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November 16 2018 OUR EFFORT HASHEM S RESULTS As Yaakov is on his way to Lavan s house Hashem promises him that Eretz Yisrael will be given to him and his descendants Hashem then promises that your offspring will be like the dust of the earth and spread in all directions The simple understanding of this bracha is that Klal Yisrael will be as numerous as the dust of the earth However the learns that the Torah is actually foretelling events that will take place before the Geulah First Klal Yisrael will be treated like the dust of the earth by the Then when everything seems hopeless Hashem will bring the redemption and the glory of Klal Yisrael will expand in all directions The situation will go from the lowest point to the highest The mefarshim derive this concept from the fact that Possuk lists the directions by extremes from the east to the west north to south rather than listing the directions clock or counter clockwise north west south east Why however does the Geulah need to 4 03 PM arrive in such a manner Why can t it be more gradual The Kli Yakar explains based on a possuk in Tehillim As long as we aren t at our lowest point Klal Yisrael doesn t put their in Hashem We think that our hishtadlus and efforts will save us and we place trust in the people and organizations that we think will help us Until we arrive at the revelation that there is only Hashem to rely on only then will the Geulah come Yes we need to make hishtadlus and use all the avenues available to us At the same time we must realize that hishtadlus is just that hishtadlus November 22 25 Thanksgiving Break Nov 26 Regular classes resume December 1 Torah Academy Gala Auction December 2 1B Chascholas Chumash 10 00 am The bulletin is sponsored by Have a Grandparents and Special Friends Day 2018 was a great success To watch the video and see photos of the event please visit www grandparents torahacademy us grandparents day Parent Teacher conferences for elementary and middle school took place this week Thank you to all the parents who took part in this opportunity to collaborate in their children s education Your feedback is important to us Thank you to Mrs Marshall and Mrs Blumberg for the refreshments to 3G on finishing to 4B on finishing Gary Alpert facilitator presented the blindness unit to the girls in grade 3 as part of the Understanding Our Differences program sponsored by the Ruderman Family Trust which is run through Gateways Grade 5 Boys has started learning Gemara following their Gala Haschalas Gemara brunch They are learning with excitement and enthusiasm They have already completed the first amud which was celebrated with hot cocoa and brownie bars The students were introduced to a Shabbos chazara program called Chazak which entails reviewing the last four weeks of Gemara that were learned and many boys have already joined in Among other things 5B have completed their Lego Maze projects Design criteria included making the most complex maze possible that could be navigated by tilting the base of the maze in the allotted time Teams created slides hidden passages overpasses and tunnels to add challenge to their designs and redesigns During the process plans were adapted tried altered improved and tested their ideas allowing students to work through the engineering cycle repeatedly Students also had a chance to test their time management skills knowing they weren t done if there was still time left but also figuring out how to build in stages in case choices took longer than they expected so that they could still finish in time After all the mazes were completed we tested out each maze and then built a massive class maze by fitting the mazes together

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 4 Kislev sponsored by the students of Torah Academy who gain so much from the Bein Hazmanim Programs Summer Programs and Seforim which have been generously sponsored by Rabbi Mrs Yaakov Klerman in honor of the recent wedding of Hadassa Klerman and Avi Schwartz 8 Kislev sponsored by Richard Slifka in memory of Abraham Slifka z l 8 Kislev sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Reverand Meyer Loketch grandfather of Rabbi Avrohom Loketch beloved and impactful in the Greater Boston Community COMMUNITY EVENTS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CAN YOU HELP November 16 Shalom Zachor at the Mintzes home 42 Embassy Rd In order to make our Gala Auction a success November 16 Shalom Zachor at the Schonberg home 5 South St apt 1 7 30 10 00 pm November 17 Bar Mitzvah of Yehuda Zyto at Khal Tiferes Yosef davening at 8 45 Kiddush following davening November 21 bris of Mintzes baby at Chai Odom after 7 00am minyan we need volunteers for many important tasks on the night of the auction If you are available please call Aliza Rosenberg 215 431 7199 MAZEL TOV TO RUDERMAN SCHOLARSHIPS Moshe 09 Marchette and Bina Deutsch on their You or someone you know may qualify for a Scholarship Torah Academy is a recipient of the Morton E Ruderman Inclusion Scholarship that offers funds for families with students with special needs who qualify for financial aid recent marriage and to parents Mr DovBer and Mrs Esther Leah Marchette Drs Sasha and Ora Zyto on the bar mitzvah of Yehuda 8B Yaakov 02 and Yocheved Goldman on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Baruch and Mrs Miriam PreK 2 Goldman Mr Dovid and Mrs Shira Mintzes on the birth of their son Dr Michael and Mrs Rachel Schonberg on the birth of their son A partnership between CJP the Ruderman Family Foundation and Gateways Access to Jewish Education this Scholarship helps to defray the cost of both schoolbased and ancillary services for students with disabilities and special needs particularly those who require financial aid The goal of the Scholarship is to attract new families and retain existing families who are prevented from sending their children with disabilities and special needs to Boston area Jewish day schools due to affordability challenges The Scholarship honors the legacy of Morton E Ruderman and all that he did to inspire and support our community in creating more inclusive schools for all Jewish children Go to torahacademy us apply to learn more

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 3 4 6 6 1 5 7 7 9 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 10 9 1 2 Literacy in 1B after they read the story Stone Soup they created a 7 story wall and brought in vegetables for the soup that Rabbi and Mrs 8 Frohlich so generously prepared Eli Feuerstein delivers a D var Torah at the 4th grade siyum 9 9 6th graders prepare for a science experiment A sunny day great effort and speedy transitions means there s time for a football game 6B social studies working on their landmass projects Students are making an imaginary landmass and culture somewhere in the real 2B Rebbi Eliyahu Youshaei teaching Konei Olam middos program world to demonstrate their understanding of how geography impacts 2B students enjoying free play after geshmak learning civilizations Small group reading in Mrs Johnson s 3B class 10 8B reading a scary story around the campfire during their English 5B Lego Maze Projects class

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 2 1 5 4 1 8G learning about the different bones in their bodies in science class 2 6G siyum on parshas Bemidbar the parsha describes camping of Bnei Yisroel so the girls made smores 3 The Chodesh Kislev bulletin board was prepared by 6G 4 While learning about blindness in 3G as part of the Understanding Our Differences program of the Ruderman Family Trust which is run through Gateways the girls had a 6 7 7 3 7 chance to try out braille typewriters 5 Each month a group of girls in 3G prepare the class monthly bulletin board 6 While learning about parshas Noach in 2G the girls made a special project for the keshes 7 4G experiments with the physical and chemical changes of matter

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1 1 2 4 1 2 PreK1 had real fun 3 during letter F week creating fox masks making 4 Flubber jumping as Frogs and 5 more K1 had a party with luigi ices and games because they filled their jar with fuzzies for all their good deeds Morah Racheli Marcus teaching Alef Bais Shabbos parties in K1and PreK1 2 1 3 4 5 3 K2 acting out the parsha Yitzchok is trying to feel which one is Eisav and which one is Yaakov 4 5

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 8th GRADE 1st GRADE 3rd GRADE Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Baruch Marshall David Knisbacher Yosef Leib Greene Moshe Segal Aron Luria Yosef Polter Meir Hain Levi Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Yosef Leff Aaron Samieoff Shmuel Meir Solomon 2nd GRADE Yonah Gluckin Natanel Atar 4th GRADE Daniel Simnegar Manny Tarlin Eliyahu Benmergui Mordy Bier Yehuda Wolf Yishai Wasserman Yaakov Bier Eli Feuerstein Ari Block Shmuel Loketch 6th GRADE Elchonon Frohlich Naftoli Ochs Yisrael Feldman Yosef Hoffman Nesanel Wilhelm Chatzkel Wilhelm Yehuda Leib Rodkin 5th GRADE Eliyahu Youshei Moshe Blumberg Asher Bressel Yehoshua Feldman 7th GRADE Akiva Bressel Eliezer Markov Yehuda Leib Feldman SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Toldos 5B 6B 7B Raffle Winners Yehuda Leib Feldman Yoni Faintuch Malkiel Miara Yoni Faintuch Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Yisrael Feldman Meir Zev Gelernter Yaakov Fontek 8B Shlomo Rosmarin Moshe Leff Meir Hain Aaron Sanieoff Binyomin Septimus Shmuel Meir Solomon Chatzkel Wilhelm Noam Youshaei Yisrael Feldman Aaron Sanieoff

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