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NS Town Report for FY 2019

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TOWN OF New Sharon, MaineANNUAL REPORTFor The Calendar Year 2019

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New Sharon Town OceTown Oce Telephone: 778-4046 Fax: 778-2102Town Oce Hours for the purpose of licensing vehicles, paying taxes, etc.Monday 10-12:30, 1-6 p.m. Wednesday 1-7 p.m. Friday 10-12:30, 1-6 p.m. *****Selectmen meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Oce.Planning Board meets the last Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Town Oce. Cover photo courtesy of Lorna Nichols.2020 DATES TO REMEMBERJanuary 1 Fiscal Year commences. Dog licenses due.March 6 Annual Town Meeting Voting / Election of Ocers & ReferendumMarch 7 Annual Town Meeting / Warrant ArticlesApril 1 Assessment date for Real Estate. Veterans and others exempt by law must notify the Assessors by this date. Deadline for new or changed Tree Growth approval. New Homestead Exemption applications must be received by this date for approval.May 7 Large item pickup for New Sharon residents only.October 15 Large item pickup for New Sharon residents only.December 31 Fiscal year ends. Taxes not paid as of January 1, 2021 will be listed in the Town Report.December 18, 2020 2018 Tax Commitment Foreclosure date.

Page 3 3CONTENTSDedication.......................................................................................................................................... 4Elected Ocers, Ocials and Appointees ......................................................................................... 6U.S. Senator Susan Collins Letter ..................................................................................................... 8U.S. Senator Angus King Letter......................................................................................................... 9U.S. Congressman Jared Golden.................................................................................................... 10Maine Governor Janet Mills Letter....................................................................................................11Maine Senator Russell Black Letter ................................................................................................ 12Maine Representative Scott Landry Letter ...................................................................................... 13Four-year Comparison of Budget .................................................................................................... 14Town Warrant .................................................................................................................................. 162019 Selectmen’s Financial Report ................................................................................................. 222019 Chart of Expenses .................................................................................................................. 292019 Assessors’ Certication of Assessment .................................................................................. 30Report of the Selectmen .................................................................................................................. 32New Firehouse and Town Oce Drawings ...................................................................................... 342019 Treasurers Reports ................................................................................................................. 37Real Estate Tax Lien Breakdown ..................................................................................................... 42Town Clerk and Tax Collector Reports ............................................................................................ 452019 Outstanding Real Estate Taxes .............................................................................................. 47Animal Control Report ..................................................................................................................... 54Cemeteries Report .......................................................................................................................... 54E-911 Ocer Report ........................................................................................................................ 57Fire and Rescue Report .................................................................................................................. 57Health Ocer Report ....................................................................................................................... 57Historical Committee Report............................................................................................................ 58Planning Board Report .................................................................................................................... 58Jim Ditzler Library Report ................................................................................................................ 59New Sharon Sno-Riders Report ...................................................................................................... 59Parks Committee Report ................................................................................................................. 60Plumbing Inspector Report .............................................................................................................. 60Recreation Committee Report ......................................................................................................... 60Road Commissioner Report ............................................................................................................ 61New Sharon Water District Report .................................................................................................. 61School Director & Dyer Trust Report ............................................................................................... 62Auditor’s Report ............................................................................................................................... 63

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4 www.newsharon.maine.govVolunteers are the driving force behind the Town of New Sharon, its ability to remain nancially responsible, and to keep tax rates as low as possible. After great thought, the Board of Selectmen would like to dedicate this year’s town report to the hard-working Volunteers of New Sharon! These folks come from all walks of life, dierent back-grounds and families. They serve our town in many capacities, ranging from Rec Department coaches, planners, grounds keepers, town library volunteers who make great programming available to residents and children, the Planning Board who oversees the ordinances that the legislative body has voted into eect, the Parks Committee who facilitate our commu-nity garden while also maintaining the islands in town with beautiful ower beds, the Historical Committee ensuring the heritage of New Sharon is preserved, the E-911 coordinator, and Health ocer who get the random calls from folks wanting full time employee services, the Cemetery Committee and individual members who ensure ags are placed on each Vet-eran’s lot, and also attend to fallen trees and the removal of debris at no costs to the town. The list goes on and on... We are forever grateful to those who continually donate of themselves and their time in thoughtful service to New Sharon and the greater community.“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”.-Author Unknown

Page 5 5As we highlight the endless list of volunteers, we would like to specically recognize the Dill Family. Dana and Jessie Dill married in New Sharon and moved to Phillips but returned to New Sharon Village in 1961, where Jessie had grown up. They became active members of the New Sharon Congregational Church, you could always catch them serving the public, whether it was at a church supper, the congregational fair booth, youth group, Sunday school, or singing in the choir. They both served many years preserving the towns heritage within both the Historical soci-ety and the Historical Committee. The desire to serve others became contagious as their son David and daughter Darlene have followed in their footsteps. Both actively seek ways to give back to the commu-nity - never asking for anything in return. They are silent work horses behind the scenes. Responsible for planning Prince Baker Day, working endless hours for the historical committee or helping as ballot clerk. They are always available when asked to help, and even continue to work at resolving the deed issues developed over the years from selling cemetery lots. Jessie passed in 2015, but Dana, David and Darlene have continued to dedicate much of their time by be-ing involved in the church, building committee, histori-cal committee, elections, cemetery committee and water district. No task is ever too big for these folks. Thank you to the Dill family for showing us exactly what it means to provide seless service over these past several decades. “Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of do-ing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.”-Albert Schweitzer“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”-Winston Churchill

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 Town Meeting March 6 & 7, 2020 Moderator Denis CullyELECTED OFFICERS, OTHER OFFICIALS AND APPOINTEESSelectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor Lorna Nichols, Chair (2020) Travis Pond (2021) Paula Nason (2022) 491-0204 491-4815 491-5041 Town Clerk Pamela Adams (2020) 778-4046 Registrar of Voters Pamela Adams (2020) 778-4046 Treasurer Erin Norton (2021) 778-4046 Tax Collector Pamela Adams (2020) 778-4046 Road Commissioner John Pond (2021) 778-9025 New Sharon Historical Committee Darlene Power and Museum David Dill, Co-Chair 778-6966 Superintendent of Schools Tina Meserve 778-6571 RSU 9 Director Je Harris 491-6001 Health Ocer Joyce Alcorn 778-0732 Fire Chief John Welch 620-2171 Fire Warden Dan Foss 860-8606 Plumbing Inspector Tom Marcotte 684-4111 Code Enforcement Ocer Jim Fleming 592-1642 Animal Control Ocer Dexter (Buzz) Bridges 446-0739 Assessor’s Agent Tom Walker 778-40466

Page 7 7 FOAA Ocer Pamela Adams 778-4046 Concealed Weapons Permits Lorna Nichols 491-0204 Planning Board Members Scott Nichols, Chair (2024) 578-4401 Jason Lunt (2021) 603-312-0737 Melissa LeTarte, Secretary (2022) 578-8077 Chris McKay (2023) 408-6444 Tom Charles (2020) 491-5834 Jesse Austin (2025) 877-5188 Jim Ditzler Library Diana Oliver, Librarian 778-1128 Cemeteries David Dill, President 778-6966 Recreation Ed Ferreria 778-9235 Tony Ramsey 778-2390 Gordon LePage 778-3932 Water District Alvin Harris (2020) 778-2366 David Dill, Chair (2021) 778-6966 David Ames (2022) 778-4434 Lloyd Perkins (2023) 778-9454 James Fleming (2024) 592-1642 Weights & Measurements Tony Ramsey 778-2390 E-911 Ocer Don Cornelio 778-2687 General Assistance Erin Norton 399-6321 Board of AppealsAl Tuttle, Patsy Pond, Jerry Provencher, John Arnold, Bonita Lehigh Dyer Fund Paula Nason 491-5041 Scholarship Committee Tina Meserve 778-6571 Je Harris 491-6001 Maine Senator District 17 Russell Black 287-1505 Legislative Representative District 113 Scott Landry 491-9041

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Dear Friends,As 2019 ends and 2020 begins, I am pleased to report that Congress made progress on a number of issues important to Maine families despite the polarization in our country. In a major win for surviving military and retiree spouses to whom we are deeply indebted, I was proud to co-lead the repeal of what is often referred to as the “Military Widow’s Tax,” an unfair oset of survivor benets that has prevented as many as 67,000 surviving spouses—including more than 260 from Maine—from receiving the full benets they deserve.The high cost of health care and prescription drugs continues to be a top issue for families and seniors. To provide continued relief for more lower- and middle-income individuals, I led the charge to extend for another two years the medical expense tax deduction that I included in the 2017 tax law. Without this extension, nearly 20,000 Mainers and millions of Americans with high medical expenses, including many with preexisting conditions, would have faced an increased tax burden. In other good news, the CREATES Act I cosponsored became law. It will prevent pharmaceutical companies from blocking access to a sucient supply of brand-name drugs needed for the studies that allow less expensive alternatives to enter the marketplace. Improving people’s health and wellbeing remains my priority. On a per capita basis, Maine has the highest incidence of Lyme disease in the country. In August, I held a Senate hearing at the University of Maine’s Tick Lab on this growing public health crisis. A comprehensive public health strategy to combat this epidemic is needed, and the new law I authored will do just that. In addition, I helped champion another $2.6 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health, our nation’s premiere biomedical research institution, including signicant boosts for Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes research. Last year, NIH funded more than $111 million for research at 14 Maine institutions. To help prepare the graduates of Maine Maritime Academy, I secured $300 million for a new training ship, which will ensure rigorous instruction for MMA students for decades to come. Signicant federal funding was approved for work at Bath Iron Works and Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Funding appropriated by Congress will pay for three new destroyers, make a down payment on an additional ship, and nance infrastructure improvements at PNSY.As Chairman of the Transportation and Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, I have led eorts to improve our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and ensure that Maine’s housing needs are addressed. For Maine’s roads, bridges, airports, and seaports, tens of millions in federal funding will help make urgently needed upgrades and improve safety. Funding will also support housing assistance to low-income families and seniors and aid communities in reducing homelessness among our youth. The Community Development Block Grant program will assist numerous towns and cities in our State.The Aging Committee I chair has continued its focus on nancial security for our seniors. A new law I authored will make it easier for small businesses to oer retirement plans to their employees. Our Aging Committee’s Fraud Hotline elded more than 1,200 calls this year. Congress passed a new law to crack down on robocallers who are often the perpetrators of these scams. And a new law I authored will expand the IRS’ Identity Protection PIN program nationwide to prevent identity theft tax refund fraud. At the end of 2019, I cast my 7,262nd consecutive vote. In the New Year, I will keep working to deliver bipartisan solutions to the challenges facing Maine and the nation. If ever I can be of assistance to you, please contact one of my state oces or visit my website at May 2020 be a good year for you, your family, your community, and our state.Sincerely,Susan M. CollinsUnited States Senator8

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12 129th Legislature Senate of Maine Senate District 17 Senator Russell Black 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003 (207) 287-1505 Fax: (207) 287-1527 * TTY (207) 287-1583 * Message Service 1-800-423-6900 * Web Site: Dear Friends and Neighbors: Let me begin by thanking you for allowing me the privilege of serving you in the Maine Senate. I am honored that you have put your trust in me and can assure you I will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf. Maine is in the midst of one of the greatest periods of prosperity in its history and has led the nation in a number of economic categories over the last several years. Unemployment is at record low levels, wages are up, and state government has had seven straight years of surpluses. The number of children living in poverty is in a steep decline, and Maine now leads the nation in equality for women in the workplace and politics. Though we have accomplished a great deal in the past year, there is still much more to be done. Maintaining the prosperity that you have built over the last several years tops the list. We can do this by holding the line on government spending, doing our best to stay out of the way of local businesses so that they can thrive as a result of their own hard work, and making sure that government is the most fiscally responsible steward of your tax dollars. These will be a few of my priorities this coming year. My work on the Agriculture, Conservation, & Forestry committee has allowed me to sponsor and co-sponsor forestry and industry bills to help improve Maine. We have also been able to provide property tax relief by allocating $75 million in the budget to this cause, increasing the Homestead Exemption by $5,000, and expanding the eligibility for the Property Tax Fairness Credit to include an additional 13,000 Mainers. We were able to pass a budget that raises the state’s share of education funding to nearly 51 percent, which includes $115 million in new state support for local education. Again, thank you for electing me to serve you in the State Senate. The 129th Legislature certainly has a great deal more work to do; but I believe that if we come together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. Please feel free to contact me at 287-1505 or if you have comments, questions or if you would like assistance in navigating our state’s bureaucracy. Sincerely, Russell Black State Senator

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14FOUR YEAR COMPARISON OF APPROVED BUDGET / ACTUAL 2016-2019Column1 Voter Column2 Voter2016 Approved Actual Balance ApprovedDescription 2016 2016 2016 2017Board of Selectmen Salaries 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 15,000.00$ Town Clerk & Tax Collector 21,900.00$ 21,900.00$ -$ 21,900.00$ Deputy Clerk & Tax Collector -$ -$ -$ 3,200.00$ Town Treasurer 9,800.00$ 9,800.00$ -$ 12,300.00$ Code Enforcement Officer 8,500.00$ 8,500.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ Administration 49,482.00$ 55,060.88$ (5,578.88)$ 48,982.00$ Technology Fund 10,000.00$ 7,849.97$ 2,150.03$ 10,650.00$ Assessing Agent 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ Town Office 21,000.00$ 12,435.23$ 8,564.77$ 21,000.00$ Snowblowing Rte. 2 Sidewalk 2,500.00$ 338.49$ 2,161.51$ 1,500.00$ Structural Testing Town Office (new 2019)Design New Town Office (new 2019)Purchase Ballfields from Water District (new 2019)Street Lights 7,000.00$ 6,440.58$ 559.42$ 7,000.00$ Roads - Summer Maintenance 220,000.00$ 227,386.46$ (7,386.46)$ 230,000.00$ Roads - Winter Maintenance 71,000.00$ 72,183.71$ (1,183.71)$ 71,000.00$ Snowplowing Contract 143,500.00$ 143,500.00$ -$ 143,500.00$ Roads Capital Improvement Reserve Acct. -$ 10,000.00$ Mowing of Cemeteries 5,700.00$ 5,700.00$ -$ 5,700.00$ Solid Waste Disposal/Curbside Pickup 92,000.00$ 92,000.00$ -$ 93,500.00$ Ambulance 18,737.00$ 12,447.00$ 6,290.00$ 12,519.00$ New Sharon Fire & Rescue 50,640.00$ 50,487.44$ 152.56$ 75,100.00$ Recognition Fund 3,800.00$ 3,798.87$ 1.13$ Firetruck Reserve Account 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ New Sharon Historical Committee 1,800.00$ 1,774.03$ 25.97$ 3,000.00$ General Assistance 3,000.00$ 1,711.38$ 1,288.62$ 1,500.00$ Jim Ditzler Library 18,500.00$ 17,516.39$ 983.61$ 20,500.00$ Fire Protection 18,500.00$ 18,500.00$ -$ 19,402.00$ New Sharon Rec Department 7,000.00$ 3,625.51$ 3,374.49$ 7,000.00$ Insurance/Worker’s Comp. 18,000.00$ 16,049.50$ 1,950.50$ 18,000.00$ Animal Control 6,200.00$ 6,200.00$ -$ 6,625.00$ Abatements 1,750.00$ 7,695.97$ (5,945.97)$ 5,000.00$ Contingency Fund* 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ Social Security 8,000.00$ 6,329.08$ 1,670.92$ 8,000.00$ Health Officer Expenses 500.00$ 100.00$ 400.00$ 250.00$ E911 Officer Expenses (new 2019)Length of Service Award Program (Fire Dept.) (new 2019)Fire Station Reserve Account 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ Flags 1,500.00$ 1,406.65$ 93.35$ Rock Rake 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ -$ New Sharon Snow Riders 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ -$ Discounts 32,160.00$ 35,190.35$ (3,030.35)$ 36,000.00$ Education 1,038,005.76$ 1,038,005.76$ -$ 1,011,665.00$ County Tax 116,298.00$ 116,298.00$ -$ 118,459.00$ Totals 2,071,772.76$ 2,055,231.25$ 16,541.51$ 2,078,252.00$

Page 15 15Column3 Column4 Voter3 Column43 Column42Voter2Column5 Column6Actual Balance Approv ed Actual Balance Approved Actual Balance2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 201915,000.00$ -$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 21,900.00$ -$ 25,900.00$ 25,900.00$ -$ 25,900.00$ 25,900.00$ -$ 3,009.00$ 191.00$ 3,200.00$ 3,200.00$ -$ 3,600.00$ 1,897.25$ 1,702.75$ 12,300.00$ -$ 12,300.00$ 12,300.00$ -$ 12,300.00$ 12,300.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 35,054.38$ 13,927.62$ 47,850.00$ 36,706.88$ 11,143.12$ 47,850.00$ 39,609.09$ 8,240.91$ 5,176.33$ 5,473.67$ 10,000.00$ 4,315.42$ 5,684.58$ 10,000.00$ 8,997.60$ 1,002.40$ 10,000.00$ -$ 15,000.00$ 11,356.00$ 3,644.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 12,762.64$ 8,237.36$ 16,000.00$ 14,153.86$ 1,846.14$ 16,000.00$ 24,657.97$ (8,657.97)$ 613.78$ 886.22$ 1,500.00$ 1,487.79$ 12.21$ 1,500.00$ 1,396.53$ 103.47$ 22,000.00$ 17,646.20$ 4,353.80$ 115,000.00$ -$ 115,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 25,000.00$ -$ 6,397.87$ 602.13$ 7,000.00$ 6,662.98$ 337.02$ 7,500.00$ 7,401.66$ 98.34$ 229,973.92$ 26.08$ 230,000.00$ 230,000.00$ -$ 332,963.00$ 293,659.67$ 39,303.33$ 71,000.00$ -$ 71,000.00$ 71,000.00$ -$ 71,000.00$ 68,830.15$ 2,169.85$ 141,993.00$ 1,507.00$ 143,500.00$ 143,500.00$ -$ 147,082.00$ 147,082.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 5,700.00$ -$ 5,700.00$ 5,700.00$ -$ 5,700.00$ 5,700.00$ -$ 93,484.93$ 15.07$ 98,000.00$ 97,169.43$ 830.57$ 99,500.00$ 99,500.00$ -$ 15,628.00$ (3,109.00)$ 12,500.00$ 12,509.00$ (9.00)$ 12,657.00$ 12,578.00$ 79.00$ 56,244.62$ 18,855.38$ 62,850.00$ 60,844.74$ 2,005.26$ 65,850.00$ 64,944.05$ 905.95$ -$ -$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ -$ 2,753.95$ 246.05$ 1,800.00$ 912.54$ 887.46$ 2,000.00$ 217.54$ 1,782.46$ 500.72$ 999.28$ 1,000.00$ 1,398.26$ (398.26)$ 1,500.00$ 823.44$ 676.56$ 19,131.66$ 1,368.34$ 23,000.00$ 19,085.21$ 3,914.79$ 24,208.00$ 23,215.76$ 992.24$ 19,402.00$ -$ 19,402.00$ 19,402.00$ -$ 19,402.00$ 19,402.00$ -$ 3,432.14$ 3,567.86$ 5,000.00$ 4,049.07$ 950.93$ 9,000.00$ 4,496.00$ 4,504.00$ 18,440.70$ (440.70)$ 16,000.00$ 16,000.00$ -$ 16,000.00$ 15,991.00$ 9.00$ 6,625.00$ -$ 7,014.00$ 7,014.00$ -$ 7,014.00$ 7,014.00$ -$ 9,321.77$ (4,321.77)$ 5,001.89$ 5,001.89$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2,694.00$ 7,306.00$ 10,000.00$ 3,457.74$ 6,542.26$ 7,528.56$ 471.44$ 8,500.00$ 8,482.44$ 17.56$ 10,000.00$ 9,195.19$ 804.81$ 200.00$ 50.00$ 500.00$ -$ 500.00$ 500.00$ -$ 500.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ 1,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 33,516.37$ 2,483.63$ 33,917.73$ 33,917.73$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,011,664.32$ 0.68$ 1,022,484.60$ 1,022,484.60$ -$ 1,045,039.55$ 1,045,039.55$ -$ 118,459.00$ -$ 122,787.00$ 122,787.00$ -$ 130,999.50$ 130,999.50$ -$ 2,017,214.66$ 61,037.34$ 2,083,707.22$ 2,045,034.84$ 38,672.38$ 2,359,065.05$ 2,176,951.89$ $182,113.16FOUR YEAR COMPARISON OF APPROVED BUDGET / ACTUAL 2016-2019

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*Please note the following are draft Articles at the time of printing. Please check the posted warrant for the nal language.SECRET BALLOT ELECTION & REFERENDUM, TOWN MEETING WARRANTFriday, March 6, 2020andSaturday, March 7, 2020To Mercy Hanson, resident of the Town of New Sharon, in the County ofFranklin, State of Maine,GREETING:In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of New Sharon in said county and state, qualied by law to vote in town aairs, to meet at the Franklin Masonic Lodge #123 in said Town on Friday, the 6th day of March, 2020 A.D. at twelve noon, then and there to act upon Article 1 and by secret ballot on Article 2 as set out below, the polling hours therefor to be from twelve noon until seven o’clock in the evening;And, to notify and warn said inhabitants to meet at the Cape Cod Hill School Gymnasium in said town on Saturday, the 7th day of March 2020 A.D., at nine o’clock in the morning, then and there to act on Articles 3 through 51 as set out below, to wit*: ARTICLE 1 To elect a moderator by written ballot to preside at said meeting.ARTICLE 2To elect all municipal ocers and other members as are required to be elected by secret ballot and referendum.ARTICLE 3Shall the Town vote to permanently increase the property tax levy limit of $612,647 established for the Town of New Sharon by State Law in the event that the municipal budget, approved under the following articles, will result in a tax commit-ment that exceeds that property tax levy limit?Statement of fact: By State law this article must be voted on by WRITTEN BALLOT.ARTICLE 4 .................Request $22,500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for salaries for the Board of Selectmen for the ensu-ing year.ARTICLE 5 ..................Request $29,500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for salaries for the positions of Town Clerk, Town Tax Collector and Deputy Clerk/Tax Collector for the ensuing year. Town Clerk........................11,600.00 Town Tax Collector .......... 14,300.00 Deputy Clerk/Tax Collector 3,600.00 Total ............................... $29,500.0016

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ARTICLE 6 ..................Request $12,300To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the salary of Town Treasurer for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 7 ..................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the salary of Code Enforcement Ocer for the ensu-ing year.ARTICLE 8To choose all other necessary Town Ocers for the ensuing year. Water District Trustee – 5-year term ARTICLE 9 ..................Request $47,850To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro-priate the sum of $47,850 for the administration expenses of the Town for the ensuing year. Wages ............................... 1,500.00 Training ................................ 500.00 Meetings/Voting/ Town Report ...................... 5,000.00 Supplies........................... 12,500.00 Tax Maps ........................... 2,000.00 Dues .................................. 2,500.00 Annual Audit ...................... 5,500.00 Software Support............. 10,000.00 Legal Fees......................... 8,000.00 Miscellaneous................ 350.00 Total ............................... $47,850.00ARTICLE 10 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for a Technology Fund to upgrade computers, printers, software and other equipment and/or services for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 11 .................Request $15,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the salary of Assessor’s Agent for the ensuring year.ARTICLE 12 ................Request $20,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for operation of the Town Oce for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 13 ..................Request $1,500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to clear the Rt. 2 sidewalk. Labor, gas, and supplies .................... $1,500.00ARTICLE 14 ..................Request $7,500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Street Lights for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 15 ..............Request $403,963To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Public Works (construction and maintenance of roads) for the ensuing year. Request: ........................ 403,963.00 Less 2019 Local Road Assistance (received) . . - (43,852.00) Carry forward 2019 unexpended balance ....................... 39,303.00 Total to be raised from taxation.................$360,111.00ARTICLE 16 ..............Request $147,082 To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Snow Removal Contracts.ARTICLE 17 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the Capital Roads Reserve Fund.ARTICLE 18 ..................Request $5,700To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Mowing of Cemeteries for the ensuing 17

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ARTICLE 19 .............. Request $110,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Solid Waste Disposal for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 20 ................Request $12,729To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Ambulance Subsidy for the ensuing year.Request, $12,729 for July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020ARTICLE 21 . Taxation Request $67,850To see what sum, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation, and to ap-propriate insurance receivables in the amount of $2,712 for re protection provided by New Sha-ron Fire and Rescue for the ensuing year. Operating Budget Mileage ............................ $2,000.00 Training ........................... $2,000.00 Screenings ......................... $200.00 Convention ......................... $500.00 Supplies Oce ................... $500.00 Meals & Ent. ....................... $500.00 Equipment ..................... $10,000.00 Uniforms/Gear ............... $10,000.00 Gas / Fuel ........................ $2,500.00 Insurance / Dues ............. $1,000.00 Wages ........................... $15,000.00 Public Service Events...... $1,000.00 Utilities Electricity ............................ $900.00 Phone / Internet ............... $1,300.00 Water ............................... $2,450.00 Heat ................................. $3,000.00 Maintenance and Repair Building M&R................... $5,000.00 Vehicle M&R .................. $10,000.00 Insurance Receivables ... $2,712.00 Total ............................... $70,562.00 ARTICLE 22 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the Fire Truck Reserve Fund.ARTICLE 23 ..................Request $2,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the New Sharon Historical Committee and Museum for the care and maintenance of historical infor-mation and artifacts.ARTICLE 24 ..................Request $1,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to appropriate from overlay for General As-sistance for the ensuing year. 2019 Reimbursements carry over ............................. 978.78 Amount to be taken from overlay......................... 21.22 Total ................................ $1,000.00ARTICLE 25 ................Request $27,908To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the Town’s operation of the Jim Ditzler Memorial Library for the ensuing year.Wages .............................. $12,084.00Cleaning ................................. $1,152.00Summer Program ...................... $600.00 Utilities Electricity ............................ $760.00 Phone ................................. $900.00 Water .................................. $402.00 Heat ................................. $2,073.00 Unclassied PO Box ................................. $62.00 DOT Signage ........................ $60.00 Library Calendar ................... $40.00 Yearbook ad ......................... $75.00Dues and Fees .......................... $250.00Network Maine........................... $100.00Balsam Consortium ................... $500.00 Supplies Oce and Computer .......... $750.0018

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Computer Fund .................. $600.00 New Book Acquisitions .... $2,100.00 DVD’s ................................. $300.00Contract Services Mowing ............................... $600.00 Snow Removal/Plowing... $1,500.00 Building Upkeep .............. $3,000.00 Total ............................... $27,908.00ARTICLE 26 ................Request $19,402To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Fire Protection for the ensuing year.Statement of Fact: this article refers to the rental of re hydrants from the New Sharon Water District located in t he Town of New Sharon for the use of re protection.ARTICLE 27 ..................Request $9,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the support of the New Sharon Parks and Recreation Committee. Field maintenance and improvements ............ 2,500.00 Equipment, supplies, and fees............................. 2,500.00 Other Projects and Expenses........................... 4,000.00 Total ................................. $9,000.00ARTICLE 28 ................Request $17,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Insurance and Worker’s Compensation.ARTICLE 29 ..................Request $7,014To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Animal Control. 2019 Dog Tax receipts carry over ............................. 432.00 Amount to be raised from taxation................... 6,582.00 Total ................................ $7,014.00ARTICLE 30To see if the Town will vote to allow overlay to cover abatements. ARTICLE 31 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to ap-propriate from unappropriated surplus as they deem advisable to meet unanticipated expenses and emergencies that occur during the calendar year 2020.ARTICLE 32 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the Town’s share of Social Security for the ensuing year.ARTICLE 33Shall the Town transfer the money received from the State for Snowmobile Registrations to the New Sharon Snow Riders Snowmobile Club?ARTICLE 34To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for, accept, and expend, without further action by Town Meeting, money from the State, FEMA, federal or other govern-mental units or private sources which become available during the year, and to authorize the Selectmen to accept, on behalf of the Town, any and all unconditional gifts of any type of property, and use to lower the commitment.ARTICLE 35Shall the Town set the date of 60 days from com-mitment after which interest shall be charged at the rate of 5% per year, or part thereof, on taxes unpaid after that date; and that the Tax Collector shall settle with the Treasurer within one year of commitment?ARTICLE 36Shall the Town authorize the Selectmen, on be-half of the Town, to sell and dispose of any Real 19

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Estate acquired by the Town for nonpayment of taxes thereon, on such terms as they deem ad-visable and to execute Quit Claim Deeds for such property? Except that the Board of Selectmen shall use the special sale process required by 36 M.R.S. § 943-C for qualifying homestead property if they choose to sell it to anyone other than the former owner(s).ARTICLE 37To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Se-lectmen to dispose of town owned personal prop-erty, under such terms and conditions as they deem advisable.ARTICLE 38Shall the Town use the Excise Tax money to help o-set the cost of capital improvements and maintenance of roads?ARTICLE 39Shall the Town authorize the Selectmen on be-half of the Town to negotiate temporary loans, said loans to be repaid during the 2020 calendar year?ARTICLE 40Shall the Town authorize the Selectmen to spend an amount not to exceed 3/12 of the amount in the 2020 annual budget during the period from January 1, 2021 to the 2021 annual Town Meet-ing?ARTICLE 41Shall the Town authorize the Selectmen to make nal determinations regarding the closing or opening of roads for winter maintenance?ARTICLE 42Shall the Town accept prepayment of taxes prior to the commitment and to pay no interest there-on?ARTICLE 43 .....................Request $500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for Health Ocer expenses.ARTICLE 44 .....................Request $500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for E-911 Ocer expenses. ARTICLE 45 .....................Request $500To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for General Assistance Administrator expenses. ARTICLE 46 ..................Request $1,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for LOSAP (Length of Service Award Program), and to carry forward $1,000 to create a LOSAP reserve for New Sharon Fireghters and EMS responders.Statement of Fact: LOSAP is an annuity-based savings program for volunteer emergency services personnel which serves as a great retention tool to qualied personnel who meet minimum service requirements.ARTICLE 47 ................Request $10,000To see what sum of money, if any, the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from taxation for the Fire Department Capital Reserve Fund.ARTICLE 48Shall the Town authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a multiple year contract for waste disposal services?ARTICLE 49To see if the Town will vote to change the position of Treasurer from an elected position to an ap-pointed position, to be eective at the next annual Town Meeting (March 2021).ARTICLE 50To see if the Town will vote to change the position of Tax Collector from an elected position to an ap-pointed position, to be eective at the next annual Town Meeting (March 2021).20

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ARTICLE 51To see if the Town will vote to change the position of Town Clerk from an elected position to an ap-pointed position, to be eective at the next annual Town Meeting (March 2021). Given under our hands this 28th day of February in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Twenty.Dated: ____________________________Municipal Ocers:_____________________________ Lorna Nichols _____________________________ Travis Pond _____________________________ Paula NasonBoard of SelectmenTown of New SharonA True CopyAttest:Pursuant to the within Warrant to me directed, I have notied and warned the inhabitants of the Town of New Sharon, qualied as herein expressed, to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes therein named, by posting an attested copy of said Warrant at the door of the New Sharon Town Hall, the bulletin board outside Sandy River Farm Store, New Sharon Post Of-ce and Douin’s Market, being public and con-spicuous places in said Town, on the 28th day of February, 2020 A.D., being at least seven days before the meeting._______________________________________Mercy Hanson, Resident of New Sharon, Maine 04955The Registrar of Voters will be at the Franklin Masonic Lodge #123 on Town Election day one hour before the election; and one hour before the Town Meeting at Cape Cod Hill School to accept registrations of those becoming eligible to vote. A person who is not registered to vote cannot vote in any 21

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22 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCEADMINISTRATION $47,850.00 WagesRegular $1,200.00 Employee CostsMileage $59.41 Training $83.00 Meeting Moderator $200.00 Ballot Clerk $1,765.50 Annual Report $1,344.00 Other $130.91 SuppliesOce $3,777.44 $75.51 Postage $3,700.55 Miscellaneous $3,801.76Tax Maps $0.00 InsuranceDues $2,296.00 Contract ServicesAuditor $5,000.00 Software Support $8,892.42 Legal FeesAtty Fees $2,283.25 Advertising $140.00 Reg. Deeds $0.00Dischg Liens $2,249.00 Lien Expense $2,592.00 UnclassiedOther $0.00 Bank Fees $0.00 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION ($39,684.60) $75.51 $8,240.91 INSURANCE $16,000.00 POL $12,541.00 Workers Comp $3,450.00 Dues $0.00 TOTAL INSURANCE ($15,991.00) $9.00 SOCIAL SECURITY $10,000.00 Employee CostsFICA $9,195.19 TOTAL SOCIAL SECURITY ($9,195.19) $804.81 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER $10,000.00 WagesRegular $10,000.00 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT ($10,000.00) $0.00

Page 23 23 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCEASSESSING AGENT $15,000.00 WagesRegular $15,000.00 TOTAL ASSESSING AGENT ($15,000.00) $0.00 E911 ADDRESSING OFFICER $1,000.00 WagesRegular $0.00 TOTAL E911 ADDRESSING OFFICER $0.00 $1,000.00 TOWN CLERK $11,600.00 WagesRegular $11,600.00 TOTAL TOWN CLERK ($11,600.00) $0.00 TOWN TAX COLLECTOR $14,300.00 Wages Stipend $14,300.00 TOTAL TAX COLLECTOR ($14,300.00) $0.00 DEPUTY CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR $3,600.00 Wages Stipend $1,897.75 TOTAL DEPUTY ($1,897.75) $1,702.25 TREASURER $12,300.00 Wages Regular $12,300.00 TOTAL TREASURER ($12,300.00) $0.00 BOARD OF SELECTMEN $15,000.00 Selectman Pond Wages Stipend $5,000.00 Selectwoman Nason Wages Stipend $5,000.00 Selectwoman Nichols Wages Stipend $5,000.00 TOTAL BOARD OF SELECTMEN ($15,000.00) $0.00 TECHNOLOGY FUND $10,000.00 Unclassied Miscellaneous $8,997.60 TOTAL TECHNOLOGY FUND ($8,997.60) $1,002.40

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24 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCENEW SHARON SNOW RIDERSUnclassied Miscellaneous $681.86 TOTAL NEW SHARON SNOW RIDERS ($681.86) $0.00 TOWN HALL $16,000.00 Utilities Electricity $1,838.11 Phone/Internet $1,472.64 Water $508.75 Heat $7,971.89 Maintenance & Repair Building $11,668.58 Contract Services Mowing $1,200.00 TOTAL TOWN HALL ($24,657.97) ($8,657.97)PUBLIC SAFETYAmbulance $12,657.00 Contract Services Other $12,578.00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ($12,578.00) $79.00 ANIMAL CONTROL $7,014.00 Wages Stipend $4,200.00 Contract Services Franklin County Animal Shelter $2,814.00 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL ($7,014.00) $0.00 HEALTH OFFICER $500.00 Expense $0.00 Wages $0.00 TOTAL HEALTH OFFICER $0.00 $500.00 LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM $1,000.00WagesStipend $0.00TOTAL LOSAP $0.00 $1,000.00NEW SHARON FIRE DEPARTMENT $65,850.00 Employee Costs Wages $15,360.00 Mileage $1,266.41 Training $300.00 Screening $0.00 Conventions $225.00

Page 25 25 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCESupplies Oce $12.92 Meals & Entertainment 230.17 Equipment $1,584.66 Computer Postage $10.75 Radio $458.81 Uniforms $13,292.66 Gas $2,739.00 Misc. $3,181.69 Utilities Electricity $1,130.29 Phone $1,012.64 Cell Phone $330.92 Water $2,407.20 Heat $2,201.55 Maintenance & Repair Building $2,561.63 Vehicle $9,782.13 Equipment $6,761.49 Roof Repair $0.00 Insurance Dues $0.00 Unclassied $94.13 TOTAL FIRE & RESCUE ($64,944.05) $905.95 FIRE PROTECTION (Fire Hydrant Rental/Lease) $19,402.00 Unclassied Rental $19,402.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION ($19,402.00) $0.00 STREET LIGHTS $7,500.00 Utilities Electricity $7,401.66 ($7,401.66) $98.34 SOLID WASTE/CURBSIDE PICKUP $99,500.00 Consolidated Waste ManagementContract Services Tipping Fees $48,329.90 Archie’s Contract Services Tipping Fees $40,097.96 Supplies & Equipment $11,072.14 TOTAL SOLID WASTE ($99,500.00) $0.00 PUBLIC WORKS $552,545.00 SUMMER ROADS $332,963.00

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26 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCEWages Regular $3,006.50 Supplies Job Material $67,568.80 Small Tools $1,309.94 Miscellaneous $210.49 $832.50 Contract Services Maintenance $222,396.44 TOTAL SUMMER ROADS ($294,492.17) $832.50 $39,303.33 WINTER ROADSContract Services $147,082.00 Snow Removal $147,082.00 TOTAL WINTER ROADS ($147,082.00) $0.00 SALT SHED $71,000.00 Wages Regular $0.00 Supplies Salt and Sand $50,000.00 Utilities Electricity $428.45 Repairs and Maintenance $793.00 Contract Services Stockpile $17,608.70 TOTAL SALT SHED ($68,830.15) $2,169.85 SNOWBLOWING BRIDGE $1,500.00 Expense $0.00 Wages Regular $1,350.00 $103.47Maintenance & Repair Equipment $46.53 Miscellaneous $9.03TOTAL SNOWBLOWING ($1,396.53) $103.47 ($512,633.35) $41,576.65 CEMETERY MOWING $5,700.00 Contract Services Mowing $5,700.00 TOTAL CEMETERY MOWING ($5,700.00) $0.00 PARKS/RECREATION $9,000.00 Supplies Miscellaneous $2,796.00 InsuranceDues $0.00 Contract Services Mowing $1,700.00 TOTAL PARKS/RECREATION ($4,496.00) $4,504.00

Page 27 27 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCENEW SHARON HISTORICAL COMMITTEESupplies Miscellaneous $217.54 TOTAL NEW SHARON HISTORICAL ($217.54) $1,782.46 JIM DITZLER LIBRARY $24,208.00 WagesRegular $9,478.50 SuppliesOce $1,151.07 Cleaning $1,190.17 Computer $787.23 Books $2,554.74 Miscellaneous $635.04 UtilitiesElectricity $754.27 Phone $857.88 Water $401.28 Heat $2,310.26 Maintenance & RepairBuilding $1,300.76 Plowing $212.50 Contract ServicesMowing $600.00 UnclassiedSummer Program $483.61 Balsam Consortium $500.00 Network Maine $0.00 TOTAL DITZLER LIBRARY ($23,217.31) $992.24 GENERAL ASSISTANCE $1,500.00 Utilities Electricity Heat $152.44 Unclassied Miscellaneous $671.00TOTAL GENERAL ASSISTANCE ($823.44) $676.56 EDUCATION - RSU 9 $1,045,039.55Education Expense $1,045,039.55 TOTAL EDUCATION ($1,045,039.55) $0.00 COUNTY TAX $130,999.50County Tax Expense $130,999.50 TOTAL COUNTY TAX ($130,999.50) $0.00 ABATEMENTS $14,614.42

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28 OVERAGE / 2019 UNEXPENDEDACCOUNT BUDGET DEBITS CREDITS BALANCEAbatements $14,614.42 TOTAL ABATEMENTS ($14,614.42) $0.00 FIRE TRUCK RESERVE ACCOUNTUnclassied Transfer Out $10,000.00 TOTAL FIRE TRUCK RESERVE ($10,000.00) $0.00 DYER TRUST SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEEUnclassied Miscellaneous - Scholarships Awarded $1,750.00 ($1,750.00) $0.00 CAPITAL ROADS RESERVE ACCOUNTUnclassied Transfer Out $10,000.00 ($10,000.00) $0.00 CONTINGENCY FUND ACCOUNTUnclassied Contingency $3,457.74 TOTAL CONTINGENCY ($3,457.74) $6,542.26 FROM UNDESIGNATED (SURPLUS)UnclassiedFrom Surplus $17,646.20 TOTAL UNDESIGNATED ($17,646.20) $4,353.80 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT TEAM (now Parks Committee?)Supplies & EquipmentMiscellaneous $690.88 TOTAL CIT / PARKS ($690.88) ($690.88)RECREATION RESERVEUnclassiedTransfers Out $20,301.27 TOTAL RECREATION RESERVE ($20,301.27) $0.00 JIM DITZLER LIBRARY DONATIONSDr. Martin $5,000.00 ($464.11) ($464.11)DUMP CLOSINGUnclassiedTransfer Out $4,698.73 TOTAL DUMP CLOSING ($4,698.73) $0.00

Page 29 29Other: Fire Protection $19,402.00 Ditzler Library $23,217.31 Mowing Cemeteries $5,700.00 General Assistance $823.44 New Sharon Recreation Dept $4,049.07 Street Lights $7,401.66 Animal Control $7,014.00 Historical Committee $217.54 Social Security $9,195.19 Insurances $15,991.00 Route 2 Sidewalk $1,396.53Contingency $3,457.74 Technology Fund $8,997.60 $107,308.462019 CHART OF EXPENSESTown Officer Salaries $67,797.25Fire/Rescue Operating, Truck Reserve Fund $74,944.05Solid Waste Disposal $99,500County Tax $130,999.50Other $107,308.46Public Works (winter & summer roads, paving, bridges, capital reserve) $519,571.82School Assessment RSU 9 $1,045,039.55Ambulance $12,578Town Office $24,657.97Administration $39,609.09Structural Testing New Town Office $17,646.20Ballfield Purchase $25,000

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REPORT OF THE SELECTMENTo the people of New Sharon: As usual, 2019 was a busy year for your Select Board. Providing town buildings for the future remained a dominant issue for us. Following the defeat in Decem-ber 2017 of a proposal for a combined town oce/re house, a new building committee began work-ing on the issue. The Board of Selectmen, along with Fire Department ocials and building committee members met several times throughout the year to work on a proposal at a cost to taxpayers under one million dollars. In December of 2019, the Board called a special town meeting to oer residents an oppor-tunity to vote upon a project estimated to cost 1.4 million, with a $900,000+ taxation cost. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor as town oce operations had been signicantly impaired with continued issues with the roof, boiler and air quality in the current building. In October we were forced to temporarily close the Town Oce building when a 6” steam pipe ruptured, resulting in potential health and safety issues as well as disrupting heat in the building. In early 2020 we will be entering into a rental agreement with the New Sharon Congregational Church to use their vestry as a temporary town oce for the duration of the construction of the new building. With three years of reducing the mil rate on property taxes, the 2019 rate increased slightly as a result of additional voter approved roads funding, increased waste disposal fees and increased county taxes. 2020 will likely see a slight increase as well, accounting for debt service on borrowed funds for the build-ing project, another likely increase in county taxes and again, increases in waste disposal fees. It is unknown at this time what the school budget will look like. Good news for property tax owners is that the Homestead Exemption increased from $15,000 to $20,000 in 2019 - which does oer some relief. The board welcomed new planning board members to ll vacancies: Jason Lunt and Melissa LeTarte. Assessing Agent Tom Walker has continued to work on converting data to TRIO. TRIO continues to of-fer upgrades and new technology to aid sta in the enormous amount of data input and daily use by the Town. The Board has continued to monitor the CMP corridor project and received an application to the Planning Board in late November. With weather related cancellation of some meetings, the Planning Board will take up the application for review in early 2020. Working with the Town’s attorney, the Board of Selectmen plan to bring an electrical moratorium to residents for a vote sometime in early 2020 in order to review current ordinances and make updates that ensure the quality of life and safety of all New Sha-ron residents. The Dunkin Donuts project at the site of Routes 2 and 27 is again before the Planning Board for nal ap-proval, which should be taken up early in 2020. In March following the annual town meeting, the board elected Lorna Nichols as chair. Nichols’ term expires with annual town meeting 2020, and she has chosen to run again for reelection. In mid-March newly elected Selectperson Paula Nason was welcomed by the board and agreed to serve as a member of the Dyer Trust Committee. 32

Page 33 33Selectperson Nichols developed a website and cemetery database online for all New Sharon Cemeteries and David Dill was appointed Sexton of Cemeteries. Selectman Pond currently serves on the Franklin County Budget Committee to ensure that the town of New Sharon is represented at the county level as well as providing updates on the budget process and results from the committee meetings. The Board moved forward with the purchase of 8.5 acres of land which houses 2 ball elds owned by the New Sharon Water District following the wells being properly capped as required by the PUC. New American ags were purchased to replace the older weathered ags which are displayed on tele-phone poles throughout town during the summer months. In closing, the Board would like to extend a heartfelt Thank-You to all residents for their patience and understanding when we were forced to temporarily close the Town Oce which resulted in town business being disrupted and moved to another town. We understand the inconvenience this caused and truly appreciate you all bearing with us. We would also like to extend a Thank-You to the Town of Chesterville for assisting our residents during that time, as well as Franklin Lodge #123 for the use of their building for voting, and the Special Town Meeting where a new building was approved. We look forward to 2020 with great anticipation. It will be an unusually busy year for the Board as we work on the new Fire Station and Town Oce building project, in addition to the numerous other functions of the Board to ensure town operations run smoothly and our residents are well served. Respectfully submitted, Lorna Nichols, Chair Travis Pond, Selectman Paula Nason, Selectwoman

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N e w S h a r o n , M EE s t . 1 7 9 37

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2019 TREASURER’S REVENUE REPORTAccountCreditsReal Estate Payments 1,630,512.92 Supplemental Tax Payment 11,061.95 1,641,574.87 Account Debits Credits Balance 100 - Excise - Auto 532.32 285,466.14 284,933.82 101 - Excise - Boat 0.00 1,312.00 1,312.00 105 - Fees - Agent 0.00 6,275.00 6,275.00 106 - Fees - Town Dog Reg. 0.00 332.00 332.00 107 - Fees - Late Dog Reg. Fee 0.00 100.00 100.00 115 - Interest - Bank 0.00 9,851.89 9,851.89 116 - Interest - Real Estate 126.87 12,945.95 12,819.08 117 - Lien Costs 9.85 7,604.39 7,594.54 118 - Cash Over / Short 16.00 18.29 (2.29) 119 - Fees - Bad Check 0.00 100.00 100.00 120 - Donations & Refunds 0.00 1,816.76 1,816.76 121 - Rent 0.00 300.00 300.00 124 - Burn Permit Income 0.00 62.00 62.00 125 – Copier Income 0.00 83.00 83.00 126 – Prior Period Writeoffs 4,229.85 1,560.35 (2,669.50) 127 – Snowmobile Refund 0.00 681.86 681.86 128 - State Revenue Sharing 0.00 93,381.54 93,381.54 129 - General Asst. Reimbursement 0.00 978.78 978.78 131 - Recreation Department Fees 0.00 635.00 635.00 132 - Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 1,120.71 1,120.71 133 - Dump Sticker 0.00 663.00 663.00 134 - Veteran Exemption - MVR 0.00 469.70 469.70 135 - Insurance Dividends 0.00 2,711.54 2,711.54 141 - MEMA Reimbursement 0.00 1,592.61 1,592.61 150 - Permit - Building 0.00 675.00 675.00 151 - Permit - Plumbing 0.00 605.00 605.00 152 - Permit - Planning Board 0.00 110.00 110.00 153 - Permit - Gun 0.00 54.00 54.00 154 - Subdivision Fee 150.00 300.00 150.00 155 - Tree Growth Reimbursement 0.00 23,588.40 23,588.40 156 - Homestead Exemption 0.00 72,143.00 72,143.00 157 - Historical Committee Donations 0.00 115.00 115.00 200 - LRAP 0.00 43,852.00 43,852.00 TOTAL $5,064.89 $571,504.91 $566,435.44$2,208,010.31Total Overall Revenue Received by New Sharon(The Total Sum of Cash Receipts Report and Revenue Summary)Revenue Summary Report2019 Treasurer's Revenue ReportTOTAL 38

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*assessment to the town2019 TREASURER’S EXPENSE 39Article Description Budget Expended Balance % Spent4 Board of Selectmen $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 100.00%5 Clerk, Tax Collector & Deputy $29,500.00 $27,797.25 $1,702.75 94.23%6 Treasurer $12,300.00 $12,300.00 $0.00 100.00%7 Code Enforcement $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 100.00%9 Administrative Expenses $47,850.00 $39,609.09 $8,240.91 82.78%10 Technology Fund $10,000.00 $8,997.60 $1,002.40 89.98%11 Assessing Agent $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 100.00%12 Town Office Operating Costs $16,000.00 $24,657.97 -$8,657.97 154.11%13 Route two Sidewalk & Walkway $1,500.00 $1,396.53 $103.47 93.10%14 Structural Testing Town Office $22,000.00 $17,646.20 $4,353.80 80.21%15 Design New Town Office $115,000.00 $115,000.00 0.00%17 Purchase ball fields from WD $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 100.00%20 Street Lights $7,500.00 $7,401.66 $98.34 98.69%21 Summer Roads Maintenance $332,963.00 $293,659.67 $39,303.33 88.20%22 Winter Roads Maintenance $71,000.00 $68,830.15 $2,169.85 96.94%23 Snow Removal Contract $147,082.00 $147,082.00 $0.00 100.00%24 Capital Roads Reserve Fund $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 100.00%25 Mowing Cemeteries $5,700.00 $5,700.00 $0.00 100.00%26 Solid Waste Disposal $99,500.00 $99,500.00 $0.00 100.00%27 Ambulance Subsidy $12,657.00 $12,578.00 $79.00 99.38%28 New Sharon Fire and Rescue $65,850.00 $64,944.05 $905.95 98.62%29 Fire Truck Reserve Fund $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 100.00%30 Historical Comm/Prince Baker $2,000.00 $217.54 $1,782.46 10.88%31 General Assistance $1,500.00 $823.44 $676.56 54.90%32 Ditzler Memorial Library $24,208.00 $23,215.76 $992.24 95.90%33 Fire Protection (Fire Hydrants) $19,402.00 $19,402.00 $0.00 100.00%34 Recreation Committee $9,000.00 $4,496.00 $4,504.00 49.96%35 Insurances $16,000.00 $15,991.00 $9.00 99.94%36 Animal Control $7,014.00 $7,014.00 $0.00 100.00%38 Contingency $10,000.00 $3,457.74 $6,542.26 34.58%39 Social Security $10,000.00 $9,195.19 $804.81 91.95%52 Health Officer Expenses $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00%53 E911 Addressing Officer $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00%54 LOSAP Program $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 0.00%* Education - RSU #9 $1,045,039.55 $1,045,039.55 $0.00 100.00%* County Tax $130,999.50 $130,999.50 $0.00 100.00%Totals $2,359,065.05 $2,176,951.89 $182,113.16 92.28%* assessment to the townTown of New Sharon Treasurer's 2019 Expense Report

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2019 TREASURER’S REPORT FUND BALANCESAs of 12/31/18 As of 12/31/19135,351.38 117,409.95 1,178,459.74 1,288,180.28 129.05 129.05 1,313,940.17$ 1,405,719.28$ As of 12/31/18 Interest Earned Due to/Due From As of 12/31/19TD Bank – General Fund 66,857.22 167.35 0.00 67,024.5716,126.34 40.37 10,000.00 26,166.717,025.61 23.36 4,368.61/1,750 9,483.9927,294.98 69.46 1,496.21/642.22 28,117.2420,266.40 34.87 20,301.27 0.0030,141.94 71.78 4,698.73 25,514.9923,692.22 59.31 0.00 23,751.53306,314.21 766.75 0.00 307,080.9611,670.94 29.22 0.00 11,700.1620,039.94 48.17 10,000.00 30,088.11529,429.80 1,310.64 22,862.10 528,928.26$10,000 transferred to Fire Truck Reserve Fund$20,301 from the Rec Field act. and $4,698.73 from Dump closing act. to purchase ball field from Water DistrictBank of America / US Trust AccountAs of 12/31/18 Gain / Loss as of 12/31/19 2019 Interest Thomas F. Dyer Trust Fund Market Value 369,909.83 59,477.93 429,387.76 5,824.80$5,824.80 Thomas Dyer Trust Interest divided 75% to Town funded scholarships 25% to RSU #9 programs2019 FUND BALANCESBALANCESTD Bank – Dyer Trust Town ScholarshipsTD Bank – Fire Truck Reserve2018 Town of New Sharon Bank AccountsBangor Savings Primary Checking AccountTOTAL of All Bangor Savings Accounts:Bangor Savings Electronic Payment AccountBangor Savings Repurchase Account2018 TD Bank Special Insured FundsTOTALBALANCESBALANCESTD Bank – Mahlon Dyer MemorialTD Bank – Recreation Field$4,368.61 is 75% and $1,496.21 is 25% of $5,824.80 in interest earned from Thomas Dyer Trust Fund Homed at BOA$10,000 issued to Capital Roads Reserve established at 2017 Annual Town MeetingTD Bank – Cemetery TrustTD Bank – Fire Station ReserveTD Bank – Dyer Trust RSU #9 ProgramsTD Bank – Dump ClosingDue to / Due From SummaryTD Bank – Capital Roads Reserve Dyer Trust RSU #9 Programs account expended $642.22 on books40

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2019 TREASURER’S LIBRARY DONATIONS EXPENSE 41E52-01-15-07 = $3,700.00check Jrnl Date Vendor Description Type Debits9039 00442/6/2018 Devaney Doak & Garrett Books AP 10.549073 00622/20/2018 Devaney Doak & Garrett Books AP 23.199073 00622/20/2018 Devaney Doak & Garrett Books AP 22.399095 00783/6/2018 Devaney Doak & Garrett Books AP 55.939088 00783/6/2018 Barnes & Noble Books AP 85.889132 00913/20/2018 Devaney Doak & Garrett Books AP 52.749252 01415/1/2018 Barnes & Noble Books AP 158.379408 02077/3/2018 Barnes & Noble Books AP 133.739710 033611/7/2018 Barnes & Noble Books AP 798.7210140 00984/17/2019 Barnes & Noble Books AP 242.19103460180 7/2/2019 Barnes & Noble Books AP 21.59104020195 7/16/2019 Barnes & Noble Books AP 63.9810571 0274 10/1/2019 Barnes & Noble Books AP 136.35Total Expended 1,805.60Remaining Balance 1,894.40E56-01-15-90 = $1,816.17check Jrnl Date Vendor Description Type Debits10583 027410/1/2019 Meader's Construction Mulch & Trucking AP 495.0010587 027410/1/2019 Pond, Wendy Flowers AP 195.88Total Expended 690.88Remaining Balance 1,125.29Ties out to G 1-534-00Ties out to G 1-531-00Library - Dr. Martin's Donation Receipted in 12/19/17 R 01-123 Original balance $5,000Community Improvement TeamReceipted in 6/4/19 R 01-123 Original balance $1,816.76

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REAL ESTATE TAX LIEN BREAKDOWNTAX YEARS 2015-2018AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 201942 www.newsharon.maine.govTax Year Name Prinicpal Due Costs Balance Due2015 Smith, Gladys V. heirs of 311.26 163.69 474.952015 Total $311.26 $163.69 $474.95Tax Year Name Prinicpal Due Costs Balance Due2016 Flaherty, Troy E. 359.86 153.97 513.832016 Porter, Rodney F 1,594.14 54.24 1,648.382016 Smith, Gladys V. heirs of 332.83 148.67 481.502016 Smith, Robert W. 747.94 230.20 978.142016 Sweet, Jennifer 1,169.62 313.03 1,482.652016 Total $4,204.39 $900.11 $5,104.50Tax Year Name Prinicpal Due Costs Balance Due2017 Bailey, Daryl 1,318.03 188.60 1,506.63* 2017 Baker, Tammy 734.64 166.95 901.592017 Briscoe, Maureen T. 106.47 5.34 111.812017 Buntin, Josh B. 1,426.94 267.07 1,694.012017 Burke, Daniel 698.42 161.71 860.132017 Dill, Justin 502.32 133.35 635.67* 2017 Dodge, Russell 1,174.01 230.49 1,404.50* 2017 Dodge, Russell 1,740.41 312.40 2,052.812017 Feegel, Raymond E. 265.65 99.12 364.772017 Flaherty, Troy E. 342.93 110.29 453.222017 Foster, Stacie M. 2,791.10 471.06 3,262.16* 2017 Kern, Monica 288.56 14.59 303.152017 Landford, Frank W. 1,183.35 231.84 1,415.19** 2017 Littlefield, Terry 471.65 15.77 487.422017 Maine-ly Trees 62.15 69.69 131.842017 McHugh, Jeannette 283.36 101.68 385.04* 2017 Place, Ronald K. 54.49 0.75 55.242017 Porter, Rodney F 1,673.11 302.67 1,975.782017 Prescott, James 1,104.62 227.15 1,331.772017 Robbins, Roger II 598.98 135.51 734.492017 Smith, Gladys V. heirs of 317.17 106.57 423.742017 Smith, Robert W. 632.25 152.13 784.382017 Snyder, Karen D. 1,817.05 323.48 2,140.532017 Sunset View, Inc. 273.70 100.28 373.982017 Sweet, Jennifer 1,146.32 226.48 1,372.80** 2017 Taylor, Paul W. 292.23 1.48 293.712017 Tuttle, Alexander J. Jr. 336.81 109.41 446.222017 Tyler, Judy 117.69 77.72 195.41*2017 Tyler, Toby W. 666.86 163.84 830.70Real Estate Tax Lien BreakdownTax years 2015-2018As of December 31st, 2019

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REAL ESTATE TAX LIEN BREAKDOWNTAX YEARS 2012-2017AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 43*2017 Whipple, Cara P. 85.97 79.83 165.802017 Wingfield, Charles Scott 1,171.11 236.77 1,407.882017 Wood, Steven R. 1,872.91 331.56 2,204.47* 2017 Wright, Mark D. 811.31 18.62 829.932017 Total $26,362.57 $5,174.20 $31,536.77Tax Year Name Prinicpal Due Costs Due2018 Bailey, Daryl 1,387.04 202.33 1,589.37** 2018 Baker, Tammy 730.08 135.32 865.402018 Briscoe, Maureen T. 669.60 129.15 798.752018 Brousseau, Edward 44.80 0.83 45.632018 Buntin, Josh B. 1,098.08 172.85 1,270.932018 Burke, Daniel 694.08 131.65 825.732018 Butterfield, Amanda E. 908.80 160.40 1,069.202018 Chandler, Joel 38.54 1.43 39.972018 Davis, Marguerite J. 317.25 4.51 321.762018 Dill, Justin 163.20 77.50 240.702018 Dodge, Russell 1,166.72 186.71 1,353.432018 Dodge, Russell 1,729.60 237.26 1,966.862018 Fagan, Daniel Fred 677.44 129.95 807.392018 Feegel, Raymond 2,472.90 109.91 2,582.812018 Feegel, Raymond E. 494.40 111.28 605.682018 Feegel, Raymond E. 272.00 88.59 360.592018 Ferrari, Michael P. 967.04 57.82 1,024.862018 Flaherty, Troy E. 340.80 95.61 436.412018 Foster, Stacie M. 2,773.76 350.62 3,124.382018 Gage, Donald A. 2,421.92 307.89 2,729.812018 Greene, Gregory 1,006.08 163.47 1,169.552018 Guimond, Diane E. 19.36 69.67 89.03** 2018 Guimond, Roland J. 19.52 62.84 82.362018 Guimond, Roland J. 61.92 67.17 129.092018 Harris, David 223.56 73.42 296.982018 Harris, Jeanne 581.12 100.80 681.922018 Huff, Herbert N. 1,766.72 247.91 2,014.632018 Jackey, Edward T. 561.37 17.09 578.462018 Kern, Monica 674.08 129.61 803.692018 Labatte, David 315.20 93.00 408.202018 Landford, Frank W. 1,176.00 180.80 1,356.802018 Letarte, Melissa L. 799.52 149.25 948.772018 Littlefield, Terry 2,016.48 273.38 2,289.862018 Mathews, Dona E. 1,325.11 137.41 1,462.522018 Mayer, Karl (devisees of) 1,423.04 206.00 1,629.042018 McCully, Robert E. 943.52 157.09 1,100.612018 McHugh, Anna 342.56 95.80 438.362018 McHugh, Jeannette 281.60 89.57 371.172018 McLaughlin, Christopher 600.00 122.05 722.052018 Misty M. Marston 4,511.52 248.77 4,760.29

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44REAL ESTATE TAX LIEN BREAKDOWNTAX YEARS 2012-2017AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 20192018 Morgan, Tamara E. 1,983.84 263.20 2,247.042018 Olson,Michael E. 1,252.96 188.65 1,441.612018 Place, Ronald K. 437.12 112.39 549.512018 Porter, Rodney F 1,662.72 230.44 1,893.162018 Powaga, Carolyn 329.37 4.39 333.762018 Prescott, James 1,097.76 172.82 1,270.582018 Reynolds, Bobby J. 1,009.76 170.69 1,180.452018 Richardson, Robert A. 72.53 68.24 140.772018 Robbins, Roger II 1,146.08 177.75 1,323.832018 Ross, Bennett 580.75 25.42 606.172018 Smith, Edward 473.60 109.16 582.762018 Smith, Gladys V. heirs of 315.20 93.00 408.202018 Smith, Robert W. 628.32 124.94 753.262018 Snyder, Karen D. 1,805.76 245.04 2,050.802018 Stevens, Alycia 377.60 99.36 476.962018 Sunset View, Inc. 260.80 87.45 348.252018 Sunset View, Inc. 267.20 88.11 355.312018 Sunset View, Inc. 267.20 88.11 355.312018 Sunset View, Inc. 257.60 87.12 344.722018 Sunset View, Inc. 262.40 87.62 350.022018 Sweet, Jennifer 1,139.20 177.05 1,316.252018 Taylor, Paul W. 910.40 153.72 1,064.122018 Thompson, Angela M. 571.90 18.56 590.462018 Tracy, Marcia 822.88 144.78 967.662018 Tuttle, Alexander J. Jr. 334.72 94.99 429.712018 Tyler, Judy 116.96 72.78 189.742018 Tyler, Toby W. 662.72 135.30 798.02* 2018 Vincent, Edward B. 1,125.76 175.68 1,301.442018 Welch, Michael E. 451.20 101.71 552.91* 2018 Whipple, Cara P. 1,984.96 270.16 2,255.12* 2018 Whipple, Cara P. 85.44 69.57 155.012018 Wingfield, Charles Scott 1,163.84 186.41 1,350.252018 Wood, Steven R. 1,861.28 250.70 2,111.982018 Wood, Steven R. 593.12 121.35 714.472018 Works, Keven J. 563.84 100.00 663.84* 2018 Wright, David A. 674.88 129.68 804.562018 Wright, Mark D. 1,019.84 164.87 1,184.712018 Total $66,587.84 $10,267.92 76,855.76Tax Year Principal Due Costs Balance DueTotal Liens Owed for Tax Year 2015 311.26 163.69 474.95Total Liens Owed for Tax Year 2016 4,204.39 900.11 5,104.50Total Liens Owed for Tax Year 2017 26,362.57 5,174.20 31,536.77Total Liens Owed for Tax Year 2018 66,587.84 10,267.92 76,855.76Toal owed to New Sharon as of 12/31/19 $97,466.06 $16,505.92 $113,971.98* Denotes paid in full after December 31st, 2019**Denotes partial payment after December 31st, 2019

Page 45 45 TOWN CLERK AND TAX COLLECTOR REPORTS 2019 To the SelectBoard and the Citizens of the Town of New Sharon: Greetings New Sharon Neighbors and Friends. As well as being elected as both your Town Clerk and Tax Collector, I also serve as your Registrar of Voters and Deputy Treasurer. I am certified as an agent of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Animal Welfare and Freedom of Information Officer. So, whether your need is to register your automobile, dog, boat, ATV, to obtain a Birth Certificate or Marriage License, or Register to Vote, I’d be happy to assist you at the Town Office. As the year 2020 approaches, my three-year term as both Town Clerk and Tax Collector will expire at the Annual Town Meeting. I will be asking for your support to continue in these positions as I seek an additional three-year term for these two offices. Not only is it interesting and rewarding work, but it is genuinely my privilege and pleasure to greet and assist you throughout the year. New Sharon is a lovely community in which to live and work. A Heartfelt Thank You goes out to all Election Workers and Ballot Clerks. They work long hours to ensure your right to vote goes smoothly. Sincere appreciation goes out to Ann Allison, Caroleen Caldwell, Brenda (BJ) Dunn, Mercy Hanson, Melissa Letarte, & Nora Thombs. The last couple of months of 2019 were difficult for everyone with the challenges experienced with the town office building at 11 School Lane. So many folks were gracious and understanding about the difficulties and we thank you so very much for your patience. We also wish to sincerely thank the Town of Chesterville for helping to support our citizens. While on one hand it is sad to see our old building go, it will be exciting as we go forward with a new Town Office and Fire Station that New Sharon can be very proud of. Hoping that you each have a safe and wonderful year! Respectfully submitted, Pamela Adams, Town Clerk & Tax Collector IF&W Registered 69 Hunting / Fishing Licenses, 72 snow machines, 93 boats & 79 ATV’s Vital Statistics 14 Births 14 Deaths 6 Marriages Dogs Registered 199 Dogs Motor Vehicles Registered 1,681 vehicles, bringing in $236,199 in excise tax for the Town

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TOWN CLERK’S VITAL STATISTICS REPORT Marriages: 6Joseph Cory Arsenault / Racheal Nicole LaForge 01/18/2019Wynona Yates Whitman / Lynn Robert Chassie 04/13/2019Felicia Dawn Bell / Lauren Jane Baxter 05/24/2019Jessica Ann Stanley / Shawn Alden Koehling 06/01/2019Darcy Jo Sillanpaa / Christopher James Guppy 06/29/2019Rosemary L Cummings / Philip Salvatore Ripa 08/03/2019Births: 14Deaths: 14Robert Avery McCully 01/16/2019XXsavior Elwood Harris 01/19/2019Alma Mabel Burgess 02/17/2019Judith Dawn Baswell 02/18/2019Troy Anthony Merrill 03/16/2019John Russell Tolman Sr 04/13/2019Lynn Robert Chassie 05/01/2019Bonnie Therrien 06/21/2019Paul Arnold McKay 07/03/2019Nancy Marie Harris 09/17/2019Eleanor M. Rackli 09/29/2019Matthew Scott Musselman 10/01/2019Dawn B. Harrison 10/24/2019Nada Carrol Rollins 12/28/20192019 Tax Commitment $1,630,512.922019 Supplemental Taxes 11,061.95Total 2019 Tax Commitment $1,641,574.872019 Taxes Collected 1,389,897.002019 Tax Abatements 12,367.122019 Refunded Abatements 3,292.23Total 2019 Taxes Paid 1,405,556.35Dierence 236,018.52Corrections - 1,553.31Total 2019 Unpaid Taxes 234,465.21 NEW SHARON2019 TAX COLLECTOR’S REPORTAs of December 31, 2019MIL RATE 16.546

Page 47 47Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 2019Prinicpal Payment BalanceAdams, Anthony W. 826.65 0.00 826.65Adams, Jerey S. 864.77 0.00 864.77Allen, Clyde 1,183.88 0.00 1,183.88Allen, Clyde 3,022.97 0.00 3,022.97Allen, Derek 789.53 0.00 789.53Alley, Stephen R. 328.85 0.00 328.85Anderson, Peggy M. 2,271.72 1,000.00 1,271.72Atwood, Micheal 544.83 0.00 544.83Ayer, Robert R. 215.66 0.00 215.66Bailey, Daryl 1,430.39 0.00 1,430.39Baker, Tammy 752.90 0.00 752.90Baxter, Betsy L. 1,385.84 0.00 1,385.84Berry, Carolyn W. (old house) 86.63 0.00 86.63Boivin, Joshua J. 460.35 0.00 460.35** Brann, Andrea 983.40 949.18 34.22Briscoe, Jessie Danielle 690.53 0.00 690.53Brousseau, Edward 384.45 0.00 384.45Bullen, Craig H. 285.45 36.35 249.10Buntin, Josh B. 1,132.40 0.00 1,132.40Burhoe, Gennelle D. 545.82 0.00 545.82Burke, Lawrence 1,780.02 0.00 1,780.02Buttereld, Amanda E. 937.20 0.00 937.20Buttereld, Jerey Kirk 585.75 595.00 -9.25Carrington Mortgage Services LLC 1,226.94 0.00 1,226.94Casey, Thomas E. 308.06 0.00 308.06Casey, Thomas E. 321.59 0.00 321.59Chandler, Joel 341.55 0.00 341.55Chretien, Russell J. 1,275.45 0.00 1,275.45Church, DeAnna R. 295.35 5.44 289.91Collins, Jay D. 368.94 0.00 368.94Couture, Sara 450.12 0.00 450.12Crespi, Michael D. 265.65 0.00 265.65Crespi, Michael D. 2,912.75 1,595.88 1,316.87Daggett Terrance B. 5.94 0.00 5.94Daggett, Patrick 3,416.00 3,312.48 103.52Daggett, Terrance B. 19.80 0.00 19.80Daggett, Terrance B. 48.02 0.00 48.02

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Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 2019Prinicpal Payment BalanceDaggett, Terrance B. 891.83 0.00 891.83Daggett, Terrance B. 2,360.49 0.00 2,360.49Daley, Candy 477.51 200.00 277.51Dashnau, Donna M. 1,400.52 0.00 1,400.52Davis, Marguerite J. 1,173.32 0.00 1,173.32Davis, Marguerite J. 92.40 0.00 92.40Dill, Justin 168.30 0.00 168.30Dipalma, Eric M. 605.55 5.66 599.89Dodge, Russell 1,203.18 0.00 1,203.18Dodge, Russell 1,783.65 0.00 1,783.65Dube Environmental 2,436.23 67.19 2,369.04Dube Environmental 1,721.78 46.49 1,675.29Ducharme, Jay A. 344.85 0.00 344.85Ducharme, Pamela M. 344.85 0.00 344.85Duncan, Jesse 2,050.13 0.00 2,050.13Dunn, Ted B. 1,833.98 0.00 1,833.98Durrell, David 2,067.62 0.00 2,067.62Durrell, Glenn M. 1,602.65 0.00 1,602.65* Durrell, Mark G. 4,870.31 0.00 4,870.31Durrell, Nicholas E. 1,929.35 396.46 1,532.89Eldridge, Kelly 1,067.72 0.00 1,067.72Eleanor Ltd, Trustee Prince Trust 3,437.12 3,422.32 14.80Eleanor, Ltd Hovey Trust 3,001.02 2,988.10 12.92Eleanor, Ltd. 587.57 585.04 2.53Eller, Floyd A. 471.90 0.00 471.90Ensminger, Mark E. 470.25 0.00 470.25Espeaignette, Augustus T. 282.15 0.31 281.84Estes, Carlton 1,910.37 0.33 1,910.04Evans, John H. 357.39 0.00 357.39Evans, John H. 2,375.34 0.00 2,375.34Everett, Leslie R. Jr. 629.97 0.00 629.97Fagan, Daniel Fred 698.61 0.00 698.61Fails, Walter 551.93 0.00 551.93Farrington, Kevin B. 1,558.59 1.73 1,556.86Feegel, Raymond E. 4,884.66 0.00 4,884.66Feegel, Raymond E. 509.85 0.00 509.85Feegel, Raymond E. 280.50 0.00 280.5048

Page 49 49Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 2019Prinicpal Payment BalanceFerrari, Michael P. 997.26 0.00 997.26Flaherty, Troy E. 351.45 0.00 351.45Ford, Jonathan 597.63 14.50 583.13Foss, Kevin D c/o David Foss 1,340.63 0.00 1,340.63Foster, Stacie M. 2,860.44 0.00 2,860.44Fuller, Walter D. 410.03 100.00 310.03Gage, Donald A. 2,497.61 0.00 2,497.61Gage, Donald A. 59.40 0.00 59.40Gay, Ted F. c/o Andra Hutchins 536.25 94.25 442.00Gay, Ted F. c/o Andra Hutchins 681.45 94.25 587.20Giumond,Roland J 84.15 0.00 84.15Giustra, Matthew 1,505.30 0.00 1,505.30Glidden, Justin F. 1,154.18 0.00 1,154.18Goggin, Patrick 1,394.58 0.00 1,394.58Gould, Agnes W. 1,190.81 0.00 1,1,190.81Goulet, John 1,127.94 0.00 1,127.94Goulet, John Y. 1,011.45 0.00 1,011.45Greene, Gregory 1,037.52 0.00 1,037.52Greenough, James F. 437.91 0.00 437.91Guimond, Diane E. 26.40 0.00 26.40Guimond, Roland J. 26.90 0.00 26.90Guimond, Roland J. 108.41 0.00 108.41Guppy, Christopher J. 1,631.52 0.00 1,631.52Ha, Thuan 760.65 0.00 760.65Hakins, Richard M. 2,178.50 0.00 2,178.50Haley, Emily J. 2,187.57 2,057.64 129.93Hanson, Mercy M. 1,566.35 0.00 1,566.35Hardy, Bonita R. 1,163.25 0.00 1,163.25Harris, David 608.03 0.00 608.03* Harris, Gladys 1697.85 800.00 897.85Harris, Jeanne 269.28 0.00 269.28Harris, John 7.92 0.00 7.92Hendrickson, Dyke C. 841.67 0.00 841.67Hills-Pettitt, Christopher 2,720.19 0.00 2,720.19* Hines, Joan 4,517.04 1,750.00 2,767.04Hinkley, Rain 641.19 0.00 641.19Hinkley, Rian 2,266.11 0.00 2,266.11

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Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 2019Prinicpal Payment BalanceHoth, Kimbal L. 374.55 0.00 374.55Howard III, John 561.50 0.00 561.50Hu, Herbert N. 1,821.93 0.00 1,821.93Jackey, Edward T. 791.01 0.00 791.01Johnsen, Bruce 966.90 0.00 966.90Johnson, Vercille 1,621.46 0.00 1,621.46Keith, Richard Alan 536.91 153.94 382.97Kelly, Ian B. 351.45 0.00 351.45Kern, Monica 695.15 0.00 695.15Kerr, Lenny R. 420.75 0.00 420.75Kidd, John J. 1,345.58 0.00 1,345.58Knoppers, Bouke 354.75 0.00 354.75Labatte, David 325.05 0.00 325.05Ladies Aid Lot 109.73 0.00 109.73Landford, Frank W. 1,212.75 0.00 1,212.75Letarte, Melissa L. 824.51 0.00 824.51Littleeld, Terry 2,079.50 0.00 2,079.50Makinen, Suzanne 370.76 0.00 370.76Martin, Robert C. 1,503.48 0.00 1,503.48Mathews, Dona E. 1,439.79 0.00 1,439.79Mayer, Karl (devisees of) 1,467.51 0.00 1,467.51McAllian-Ayinde, Patricia A. Martineau 1,029.60 0.00 1,029.60McCormick, Brian A. 2,924.63 2,836.00 88.63McCully, Robert E. 973.01 0.00 973.01McEntee, William H. 3,224.27 0.00 3,224.27McGaunn, Yvonne (devisees of) 2,390.69 233.48 2,157.21McHugh, Anna 353.27 0.00 353.27McHugh, Jeannette 290.40 0.00 290.40McLaughlin, Christopher 618.75 0.00 618.75Merchant, Melissa Sue 920.04 0.00 920.04Millett, Gwendolyn A. 706.70 0.00 706.70Misty M. Marston 4,652.51 0.00 4,652.51MJBC Properties LLC 537.90 0.00 537.90Morgan, Tamara E. 2,045.84 0.00 2,045.84* Morris, Merton 611.33 399.02 212.31Murch, Arthur 2,205.39 802.56 1,402.83Murphy, Richard 1,528.07 0.00 1,528.0750

Page 51 51Prinicpal Payment BalanceNason, Scott E. 4,748.04 2,793.13 1,954.91Natale, John 808.34 0.00 808.34Netherland, Nancy B. 429.99 0.00 429.99Nichols, Robert F, II 4,059.66 0.00 4,059.66Nichols, Robert F. II 883.58 0.00 883.58Nichols, Sally D. 1,859.22 0.00 1,859.22Norton, James (trustee) MJE Family Trust 457.05 0.00 457.05Nuttall, Jennifer Leigh 1,554.14 0.00 1,554.14Nuttall, Jennifer Leigh 600.60 0.00 600.60Olbert, Elizabeth 2,056.73 0.00 2,056.73Oliver, Todd 1,452.00 695.36 756.64Olson,Michael E. 1,292.12 0.00 1,292.12Park Business Devel. Inc. 1,118.87 0.00 1,118.87Patricia Richards 715.77 0.00 715.77Pearlman, Arthur C. 542.85 273.97 268.88Pease, Brandy Lynn 781.61 42.53 739.08Peterson, George J. 411.51 0.00 411.51Petrie, Barbara T. 1,280.40 0.00 1,280.40Pinkham, Daniel 517.44 330.00 187.44Place, Ronald K. 450.78 0.00 450.78Pollard, Sean A. 1,687.95 1,623.01 64.94Porter, Levi 1,377.42 0.00 1,377.42Porter, Rodney F 1,714.68 0.00 1,714.68Porter,Nancy, Malcolm W. Jr 275.55 0.00 275.55Powaga, Carolyn 441.05 0.00 441.05POWERS, PHILIP J. 593.01 0.00 593.01Prescott, James 1,132.07 0.00 1,132.07Prior, Stanley C. 1,261.59 0.00 1,261.59Probert, Russell A. 1,301.03 0.00 1,301.03Rackli, Jason 144.54 0.00 144.54Rasco, Ivy A 1,931.99 0.00 1,931.99Reid, William III 344.85 0.00 344.85Reid, William III 989.34 0.00 989.34Reid, William III 1,486.98 0.00 1,486.98Reis, Kathleen 252.45 0.00 252.45Reynolds, Bobby J. 1,041.32 0.00 1,041.32Richardson, Robert A. 379.50 0.00 379.50Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 2019

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Prinicpal Payment BalanceRobbins, Roger II 1,181.90 0.00 1,181.90Rollins, Carlton 346.01 0.00 346.01Ross, Bennett 1,190.81 0.00 1,190.81Ross, James M. 1,050.06 0.00 1,050.06Sabasteanski, Jacqueline 2,048.64 0.00 2,048.64Sawyer, Michael R. 789.86 33.21 756.65Searles, Harvey Jr. 748.94 0.00 748.94Shaylin-Begin, Shaina M. 1,106.99 0.00 1,106.99Simpson, Katrina A. 1,453.49 0.00 1,453.49Simpson, Katrina A. 161.70 0.00 161.70* Smiley, Philip T. 872.69 0.00 872.69Smith, Doreen 275.55 0.00 275.55Smith, Edward 488.40 0.00 488.40Smith, Frederick Christopher 808.50 0.00 808.50Smith, Gladys V. heirs of 325.05 0.00 325.05Smith, Lois 1,222.32 400.00 822.32Smith, Robert W. 647.96 0.00 647.96Snyder, Karen D. 1,532.19 0.00 1,532.19St. Clair, Rita 3,584.46 0.00 3,584.46Stevens, Alycia 389.40 0.00 389.40Sunset View, Inc. 268.95 0.00 268.95Sunset View, Inc. 275.55 0.00 275.55Sunset View, Inc. 275.55 0.00 275.55Sunset View, Inc. 265.65 0.00 265.65Sunset View, Inc. 270.60 0.00 270.60Sweet, Jennifer 1,174.80 0.00 1,174.80Swisher, John R 441.87 0.00 441.87Swisher, John R. 834.08 0.00 834.08Swisher, Patrica A. 766.43 0.00 766.43Swisher, Patrica A. 1,053.69 0.00 1,053.69Taylor, Paul W. 938.85 0.00 938.85Thompson, Angela M. 685.58 0.00 685.58Thompson, Angela M. 1,131.74 7.48 1,124.26Thompson, Peter G. 876.15 473.35 402.80Thompson, Robert 1,572.78 0.00 1,572.78Tolman, John R. Jr. 1,278.75 0.00 1,278.75Tracy, Marcia 848.60 0.00 848.60Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 201952

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Prinicpal Payment BalanceTracy, S. Scott 334.95 0.00 334.95Tracy, S. Scott 154.28 0.00 154.28Tracy, Virgil W. 920.70 0.00 920.70Tuttle, Alexander J. Jr. 345.18 0.00 345.18Tyler, Judy 120.62 0.00 120.62Tyler, Toby W. 683.43 0.00 683.43Vincent, Edward B. 1,160.94 0.00 1,160.94Webster, Eric M. 407.39 0.00 407.39Weese, John 1,056.00 0.00 1,056.00Weiss, Stephen M. 518.76 26.96 491.80Welch, Michael E. 465.30 0.00 465.30Whipple, Cara P. 2,046.99 0.00 2,046.99Whipple, Cara P. 88.11 0.00 88.11Whittemore, Phyllis 598.13 17.40 580.73Whittier, Terry 939.35 0.00 939.35Wing, Shawn R. 1,798.01 0.00 1,798.01Wingeld, Charles Scott 1,200.21 0.00 1,200.21Withey, Douglas A. 424.38 0.00 424.38Witt, Scott D. 1,144.61 150.00 994.61Wood, Darryl 344.03 0.00 344.03Wood, Steven R. 1,919.45 0.00 1,919.45Wood, Steven R. 611.66 0.00 611.66Works, Keven J. 613.47 0.00 613.47* Wright, David A. 695.97 0.00 695.97Wright, Mark D. 1,051.71 0.00 1,051.71234,465.21Town of New SharonReal Estate Taxes DueAs of December 31, 53*Denotes paid in full after December 31st, 2019**Denotes partial payment after December 31st, 2019

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ANIMAL CONTROL REPORTWe have had numerous calls about dog trespasses, dogs at large, nuisance dogs and cats, occasional is-sues with cows, horses, geese, ducks, and chickens, which all need attention from the Animal Control O-cer. I haven’t always understood the need for one, but after some time holding the position, please under-stand that it is a necessary role. Police are trained to handle criminal and domestic conicts. They are not necessarily trained in how to handle animal related issues. Because of the need for an ACO, as well as making sure all dogs have had their rabies vaccina-tion, it is necessary to have your dogs licensed. State law requires all dogs over the age of 6 months be licensed with the town. Dogs who have been neu-tered or spayed are $6 per year and all others are $11 per year. This fee goes to a worthy cause. The Animal Welfare Agency uses the revenue from licenses to care for abused and neglected animals that come into their custody. When you visit the town oce to license your dog, bring along your rabies certicate as proof of vaccination. If you’ve misplaced your certicate, have the vet fax a copy to the Town Oce. Keeping your pets vaccinated for rabies is extremely important. The deadline is January 31st. Afterwards, you’ll incur a state imposed hefty late fee of $25 per dog. Thank you!Respectfully submitted,Dexter “Buzz” BridgesAnimal Control OcerASSESSING AGENT REPORTGreetings,I am pleased to continue serving as the Assessor’s agent for the town.Deed processing, new construction, exemption pro-grams, taxpayer concerns, current use programs, and general maintenance of records have combined to make a busy year. Additional progress has been made in converting the assessing software(Dwelling) into the billing system (TRIO). I look forward to working with you.Please feel free to contact me at the town oce or my home phone 778-3881.Respectfully submitted,Tom Walker CMAIII Assessing AgentCEMETERIES REPORTThis year the New Sharon Cemeteries Committee has been in the process of becoming a town entity. In 2019 the price of lots were increased to compare with the cost of surrounding towns. bring them in line with surrounding towns. Je Brown placed ags on the Veterans graves, a task he completes each year.We’ve started working on deeds that were never issued and are planning on a clean-up this spring. Lorna has uploaded all the cemeteries to special soft-ware the Town purchased and provided a link on the Town’s website. We continue to make progress, thank you for your patience.Respectfully submitted,David C DillSextonIncomeDyer Fund Account – Cemetery Distribution $250.00Lots Sold:Nichols $250.00Adams $250.00Total Receipts $750.00Cemetery Funds in Franklin Savings Bank as of 12/31/1924 Month Certicate 3,851.8860 Month Certicate 7,010.8618 Month Certicate 8,336.57182 Day Certicate 10,000.00Statement Savings Account 7,973.76Non-Prot NOW Account 4,553.36Total Funds Held in Bank $41,726.4354

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PERPETUAL CARE FUNDS HELD BY THE CEMETERY ASSN.As of December 31, 2019Simon Greenleaf Fund 100.00R.S. Leeman 50.00John Harding 50.00S.H. Paul 50.00Ramsdell & Waite 100.00Wilder & Plummer 50.00A.K.P. Yeaton 30.00Bullen & Alexander 150.00Boardman 150.00Norcross Fund 100.00Samuel York 50.00Alton L. & Wm. N. George 150.00Harry & Nell Paine 100.00Thwing & Hopkins 200.00Josiah Morrill 100.00Smith & Stover 100.00Geo. Howes 100.00Nellie Bean 50.00Fred & Amy Gray 100.00Sophie Nelson - Buck & Dunton Lot 100.00Herbert Porter 100.00Etta Gordon 200.00D.S. Tucker 100.00D.M. French 100.00John Manter 100.00Emily Norton (James Dyer Lot) 100.00Elie & Harriet Greenleaf 100.00Barnard 100.00Mary Day 50.00Susie Fletcher (John Dyer Lot) 100.00Howard Maxwell Lot 100.00Moses Gage 100.00Capt. Chas. Dyer Lot 100.00Frank Graves 400.00John & Cleora George 100.00L.J.& Harriette Bailey 100.00H.W. Porter Lot 200.00Harry L. Bailey Lot 50.00Richard Stowers 100.00Wallace B. Follett & Halleth 140.00John T. Furber 100.00Caleb D. & Albert Sawyer 200.00Jacob Hodgkins 300.00Howard Beach Lot 100.00Francis Swan Lot 100.00Jabez Moores Lot 100.00Getchell Fund- Care of Lewis Paul Lot 150.00Melvin Buttereld 125.00Walter Leach 125.00Clyde Getchell & Wesley Paul 125.00Lawrence & Loretta Day 125.00John Durrell 125.00Claude Mitchell 125.00Ervin & Helen Getchell, Philip & Phyllis Getchell 125.00Leo & Pearl Lapierre 125.00Ordway & Phyllis Russell, Ralph & Esther Russell 125.00Simeon, Carrie, Roscoe, & Doris Paine 450.00D. Max Fitch M.D. 125.00Margaret Hatley Lot 125.00Lester & Eva Brann Lot 125.00V.W. & M.N. Saltmarsh 125.00McCarthy, Cushman, & Porter- Stinson Lot 225.00Harry & Addie Lovejoy (Greenlief Lot) 100.00House & Austin Lot 100.00Albert & Mildred Howes Lot 125.00S. Helen Stinson Fund 1,000.00Arland & Clara Fitz Lot 125.00A.W. Nichols Lot 125.00Norman Bowen & Guy Day Lot 125.00James & Hazel Smith Lot 125.00Albion & Betty Buttereld Lot 125.00Bernard & Bonnie Collins Lot 62.50Ralph & Maude Dunton Lot 62.50Albion & Marie Stinson Lot 125.00Leland & Blandine Buzzell Lot 125.00Robert & Brenda Peary Lot 125.00Chas. & Jennie Bailey Lot 150.00Gary Porter Lot 125.00Corydon Bailey Lot 175.00B. Colby Prescott (2 lots) 250.00Torrence & Lotte Rugh Lots 125.00Regina Taylor Lot 125.00George & Lucile Porter Lot 125.00Arlene Buchanon Lot 125.00Katherine Bailey Young - for Harry Bailey Lot 125.00Frank Currier Lot 125.00Milton & Helen Harris Lot 125.00James Day Lot 50.00Alice Redeld Lot (Webber) 125.00Ernest & Margaret Scholl 125.00Edward & Vivian Hopkins 55

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Redlevski Lot 125.00Ralph Dyer Lot 125.00Fred & Irene Faireld Lot 125.00Donald & Ruth Webster (2 lots) 250.00Arthur & Helen Lutz 125.00Donald Bailey Lot 125.00Robert & Betty Jo Carson 125.00Donald & Celia Ames 125.00Mary Stimson 125.00Arthur & Virginia Porter Lot 200.00Ansil & Betty Harris Lot 200.00Robert & Robin Porter 200.00Roger & Jean Allen Lot 200.00Robert & Anita Hjort 200.00Alvin & Mary Harris 200.00Glen & Leona Harris 200.00Leonard & Faith Bornstein 200.00Thaylen Harris 200.00Sophie Karkosky 200.00Beverly Bigelow 200.00Wm. & Marg.Stimson 200.00Emile Jahoda 200.00Alfred Griswold 200.00Floyd Brown 200.00Edward & Judy Keating 200.00Jerey & Janet Brackett 200.00Joseph Sparks 200.00Ron Serina 200.00Bob McCully 200.00Ray & Jane Browning 200.00Morrison 250.00Lane/Hauser 250.00Robert & Gail Thompson 250.00Bissovett 200.00Max Luick 150.00Francis McHugh 150.00Rebeca Fisher 150.00Horace A. Labree 250.00Total Cemetery Trust FundsHeld by the New Sharon Cemetery Improvement Assoc. $19,220.00CEMETERY TRUST FUNDS HELD BY THE TOWNAs of December 31, 2019Paul & Eda Wilson $ 100.00Elizabeth Swan 500.00William A. Boynton 100.00Mary B. Howes 100.00Edwin O. Andrews 100.00M. Kelly, H.B. Brown, H.B. Porter,A.W. Morrill, Ellen Young 300.00E.V. Chapman, (J. Warren Chapman, Joshura Rollins), Martha Tilton, Ransford Norcross, James True 400.00Frank A. Russell 100.00Walter A. Taylor 100.00Winnie L. Dutton (Dutton & Buck) 600.00Glen Erlon & Wm. O. Lane 200.00Frank & Wanda Howarth 100.00Dorothy C. Stinson 100.00Otis Andrews 100.00Charles Perkins 100.00Leonard Perkins 100.00Asa G. Stowers 200.00Frank Collins & Eli Cook Jr. 150.00Belle Follett 200.00Mrs. Harvey Hardison 100.00Brown Lot (Daniel, Fidelia, Mary, Chas., Albert) 100.00Harold Gray 100.00Ernest M. Lane 200.00John C. Furber - Arthur Brooks 100.00Frank J. Hopkins 100.00John Ayer Fund (James Howes - Stephen Howes -Harlock Smith Augustus Hol -Major Francis Mayhue Lots) 1,000.00Doris Lane (Page Lot) 200.00Clyde & Hattie Day 75.00Thomas Campbell 100.00Harry E. & Evelyn Smith 100.00James A. & Fred Davis 150.00John A. Stover 50.00G. Gordon & F. Frederick 150.00Chester Brann 100.00F.P. Caswell 300.00Mark Drury Lot 100.00Mary H. Berry 50.00Jessie & Charles Gordon 200.00Levi Whittier 100.00Nellie H. Atkins 200.00Harold Bean Lot 100.00Smith & Bailey 100.00L.L. House Lot 100.00Cyrus & Maurice Dunn Lot 100.00Cyrus Gordon Lot 100.0056

Page 57 57William Thompson Lot 100.00Will Durrell Lot 50.00Frank Elliott Lots 500.00William W. Blanding Lot 100.00William Blanding Lot 100.00Porter & Ames Lot 100.00Ned Wilson Lot 50.00Lyman Tracy Lot 80.00Warren Ladd, Geo. Brown, Withie, & Cyrus Brown Lot 375.00Frank Russell Lot 100.00Roy Carson Lot 100.00Cyrus Dunn Lot 50.00Cyrus Gordon Lot 50.00Levi Willard Sr., 2 Wives & Daughter, Levi Willard Jr. &Wife Orilla, Carlton & Cassie Ames 350.00Byron Bean Lot 100.00Nelson Bean Lot 100.00George Grant Lot 100.00D.J. Jordan 50.00Marie H. Dulster 100.00L.A. Deveraux 100.00William Stanger 100.00Leonard Holt Lot 200.00George B. & Elizabeth L. Follett Lot 100.00Paul E. & Eda N. Wilson 100.00Herbert Campbell 200.00Rose Mary Eller 100.00Catherin Pert Lot 200.00Total Town Cemetery Trust FundsHeld by the Town Current balance (12/31/2019) $23,751.53E-911 OFFICER REPORTFive addresses were assigned in the year 2019. The Town Clerk has record of them, and we continue to work on getting a comprehensive list of all E911 ad-dresses in town.Respectfully submitted,Don CornelioE-911 OcerFIRE / RESCUE CHIEF’S REPORTTo the Select Board and the people of the Town of New Sharon:I was very pleased with the decision of the town to move forward with the plans of building a new Town Oce/Fire Station. I think this will improve the ability of the town ocials and the Fire Department to serve the people of New Sharon.We have had a very busy, as well as trying year with the tragic explosion at the LEAP Building. It was great to see the whole community come together with over-whelming support.In 2019 we responded to 226 calls, which break down as follows:Fire calls 29Medical calls 114Motor Vehicle Accidents 31Public safety 8Propane/ smoke investigations 7Road Hazards 37 All of us at New Sharon Fire and Rescue would like to thank you for your continued support.Sincerely,John Welch, ChiefNew Sharon Fire and RescueHEALTH OFFICER REPORTTo The Board of Selectman and the people of the town of New Sharon, METhis year has seen no active involvement involving the role of the LHO in the town ofNew Sharon.The LHO has ve primary responsibilities:● Overall health resource to the community

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● Mediator and problem-solver in the resolution 0f complaints● Investigator and enforcer of complaints that cannot be resolved● Reports to the Maine CDC, DHHS on any perceived local health threat● Reports to and informs the Board of Selectpersons on the community’s health threatThe LHO is required to keep a record of all proceed-ings and enforce public health safety laws.The LHO shall receive and examine the nature of complaints made by the publicconcerning conditions posing a public health threat or potential threat.The LHO works with the town CEO, APO, LPI and re ocials as needed.Please contact me with any town health issues (207) 778-0732.Respectfully submitted,Joyce Alcorn, Health OcerTown of New SharonHISTORICAL COMMITTEE REPORTWe had a quite year. We acquired the old Cash Register out of Dakin’s Garage, donated by Debbie Rose. We also received an antique saw from Larry & Patty Donald found up in the attic of Sandy River Farm Supply, and a Prayer Shawl from Ronald Pratt, that was originally from New Sharon. We had several genealogy inquires throughout the year, and Dana Dill compiled an album of the year’s news and events of New Sharon. As always, it’s been a pleasure working with the committee and thank you to the community for the support.Respectfully submitted,D. A. PowerNew Sharon Historical CommitteePLANNING BOARD REPORTThank you to all who volunteered your time and par-ticipated! We currently need members. The Planning Board (PB) meets at the town oce at 7 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month. The Board consists of ve regular and two associate volunteer members appointed by the Board of Selectmen (BOS). There must be a quorum of 4 present to hold a meeting and discuss town business. Regular and Special Meet-ings are posted on the town’s website and calendar for public awareness. The public is welcome to attend meetings but should request to be included on the agenda if they have a matter to discuss at a meet-ing. Please attend if you are interested in becoming a future member of the Planning Board.The Board received and approved an application for several projects this year to include: Site Plans:-AT&T was approved to add antennas and concrete pads to existing towers at 21 Mile Hill Road and 262 York Hill Road.-New Sharon Self Storage was approved to add 4 more storage units for a total of 5 on U.S. Rte. 2 Mer-cer Road. The second unit was completed.-Redzone Wireless was approved to add antennas and concrete pad to an existing tower at 21 Mile Hill Road. -Spruce Ledge Holdings, LLC, was approved for 4 buildings at 10 Weeks Mills Road.Subdivision Plan:-Bowden Subdivision was approved for 3 lots at 18 George Thomas Road.The Board continued to track the timelines through completion for previously approved applications, and it also elded questions from town members and inter-ested parties that did not require board action. Meeting minutes are posted to the town’s website under Archives.The Board anticipates a busy year with the current ap-plications pending review and the new town oce and re station forthcoming. It has also received updated data from Androscoggin Valley Council of Govern-ments (AVCOG) which is used to establish an updat-58

Page 59 59ed Comprehensive Plan that would then be presented to voters for their approval.Respectfully submitted,Tracy Brackett, ChairNew Sharon Planning Board JIM DITZLER MEMORIAL LIBRARYTo the people of New Sharon and the Select BoardWe have had another successful year. In March the Community Improvement Team met at the library, unfortunately they decided to disband. In April we held an open house in honor of National Library Week. A successful book sale was also held at that time. In June the Genealogy Society toured the library and held their monthly meeting with 7 members in atten-dance.June begins our Summer Reading Program. This year our theme was “Space”. The L. C. Bates Museum pre-sented a very interesting program celebrating the rst landing on the moon 50 years ago. This program was well attended by the children and their families. The Story Hour theme was a “Universe of Stories” with an average attendance of 12. Twenty students signed up for and completed the Independent Reading Program. Each student read 12 books of their choice during the summer for a total of 228 books! Teenagers and adults tried something new called “Book Bingo” If you completed a row you could choose a new book out of the book box. If you read 25 books you were entered in a drawing for a gift certicate. Many people com-pleted 5 in a row and 3 read 25 books! We plan to try this program again. We ended the program with a concert on the lawn by the “Racket Factory” followed by an invitation to make your own ice cream sundae. All events were well attended.In September, we began to get the Little Old Library ready for Farmington Fair. We had a number of new items to display this year. As you all know Monday was a dicult day for us all and we were asked to leave the fairgrounds. The remainder of the week was very busy. I want to thank the new volunteers for their help this year. A special thank you to all of the trustees for their hard work in cleaning and setting up the ex-hibit, as well as working during the week and helping to close the exhibit. We look forward to making it even better next year.We are still looking for Town Reports for the years of 1937,1940 and 1944.We had 1,976 visits by patrons, 17 new registrations, a circulation of 2,590 items and 932 computer users. We held 14 Story Hours during the winter months. We are grateful for the support from the community. Please come and see what your library has to oer.Our library hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 3 to 7 p.m. and Thursday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.Respectfully submitted, Diana C. Oliver, DirectorJim Ditzler Memorial LibraryNEW SHARON SNOW RIDERSSNOWMOBILE CLUB REPORTThe primary purpose of the New Sharon Snow Riders is to stimulate and advance the welfare and safety of the sport of snowmobiling, to join the collective voice of snowmobile enthusiasts for the proper recreational uses of snowmobiles on the land, preserve and en-hance all natural and environmental resources and to promote tourism thereby maintaining and advancing the economic health of the community. Last year, volunteers logged 171.45 hours grooming trails, 376.5 hours cutting brush, removing trees and maintaining bridges on approximately 50 miles of trail that interconnects the towns of Farmington, Starks, Mercer, Chesterville, Rome and Vienna. These trails are regularly used for snow shoeing, skiing, fat biking and hiking and are available for use free of charge. It is important to note that we would not have trails available if not through the generosity of landowners who allow residents to utilize their property for recre-ational use. At the close of each season in April, we host an appreciation dinner for our landowners. The club owns and operates 4 snowmobiles and a Gilbert tractor for trail grooming. We also own several chain saws, a pruner, and a brush cutter. Our volun-

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teers also donated 218 hours of their own personal tools, trucks, and ATVs to help maintain the trail system. Currently, the membership of the club consists of 9 businesses and 18 family members.The Club meets the rst Thursday of each month from September through April at the New Sharon Town Of-ce at 7 PM. All meetings are advertised and open to the public. Respectfully submitted,Philip Ripa, President New Sharon Snow Riders PARKS COMMITTEEWhile the Community Improvement Team dissolved during the year, groups of former members continued the garden projects CIT started several years ago that benet the town.Several volunteers maintained the ower beds at the end of Post Oce Road and intersection of Industry and Starks Road. Mulching was added and extensive weeding took place to keep them looking attractivefor residents and those driving through town.Another group continued the vegetable garden proj-ect beyond the library. An estimated 75 deliveries of fresh veggies were delivered to nearly 20 individuals and families. Hoof ‘n Paw contributed many of their produce, John Cox volunteered tilling, and Pike’s and Whitewater Farm donated corn.Respectfully submitted,Parks Committee (formerly Community Improvement Team)PLUMBING INSPECTOR’S REPORTTO: The Board of Selectmen and the Citizens of the Town of New SharonIn 2019, I issued seventeen plumbing permits. Seven were for septic systems and ten were for internal plumbing.Maine law requires that a Subsurface Wastewater Disposal System permit be issued for all septic sys-tem installations and that the Plumbing Inspector conduct a minimum of two inspections during the construction of the system. The Maine Internal Plumb-ing Code requires that a permit also must be issued, by the Plumbing Inspector, for most interior plumbing and that the plumbing also must be inspected at least twice. There were no violations of the septic system and interior plumbing rules and any complaints were re-solved amicably.I can be reached at 684-4111 if you need a permit or an inspection, or if you have questions about internal plumbing or septic systems.Respectfully submitted,Tom MarcottePlumbing InspectorRECREATION COMMITTEEThe 2019 year was a positive and active year for recreation activities sponsored by the Town of New Sharon through it’s Recreation Committee. As usual, youth baseball and softball were a staple of recreation sponsored activities for New Sharon. New Sharon sponsored a number of Framington Area Cal Ripken baseball teams. The town also sponsored a number of softball teams. All teams had active, positive, and successful seasons and many New Sharon youth participated.The Committee is grateful to the folks who volun-teered as coaches and to the parents who supported 60

Page 61 61their youth’s participation. The Committee wishes to acknowledge those volunteers who created and maintained the public ower gardens. The Committee also wishes to express gratitude to the townspeople for their participation and nancial support for the recreation activities sponsored by the New Sharon Recreation Committee.Respectfully submitted,Ed FerreiraNew Sharon Recreation CommitteeROAD COMMISSIONERS REPORT 2019Brush cutting was done the length of Kimball Pond Road from the turn around to Kimball Pond, Bassett Road, and areas on various other roads.Again, this year there were 24 culverts changed through town.Ditching was done on Swan Road, Saltmarsh Road, Cemetery Road, Jersey Ave., Kimball Pond Road, Beans Corner RoadGravel was laid on Saltmarsh Road, Cemetery Road, Hovey Road, Glenn Harris Road, Beans Corner Road, and Swan RoadA nal layer of hot top was applied to Weeks Mills Road, and two layers of hot top was applied to Post Oce Road.Gravel roads were graded as needed.Thank you for your support and it is a pleasure to serve the Town of New Sharon as your Road Com-missioner. Respectively Submitted,John PondRoad CommissionerREPORT OF THE TRUSTEESNEW SHARON WATER DISTRICTWe continued our system upgrade in 2019 by replac-ing the two-inch plastic water line on Main Street, from the junction of Library Lane.At the annual town meeting, the District proposed and the townspeople voted to accept ownership of a District-owned (but unused) parcel of property on the Starks Road used as a ball eld with the proceeds to replace as much of the remaining plastic mains as we can aord. The property has been deeded over to the town.We incurred a setback in November when a wind-storm brought down tree limbs which in turn brought down the power line on Library Lane. Restoration of power resulted in a power surge that destroyed elec-tronic equipment within the pump house that had to be replaced at our expense. By operating the system manually, we were able to continue service to our customers until repairs were made.Again, special thanks to Douin’s Market for again providing our hypochlorite (bleach) at cost. We use bleach in order to meet our requirement of 0.04 parts per million of hypochlorite residual in the system, and the wholesale price helps us – and our customers – save money.Respectfully submitted,David Dill, ChairNew Sharon Water District

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RSU 9 SCHOOL DIRECTOR & DYER TRUST SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORTTo the people of New Sharon and the Select Board:The Mount Blue School District (RSU9) has experi-enced many positive changes with increasing student achievement and sta to support our students, and a School Board that brings many ideas to the table and aims our district for sustainable and realistic goals for our students.With support from our communities the budget pro-vided additional supports for our students. We added several new positions at CCHS, including a 2nd grade teacher, part-time social worker, and behavior inter-ventionist. Interim Adult Education Director was hired as well as many other positions throughout the dis-trict.We are pleased with results on recent State assess-ments. RSU9 students in 3rd-8th grades showed 13% improvement in the number of students procient in literacy. Students improved 3% in math and 1% in science. Our goal is to get up to the state average. With our recent progress, we went from approximately 10.5% below the state average in literacy and math to 5.5% below the state average. We are 2% below the state average in science. Teachers have the biggest impact on student success. RSU9 school board members are working hard, along with students and sta. We have three standing com-mittees that meet monthly.• The Operations Committee works to address issues with our facilities and grounds as well as transportation program. We conduct site visits to all the schools and meet with administrators to address needs. I serve as chair of the Operations Committee.• The Policy Committee addresses issues related to teaching and learning.• The Personnel and Finance Committee reviews the monthly nancial reports, and signs warrant ar-ticles, and addresses stang issues. Much of the time I attend all these committee meetings.In addition to work above, I am a member of several special committees, including:Negotiations CommitteeBudget CommitteeSick Pool Leave CommitteeFoster Career and Technical Supt/ Principal Advisory CommitteeDyer Trust Fund Committee The School Board is beginning a Strategic Planning Process that will identify our direction for the next 5+ years. We hold various community input meetings to gather feedback from our communities, local ocials, and business leaders. We will also conduct written surveys for those who can not attend meetings in person. We hope you will participate and share your ideas for the future of our schools.Success with every student starts at home with good nutrition and parenting. Spending time in these schools with students has made me realize rst-hand how reaching out and helping our children gives a positive outlook for those kids. I see the gleam in their eyes.Please feel free to contact me with any questions. You may reach me at thank the citizens of New Sharon for letting me serve you as elected school board director and look forward to another great year in 2020.Respectfully submitted,Je HarrisSchool Board Director for New Sharon62

Page 63 63 February 4, 2020 Board of Selectmen Town of New Sharon New Sharon, Maine We were engaged by the Town of New Sharon, Maine and have audited the financial statements of the Town of New Sharon, Maine as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019. The following statements and schedules have been excerpted from the 2019 financial statements, a complete copy of which, including our opinion thereon, is available for inspection at the Town. Included herein are: Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds Statement C Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds Statement E Budgetary Comparison Schedule - Budgetary Basis - Budget and Actual - General Fund Schedule 1 Schedule of Departmental Operations - General Fund Schedule A Certified Public Accountants 3 Old Orchard Road, Buxton, Maine 04093 Tel: (800) 300-7708 (207) 929-4606 Fax: (207) 929-4609

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64 www.newsharon.maine.govSTATEMENT C TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE BALANCE SHEET - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2019 See accompanying independent auditors’ report and notes to financial statements. New Other TotalGeneral Fire Governmental GovernmentalFund Station Funds FundsASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 1,373,798$ 307,081$ 135,710$ 1,816,589$ Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes 258,153 - - 258,153 Liens 97,701 - - 97,701 Other 3,668 - - 3,668 Due from other funds 6,266 - 35,080 41,346 TOTAL ASSETS 1,739,586$ 307,081$ 170,790$ 2,217,457$ LIABILITIES Accounts payable 36,604$ -$ -$ 36,604$ Payroll liabilities - - - - Due to other governments - - - - Due to other funds 35,080 18 6,248 41,346 TOTAL LIABILITIES 71,684 18 6,248 77,950 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Prepaid taxes 5,553 - - 5,553 Advance payment of LRAP funding 22,191 - - 22,191 Deferred tax revenues 274,093 - - 274,093 TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES 301,837 - - 301,837 FUND BALANCES Nonspendable - - - - Restricted 646,508 - 69,575 716,083 Committed 34,228 307,063 94,967 436,258 Assigned - - - - Unassigned 685,329 - - 685,329 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 1,366,065 307,063 164,542 1,837,670 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES 1,739,586$ 307,081$ 170,790$ 2,217,457$

Page 65 65STATEMENT E TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 See accompanying independent auditors’ report and notes to financial statements. New Other TotalGeneral Fire Governmental GovernmentalFund Station Funds FundsREVENUES Taxes: Property taxes 1,641,575$ -$ -$ 1,641,575$ Excise taxes 286,246 - - 286,246 Intergovernmental revenues 246,360 - - 246,360 Charges for services 9,844 - - 9,844 Miscellaneous revenues 35,417 767 6,203 42,387 TOTAL REVENUES 2,219,442 767 6,203 2,226,412 EXPENDITURES Current: Town officers’ salaries 56,298 - - 56,298 Administration, town office and office labor 121,555 - - 121,555 Health, welfare and sanitation 106,023 - - 106,023 Public safety 111,339 - - 111,339 Insurance 15,991 - - 15,991 Public works 510,969 - - 510,969 Education 1,045,040 - - 1,045,040 County tax 131,000 - - 131,000 Recreation and culture 27,712 - - 27,712 Unclassified 47,647 - 1,750 49,397 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,173,574 - 11,750 2,185,324 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 45,868 767 (5,547) 41,088 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in 25,000 - 20,000 45,000 Transfers (out) (20,000) - (25,000) (45,000) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 5,000 - (5,000) - NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 50,868 767 (10,547) 41,088 FUND BALANCES - JANUARY 1 1,315,197 306,296 175,089 1,796,582 FUND BALANCES - DECEMBER 31 1,366,065$ 307,063$ 164,542$ 1,837,670$

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66 www.newsharon.maine.govSCHEDULE 1 TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE - BUDGETARY BASIS BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 See accompanying independent auditors’ report and notes to financial statements. VarianceActual PositiveOriginal Final Amounts(Negative)Budgetary Fund Balance, January 1 1,315,197$ 1,315,197$ 1,315,197$ -$ Resources (Inflows): Taxes: Property taxes 1,630,511 1,630,511 1,641,575 11,064 Excise taxes 263,657 263,657 286,246 22,589 Intergovernmental revenues: State revenue sharing 90,340 90,340 101,242 10,902 Homestead exemption 75,984 75,984 72,143 (3,841) Tree growth reimbursment 23,559 23,559 23,588 29 Local road assistance 42,692 42,692 43,852 1,160 Other 4,995 4,995 5,535 540 Interest income 7,275 7,275 10,019 2,744 Interest/fees on taxes 14,563 14,563 20,414 5,851 Charges for services 16,568 16,568 9,844 (6,724) Miscellaneous revenues - - 4,984 4,984 Transfers from other funds 140,000 140,000 25,000 (115,000) Amounts Available for Appropriation 3,625,341 3,625,341 3,559,639 (65,702) Charges to Appropriations (Outflows): Town officers’ salaries 56,800 56,800 56,298 502 Administration, town office and office labor 109,850 109,850 121,555 (11,705) Health, welfare and sanitation 106,700 106,700 106,023 677 Public safety 113,922 113,922 111,339 2,583 Insurance 16,000 16,000 15,991 9 Public works 552,545 552,545 510,969 41,576 Education 1,045,040 1,045,040 1,045,040 - County tax 131,000 131,000 131,000 - Recreation and culture 33,208 33,208 27,712 5,496 Unclassified 190,723 191,187 47,647 143,540 Transfers to other funds 20,000 20,000 20,000 - Total Charges to Appropriations (Outflows) 2,375,788 2,376,252 2,193,574 182,678 Budgetary Fund Balance, December 31 1,249,553$ 1,249,089$ 1,366,065$ 116,976$ Utilization of restricted fund balance -$ 464$ -$ (464)$ Utilization of assigned fund balance 3,644 3,644 - (3,644) Utilization of unassigned fund balance 62,000 62,000 - (62,000) 65,644$ 66,108$ -$ (66,108)$ Budgeted Amounts

Page 67 67SCHEDULE A TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 VarianceOriginal Budget Final PositiveBudget Adjustments Budget Actual (Negative)Town officers’ salaries 56,800$ -$ 56,800$ 56,298$ 502$ Administration, town office and office labor - Administration 48,850 - 48,850 38,408 10,442 Social security 10,000 - 10,000 9,195 805 Code enforcement 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 - Assessing agent 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 - Town hall 16,000 - 16,000 24,658 (8,658) Technology fund 10,000 - 10,000 8,998 1,002 Snow Riders - - - 682 (682) Discounts and abatements - - - 14,614 (14,614) 109,850 - 109,850 121,555 (11,705) Health, welfare and sanitation - Cemetery maintenance 5,700 - 5,700 5,700 - General assistance 1,500 - 1,500 823 677 Solid waste 99,500 - 99,500 99,500 - 106,700 - 106,700 106,023 677

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68 www.newsharon.maine.govSCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 VarianceOriginal Budget Final PositiveBudget Adjustments Budget Actual (Negative)Public safety - Ambulance 12,656 - 12,656 12,577 79 Animal control 7,014 - 7,014 7,014 - Fire department 66,850 - 66,850 64,944 1,906 Health officer 500 - 500 - 500 Hydrant rental 19,402 - 19,402 19,402 - Street lights 7,500 - 7,500 7,402 98 113,922 - 113,922 111,339 2,583 Insurance 16,000 - 16,000 15,991 9 Education 1,045,040 - 1,045,040 1,045,040 - Public works - Road maintenance 480,045 - 480,045 440,742 39,303 Sand and salt facility 71,000 - 71,000 68,830 2,170 Snow blower - sidewalks 1,500 - 1,500 1,397 103 552,545 - 552,545 510,969 41,576 County tax 131,000 - 131,000 131,000 -

Page 69 69SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) TOWN OF NEW SHARON, MAINE SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS - GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 See accompanying independent auditors’ report and notes to financial statements. VarianceOriginal Budget Final PositiveBudget Adjustments Budget Actual (Negative)Recreation and culture - Ditzler library 24,208 - 24,208 23,216 992 Recreation commission 9,000 - 9,000 4,496 4,504 33,208 - 33,208 27,712 5,496 Unclassified - Historical society 2,000 - 2,000 218 1,782 Library donation - 464 464 464 - Community improvement team - - - 691 (691) Fire station reserve 22,000 - 22,000 17,646 4,354 Fire station/town office design 115,000 - 115,000 - 115,000 Land purchase 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - Contingency 10,000 - 10,000 3,628 6,372 Overlay 16,723 - 16,723 - 16,723 190,723 464 191,187 47,647 143,540 Transfers to other funds - Fire truck reserve 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 - Capital roads 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 - TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS 2,375,788$ 464$ 2,376,252$ 2,193,574$ 182,678$

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