Lois DemersLois DemersNEWSLETTERNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreOCTOBER 2023OCTOBER 2023Binaakwe-giizis Falling Leaves Moonᐅᐱᒪᐊᒧᐧᐃᐱᓯᒼ Opimahaamowi-piisim
Message from the Executive DirectorCurrent Board and board members call-outNewsletter is changing Traditional Well-Being EventFall DinnerNBIFC Information & Job FairYouth and Family Halloween PartyHealth Outreach Monthly ActivitiesWelcome our new staff!Youth Life Promotions CalendarOpen Mic Night - Spooky EditionMedicine Walk PhotosWinter Market - Save the date, Vendor call outDrumming, Pow-Wow Practice Schedule Photo Contest ContinuesNorth Bay Battalion - Indigenous Youth DayJob PostingsThe Aunties are in SessionStaff Directory2234567891011121314 & 15161618192021TABLE OF CONTENTS OCTOBER’S COVER PHOTOCongratulations to Lois Demers who is our photocontest winner for her great photo of a mooseswimming across a lake.
Aniin Boozhoo, Wachay,As the seasons change and we prepare for the colder months ahead, we lookforward to the many activities happening at the Centre. Our fall dinner is fastapproaching, which will be held on Wednesday, October 18th as you can see bythe poster included in this newsletter, it is a member’s dinner, and it’simportant to sign up so we know how many meals to plan for. Your cooperationis so appreciated! There are many other events taking place throughout the fall, and I have tothank our incredible team here at the NBIFC for continuing to put togethergreat activities and meaningful events. It’s been great hearing about the OpenMic nights, the turnout for Wellbriety, or seeing the youth gather for differentactivities. This centre means so much to so many, and it is beautiful to see thegrandchildren and great-grandchildren of founders and former membersattending our programming today. Our new board members have completed their training. We are also seekingtwo people to take a position on the Board of Directors; please submit a letterof interest to the NBIFC. More information on these positions can be found inthis newsletter, I look forward to some of our community members stepping into help us continue the great work this organization does. I hope to see you here at the NBIFC soon.Miigwetch,Executive Director's MessageNBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 3Kathy Fortin
Current NBIFC Board MembersMaurice Switzer - PresidentKen Brown - Vice PresidentAmanda Mathias-Mizzi - SecretaryJoyce Shortt-Lavigne - TreasurerDot Beaucage-Kennedy - DirectorAaron St.Pierre - DirectorVacantVacantBoard Members Needed! Join an organization that has been supporting the growth andsuccess of the urban Indigenous community for nearly half acentury! Send a letter of interest to director@nbifc.org. Thecommitment includes regular evening meetings (once amonth), obtaining a CPIC, participation in two committees,and occasional attendance at NBIFC events. You must be amember for more than one year in order to apply.
Hey there, wonderful community members! 🌟Our beloved NBIFC Newsletter has come a long way over the years, and it hasbecome an essential tool to keep you in the loop about all the excitinghappenings in our community. But guess what? We're shaking things up onceagain.Starting with the upcoming November issue, we're making some fantasticchanges to how we produce and deliver the newsletter. Here's the scoop: totackle those sky-high printing and mailing costs, we're teaming up with aprofessional printer to handle the paper edition. That means we can save bigbucks without compromising on quality.Now, here's the nitty-gritty: because of this change, there might be a fewadjustments in how we do things. Delivery timelines might shift, content couldchange due to longer production times, and the format might get a makeover.But fear not; we’re committed to staying as true to our format as possiblewhile adapting to the new setup.Here's where you come in: we're urging as many of you as possible to hop ontothe email newsletter train. It's a fantastic way to stay up-to-date and an eco-friendly choice that helps conserve resources and our beautiful planet 🌍.So, prepare for some exciting newsletter updates, and let's continue buildingour wonderful community together! 💪📩Important Changes to the NewsletterTo sign up for the digital edition ofthe newsletter, email Chris reception@nbifc.orgNBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 5
Mark your Calendars! NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREINFORMATION Program InformationMembership ApplicationsSpecial Event NoticesApply for Employment Opportunitiesat NBIFCMeet the StaffEmployment Training and Education Suswin Village Transitional HousingIntake InformationSeven Stones Learning Centre - OSSDInformationDateTimeLocationNovember 18, 202311 am - 2 pm NBIFC Gymnasium980 Cassells Street, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8JOB FAIR&
F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 7 T HF R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 7 T HN B I F C G Y M N A S I U MN B I F C G Y M N A S I U MpartypartyHALLOWEENHALLOWEENPRESENTSs p o o k y t r e a t s , c o s t u m ec o n t e s t , & h a u n t e d h o u s es p o o k y t r e a t s , c o s t u m ec o n t e s t , & h a u n t e d h o u s e6 P M - 9 P M6 P M - 9 P M
Men’s OutingOctober 19NBIFC Land 10 am-2 pmMen’s DrummingOctober 10 & 246:00 pm –8:00 pmCree Talking CircleOctober 174:00 pm – 5:30 pm OPEN MIC NIGHTOctober 282:00 pm - 5:00 pmSee poster for special informationDrinking Water Class Action ApplicationFormsare available nowWe can provide Bus Passes & Taxi services for Doctor Appointments Only Men’s OutingOctober 19NBIFC Land 10 am-2 pmMen’s DrummingOctober 10 & 246:00 pm –8:00 pmCree Talking CircleOctober 174:00 pm – 5:30 pm OPEN MIC NIGHTOctober 282:00 pm - 5:00 pmSee poster for special informationDrinking Water Class Action ApplicationFormsare available nowWe can provide Bus Passes & Taxi services for Doctor Appointments Only NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREHealth Outreach ProgramHealth Outreach ProgramCONTACT: GEORGE HUGHIE(705) 472-2811 EXT. 209AHOW@NBIFC.ORGCONTACT: GEORGE HUGHIE(705) 472-2811 EXT. 209AHOW@NBIFC.ORG
Hello, my name is IrisSutherland and I am the newCultural ResourceCoordinator. Some of mygoals for the program arepowwow dancing, regalia-making/sewing/beading andother cultural activities outon the land and within thecommunity.NBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 1Meet Our New Staff Cultural Resource CoordinatorChildren’s Mental Health WorkerMy name Allyson Meney, I am thenew Child Mental Health andAddictions Worker. I finished mysummer placement at the NBIFC,and after a little break I am lookingforward to using my IndigenousSocial Work Degree to help enrichour NBIFC community. On my freetime you can find me hiking, goingon adventures and spending timewith family.
Youth Life Promotions is a program for youth between the ages of 13 and 24years old. The purpose of the program is to provide community driven,strength-based life promotion that nurtures and sustains youth well-being.Programming is centered around physical, mental, emotional, and spiritualwell-being supports.Throughout the year, we encourage youth to participate in programming thatthey may be interested in doing, such as:- Providing cultural teachings, traditional medicines, food education, languageretention and reclamation- Facilitating access to and knowledge exchanges with Elders/TraditionalKnowledge holders- Fostering youth leadership opportunitiesYouth Life Promotions exists to provide programming for youth who needadditional supports. Whether you’re interested in learning about traditionalknowledge, connecting with the land or looking to make friends with like-minded people, there is a place for you in this program.Mike - ylp@nbifc.orgYouth Life Promotions is a program for youth between the ages of 13 and 24years old. The purpose of the program is to provide community driven,strength-based life promotion that nurtures and sustains youth well-being.Programming is centered around physical, mental, emotional, and spiritualwell-being supports.Throughout the year, we encourage youth to participate in programming thatthey may be interested in doing, such as:- Providing cultural teachings, traditional medicines, food education, languageretention and reclamation- Facilitating access to and knowledge exchanges with Elders/TraditionalKnowledge holders- Fostering youth leadership opportunitiesYouth Life Promotions exists to provide programming for youth who needadditional supports. Whether you’re interested in learning about traditionalknowledge, connecting with the land or looking to make friends with like-minded people, there is a place for you in this program.Mike - ylp@nbifc.orgWhat is Youth Life Promotions? NBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 2NBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 2
MedicineWalkMedicineWalkMedicineWalkNBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 4NBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 4PicturesSeptember 222023
NBIF C NEWSL ETTER OCTOBER 2023 | Page 1 5Andrew (Healing and Wellness Program), Amanda (Addictions and Mental Health Navigator)and Iris (Cultural Resource Coordinator) asked Sandra (Communications Coordinator) toshare a little bit of what she knows about plants with some of our community members whohad signed up for the walk. It was a beautiful day out, with no bugs except for the odd bee on an aster, and the bolognaand cheese sandwiches were extra delicious after slogging around on the very wet trails ofthe NBIFC Land. We harvested and brewed some Labrador tea and enjoyed many laughs,with the occasional fall down or boot getting stuck in the mud. It was Jacob Dayfox’s lastday at the centre before he headed back to University to finish his degree. We asked him tosing a few songs for us, and it made the day that much more enjoyable, the trees and wildlifeseemed to enjoy the music as much as we did. Everyone was good and tired at the end, which means it was a great day.
N O R T H B A Y I N D I G E N O U SF R I E N D S H I P C E N T R EDECEMBER 2 & 3 2023DECEMBER 2 & 3 2023VENDOR REGISTRATION CLOSES November 17, 2023, 4pm. CALL : (705) 472-2811 EXT 242EMAIL : INQUIRE@NBIFC.ORGSATURDAY 9 TO 4 SUNDAY 10 TO 3DOORS OPEN980 CASSELLS ST., NORTH BAY, P1B 4A8Gift Items, Crafts, Food & Music
YOUTH GROUPDRUMMING/POW WOWPRACTICE12-24 years oldOctober 3rd and 17th6pm to 8pmFor more information:Andrew - ahws@nbifc.org ext. 219 Mike - ylp@nbifc.org ext. 208(705)472-2811Bring your regalia to practice dancingand drumming!DRUMMING & POW-WOW PRACTICEsDRUMMING & POW-WOW PRACTICEsMEN’S GROUP DRUMMING/POWWOW PRACTICEOctober 10th and October 24th6pm to 8pmBring your regalia to practice dancingand drumming!
NBIFCPhotoContestSubmit your photo to be on thecover of our next Newsletter.Thousands of people across TurtleIsland and beyond see ourNewsletter each month! inquire@nbifc.orgPhoto must carry an Indigenous theme or meaning in some way.Win a GIFT CARD!! Send in your photo, with title, your name, email and phone number. Image Preparation: The file should be 2MB at maximum. If you submit aphoto, you agree to the use and publication of the image where theNBIFC sees fit, and you have obtained permission from the subjects tobe photographed and submitted to the contest.
NORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTRENORTHBAYINDIGENOUSFRIENDSHIPCENTREAvailable PositionsWaabanIndigenous Children's Wellness WorkerMental Health and Wellness WorkerPrenatal/Family Support AssistantSuswin Village Transitional House: NightClient Care - Casual ReliefIndigenous Healthy Babies, HealthyChildren Program WorkerPrograms CoordinatorEvents Planner Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I am a KindMan WorkerWaabanIndigenous Children's Wellness WorkerMental Health and Wellness WorkerPrenatal/Family Support AssistantSuswin Village Transitional House: NightClient Care - Casual ReliefIndigenous Healthy Babies, HealthyChildren Program WorkerPrograms CoordinatorEvents Planner Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin - I am a KindMan WorkerWE ARE HIRING!WE ARE HIRING!Email: hrc@nbifc.orgPlease Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 References to:HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Email: hrc@nbifc.orgPlease Send Cover Letter, Resume and 3 References to:HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR
SESSIONThe AuntiesARE I NChi-Miigwetch to everyone who sent in questions to the Aunties. We have a diversegroup of incredible women who have volunteered. We’re going to all have a sit down inthe next few weeks and the next issue of the NBIFC Newsletter will have some greatanswers to the questions that were asked. Can’t wait to see what the ladies come upwith. The tea is brewing!You can always ask the Aunties, anytime! There is no question too strange, we’reAunties, we’ve seen and heard it all. Stay deadly. ask.auntie.nbifc@gmail.com(249)358-3672