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Oakridge Holdings

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O A K R I D G E H O L D I N G SO C T O B E RR E P O R TF E B 2 0 1 9 / / P R E P A R E D B Y D A V I D S M I T H

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| OA KR ID GE H OL DI NG SPA GE | 0 2Where we areT O D A YWE'VE REACHEDOUR HIGESTSALES RATELast FebruaryAccording to Wikipedia, an annual report is acomprehensive report on a company's activitiesthroughout the preceding year. Annual reports areintended to give shareholders and otherinterested people information about thecompany's activities and financial performance.They may be considered as grey literature. Mostjurisdictions require companies to prepare anddisclose annual reports, and many require theannual report to be filed at the company's registry.Companies listed on a stock exchange are alsorequired to report at more frequent intervals(depending upon the rules of the stock exchangeinvolved).According to Wikipedia, an annual report is acomprehensive report on a company's activitiesthroughout the preceding year. Annual reports areintended to give shareholders and otherinterested people information about thecompany's activities and financial performance.They may be considered as grey literature.Most jurisdictions require companies to prepareand disclose annual reports, and many require theannual report to be filed at the company's registry.Companies listed on a stock exchange are alsorequired to report at more frequent intervals(depending upon the rules of the stock exchangeinvolved).

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Key IndicatorPerformance goals are a good way to monitor and measureprogress. Reporting performance can include details such asindicators identified, data collected and SDG-related activitiesaccomplished. Clear and concrete performance goals make iteasier to generate relevant, consistent and comparable data overtime, in formats that your audience can understand and appreciate.Data / OutcomeActivity / ProjectYour KeyPerformance Indicatorgoes hereAdd a few detailsdescribing therelated activitiesWhat results didyou obtain fromyour project? Write them here.What results didyou obtain fromyour project? Write them here.What results didyou obtain fromyour project? Write them here.Your KeyPerformance Indicatorgoes hereYour KeyPerformance Indicatorgoes hereAdd a few detailsdescribing therelated activitiesAdd a few detailsdescribing therelated activitiesYour Business Name | SDG Progress Report 20204MeasuringProgress