November 30 2018 HIGHEST STANDARDS The YomTov of Chanukah is nearly upon us and we hope and pray that the pure light of Chanukah should banish the abundant darkness that engulfs Klal Yisrael worldwide One of the well known questions of the Mefarshim about the Chanukah story asks why the Chashmonaim were so insistent to only kindle the Menorah using a a jug of oil that had an unbroken seal of the Kohen Gadol indicating its purity The Halacha is explicit that an that is incumbent upon the community to perform may in cases of need be performed in a state of impurity There was insufficient oil for 8 days and it was therefore perfectly permissible to use impure oil Why then didn t the employ this The asks a similar question in Parshas Shemini following the deaths of and Their burial was performed by their cousins and rather than by their brothers and However and had the status of a A unlike a Kohen Gadol may become impure for his closest seven relatives which includes a brother Why did and refrain from performing the The Da as Zekeinim answers that a on the day of his induction into the Avodah has the status of a Kohen Gadol Nadav and Avihu died on the 8th day of the Therefore their brothers could not bury them The in explains the reasoning Becoming 3 55 PM is a heter Beginnings though must be as perfect as possible since they set the tone for everything that follows Thus its obligatory to act And not look for So a Kohen on his very first day of the avodah cannot become Based on this idea he says we can understand why the Chashmonaim were so insistent to only use pure oil and not rely on the heter of The Mikdash was being rededicated and inaugurated This beginning needed to be as as possible Now was not the time to rely on the permissibility of using impure oil Chanukah is synonymous with Chinuch Chinuch is the beginning of the process of initiating our children into We don t cut corners with a beginning We must educate them as with the highest standards and goals It is the only way that their Yesod in Yiddishkeit will give them the strength and courage to remain steadfast in their Avodas Hashem during all of life s challenges December 1 Torah Academy Gala Auction December 2 1B Chascholas Chumash 10 00 am December 12 1G Chascholas Chumash 10 00 am December 16 TAG comes to Boston The bulletin is sponsored by Have a and a I look forward to greeting you at the auction Rabbi Ochs Chanukah begins on Sunday night and the school is abuzz with Chanukah Ruach Lots of learning about Chanukah projects and menorah making and preparations for performances have been happening In the upcoming week we look forward to boys and girls Chanukah mesibos with fun and games 3B participated in Understanding Our Differences Program of Gateways and sponsored by The Ruderman Family Foundation The facilitator Gary Alpert spoke about deafness The students learned about communicating and befriending people with hearing loss Thank you Rabbi Chaim Naftoli Dovek for the engaging tefillin presentation to 6B The students really enjoyed it Thank you to Mrs Lisa Marshall for leading four debate sessions in our 8th grade girls elective program 5B had a Writer s Workshop Shoe Tying under the guidance of Mr Carey How important is it to choose the right word be organized in your descriptions and understand the audience for your writing 5B discovered when what seemed like an simple writing assignment turned out to be a bit more challenging Students were given two writing blocks to first write and then revise directions for how to put on one s shoes Then the class gathered and the directions were tested The class quickly spotted missing details vague wordings run on sentences They also saw the difference precise words attention to detail and ordered sentences made in being successful in following their writing Beyond the amount of laughter shared the insights on how to become stronger writers will be echoing throughout the class for quite some time Mazel to 3G on competing
Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 11 Kislev sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs Yaakov Klerman in honor of the birth of a daughter Yocheved Michal to Mordechai Stephanie Horwath 11 Kislev sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs Aaron and Rena Krochmal in memory of Mr Leon Carnam z l father of Mrs Rena Krochmal 12 Kislev sponsored by the Faintuch Family for an extra zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah to Chaya Esther bas Nechama Mindel who is selflessly donating one of her kidneys today to another Jew whom she has never met Whoever saves one life saves an entire world Sanhedrin 4 5 May her example of being nosay b ol chaveiro be a lesson and a merit to all of us A Refuah Sheleimah also to Simcha ben Fraida who should no longer suffer from debilitating chronic kidney failure 12 Kislev sponsored by the Miller Family as a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaya Esther bas Nechama Mindel who is selflessly donating her kidney today and to her recipient Simcha ben Fraida 13 Kislev sponsored by Judy Pollack in memory of her father Yosef Yakov Ganger z l great grandfather of Yosef Yakov Michali Shalom and Yehuda Mermelstein May his neshama have an aliyah due to all the beautiful learning at the Torah Academy of Boston 19 Kislev sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Mr Boris Baruch Perepelyuk z l father of Mrs Galina Bast grandfather of Ephraim Natasha Bakke great grandfather of Devorah Havah and Basya Bakke A man of few words who made a big impact on his family and friends 22 Kislev sponsored by a friend in memory of Aryeh Leib Shalom benYisroel z l 22 Kislev sponsored by a friend as a zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for Maysha Rivka bas Chaya MAZEL TOV TO Yehuda 08 and Menucha Beker on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs Leah Beker Avi 08 Rynderman on his engagement to Baila Silverman and to parents Mr Michel and Mrs Sima Rynderman Pinchas Minaker 05 on his engagement to Leah Nathan and to parents Dr Burt and Mrs Sora Minaker Mr Frederick former 8B English teacher and Mrs Katherine Martin on the birth of their son MARK YOUR CALENDAR Wed Dec 5 9 00am PreK1 Chanukah show PreK1 room Wed Dec 5 9 30am PreK2 Chanukah show PreK2 room Wed Dec 5 10 00am Kindergarten Chanukah show Auditorium SHNAYIM MIKRA PROGRAM LOOKING FOR SPONSORS Thank you to Rabbi Menchel for sponsoring Shnayim Mikra program for the last eight weeks If you would like to sponsor this beautiful program please contact Rabbi Hain or the Williston office
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 1 2 3 4 Building menorahs in 6B The boys in 2B working cooperatively to create a menorah 2B decorating fall cupcakes because fall is almost over Rabbi Dovek giving a presentation on tefillin to 6B 5 6 7 3rd graders learning how to communicate and befriend people who have hearing loss 4B practicing math and English with the Successmaker program in the Computer lab 5B writer s workshop about how to tie shoes 1 6 7
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 3 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 6 7 1 In honor of Thanksgiving girls in grade 2 construct Thanksgiving puppets 2 4G observes the energy fields of different magnets 3 Learning about Thanksgiving in 2G using the new overhead projector 4 8G science class learning about bones 5 3G performing skits at their siyum on 6 7G science lab experimenting with bones 7 A 4G writing assignment learning about writing a paragraph is transformed into a bulletin board
4G SIYUM SNAPSHOTS Morah Sternfield s grade 4 girls participated in a cupcake decorating project in conjunction with their siyum of Each decorated cupcake depicted a different scene from this exciting parsha Mrs Moskovitz joined the class and shared thoughts and a story with the girls related to the middah of ahavah which Yosef HaTzaddik displayed in
PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 3 2 3 4 5 4 7 5 7 6 1 K1 learning about Chanukah 2 PreK1 Half party everything is divided in half 3 Kesones Passim from the parsha is a fun activity in PreK1 4 PreK2 did a lot fun learning about Chanukah 5 K2 enjoy writing words 6 The PreK classes visiting the fire station on Chestnut Hill Avenue during F week The firemen demonstrated sliding down the pole let the children sit in the firetruck and see what they use to fight fires 7 K1 learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds
Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 4th GRADE 6th GRADE Nesanel Luria Asher Katz Jonathan Faintuch Naftoli Ochs Yisrael Feldman Yosef Leff Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Shmuel Meir Solomon 2nd GRADE Yaakov Bier 5th GRADE Yehuda Leib Rodkin Eliyahu Youshaei Uri Hain Meir Hain Manny Tarlin Moshe Blumberg Yehuda Leib Feldman 3rd GRADE 8th GR ADE 7th GRADE Yishai Wasserman Aaron Bier Nesanel Wilhelm Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Akiva Feuerstein Yisroel Leib Greene Eliezer Markov Aaron Samieoff Noach Weiner Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Wolf SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayetze V and Vayishlach VS 5B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Leib Feldman V VS Yoni Faintuch V VS Malkiel Miara V VS Yisrael Feldman VS Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein V VS Yisrael Feldman V VS 8B Uri Katz V Yaakov Fontek V VS Meir Hain V VS Moshe Aryeh Leff VS Uri Katz V Yosef Aryeh Leff VS Aaron Sanieoff V Moshe Leff V VS Shmuel Meir Solomon V VS Shmuel Meir Solomon VS Meir Zev Gelernter VS Yisroel Leib Greene VS Shlomo Rosmarin V VS 6B Aaron Sanieoff V VS Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin V VS Yehuda Wolf V Binyomin Septimus V VS Noam Youshaei V VS Yehuda Wolf V
Congregation Chai Odom 77 Englewood Avenue Brighton invites everyone to Chanukah Mesiba and Seuda First night of Chanukah December 12th Tuesday Night 6 30 8 15 Maariv to follow Live Music Gifts for all the children Chai Odom Boys Choir Divrei Torah Full Fleishig Meal Adults 10 00 Children 7 00 Family Maximum 36 00 RSVP 617 734 5359 Raffle Prizes 1 ticket 1 00 5 tickets for 3 00 Come Join the Fun