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Journey of the Shoes (Kenya)

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TABLETABLEOF CONTENTSOF CONTENTSFUNDRAISER Summary School A - Receipt Report School B - Receipt Report Never Too Young to Change the World Flea Market Teacher Scott and Founder of STEP30 New World English's Container1. EXPERIENCE Video from Teacher Scott Video from Teacher Alastair1.2.TEACHING MATERIAL STEP30 Facts about Kenya Facts about Jiggers Posters about Jiggers Songs Stories Others1.

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New World EnglishJourney of the ShoesFUNDRAISERFrom 2019.12 to 2021.1- OUR MISSION - With this campaign, New World English wishes to makea real different to the lives of thousands of children thatlive in Kenya. We also want to create an opportunity forour students to help other kids around the world byputting words "Loving, Kind, Happy, and Grateful" intoaction!

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Source Cash - P Cash - TCash - S Cash - O Cash - M Total PercentageSchool A205,000$ 120,850$ 104,755$ 150,089$ -$ 580,694$ 48.1%School B220,400$ 42,600$ 16,162$ 45,400$ -$ 324,562$ 26.9%Market-$ -$ -$ -$ 301,885$ 301,885$ 25.0%Total425,400$ 163,450$ 120,917$ 195,489$ 301,885$ 1,207,141$ 100.6%%35.2% 13.5% 10.0% 16.2% 100.0%Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - O Cash - MFrom ParentsFrom TeachersFrom Students From Others From Flea MarketOur Goal1,200,000Summary - Kenya Fundraiser

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNote1 12/2 Emily Ye CC2-Adam 2,000A0138222 12/2 Ariel Chen CC2-Alastair 2,000A0138233 12/2 Emily Ye CC2-Adam 100A0138244 12/2 Eason Luo CC1-Kara 2,000A0138255 11/29 Teacher Tony 6,000 A013951A013952 VOID6 11/29 Teacher Knot 2,000 A0139537 11/29 Teacher Marius 3,000 A013954A013955 VOID8 11/29 Teacher Becky 2,000 A0139569 11/29 Teacher Ylsie 2,000 A01395710 11/29 Teacher Travis 3,000 A01395811 11/29 Teacher Scott 3,000 A01395912 11/29 Teacher Kara 3,000 A01396013 11/29 Teacher Jennifer 3,000 A01396114 11/29 Teacher Austin 11,000 A01396215 11/29 Teacher Phoebe 2,500 A01396316 11/29 Teacher Erica 2,500 A01396417 11/29 Teacher Katherine 1,000 A01396518 11/29 Teacher Hannah 2,000 A01396619 11/29 Teacher Patrick 2,000 A01396720 11/29 Teacher Helen 1,000 A01396821 11/29 Teacher Cherie 1,000 A01396922 12/2 Elsa Peng CC1-Patrick A013970 VOID - See A01398523 12/3 Joyce Yu CC2-Adam 2,000 A01397124 12/3 Winnie Yan A23&A29 2,000 A01397225 12/3 Neil Wang A13&A19 2,500 A01397326 12/3 Teacher Feona 6,000 A01397427 12/4 Emily Ye CC2-Adam 3,000 A01397528 12/4 Gilbert Li EP1-Alastair 1,000 A01397629 12/4 Zorah LiEP2-Scott 1,000 A01397730 12/4 Victoria Zhong CC1-Kara 200 A01397831 12/4 Hannah Wu Master-Adam 3,000 A01397932 12/4Janice LuJennifer LuB12&B18CC2-Adam2,000 A01398033 12/4 Tim Lin 10,000 A01398134 12/4 Scott Huang EP1-Alastair 5,000 A01398235 12/4 Spencer Huang Master-Adam 5,000 A01398336 12/4 Mike Wang EP1-Alastair 2,000 A01398437 12/4 Elsa Peng CC1-Patrick 2,000 A01398538 12/4 Tiffany Chen A35&A36 10,000 A01398639 12/4 Teacher Tom 5,000 A01398740 12/5 Alan Lu CC1-Marius 2,000 A01398841 12/5 Andy Lin Master-Adam 2,000 A01398942 12/5 Patty Lin EP1-Alastair 2,000 A01399043 12/5Brian WengBryan HuangNeil HuangJustin HuangMaster-Adam 2,700 A01399144 12/5 Winnie Tsai EP2-Scott 2,000 A01399245 12/5 Connie Huang A22&A28 3,000 A01399346 12/6 Annalice Hsu A12&A19 2,000 A01399447 12/6 Philip Wu EP1-Alastair 2,000 A01399548 12/6 Bambi Feng EP2-Scott 2,000 A01399649 12/6 Shawn Chen EP2-Scott A013997 VOID - see A01403750 12/6 Jeremy Luo CC1-Patrick 2,000 A01399851 12/6 Danny Jian CC2-Alastair 1,000 A01399952 12/6 Sunny Lin Master-Adam 1,000 A01400053 12/6 Annie Lin EP1-Austin 1,000 A01400154 12/6 Henry Tsai Master-Adam 2,000 A014002Kenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School ANew Reciept Book - School A -1New Reciept Book - School A -2

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School A55 12/6 Oscar Lu A2&A10 2,000 A01400356 12/6 Teacher Travis 7,000 A01400457 12/9 Aiden Li CC2-Adam 2,000 A01400558 12/9 Aiden Li CC2-Adam 3,000 A01400659 12/9 Roy Zhuang CC1-Kara 2,000 A01400760 12/9 Wayne Chen CC1-Patrick 2,000 A01400861 12/9 劉忠銘(Samuel) A014009 VOID - see A01401262 12/9 Teacher Knot 9,100 A014010 300 US dollar63 12/9 Ray Zhang EP1-Alastair 100 A01401164 12/9 劉周銘(Samuel) 10,000 A01401265 12/10 Angela Hu A13&A19 2,000 A01401366 12/10 York Lu A14&A18 2,000 A01401467 12/11 Teacher Joyce 5,000 A01401568 12/11 Olivia Lu Master-Adam 1,000 A01401669 12/11 Melody Lu Master-Adam 1,000 A01401770 12/11 Tiffany Chen A35&A36 4,036 A01401871 12/11 Aiden You A13&A19 2,000 A01401972 12/12 林筱珍 100 A01402073 12/12 Sam Chen CC2-Adam 2,000 A01402174 12/12 Ruruby Chen A32&A38 2,000 A01402275 12/12 Paris Ho Master-Adam 1,000 A01402376 12/13 Henry Tsai Master-Adam 2,000 A01402477 12/13 Winnie Tsai EP2-Scott 2,000 A01402578 12/13 Jay Li CC2-Adam 2,000A01402679 12/13 Woody Wu A14&A20 2,000 A01402780 12/13 Mia Wu A34&A40 2,000 A01402881 12/13Albert ChangAlex ChangMaster-AdamEP1-Austin2,000 A01402982 12/13 Bryan Huang Master-Adam 1,000 A01403083 12/13 Wilson Kung A23&A29 2,000 A01403184 12/13 Roy Lo A31&A39 1,000 A01403285 12/13 Betty Zhou A33&39 2,000 A01403386 12/13 Miles Weng A13&A19 100 A01403487 12/13 Alisa Yang EP2-Scott 2,000 A01403588 12/13 Hank Chen CC1-Patrick 1,000 A01403689 12/13 Shawn Chen EP2-Scott 3,000 A01403790 12/13 Ray Lin&Hank Lin A35&A36 2,000 A01403891 12/13 Max Shen A6&A10 1,000 A01403992 12/13 Curry Zhong A12&A20 2,000 A01404093 12/13 Orange Lin A2&A10 1,000 A01404194 12/13 Apple Lu A30 500 A01404295 12/13 Tina Lin A6&A20 500 A01404396 12/13 Adam Lin Master-Adam A014044 VOID - See A01404697 12/13 Katie A014045 VOID - See A01404698 12/13 Adam&Katie 12,659 A01404699 12/14 李詩財 6,000 A014047100 12/16 Jessie Wang CC2-Adam 1,000 A014048101 12/16 Kelly HsiehCC1-Patrick 2,000 A014049102 12/16 Sylvia Wu A31&A37 200 A014050103 12/16 Grant Yang 5,000 A014501104 12/16 James Chuang CC2-Alastair 2,000 A014502105 12/16 James Wu A13&A19 1,200 A014503106 12/16 Cindy Wu A23&A29 1,200 A014504107 12/16 Grace Lin A32&A38 200 A014505108 12/16 Sandy Yang A32&A40 2,000 A014506109 12/16 Kuma Hsiung A31&A39 2,000 A014507110 12/16 Edward Liang A2&A10 300 A014508111 12/16 Michael&Cristina CC2-Adam 2,000 A014509112 12/17 Winnie Yan A23&A29 2,000 A014510113 12/17 Emily Chao CC2-Adam 3,000 A014511New Reciept Book - School A -3

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School A114 12/17 Jackson Lee A14&A20 100 A014512115 12/17Tina LiEthan LiA33&A37 4,000 A014513116 12/17 Fourier Chen EP1-Alastair 2,000 A014514117 12/17Sandy Xiao A14&A181,000 A014515118 12/17 Gordon Kuo A13&A19 2,000 A014516119 12/17 Titania Sun A33&A39 1,000 A014517120 12/17 Cindy Cheng A4&A10 100 A014518121 12/17 Gigi Li A6&A18 2,000 A014519122 12/17 Lisa Lu A14&A18 2,000 A014520123 12/17 Carol Lu A13&A18 2,000 A014521124 12/17 Mandy Cheng A4&A10 200 A014522125 12/17 Mandy Xiao B34&B38 1,000 A014523126 12/18 Chelsea Huang CC2-Adam 100 A014524127 12/18 Ryan Chuang CC2-Adam 5,000 A014525128 12/18 Hai-Ling-Chan 1,000 A014526129 12/18 Wen-Kai Hsieh 1,000 A014527130 12/18 Hui-Wen Chan 1,000 A014528131 12/18 Ying-Ling Chen 1,000 A014529132 12/18 Hsiu-Ying Chan 1,000 A014530133 12/18 Hung-Sheng Chien 1,000 A014531134 12/18 Jasper Guo CC1-Kara 2,000 A014532135 12/18Ryan LaiSteven LaiA30B25&B264,000 A014533136 12/18 Ray Zhang EP1-Alastair 425 A014534137 12/18 Alvan Chen A6&A10 1,000 A014535138 12/19 Terry Yu CC2-Kara 2,000 100 A014536139 12/19 Jennifer Lu CC2-Adam 2,000 A014537140 12/19 Chelsea Huang CC2-Adam 2,000 A014538141 12/19 Alvin Chen A33&A37 2,000 A014539142 12/19 Sophie Cai A22&A28 2,000 A014540143 12/19 Zayn Lin EP2-Scott 5,000 A014541144 12/19 Austin Ho A8 2,000 A014542145 12/19Christy Chang Master-Adam1,000 A014543146 12/19 Jessica Chang EP1-Austin 1,000 A014544147 12/19 Eden Wang A32&A38 2,000 A014545148 12/19Teacher Helen3,000 A014546149 12/19 Teacher Ariel 3,500 A014547150 12/19 Teacher Wendy 3,500 A014548151 12/20 Fiona Tseng CC2-Alastair 1,500 500 A014549152 12/20 Melody Xu EP2-Scott 2,000 A014550153 12/20 Bonnie Chien CC1-Patrick 2,000 A014551154 12/20 Sara Wang A30 1,000 A014552155 12/20 Aaron Wang A20&A22 1,000 A014553156 12/20 Action Wang Action Wang 1,000 A014554157 12/20Isa ChenCindy ChenCC2-AlastairEP2-Scott4,000 A014555158 12/20 Yoyo Wang EP2-Scott 2,000 A014556159 12/20 Anne Wang A30 1,000 A014557160 12/20 Nicole Chen A30 2,000 A014558161 12/20 Frankie Zhuang A30 2,000 A014559162 12/23Abby ChenJosh ChenCC2-AlastairEP2-Scott2,000 A014560163 12/23 Irene Lin A21&A27 2,000 A014561164 12/23 Casper Li A32&A38 1,000 A014562165 12/23 Howard Tai A12&A20 2,000 A014563166 12/23 Ray Liu A32&A38 1,000 1,000 A014564167 12/23 Dennis Wang Master-Adam 2,000 20 A014565168 12/23 Brian Chou A32&A38 500 A014566169 12/23 Ella Jian A31&A39 2,000 A014567170 12/23 Tank Huang B31&B40 120 A014568New Reciept Book - School A -4

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School A171 12/24 Teacher Tony 4,000 A014569172 12/24 Li-Ming Li 1,000 A014570173 12/24 Teacher Jennifer 2,000 A014571174 12/24 Anonymous 1,000 A014572175 12/24 Rainie Chuang A23&A29 1,000 1,000 A014573176 12/24 Shireen Wu A33&A37 500 A014574177 12/24Janice PengYvette PengB33&B39A13&A192,000 A014575178 12/24 Teacher Becky 5,950 A014576 200 USD179 12/24Arthur LiLiz LiA14&A18B14&B182,000 A014577180 12/24 Bryan Chen A34&A38 3,600 A014578181 12/25 Kyle Yang CC1-Patrick 1,000 1,000 A014579182 12/24Ricky LiJonathan LiB14&B20A34&A405,000 A014580183 12/24 Rex Yu A34&A40 500 A014581184 12/25 Ryan Yang EP1-Alastair 1,200 A014582185 12/25 Mina Chen A35&A36 1,000 A014583186 12/25 Austin Lin CC2-Adam 1,000 A014584187 12/25 Tresten Liao A6&A22&A30 140 A014585188 12/26 NO NAME 1,030 No Receipt I don't know189 12/26 Samantha Chiu B4&B10 2,000 A014586190 12/26 Ruby Wang A32&A38 2,000 A014587191 12/26 Alice Lee A12&A18 2,000 A014588192 12/27 Erisa Kao A2&A10 1,000 A014589193 12/27 Erika Kao A30 1,000 A014590194 12/27 Tiffany Cheng A13&A19 2,000 A014591195 12/27 Tiffany Cheng A13&A19 1,000 A014592196 12/27 Leo Lai A4&A10 2,000 A014593197 12/30 Mu-Song Luo 2,000 A014594Teacher Leon's uncle198 12/30 Guo-Ming Luo 2,000 A014595Teacher Leon's uncle199 12/30 Hui-Wen Li 500 No ReceiptTeacher Viki's friend200 12/31 Brian Huang A14&A18 2,000 A014596A014597 Year end - Don't use receiptsA014598 Year end - Don't use receiptsA014599 Year end - Don't use receiptsA014600 Year end - Don't use receipts201 1/2 Su-Li Chen 2,000 A14601202 1/3 Teacher Leon 3,000 A14602203 1/3 Jerry Hong A6&A10 200A14603204 1/5 Megan You 2,000 A14604Puzzle's clerk205 1/5 Racy Chen 2,000 A14605Puzzle's clerk206 1/6 Eden Huang CC2-Adam 2,000 A14606207 1/7 Victoria Zhong CC1-Kara 1,000 A14607208 1/8 Shih-Chia Chen 3,000 A14608 Customer209 1/8 Yoyo Wang EP2-Scott 200 A14609210 1/8 Shawn Chen EP2-Scott 100 A14610211 1/9Tiffany ZhongTina ZhongA21&A27 2,025 A14611212 1/10 Micky Qiu A34&A40 3,000 A14612213 1/10 Handsome Cai A32&A40 2,000 A14613214 1/14 Teacher Vicki 2,500 A14614215 1/13Erisa KaoMelody LuTim ZhangAbby WuOscar LuA2 130 No Receipt216 1/15 Chelsea Huang CC2-Adam 2,000 A14615217 1/15 Chelsea Huang CC2-Adam 2,000 A14616218 1/15 Mike Yang CC2-Alastair 2,000 A14617219 1/16 Ware Wu CC2-Alastair 1,000 A14618New Reciept Book - School A -5

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School A220 1/16Shi-Guo-Xing-YeHot Pot Restaurant300 A14619221 1/16Sheng-Duo-LiBakery500 A14620222 1/16 Teacher Scott 5,900 No Receipt223 1/16 Jia-Lun Liao 2,000 A14621 Debola224 1/16 Shu-Rou Chen 2,000 A14622 Debola225 1/16 Xin-Yu Lai 1,000 A14623 Debola226 1/16 Yi-Xin Hu 1,000 A14624 Debola227 1/16 Yan-Jun Wu 1,000 A14625 Debola228 1/16 Yi-Ting Zhang 3,000 A14626 Debola229 1/16 Li Shao 1,000 A14627 Debola230 1/16 Qiong--Ru Hu 1,000 A14628 Debola231 1/16 De-Yi Yang 1,000 A14629 Debola232 1/16 Cai-Jun Pan 1,000 A14630 Debola233 1/17 Ruby Wang EP2-Scott 2,000 A14631234 1/17 Tresten Liao A6&A22&A30 2,000 A14632235 1/20 5,293 No Receipt Event of 'We are the world'236 1/31 Teacher Ylsie's uncle 10,000 A14633237 1/20 Angel Liu A31&A39 2,000 A14634238 1/20 Daily food shop 2,000 A14635239 2/3 Qi-Yong Hsu A14636 VOID240 1/20 Shift Coffee 500 A14637241 1/20 Teacher Alastair 1,000 No Receipt242 1/20 Teacher Thomas 1,000 No Receipt243 1/22 Teacher Ylsie's dad 10,000 A14638244 2/11 Cheng-Lung Chen 10,000 A14639245 2/3 Qi-Yong Hsu 6,000A14640 Printer guy246 2/18 Olivia LiEco Camp IIBears1,000 A14641247 4/22 Teacher Helen 200 A14642248 4/22 Teacher Feona 1,500 A14643249 5/29 Teacher Cherie 500 A14644250 6/11 Teacher Annie 1,100 A14645251 6/29 Ju-Chun Huang 5,000 A14646 Teacher Feona's friend252 A14647 VOID253 7/6 Teacher Ylsie 100 A14648254 7/30 New World English 32,866 A14649255 A14650Subtotal 205,000 120,850 104,755 150,089 580,694% 35% 21% 18% 26% 100%Total580,694

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNote1 12/3 Teddy Zhao B24&B30 A014051 VOID - See AO140522 12/3 Teddy Zhao B24&B30 2,000 A0140523 12/3 Sean Yang CC2-Thomas 2,000 A0140534 12/3 Genie Lai B34&B40 2,000 A0140545 12/4 Eve Lee EP-Austin 2,000 A0140556 12/5 Hanna Yang A4&A10 2,000 A0140567 12/5 Waheeb Wu EP-Thomas 2,000 A0140578 12/6 Ricky Zhang B12&B18 5,000 5,000 A0140589 12/6Fish LiuJustin LiuB34&B40 400 A01405910 12/6 Fish Chen B23&B29 3,000 A01406011 12/6 Gene Chiang CC1-Matthew 2,000 100 A01406112 12/6 Ariel Sun CC2-Thomas 100 A01406213 12/6 Lulu Chen EP-Austin 2,000 A01406314 12/9 Brian Tang SSB 2,000 A01406415 12/9 Emma Ho SSB 2,000 A01406516 12/9 Eric Xie EP-Thomas 1,000 1,000 A01406617 12/9Winnie ChenKailor ChenCC2-ThomasCC2-Austin2,000 A01406718 12/9 Joanne Chen CC1-Matthew 2,000 A01406819 12/9 Emma Lee CC1-Marius 2,000 A01406920 12/9Anna CaiAurora CaiB31&B37 2,000 A01407021 12/10 Aurora Lin B32&B38 100 A01407122 12/10 Nate Liu B32&B40 2,000 A01407223 12/10 Jason Chen B4&B10 1,000 A01407324 12/10 Owen Liu CC1-Cina 2,000 A01407425 12/10 Jaden Hsieh CC1-Matthew 2,000 A01407526 12/10 Olivia Liu CC2-Snoopies 2,000 A01407627 12/11 Austin Pan CC2-Austin 1,000 A01407728 12/11 Harry Chen CC1-Marius A014078 VOID - See AO1408029 12/11 Daniel Yu EP-Thomas 1,253 A01407930 12/11 Harry Chen CC1-Marius 1,000 A01408031 12/12 Jeremy Hsu CC2-Thomas 2,000 A01408132 12/12 Chloe Huang CC1-Ninjas 2,000 A01408233 12/12 Holly Chou CC2-Austin 2,000 A01408334 12/12 Emily Wu EP-Thomas 2,000 A01408435 12/12 Woody Hu CC1-Marius 2,000 A01408536 12/12 Alvin Hsu B21&B27 2,200 A01408637 12/12Albert ChiBowen ChiClaire ChiCC2-ThomasCC1-MariusB24&B2810,000 A01408738 12/12 Emily Duo CC2-Snoopies 1,000 A01408839 12/12 Jessica Chung EP-Thomas 2,000 A01408940 12/12 Alice Liu EP-Austin 3,000 A01409041 12/12Adeline ZsengWesley ZsengB32&B38A32&A384,000 A01409142 12/12Rafal LinRoy LinB32&B38EP-Scott3,000 A01409243 12/12Mia ZengMika ZengB31&B37B21&B272,000 A01409344 12/13 Ryder Tsai B24&B30 3,000 A01409445 12/13 Betty Man CC2-Austin 2,000 A01409546 12/13Yien TangYian JiangCC1-Matthew 2,000 A01409647 12/13 Henry Chang B12&B18 2,000 A01409748 12/13 Ray Bai B22&B28 2,000 A01409849 12/13 Mita Wu B34&B40 2,000 A01409950 12/13 James Wang B33&B39 2,000 A01410051 12/13 Teacher Sylvia 10,000 A01465152 12/13 Nana Chen CC2-Austin 2,000 A01465253 12/13 Diego Lin CC1-Matthew A014653 VOID - See A01466054 12/13 Genferry Yeh EP-Thomas 2,000 A014654Kenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School B New Reciept Book - School B - 2

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School B 55 12/13Lucas LiAnnie LiB32&B38B2&B84,000 A01465556 12/13Lucas YouCC1-Cina 300 A01465657 12/13 Willy Lin CC2-Austin 100 A01465758 12/13 William Hong CC2-Thomas 200 A01465859 12/16 William Hong CC2-Thomas 2,000 A01465960 12/16 Diego Lin CC1-Matthew 2,000 A01466061 12/16 Doris Chiang CC2-Austin 2,000 A01466162 12/16 Nicholas Ni B4&B10 2,000 A01466263 12/16 Jayden Yeh B14&B20 A014663 VOID - See A01468164 12/16 Derrick Chen B12&B20 A014664 VOID - See A01468265 12/16 Kelly Lin B34&B40 200 A01466566 12/16 Kuma Kao B24&B30 2,000 A01466667 12/16 Jimmy Yu SSB 2,000 A01466768 12/16 Hannah Yang SSB 2,000 A01466869 12/16 Andy Hong CC2-Austin 600 A01466970 12/16 Tammy He CC2-Austin 2,000 A01467071 12/16Audrey LinHendrey LinB31&B37B21&B27200 A01467172 12/16 Mett Wu B21&B27 100 A01467273 12/16Victor ChenWilson ChenB21&B27B31&B37200 A01467374 12/16 Zoe Wang B21&B27 1,000 A01467475 12/16 Thomas Liao B21&B27 200 A01467576 12/16 Sora Chang B21&B27 100 A01467677 12/16 Peggy Chuang CC2-Austin 2,000 A01467778 12/16 Leon Sheng CC2-Thomas 2,000 A01467879 12/16 Don Tsai CC2-Austin 370 A01467980 12/16 Alice Chiu CC2-Thomas A014680 VOID - A01468481 12/16 Jayden Yeh B14&B20 1,100 A01468182 12/16 Derrick Chen B12&B20 2,000 A01468283 A014683 VOID84 12/16 Alice Chiu CC2-Thomas 400 A01468485 12/17 Danny Xu B12&B18 2,000 A01468586 12/17 Ariel Chen B22&B28 3,000 A01468687 12/17 Sean Chen CC1-Matthew 2,000 A01468788 12/17 Nelson Chen B14&B20 2,000 A01468889 12/17Ariel LeeChristine LeeB34&B40B14&B20200 A01468990 12/17Thomas TangDoris TangB34&B40 4,000 A01469091 12/17 Vincent Cai B23&B27 200 A01469192 12/17 Hank Ko B4&B10 2,000 A01469293 12/17 Clara Chiu B24&B30 260 A01469394 12/17 Andre Lin A14&A20 100 A01469495 12/18 Teacher Matthew 10,000 A01469596 12/18 Teacher Lisa A014696 VOID - See A01471397 12/18Anna TsouCC2-Austin 3,000 A01469798 12/18 Ray Lu B34&B38 2,000 A01469899 12/18 Alicia You CC1-Matthew 2,000 A014699100 12/18 Tony Xu B34&B40 100 A014700101 12/19 Cooper Lin B25&B26 3,000 A014701102 12/19 Teacher Annie 1,000 A014702103 12/19 Sunny Fang B2&B8 800 A014703104 12/19 Bella Liao CC1-Marius 2,000 A014704105 12/19Aurora Chang CC1-Marius2,000 A014705106 12/19Janice LuB12&B18 3,200 A014706107 12/20 Dora Lin CC1-Matthew 1,000 A014707108 12/20 Harry Chen CC1-Marius 1,000 A014708109 12/20 Ginny Fan Jiang CC2-Austin 2,000 A014709110 12/20 Natasha Jiang B25&B26 1,179 A014710New Reciept Book - School B - 3

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School B 111 12/20Leon ChenAnn ChenB24&B30 4,000 A014711112 12/23Paul Lu10,000 A014712113 12/23 Teacher Lisa 6,600 A014713114 12/23 Alisa Li SSB 1,200 A014714115 12/23 Ken Wang B21&B28 1,000 A014715116 12/23Darren LinEsther ChouB31&B39B21&B292,000 A014716117 12/24Toby ChungTan ChungB33&B37A33&A371,000 A014717118 12/24 Sean Lu CC1-Cina 2,000 A014718119 12/24 Ellis Hsu B32&B38 2,000 A014719120 12/24 Chamberlain Huang B22&B29 2,000 A014720121 12/24Teacher Sylvia's Family28,500 A014721122 12/24 Jesse Wu B23&B27 2,000 A014722123 12/25 Sandra Wu B34&B40 0 A014723 VOID - A014724124 12/25 Sandra Wu B34&B40 2,000 A014724125 12/25 Jerry Li EP1 - Rabbits 2,000 A014725126 12/25 Eason Chen B4&B8 3,600 A014726127 12/25 Teacher Debby 5000 A014727128 12/25 Teacher Kelly 2000 A014728129 12/25 Teacher Echo 0 A014729 VOID - A014730130 12/25 Teacher Echo 5000 A014730131 12/25 Teacher Victoria 3000 A014731132 12/26 Nana Chen CC2 - Austin 2,000 A014732133 12/26 Alan Cheng A32&A38 1,000 A014733134 12/26 Sylvia's friend 2000 A014734135 12/27 Joanne Tsai EP1 - Thomas 1,000 A014735136 12/30 Sean Lin B22&B28 2,000 A014736137 12/31 Linda's friend 2000 A014737A014738Year end - Don't use receiptA014739Year end - Don't use receiptA014740Year end - Don't use receiptA014741Year end - Don't use receiptA014742Year end - Don't use receiptA014743Year end - Don't use receiptA014744Year end - Don't use receiptA014745Year end - Don't use receiptA014746Year end - Don't use receiptA014747Year end - Don't use receiptA014748Year end - Don't use receiptA014749Year end - Don't use receiptA014750Year end - Don't use receipt138 1/2 Bruce Lin CC1 - Marius 2,000 A013251139 1/3 Bambi Feng EP2 - Scott 0 A013252 VOID - A013259140 1/3 Cindy Lu EP1 - Austin 5,000 A013253141 1/6 Peter Lai SSA 2,000 A013254142 1/6 En-Yu Li SSB 2,000 A013255143 1/9 Leon Sheng CC2-Thomas 2,000 A013256144 1/14 Doris Lin B32&B38 3,000 A013257145 1/15 Isaac Zeng B24&B30 2,000 A013258146 1/3 Bambi Feng EP2 - Scott 200 A013259147 1/20 Puzzle 1000 A013260148 1/20 Shift coffee 700 A013261149 1/20Beef noodle restaurant500 A013262150 1/20Dayuan Farmer's Association200 A013263New Reciept Book - School B - 4

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No. DateStudent's NameClass Cash - P Cash - T Cash - S Cash - OReceipt NumberNoteKenya Event (Donations From Parents, Teachers and Students) - School B 151 1/20 Roast by Chen 500 A013264152 1/20 Travis Liao B33&B39 2,000 A013265153 1/22 Leon Sheng CC2 - Thomas2,100 A013266154 2/21 Ben Chen 1,000 A013267155 3/9 Henry Yu B14&B18 200 A013268A013269A013270A013271A013272A013273A013274A013275A013276A013277A013279A013280A013281A013282A013283A013284A013285A013286A013287A013288A013289A013290A013291A013292A013293A013294A013295A013296A013297A013298A013299A013300Subtotal 220,400 42,600 16,162 45,400 324,562% 68% 13% 5% 14% 100%Total324,562

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New World EnglishJourney of the ShoesKENYAEXPERIENCEFrom 2019.12 to 2021.1

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Time Teacher Class Time Teacher Class Time Teacher Class17:20 Thomas EP Woodstocks 13:10 Adam CC2 Adventurers 16:30 Scott EP 217:45 Alastair EP Villains 13:30 Alastair CC2 Minions 17:00 Marius AL B3918:10 Adam Masters 13:50 Marius CC1 Avengers 17:20 Patrick AL 3918:35 Austin EP Rabbits 14:10 Thomas CC2 Snoopies 17:40 Scott AL 2919:00 Matthew AL B25 14:30 Scott CC1 Kangaroos 18:10 Adam AL 1919:25 Patrick AL 35 14:50 Patrick CC1 Heroes 18:30 Matthew AL B2919:50 Alastair AL 6 15:10 Matthew CC1 Stitches15:30 Austin CC2 Jedi 19:00 Marius AL B4015:50 Cina CC1 Ninjas 19:15 Adam AL 2019:30 Alastair AL 1019:45 Patrick AL 40Time Teacher Class 20:00 Austin AL B2017:00 Marius AL B37 20:15 Matthew AL B3017:20 Patrick AL 37 20:30 Thomas AL B1017:40 Scott AL 27 20:45 Scott AL 3018:00 Matthew AL B2719:05 Marius AL B3819:20 Adam AL 1819:35 Scott AL 2819:50 Patrick AL 3820:05 Alastair AL 820:20 Matthew AL B2820:35 ThomasAL B820:50Austin AL B18Experience Kenya (12/11 Wed)Experience Kenya (12/12 Thur - Canada Camp)Experience Kenya (12/13 Fri)Experience Kenya (12/12 Thur)

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Kenya Experience – Teachers’ Manual A. Before going to the event, you will do these in class first 1. Show your students where Kenya is on the map. 2. Show them some pictures of what life is like in Kenya. 3. Read the stories and teach vocabulary. 4. There are three videos talking about Step 30 and what they do. (two videos have English narration) 5. Sing the song with the kids. ( I have everything I need) 6. Separate your students into two groups and assign a teacher to each. B. During the event Some points to be aware of during the event. - Don’t lean on the walls, which are made from shelves covered by paper. - Don’t pull down the paper from the wall and floor. - Be aware of time. Spend no longer than seven minutes for each group. - Close the door so don’t get distracted from each group. - If it’s too painful for your young kids, you can move the rough mats aside. - If the water jugs are too heavy/light, teachers can adjust the water. - Dry the floor if the students spilled the water. - Don’t forget to put the dot stickers on students’ feet. C. After the event, you can follow up by asking a few questions: 1. What did you notice is different between the school we go to and their classroom? 2. What was different about our house and their house? 3. What did you notice about the clothes you put on? 4. How do many Kenyan Children get their water? Was the water clean? 5. Why do we all need shoes? 6. What are you happy and grateful for?

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D. For the higher-level kids You can explain to them that in Kenya there is a bug/flea that lives in the soil. It is called Jiggers. This bug burrows under the kids’ toenails and eventually starts to lay eggs causing big many painful sores on their feet. The most basic solution to this problem is to wear shoes. (as well as have their feet cleaned with a medical solution) 1. Would you like to help the children in Kenya? 2. What can we do to help?  This is where you can talk to them about how N.W.E. will be holding a fundraiser to raise money to help send a container of shoes to Kenya which will then be turned into a shipping container classroom. They can talk to their parents about donating to this cause. When they give a gift of 2000NT or more Teacher Scott will give them a Thermos Bottle. There will be a handout for them to take home.  We will also be holding an event in February where they can bring their shoes and donate their old shoes to kids in Kenya.

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New World EnglishJourney of the ShoesTEACHINGMATERIALFrom 2019.12 to 2021.1

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Journey ofJourney ofJourney ofthe Shoesthe Shoesthe Shoes

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KENYA 10 FACTS ABOUT KENYA 1 Kenya is a poor country in Africa 2 There are 43 million people in Kenya 3 Kenyan people speak English and Swahili 4 The capital city of Kenya is Nairobi 5 Kenya has many wildlife national parks 6 Agriculture is important to Kenya s economy 7 Kenya is famous for its middle and long distance runners 8 Its average annual income is NT 54 000 9 In Kenya 8 6 million people can t read 10 Half of Kenya s population lives in poverty New WOrld English

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N E W W O R L D E N G L I S HB e gen e r o u s w it h y o u r ti m e . H e l p y o u r p a r en t s a n d f ri e n d s .T a k e t h e t i m e e v e r y d a y t o l i s t e n.S h a re t h e i r j oy , o r e a se t h e i r s ad n e s s .S h o w y o u r l o v e b y d o i n g w h a t t h e y n e e d .B e i ng g e n e r o u s w i t h y o ur t i m e i s s u c h a g if t i n d e e d .S h a ri n g i s c a ri n g . B e ge n e r o u s e ve r y d a y .S h a ri n g i s c a ri n g . B e ge n e r o u s e ve r y d a y .B e gen e r o u s w it h t h e t hi n g s y o u ow n . I t ’ s a l w a y s w i se t o s h a re .S h a re y o u r g a me s a n d s ch o o l s u p p li e s .S h o w y o u r f r i en d s h i p b y s h a r i n g a s n a c k .S h a re u n s e l f i sh l y w i t h p e o p l e i n n e e d .B e i ng g e n e r o u s w i t h t h e t h i n g s y ou o w n w i ll g i v e y o u j o y i n d ee d .S h a ri n g i s c a ri n g . B e ge n e r o u s e ve r y d a y .S h a ri n g i s c a ri n g . B e ge n e r o u s e ve r y d a y .SONG 5 - CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTSHARING IS CARING

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I Have Everything I Need Sing to: Goodbye Song Let’s go to see what Kenya is like With all of you my friends So now I know how blessed I am To have everything I need I have shoes I have clothes I have food to eat and eat and eat I can go to school I will be happy and grateful

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We are the World By: Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me

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Journey of the Shoes - The Jigger Song Sing to: Camptown Races I have jiggers in my feet Doo-dah, doo-dah I have jiggers in my feet Oh dah-doo-dah-day It’s so painful They look disgusting I have jiggers in my feet Oh dah-doo-dah-day. Ouch!

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Journey of the Shoes – Bread and Tea Sing to: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Bread and tea, bread and tea (stop for 3 seconds) Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-ay! I had bread and tea today I am so hungry Please feed me I need more than bread and tea (stop for 3 seconds) Bread and tea, bread and tea

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Eugene Yang and Tsai Ing Wen This is Teacher Kara’s husband. His name is Eugene Yang. Eugene won an award for Top 10 youth in Taiwan. He is Taiwanese, a father, a husband, and a man with a humanitarian vision. He is the founder of STEP 30. STEP 30 helps people in Kenya, Africa. He has been serving others for many years. Eugene is a good example of a person who is loving, kind, happy, and grateful. If you want to learn more about him, you can read his book. Eugene and his team collect shoes in Taiwan and deliver them to Kenya in big shipping containers. The shipping containers are made into classrooms, so kids can learn. The shoes are given to people, so they can protect their feet against jiggers. Around 2,000,000 people in Kenya’s 43 million population have jiggers. Jiggers are a kind of insect that can infest different parts of the human body. Jiggers can lead to amputation, deformation, and even death. As well, Eugene and his team provide health services to treat people with jiggers. His team is also helping communities create sources of clean water. Eugene is doing his part to help change the world. If we support his journey, the world can be a better place for you and me.

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Journey of the Shoes There’s a school in Taiwan called New World English. It’s a magical place where teachers and students are loving, kind, happy, and grateful. At New World English, kids learn English and they also learn about life. This year, the children and teachers at this school are going to help some children in Kenya. Every day, Taiwanese children wear shoes when they go outside. In Kenya, many kids can only dream of wearing shoes. For this reason, New World English is planning an event called, "Journey of the Shoes". The students and teachers at New World English will raise 1.2 million NT$, so they can send 30,000 pairs of shoes to Kenya. These shoes will be sent in a big container. When this container arrives in Kenya, it will be turned into a classroom. This classroom will be a place where many Kenyan kids can learn and grow. New World English hopes you can join them for this event. Together, we can make dreams come true.

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Ben’s New Shoes A little boy named Ben lives in Kenya. Every day, he walks very far to get to school. He does not have any shoes to wear and he only has 2 shirts that are dirty and have holes in them. Ben likes to go to school but every day at school his feet hurt. Andy lives in Taiwan. He heard a story about kids in Kenya who don’t have shoes to wear. He says to his mommy, “Mommy, I want to help. Can I give my shoes, which are too small, to the kids in Kenya?” “Sure” says mommy. “Let’s wash them, so we can send them to Kenya.” The shoes go on a big ship to Kenya. One day, Ben hears that if he picks up garbage around his house, he can get a pair of shoes. He is so excited. He picks up as much garbage as he can. The next day at school, Ben gets a pair of shoes for his garbage. He is so happy and grateful for his first pair of shoes. He looks on the bottom of the shoes and sees a name written on them. “Andy”

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Amy’s School Amy is a little girl from a village in Kenya. She really likes to go to school. Every day, she walks to the top of a big hill to get to her school. The school is very small. There are no tables, only benches. She sits on a small bench with seven other children. They hold their notebooks on their lap and write with a tiny pencil. There are only two books in the whole school to share. The walls are made of mud. Sometimes, it rains, and the walls break. Water comes into the classroom. Then, the wind blows through the holes, and Amy is very cold. Amy still wakes up every morning excited to sing songs and learn everything she can. She knows that if she works hard, she will be able to help her family. One day, her teacher said, “I don’t know if we will be able to have school next year. The classroom is breaking, and there is no money to fix it.” Amy and her friends are very sad. Amy prays, “God, I really want to go to school. Please help us.” One day, a big metal box comes to her village. Amy’s teacher said, “It came from a place called Taiwan. It’s going to be our new classroom. The school will take some time to build, but once it’s ready it will look so beautiful!” Amy looks at the metal box. She sees many colors. Inside the box, there are tables and chairs for everyone! There are even books inside for everyone to read. Amy prays again, “Thank you, God, and thank you, Taiwan!”

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1. Africa2. church3. classroom4. collect5. container6. dream7. environment8. event9. hopeTopic - Journey of the Shoes - VocabStudy online at

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10. journey11. Kenya12. life13. poster14. promotion15. raise16. shipping17. shoes

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18. tax19. warehouse