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Bulletin Nov 2

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November 2 2018 PRIORITIZE We are all united share the pain sorrow and grief of our fellow brethren The should give their respective families the strength resilience and to continue on Those that were wounded should merit a full recovery Our deepest appreciation to the first responders for their heroic efforts to ensure that this was not an even greater tragedy At times like these it is incumbent to reflect and higher standard will ask a few townspeople about think Yes our leadership has and is working the kashrus standards of the establishment with law enforcement to increase the security in Someone on an even higher standard will discuss both buildings However as Yidden we it with the Rav of the city On the other hand understand that we have to fortify ourselves in someone preparing to do a business deal will to merit Hashem s protection refuse to sign the contract unless he s done a The attack on Shabbos was thorough investigation and has a competent certainly an attack on that particular community attorney before signing the dotted line but the motivation of the murderer was to target Avraham Avinu explains Rav Chaim was Jews because they were Jews We need to exactly the opposite When it concerned his contemplate how we can become better Yidden material possessions he was content to trust and better emulate Hashem and earn His Eliezer implicitly without requiring any protection Let us try to prioritize what is truly professions of loyalty But when the matter important concerned the spiritual destiny of his son he Avraham sent his faithful servant Eliezer to find asked Eliezer to swear that he would follow a shidduch for Yitzchak The possuk describes s wishes as and then Our children are always watching us and easily continues by discussing the that Avraham perceive what we consider important and what had him swear to find a proper shidduch for we don t value Let s be cognizant of what we Yitzchak The mefarshim wonder why Avraham give value to and make sure that our priorities asked for a from Eliezer if he clearly are those we wish to impart to our children viewed Eliezer as the elder of his household and Welcome to all the grandparents and friends who invested him with complete control over have come from near and far We hope you enjoy everything he owned your visit and have continued nachas Rav Chaim Soleveitchik answers by describing the differing behaviors of a visitor to a new town Have a searching for a kosher place to eat One person Rabbi Ochs will be satisfied if they see an eatery with a sign indicating that it s kosher Another person with a What a nachas this past Sunday the boys in grade 5 celebrated with a beautiful program It was special that along with parents there were also grandparents and great grandparents in attendance The program included songs and dancing The Bostoner Rebbe shlita addressed the boys He told them that they are graduating now from the minor leagues to the major leagues He explained the reason they start with Dovid HaMelech said which means learning is like finding a lost object The Bostoner Rebbe shlita presented each boy with his first Gemara Thank you to Rabbi Hain for preparing the boys for the program Thank you to Moshe Feldman for the musical accompaniment Thank you to Mrs Hain and her parent committee Mrs Blumberg Mrs Gelernter and Rabbi and Mrs Polter for arranging the food 5 18 PM November 7 Parent Teacher Conferences for Preschool 1G 4B Kodesh in Hamilton Building November 12 Parent Teacher Conferences in Williston Building November 14 Parent Teacher Conferences in Hamilton Building December 1 Torah Academy Gala Auction The bulletin is sponsored by On Monday afternoon 40 girls who completed a voluntary learning program about Birkas HaMazon over the Sukkos break participated in a Bentching Bowl team review game and Pizza Party Although the Green Team was victorious by a slight margin all the girls demonstrated that they really knew the material Thank you to Mrs Sternfield for arranging the program and to Mrs Cheryl Feuerstein for picking up the pizza Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs Frohlich for donating the frenc0h fries The seforim for the girls Birkas HaMazon learning and for the boys Sukkos Hasmoda program were graciously donated by Rabbi and Mrs Yaakov Klerman in memory of their parents a h What a nachas it is to have our grandparents visiting classes today The intergenerational lunch is so very special for the children

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING 20 Cheshvan sponsored by Sasha and Ora Zyto in memory of Simcha bat Avrohom a h 22 Cheshvan sponsored by Binyomin Naomi Mermelstein in memory of Grandpa Jerry z l Dedicated to Family and beloved in the Boston Community 23 Cheshvan sponsored by Mr Lenny White in memory of Chasya Rochel bas R Avrohom Yosef HaKohen z l 24 Cheshvan sponsored by Rabbi Mrs Eliezer Bercusson as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Chaim ben Pessya WEEK OF LEARNING 20 27 Cheshvan sponsored by Ariella and Daniel Wiesenfeld in memory of Joyce Fienberg z l Richard Gottfried z l Rose Mallinger z l Jerry Rabinowitz z l Cecil and David Rosenthal z l Bernice and Sylvan Simon z l Daniel Stein z l Melvin Wax z l and Irving Younger z l who were killed Al Kiddush Hashem for being Jewish 21 28 Cheshvan sponsored by Mr Simon and Dr Jane Shalman L zecher nishma Khava bas Leib a h FRIDAY DISMISSAL REMINDER MAZEL TOV TO Naftali Rivka 01 Rosenbloom Kirwan on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Mr Chaim Mrs Miriam Sara Rosenbloom This Motzei Shabbos turn your clock back 1 hour Starting November 10 dismissal for Rabbi Moshe Dovid Mrs Bassie Wilhelm the bar mitzvah of their son Nesanel 8B Rabbi Aaron Mrs Rena Krochmal on the marriage of their great grandson Noach Yitzchak Fruchter Moshe Ahuva 10 Polter Feintuch on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Raphael 3B Kodesh Mrs Sara Polter Please be on time CONDOLENCES TO COMMUNITY EVENTS Mrs Carol Ledewitz and family on the passing of her father Mr Jerry Kohn z l Mrs Ledewitz will be sitting shiva in Boston starting Friday afternoon 2 304 00pm motzei Shabbos 7 00 10 00pm Sunday 8 0012 00am 1 00 5 00pm and 6 00 10 00pm Preschool is 12 30 Hamilton is 1 20 Williston is 1 30 Shabbos November 3 Bar Mitzvah of Nesanel Wilhelm at the Mesivta of Greater Boston Davening at 8 00 am followed by Kiddush for men at the Mesivta and for women at 34 Sparhawk St No BNOS this Shabbos

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 2 1 3 4 6 1 5B Hascholas Gemara 2 The Bostoner Rebbe shlita speaking to the fifth grade boys before presenting them with their Gemaras 3 The boys dance with their Rebbe Rabbi Ochs and their fathers and grandfathers at the Hascholas Gemara 4 A Resounding Kol Torah filled up the usually empty Bais Medrash Today as sixth grade conducted themselves as a class with class for a solid 22 minutes of shteiging Chazarah Bchavrusa 5 8 5 After reading the book I LIKE ME The children in 1G wrote I Like Me as the title of their paper and then drew a picture of themselves with their arms toward the sky to confirm that they should like themselves and feel good about who they are 6 7B learning Gemara 7 Friday football 8 5B unwraps 15 computers donated to Torah Academy

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 6 5 7 1 4G builds the sugar vitamin C caffeine aspirin and peppermint 5 molecules 2 2G had a hot cocoa party to celebrate another month of classroom program display the special Birkas HaMazon books they received 6 Australia Day in 3G The girls enjoyed eating peach melba cake 4 1G practices kesiva using whiteboards As part of the Medieval history unit Morah Linda teaches 6G the song Sumer Is Icumen In cleanliness 3 The participants of the voluntary Sukkos Birkas HaMazon learning 7 Banner for the Sukkos Bircas Hamazon learning program

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 3 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 1 The Shabbos Tottys and Mommys in the PreK and K classes 5 Baking a chocolate cake for C week in PreK1 2 K1 is learning the Lamed Tes Melachos The children are watering the plants Finger painted picture of Frida Kahlo for F week in K2 3 Free play in K2 4 Literacy in K1 6 6 7

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY in both Kodesh and General Studies 1st GRADE 4th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Nechemia Berzansky Shmuel Loketch Uri Katz Naftoli Ochs Moshe Leff 2nd GRADE Chatzkel Wilhelm Netanel Atar 5th GRADE Eliyohu Benmergui Moshe Blumberg Yaakov Bier Asher Bressel Ari Block Shua Feldman Yosef Hoffman Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehoshua Kashnow Ezra Feuerstein Eliyohu Yousheei Aaron Sanieoff 3rd GRADE Daniel Simnegar 7th GRADE Aaron Bier 8th GRADE Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Uri Hain Nesanel Wilhelm Dovid Knisbacher 6th GRADE Akiva Rosmarin Jonathan Faintuch SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Vayera 5B 6B 7B Yehuda Leib Feldman Yisrael Feldman Malkiel Miara Ezra Feuerstein Yaakov Fontek Meir Zev Gelernter Moshe Leff 8B Aaron Sanieoff Yisroel Leib Greene Binyomin Septimus Meir Hain Binyomin Septimus Shlomo Rosmarin Chatzkel Wilhelm Shmuel Meir Solomon Noam Youshaei Aaron Sanieoff Noam Youshaei Nesanel Wilhelm Yehuda Wolf Raffle Winners Moshe Leff Yehuda Zyto

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Torah Academy is proud to menschen the following Talmidos who displayed extra care towards their school and community 1st GRADE 3rd GRADE 6th GRADE Rivky Berman Devora Bakke Naomi Atar Tehilla Ganger Malka Block Bracha Benmergui Avigail Greene Eliana Greenblatt Shani Hain Dassi Halpern Shana Polter Chanala Kaufman Devorah Septimus Esti Shimanovich Bassie Wagner Dalia Wiesenfeld Shani Wolf 4th GRADE 2nd GRADE Malky Dessler Ahuva Krochmal Tzipora Murik Devorah Posy Shaindel Shanske Chayala Wolf Bracha Youshaei 5th GRADE Hadassa Hain Ora Hoffman Rivka Ledewitz Sara Simanovich Naomi Davydov Naama Basya Lowenstein Avigail Marshall Leah Rosengard 8th GRADE Layla Bukiet Shira Feuerstein Chaya Rochel Loketch Chana Tzophiya Lowenstein Julia Marshall Adina Mendelev Chaya Shaindel Mintzes Sara Shifra Shanske Leah Weinreb Shoshi Weinreb Devorah Zazula

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