November 17, 2023ד״פשת ולסכ ’ד תודלות תשרפ INTERNAL VALUE 4:03 PMDear Parents,When Eisav demanded food, he said: הזה םודאה םודאה ןמ אנ יניטיעלה ושע רמאיו – pour from the red soup down my throat. The parsha begins with the birth of Yitzchak’s twin sons, Yaakov and Eisav. Shortly thereafter, the Torah records the story of the sale of the הרוכב. Eisav returned from the field tired and exhausted. He saw Yaakov cooking lentil soup, and demanded that Yaakov feed him the red food. He identified the soup solely by its color, not even bothering to call it by its real name, םישדע דיזנ. Rav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita relates that he was once visiting HaRav Shach ztzl, and Rav Shach was distributing candies to his grandchildren. He asked his grandchild if he would like a red lollipop or would prefer a different color. HaRav Solomon interjected with a question: Why is the Rosh Yeshiva encouraging the child to be like Eisav who insisted that Yaakov fetch him red food? Explain Rav Shach: It's critical to differentiate between the two cases. A child living in a world of superficial dreams and imagination. Preferring a red lollipop is standard expected behavior. Children are only capable of appreciating the external appearance of an object. The problem begins when an adult refuses to mature and elects to live a superficial life without appreciating life’s internal value. When Eisav requested that Yaakov provide him with the red food, he was demonstrating his singular focus on externals. Although most of us don’t spend our days pursuing red lollipops and red stew, the Rosh HaYeshiva’s message is relevant to us all. It is imperative for us to transition to a more mature outlook and perspective to recognize that people, possessions and accomplishments should be judged by their internal and deeper value.תבש טוג! Rabbi Ochs●● Nov 20 - Williston Conferences● Nov 23 - Thanksgiving Day, No school● Nov 24 - Early dismissal, Hamilton -11:30 AM, Williston-12 PM● Nov 26 - school for 2-8B● Nov 27 - Preschool and 1G Conferences● Nov 29- 3 PM dismissal for all students due to General Studies Faculty meeting.● Dec 7 - Chanukah, Special Dismissal- Hamilton bldg - 12 PM, Williston bldg - 12:15 PM● Dec 8-11 Chanukah break● Dec 12 - Classes resume● Dec 12-14 - Chanukah Dismissal 6-8B 4 PM
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,● Four boys won $100 gift certificates to Artscroll for the Succos learning program. Congratulations to Moshe Aryeh Riesel, Nechemia Berzansky, Yehuda Mermelstein, and Sruly Dessler!● 4B made a big exciting siyum on Sefer Bereishis! They celebrated with delicious cake, hot dogs in buns, soda, and chips. They also played a fun review game of things they learned. Mazel Tov 4B, and thank you so much Rabbi Selevan!● In honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the 8B canteen sold Veggie Crust Pizza! They did a great job on the order. Special shout out to Dovid Menachem Feldman for his organization and skill.● The middle school boys learned together at the Rebbe’s during a Retzifus Seder on Rosh Chodesh in honor of the Veiter campaign. The boys took off their watches and put them in a pile so they could learn without distraction. They learned, going veiter, for 35 minutes straight!● 4B is working on a tower project and is hitting new heights.Moving from small groups trying to compete for the tallest tower, 4B is demonstrating their teamwork by turning the project into a classwide, tallest and largest building project. (See pictures further on in the bulletin.)● Thank you 5G for assembling the Chodesh Kislev bulletin board. It is both artistic and informative.● TA students at the Hamilton building were greeted on Wednesday morning by a colorful 8 foot clown. Our clown kept on shouting “Veiter! Veiter!” Can you guess which one of our staff members was inside?● 5B celebrated Hascholas Gemara this Sunday evening! The boys sang a song about starting Gemara, and each boy said an explanation of the word "Masechta". A message in honor of the occasion was delivered by Rabbi Rubinfeld, of Torah U'Mesorah, and Rabbi Ochs then presented them with their Gemaras. Thank you to Rabbi Rubinfeld and to Rabbi Ochs for their inspiring words! The program concluded with dancing followed by a Fleishig meal. Thank you so much Rabbi Sternfield for all the work you put into this event! Mazel tov 5B on this special milestone!● On Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev, girls in grades 1-8 had a fantastic time ice skating! It was beautiful to see the girls spontaneously reaching out to others to help them lace their skates and move around on the ice.● On Monday, the 8th grade G.O. "broke out" their theme for the year - Go for the Gold! They introduced the G.O. 2024 theme song and dance and distributed a treat connected to their theme.● The Samis children are going back to Eretz Yisroel. We will miss Shmuel Ephraim, Zev, Esty, Chani, and Moishy very much! They have become an integral part of our school.Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Day of Learning Community Events● Sunday, October 15 - the Vort of AB Blumberg and Shani Epstein, 4-6 PM, at the Sephardic Community of Greater Boston, 74 Corey Rd.Community EventsPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCESMazel Tov!● To Mr. Save the Date! PreK and Kindergarten Chanukah Performances - Tuesday, December 5!UPK2 - 9:15 AMUPK1 - 9:35 AM K2 - 9:55 AM K1 - 10:15 AM Please come on time!
BULLETIN BOARDOr aut molores remperum eum dolo volorem postrum aut molo voloressit, nesciaectur aliquosae la sit ut et volute cone min eatur autatassin culluptatem fugiataque nobis ducissum utessequi sum dolor reperum fugit illigeni consequ ostibus eatus corenderi que porepud andusci dolorias consendis ernaten ihilis eum et et odi blatia sin ex estibusci dolo atus,Uniform Gemach AnnouncementThe make-up (and final) girls' Aerobics & Movement afterschool class will take place this Monday, April 24th Mazel Tov! Day of Learning● 11 Tishrei -SHNAYIM MIKRAHMazel Tov to learners of Parshas Chaye Sarah!4BAvrohom Berzansky Eliyahu Shlomo Faibish Efraim Feldman Avromi Fine Yaakov Wilhelm5BShimshon Nulman Moshe Rosmarin Jacob Wiesenfeld6BYaakov Barres Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier, Yosef Shalom Delmoor Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Meir Novik David Meir Sebbag Tuvya Sternfield7BEliyohu Boruch Benmergui Aryeh Block Shmuel Lieberman Aron Yanovsky8BAbraham Eliyahu Barres, Moshe Shalom Davydov, Dovid Menachem Feldman, Aron David Luria, Gavriel Novik, Moshe Aryeh Riesel, Chaim Yaakov Septimus, Moshe Uminer, Menachem Mendel Zaklos,Community EventsCondolences Day of Learning ● 4 Kislev - sponsored by Rabbi Avi and Mrs. Luna Bukiet in honor of Ari Bukiet's birthday. Daled Kislev. ● To Dr. David and Mrs. Miri Rosmarin on the bar mitzvah of their son Akiva (8B).● To Yaakov Zev and Bassie (Pichey) (‘16) Waxman on the birth of their son, and to grandparents Rabbi Eli and Mrs. Shaindy Pichey.● To Nuriel and Zissy (Freedman) (‘08) Kramer on the birth of their daughter, and to grandparents Mr. Elliott and Mrs. Malka Tzipora Freedman
WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.1. First and second grade having a joint double recess.2. Winners of the Succos learning gift certificates.3. Celebrating Or Malkin’s birthday in 3B.4. 4B siyum on Sefer Bereishis!!5. Middle School having a Retzifus Seder without watches (no distractions) going VEITER for 35 minutes straight!6. 3B doing a team-building activity in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev.7. 4B working as a whole class to build the tallest and largest ever dowel tower.
5B HASCHALAS GEMARA 4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.
HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.1. 4G memorizing and passing off their times tables.2. The “Veiter” clown the greeted us on the morning of the matching campaign3. G.O. Breakout4. Dance Electives5. 5G’s bulletin for Chodesh Kislev
ROSH CHODESH ICE SKATING TRIP4.Here are 10,11,12 - they are also different9.9.