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Nova Mutual Community Guide

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 20242CONTENTSNOVA MUTUAL CULTURE 4WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY 4OUR PURPOSE 4OUR VALUES 4WORKING AND LIVING IN THE NOVA MUTUAL COMMUNITY 5HOW WE WORK 5Communication With Your Team 5Personal Integrity and Accountability 5Conict Resolution / Whistleblower 5Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 6Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 6Flexing Your Days 6Working Remotely 7Clean Desk 7Disconnecting from Work 7Working Outside of Nova Mutual 8TIME AWAY 8Vacation and Personal Time 8Public Holidays 8Nova Days 8EVOLUTION AND GROWTH 9Nurturing Lifelong Learners 9Growth and Engagement Sessions 9Departing with Dignity 9COLLABORATING WITH OTHERS 10COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 10BROKER AND OFF-SITE VISITS 10DRESS FOR YOUR DAY 10SOCIAL MEDIA 11Quick Tips 11The Formal Things 11

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 20244WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITYWelcome to the Nova Community and your Community Guide. We created this manual to give you everything you need to thrive here, whether on day one or day one thousand.We are proud of what we have built here at Nova, and we cannot wait to share with you all the details that make Nova Mutual a community you will be happy to be a part of! This is a guide to help you to begin to un-derstand our Values and the way we make decisions as a team and as a company. This Community Guide belongs to you. Read it. Review it. Keep it close when you need it.OUR PURPOSETo protect the unique lifestyles of each of our Members by empowering our People to provide solutions that are creative, transpar-ent and Member centric.INTEGRITYWe are open, honest, and ethical. We hold authentic-ity and transparency in the highest regard.• Our People see the opportunity in mis-takes and use these to grow and improve.• We always share relevant information, even when it feels worrisome to do so. • We acknowledge and are aware that we are re-sponsible for the energy we show up with.RESPECTWe treat others the way we want to be treated. We show empathy for others by listening and keep-ing an open mind. • Our People are fully engaged and listen with curiosity and an open mind because we genu-inely want to understand and learn from others.• We practice non-judge-ment towards ourselves and others and under-stand it starts with us.COURAGEWe believe it takes courage to lead. We respond, adapt, and embrace the changing world in which we operate. • Our People say what they think, when it’s in the best interest of Nova, even if it is uncomfortable.• We lean into brave con-versations even when it might be difcult because we know choosing to do so is more im-portant than fear.1OUR VALUESValues are important at Nova Mutual, and we want them to matter to you too! A value is a way of being or believing that holds importance. At Nova Mutual, we aim to take lofty and subjective values and make them REAL and ACTIONABLE. We achieve this by ensuring our intentions, words, thoughts, and actions align with our values. In short, we do this through actions that demonstrate our values and ensure we always act with Integrity, are Respectful and have Courage.NOVA MUTUAL CULTURE

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NOVA MU TUAL5WORKING AND LIVING IN THE NOVA MUTUAL COMMUNITY 2HOW WE WORKCOMMUNICATION WITH YOUR TEAMThe culture at Nova thrives on open com-munication amongst colleagues within a Team, between Teams and interactions outside of Nova Mutual. We value respect in all situations. Our People are encouraged to speak truthfully and respectfully to those they encounter in all situations.CONFLICT RESOLUTION / WHISTLEBLOWER At Nova Mutual, we hold our People to a high standard of conduct and empower you to work through challenges and conicts by leaning into our values of Integrity, Respect and Courage. Always, you are encouraged to engage in direct conversations with your colleagues. If you cannot resolve dif-ferences in this way or feel a situation has escalated, your People Leader, the Employee Experience Team or a member of the Lead-ership Team is always there to provide sup-port and guidance. Nova Mutual will always make every effort to do the right thing using good judgement and in the best interest of those we serve. Our People are committed to providing a service to the community which embodies Nova Mutual’s Values. We support a transparent and courageous culture where improper, unethical, or illegal conduct may be shared without fear of reprisal. For more details on our Whistleblower Policy and where to send your concerns, please read the policy below.Whistleblower PolicyWhistleblower PolicyPERSONAL INTEGRITY AND ACCOUNTABILITYOur People are encouraged to set bound-aries within their Teams so that they can create an outstanding work life balance. This ensures a life where you can do your best while at work and be at your best when spending time with those who you care for, outside of work.Nova has adopted a Code of Business Con-duct and Employee Attestation to provide the opportunity for our People to disclose any outside activities and actual or potential conicts of interest.Code of Business ConductCode of Business ConductEmployee Annual AttestationEmployee Annual AttestationWorking and living in the Nova Community is rooted in our Nova Mutual culture - a shared set of workplace beliefs, values, standards, and behaviours that make us who we are. This section of your Community Guide will help you to understand our culture as guided by the standards we set for how our People interact, and expectations of how we work.

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 202462DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION (DEI)At Nova Mutual, we are committed to cul-tivating a diverse, equitable and inclusive place of work. Diversity is not just a concept we occasionally speak to and is then for-gotten. It is demonstrated in how we deal with our Members and our People, how we support the communities in which we live and work and how we conduct our daily business interactions.DEI PolicyDEI PolicyACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)Nova Mutual is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and indepen-dence. We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.Accessibility PolicyAccessibility PolicyFLEXING YOUR DAYSNova encourages our People to ex their days so that they may meet both their pro-fessional and personal commitments. It is expected that you effectively communicate with those inside and outside of Nova during times when you are unavailable during core hours (10 am – 3 pm) to ensure appropriate coverage and service standards are met. Updating your voicemail, blocking your calendar, and setting up your Out of Ofce prompts will ensure others know when you are not available during core hours. We achieve this by ensuring our intentions, words, thoughts, and actions align with our values. In short, we do this through actions that demonstrate our values and ensure we always act with Integrity, are Respectful and have Courage.Nova encourages our People to ex their days so that they may meet both their professional and personal commitments.

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NOVA MU TUAL72WORKING REMOTELYNova is proud to support a hybrid working model that combines in-ofce and remote work options to provide our People a work-life balance. Although we may be working in various locations, our People are expected to attend in-person team events and meetings that will allow for collaboration, cooperation, and team building. We require all our People to keep all work documents out of sight and ensure laptops are locked when not being used, even while working at home. Please ensure you choose a secure and private workspace and avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for sensi-tive work tasks. It is of the utmost importance that while work-ing remotely you have an ergonomic set up to keep yourself healthy. If you need advice on how to create an ergonomic workspace, reach out to the Employee Experience Team. If you have any questions about the privacy and security of your workspace, please reach out to the Chief Information Ofcer.CLEAN DESKKeeping the workspace clean is an important part of managing the risk regarding con-dential information. Nova places security at the forefront of everything we do. For details on the areas the clean desk policy applies to, please read the attached policy.Clean Desk PolicyClean Desk PolicyNova is proud to support a hybrid working model that combines in-ofce and remote work options.DISCONNECTING FROM WORKOur unique culture has created distinctive teams, and we recognize that we don’t all work the same way. Some areas have time sensitive work responsibilities that may be necessary to do during core business hours. Others have responsibilities that are more u-id and may be more productive in what may seem to be irregular hours of work. But both teams respect that we are working to get our jobs done and communicating our availabili-ty to our own team and to all of Nova.Nova is not asking you to document your hours, we trust that you will set realistic work expectations, work core hours (10 am – 3pm) when required, book vacation time and work the standard 35-hour workweek. We encour-age you to ex your hours when needed and set clear boundaries between work and personal life so that you may build a healthy work-life harmony.The ability to disconnect from work is ex-tremely important and even more so when exing your day and working remotely. Review the Disconnecting from Work policy for tips on how to separate yourself from your work, including setting boundaries for responding to emails, and turning off your MS Teams notications.Disconnecting from Work PolicyDisconnecting from Work Policy

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 20248WORKING OUTSIDE OF NOVA MUTUALWe value the dedication and commitment of our People to their roles within Nova Mutual and also recognize individual interests and skills beyond your role here. Rooted in our values of Integrity, Respect and Courage we expect our People to adhere to the following when taking on outside work:• Any secondary employment or business activities that may directly compete with Nova Mutual or create a conict of inter-est are to be avoided. • While we respect your personal pursuits, it is essential to manage your time effec-tively to fulll your primary job respon-sibilities. Excessive time commitments to outside work that impact job perfor-mance may be subject to review.• Please refrain from using company resources, including equipment, fa-cilities, and condential information, for outside work.• Prior approval must be obtained from the CEO before undertaking any additional employment or projects that may create a conict with Nova MutualWe believe that open communication is key to maintaining a positive work environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with your Leader.TIME AWAYVACATION AND PERSONAL TIMETaking vacation and personal days provides numerous benets, including a more en-gaged team, time to recharge, increased productivity, reduced burnout, improved health, and accomplishing more in less time. By recognizing the importance of taking reg-ular breaks, you can prioritize your well-being and long-term success.Our People are entitled to four (4) weeks’ va-cation to start and will see an increase as their seniority increases. To review the formal piec-es of the policy, please see the link below.Vacation PolicyVacation PolicyPUBLIC HOLIDAYSNova Mutual recognizes ten statutory holidays per year.• New Year’s Day • Family Day• Good Friday • Victoria Day• Canada Day • Civic Holiday• Labour Day • Thanksgiving• Christmas Day • Boxing DayOur People will be paid for the above holidays, as per the ESA (Employment Stan-dards Act) calculation. No holiday pay will be allowed if the holiday falls during your leave of absence.NOVA DAYSAt Nova, you are entitled to an additional ve (5) Nova Days taken throughout the year. These days are not part of your vacation en-titlement and as such, are not a part of your entitlement if you were to leave Nova. These days are as follows:• Easter Monday• 3 days between Boxing Day (or observed Boxing Day) and New Years Day• Your birthday, and if it falls on a weekend or Stat Holiday, a day of your choosing during the week of your birthday. This must be taken within ve working days of your birthdayWe value the dedication and commitment of our People to their roles within Nova Mutual.2

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NOVA MU TUAL9EVOLUTION AND GROWTHAt Nova Mutual, we believe we get the best contributions from our People by providing the best employee experience we can pro-vide. We encourage our People to expand their skills, increase their knowledge, broad-en their experience, and we provide opportu-nities for learning, growth, and evolution. You’re in charge of how quickly you grow, and we have tools in place to help guide your path, but it is up to you to put the work in. At Nova, we believe high-performance People are self-improving and the opportunities are all around you, so take them!NURTURING LIFELONG LEARNERSWe encourage our People to nurture a growth mindset and believe that skill and intelligence are things that can be cultivat-ed and developed. Success comes from constant personal development whether it is engaging in courses provided by OMIA or attending conferences and webinars, we can all benet from having an open mind to learning something new. We inspire you to be the gatekeeper of your own growth, be choosy about what you want to invest your time in to learn and grow, but never stop acquiring knowledge. Positive improvement is possible for us all and can often be challenging but is always worth the investment.Education and Training PolicyEducation and Training PolicyGROWTH AND ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS Your contributions to Nova matters and the Growth and Engagement Sessions give you the opportunity to show how your role has impacted us reaching our goals. These sessions provide a safe space for a real conversation with your People Leader about your accomplishments, the highlights, and goals you would like to achieve. Through formalized discussion at mid-year and year-end, these sessions ensure you can continue to build your commitment, competence, and condence in your role. The Growth and Engagement Sessions also provide the foundation for our perfor-mance-based compensation structure that considers your individual contribution along with the performance of your Team and Nova overall. By linking these sessions to our Com-pensation Strategy, you can directly inuence your annual compensation review.DEPARTING WITH DIGNITYContinued self-development requires a growth mindset and sometimes even a fresh and new environment and we understand this. At Nova, we recognize that not everyone will stay forever and moving on for a new role, a new adventure, or a different experi-ence, is a normal part of life. In a culture that believes in treating one an-other with Integrity, Respect and Courage, we welcome you to have conversations with your People Leader or Employee Experience if the time has come for you to move on. Having this conversation early on benets our People who can be open and honest about their goals and allows Employee Experience to put into motion the tasks necessary to ll your role. We want you to succeed and recognize that sometimes the need to continue to ourish is outside of Nova and we welcome these conversations.We have a culture that believes in treating one another with Integrity.2

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 2024103COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTYou put in the hours; we will put in the dol-lars. Nova encourages giving back to the community and empowers our People to do the same. Having a exible culture allows you to arrange your schedule in such a way that you can participate in the events and pro-grams that are meaningful to you. Our People may volunteer for a maximum of twenty-one paid hours per year.You can volunteer for any not-for-prot orga-nizations or causes you are passionate about. When you contribute 40+ cumulative hours within one calendar year, Nova Mutual will donate $200 to a not-for-prot organization of your choice. To make this easy, you can keep track of your Community Hours right in our Human Resource Information System and if you need help in how to do this, just ask Employee Experience.Nova encourages giving back to the community and empowers our People to do the same.BROKER AND OFF-SITE VISITSBroker visits and industry networking are a key component of our work. While you are working off-site you represent Nova Mutual, and the expectations of conduct outlined in the Nova Mutual Community Guide apply.DRESS FOR YOUR DAYBe respectful and think about your day. Some days you may be required to dress more formally, other days may be better suited to more casual work wear. Whatever your day brings, we encourage you to use good judgement, always look professional and, when in doubt, business casual is best.COLLABORATING WITH OTHERS

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NOVA MU TUAL113SOCIAL MEDIANova’s intent is to provide guidance for the use of social media, which is broadly understood to include blogs, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites and other sites and services that permit users to share information in a contem-poraneous manner.Social media marketing that is implemented for Nova Mutual is controlled and monitored by the Marketing & Brand Team. The Market-ing & Brand Team reserves the right to re-move any material that is deemed in conict with Nova Mutual’s Values.The following principles apply to professional use of social media on behalf of Nova Mu-tual and personal use of social media when referencing Nova Mutual.Use common sense and play nice.QUICK TIPS• Security is the #1 priority.• Use common sense.• Play nice.• Respect the privacy of ofine conversations.• When in doubt, ask.• Identify yourself, be honest about who you are.THE FORMAL THINGSAll our People need to understand and ad-here to Nova Mutual’s Brand and Core Values when using social media in reference to Nova Mutual. The use of logos and Brand content must be approved through the Marketing & Brand Team and adhered to by using the ap-propriate content without the use of editing. Nova Mutual emails and contact information are for professional use only, and shall not be shared on personal social media platforms.Communications PolicyCommunications Policy

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 2024124MAKING A LIVING - PAY AND BENEFITSCOMPENSATION STRATEGYThe Compensation Strategy for Nova Mutual is simple. We want to ensure we are able to at-tract, retain and motivate our People by providing a fair and competitive compensation within the insurance industry. Nova Mutual strives to provide an exceptional experience for our People and a pay-for-performance compensation strategy in which compensation is rooted in individual and collective performance.Salary bands are used at Nova to group together roles that have similar levels of responsibil-ity, skills, and experience requirements. Within each pay band there is a range of compensa-tion which includes a minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary for that level. Placement and movement within these bands is based on performance, level of competency and tenureWe regularly review our salary bands against industry standards and market demands because at Nova Mutual, we believe aligning your compensation with the market ensures your skills and expertise are not only rec-ognized but also appropriately rewarded. In addition, we offer a competitive Annual Incentive Performance Plan which provides our People with the opportunity to earn an additional percentage of their base pay upon achieving specic individual and company goals. This compensation strategy is designed to align employee compensation with Nova’s values of Integrity, Respect and Courage while striving to meet goals and objectives of the overall company. In this way we ensure our People are motivated to perform at their best and contribute to the overall success of Nova Mutual.Band Minimum Mid-Point Maximum1 $34,000 $42,500 $51,0002 $42,000 $52,500 $63,0003 $48,000 $60,000 $72,0004 $58,800 $73,500 $88,2005 $72,000 $90,000 $108,0006 $88,000 $110,000 $132,0007 $108,000 $135,000 $162,0008 $131,200 $164,000 $196,800

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NOVA MU TUAL134PAY DAY Nova Mutual’s salaried wages are paid electronically on a bi-weekly basis up to and including the current Friday and commis-sion-based compensation is paid electroni-cally on a bi-monthly basis. When a payday falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding working day. If any errors should occur on your paystubs, please report them to Payroll so that action may be taken for adjustment.Your pay stub will reect deductions includ-ing Income Tax, EI (Employment Insurance), CPP (Canada Pension Plan), life insurance, medical and dental premiums. Taxable bene-ts will also be reected on your pay stub and may include contributions or premiums paid by Nova such as Life Insurance, , Critical Illness and Accidental Death & Dismember-ment premiums, etc.PENSION PLANNova Mutual salaried employees are eligible to participate in our Dened Contribution Pension Plan. By enrolling in this plan, our People may choose to contribute the mini-mum 5% of your base pay or increase it to 6% or the maximum 7.5%. Those enrolled and contributing to the plan will benet from No-va’s contribution of 7.5% of your base salary. If you have any questions regarding Nova’s Dened Contribution Pension Plan, please chat with Employee Experience.Pension GuidePension GuideHEALTH AND DENTAL BENEFITSNova Mutual provides a comprehensive selection of benets to provide valuable pro-tection and nancial security for our People and their families. Please refer to the OMIA website for additional benet information.OMIA Member WebsiteOMIA Member WebsiteThe information in the Group Benets Plan booklet is intended to provide guideline information and not construed as the ofcial text. In case of a discrepancy, the ofcial pol-icy documents will be in effect. Our People are required to pay the Long-Term Disability Benet and 25% of the Health and Dental premium. Nova Mutual pays the premium for your Life Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Accidental Death, and Dismemberment (AD&D) and the remaining 75% of your Health and Dental Package Premium.OMIA Benets GuideOMIA Benets Guide

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 2024144NOVA MUTUAL HEALTHCARE SPENDING ACCOUNT (HCSA) Our People also have the benet of a Health Care Spending Account with an annual limit per employee of $500. This benet can be used for our People and/or dependents of our People who are registered in the Employ-ee Group Benets Program.All Health Care Spending Receipts require a sign off by Employee Experience before pay-ment by Nova Mutual. The use of the Health Care Spending Account is at your discretion and can be utilized for any healthcare (phys-ical and mental) or dental costs that are not covered or are in addition to the Employee Group Benets Program.Those not under the Employee Group Benet plan can also access the Health Care Spending Account for received Health and/or Dental costs submitted with receipt up to the annual limit of the account. Any amounts not utilized in the current year will not be carried over to the next year. New Nova employees will have the same access to the Health Care Spending Account at a prorated amount based on hire date.Nova Mutual recognizes the importance of Health and Wellness and wants to extend this Health Care Spending account to help offset the cost of Health and Wellness-related mem-berships or monthly passes of ten or more. The Health Care Spending Account does not include the following:• One-time attendance or pay as you go fees.• Equipment for personal use in a home/home ofce and/or to be on personal property.• Merchandise and/or technology.• Clothing, footwear and/or ap-parel of any kind.• Over the counter medications, products and/or retail items.HCSA Submission FormHCSA Submission FormSHORT-TERM DISABILITY (STD)Nova Mutual offers a Short-Term Disability (STD) benet. Under this plan, STD be-comes effective after 5 consecutive personal days off for medical reasons. All short-term claims will be adjudicated through a third-party administrator and only the infor-mation necessary will be sent to the Employ-ee Experience Team and Payroll. If you nd yourself in a situation where you may need to utilize this, please reach out to the Employee Experience Team to dis-cuss your options.NOVA MUTUAL SUPPLEMENTAL UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT (SUB) PLAN All full-time Nova employees who have com-pleted the 3 months’ probationary period are eligible for Nova Mutual’s SUB Plan. The plan supplements Employment Insurance (EI) ben-ets received by workers for unemployment caused by illness, injury, or quarantine.You will be required to verify that you have applied for and are in receipt of EI

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NOVA MU TUAL154(Employment Insurance) benets, as well as approved by Cowan before SUB pay-ments are made. The SUB benet is subject to a one-week waiting period from the onset of illness, injury or quarantine which may run concurrently with the mandatory one-week EI waiting peri-od. The SUB Plan provides that the SUB pay-ment, other earnings, and the EI benets will equal 95% of your normal weekly earnings.LONG TERM DISABILITY (LTD) AND CRITICAL ILLNESS (CI)At Nova Mutual, our People pay 100% of the premiums for enrollment in the Long-Term Disability (LTD) plan and Nova covers 100% of the premiums of the Critical Illness (CI) plan. The LTD plan provides coverage in the event that you are ill and unable to work following the completion of a STD claim. Critical Illness is a one-time payment which may be available to you or your dependent who has experienced an illness, disorder, or surgery from an illness such as Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke.Critical Illness BookletCritical Illness BookletLife Insurance and Basic LTD Benet BookletLife Insurance and Basic LTD Benet BookletRETURN TO WORK AND ACCOMMODATIONNova Mutual will manage absences due to illness or injury by responsive and proactive attendance management with a comprehen-sive accommodation and Return to Work program. The goal is to have you return to productive, meaningful work in the shortest amount of time possible, considering your abilities at any given time during the illness or injury. Nova Mutual is dedicated to work-ing with you and your medical team to devel-op a plan that meets the re-integration goals and objectives in the workplace.HOME OFFICE BENEFIT When new Nova People join our Community they are given a $500 taxable reimbursement on their rst pay. This payment is to support setting up a comfortable home ofce. Re-ceipts do not need to be submitted; you can decide what you need to purchase to get yourself set up.HOME INSURANCE Here at Nova, we offer our People the op-portunity to utilize Nova Home Insurance at a discounted rate. You may be eligible for up to 75% off your home insurance premiums! To access this discount simply let your broker or Nova exclusive Agent know at your next renewal that you are a Nova Mutual employ-ee and eligible for a discount.A LESSON ON COMPANY PAID BENEFITS AND TAXES A Taxable Benet refers to any form of com-pensation or reward that an employee re-ceives from their employer that is not consid-ered regular salary or wages. These benets are usually provided in addition to an em-ployee’s normal pay and are subject to taxa-tion by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).Taxable benets can come in various forms. At Nova, our taxable benets include group insurance coverage (Life Insurance, Critical Illness coverage, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage). They also in-clude the amount of any insurance discounts as well as the auto taxable benet for having the use of a company vehicle.

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 2024164Although these benets are not paid out in cash and have no bearing on your actual gross pay, the value of these benets is added to an employee’s total income and is subject to both federal and provincial income tax as well as Canada Pension Plan. If you need more information you can read about it on the CRA website link below.CRA TB Information PageCRA TB Information PageNOVA MUTUAL VEHICLE USE Certain roles within Nova Mutual may warrant the provision of a company vehicle. Various factors and considerations unique to the role will be considered in determining when to provide the benet. Nove Mutual will cover the cost of all fuel, maintenance, and repairs; however, it is the responsibility of the person provided the company vehicle, to keep up with regular scheduled maintenance.Company Vehicle Use PolicyCompany Vehicle Use PolicyMILEAGE Nova Mutual offers reimbursement for mile-age to our People who are required to travel for the purpose of Nova Mutual business. You are responsible for maintaining the appropri-ate type of insurance for your vehicle use.Mileage is paid in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rates and updated annually in accordance with CRA approved rates. Mileage will be paid to our People for the purpose of travel in the follow-ing circumstances:• Professional Development• Offsite meetings• Scheduled visits to policy holders/brokers• Claims support• Other circumstances ap-proved by LeadershipMileage will be charged from the destination to and from point, up to and including leav-ing from your place of residence. i.e., You have a meeting in Cambridge and leave your home in Brantford. You will charge Nova Mutual mileage from your home in Brantford to Cambridge and back. If you leave your home to go into the ofce, we will not pay you to drive to work and back.EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTSome roles at Nova Mutual may incur out-of-pocket expenses related to business activities, such as travel, meals, accommoda-tion, and other business-related costs. To be eligible for reimbursement, detailed records and receipts for all expenses are to be doc-umented in the expense reporting software and approved by your Leader. Where the expense is for meals, both the detailed restaurant receipt and the credit/debit slip must be submitted.

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NOVA MU TUAL17INTENT We work to have a team of mentors, collabo-rators and people who will speak up regard-less of their experience level as everyone has a voice here at Nova Mutual. This means we encourage our Teams to start a brave conversation, challenge something we don’t understand and question someone who’s an expert. We hired you for good reasons, you are good at what you do, and you hold Values that align with those of Nova Mutual.HOW WE HIRE When hiring a person at Nova Mutual we look for those who see the world a little differently, who will force us to think in new ways and even question how we do business and how we could do it better. We look for those who have something extraordinary to contribute to this Team and are excited to share it with the rest of us. We give you the best of us; we just ask that you give the best of you in return. Our Employee Experience Team are people and culture experts who are focused on creating the best possible candidate and em-ployee experience. Potential hires can chat with those they will work with. This ensures we are hiring for the right team and the right reasons. We want you to get to know your Team, this way you can better understand how each of the members of your Team works, when to give them space and when to ask questions. In fact, we want you to get to know those outside of your Team too. You will be surrounded by smart people from every discipline. Talk to them. Learn from them. FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION Nova Mutual is committed to providing a work environment free from discrimination against any individual because of race, colour, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, special ability, or any other prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code.We all have the right to work in an environ-ment free from discrimination of any kind. You also have the right to bring concerns of discrimination to the Employee Experi-ence Director or Leadership Team without fear of reprisal.NEW TO THE NOVA MUTUAL COMMUNITY5

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 202418PERSONAL INFORMATION OF OUR PEOPLE Nova Mutual collects personal informa-tion about you for recruitment/selection, administers compensation, health pro-grams and complies with legal or contrac-tual obligations.To protect your personal information, Nova Mutual will not collect, use, or disclose per-sonal information for any purpose other than those identied, or without your consent. Nova Mutual will keep personal information as accurate as necessary for the purposes identied. You are responsible for notifying Nova Mutual of any changes in address, ben-eciaries, or dependents in a timely manner.MEMBER INFORMATION Our People are required to sign a Condenti-ality Agreement with Nova Mutual, specifying that you will respect condential information learned during your time at Nova Mutual. This agreement extends to your departure from Nova Mutual, should that occur.In your role, you may be trusted with Nova Mutual tools and competitive and/or con-dential information and you are expected to protect Nova Mutual assets and information and to ensure that information is shared only with those who are authorized to receive it. Access to information does not confer the privilege to disclose, so please consult with Leadership if you have any ques-tions or concerns.PROTECTION OF NOVA MUTUAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYNova places the protection of our intellectual property as the highest priority. Our People are required to always be aware of conden-tiality and privacy. If you have questions or concerns about the privacy or condentiality at Nova, please reach out to the Chief Privacy Ofcer. For further information on the policies that have been put in place to protect Nova Mutual, please see below.PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITYEmail PolicyEmail PolicyPrivacy PolicyPrivacy PolicyAcceptable Use PolicyAcceptable Use PolicyElectronic Monitoring PolicyElectronic Monitoring Policy6

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NOVA MU TUAL19WORKING ALONE GUIDELINES In the event you nd that you are working alone at the ofce, we have created some guidelines to keep our People safe.• Let someone else on the team know:o Send an email or jump on Teams and shoot a message to let someone know you are at the ofce alone.o Follow up with a note to let them know when you are leaving.• Avoid putting yourself at risk:o Keep doors locked.o Do not open the door to outside trafc.FIT FOR DUTY Nova Mutual is responsible for creating a safe environment for our Members, the community and you. This includes addressing any issue which may impair your ability to perform your work functions adeptly. Alcohol and drug use pose a signicant threat to this commitment.All individuals working at Nova Mutual (including Directors and contractors) are expected to report Fit For Duty for sched-uled work and be able to perform assigned duties safely and without any limitations due to use of alcohol, illicit drugs, non-pre-scription drugs, or prescribed medications. Our People are also expected to use sound judgement when determining if the afteref-fects of substances may impair judgement or performance.Our People are required to inform the Employee Experience Director regarding any situation which may compromise their safety, the safety of others or impair their performance.If you require special dispensation, Nova Mutual will work with you to provide ac-commodation where appropriate. Nova Mutual honours that disabilities are protected through Human Rights legislation and will provide support and accommodation for our People. Any of our People who may have substance dependence are strongly encour-aged to seek assistance through the Employ-ee Assistance Program (EAP). All voluntary referrals to the Employee Assistance Program are kept condential.HEALTH AND SAFETYAt Nova Mutual, your health and wellness are import-ant to us, and we believe by fostering an environment where you feel secure and cared for will allow you to thrive. It is our promise to ensure safe work practices according to governing laws and regulations that protect the well-being of our People, preserves vital company resources, and minimizes nancial losses.7

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COMMUNITY GUIDE 202420JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (JHSC) Nova Mutual has a dedicated Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) comprised of Leadership and our People. The Committee is responsible for monthly inspections of the ofce, both inside and out, to ensure the safety of our People, members, and visitors. The list of Committee members can be found in our HRIS and on the Health & Safety board in the Print Room at the ofce. Any questions or concerns about safety can be directed to any of the JHSC members or Employee Experience.HEALTH AND SAFETY STATEMENTHere at Nova Mutual, we acknowledge our statutory duty to take all reasonable precau-tions in protecting our People, contractors, volunteers, visitors, and all other individuals onsite. Protecting our People from injury or occupational disease, from accidents or incidents is a continuing focus. We will make every effort to provide a safe and healthy work environment for everyone.THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS POLICY INCLUDE:• Reduce the risk of workplace injury.• Develop, implement, and enforce policies and procedures that promote a safe work environment; and• Safeguard the workplace from injury and malfeasance through negligence.NOVA MUTUAL’S LEADERSHIP TEAM WILL:• Participate in the Joint Health & Safety Committee.• Ensure all Health & Safety concerns are addressed in a timely manner; and• Take every reasonable precaution to pro-tect our People, ensuring to limit hazards and risks in the workplace.Nova Mutual will comply with all applicable workplace health and safety legislation. The Health & Safety policy will be reviewed, at a minimum, yearly.Glenn Pick, CEOHealth and Safety PolicyHealth and Safety PolicyWorkplace Violence PolicyWorkplace Violence PolicyViolence Incident Report FormViolence Incident Report FormHarassment and Sexual Harassment PolicyHarassment and Sexual Harassment PolicyHarassment and Complaint FormHarassment and Complaint FormHealth and Safety Incident ReportHealth and Safety Incident Report7

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NOVA MU TUAL21ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGN OFFThis Nova Mutual Community Guide is an important document intended to help you become acquainted with Nova Mutual. It is intended to serve as a brief guide and additional information is available through your Leader. It is not the nal word in all cases and individual circumstances may call for individual attention. It is important to note, while it is our intention to treat all our People equitably, the actions taken in one set of circumstances may not be taken in another.As the business and economic conditions of Nova Mutual are always evolving, this guide’s contents may also change.Please read the following statements and sign below to indicate that you have read the Nova Mutual Community Guide in its entirety. A copy of this receipt and acknowledgment will be placed in your personnel le.I have reviewed the Nova Mutual Community Guide and understand that the Policies, rules, and benet programs described in it are subject to change at the sole discretion of Nova Mutual.I am aware and agree that during my employment, condential infor-mation may be made available to me (broker information, policies, and other related information). I understand that this information is critical to the success of Nova Mutual and must not be shared or used outside of Nova Mutual. I agree that I will not share this infor-mation with any other individual or company.I understand that my signature below indicates that I have read and fully understand the above statements and have received and read a copy of this document.8I ACKNOWLEDGE ...SignatureDate

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