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October 11 2019 RETURN TO OUR PREVIOUS LEVEL The Shulchan Aruch in describes a minhag held by some kehillos to recite the of whenever like this year there is a Shabbos between Yom Kippur and Sukkos Thus the Haftorah for Parshas Ha azinu remains that of and instead on the leins The reasoning for this Minhag explains the Mishneh Brurah is that an outcry both before and after a decree is sealed is beneficial Perhaps this is based on a In the writes that it is possible for Hashem to completely erase a person s sin and decree of punishment yet still have absolutely no interest in that person s Divine service Therefore in addition to performing all the necessary steps of and a person must also beseech Hashem to once again find favor in His eyes and to be desired by Him Leining the psukim of after Yom Kippur may be a way of our expressing that although the we have already merited Hashem s slichah we still 5 51 PM daven for His closeness Citing the Vilna Gaon Rav Mattisyahu Solomon explains that although we initially received the in Nissan Sukkos is celebrated in Tishrei After the Cheit HaEgel the departed and did not return until when Klal Yisrael began building the Mishkan Sukkos celebrates the reinstatement of the Clouds of Glory Rav Mattisyahu wonders why the did not return immediately following Hashem s forgiveness on Yom Kippur Clearly he explains although Hashem forgave Klal Yisrael they had yet to achieve the highest level of that would gain them back the It was only through s continued Teshuva after Yom Kippur manifested by their dedication to that earned them the overt symbol of Divine favor as represented by the This return to their previous level of desirability is the essence of Sukkos and the secret behind October 13 October 23 Sukkos Hoshanah Rabbah Shmini Atzeres Simchas Torah Break October 24 Regular classes resume The bulletin is sponsored in honor of our mechanchim and educators by Have a and a Rabbi Ochs A big yosher koach to our dedicated team of Rebbeim and Moros who have been working diligently to prepare our students for all the yomim tovim We know that you will see the peiros of their efforts in the children s work and D vrei Torah over yom tov Please enjoy First grade is a very important year in school since the children are mastering basic skills Our first grade boys and girls currently are reviewing their and nekudos skills in order to master combining and blending of words They are learning shorashim and grammar These skills are important for when the students receive their first chumashim in a little while Children are learning how to write script While currently time has been spent focusing on the Tishrei Yomim Tovim when we return from our Sukkos break each week time will be spent on learning parsha In general studies our students are learning to decode words In language arts they are studying short vowel sounds word families and phonics Proper handwriting skills are of special focus Basic addition and subtraction skills and number bonds are the focus in math They are also reviewing shapes

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Bulletin Board WEEK OF LEARNING 3 11 Tishrei sponsored by Justin Shaina Miller in loving memory of Mandany bat Bagomjan a h Shahla bat Molluk a h DAY OF LEARNING 5 Tishrei sponsored by Eliezer Tova Kahn for a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for Yitzchak Ozer ben Dubra Mattel grandfather of Mrs Tova Kahn We are sorry to inform about the passing of Yitzchak Ozer z l 8 Tishrei sponsored by Mr Mrs Dovid Mintzes in memory of Fruma bas Leib a h grandmother of Mr Dovid Mintzes 11 Tishrei sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Mrs Edith Miller a h mother of Mr Herschel Miller 12 Tishrei sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Mordechai Yehudah ben Yaakov Noach z l Mr Morton Ruderman 12 Tishrei sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Eliezer Melech ben Shlomo z l Mr Lenny White COMMUNITY EVENTS CONDOLENCES TO Mr Herschel Miller and family on the passing of his mother Aidel bas Avrohom a h Mrs Edith Miller Mrs Tova Kahn on the passing of her grandfather MAZEL TOV TO Binyamin Rivka Devora 94 Goldstein Muntner on the bar mitzvah of their son Yisroel Meir and to grandparents Mr Shaul Mrs Barbara Hamilton Office Manager Goldstein Zev Norit Sack on the bar mitzvah of their son Aharon 8B 27 Tishrei October 26 Bar mitzvah of Henoch Blumberg Davening at the Mesivta of Greater Boston 114 Leicester St Kiddush after davening for men at the Mesivta Kiddush for women at Khal Tiferes Yosef 53 Parsons St BOXTOP CONTEST ENDING SOON Just a reminder the Boxtop by Family is ending soon Send in you Boxtops after Sukkos in a bag with you family name in it Good Luck

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS Preschool busy with learning and many special activities for Rosh Hashonah Yom Kippur Sukkos Simchas Torah learning as well as math ABC s and a visit to the park

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 3G Sukkah art project with Mrs Greene 3 2 Girls in grades 3 and 4 prepared 4 stuffed apples for baking They got to eat them with ice cream Yum Thank you Mrs Moskovitz for the d var Torah Thank you Mrs Sternfield for organizing the event Girls classes design their Sukkah decorations 1G is studying shapes Their shape pictures bulletin board decorates the Hamilton hallway

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 1 Grade 1 boys play language arts games 5 Chavrusa learning in 6B 2 After reading the book Freight Train the boys in grade 1 participated in an art activity related to the story 6 3 2B created beautiful Rosh Hashonah cards 4 Second grade boys anticipate the upcoming yom tov by building a sukkah 1B creating their Succos project Each student made 11 copies of their hand print and took home a long strap with the entire class handprints Thank you Mrs Zoe Silverman for coordinating the project

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE Dovid Sebbag Shmuel Loketch Dov Bercuson Moshe Segal Naftoli Ochs Tuvya Sternfield Tzvi Posy Eliyahu Baruch Feldman Yehoshua Gelernter Aryeh Silverman Jakey Wiesenfeld 2nd GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Yaakov Wallin 6th GRADE 3rd GRADE Yehuda Leib Feldman Natanel Atar Yehuda Feuerstein Aryeh Block Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Leib Rodkin Gavi Rosenberg Zelig Bier Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz 7th GRADE Yoni Faintuch 4th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Uri Hain Ezra Klompas David Knisbacher Aron Luria 8th GRADE Aaron Bier Levi Meir Klompas Henoch Blumberg Nesanel Luria Akiva Feuerstein Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Plotnik 5th GRADE Mordy Bier Ephraim Kashnow

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