OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATEWe are nearly ready to release the first Draft of the updated Official Community Plan. Stay tuned for upcoming engagement events and project milestones.July 15, 2024Draft OCP to be made available on Engage Elkford.July 22, 2024Roundtable Discussion Guides will be made available on Engage Elkford.September 2024OCP Open House: Attend an event to provide input on the draft plan. Stay tuned for more information.December 2024 OCP Completion: Finalize and approve the Official Community Plan.ElkFORWARD PROJECT UPDATEOfficial Community Plan Update
NEW PROVINCIAL HOUSING LEGISLATION What could four (4) units on a lot look like?1 principle house and 1 secondary suite and 2 Accessory Dwelling Units1 duplex and 2 secondary suitesThe Province recently introduced several initiatives to increase the supply of housing. These initiatives will help guide future growth and development in Elkford. The legislative changes are intended to put the Province’s housing plan (Homes for People) into action by streamlining the delivery of housing, facilitating an increase in housing supply across BC and building more complete, sustainable and well-planned communities.Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH)For communities over 5000 people the Province has mandated 3 to 4 units be permitted on single-family and duplex lots depending on their size.• Three (3) units are now permitted on lots 280m2 (3,014 ft2) or smaller• Four (4) units are now permitted on lots 280m2 (3,014 ft2) or largerWhat does that mean for Elkford?While Elkford isn't required to adopt these changes, it gives us something to consider. The OCP is a good opportunity to set policy for future zoning bylaw amendments to be more flexible with housing options.4 townhouses1 fourplex
OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN & HOUSING NEEDS REPORTHousing Needs Report (HNR)Building on existing requirements, all local governments must update their HNR to include a more consistent, robust understanding of both local housing needs currently and over the next 20 years.In response to the 2023 amendments to the Local Government Act regarding housing and development from the Province of British Columbia, the District is required to update both it’s Official Community Plan and Housing Needs Report to comply with Provincial directives.The District is in the process of updating the Official Community Plan and will update the Housing Needs Report later this year to ensure compliance with new regulations.Official Community PlanThe District is reviewing and updating the 2010 Official Community Plan to plan for forecasted growth over the next 20 years and include policies that address a wider range of housing types, including small-scale multi-family and affordable housing. District of Elkford Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 710, 2010 Schedule “A” DISTRICT OF ELKFORD 2010 Official Community Plan Plan Developed By: Erin Welk In Association With: Meredith Hamstead thinkBright Environmental Innovations Michael Rosen and Associates Smart Growth BC Zumundo Consulting With Technical Support From: HB Lanarc Consolidated for convenience with the following amendments: Bylaw 853, 2021 Bylaw 850, 2021 Bylaw 809, 2018 Bylaw 796, 2017 Bylaw 788, 2016 Bylaw 763, 2014 Elkford Housing Needs Report 2022 Final Report February 2022