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2018 Jack Walsh Memorial Tournam

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2018 jack walsh memorialtournament guide

Driven By yokohama

hosted by hunter sc & upper dublin sc

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2018 jack walsh memorialoffical sponsors

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2018 jack walsh memorial

Welcome Players, Coaches, & Families

Welcome to the 27th Annual Jack Walsh Memorial Tournament. This year, 400 teams will participate, making it our largest tournament ever. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and exciting experience. Thank you for choosing us and we hope that you have a wonderful time!

- Franziskus Bertl, Tournament Director

- Bryan Pollack, President of Upper Dublin Soccer Club

- William Manchester, President of Hunter Soccer Club

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2018 jack walsh memorialIMPORTANT LINKS

Field Maps

Email Tournament Director Fifi Bertl

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tournament field mapsfIELD MAP LINKS


the mount


Abington HS



upper dublin hs



pine run

roslyn park


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tournament field mapsAbington JHS/SHS

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tournament field mapsCAMP HILL ATHLETIC COMPLEX (CHAC)

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tournament field mapshallowell

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tournament field mapsEdwards/mges/mcinaw

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tournament field mapsMONDAUK

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tournament field mapsMOunt st. joseph academy

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tournament field mapsPenbryn park

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tournament field mapsPINE RUN

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tournament field mapsrenninger

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tournament field mapsROSLYN PARK

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tournament field mapsupper dublin hs

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tournament field mapsWISSahickon hs

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2018 jack walsh memorial

driven by yokohama