MARIA EMRIKAlbum Look Book
MARIA EMRIKmariaemrik.comAll Rights reserved
WELCOMEIn this LOOK BOOK I will take youthrough all my albums.I am so happy to share them withyou because I know you are ajazzlover just like me :)
Black Coffee“Black Coffee” was released in the spring of2015. The album consists of 11 carefullyselected jazz classics counting ”Fly Me To TheMoon”, ”Angel Eyes”, ”Body And Soul” and ”ThisMasquerade”. Some of my absolute favoritesongs - all on one album.
Don't ExplainAfter the release of my first album my energywas so high that I recorded a second album whichwas released late in the fall of 2015. It was thealbum “Don't Explain”, which contains 12 jazzclassics such as ”Autumn Leaves” and ”Misty” -which was the very first song I sang at my veryfirst jazz concert when I was just 15 years old.
Gloomy SundayAfter the first two album releases I wanted totry to write my own songs and lyrics. On the album "Gloomy Sunday" from 2016 you willfind, in addition to 9 jazz classics, the 2 songs”Don’t Look Back” and ”You Are The Love Of MyLife” composed by my good friend J. B.Nelson andwith lyrics by me. Also, the album cover is prettycool on this one I think ;)
Road To HeavenJ. B. and I wrote our completely self-composedjazz album “Road To Heaven”, which was releasedin the spring of 2017. Some of the songs are verypersonal, for example ”Lullaby Waltz” written tomy lovely nephew, and ”Say Goodbye” written inmemory of my mother-in-law. I am extremely proud of this album!
Dear Moon“Dear Moon” followed in 2018, containing 10 lovelyand self-composed tunes. On this album you findthe happy song ”Trouble In A Bubble” and themore sensual ”Perfume”, but you will also findthat some of the songs may not be jazzy-jazzylike ”Until He Was Gone”. This song is quitedifficult to sing, but I am so proud that J. B. and Imade this happen ;)
The Night We Called It A DayA funny anecdote about this album is, that in thefall of 2018 I kept coming across the jazz classic"The Night We Called It A Day" - whether I turnedon the radio, Twitter or the Internet, and it wasalmost as if it was a sign that this tune wouldlike to be recorded and that I was supposed tosing it. So it was! Along with 8 other beauties.The album was released in the spring of 2019 -and the cover photo is taken by me :)
Merry ChristmasI also found the time and energy to release theChristmas album ”Merry Christmas” in November2019, containing 2 self-composed songs ”WinterSong” and ”Christmas Time”.Winter Song" is originally with Danish lyrics, but Ihave translated it into English as I thought itwould fit well with the rest of the album.This album cover photo is also taken by me.
Blue HeavenIn the end of 2019 I discovered, that W. A.Glutsson, who had been part of the team allalong, had secretly been writing wonderful songsto me. So I immediately started writing lyrics! In the spring of 2020, the world stood still but anew album was born.“Blue Heaven”with 10 brandnew songs created by the new duo. This albumalso has a pretty awesome cover!
Homeless HeartThis new energetic duo actually created one morealbum that year, which was released in November2020. “Homeless Heart” contains 9 songs. My good old friend J.B. Nelson also contributed tothe album with his wonderful song “RememberJune” which smells a bit like a new classic and wehave received such fine reviews for the song.
Close Your EyesAfter all the songwriting and composing I wantedto record a cover album. So in May 2021 thealbum “Close Your Eyes” was released. This albumis packed with 11 handpicked beautiful songs,including ”Willow Weep For Me”, ”You Don´tKnow What Love is” and ”The Touch Of Your Lips”.One of my favorite jazz artists is Chet Baker. His story is a very sad one and it comes throughvery clearly in his music.
Happy To Be Me2022 was yet another year with 2 album releases.The Glutsson/Emrik team composed 11 new songsfor the 11th album “Happy To be Me”. Several ofthe songs contain reflections on the previousyears and at the same time lots of hope, light andlove for the future. This album was also releasedin a very special CD book with a 24k CD inside.
Christmas DreamingNovember 25th 2022 the album “ChristmasDreaming” was released. In addition to the titlesong, the album contains 9 good, classicChristmas songs such as "Sleigh Ride", "SilverBells" and "Winter Wonderland".HO HO HO :)You will also find absolutely wonderfulgoosebumps tunes like “The Little Boy That SantaClaus Forgot” and Roger Whittakers “Tiny Angels”.
I Fall In Love Too EasilyIn the fall of 2023 my 13th album was released.As the title indicates this is a cover album withsongs like “I'm Glad There Is You”, “It CouldHappen To You” and “September In The Rain”.I used to sing “Sweet Georgia Brown” when Iperformed at a younger age, but always withDanish lyrics, since that was what I heard as achild on a record my parents had performed by apopular Danish singer/actor ;)
THANK YOU!I am so happy and grateful that you wanted tojoin me down my “album lane”.Thank you for your support.Thank you for listening.You can not imagine how much it means to me!With much loveMaria