouragement, could surpass their own expectations.This lesson stayed with me, and as I transitioned to being a line lead, and eventually a team lead, I strived tobe the kind of leader who not only understood and connected with my team but also recognized andnurtured their potential. I want to share some tips with you all on how to be a good line lead, and if it canhappen to me, it can happen for you.Embrace Continuous Learning:The world of leadership is wide and dynamic. Stepping into the role of a line leader, especially forthe first time, can be both exhilarating andchallenging. This position often serves as the bridgebetween on-the-ground operations and highermanagement, requiring a delicate balance of skills.Here are five essential tips to ensure success as afirst-time line leader:1.a.The Power of Recognizing PotentialWatch Tiana’s full interview here where she speaksabout the Day in the Life of a Line Leader and how tosucceed in leading others. Or scan the QR code toview the full interview.5 Tips to Becoming a SuccessfulLine Leaderpage 19

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Yes,skills and knowledge are essential, butthe heart of successful leadership as a lineleader is in the soft skills and attitudes youbrings to the table. Empathy in leadership is a powerful tool, butwhen combined with the ability to see andnurture the potential in others, it'stransformative. It's not just about managing ateam; it's about elevating them, pushingthem to realize their best selves, andcelebrating their achievements. As leaders,our belief in our team's potential can light theway for them, guiding them towardsexcellence and fulfillment. So, approach yourrole with humility, eagerness to learn, and agenuine care for your team, and you'll bewell on your way to success as a first-timeline leader. ...Invest time in attending training sessions, asking your managers questions to learn more, ask aboutthe KPIs, or even learning more about the customer, what they are looking for, how we play a role init all, and why.Why it matters: Continual learning ensures you stay updated with the latest information, it’salways best to know why you do something and how it impacts everyone, allowing you to leadyour team effectively.Work on being both a good speaker and listener. Be clear in your instructions, ask open-endedquestions, and actively seek feedback from your team Why it matters: Effective communication helps prevent misunderstandings, builds trust, andensures everyone is aligned with the goals. If they aren’t sure, you won’t meet your targets andyou have to answer for that. It’s better to work as a team.Details: Demonstrate the work ethic, attitude, and values you expect from your team. Be thestandard for punctuality, quality, and professionalism. This goes a long way!Why it matters: When team members see their leader embodying the values and work ethic theyadvocate, they're more likely to respect and emulate those behaviors.Details: Celebrate team achievements, acknowledge hard work and contributions, and promote aculture of collaboration and mutual respect.Why it matters: A positive work environment boosts morale, increases productivity, and reducesturnover. When team members feel valued and respected, they're more committed to their rolesand the project’s overall success.Details: In the face of challenges, remain flexible and open-minded. Instead of focusing on theproblem, channel your energy and your team toward finding solutions. Do not yell at people orbelittle them! Control your emotions and your mouth.Why it matters: The dynamic nature of line work means challenges are inevitable. As the leaderbeing able to quickly adapt and pivot, while maintaining a solution-focused mindset, will keepthe team resilient and motivated.a.2. Cultivate Strong Communication:a.b.3. Lead by Example:a.b.4. Foster a Positive Team Environment: Lead with Empathy and Honestya.b.5. Be Adaptable and 20

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A YEAR OF TRIUMPHS: P1'S PHENOMENAL RISEBy: Wally Northam, General ManagerIn the dynamic landscape of industry, P1 stands as abeacon of unparalleled progress. Our journey over thepast year—and particularly this last quarter—has beennothing short of meteoric. From awe-inspiring careertrajectories to shattering efficiency records andachieving unmatched inventory excellence, we're notjust moving forward; we're blazing a trail.Our excellent team—the lifeblood of P1—is themastermind behind this surge. At the September TownHall, we celebrated the achievements of twenty-threestandout individuals, each showcasing an unwaveringcommitment to professional excellence. Of note, ninemembers have successfully met their Level-Upmilestones, nine others attained their Lean Six SigmaCertifications, and one team member transitionedimpressively from a Quality role to become aMaintenance Technician. Furthermore, three membershave ascended to the esteemed title of Line Champions,embracing the standards of our Crescent WayAssurance.Now, let's talk numbers. This quarter witnessed P1scaling unparalleled heights with a productivity spike ofa staggering 136% in September, effortlessly eclipsingour own June record of 126%. This isn't just a metric—it'sa tribute to the relentless dedication and the impeccableculture fostered at 21

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In terms of continuous improvement, 2023 has been a watershed year for P1. We've spearheadednine operational projects that have not only saved Beiersdorf a commendable $500,000 but havealso significantly enhanced our operational metrics, culminating in a financial upswing of nearly twomillion dollars compared to 2022.Our team's dedication to excellence, a commitment to our customers, and a passion for continuousgrowth embody the true essence of the Crescent Way.P1 isn't just on the move; we're setting the pace. Onwards and upwards, Go P1!In recognition of these efforts, we introducedthe inaugural plant incentive program. All full-time Crescent members can now earnmonthly incentives aligned with our corevalues: right, safe, and well. This initiative hasinstilled a profound sense of ownership andpride among the P1 family.Our meticulous preparation for the annualinventory check bore fruit, as we achieved aflawless 100% inventory for both Crescentand customer products in just two days, withzero safety incidents. Boasting an accuracyrate exceeding 99.9%, P1 undeniably standsas an industry benchmark for 22

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12Protect your head and neck with yourarms and crouch to the floor. If youare in a crowded place protect yourhead with your arms or take coverunder seats and tables. Staying centered, seeking cover, and bracing yourself during an earthquake can save lives.Following earthquake safety tips, securing potential hazards, and having emergency provisions onhand will help minimize risks.IDENTIFY SAFE SPOTSOnce you feel shaking, drop down and findcover under a table, desk , somethingsturdy and hold on until the shaking stops.If outside, find a spot away from buildings,powerlines and drop down.PRACTICE “DROP, COVER,AND HOLD ON”3Try not to find cover near objects that willeasily fall such as bookshelves, mirrors,refrigerators, televisions, etc and steer clearfrom windows. If you are outside, steer clear ofbuildings, power poles and power lines.STEER CLEAR OF HEAVYOBJECTS4Don’t go outside until the shaking stopsand expect aftershocks to follow the mainshock of an earthquake. Check yourselfto see if you are hurt and help others ifyou have training. BE AWARE OF AFTERSHOCKSLearn more about how to stay safe during an Earthquake here or scan the QR code 23

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ADDICTION AWARENESSJOIN TRIHEALTH EAP FOR AN UPCOMING WEBINARThis training focuses on the disease of addiction. Issuesdiscussed include the following:• Defining drug and alcohol addiction• Understanding the effects of addiction on families and society• Learning how to help someone with addiction obtain sobrietyATTEND:Wednesday, Oct 18, 10 a.m. orThursday, Oct 26, 12 p.m.Online at,call 513 977 2165 or scan the QR CodeREGISTER:Be seen. Be heard. Be 24

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GE1: AN HONOR AND A CALLINGLife is a beautiful journey filled with a multitude of roles that we play. For many, a significant chunk of thisjourney revolves around their professions. However, our lives are more than just our jobs or roles. They area reflection of our passions, commitments, and what we believe to be our true calling in life.This notion was vividly evident this past Saturday, 8/26/2023, at the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Aninstitution, a beacon of hope and faith in the community, The Revealed Holiness House of God, where Ihave the honor of serving as Senior Pastor, was awarded the M. LaVerne Mitchell Lincoln Heights LegacyAward by The Village of Lincoln Heights. The award was a recognition of 94 tireless years of touching andimpacting the lives of many.This legacy commenced in 1929 when my grandparents, Bishop Luther Lundy Sr. and Mother Ida Lundy,laid the foundation of The Revealed Holiness House of God. Their spiritual leadership navigated thechurch until 1986, the year when my grandfather transitioned to be with The Lord. The baton was thenpassed to my mother, Pastor Mary Lundy-Welch, with the unwavering support of my father, BishopWesley Welch Sr.By: Wesley Welch 25

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I was blessed to be ordained as a Pastor in 2007. For close to a decade, I pastored hand-in-hand with mymother until she too, found her rest with The Lord in 2016. The responsibility then fell upon my shoulders,a duty I embraced with open arms. Today, I serve as the Senior Pastor, and with the dynamic Pastor JamesI. Fitzgerald III, my nephew, serving as our Associate Pastor, the legacy of service and commitmentcontinues.Our journey isn't just about ourselves. It's a calling. A calling to serve The Lord, to help our fellow humanbeings, and to inspire others to tread a similar path. The passion that fuels us is the same passion we wishto ignite in others.Our Vision/Mission encapsulates the essence of our journey:The Revealed Holiness House of God proudly upholds the Apostolic doctrine of Jesus Christ. We firmlybelieve in inducing transformative changes that amplify productivity in day-to-day life. Through the powerof faith and commitment, we aim to impact lives, motivating others to share the beautiful message of hopeand salvation. The youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and we actively involve them in ministry, harnessingtheir unique gifts in music and speech. This, we believe, equips them to enter adulthood with confidence,purpose, and an unshakable faith. Our community Outreach Ministry fervently endeavors to proclaim thatthrough Christ, we are truly empowered, and God's love remains an ever-present help in our lives. Wecontinue to stand unwavering in our faith and our mission.In conclusion, it's essential to recognize that our lives are not merely about the jobs we do but the impactwe make, the lives we touch, and the legacy we leave behind. Our true calling lies in identifying ourpurpose and pursuing it with all our heart.Sincerely,Wesley Welch 26

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Decreased time to hire. All assessments take 80 minutes to complete, and the results will beinstantaneously available.Improved candidate experience. All assessments are available online, user-friendly, and available inmultiple languages. Reduction in our cost per salary hire. SHL assessments are less expensive than our currentIndustrial-Organizational (IO) assessments. Includes skills assessments. Crescent can access these assessments, such as an Excel test togauge how comfortable a candidate is with the tool. All SHL reports will be fully accessible to the hiring manager and will aid in creating acomprehensive onboarding plan. Who is SHL? SHL is a Talent Assessment and People Science platform that helps organizations make data-drivendecisions when it comes to selecting the best people for their open positions. They support companieslike Amazon, IBM, Bank of America, Under Armor, Honeywell, and Johnson & Johnson. How will SHL Benefit Crescent? SHL will provide Crescent with several benefits regarding our selection process, some of which arebelow.How will SHL Change Crescent’s Selection Process?SHL assessments will be administered to all internal and external individuals interviewing for Level 0-4positions. We will use the SHL assessments in tandem with the Predictive Index to understandsomeone’s motivations, behaviors, and personality within a specific role and Crescent. The SHLassessments will replace the Dr. Cohen and Dr. Stark Industrial Organizational (IO) assessments that weadminister to all Level 0-4 candidates. Who can I Contact with Questions about SHL?For any questions regarding SHL and how it will impact Crescent’s selection process, please contactMatt Taylor at CRESCENT INVEST IN PARTNERSHIPSWITH SHL TALENT SOLUTIONSBy: Matt Taylor, Senior Manager, Talent and Social Responsibilitypage 27

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WELLNESS LOCKERDEC. 1ST 2023EARN DISCOUNTS ON YOUR INSURANCEPREMIUMS!20% OFF30% OFFADDITIONALINCENTIVESDEADLINE TO PARTICIPATE FOR WELLNESS CREDITSComplete an annual Physical with lab work. Print outthe Physician Results form l and take it to your doctorto fill out.Complete the Know Your Number Assessment,complete all questions, except the Health Metricssection.Complete one Age/Gender Preventive ScreeningAll required must be collected between December 1, 2022and December 1, 2023 and submitted to Wellworks ForYou by December 1, 2023 to receive credit.WELLNESS PORTALIn order for your participation in the program to betracked, eligible participants must be registered underthe Crescent Park Corporation Portal. Please followthe steps below to log into your Wellworks For Youaccount or create an account if you do not have one.EXISTING USERS: LOG INTO THE WELLNESS PORTAL1. Go to www.wellworksforyoulogin.com2. Enter your Username and Password3. Accept the terms of the Consent Form4. Fill in the required informationNEW USERS: REGISTER ON THE WELLNESS PORTAL1. Go to www.wellworksforyoulogin.com2. Click the register link and create an account3. Enter your Company ID: 118184. Complete the registration processVision examDental exam/routine cleaningDermatology exam Flu ShotOB/GYN annual examComplete all steps in Tier One plus two additional preventivescreenings for three completed by the end of the year.All required must be collected between December 1, 2022 andDecember 1, 2023 and submitted to Wellworks by December 1,2023 to receive credit.TIER ONETIER TWOPeople who successfully complete the DiabetesManagement Program will receive $50.00 in TangoRewards Mall Dollars.People who complete Four (4) e-Learning Webinarsand receive $25.00 in Tango Rewards Mall DollarsWellbeats! The Wellbeats Program will give youaccess to 500+ premier on-demand fitness andnutritional videos. Participate in challenges, recordyour workout goals, and track your progress on theWellbeats dashboard.MammogramColonoscopyProstate examFecal “Stool” TestOsteoporosis ScreeningPSA Testpage 28

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CYBER SECURITYCYBER SECURITYAWARENESS MONTHAWARENESS MONTHYou are an attractive target for cyber criminals. If you havemoney (doesn’t matter how much), data (usernames,passwords, documents, emails, etc.) or a place to work,you’re going to be targeted. It’s not even personal, as cybercriminals automate most of their attacks. Don’t ever say “itcan’t happen to me.” Here are a few tips to stay Cyber Safe!Be careful where you submit your emailaddressUnsubscribe from any unnecessarynewslettersUse filters and mark emails as spam to helpyour email provider block it more effectivelyNEVER click on links in spam emailsNEVER download and open attachments inspam emailsDisable the automatic downloading of HTMLgraphics in your mailsOpen an additional personal email account tokeep your most important one safeWhen using social media, enhance yourprivacy settings so no one can see your emailaccountIs spam clogging your inbox? There are a coupleof things you can do to weed most of it out andkeep your inbox and devices safe:BE REALISTICStrong Passwords: Use a combination of letters (both uppercase andlowercase), numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easilyguessable passwords like "123456" or "password” and do not save creditcards or passwords within the system.Allow your computer and devices to conduct regular Updates: Alwayskeep your operating system, software, and apps updated. These updatesoften contain patches for known vulnerabilities. Yes, this means, shuttingdown or restart your computer and phone once per week.Download Wisely: Only download apps or software from trusted sources.if you are unsure, contact the Crescent IT Support team at or 800-428-7280.Get your 2-FA on! Use 2-factor authentication everywhere you can. Set itup to receive authentication codes via sms or on an authenticator app.More layers = More Security!Clean out your old apps. if you haven’t used it in the past 6 months, itshould go. Clean out old apps you don’t use to get rid of vulnerabilitiesthat cyber criminals can exploit. Keep it fresh!Social engineering is quite big with cyber criminals. What it is: a type ofpsychological manipulation to get people to bypass normal securityprocedures or divulge confidential information. Check with IT beforeproviding any confidential info.How can you tell if a website can securely handle your data? Check if itstarts with https. The added “s” is key here. A website starting with httpsencrypts the data you put in the website and the data you get from it, sothat no one can eavesdrop or tamper with the data flow. If a websitedoesn’t start with https, don’t give them confidential info (card details,social security number, address, etc.).A website starting with https encrypts the data you put in the website andthe data you get from it, so that no one can eavesdrop or tamper withthe data flow. If a website doesn’t start with https, don’t give themconfidential info (card details, social security number, address, etc.).Regularly back up your data to an external hard drive or cloud service.Do you have a Crescent One Drive? If not, Contact the IT. One Drive offersPersonal Vault as a protected area in OneDrive that requires a strongauthentication method or a second step identity verification!Get Cyber Secure! Start applying these cybersecurity tips and enjoy a safer digital life!page 29

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Hello! Hola! Bonjour! Hallo!Imagine greeting someone in over 6,500 different ways! That's how many languages there are in theworld. At its core, language is about forging connections and enhancing communication. In Crescent,with over 10 distinct languages spoken, the nuances of cross-cultural communication are all the moreevident. But language is more than just words—it's a key to deeper understanding, fostering strongerconnections and bridging divides.Earlier in August, Crescent initiated an exciting collaboration with Preply. As an e-learning platform,Preply brings together 140,000 tutors, offering instruction in 50 languages from 203 countries. Tenindividuals across Crescent have volunteered to test this initiative, hoping to master English or Spanish,foster closer ties with their colleagues, and contribute to its growth."Since I started learning Spanish, even a simple greeting like 'Hola' or 'Buenos Dias' has made a world ofdifference. Every day, my teammates check out the Spanish words on my whiteboard, helping me withpronunciation or teaching me new phrases. While I may not be fluent yet, even the smallest interactionsin Spanish have deepened my connections with colleagues. Their support and encouragement,especially when I fumble a word, have been invaluable," shares JR Roseberry.Indeed, learning a new language goes beyond vocabulary—it's about embracing a culture. As teammembers and managers delve into new linguistic territories, they gain insights into diverse perspectives,traditions, and values. This exchange promotes a more inclusive workplace, minimizesmisunderstandings, and fosters mutual respect.Raul Rodriguez, enthusiastic about his ongoing Preply sessions, states, "Perfecting my English hastransformed my daily life in this country, personally and professionally. I'm immensely grateful toCrescent for this growth opportunity."Soft skills, especially effective communication, are paramount in our rapidly evolving global landscape.Embracing a new language, despite its challenges, is a testament to adaptability, resilience, and acommitment to continuous learning. As everyone in the team endeavors to bridge linguistic gaps,they're enhancing their professional relationships and embarking on personal journeys of growth. It's aninvaluable investment for the individual, the collective team, and Crescent.Crescent envisions a broader future with Preply. If you or a team member are interested in exploringthis linguistic journey, please contact your People Group Representative to add you to a waiting list forthe program.EMBRACING DIVERSITY THROUGH LANGUAGE:CRESCENT'S JOURNEY TO STRONGERCONNECTIONSpage 30By: Tasha Bell, Director of Communications, Growth and Development

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D1: CELEBRATING ACHIEVEMENTS: HOW PEOPLEAPPRECIATION WEEK FOSTERS EXCELLENCEAt D1, we truly believe that the core of our success lies in our people. Last month, we took a momentto pause, reflect, and celebrate the incredible contributions of our team members. The PeopleAppreciation Week, held in the final week of September, was a testament to our unwaveringcommitment to recognize and reward excellence.Not Your Average Celebration.With a cheeky nod to our unique spirit, we hosted a "Nacho Day," highlighting that Crescent isn’t justyour average place to work – and this was far from an average week. With a lavish lunch, thedistribution of branded Crescent T-shirts, and an exciting raffle that boasted prizes like TVs andheadphones generously donated by our Talent Partners, the week was filled with camaraderie,laughter, and gratitude.Safety/GMP Citations: With a focus onmaintaining our stellar standards, this newinitiative aims to track any violations, ensuring weadhere to the best practices in the industry.Top of the Line: Designed to motivate andappreciate, this program celebrates individualswho showcase consistency and dedication,awarding those without any deviations for amonth.New Initiatives to Foster ExcellenceDuring this celebratory week, we also took a forward-looking approach by launching two new programs:Shaping a Brighter TomorrowOur commitment to excellence doesn’t stop at appreciation; it's woven into our everyday operations.This was evident when we completed our 2023 SSI. As part of this initiative:page 31By: Tami Anstedt, General Manager

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We piloted the VSM, setting the stage for streamlinedprocesses.Embraced technology by developing "paperless"documents on the production floor, aiming for bothefficiency and sustainability.We took our safety program up a notch. By reviewingsentinels more thoroughly, we’re focusing onproactively identifying potential risks, ensuring thewell-being of our teams.The Power of AppreciationRecognizing and appreciating talent is not just aboutrewards; it's about fostering a culture of excellence. Bycelebrating achievements, we’re not only thanking ourteam members but also signaling what we value. Whenemployees see their colleagues being recognized fordriving our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the rightdirection, it motivates them to emulate such behaviors.At Crescent, every individual's contribution counts. Andthrough events like the People Appreciation Week andcontinuous initiatives, we aim to build a culture wherededication is celebrated, innovations are embraced, andevery team member feels valued.To our team: Here's to many more achievements,celebrations, and milestones together!page 32

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Crescent has been a Foundation for Supply Chain Solutions (F4SS) member for over 15 years. F4SS is aunique organization that brings Consumer Product Goods (CPG) companies and External ContractManufacturers together to tackle challenges that they face on a global scale. Its members work to identify supply chain solutions that benefit the entire CPG community. In late September, Crescent had the opportunity to highlight the supply chain partnership we havedeveloped with one of our key customers, GE Aerospace. Although not a CPG company, GE operates alarge-scale global distribution network in which Crescent plays a vital role. The Crescent/GE Aerospace showcase was based on the theme of "Agility in the Supply Chain." The tourkicked off at our C1 headquarters in West Chester, followed by a visit to GE's Customer Training andEducation Center (CTEC) in northern Cincinnati.F4SS EXPLORES THE CRESCENT AND GEAEROSPACE PARTNERSHIPBy: Brad Daubenmire, Multi-Business General Managerpage 33After arriving at Crescent, more than 60 F4SSparticipants received an overview of the operation,where we store over 30,000 commercial andmilitary aircraft engine parts in nearly 250k squarefeet of space. These parts are stored and shippedto GE assembly operations, repair and overhaulfacilities, and spare parts to their customers. Parts leave our facility in a variety of configurations- everything from individually packagedcomponents to comprehensive assembly kits. Kitscan comprise the exact parts needed to build acommercial engine subassembly to all thenecessary components to build an F110 engineassembled and installed on F15 and F16 fighterplanesGeneral Electric F110-400 Jet Engine. The General Electric F110 two-spool after-burning turbofanengine that powers a large proportion of US military aircraft.The engine has three fan stages, nine high-pressurecompressor stages and one high-pressure/two low-pressureturbine stages. The F110 delivers up to 32,000 pounds of thrust(F110-GE-132). This image corresponds to the GE F100-400version, selected by the US Navy in 1984 to re-engine itsexisting Tomcat F-14A fleet.

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GE representatives spoke to the impact thatCrescent's service execution has on their supplychain, including on-time delivery, inventorymanagement, and order accuracy - critical KPIsperformed at class-leading levels. Also reviewedwere several key initiatives that Crescent haschampioned for GE Aerospace, including pilotinga new WMS system, direct-to-military shipping,and support of a new pull inventory managementsystem - projects that bring tremendous value toGE's supply chain. Crescent leadership then guided the F4SSmembers through fourteen functional areaswhere the distribution activities are managed,spotlighting areas where value has been addedthrough continuous improvement initiatives, leansystems integration, and people developmentprograms. The F4SS participants next traveled to CTEC, thelargest of six GE Aerospace facilities worldwidededicated to instructing their global customerbase on on-wing engine maintenance and repairmethods. At this impressive operation, over 40 commercialand military engines are routinely disassembledand re-assembled, allowing technicians to learncritical repair methods. Many parts used in theserepair and overhaul operations are sent to GEcustomers from Crescent. page 34In the end, F4SS could see the value that can bebrought to a global manufacturing leader throughthe core disciplines that make the Crescent Way,along with Crescent's tireless pursuit to be one of ourcustomer's Premier Service Providers.

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C11: THE THOUGHTS THROUGH THE EYES OF A2ND SHIFT PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR By: Ben Wenker, Production SupervsiorWhen Someone takes a new job, there are always the jitters andnerves; call them what you will. When I started with Crescent alittle over a year ago, I can attest that I had those same feelings.After starting, I realized that those jitters and nerves dissipatedquickly because of how welcoming Crescent was. I quicklylearned that I was a valued team member and that everyone washere to help me succeed in my new role. This can be a rare thingto find in the workforce. C11 comprises individuals who all strive to be the very best at whatthey do, with one common bond between them all: Integrity.People here genuinely want you to develop and will stop atnothing until goals are met, standards set, and recordsestablished. Throughout the craziness of taking on a new role on anew site, I always felt as if the team here was ready to support mein any way that was needed. From the many late-night cateredmeals where multiple leadership team members stayed to helpserve to always being available to answer any questions thatcame up during the 2nd shift. There is a pervading sense of peace when you enter. You feelalmost like you have entered a second home. You know that thisplace is precisely where you need to be. From birthday parties tocookouts and the ever-inspiring football spiking ceremonies.There is no place like C11, and because of the culture Crescent hascreated, we can continue making C11 a great place. I am thankfulfor the opportunities that Crescent has given me. page 35My line leaders bought me a cake andsang Happy Birthday to me on myBirthday. I am very honored to havesuch a great team and work family.

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UNRAVELING SCARF: 5 WEEKS OF INSIGHTFULLEARNING AT C11By: Hannah Lyons, Site People GeneralistAt C11 we have been working on training all our Salaried People on SCARF! We have been using theSCARF Podcast as the training material and each week our People would write a few sentences onwhat the letter of the week meant to them and how they would implement it into their everyday. Overthe course of 5 weeks 3 judges had the opportunity to read 14 submissions. As the weeks went on thewriting got better and the judging got harder. The talent and heart that lays withing each of the teammembers here at C11 was prevalent within these submissions. We wanted to share with you ourwinners and their submissions! While we are only sharing a few submissions there were so many thatwere undoubtfully amazing! page 36Week 1: Letter SWinner Senayda Flores (Quality Supervisor)Submission: When employees or leaders make you feel appreciated andvalued, you create trust and respect in others. Being friendly, respectful,and humble with others makes you a better human no matter whatsocial position you are in. You grow as a leader because those others arethe ones that help you to get it done, your effort and working hand inhand with others are what lead to success. I try to learn every day to getto know everyone around me, treat them with respect and make themfeel capable and valued, understand that no matter what position youare in, you are above all the same human as them, and understand thathowever you treat them, you will be treated. A leader is one who knowsthe way, goes the way, and shows the way. and doing all this leads youto become the leader so that others follow you voluntarily even if you donot have any title or position, I TRY TO PRACTICE IT AND I WILLCONTINUE PRACTICE EVERY DAY.Week 2: Letter CWinner: Della Gaffney (Inventory Supervisor)Submission: Certainty is so important to me because the feeling of theunknown/being uncertain can really be overwhelming and bring aperson down. Certainty helps give people positive attitudes, can helpimpact people’s drive, gives them a sense of self-confidence, helps us toinspire new leaders. When a person has faith in us and within thecompany it helps give them and us self-satisfaction knowing that we caninspire them and achieve something positive. Implementing this in myeveryday career means showing up for the team, helping to inspire them,letting them know that they have someone who will not only work withthem but for them, ensuring their voices are heard to the very best ofmy/our abilities. This allows me to get the faith and trust of our people. Helps get us across that finish line and help our people grow with inCrescent.

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Week 4: Letter RWinner: Nirvan Jimenez (Production Planner)Submission: Relatedness at work is a fundamental pillar of myprofessional life. It's the feeling of being part of a tight-knit team, wherecollaboration isn't just a task but a shared commitment. It's the sense ofbelonging to an organization that values my contributions andencourages open communication. Relatedness is about the genuineconnections I form with my colleagues, where we support each other'sgrowth and well-being. Ultimately, it's the synergy of all theseelements that makes my work not just a job but a fulfilling journeywithin a supportive and connected workplace. I will implementrelatedness by actively seeking opportunities to connect with mycolleagues on a personal level. Engaging in conversations beyondwork tasks by showing genuine interest in their lives and experiences.Actively participating in team projects, demonstrating my commitmentto collaboration and cooperation. Fostering open and honestcommunication, by sharing my thoughts and being receptive to other’sideas. Additionally, I will take my time to recognize and appreciate mycolleagues’ efforts, by showing gratitude for their contributions. Week 3: Letter AWinner: Adam Smith (Quality Manager)Submission: Autonomy is something that we all crave in all areas of ourlife. We want to feel freedom to make choices that affect our work,what we do with our time, money, and talents. The more autonomy wehave the more we feel empowered to be ourselves. Autonomy issomething that I work very hard to weave into the daily flow of peopleworking for me. I strive to be the kind of manager that gives peoplethe tools they need to do their jobs, allows them to have autonomy indecisions as long as they stay within the framework of our processes,and be there to remove anything that gets in the way of them beingable to do their job effectively whether that is tools, knowledge, orproblems with other team members. Giving my team all this allowsthem to have the freedom to grow, learn new skills, and really feel liketheir decisions and opinions matter here at Crescent. Week 5: Letter FWinner: Justin McDonald (1st shift Production Supervisor)Submission: Fairness is the ability to be unbiased and non-judgmentalto those that we like and those we may not be as fond of. Regardlessof our interpersonal relationships with people we can approach everysituation equally and follow the same process. Someone once told methat having favorites is ok if we provide everyone with a fair chance tobecome a favorite. I incorporate fairness not only at work but also inmy personal life by trying to put myself in other people’s shoes. I askmyself would I be happy with the decision made if I were that person?Would I walk away thinking “this sucks, but its fair”? If I can honestly saythose things, then I know I’ve achieved the desired level of fairness.THANK YOU to the C11 team for taking time out of their busy days to write a submission each week.This was a great way to train the People and get them using their critical thinking skills. page 37

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page 38THE REAL JOB ISREFERRING FRIENDSTHE REAL JOB ISREFERRING FRIENDS...AND THE BANKACCOUNT SHOWS IT!...AND THE BANKACCOUNT SHOWS IT!Scan the QR Code toScan the QR Code to viewviewInternal and ExternalInternal and ExternalPositionsPositions$300 referral bonus for all Direct Roles*$500 referral bonus for all Indirect Roles*$1,000 referral bonus for all Salaried Roles*You know your friends. If you value your friend's workethic and know they'd be a good fit, referring themcan positively influence team dynamics andproductivity for the best of Crescent.*Refer to the Refer a friend, Crescent policy, or your People GroupRepresentative for payout details and additional information.REFER A FRIENDELTExecutive Vice President of Operations - West Chester, OHACCOUNTINGPayroll Process Specialist - West Chester, OHMAINTENANCE Facilities Maintenance Technician- West Chester, OHOPERATIONSForklift Operator (1st Shift) - West Chester, OHForklift Operator (2nd Shift) -Mason City, IAForklift Operator (3rd Shift) -Mason City, IAInventory Control Coordinator (2nd Shift)- Fairfield, OHManager, Automation Engineering- West Chester, OHPRODUCTIONLine Leader (1st Shift)- Memphis TNLine Leader (2nd Shift)- Edwardsville ILLine Leader (2nd Shift)- Mechanicsburg, PALine Leader (3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg, PALine Worker (3rd Shift) -Mechanicsburg, PAProduction Lead (2nd Shift) -Memphis TNProduction Planner- Mechanicsburg PAQUALITYQuality Control Coordinator (2nd Shift) -Fairfield OHQuality Control Inspector (1st Shift)- Memphis TNQuality Control Inspector (2nd Shift)-Edwardsville, IL Quality Control Inspector (2nd Shift) -Memphis TNQuality Control Inspector (3rd Shift)- Mechanicsburg,PATRANSPORTATIONLocal CDC-A Driver, Florence, KYLearn how to create a Greenhouse Accountto access open positions - click hereLearn how to refer a friend for an openposition - click here

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Ask a Question. Report an 41*Crescent Help Hotline is monitored by Lisa Flake, Tasha Bell, and TomSchwallie. Crescent Help Hotline has a 24 hour response turnaround,Monday-Friday.

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