The end of your freshman’s first semester ofcollege is almost here. Your student is likely feelingexhausted at this point in the semester. They’veexperienced large adjustments from high schooland a variety of lifestyle changes. They haveendured many weeks of lectures, quizzes,assignments, presentations, and group projects,and still have finals to face. When your student returns home for winter break,they might be quite different from the person theywere just a few months ago in August. They willneed and appreciate sleep after a busy week offinal exams and projects. Give your student time torelax and rejuvenate for a couple of days. Be sureto inform them of any family plans in advance sothat no surprises interrupt their time to unwind.UL LAFAYETTEN O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 1ONE SEMESTER DOWN!P A R E N T & F A M I L Y N E W S L E T T E RTHIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE OFFICE OF ORIENTATION AND THE OFFICE OF FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE.
...2After finals week, instructors will submit students’final course grades. Students will access their finalgrades through ULink. While some students may beecstatic to receive their grades, others may feelnervous or uneasy. It is common for students toexplore the idea of changing their major after finishingtheir first semester. Encourage and support yourstudent as they explore their interests and strengthsso they can choose a major that they are passionateabout. Enjoy your time with your student during the winterbreak! Happy holidays!PREPARING FOR FINALSYour student, if identified as being at risk, has alreadyreceived their second Grade Check of the semester.The next grade they receive will be the final gradethat will count towards their GPA. With just a fewweeks left of the semester, it is more important thanever for your student to be diligent in their studies. If your student is struggling in any of their classes,now is the time for them to ask for help. During theselast few weeks, encourage your student to managetheir time well, seek assistance from a tutor at TheLearning Center, and meet with their professorsduring office hours. If your student has any final projects, they will be duesoon and often make up a large portion of the gradefor that class. Final exams week (December 6-10) isalso approaching quickly. Keep in mind that yourstudent’s final exam schedule is often different fromtheir standard class schedule. Click here to see theFall 2021 Examination Schedule. FALL 2021 ACADEMICCALENDARSPRING 2022
...3In planning for Final Exams, it is important for your student to remember to eathealthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. Encourage your student to get ahead withtheir studies so they can avoid those dreaded “all-nighters.” Stability and health arekey to a successful finals week. Here are twelve tips to help your student preparefor final exams.The career development process is brand new to most freshman students. Theoptions and pressure can feel overwhelming. As your student begins to explore andestablish their major goals and career interests, here are a few ways you can helpsupport them:MAJOR CHANGESQUICK TIPS FOR PARENTS OF UNDECIDED STUDENTSEncourage them to visit the Major & Career ExplorationCenter which provides:Career assessments Major & career individual meetings Career planning guidanceCareer fairs Workshops and seminarsBe There for them:Talk to them about their interests, skills, and values. Listen to what your student might be considering and be receptiveto what makes their considerations compelling. Help them recognize their strengths and career possibilitieswithout letting your personal biases carry much weight.Foster connectionsIf you know someone in a field related to their interests, mutuallyfacilitate an informal interview or "shadow day."Inspire them to investigate majors and careers based on their strengths.CAREER SERVICES | MAJOR AND CAREER EXPLORATION CENTER | 337-482-1444 | EXPLORE@LOUISIANA.EDU
...4With our wide variety of undergraduatemajors, UL Lafayette provides as mucheducational diversity as possible to provideour students with the skills they need to enterthe work force while following their passionsMAJORS OFFERED AT UL LAFAYETTEMajors by alphabetical order Majors by college Majors by interestWhether your student is exploring multiple majors or searching for informationabout their chosen field, this site will help them connect majors to careers. Learnabout the typical career areas and the types of employers that hire people witheach major, as well as strategies to help make students more marketable. Click hereto see what your student can do with their major.WHAT CAN I DO WITH MY MAJOR?SPRING 2022 FYI'SBoth residential and commuter students who park on campus must obtain a newparking permit each semester. Parking permits for the Spring 2022 semester will beavailable through ULink in December. For parking-related questions, contact theOffice of Transportation Services at 337-482-6858 or Click here for parking zone listings and maps.PARKING PERMITSDINING Meal plans for students who live on campus will auto-default onto their fee bill forthe Spring 2022 semester. Commuter students who wish to purchase a meal planmay do so by logging into ULink and following the commuter meal plan links foundin the Housing Portal. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contactCampus Food Services directly at 337-482-2871 or by email
5Students will access the 2022-2023 Housing Application through ULink. Specificinstructions are available in the portal guide on the housing website. Roommate Groups give students the flexibility to pick their roommates andselect a room preference. The sooner a student signs up for housing, the better their chances are of beingassigned to their desired room type. Please note that housing on campus requires entering a 10-month legallybinding contract with UL Lafayette Housing that runs continuously from Augustthrough May. Students are not required to move out over winter break.The online Housing Application for the 2022-2023 school year is now open! Sharethese helpful reminders with your student:HOUSING APPLICATIONACADEMIC REMINDERSGPA is calculated every semester as well as cumulatively after a student has morethan one semester of academic history. Students have access to an easy-to-useGPA calculator through ULink. Click here to read more about calculating GPA.GRADE POINT AVERAGEMAJOR CHANGESIt is common for freshman students to realize that they aren’t in the major that isbest for them. Don’t worry, your student is not alone! Freshmen can change theirmajor in the Academic Success Center (ASC) in Lee Hall, room 115. If your student isunsure, they should visit ASC or schedule a virtual meeting with an academicadvisor to review possible options.Counseling & Testing CenterSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall337-482-6480counseling@louisiana.eduThe Writing CenterH.L. Griffin Hall 107-108337-482-5224writingcenter@louisiana.eduStudent Health ServicesSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall337-482-1293shs@louisiana.eduOffice of Disability Services (ODS)Agnes Edwards 126337-482-5252ods@louisiana.eduDean of StudentsStudent Union, 168337-482-6276deanofstudents@louisiana.eduAcademic Success CenterLee Hall
...6Academic Probation occurs when a student’s cumulative GPA is below a 2.0. Astudent may attend the University while on academic probation but must earn atleast a 2.0 semester GPA the following semester. This means that a student who isplaced on probation at the end of the Fall 2021 semester must earn a 2.0 GPA for theSpring 2022 semester. If a freshman student is on academic probation after this fallsemester, they are required to enroll in ACSK 100: Fundamentals of CollegeLearning. If your student is put on academic probation, they will be contactedthrough their University email. For more information contact the Academic SuccessCenter, or email Read more about academic status in theCatalog.ACADEMIC PROBATIONSCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT PERIODIf your student wants to make changes to their Spring 2022 schedule, they can doso throughout the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period. Students can add anddrop classes on their schedule through the 5th day of class (3rd day for summersession). After that time, students may not drop or add classes through ULink.Encourage your student to keep the academic plan that they developed with theiracademic advisor in mind when adding and dropping classes.THE LIBRARYIf your student hasn’t already found their perfect study spot, encourage them tovisit Edith Garland Dupre Library, located right in the heart of campus on St. MaryBoulevard. The library is bustling every day with students who take advantage ofthe many services offered. Library services include:Knowledgeable librarians Computer labs Printers Large tables for groups Private study tables Free Wifi Jazzman’s CafeCopy machines Charging lockers/stations Audio/video equipment Individual & group study rooms Extended library hours during finalsHave a question? Ask a Librarian Learn more at:
7THE END OF SEMESTER STUDENTDuring the months of November and December, students will be anticipating the holidaysand may get caught up with excitement. It is important to encourage your student to keepan eye on their academic finish line! Academically, students will begin to understand finalexam expectations and they should begin finalizing final projects.As parents or guardians, here are a few things that you can do to help your student:PARENT-TO-PARENT ADVICEHere's what former freshman parents and guardians have to say:Final Exam Planning - Encourage your student to make a final exam studyschedule. This will help them to plan ahead and avoid cramming at the lastminute. Time management is something that students - especially freshmen -struggle with. Encourage your student to take note of deadlines and final examschedules for each scheduled class.Personal Health - Students must take care of their personal needs during thisbusy time. They may lose sleep, neglect nutrition needs, and fail to exercise,which does not lead to productivity. Click here to read an article on how tohelp your student with their personal health.Family Time Again - Your student may go home for the holidays. This might causeunexpected stress for you and your student as they are used to being independent.Keep this in mind over the holidays to allow your student to maintain their newindependence. Click here to read an article with conversation starters for theThanksgiving table!YOUR STUDENT IN NOVEMBER & DECEMBER