November 9 2018 NATURE VS NURTURE 4 10 PM Parshas Toldos The parsha begins with the possuk These are the offspring of Yitzchak the son of Avraham Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak Rashi addresses the apparent redundancy of and by explaining that Hashem caused Avraham and Yitzchak to look alike thus making it evident to all that Avraham was the parent of Yitzchak The Kli Yakar however offers a different explanation referencing back to the end of Parshas The possuk there states In both cases two terms are employed to refer to offspring and What is the difference between them The word is not only used for a biological son It is also employed when referring to a someone s student to whom he has taught Torah and Similarly by her relationship with Mordechai who raised her is described as The term however is used only for a biological child Explains the the difference between the two words is the difference between nature and nurture The term is nurture A child is nurtured by his parents as he is by a teacher and anyone who raises him The child learns and is influenced by those who nurture him The term however refers to the intrinsic nature of the child that he is born with Both Yishmael and Yitzchak were the of Avraham He nurtured both of them educated them and was the major influence in their environment But the essence of the two were different Yishmael s nature came from Hagar His natural middos and inclinations came from her Yitzchak though was a complete His intrinsic nature mirrored s Thus it was truly All of us are children of and as such we have inherited the and the of our heilige It is our responsibility to ensure that we maintain the harmony between and The nurturing that we provide our children the environment we surround them with must be in sync and accent the pure natures that they were bequeathed It is Rosh Chodesh Kislev The classes have begun learning about Chanukah and are preparing for performances Speaking of performances the Torah Academy Choir under the direction of Rabbi Rodkin is busy preparing for their performance at the Torah Academy auction We hope everyone will participate in the auction This is one of the important fundraisers for the school Encourage family and friends to buy tickets to support TA November 12 Parent Teacher Conferences in Williston Building November 14 Parent Teacher Conferences in Hamilton Building December 1 Torah Academy Gala Auction The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Rabbi Ochs 1 8G participated in a Rosh Chodesh assembly in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Girls assembled puzzles on Kislev related topics Some groups even composed poems depicting their puzzles Thank you 8G G O and Mrs Blumberg The Chemdas Yosef extra curricular mishanyos program kicked off with a bang as grades 3 8 had a special assembly Rabbi Halpern mesmerized the talmidim with inspiring stories about the importance of believing in yourself and how much you can accomplish Thank you to the Halpern Mishpacha for sponsoring the program l iluy nishmas Reb Yosef ben Nachum Yoel Thank you Rabbi Halpern The second floor at Williston got a face lift in honor of Grandparents day Ms Gould spent many hours using her creativity to design the stunning boards portraying the work of students in grades 5 8 and the excitement of learning that occurs every day at TA Thank you Ms Gould Rabbi Solomon gave an interactive presentation to the 6th grade about the halachos of Shatnez and the process of how to check for Shatnez Thank you Rabbi Solomon
Bulletin Board Mazel Tov to 6B on completing Lashon haTorah chelek gimmel They are moving on to chelek dalet with enthusiasm Mazel Tov to 6G on completing Parshas Naso Check out Mrs Gould s 5G I Saw You Care bulletin board Girls have the opportunity to record acts of kindness and consideration that were shown to them Boys in grade 4 are learning all about how the Jewish Calendar used to be determined They heard about the system of fire on the mountaintops to let the Yidden in Bavel know when Rosh Chodesh was They played a Mishnayos Millim Matching game with all the Mishnayos vocabulary words Chumash is very exciting with the first siyum on a parsha in sight Navi Yehoshua has come alive through out talented class artists that illustrate the Pesukim on the board as MAZEL TOV TO they are learning Come join the fun In general studies the boys are learning about Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor In social studies Beautiful North America is the jumping off point to learn about our continent its physical attributes its natural and man made landmarks and more The 4th grade girls are enjoying their foray into Navi learning this year as they learn about the spies Yehoshua sent to Eretz Canaan In Chumash the topic is also currently spies as they study Yosef s accusation of his brothers in Parsha Mikeitz In science 4G is learning about the nature of matter and how it changes chemically and physically Students will be building molecules of sugar Vitamin C peppermint and Advil In social studies they will be using their own blow up globes to better understand lines of latitude and longitude to locate places in the world CONGRATULATIONS Yisroel 07 Miara and Esther Miriam Badoush on to the winners of the Boxtops By Family their engagement and to parents Rabbi Shimon and Our winner is The Blumberg Family Mrs Mireille Miara The second place winner is the The Ledewitz Family MEASLES ALERT Torah Umesorah has reported that there are outbreaks of measles in Israel and the Brooklyn Jewish Community among children that have not been immunized There are also cases reported in Monsey and Lakewood The recommendation for children age four and older is 2 doses of MMR
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 3 1 2 5 6 4 7 7 1 2 3 4 New bulletin board designed by Ms Gould in honor of Grandparents day First graders showing off the leaves that they collected 8th grade students working on the Aleks Math Program Rabbi Solomon teaching about Shatnez during the 6th grade Club Hour 5 6 7 8 9 6th graders using microscopes to determine the difference between wool and linen during the Shatnez presentation 8B learning Gemara Second graders working on their science experiment 4B at recess 3B went ice skating 8 9
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 3 1 2 4 5 6 6 1 5G learned about in the 6 4 bitter water They made sour sugar terrariums in honor the bitter water turning sweet 2 6G using projector and chromebook for fun 5 4G plants tulip bulbs 6 2G students trying to come up with as many Hebrew words as possible General Studies 3 4G learns about latitude and longitude using their own blow up globes 8G playing history games and having 7 4G art Autumn trees 7
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 1 Dr Bane a dentist and a TA parent spoke to both PreK classes about importance of going to the dentist 5 Fun Fall Craft in K1 6 K2 Shabbos Mommy and Totty 7 PreK1 learning letter dalet 2 Ducks in PreK2 8 3 K2 math and writing centers Osher Hain and Akiva Riesel being the Rebbe in K1 4 Prek1 Magna tiles builders 7 8 6 8
Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 4th GRADE Asher Nesanel Mintzes Shmuel Loketch 2nd GRADE Naftoli Ochs 7th GRADE Akiva Bressel Akiva Feuerstein Natanel Atar Eliezer Markov Ari Block 5th GRADE Elchonon Frohlich Moshe Blumberg Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Feldman Yehoshua Kashnow Yehuda Leib Feldman Ezra Feuerstein 3rd GRADE Daniel Simnegar David Knisbacher 8th GRADE Meir Hain Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm Aron Luria 6th GRADE Levi Meyers Jonathan Faintuch Yisrael Feldman Chatzkel Wilhelm SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayera 5B 6B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Leib Feldman Yoni Faintuch Malkiel Miara Yisrael Feldman Ezra Feuerstein Yisrael Feldman Shlomo Rosmarin Yaakov Fontek 8B Meir Hain Aaron Sanieoff Moshe Leff Meir Hain Shmuel Meir Solomon Dovi Posy Shmuel Meir Solomon Chatzkel Wilhelm Nesanel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei Moshe Leff
Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidos who displayed extra care towards their school and community 1st GRADE Malka Block Shira Kamoun Liron Shkap Tehilla Ganger Eliana Greenblatt Rivka Ledewitz Bracha Fraida Solomon Avigail Greene Dassi Halpern Aliya Levin Shani Hain Chana Golda Kaufman Nechama Rosengard Binah Kaplinsky Mimi Lowenstein Yehudis Septimus Basya Meyers Dahlia Miriam Wiesenfeld Sara Shimanovich Brocha Hain Dina Wagner Chaya Sorah Rodkin Shana Polter Sara Tzivia Segal 4th GRADE Basya Wagner Devorah Berman 7th GRADE Naomi Zyto 8th GRADE Tziporah Bier 6th GRADE Layah Bukiet 2nd GRADE Esther Cunha Bracha Benmergui Shira Feuerstein Tehila Cywiak Rachel Baila Faintuch Naomi Davydov Aviva Forman Malky Dessler Rivka Fontek Esther Ledewitz Yocheved Mintzes Bashie Horowitz Chayala Wolf Rivka Knisbacher Shaindel Shanske 5th GRADE Etty Wilhelm Etty Benmergui Malkah Zyto Chaya Block Rina Cywiak 3rd GRADE Hadassa Hain Devorah Bakke Ora Hoffman Rivki Dessler Chaya Rochel Loketch Chana Tzophiya Lowenstein Tehilla Frohlich Julia Marshall Rebecca Gvirtsman Adina Mendelev Rivkah Khazanovich Chaya Shaindel Mintzes Hadas Knisbacher Sara Shifra Shanske Avigail Marshall Leah Weinreb Shoshi Weinreb Leah Rosengard Yael Schonberg Shoshana Youshaei Devorah Zazula