J A C K S O N C O U N T Y R E A LE S T A T EM A R K E T U P D A T ELISTINGS SOLDAVERAGESOLD PRICEAVERAGE DAYSON MARKETNEW LISTINGS$240,88815918227F U R N A C E E F F I C I E N C Y T I P SLowering yourthermostat by a singledegree may not soundlike much, but it is asignificant cost savings.Over 8 hours, a 1-degreedecrease on yourthermostat will save youapproximately 1% on yourannualized heating costs.That’s a pretty bigbenefit for a change youmight not even feel!UNBLOCKREGISTERSINSULATEEXPOSED DUCTSEach year as winter approaches,homeowners start to think about howmuch their heating bills will be for theyear. As they examine current energyprices, they inevitably start to wonder ifthere’s anything they can do to increasethe efficiency of their home’s furnace.Here are a few tips that can help achievegreater furnace efficiency.Just like a dirty air filter,blocked or closed airregisters throughoutyour home will createresistance that makesyour furnace workharder. Making sure thatall of the air registersthroughout your homeremain open andunblocked by things likefurniture will improveyour furnace’s efficiency.LOWER YOURTHERMOSTATIn some homes,ductwork runs exposedalong a basementceiling or throughother locations, whichleads to energy loss inthe winter. To prevent that energyloss, it’s sometimesworthwhile to addinsulation to yourexposed ductwork.
GRATITUDECRAFT PROJECTWhat You Need:1. Find a tablecloth 2. Find paint that is NOT going to wash off when youthrow it into the washing machine3. Put something UNDER your tablecloth so that thepaint does not get on the table (learn from my mistake!)Getting the kids involved:1. Take each child, one at a time, to the tablecloth.2. Place their hand in the paint and then immediately ontothe tablecloth.3. You are going to make a mess, so plan accordingly.4. Take the first child to the sink to wash his/her hands.5. Take child #2 and repeat…6. Do this with each child.Take a permanent marker and write what each child isthankful for. Try to ask them separately to get the best andmost personal answers. Write the year in the middle of your cluster of hands.This Tablecloth isn’t just a regular tablecloth… no, it’s special. It’s a tradition. It’sa look back on their years passed and a hope for their future.Every year you are going to add to this and in 10 years, you are going to lookback in amazement at how your children have grown. In 20 years, you will havenew little handprints on it, as your children begin to have children. Every year,just move to a new section on the tablecloth. Change the color of the paint onyour kid’s hands, adding any new hands (new babies) onto the tablecloth.
The world looks a lot different in2023 than it did a couple of yearsago, and our homes have been at thecenter of massive change. HVAC replacementAverage investment:$8,200Average ROI: 85%New wood flooringAverage investment:$4,700Average ROI: 106%Hardwood flooringrefinishingAverage investment:$2,600Average ROI: 100%Insulation upgradeAverage investment:$2,400Average ROI: 83%New garage doorAverage investment:$2,100Average ROI: 95%New RoofingAverage investment:$7,500Average ROI: 107%The best ROI projects according to NAR’s latest Remodeling Impact Survey.As you plan yournext renovationproject, it’s morecritical than everto know whatupgrades increasehome value.IS YOUR HOME VALUEFALLING LIKE THE LEAVES?We have seen some local housing marketingadjustments and wanted to keep you informedand updated on your home's value.