Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,As we embrace the month of November, I am filled with gratitudefor the incredible community we have built at our school. This timeof year always reminds us of the importance of reflection,appreciation, and giving back.Firstly, I want to commend our students on their dedication andhard work as we move past the first quarter of the school year.Your enthusiasm in both academics and extracurricular activitiesis inspiring. Keep up the great effort, and remember that yourperseverance now will pay off in the long run.To our parents and guardians, thank you for your continuedsupport and engagement. Your involvement is vital to our students’success, and we appreciate your partnership in fostering anurturing and productive learning environment. Lastly, I want to remind everyone of the upcoming parent-teacherconferences. These are invaluable opportunities for parents andteachers to discuss student progress and collaborate on strategiesfor continued success. Please make sure to schedule yourappointments.Thank you once again for making CASA a remarkable place forlearning and growth. I look forward to all the exciting events andachievements the remainder of the semester will bring!Wishing you all a rewarding and joyful November.Warm regards,Principal Wauchope THE CASA CHRONICLEFrom the Principal’s DeskIssue No. 20| November 2024CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMY Native American Heritage Month
November 28, 2024Thanksgiving DayUpcoming EventsAfterschool ClubsWednesdays and Thursdays(Check CASA’s Monthly Calendar fordetails.)CASA Special Education OpenxHouseWednesday, 11/8, 6:30pm (Virtual)CASA Open HouseThursday, 11/9, 6:00-7:30pm (Auditorium)SLT Parent ElectionsThursday, 11/9, 6:00-7:00pm (Room G22A)FASFA WorkshopTuesday, 11/14, 5:30pm-7:30pmParent Self-Care WorkshopTuesday, 11/14, 6:00pm-7:30pm (RoomG22A)Student Town HallWednesday, 11/15 - Grades 9 & 10, Pd. 3 Grades 11 & 12, Pd. 4Senior Day Outing Weds., 11/20 11:00pm - 3:00pm - Xanadu Roller RinkSenior Family NightWeds., 11/20 5:30pm - 7:00pm - LibraryEvening Parent/Teacher ConferencesThursday, 11/21, (Virtual) - 5:00Pm -7:00PMAfternoon Parent/Teacher ConferencesFriday, 11/22 -12:30pm-2:30pm - VirtualOnlyArt & Music Thanksgiving LuncheonTues., 11/26 Thanksgiving RecessThurs., 11/28 & Fri., 11/29 - SchoolsclosedNOVEMBER OBSERVANCESNational Adoption MonthAmerican Diabetes MonthNational Family CaregiversMonthNational Inspirational RoleModels MonthLung Cancer AwarenessMonthNational Native-AmericanHeritage Month
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, isone of the most widely celebrated festivals inIndia and among Indian communitiesworldwide. It symbolizes the triumph of lightover darkness, good over evil, and knowledgeover ignorance. Celebrated over five days,Diwali commemorates various stories fromHindu mythology, most notably the return ofLord Rama to his kingdom after a 14-yearexile, during which he defeated the demonking Ravana. The festival's central traditionis lighting oil lamps (diyas), which arebelieved to ward off evil spirits and bringprosperity and happiness. The illumination ofhomes, streets, and temples signifies theinner light that protects individuals fromspiritual darkness.Beyond its religious significance, Diwali is atime for families to come together, exchangegifts, and enjoy festive foods. It is also a timeof renewal, where people clean their homes,buy new clothes, and pray for health, wealth,and well-being in the coming year. Thejoyous atmosphere is marked by fireworks,music, and dancing, making Diwali a vibrantcelebration of life, unity, and community. Itencourages people to reflect on theirspiritual journey, fostering gratitude and anoptimistic outlook for the future. Whetherobserved with grand festivities or intimatefamily gatherings, Diwali serves as areminder of the enduring power of light andpositivity in overcoming challenges.The Significance of Diwali:A Festival of LightsThe Significance of Diwali:A Festival of Lights
To truly honor Native American HeritageMonth, it is essential to move beyondmere acknowledgment and engage inmeaningful actions. One way to do this isby supporting Native-owned businesses,artists, and authors, thus uplifting theeconomic and cultural endeavors ofthese communities. Educators andstudents can take this opportunity toinclude Native American perspectives inhistory lessons, explore literature byNative authors, and attend events led byNative communities to gain a deeperunderstanding of their histories andcontemporary issues. Additionally,visiting local museums or cultural centersdedicated to Native American heritagecan provide a more comprehensive viewof their contributions. By activelyparticipating in these activities, we notonly pay homage to the past but alsosupport the continuous growth andvisibility of Native American voices in oursociety.Native American Heritage Month,observed each November, is a time torecognize the rich history, vibrantcultures, and invaluable contributions ofNative American tribes throughout theUnited States. This month is not justabout acknowledging the past but alsocelebrating the resilience and thrivingcultures of Native American communitiestoday. Honoring this month is crucialbecause it helps us remember the often-overlooked history of the originalinhabitants of this land and theirenduring legacy. It's a time to reflect onthe impact of colonization, to learn aboutthe diverse traditions and values ofdifferent tribes, and to recognize thestrength of Native Americancommunities in preserving theiridentities despite centuries of adversity.NATIVE AMERICANHERITAGE MONTH:CELEBRATINGCULTURE,HONORINGHISTORY
5 Ways to Celebrate Native American HeritageMonthPurchase goods, art, and books directly fromNative creators to uplift their communitiesand preserve their cultural heritage.Explore exhibitionsdedicated to NativeAmerican history and artto gain a deeperappreciation for theircontributions andresilience.EDUCATE YOURSELF AND OTHERSRead books, watchdocumentaries, or listen topodcasts by Nativeauthors and historians todeepen yourunderstanding of NativeAmerican history andcontemporary issues.Teachers, parents, andstudents can exploreNative American historiesand cultures throughdiverse resources inschool curricula andfamily discussions.EDUCATE YOURSELFAND OTHERSJoin powwows,workshops, or virtualtalks led by NativeAmerican leaders tolearn about theirtraditions, music, andart.ATTEND CULTURAL EVENTS:SUPPORT NATIVE-OWNED BUSINESSES:VISIT MUSEUMS ORCULTURAL CENTERS:
@ C Y B E R A R T S H S B K
CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HMd Murad Hasan MihadAaliyah RobinsonAnaroleisy Magarin MorontaDaniel MorenoYanira HernandezEric Mopsito
CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HMarianny Valenzuela SabaKaseim DouglasRiquelmi Camilo LopezKapone Davilla Mason adamsElijah BarrettJania Amin
CONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSC Y B E R A R T S S T U D I O A C A D E M Y ’ SS T U D E N T O F T H E M O N T HBrendel ChaudryNancy Jack Revels Vira GryshnaWiangel Difo GuzmanEjannah BarrettJoseph Suconota Shirley Vidal Guzman
Gratitude inAction:Embracing theSpirit ofGiving ThanksAs we approach the Thanksgiving season, it’simportant to remember the significance ofgiving thanks. Thanksgiving is a time toreflect on the blessings in our lives, whetherbig or small. This tradition encourages us toexpress gratitude for family, friends, and thesimple joys we often take for granted. Takinga moment to pause and appreciate thepositive things in our lives can help uscultivate a sense of peace, connection, andjoy, which is especially meaningful during thehectic pace of our everyday routines.In addition to personal gratitude, Thanksgivingoffers an opportunity to give back to others.Acts of kindness, whether volunteering oroffering a helping hand, foster a sense ofcommunity and remind us of the importance ofsupporting one another. It’s a time to practiceempathy and share what we have with thosewho may be less fortunate. By embracing thespirit of gratitude and giving, we not onlystrengthen our own relationships but alsocontribute to building a kinder and moreconnected society.
TAKE A MOMENT TOSAY THANK YOUTake a moment to say Thank You, its something weshould do.Take a moment to say Thank You to show your gratitude.Take a moment to say Thank You to the ones who’vehelped you out.Take a moment to say Thank You without any doubt.Take a moment to say Thank You to show yourappreciation.Take a moment to say Thank You no matter the situation.Taking a moment to say ThankYou can truly make someone’sdayMaking them feel appreciated andhelp take the negative feelingsthey may be having awayYou don’t know what the nextperson is going throughJust know that it’s always a goodthing to take that moment to justsay THANK YOU.Ms. Rogers
OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARYOctober 26 November 9November 16November 23December 7December 14January 4January 11January 18Starting Now!SATURDAYREGENTS PREPAre you ready to ace your Regents exams?Join our Saturday Regents Prep sessions to ensure you'refully prepared to achieve your best performance!Attention CASA Students! SaturdaysSee Calendar Below9:30 AM-12:30 PMCASA237 7th Ave,Brooklyn, NYREGENTS PREP DATES:
OCTUBRENOVIEMBREDICIEMBRE ENERO26 deoctubre9 denoviembre16 denoviembre23 de noviembre7 de diciembre14 de diciembre4 de enero11 de enero18 de enero¿Estás listo para aprobar tus exámenes Regents? ¡Únetea nuestras sesiones de preparación para Regents lossábados para asegurarte de que estás completamentepreparado para lograr tu mejor desempeño!¡Empezando ahora!PREPARACIÓN PARAREGENTS DEL SÁBADO¡Atención estudiantes de CASA! Sabados VerCalendario Abajo9:30 a. m. a12:30 p. m.CASA 237 7thAve, Brooklyn,Nueva YorkFECHAS DE PREPARACIÓN PARA EL EXAMENREGENTS:
SENIOR COUNCILNovember 2024CASA CHOOSES KINDNESSGRAB N’ GO BREAKFASTFUNDRASIERAt Cyberarts Studio Academy,the senior council recently hosteda successful fundraisingcampaign in support of DefineAmerican, a nonprofit focused onimmigrant rights and advocacy. With a bake sale and kindnessgrams, students joined forces tospread positivity and raiseawareness for this importantcause.Every Monday, the Senior Council hosts a Grab N' Go Breakfastfundraiser, offering a quick and tasty start to the week whilesupporting senior events. This weekly initiative shows how thesenior class is working together to make lasting memoriesand ensure special milestones for all.The event showcased thepower of collaborativeteamwork, with everyonecontributing to a cause greaterthan themselves. Not only did it bring the schooltogether, but it also fueled thespirit of community andkindness at CASA, proving thatwhen you work as a team, youcan make a real difference.
J o i n u s f o r a f e s t i v e c e l e b r a t i o n o fc r e a t i v i t y a n d g r a t i t u d e !E n j o y a d e l i g h t f u l a f t e r n o o n f e a t u r i n g :L i v e M u s i c P e r f o r m a n c e sA r t E x h i b i t s b y O u r T a l e n t e d S t u d e n t sD e l i c i o u s T h a n k s g i v i n g L u n c h🎨 🎶ART & MUSICTHANKSGIVING LUNCHEON November 26thP e r i o d s 6 - 8CYBERARTS STUDIO ACADEMYRSVP byNovember15thHelp make our luncheon a success by donating food!📱 Scan the QR Code to Sign Up:
¡Ú na se a n os ot ro s pa ra u n a c e l e br ac ió nfe st iv a de c re at iv id ad y g r a t i t ud !Di sf ru te d e un a ta rd e en ca n t a d o r a c o n :P r e s e n t a c i o n e s d e m ú s i c a e n v i v oE x p o s i c i o n e s d e a r t e d e n u e s t r o s t a l e n t o s o s e s t u d i a n t e sD e l i c i o s o a l m u e r z o d e A c c i ó n d e G r a c i a s🎨 🎶 ALMUERZO DE ACCIÓN DEGRACIAS DE ARTE Y MÚSICA 26 de noviembrePer iod os 6- 8ACADEMIA DE ESTUDIO DE CYBERARTSConfirmarasistencia antes del15 de noviembre¡Ayúdenos a que nuestro almuerzo sea un éxitodonando comida! Escanea el código QR para registrarte:
BrooklynBotanic Garden Trip C A S A A R T SG R A D E S 1 1 A N D 1 2 Chanel Subzero Brooklyn BarriosFayeez Ahmed Charlie Gonzaga
Neveah Neaves Brayan MirandaJoseph Morocho Jiang Zhi HengXiang
Kevin Alverto Ramires VazquezAnastasiia TsisykSean BarrettYimen Choc ChocEdvin Guarcax TuyDayanara CalixHadija AlabsiMiguel Jorge PaizNatasha Vidal TinaureKayla JacksonDaniel MorenoLuis Angel RomeroTridib DasDeysi Morales SalazarChristopher Ortiz RiveraNicole Grethel Madrigal SantosBrendel ChaudryAdrian DiazDarius Dominguez
November 11
Sincere Thanksgiving GreetingsMay your Thanksgiving Day be brimming with love, gratitude,and abundant prosperity. Extending my warmest wishes to youand yours on this day of gratitude! Blessings, KayindeWe would especially like to thankMs. Wauchope, Mr. HarrisMs. G. Harris, Ms. Montaque, Ms.Rogers, Ms. Stein, and the CASAfaculty and staff for theircontributions to this issue of theChronicle.