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October 2017 Parent Newsletter

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Office of First-Year Experience October 2017 Inside this Issue: Fall Advising Success at Your Fingertips Grades First Checkup Making Healthier Students College Binge Drinking Ragin’ Cajuns Going Global Roommate Issues Homesickness Parent Advice Phonathon Memory Vault Emerging Leaders Summit Freshman Spotlight Your Student-October Fall 2017 Calendar Oct 16 Academic Advising for Spring 2018 Begins Oct 27 Academic Advising for Spring 2018 ENDS Nov 23-24 Th anksgiving Break Dec 1 Last Day of Classes Dec 4-5 Final Exam s Dec 6 Mid Exam Study day Dec 7-8 Final Exam s 1 Parent Newsletter Now is the time for your student to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to be advised for the Spring 2018 semester. The academic advising period is October 16 - 27, 2017. Finding academic advisor: For students to find their academic advisor’s name and email address to schedule an appointment, they will need to login into their ULink account. Under the Academics tab is “Academic Profile” (in the middle of the page). By selecting “Spring 2018” their advisor(s) name for that semester will be listed. They will need to email their advisor to schedule an appointment with them—the advisors email can be accessed by clicking the envelope graphic. What is in ULink? Students can log into their ULink account to view the following:  “Meet with your advisor” - gives your student tips on what to do before their advising appointment  “View the Catalog” - Make sure your student knows what classes they should be taking for their major.  “Check holds” - All students have an academic advising hold which will be removed by their academic advisor. Take care of any other holds NOW on your account which may prevent course registration.  “Check registration status” - here students can see their time for registration (hint if it is at 2 am, they should wake up to schedule then).  “Look up classes” - Here, students can see all classes offered this spring. If your student would like to speak to an Academic Counselor, encourage them to visit Lee Hall 115. Registration For Your Student Helpful Hints: Linked courses are sections of the same course that must be added at the same time, such as CMCN 100-001 and CMCN 100-010. Co-requisite courses are typically two separate courses, such as MATH 103 and 104, that must be added at the same time. FALL ADVISING FOR YOUR STUDENT 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9  View Spring 2018 Course Schedule  View Registration Holds  View Advisor  Register for Linked Courses  Register for Co-Requisite Courses  Register for Variable Credit Courses  General Info on Registering for Classes

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2 Students traditionally underestimate the amount of time they will need to schedule to do well in classes. Around midterms, many first-year students begin facing the realities that college is more difficult than they expected and they may experience a variety of academic difficulties. October is Tutoring Month! Four types of FREE tutoring are offered to fit the varying needs of UL Lafayette students: Individual tutoring sessions which last 30 minutes; 1 hour-long Study Groups; 2-hour Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions led by specialized tutors who also attend lecture with the students; and an Online Tutoring chat available by visiting The Learning Center website. Being proactive about coming in for tutoring certainly helps students take learning into their own hands. Tutors also share study tips and habits and test-taking strategies specific to particular courses. The results of tutoring have been impressive: students who come to SI sessions can earn an average of up to one letter-grade higher than students taking the same course who did not attend SI. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this valuable resource! The Learning Center is located in Lee Hall on the 2nd floor and is open for tutoring from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mon-Thurs, and 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. Students can call 337-482-6583 or walk in to schedule an appointment. Tutoring is offered in Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Psychology, Engineering, Spanish, and many more subjects. See their website for the full list of courses. Other tutoring options on campus include The Writing Center, The Math Lab, and more! An important message to send to your student if they are struggling academically is that it is not too late to do well this semester. Aside from The Learning Center, encourage your student to form study groups, to read ahead of class, meet with their instructors during office hours, and increase the amount of time they are studying. Many parents and students alike are concerned with academic progress, especially in the first semester. Most students have completed several graded assignments and one or two tests in each course. Some instructors post grades on Moodle and others hand back graded work and expect students to keep track of their grades. If your student is not sure about the standing grade in a course, encourage her or him to visit the instructor during office hours. Office hours are stated on each instructor’s course syllabus. As part of the GradesFirst initiative, instructors are about to complete the second freshman grade check between October 18th and 25th. Students will receive an email from their instructor if they are at risk of failing a course. Please remember that we have tutoring available in many courses and that both individual and group tutoring is available. Also the Academic Success Center is continuing to offer workshops on academic goal setting and time management. First-year students will be encouraged to attend these skill-building workshops. Your student also has the opportunity to ask for guidance from his or her UNIV 100 instructor or Peer Mentor for any type of issue that he or she may currently be dealing with. SUCCESS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS GRADES FIRST CHECKUP IMPORTANT INFO ON THE HOUSING APPLICATION PROCESS:  The Housing online appli-cation will be available sometime in November 2017 for the Academic 18-19 school year.  This will be found on stu-dent ULINK account us-ing their username and password provided by the University; specific in-structions will be availa-ble through a portal guide available on the housing website.  Housing offers room self-selection which gives the student the flexibility to pick their bed space  Housing requires a pre-payment amount in order to secure their room. Please have a credit card ready to proceed.  The sooner students sign up for Housing, the better chances they will have of selecting their desired room type.  Please note that this requires entering a 10 month legally binding contract with Housing that runs continuously from August through May. It is not required for students to move out over the Winter break. For additional information please visit the Housing website: or call at 337-482-6471.

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MAKING HEALTHIER STUDENTS Encourage your student to take a moment to breathe amid the stress of college life! When life gets crazy, we don’t have to let it make us sick. Here are some things your student can do to keep healthy in today’s hectic world:  Simplify, simplify, simplify. Sit down with their weekly schedule. Are there some things that just aren’t as important as that trip to the gym? Encourage them to just say no when their schedule is full. And make their workout time a priority appointment.  Encourage them to plan healthy meals in advance. Packing a healthy lunch the night before and sticking it in the fridge to grab on their way out can let them rest and relax during their lunch hour instead of standing in line for food.  Get a hobby. All work and no play can cause physical and mental burn out. Encourage them to find something they enjoy doing and set aside a couple of hours each week to do it. Stress relief strengthens the immune system. They’ll feel better, get sick less often, and have more energy to do what has to get done. PLEASE SHARE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES WITH YOUR STUDENT Student Health Services (SHS) strives to provide quality, accessible, cost sensitive, primary medical care and active health promotion to the students within the campus community. They are funded by a student membership fee which is collected each semester.  Students with membership will receive consultation for any illness, minor injuries, and general physicals.  Please see their website for a Comprehensive List of Services and Clinic Hours.  SHS follows the “University Hours of Operations” throughout the year. SHS operates utilizing Appointment Only services. Patients are triaged by a nurse prior to being seen by a clinician.  Allow time for completing and/or updating personal data each semester.  If you have any insurance coverage, please bring your insurance card each visit. RESOURCES ON CAMPUS Academic Success Center Lee Hall Rm. 115 (337) 482-6818 Writing Center H.L. Griffin Hall, Rm. 107-108 (337) 482-6447 Counseling & Testing Center Saucier Wellness Center O.K. Allen Hall (337) 482-6480 Office of Disability Services (ODS) Conference Center, Rm. 126 (337) 482-5252 Student Support Services DeClouet Hall Rm. 106 (337) 482-6828 STEP Computer Labs on Campus Student Affairs Division Martin Hall Rm. 211 (337) 482-6266 3

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WARNING SIGNS OF AN ALCOHOL OR DRUG PROBLEM Warning signs of a substance dependence disorder include the following:  Developing a tolerance  Emotional changes  Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities in favor of spending more time consuming alcohol and/or drugs  Missing classes and not turning in assignments  Neglecting personal hygiene  Conversations centering on being high and/or drunk  Becoming secretive about their usage or using in secret The above is just a partial list of substance dependence warning signs. If you notice these warning signs in your student or their friends, please know that help is available. For further information click here. COLLEGE BINGE DRINKING As a parent, when your student is away from home for maybe the first time for this length, this might be a probing question: Is a college house party real-ly filled with kegs and drinking games as our pop culture tells us? Is this the exception rather than the rule? Penn State professor Jeff Hayes says the answer is complex. Data from over 100 colleges, collected by Hayes and colleagues, says that 56% of students do not binge drink regularly. But this means that 44% do report regular binge drinking. Hayes believes that the key to helping students resist this college drinking culture is to have alternative activities and programs that are attractive. Hayes suggests that many students participate in binge drinking, because it may be a reaction to what might be their first taste of freedom. "I think that there is part of a normative developmental experience of going away to college and exper-imenting," says Hayes. "They are pushing the boundaries for themselves." Additionally he says that those who do participate in binge drinking report not remembering what happened the night before, being unable to understand what is expected or feeling guilt or remorse after binge drinking. Many stu-dents who binge drink do not see it as a problem. "I see a number of students in my private practice," explains Hayes. "A lot of them are not seeking help for drinking problems. They are seeking help for depression or relationship problems. The alcohol problems are present, but they don't think they have a problem because they don't drink any more than their friends do." But the silver lining in Hayes' research is that when someone who cares about a student—whether it is a friend or family member—expresses concern about that student's excessive drinking, the message tends to raise the student's own concern. "We don't have to assume a passive role as faculty members, resi-dent assistants, roommates, fraternity or sorority members," says Hayes. "If you are concerned about someone, expressing that concern, difficult though it may be, can put them on a path toward changing their drinking." This article was adapted from Kevin Sliman’s article Probing question: How serious is the binge drinking problem on college campuses? For more infor-mation on UL Lafayette’s drug and alcohol policy as well as the School Lead-ers Involved in Drinking & Drug Education (SLIDDE) click here. For Your Information Binge drinking is defined as consuming 5 or more drinks for men and 3 or more drinks for women per occasion. Moderate alcohol use is defined as up to 2 drinks per day for men; one for women. Engaging in drinking games and participating in funneling are examples of typical binge drinking situations. If your student is struggling with problems due to alcohol, information, coun-seling, and free alcohol and drug screenings can be obtained from the UL Lafayette Counseling & Testing Center. 4

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RAGIN’ CAJUNS GOING GLOBAL 5 Study Abroad Programs provide students an opportunity to earn course credit while studying in a foreign country. Various programs are coordinated during the summer semester, including long-standing programs in Paris, France; Florence, Italy; London, England; San Jose, Costa Rica and others. In an age of increased globalization, members of university communities like ours need the experience of living in a different culture. If your student participates in these programs, you will find they will come back with life changing experiences, certainly having a much wider view of the world than when they first boarded the plane headed to Costa Rica, England, France, or Italy. We have a sizable number of students who learned so much and enjoyed their time abroad so much that they participated a second time in a different country. Students can earn from three to nine credits over the summer and will find their classes both interesting and challenging. Our courses are rigorous having been approved both by the appropriate department heads and by the UL Lafayette Study Abroad Program Committee. For more information on a specific destination’s program, please click the corresponding flag below. Contact: Dr. Gwen Fontenot Contact: Pat Mouillé Study Abroad Director Study Abroad Coordinator (337) 482-6491 (337) 482-5438 Moody Hall 226 Student Union Rm 136 Click the above icons of country flags for additional information for each specific destination. SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA FLORENCE, ITALY PARIS, FRANCE

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6 Many students have difficulties living with roommates, whether they were friends prior to move-in day or complete strangers, it happens often. Sharing a room with someone who has a completely different lifestyle or schedule as your student might feel like the end of the world, but fear no are some tips to share with your student.  5 Tips to Getting Along With Your Roommate  Living with a Roommate: 10 Tips for a Good Roommate Relationship  How to Set Up a Roommate Agreement  What to Do If You Hate Your Roommate  What to Do If Your Roommate Uses Your Stuff  Things to Consider Sharing with Your Roommate A piece of advice to give to your student is simply to give it time. Remind your student that it is only October, only two and a half months have passed so far during this school semester. While this might seem like forever for your student, remind them that even a week or two after discussing their problems with their roommates can change a lot. Roommates don’t have to be a problem—often they can be the opposite: a supporter, friend, confidant, and study buddy as long as communication is open! HOMESICKNESS, AND CARE PACKAGES Homesickness is another common feeling among students’ first year. After the initial excitement of living without parents and newfound freedom wears away, students might feel homesick, lonely, or worried. While this is completely normal and not cause for worry, here are Three Ways for Parents to Support a Homesick College Student. Some helpful things to avoid when supporting a homesick child are allowing too many trips home and not keeping your distance. Your student’s life is ahead of them, give them the time and freedom to embrace that. Another idea is to send them care packages so your student knows that they are loved, cared for, and supported in hard times. Some things to include are their favorite magazines, snacks, pictures, Band-aids, school supplies, or anything that will bring a smile to their face and encourage them to push through hard times! Students enjoy getting mail! PARENT ADVICE Here is some advice from parents to parents to help you and your student get through the month of October. - “Don’t panic. Everything will be okay. Two heads are better than one during registration. After that, your student will be the professional.” - “Encourage your student to get involved in extra curricular activities in order to meet new people.” - “Keep up with your emails and have lunch one day with your student and see for yourself what a great experience your student is having on this process of becoming an adult.” - “Continue to be involved in your student’s life without helicopter-ing. They still like to know that you are there for them.” - “Encourage your student to focus on their studies and to attend their classes.” ROOMMMATE ISSUES

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7 The Ragin' Cajuns phonathon is an integral part of the annual giving program at the University. Students call alumni and friends to update contact information; give updates about campus enhancements and activities; and solicit crucial financial support. While nearly 40% of the UL Lafayette experience is covered by tuition and fees, approximately 10% is funded by private financial contributions from alumni, parents and friends. Phonathon callers learn valuable professional skills and connect with potential future employers. Being a phonathon caller is a great way for students to earn money in a convenient on-campus location while developing desirable work place skills and learning more about the University. To learn more, visit MEMORY VAULT Whether you aced a final exam after studying all night, reached the top floor of Griffin Hall, skated on Cypress Lake, or met your true love on campus, UL Lafayette Alumni Association wants to know about your time at the University. By sharing your memories, you celebrate the University, encourage other alumni to reconnect, and inspire current students to make the most of their experiences on campus. If you would like to submit a photo along with your memory, please email You can also tag your photos and memories on social media with #RaginCajunsMemories. Please note: Sharing your memories and photos means you are giving the University permission to use in print and digital communications. We reserve the right to edit for space and content. Click here for more information. EMERGING LEADERS SUMMIT The Emerging Leaders Summit will be held on October 29, 2017. This is an excellent opportunity for freshmen and sophomore leaders. Participants will build a foundation of leadership development from the very beginning of their career at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. In addition, participants are challenged to think beyond positional leadership and are given the opportunity to explore what leadership means to them, to assess their personal behavioral style, and to tackle such topics as personal values, happiness, branding, body language, and communication. Click here for more information! PHONATHON

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8 SEPTEMBER FRESHMAN SPOTLIGHT OFYE has a special recognition, Freshman Spotlight, which is awarded to one student each month who has exemplied Ragin’ Cajun spirit and pride, been active in their UNIV 100 class, and who strives for academic and personal success. This student must be an outstanding student to their UNIV 100 professor and Peer Mentor and be nominated by either. The September Freshman Spotlight has been awarded to Kayleigh Hebert who was nominated by her Peer Mentor, Brianna Doucet. According to her Peer Mentor, “She is a very dedicated student who is constantly studying or working on homework. When there are a few minutes before class starts, she will nd something to study instead of playing on her phone. She is also very attentive in class and is never afraid to ask a question or give her own input. Outside of class, Kayleigh is involved on campus and in the community. She is a member of the Kinesiology Professional Chapter (KPA) on campus and the Girl’s Group at Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church. Kayleigh also nds time to help her family and babysit when needed. Once her rst semester of college settles down, she would like to start volunteering in the community. Kayleigh is never afraid to ask for help and is always willing to help someone else in need. She is always kind and usually has a smile on her face!” KAYLEIGH HEBERT  Major: Kinesiology  Favorite place on campus: the library—Kayleigh loves to spend time in the library doing homework in between classes.  Kayleigh’s hobbies: hiking, reading, and hanging out with her dog.  Favorite things about UL: She loves that everyone around Lafayette has such great UL pride! She also loves attending events like Rec Fest where she was able to rock climb! While her true passion is Kinesiology, she also loves her Sociology class!  Kayleigh’s UNIV 100 Class: She is in Mrs. Ericka Haynes ‘Mastering the First Year’ class where she loves how relatable her Peer Mentor is. Kayleigh enjoys her UNIV 100 class, “Mrs. Haynes truly helps us by preparing us for interviews and by setting and achieving our personal goals. She helps us everyday by showing us how to follow our path to success!”

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Contact Information Visit us at our office: 230 Hebrard Blvd. Lee Hall, Room 106 Monday-Thursday 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-12:30pm (337) 482-6599 Follow OFYE on Social Media 9 During the month of October, students living on campus will need to begin thinking about where they want to live next year. The UL Lafayette housing application will be available in November and students will need to apply when they decide if they want to remain in on-campus living. Academically, students may be going through mid-term exams or have just finished mid-term exam week. This can be a relief for many but can bring added stress when receiving mid-term grades. As parents, here are a few things that you can do to help them: 1. Discuss their current living situation highlighting the good and bad. If your student wants to live off-campus next year, it’s important that they understand added stresses that they may encounter like landlord or new roommate issues. Additionally, if they do not wish to continue on the University’s meal plan, they will have added expenses with groceries and cooking. 2. Encourage your student to be proactive in planning and studying for their classes. Just because mid-term week is over doesn’t mean that classes are over! Due dates for projects, papers, and more exams are just around the corner. 3. Encourage your student to establish a budget—they may be having difficulties with finances as they are still trying to figure out the freedom of college living. YOUR STUDENT THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER: OCTOBER Click here to see what freshman go through during each month!